OPP-THE Early Showing of New Style Dresses and Suits You've been waiting for this early showing. We've been ANXIOUS to show you. Nearly every day now the expressman rolls in a shipment of beautiful .GOWNS or SUITS that have come marked "RUSH" from the style centers of the country. With eager hands have we opened these boxes and packages that we might view the beautiful arid different NEW STYLES for the coming season. Before the GOWNS OF SOFTEST SILK with the beauty, luster and shade of the fabric accentuated by some little touch of lacey trimming, a group of beads or a suggestion of sunshine in a band of gold or silver, we've stood entranced. The FINE WORMANSHIP the beautiful harmony of the colors and striking contrasts in some in stances in fabric and trimmings held our gaze. You, too, will delight in viewing these elegant GOWNS. Should you buy one NOW you will be ALREADY when Spring garments. are called for. THE SUITS, too, are most pleasing and attractive. Plain? Yes! and radically changed in some respects. COATS ARE SHORTER. Sleeves fit comparatively tight and skirts are narrow straight lines being very popular again this season. COME OFTEN to the store now. Every day some attractive new feature will be here for your inspection. Also, YOU couldn't do better than to buy your SUIT now. " You are WELCOME at any timeo TRY ON ANY AND ALL THAT YOU MAY WISH. You will be UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO BUY we will not even URGE YOU. You see, this is YOUR store and to try on the suits is YOUR .PRIVILEGE. w THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Democrat En toroua t the posfoihco.lAlbany, 0 r . biccml cliitB ir. til mailt r. F. T. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE -Gentle driving mare 5j yeuru old, nm afraid of anything; ilBD low wheeled agon, 3 . Red 207 Homo. FOR SALE OR RENT. -Furniture for , nlun hnnso fur i ent. 4 rooms. Good water. Apply 130 Montflomer, j j Up EGGS. Brown Leghorn, cheup in In-1 cubutor lots. w. n. urry, u. i. o. , ., bcam , ALBANIC COGITATIONS. beginning of the present scholastic year? I hone it was but an oversight. I am not a somnambulist but 1,1 a firmly persuaded that there is sometimes find myself perambulating ! mje mportant f'" thf ?h f Albany in my sleep. Such was the s? case a" short fimc ago.' I 'think I can Vha Ms he pnme objec of a colleg . r ,..ie in, ri'siur in . - ...v....... ..-.w.. ...... ..... readim? an article in the Democrat boosting Albany. All my Albany cog itations, however, are not in dream land. Something that occurred during the thirteen years of my pleasant res idence in that city frequently presents itself for consideration and generally is a source of enjoyment. It always alTords me pleasure to read in the Democrat or elsewhere of the good work that some of those are doing, m whom preparation for life's activities i-. ,i nr.:. t t 7 mt tn some extent iiisiruiiiciu.u, n.i;fi 5-rr.n.,, hiincalow. inside whether they arc ministers of the gos- . ,,.;i,i;,,,, r,r,.,,!-i,-,. mst the nrcttiest traced in any nnd business 7 li,tlc 'me m Wcst MUny- rri" f"1,R'SS- 'VnonMnLcl. '',." ' not be foimd even in the latest editions good business, i ,,-ri1i a survey of the present in aiii.ii cases u j;(;.,;. t (rn(i.. cn 2nd loor. uooq .,,,. ,,,. ,nn,i,,rn are sources of enjoyment which tew, T L" V u. ' T ." , ll,o Curt.8 Kea. .. .., i( anv, ccpt teachers can fully appro-, -"' - ',,""", ehanee mv enulty of Parked for chickens. . Plenty of fruit JT?,":, ZZ ! of Greek origin. If I was a young - ..-!..;. i i.w 1 .livers. A harirain. ITlCe isj.uw. coiiineii.-xinui,.-, j . ,. mm in 4 r.c tnt nf A Uunv .v.n 11 I 4 room nouse. i-.uae ., ,.r:AW the eou valents of those ot the . " "V" ' ' "7' 1 "TI' on ono or iwu nun ."'" . . Kt. ..,.,..i,..r w, .indents become prime. "' winklo or Bryants tion, .-acres in grim ":"'., ,7l Wlers in the world's ad-, '"ought the study ot urceK a useless tcuars phono Hull ance ot land in pasinrc, vre.i wniiu r;- ' however expenditure ot time ana money, i r i ...i. , i, r,,r,,1- 12 nrrcs in vanceinent. lhere are, However, i . , . . , , .ii... r.i. ..: i i ti.:. ;c i sometimes cases in which ;uui in.