NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. In the matter of the estate of Alpheus Xordyke, deceased. .Notice is hereby .given that the un dersigned, Administratrix of the above entitled estate, has heretofore, on the 6th day of February. 1911, filed her Final Account in the above entitled estate; that the above entitled court made an order and decree setting and fixing the 13th day of March, 1911, at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon of said day, in the County Court room of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County r.f Linn, which said court room is in the County Court House at Albany, Linn County, Oregon, as she time and the place for the hearing of said Final Ac count and any and all objections, if any there be, and the settlement there of. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to be present at said time and place and make objec tions to said Final Account, if any they have. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 10th day of February. 1911. ANNA MARY XORDYKE, Administrator of the Estate of Al pheus Nordyke, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given that the un dersigned was, on the 6th day of Feb ruary, 1911. by order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, duly ap pointed administrator of the estate f Katherine Miller, deceased. All per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned Administrator of said estate at his office, in Albany, in Linn County, Ore- gem Dated this 7th day of February. 1911. H. ri. i-iHWll 1, Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned . has filed his final account in the mat ter of the estate of X. G. McDonald, deceased, in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and said court has fixed the 6th day of March. 1911, at , the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time for hearing and settling all objections to sa d account, therefore, all persons having any objection to said account are hereby notified and required to appear and file the same in said court on or before said last men tioned date. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1911. A. R. McDOXALD, Executor of said estate. "W. R. BILYEU, Atty for Executor. REFEREE'S SALE. -Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigiied referee will on Monday, the 13th day of February, 1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, pursuant to the decree and order of. sale duly made and entered in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn County, on December 6, 1910, in that certain suit pending in said Court, wherein John Shaffer is plaintiff and William Bilyeu is de fendant, sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand subject to confirmation by said court, all the right, title and interest of the above named plaintiff and de fendant in the following described premises, to-wit: The north one-half of the northwest one-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp. 12 south range 1 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon. C. E. SOX, Referee. C. C. BRYANT, Attv for plaintiff. First publication January 13, 1911. Last February 10, 1911. REGISTRATION TITLE. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of Laura E. Pirtle and R. W. Tripp to register the title to the following de scribed premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is four feet south and twenty-five feet west from the northeast corner of Lot. No. Two in Block No. Nine in the town of North Brownsville, in Linn County, State of Oregon, and running thence south one hundred and one feet to the south boundary line of said Lot Xo. 2; thence west eighty feet to the south west corner of said Lot Xo. 2; thence jouth fifteen feet: thence west fifteen feet, thence north one hundred and sixteen feet to a point four feet south of the north boundary line of said Block Xo.- 9; thence east ninety-five feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, all situated in Linn County, State of Oregon, against' A. A. Tussing. S. P. Barger, W. S. Holcomb. R. Henderson. Lester Craw ford. W. V. Bailey, and M. Reinc and U. S. Rider, partners under the firm panic of Reinc & Rider, and all whom it may concern, defendants. To all Whom It Mny Concern: Take notice, that on the 7th day of February, A. D. 1911. an application was filed by said Laura E. Pirtle and R. W. Tripp in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County for initial registration of the title ta the lands above described. Xow. un less yotl appear on or before the 13Th day of March. A. D. 1911, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a