OYFUL NEWS THERE'S BOUND TO BE TROUBLE when the doctor orders one medicine and the druggist supplies something else. And sometimes the trouble is extremely serious. We assume that your doctor knoys what medicine to give the patient. So when you bring this prescription here we make it up exactly as directed, with no substitu tion, adulteration or dilution. BURKHART & LEE. Say! You Gardeners and Everybody Else, come and see the NEW lot of Garden Seeds. "Mind you not left overs" at ARKER'S "The Sign The Albany Bakery 216 W. First Street. F. fi. Will " The Duntley Vacuume Cleaner The Modern Way 350 in on in Portland. Demonstration at our t't rooms or your home. Ralston Electric Supply Company, ' 312 Weil S"01"1 Street. STONE! For Vuilding, ornamntil purpow, rir ! rap, filling, etc. 1 Ssmpit-s at M. Senders a Co'nr' ! W. L. COBB, K D I fhw. 195 The Winter's cloudy days are quickly passing. Spring will soon pounce upon us with all its joys. The bright blue sky, the warm sunshine, flowers bursting into blooi- bring ing their fragrant perfumes to fill the whole country with their sweetness. One's thoughts quickly turn to the wear ing apparel that will keep you" in tune with the bright sur roundings. Although all the Spring Suits have not yet ar rived, many are here for your early, inspection. The jack ets are shorter, twenty-five and twenty-seven being very popular lengths. The skirts are in either plain or pleated effects. Not so extreme as last season. Blues and grays are expected to have a big run, while many of the other shades are also shown. The Misses' Smith have just re turned from San Francisco with all the new ideas in Spring Millinery. The new tailored and street hats are on display inviting your early inspection. The small Turban effects in the tailored hats are the most popular and the street hats still cling to the larger sailor shapes. You will enjoy a look through this department. We will take great pleas ure in showing you. S, E. YOUNG & SON of Quality. Both Phones. It is important' .tiff have your eye glasses adjusted prop early. o to rinf pnes ata Tltn AM It AT ALL Ur-UB irr Mrortv fj (uom row ua E. C. Meade, Optometrist. 829 West Second Street. A fine line of Jewelry, Sil Cut Glass and verware, Novelties to select from. J. ( rawfurcTs Photograph GaHerv Is in the Ne Albany Stale La -it 1 ui'.l Dg, second floo. with a compl-i. eaoinment fui pictue taking of i SPRING HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere, and the price is lower. , Try a box at the THE MISSION PARLORS ' ' ' " t M gy ViUJUTJlIltCC We WHITE QUEEN To'be the best hard wheat blue stem flour in the city. The price Is moderate and the quality uniform. Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. R. A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. NEW BANDBOX MILLINERY STORE 114-116 FERRY STREET, HETTIE O., BURKHART, PROP. A new stock of the latest and best creations in millinery. Prices reas onable and satisfaction guaranteed. " Hats trimmed by Miss Burkhart, who has had a long experience, well known to Albany ladies. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refilled. Old and new violins for sale. Violin instructor. 32 years exper ience 615 E. 6th street, Albany, Or. City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II. and 12 in Block 40. Albanv. are now offered for sale and ra.,ee in prices from 1250.00 and $500.09 tu $700 00. Payable 10 per cent uown ana c per cenc per month inese 101s iaceom ana otn St. and are only. 7 .blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city convenience, including city waier. OWEN BEAM, Agent. Stark Building. NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Prof. Jones, editor of the Oregon School Journal, of Salem, returned home after a visit with his brother Dr. W. F. Jones, V.S. Mr. Jones besides his other duties for a good many years has reported the legislative cession for the Statesman, a comprehensive and reliable report. Mr. Ed. Tryon, of Portland, returned home after an Albany trip. His friends are trying to have him come bad. i.uiv. Joe Tryon is now running u grocery s ore on Willams street and doing a big business. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spring went to Lebanon for a couple weeks visit. Mrs. F. J. Miller went to Oregon City for a visit. rather Van Novel left on a trip down the road. Mr. .and Mrs. Greenhalge returned from rlnlsey, where they have been for some time. i see i Judge Duncan left for Turner to his larm, W. H. Jenkins, traveling passenger agent, left for points north. Adam Assell, the veterian restaurant hotel man and butcher went to Cor vallis. Mr. Assell is an old-timer and was lamenting the advent of the cent piece, declaring there is never pros perity where the cent prevails. Never- l theless Oregon is now in its most pros- ' perous era. I Base Bill. There will be baBe ball the coming season in generous doses. The ColtB are preparing te organize, with most of the old players, forming one of the hpQt. amntpiir tMmR in the vallnv. I The popular Sunsot League will also be organized, with clubs, and probably a more compact arrangement. The high school will have a good one, and there will fie small affairs galore, some of which are alread , in the field Albany and Newberg. Newberg will play a retu'n game with tlbany high n xt Friday night, the game of the season. Albany was defeated by Newberg early in the tea- ann . oa ae a f -. .. -.J .. UonUaw. I defeated McMinnville. which also beat Albany. Since those games Albany h s won a long lin. of victories with out a defeat from a high school team, an experience that should count in this game. Admission 25 cents. Bought an Indi n. Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Works have today sold a seven horsepower Indian mortorcyle to Mr. W. A. Ledbettar, to be used by him in covering his territory in thn Alhnnv Nurseries. Havincr rid- I den an Indian motorcvele about 5.000 miles during last summer. Mr. Led- better has decided that the Indian offers the quicKest means of reaching nis many customers. CENTRAL ADDITION Has again been placed upon the market. The owners of the addition having ar range for the installing of a complete and up up to dale sewer system which will be installed as as soon as the work can be dune. This beauti'ul addition offers the best investment in the city for the the money, in the way of residence proprty, being only five minutes walk from the business center Lood sewei age and restrictions. Thia addition will be "THE" residence district of the citv within a short time. For partic ulars call on COLLINS & TAYLOR. Agent. 182 W. 1st St. Albany, Oregon. If you want your farm sold call at the Pacific Real Estate Co., 106 E 1st Albany, Ore. We don't ask for exclu sive rii;ht. If yon have to give exclusive light, get money don, an exclusive right, is an option. Ycurs for Euin". PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. Opposite Russ House. Albany. Or. FOR KENT. The parsonage of the Congregational church situated at the corner of Fourth and Ferrv streets Electric lights, water, bathroom, and nthsr conveniences. A poly to either D. Bussurd, Walter M. Parker or T. J. Stites. FOR "ENT. Unru'n'sh"d housekeep ing rooms 116 Washington street. FOR SALE. A good manufacturing business, or for tra.ie. Something very attractive, will trade for v.ilv lots or automobile. Good reaBon for soiling. CH at room 5 Cusirlc Bunk H' lg.. or address P O box 385 City Fi'iK SALB f'urniiure, cheep, at 'fl?9 l'st Se cond street. FO". SAL'.- 80 Bern good Santiam iiom land, at $00 per acre. Os ar H.ili'. Thomas. Or. tl.l PI. NTS FOR SALE. Red and white cmrntv Loganberries, Dewberr'ew, lc.'b fi I lack berries Address: Iver ('. t'uidall. Albany, Oregon. Home Phone 7102. 13t. FOR RENT. Ten acres fruit orcYird See nrcallup Mm. Mose Miller, It D. 6 Bell phone 12X8 123 EXPERT PAPERHANGING, wall tint- ng, etc , at special winter pr'?es. Horn? phone 1390. 2.'t , FARMSSOLD WILLARD MEMORIAL. The annu il meeting of the AlVmn.' W. C. T. U. in honr if Francs E Willard was held yesterday af lerno in at the home of the president, Mrs. L. E. Blain, with about lil'ty present, a delightful and entertaining session. An excellent program was rendered as follows. The Gloria Song by Mrs. Guy Knapp. Prayer by Rsv. Mrs. Norton. Scripture reading. Prayer by Mis. W. fl. Holman. Scripture verses by members of the Union. The rally song by Mrs. Guy Knapp. A short biographical sketch of Miss Willard by Mrs. Blain. A song by three girls. A paper by Mrs. J. U. Martin. A solo by Mrs. Beckley, with response to encore. Benediction by Rev. F. H. Gese! bracht. A social session followed and some refreshments were greatly appreciated. j biscuits hot from the oven, cocoa, . , .. n interesting feature was the ing of white ribbons to several babie .res ent, giving them a good start in ...e. An M. E. Rally. A social rallv will be held at the Yi E church tonight, when plana for ! remodeling the church will be consid- ered. Dr. E. 11 Todd, vice president ' of Willamette University, of