New Challies and Silkolines for Comforts. New Comfort Challies, soft and pretty in spring patterns, at 5c yd. . New Silkolines, plain and fancy colors, more desirable patterns than ever, at 10c and l22c yd. Good Cotton Batt, for com forts, at 15c roll. Fine white Cotton Batt, very pretty cotton, at 25c roll. 3-pound roll of Reddisode Cotton at $1.00 roll. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. MISFITS. 4229 newspapers died last year. Ugh! Flood's Store Agents for R. & G. Conets. ' Agents for Standard Patterns Baptist.-S. S. 10:15 a. m. Preach- j inn by the Pastor at II a m. and 7:30 p. tt. x.v. u. 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Christian Science. Services 11 a. m. The subject is: "Mind " Ex perience meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m All are welcome. United Presrvterian. W. p. White. PoSlor. The usual Sabbath services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Kev. Kiehl. of Portland, will preach at both serv ices. St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister Morning ser fee and seimon 11 a. m. Evening prayer 7:30. S S. 10 a. m. A cordial welcome to all these services. Hrooa PrnalivfoHtnn Ytnrmnfr onh. I ject: For Love's Sake; evening theme: JThe Prodigal's Father. On Tuesday i evening Rev. Vi hite will give his illus trated lecture on Yellowstone Paik in the church. I Christian. 10:15 a. m. Bible School, followed by communion service and . morning sermon. Rev. G. S. O. Hum . bert, of Eugene, will deliver the morn ', ing address. Junior endeavor meets at 1 3 p.m. Senior at 6:30 p. m. Evening sermon at 7:30. Everybody welcome. The people should vote on the state printer s bill. The referendum needs polishing It will be needed. up. Some of the members of the legisla ture have been spotted. We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. . Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-QhlingHardware Co. LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. M. every Saturday evening- The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. Vicreck, clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Monday- o J Modem Woodmen meet every Jnd and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Grant Fromau, Clerk. nnvnl Wltrhlinrs meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Alice Kirk, Recorder. Hall. s 1. LEROY WOOD, V' ' Mechanical Engineer. 'Foundations, Ron.'s, Iron and Steel Structures, 1'ow r Plant designs and specifications, .v cr mission, Drawings maib 1 checked. Office, Albany lion Wuins. IAS. F. POWELL, i. -' Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. YhZcU anent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 14fu. 1 St. Mary's (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur i Lane, Rector. Rev. John Van Ncyel, ; Assistant. Services at B and 10:30 m. Father Lane win preach from the the gospel of the Sun day, St. Luke, 8. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. and service at 4 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. First Presbyterian. F. H. Gesel bracht, Minister. Morning service 10:30, theme: A Pre-Revival Theme: Is Protestantism a Failure? Evening service 7:30. Stop a Minute and Think; Some Things We do not &aow. Special 1 music at both hours. Solos by Miss Haieht and Miss Flo. S- S. 11:45. Come and hear the orchestra. C. E 6:30. do thee good.' Methodist. 3rd & Ellsworth St. Rev. W. S. Gordon, Pastor. The theme at 10:30 will be: Haggai Repairing the Temnle. and at 7:30 there will be sev- i eral short addresses by the delegates- to the Sunday School convention in Port land. There will be appropriate music at each service, and the orchestra will Slav at the Sunday School hour, 1E:45. unior and Intermediate Leagues 3. Enworth League 6.30. Prayer meeting I Thursday 7:30. Topic: The First Psalm. Dr. E. H. Todd of Salem will speaK Wednesday evening. The mule may be a kicker, but there are worse one" at the Hub. A collar that will Bring it on button has been invented stop just where dropped The mo3t extravagant legislature in the history of Oregon. What will the people do about it. The Czar has made a universal peace pronunciamento. Better begin at home and not monney with China. An exchange says more men are made good by their wives than are bom that way. What about the other side of it. Tbe Dutchess of Albany, wife of Prince Leopold, was 50 years old yes- ""JS.r. terday. The nime suggests a fine omciaie ana : , j,.,:n ,v, o,tr,iin nt th world. Albany 5d weB to get in on the around floor on the armorv Drouosition, The legislature cut the appropriation asked in two, and hereafter the city getting an armory will have to hustle for it. Carrying Lamps from Room to Room Is Dangerous The kerosene lamp has a long list of, accidents to its discredit. It is so easy to trip and fall while carrying a lighted lamp then fire and personal in jury. Electric light