Jccrce will be en tered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever tarred from disputing the same. W1TXESS my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court, this 7th day of February. A. D. 1911. (Seal) W. L. MARKS, County Clerk and ex-ofncio Clerk of the Circuit Court of Linn County Oregon. HEWITT & SOX. Applicant's Attorney. (MONDAY.) WON ALL THE GAMES. The Albany high school team returned Sunday morning from their southern Oregon trip, playing seven games and winning all of them as follows: Eugene 21, Albany 36; Roseburg 20, Albany 55; Medford 17, Albany 31; Ashland 20,Albany 40; D. Co. Roseburg 10. Albany 19; Cottage Grove 10. Albany 32; Eugene 25, Albany 45. They also beat Salem, Woodburn and Silver ton. The last game was the third with Eugene and was easy. The regular tetm work was done by Beeson and Kennard forwards, M. Bigbee center, Lyle and Carson Bigoee guards. Ac companying the team were Douglas, Archibald and Crowell, subs, Prof. Marquam, manager, and Haman Bilyeu coach. They reported a fine time and good treatment. Early in the season beaten by Mc Minnville and Newb rg the boys are satisfied they would be easy now and are anxius for return games with them. I Their record is a splendid one and puts them in the front among the high school teams. Death of Mrs. Hart. Mrs. Hart died this rcorntog at the home of her son, David E. Hart, on Lyon street, at the age of 68 years. She was born in Kentucky and came to Oregon in 1884. Her husband died six years ago. She was a member of the Christian church, a woman of ex I cellent character and many Christian virtues. She leaves the following child ren: A. H. Hart, Portland; Robert L. Hart, Salem: John P.. David E.. Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Hugh Fisher, of Al bany; and Mrs. C. W. Merrill. The funeral will be held at the home of D E. Hart, at 12 o'clock tomorrow, when the remains will be taken to Salem for burial. Doing Y. M. C. A. WorK. A delegation of eight college students, hesded by Grover Birtchet, this morn ing returned from Halsey. where they spent three days as a Y. M. OA. depu tation under the state association, a 'plan being carried out through the state. Several meetings were held : with the young men of Halsey, much ! interest being taken, and a couple of basket ball games played, Halsey win ning both of them. ' The trip was mutually enjoyed. A f'istinguishetl an. Rev. D. L. Kiehle, of Portland, a re tired Presbyterian preacher, 73 years of a?e. nreached two able sermons at. I the U. P. church yesterday. He is a ' distinguished scholar, formerly a pro cessor in the University of Minnesota and McAllister Uuiversty and eight or ten years superintendent of public in struction of Minnesota, a man of de lightful character an:: great culture. The Weather. Range of tempeiature 50-26, the cool est morning for some tin2. The river is 5.3 feet. Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesday. Egs hava dropped and ar 22 cenls Mrs. Myer went to Lebanon thi afternoon. John Baker was drowned at Eugene Saturday. W. H. Corbett died in Portland this morning. Roosevelt has reached Chicago on his western trip. Mrs. C. Simpson returned this noon from Portland. Mirs Sadie (John has returned from Loi Angeles It is so cold in Mexico the soldiers have had to quit fighting. The new harem skirt was greeted by jeers in London. Served it right. W. F. Garrett has begun working for the C. W. Tebault Real Estate Co. Lord and Mrs. Decies left Saturday evening for Europe. Good riddance. Mrs. Gertrude Bussard Wilier of Portland, is vi jting at the home of her father. The new power line has reached Al bany and in a few days will be ready lor emergencies. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bowerman, in Portland, Suiuruay, twins, maniiig four Howerman Md.i in all. Mrs. Bert Veal returned Saturday nigiit from The Dalles, where she spent several weeks on a visit with tiieu.-is. H. T. Wentworth, of t shland, joined Mrs. er.tworth i"or an Albany visit. He raporla yrat p-oress at Ashland. Rev. W. P. White this noon returned from Portian 1, where he preavhed tne opening sermon in the new third U. P. church. Tom Richardson has accepted the positiop of booster f jr Baltiinere and win go there to help make thp.t city a rival of New York, li won't work out. Carl Thunneman left this morning for Eureka, Calif , by way of Portland, where an excellent position awaits him He made good in Albany and leaves many warm friends here. Miss Hoenck, head milliner at the Hamilton Store has return d from a trip east, spent mostly at St. Paul and Chicago, where Miss Hoenck made a specialty of studying