Salem, l and Rev. J. W. McDougall of Portland I will Bimolr Ka .lAnJ there will be a gallery at the north end of the audience room, and a room in the tower, the main object being mcie S.S. room, and a basement. Alrecdy $2500 has been raised at a board meeting and more will be needed. G Co's Ball Tonight. G. Co's first annual ball will be given tonight at the new armory. The hall haBbeen elegantly decorated for the occasion, with manv nrettv features. I The grand march will Btart at 8:30 with music by Prof. Wilson's orchestra. The 1 patronesses are: Mmes. Train, Pfei- ffer, Bain, Haight, Stevens, Tebault, Hammell, Weatherford. Fortmiller. Hewitt and Woodworth. Spectators win oe cnargea ou cents. Stole Three Hens. Some deep-dyed villain last stole three white leghorn hens young Nels Wheelor-and all the were laying right along. The night from hens thief ought to be sent to the penitentiary for lire ana men to mo not place COLUMBIA FLOUR, hard wheat made, mike3 splendid bread and more oi it. At all the leading stores. Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis sion Parlors. Did yon hear what fine bread that Columbia hard wheat Hour makes. Ask any ot the leading grocers for it. A sure relief from that corn, and cure at Burns snje store. Good flour, the Columbia. F.G. Will for watches Ftt : ENT H0U8- on West 7th St. Call upon Mrs Way at 620 W. 4th. 22t FOR SALE. A bargain if taken at once, 7-room house and barn. See owner, J030 E Water St. . t7 We are now prepared to do CUSTOM CHOPPING Mill feed in large quandities at re duced priceB. M. SENDERS & CO. If you wear pleated shirts with or without attached cuffs, let us show you how well these particular garments can be laundered by our "press ironing" system. We'll iron the shirt fronts straight and even, with each pleat in place, smooth and nicely finished. We'll iron the cuffs so they are stiff not limp and spongy and we'll shape the mto fit your wrist, and return them free from rough edges. A trial will prove to you that our work is really better. ' 'Phone for our wagon. H MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. Both Phones 50. AT THE NEW LAUNDRY Have you given us a trial on your laundry? If not, why not? When ou sec the classy work we put out and the prices on your family work compared with what you have been pnying yon will be more than pleased. Your laundry will both look ami wear belter. Wc guarantee our work to please. Having just started up in business wc will appreciate our share of youC patronage. Call for our wagon on cither phone, or leave your bundle with out) down town agencies. 1 Yours for business. I ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY. ' Wyatt Bros., Props. Bell 93. Home 439. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and PINE REPAIRING 1 329Se:or.d Strtc, B...vctr. Fcrr; & Broaddibn " PERSONAL Conrad Myer was a Corvallis business! visitor yesterday. Clark Huston went to Port!- nd today on a few days visit. Guy Lnwtlling. ore of the guards at the pen, went to Tai gent this afternoon. A len Ritchie lett this noon for Lin coln county with his surveying outfit. Floyd K. Churchill went to Portland last night to attend th congress of printers. Uoy Bentley, of Portland, has- been in the city on a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bentley. Misses Willo and Hazel Field.", of Portland, are in the city on a few days visit, the guests ot Miss Kate Barrett. W. P. Hawlov. Sr. and Jr. of Port land, interested in the Lebanon paper mill, spent last night in Albany while on their way to Lebanon. Mrs. W. G. Ballock ycsterdnv after noon entertained the Tuesday Club in a social session of a very pleasant char acter. There were contests and choice. refreshments. Bert Warford. sudent at Willnmette.' came home today for a Washington birthday trip. His father is rapidly improving. During the legislature Bert kept up with his studies also. Pleasing You Is Our Chief Aim, Both in quality of goods! and prices. Every accommcn dation given our customers,,' and special attention given to. all telephone orders. YouP, little child will be waited on! just as promptly and get justi as good as we have, the sanies as if you were making the; purchase yourself. If you are. not already trading here, start an account with us and! 'we are very sure you will be ai satisfied customer. ; Don't forget that the la-i dies hold a sale here Satur clay afternoon and you arej sure to find something good for your Sunday dinner. Reagan & Laughead at 212 W, First St i f