is so much safer. The pressing of a but ton gives you plenty of light in any room at any time. Telephone 15 and ask for figures on wiring your home vou will find it reasonable. Electric Light Co. 128 West First Street. The Brownsville Times is very proper ly demanding a man for mayor who 1 l.oa mfldn n h-UPi-PR' nf his fWn hUSinftSS. Come thou with us and we wir fbis ought to be tile- demand in refer ence to councilmen and- omciais ot au kinds. Ahnnt the onlv anroonriations SDeak er Rusk has wanted to- prune have beett Western Oregon bills. Tbe Eastern.) Oregoo appropriations are all right.. Aa- a matter of fact chough. E. O, doesn't get very much. BEN Some Albany Layers-. ALARM CLOCKS F. M. French & Son WE DONT WANT TO SHOUT but some of (he finest buildings in town arc equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to hae yvu examine samples of our work. W have moved and are now at IIP W.--t Second street. Ma IN & STUART. The-Homestead:- j Hart & Dannals, the welt-known poultry breeders of Albany; Oregon. do not keep a large number of birds but have mode a name for their Barred Rocks- as record layers that is1 known all over the country They have not; lost track of the fine feather but most of their development has been along Che line of breeding for eggs. They aave succeeded in getting a strain that are almost without exception, good , where he is taking treatment . for an , '"IJIV, infection of the inw, a complaint mat f - j , r has-been under the surgeons? knife but j a record of 227 eggs m one yearand he ,n' ! , . u--: : - IOC , I nea-anu cneir rre et irum tt iwv-gs hea. should not this mating produce some fine layers? r'arrisburg. Bulletin: Att'y Swan was up from-i Albany od professional business Wed - I nesday. j Another oon graces the country home I of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCart. This is I toe eleventh child. Congratulations. j E. E. Upmeyer is home from Eugene j NATIONAL TOM YOUNO, ! House and Sign Painter. ' Agent for the Cle-iUiul Uelscmte roof paint. 122 Ferry Street. y Pt,o.,, 320. l'acittc. Red 31W2 ft TftYLUK, TANN3R& CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineers . and Surveyors. I Estimates, plans and Supervision, Land Subdivision, platting and Map- I ping. Ko'iims T and 9, over J. Y. Cnsick & Co. Hank, Albany, Oregon. loans. tracts. ftniLiN. r..i n-itate and Insurance, n.. .ell nronerty. Insure property and transact Lame or small timber t. M. RALSTON, Insurance. Loan. & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany continues to annoy Bob White is at home once more in Albany. He feels on easy street since he rented his farm. Talks of going to Madras to help his pephew, Silas White, build a house on his i'urra. Fred Blumberg is again able to be at thestoie. He is feeling fine and says he never was so glad in his life toshdke bands with the people as he is since his confinement at home. raa,k kna acrntn vidtfcofl this Cam- munitv. this time callimr home Lulu I And it out. r.nm r.unninohain tbe beloved wife of Grant Cunningham. The sad ending came early Tuesday morning, after some week? of illness which had cor ftucd her to her bed. BANK Assets over $1,000,000.00. Strictly a commercial bank: ntcvested in Albany. 1911 INDIANS. Wo have just received a 19U Indian motorcycle. The freeencine multi-disc rlutch mid a few other improvements keen the Indian years ahead of anything ! in tbe motorcycle line. I I'hev are furnished in chain or belt Idrivo. two speed gtars, single or twin pvllnHnr. hatterv or magneto iguitlon. ' Prices from 1215 00 to $8iS5.00. Call and j inspect the best machine made. We also have a complete line of bicycles. I prices from 25.00 to S0 00. UALtVIMUKU uun IK I'M. Aa- Oklahoma nu writes the Com mercial club: You have a wonderful country" Correct, but how did. he remaps ne was nere ine i best wey t know for sure This valley . does ot tea inspection. On the son- ' trary courts it. The best way :a- to comesnd see-for yourself. An Itidiaaa man writes that he was greatly, pleased with theAlbany boojtiet, one titan speahs tor this section. IF YOU were to 3it down and think the matter over, where would vou open your bank acr.ount? WOULDN'T You open it with a suc cessful Bank; one whose record has Been of continued growth; one that is making money for its stockholders: one that has built up an ample surplus to protect its depositors? ON THE BASIa of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Baak invites your account. i : DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 42. Homc- -275 Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES Important Notice. Mr. Carl Replogle, expert demon strator of the Richmond tiectric Vac .urn Clraner, is in town ana win make free demonstrationsof the "Rich- mtnnH" tinmi nnnlimtion. mWful household machine must be seen to be appreciated, as no amount of circulars, etc., can set forth