the latest erea tions in mil inery. Mrs. E. D. Cusick and Sirs. P. A. Nelson Friday night entertained a large number of friends in a card nartv. I Seventeen tables were filled in a pro I xrrssive game of 500. Choice refresh I menls were nerved and a fine time so I c;ally enjoyed. SHOOTING AT NIAGARA. There was something: of a tragedy enacted at Niagara Saturday evening. John Webb, of chis city shot George Lapias, a G eek-, hitting him under the bart, the ball striking a rib end glanc ing off. Lapias and his brother had f rmerly worked on the Albany section with Webb, angry because Webb, an American, was allowed to work. They were discharged, and then hired again at Niagara with a gang of Greeks, the foreman not Knowing of the discharge here. Saturday the Albany gang was sent to Niagara after rock, and remembering th-eats Webb put his revolver in his pocket. He formerly reside I in Texas. At Niagara he was told that Lapias had oeen talking about him, and asked him if he didn't call him a s b, when trouble ensued. and Webb rot only shot Lapias, but fired three times at his brother and another Greek who had been mixed up in the affair. He claimed he acted in selfdeferse. The men were brought to Albany in the evening on a work train. Webb taken to Salem by the constable and Lapias to a hospital at Portland. It is thought he will live. Webb has a wife and two children, resmingattnisciry ne isjusunea oy the railroad men knowing, about the case and circumstances leading up to uie snooting, News from Albanys Trains. Six Early Prof. D. V. S. Reid, of Heppner, went to Lebanon on a visit with rela tives. He is a former Albany teacher, principal of the Albany schools at one time, county superintendent at anotner, hnokkeener of the AlhanvTarmers and uSIJmXt eTt ofh he fschoo? Eugene for six years! then" to Easn Oregon, where he was candidate on the demo- , . . t eie. j.uu--ni i nee irom Luxes, mm ?raAe,ie-tJi",s .fL?"P-"LtLndent:put it down that in the cities that J"""- J. W. Baker went to Corvallis on a business trip. He is a candidate for I game warden under the new law, and j 11 vne commission wisiies u man in mo place who will attend to the busines he will be appointed. He knows the busi ness. W. B. Chance, mill inspector, left ,r Salem. Under a new law Mr. Chance hereafter will keeD awav f rom 0i IT.. J ... I Tl- the Democrat's one horse power elec trie motor. Railroad Commissioner Killer re turned to Salem. Pretty soon Mr. Miller will be busy looking after all public utilities, as well as railroads. Mrs. P. A. Young went to Portland for the day, being accompanied by Miss Carolyn Cannon, who returned home after an Albany visit. Miss Maggie Dunlop returned from a visit with her folks at Halsey. Miss Irosno went to Jetterson for a I short visit. I George Biyne came down from Peo ria. , T. A.' Farmer went to Portland. J. H. McConnell. of Shedd, returned from a Corvallis trip. tducational Meeting, An educational meeting will be held at No. 10 Grange Hall next Saturday, the 25th, of general interest, the first of the year, to "be followed by others through the county. The program wil consist of songs and declamations, a comic selection by Prof. Kendall, work of the recent leg islature by Hon. C. L Shaw, horticul ture by E. C. Armstrong of Marion county, select reading by Mrs. Foley, the truancy law by D. N. Williamson, the grange by W W. Francis, public expenditures by a member of the count7 court, select reading by Prof. Kendall, the school from three stand points, by Prof. Mitchell on centraliza tion, CF. Bigbee the teacher and Thos. Froman the patron, select reading by Mrs. Peebler and contests in declama tions, songs and maps for prizes. A basket dinner will be served Good Building Stone. W. L. Cobb, of North Albany, has received an analysis by Prof. Parks, of the O. A. C, of stone from bis quarry in North Albany. Prof. Parks in his statement recom mends it heartily for building purposes. The test showed the compressive strength to be 10,000 pounds to the square inch, the transverse st'ength 1300 pounds to the inch. Mr. Cobb has tne quarry open and expect to make a business of getting out stone for build purposes. A Suggestion. Alnany, teb. 1". Wo lid it not be a small thing for Albany to buv the Al hsny Brewery property on 9:h .and Lyon streets lor it city hall. It is veil located, besi les doing away with the present nuisance of everybody looking at tl e present sign from the depot, anil otherwise could not the park women fio smntnir.g along the liae for the hnfcfit of ih depot park? CITIZEN. College Day of Prayer. Dr. Parsons, of Portland, arrivtd this noon, and this aftrenoon. at 2 o'clock conducted the fi3t cervice for he college day of prayer. Tonight at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church he will be heard again, and all are invited. Clarence Phipps yesterday, four miles from Coburg, Lane county, was mistaken for a deer and iihot by Har vey Southerland. dyine goon after. Lane used to be th star mistakking tor a deer county in the state, but has not been doing much at it for several j ear. TUESDAY. SAND AND GRAVEL That is Clean and Right for Use. One of the Lest institutions establish ed in Albany is that of the Albany Sand and Gravel Co. on Water street. Many of the cemeni walks in Albany show the effects of poor materiail. With clean gravel and a uniform sand a won derful improvement is possible. This is being appreciated by the builders of Albany, and should be demanded by property owners putting in concrete walks and other concrete work. Bo sides it is not costing more than poor stuff has, in fait is less. Where a year ago $1.25 a cubic yard for mixed gravel was being charged only $1 a yard ;s charged by the Albany Sand and Gravel Co. W here $3 was being paid for sand onlv S2 a cabie vard is being charged by the Company, a splen- at product giving general satisfaction. The sand and gravel insure a solid job, and that is what is wanted and needed here. , The demands tor sand and gravel havebeenso , Company has found jt f d to enlarge h(J busj neas. and ano th er b unker has heen beirun. irelilino- the. esnncitv. Another scow is also needed and will bo built this spring. ; , fleeing from Taxes. An Albany man tax notice remarked that he was going . to sell out and go elsewhere. -, 1 . uu'es ln A'"any ar0 Bnou; ; the lowe8t -ry 0t -'ht Cltie3' Th1y are seven mills more in nearly j famglM?SJ ! m Men,trra' "' - 8?0ut everywhere I . r .. .- . .1 e . " I amount to much they ure pretty stiff. ' : Building Begun. Mr.Chas. Pfeiffer has begun the erection bf a bungalow on the north end of his lots at Ferry and Sixth street, iui ma mva at, r vrcjf uiiu oia.hi bliuci. " iYtili;,?def'" Vif H i ffi'f1 fo.r the. Use of Mr. and , UUIU SUet-lUliy lor Uie USe OI Dir. UI1U ! Mrs.- .?f "r'""0'- who, wiU 0CCUPV and rent tbejr present home. lhia year promises to be an active one in building, and a good many new house will go up for homes and rental. The Weather. Range of temperaiure 51 30. The river 5 1 feet. Prediction: fair tonight and Wednes- . ""J- . 1 prised the mm "rs by marching in H. M. Myer, of Scio, has been in the from another room, each wearing a ; city. - I "Gearge Waslniigioii" hat made of J S Llovd of Wenntchie has beenlrp,dt white and blUlJ bu:,ti"br' w,itl? K!ld" 1 in the citv "enntcnie, has Deen ej hatchota fur trnasi;nls. and singing , R. E. Reynolds, ofThe Dalles. haB , . . - - ' There are nine enses of diphtheria at the insane asylum. Some one's auto was ditched in front of the colkge last night, F. B. Tichenor, the W. O. W. orga nizer, was in the c ty last evening. 0. J. Meak v. the lumber maker, of Foster, came aown last night on an Albany trio. George Washington's birthday to - gTd0oTGeo?geCant8ay anytWnS t0 tuVal banon debated Fall City in thclS .0So TH' W A" , receut debate, having the negative of Bt0Bk paviioni $1100l) Kfor foundry, the commission form of government. $25,000 for mow land, SB0.0OO toi Have you ever ridden in a torptdo. G. A. Flood has returned from his equipment, $25,000 for improvements, Then trv one of the 1911 Whites with a eastern trip, and is decidedly enthus $15,003 for repairs. S15.000 for boiks torpedo, body. Barrett Bros, have re lastic over Albany and its affairs and for the library.$15.0'W for investigating ceived one, as smooth, noiseless a ma- prospects, r resno is to oe tne center or a free speech campaign by the I. W. W,l which is gathering r cruils from all 1 over the u a. Robyn Nelson, calender clerk, camel up this soon on a short trip. He will I have about three weeks more work re-! v ashlngton, Feb. 20. A "transport vising the journal. atlon rate is not unjust and unreasnr. Prineville has been having an old - time cocked hat bowling tournament. The highest average was 34, and the! because it may be pronounced inequit highest individual score 52. I able, according to a decision announced Tht, new old car. the trreen fellow. began running this morning. The other will be shipped to Eugene. The i i : . -:-.-.,! i il iruuB is noi auur ciaieu in aid v. Mr. and Airs. Jas. Hev. of Omaha. " .,l.fl U) A U..