its money saving, labor saving and annitarv mpritil. ltB ioW COSt has made it possible for every one in the land to have vacuum cleaning every day. Investigate, it will cost you nothing, rnone lor iree mi m jrvui home. Both phones 2o. WOODWOKTH UtlUti H. A. LEININGER. Dentist, ' First National Bank ' Building. Home Phone - 379 Clawtord Block Albany Will DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Jt Stark Block Shingles. HENRY BRODEKS. lValer in Choice Meats of All Kinds, Jill West comuI Street. ; Made in Albany my .No. 1 EiiJ urain i tim hksT in :he market. Various gra.i-s and prices from $1.25 upwards Mbany t.,. ........k branded with my name. Look'lir it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. t. A.'M'N. Wc use no dry kiln. Ihc Market. Wheat $iK, Oats 35c. Bee 4,l-2e; veal dressed 11c Pork, dressed 11c; on foot 8,c Lard. I5c. Eggs 28c i hkiiens oo foot 14c. Haras 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 2So shoutders 15 to 18c. ButU 30c to 35c. Kloue-Sa.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 85c Der bu. Hay. from $10 forsome clover to $14 tr best timothy Read in February Magazine. Sunset FI KST Assets Interest on saving? accounts, SAVllNGS BANK over $340,000.00. WM. BAIN. President, P. D. GILBERT. V. P Clothes-racks and boaras made by E. B. Davidson, are the best oa the market. Call at 739 E 1st St. n n;..rn th Citv of Dreams Come True Beautifully illustrated in four colors. Tetrazzini singing in the streets of San b'rancisco Christmas eve. N,iw on sale at all news stands, 15 cents F.G. Will for watches CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM BRUCE f: ANDERSON. Opposite the postoltu-e. Tour i-liairN. Prompt and vilic rn ( thr f:u-f -i'"l hair. VIERECK'S BATHS, 2.' Firl Street. Vmt-Clois Wo'k Guaranteed. M. B. CRAKT, 242 West Second St., Alban, l-'irsl class meats id all kinds from selected stivk. "W.lJSj-' WASTED List your house arai. ltL oc lots, with T. W. Hornback, ca'ithc Hub Land Co., 10th and Lyon. St. Phone 191-R, Albany, Ore. BUSINESS CHANCES List your business with T. W. Hornback of the Hub Land Co. Near S. P. De- pot. Phone 191-R. And Other Ills of the at the Body T.J. STITKS Attonev at Law Notary Public Legal lusiness of a',! Mnds in all the court pn-mptly aliened to. Bell phone 166 j.: Santal-Pepsin Capsules POSITIVE CURE IVr tit Manumit Ion ortirrtol i MO UKB KO PAl V.ur t rut i.tuam. A t to I t 1T t MimU. boitl by tiruiist. ; Wtc li t, or br mftil. Pi' i THE SANUL-PEPSHiCL MhMUIH, Obta For ml b Borkh'rt A I.eo If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug-ciats. Dr. S. W. s lunn, Salem - Oregon. i HOT LAKE SANATORIUM (The House of Efficiency) Hot Lake, Oregon. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company S,-:U round trio tickets. Rood for 'lire luontHs, allow ins $0.00 worth oi ac conintodation at the Sanatorium, at Portland and all O. V. R. & X. Sta tions. l'or further information and illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Vhy. Medical Supt. and Msf., Hot l ake. Oregon, any O.-W. R. & X. Aitent, or write to WXr. McMl'RRAY. General Passenser A Rent. PortUnd, Oregon. FARMERS NOTICE. List your farms with T. Y. Hon aek of the Hub Land Co., ICrh art Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, id quick sales, lor when your farm i listed here with me it is also list in Portland, as I have an office thel also. When in town call ana" talk th proposition over with me. Phon H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Q&ks of Financial Saccess grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our hank but, to have a big, heaJthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is- the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then yu will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial arns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C. VETERINARIAN Authorired To Do Tuberculins Testing Phone Albany Stables. Freh Olympia at Halt's Oysters 10 F0RSAIE 10 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, bit fine blocky birds from the best stock money could buy. Prices rwsonahle Call on C. S. Shecid. 81? W 4th St . Albany, Or., or phone Horns black IV BRICK. 7 A fine lot at our yard at this city.just irned. Fhone Home 431. VLBAiNY BRICK CO ementWork iiifmntes (riven oo Plastering, Side riiK and Cement Work. J . P. TRAVER, 4th A Calaia The Riverside farm El. SCIKltL. Prnprletoi Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns W. P. Rcks, Liiht Rrahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, u. H, Turkeys, Whir n i.. den Geese, l" t r Ducks, re i Guinea" Winner cl 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Ejrjrs ii Season Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - R P. D No WANT A TYPEWRITER: See Rawlinirs about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other makes for sale or rent. Buy oo BKiathly payments.