- ... J ois .iouiii" n. it. n. uaiicu a uiiu t. C. Schmitt'a. Mr. Hoy's mother and Judge Flinn were sisier and brother. Mrs. J. W. Baker went to Portland last night on a visit with four of her son9. who reside there. Two other sons and two daughters make un the list of h ns and daughters, all prosperous and mppy. Under a new bil: Benton countv of ficials will receive the following salaries: ce'r! $16i;0, sheriff S'iiOO. treasurer f9f ), j'ldge S9'.0, schoui superintendent $1200. assessor $1600, commissioner 3 n day. The Alb.iny Implement House heinir established ia thi armory buiiding t-n second street, will be ready for lupi nes in a few days. John Hessler, fcu- pennten'lent is putting things in shape for business. J. A. Howard this noon returned Irum Amity, where he had been to at' 'end ihe fu.ii-rnl of Mrs. Howard's fathf r, Mr. Jwn, a prominent pioneer resident of that, place. He died Sunday end Ihe funeral was held yes terday afternoon. T.:e funer-l of Mrs. Albert Bond was held this forenoon at the residence at Kerry and Tbi;d stree s. Serg- ant Wra. Bond arrived from Nebraska last night, coming a long way to pay his repe.tstoa beoved mother, faithful in all the duties of life. There are already several candidates for purchasing agent for the state. It is said that D. 0. Frazier. president of the T. P. A., a frequent visitor to Albany, is most prominently mentioned for the place. GET BUSY. To Owners cf Orchards and Vines Hava YOU heeded the call to GRUB up the old gnarled trees, pruned and burned ALL the unnecessary fcrowth? If not "GET BUSY." You must get the trees in shape and open headed to get the best results, i s now while trees a.e dormant is the time to spray for fan Jose scald, etc. This will also kill the moss on those trers but will nrob- ably take more than one application to clean inem thoroughly. Apply the fol lowing with spray pump, using high presure. Be sure and get all the parts well covered with spray as this kills by contact, get above and spray down, hitting them all good and hard. FORMULA. Commercial lime and sulphur 30 test. To One (1) gallon of lime and sul phur add Eight (8) gallons water, keep well agitated. Am now among the orchards of the county, may call on you next. Are iUUK trees and vines ready for in-! gpection? D. W. RUMBAUGH, j County Fruit Inspector. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early W. 0. W. Shepherd and son Oscar. left on a Lebanon trip. The latter re cently arrived here from the east, after visiting in North Yakima on the way, ' .. I.: i ii it.- miu is luuituig lur u locution lor mu I nnriv business hoino- maker of confections r I ,. ..,..'. . . . after receiving his Hon. C. L. Shaw, after forty days of strenuosity at Salem, left for Froman, to look after the Shaw herd. Mr. anaw consistently voted witn tne peo- Ple t0 d0Wn "eedle?8 MPpria- tions, and hopes to see the people do What tha leE'slature falled t0 do' r S. G. Simon and J. P. Roberts left on a Lebanon business trip. E. C Roberts went to Portland. His son Ray went to Lebanon. I Dr. Kiehl, of Portland, after a trip to Eugene to see' the U.O., went to Corvallis to take a look at the O.A.C. , A college professor a "good many years he takes an active interest in the big schools of the country. . , Prnf TSlinhnlla Ihn hanH btilfi fQinA down from Lebanon on his way to Shedd. where his home is, Lawyer Tussing, of Brownsville, left for nonle after a Portland trip, judge Kclley went to Salem. The W. 0 W The Women of Woodcraft met in regular session last evening, and had a very enjoyable tin. e Ah this meeting, WS 90 near Lreorge Washington s birth-: day, the Captain and Iut guards sur- no tha., moMh Ir. VI o -.. t r, I TkM,h ir,n.., k. ..;..,., 0aa;.. VICUIKin. I.LI 1,11 UUSIIICH aOOilllfll I was over, the ommiiteo led the way to the "Elite" wh. ro the guests were served with the dilicacies Mr. Churchill knows so well how to prepare 0. A. C. Gets $573,600. I The leg ature gate the O A. ! f673'600 a" foJ'"T: SU0;00P for mBin- fruits, $3,000 for Harney experiment station. i . n : i.iipurio.ii ueuwon : able," within the meaning of the : interstate commerce laws, merelv t9d?y . by the Supreme Court of tho . United States, tho i-ourt holding invalid interstate commerce commission .order, rerinpintr the riitea nn lumliaf. i order, reducing the rates on t - .... fmm tha W lamBn 17..l... gan ! J."'":"" LU , l-miltlOKW. Two Booze Brigands. As a truin nn tho Corv.ilH and East ern was passing Granger :t beer battle was thrown through the win. low of iliu enuineer's cabin, striking the eni Hol'ert Moore on thu head, fortunately not injuring him s riouxly. Sheriff Gellatly and a posse stbrlej in pursuit and captured two men, Jas. Peters and Ed Johnson, residing at CorvalliB, who were held for examinations today. The men had three dozen bottles of beer and three bottles of whiskey. The Commercial Club Tha I'nmmArpiul Plnh tnr toot- nlUf with ten members present and held a very short session, with nothing doing, three communicati ns being referr d. zuu copies or Simpsons magazine. with the Albany write-up, about th. best yet, have been ordered. Square Meat Coming. Get your appetite whetted for two big meal, next Saturday, when the Civic Improvement C ub wi 1 give a hall for the nam fund. Price 35 cents. Albany should be on hand, u win da m Kooa one. nn vervDoav in ...,11 . . j i , . HOLDING UP U. 0. MONEY. This morning's Kiifeeno Register: Cottage Grove, Feb. 20. At a mass meeting of 200 citizens at the Commer cial club tonight it was voted to invoke the referendum on the appropriation for the University of Oregon, and a committee was appointed to prepare for the circulation of the required peti tions The meoting also criticized the county court for paying for road work out of me general county fund instead ot making a special road levy. Assessor tieeney was given time fur an expla nation of assessment and tax levies. As the Sage Rooster sees Things. Eugene is still forging ahead. Sev- eral big real estate deals have just been closed. Alton Hampton has moved his- stock of goods to his new three story brick, the most up-to-dute store south of Al bany. Mr Hampton has also just completed a $16,000 residence, a peach. He has grown up with Eugene, and Eugene will have to hustle to keep uo with him. The cement walls of the new Chris tian church are going up fast. The building will be an ornament to the city. The Presbvtenan church building. built two years ago is gradually crumb ling, actually becoming dangerous to ; ... i .. .i. u . persons passing along by the building. 'Ihe building committee was told by ex- perts cue stone was no good, out tnougnc they knew best, Furmers alone the Asset R. R. are in a quandary whether to plant early peas n7i i.,t .... the right of way. The Methodists have plans completed for a fine new church building, but are "i"1 . My ad- vice is to get a Missourian expert on the committee. SAGE KOOsTER. For the March Term ot Circuit Court - ShelLurn J. T. Funk, Jas. Johnston. Crawfordsville. F. M. Barr. ; Tallman. Orville Crawford. Center. I. Whenldon. Brownsville. I. E Dinwiddie, B, M, WUSIWIUU IT Price.-E. H. Holloway Halsey John W. Miller, Jos. Owens. Lebanon. E, H, Huilburt, C. D. Stein, Foster. Arthur E. Doty. I Tangent. V. E. Looney. j ilbany. J.ti. Irvin, Eurl L.Fisher, .E. C. Brandebeiry, W. E. Gilbert, , H. i M'-Kechni-.'. , Harrisburg. - Gilbert Peterson, B. S. Norwood, h. mshiip. Knox Buttc.C. W. Houston. Orleans. Michael Coon, E. F.Truax. Kcio.-Albert E. Randall, U. F Titus. Lacimb. Ira G Soule, F. B. Powell. Shedd. J. H. Meats, C. H Davi son. Getting Tired Reddinir. Cnl.. ReU 90 Thn hanA ii I.W. of the World, bound for Fresno, Cal., is rapidly diminishing in numbers, Half of those who started from north. ern points have dropped out.. some Only i recrucing meir aieps nunnwaru. S5 were left at Montague, where they spent last night, several of their orators speaking on the street The men pro 'pose to remain at Montaguo tomorrow pland promise more epoecli-making for tonight. chine ns it is poasinle to find, well put un and complete In all the details, the White is s lino machine all richt. Bar rett Bros ore a'so pushing the sale of the Studebaker, and already have ten orders ahead for 1911 cars. WE DN 03 DAY.. Empire Photoplay! Theatre "The Redeemed Criminal." A bcau- tiftil lesson in brotherly love, that can ie ionoweu easily, and only a gooa clean interpretation can be derived from the excellent portrayal, by this splendid company of actors. "The Girl in the Film." This Vita graph company excels in every way. and in this comedy is shown work of unusual merit. Accidentally a young girl's "face" i staken in a camera be longing to a young man, and "love will find a way," they say, and the young people finally arc engaged. A dandy story. "A Clever Domestic." Otic of Pathc's many good comedies in which a general smash-tip results in the fir ing of the clever f?) domestic. "Mexican Tumblers." This is ab solutely the best act in tuniblimr ever produced in pictures and you will say so when you have seen it. See stunts that you have never seen before. Miss Crosno shitting, "When Yo-'.r Hair was in a Curl." Admission 10 cents. rr BUSINESS CHANCES List your business with T. W. Hornback of tho Hub Land Co. Near S. P. De pot. Phone 191 -B I FARMERS NOTICE. T let unnr fnfm, wittt T W U.. ieir .. ni, i .i r in.u i.yon s near "s. p. Depot, id nuick ,.ie. for ,h, vm,rv,' : Mat m 1 1 tn I'orlland, as 1 have an office Uin i-- wt. .. . .. .