-,, . , ( .... V. - 1 I'hone Home 3455 RESTAURANT locution, doing furnished rooms reason for selling, Kstnto Co. WANTED. - To ox $V75 in one acre, ih nart navmont or around Penny addition. For par 191-R or 614-U HAY.-Somo nice gram hay. ana Been mpst a tMingt good drainage, uats for sale. l K.Wiumcr, K.y. , ..;, ,;.., .,. arae tut K00d, situated 4. Thone Hame UJ0l. 3 mncf from Albany. A bargain. GOOD UEDS and absoluto eleaniness Trice $7,500.00 for a short time only, at Walton's Rooming House. New For terms upon the above places ind modern. Schulti now brick, next call personally at my office. No in door toiopera house. formation given by phone. I have a VDU SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and large list of properties in farm or city ' . .,. - oliU w.w w ,.. n...l t-nnw tt will nav in- anhnr nOSIB Ul inB iaillllUlO mm. v "UiMtu, . ..... NOTICE. Any one wishing ptiro bot tled milk, will do well to ca'l It he i Y. I.. Dairv. Home phone C, P. I'oeblor. - ! CARPENTRY JOB SHOP.-Work' promptly attended to anywhere in city. Olllce 122 Kerry street. Phone Home 2f.ll. Pacific red 4S1 J . STEELE CAN FIELD. IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line ytui are in need of call and see VV. A. Ledlmtter, he hi.s a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for vo-ir Inspection. At the corner of 414 Washington St.. Albany. Oregon, m win TUNING. Leave orders for or are teachers, or others en- important held ot use- capabilities and their equipment for the best accomplishment of life's var ious professional employments; and for this purpose there is nothing better than the study of Greek, the mastery of which requires close and continu ous attention and much hard thinking. To the mental discipline thus acquired is added the practical advantage and satisfaction derived from the root-or-igi of a large proportion of the tech nical terms used in science and the best literature of all kinds. This is es pecially the case at the present time, when so many technical terms arc tending inrestors to call and see what I have to offer. See the old Reliable Real Estate Dealer. I J V. PIPE, 203 WEST 2nd St ! ' Albany, Ore. r i . ,rjcli inv ege, unless me omission ui ,i u spect and survey d not' " .laa"y. 1 teacher was an oversight. If it pleasure to the teacher. ,dciIa" sm.h, then 1 would be a student oi tion that "Ex 4,ihilo i ihi ht out of a booster 0f the clas; ..iIimict nnthimr is made, is just true now as it was when the old Ro mun uttered it. No teacher can make anything out of a student in whom there is nothing, and the efforts made furnish no enjoyment. The same is k was of the ssical ge department. llere another cocitation presents it self. It would be a source of genuine 1 pleasure to add two more transconti nental trips to the ten already made and, in the intervening time, to per - .. .l,rt ic ano, in me intervening umc, iu jjvi-( true in regard to the stu dint lio is , ambuIate Albany and visit those of my moderate price born tired and never h.h? i friends who are still residents of the V T a. "ZYZrwho hi toolbali .'nj fity. Whether thu baseball on the bra. . an d w ho J s a . hQ n m$ . no soQn dieted with mcgalo-ccphalilis and nn-. DON'T DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to think of how much value good teeth are to you? Do you know that many of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach and good digestion ? Do you know that bad teeth in many cases are the cause of throat trouble? Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? ... . Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth ? I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a piano tuning at Eilern Piano House or Woodworm s I'rug oion-. v.. .... Henderson, Tuner, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.- Ore gon Kire Relief of MoMimivillo, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Hryant, agent. ! .WOuD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call' at Shingle Mill. , CHEAP LAND Large lint good farms mailed free. R, W. Tripp. Hr.nvns villo, Or. 101 vim! ai.r - Hero is a chance of a life tin.. 1 will sell at a great biiigain'jt my large Iruit oienaru on easy or" take part incity business proyerty; 27t 11 Rhodes. BARRAGE. If west of Lyon street 50c month. S 1 Penny the garlmgo n'Bii itotne pno..e iooo. GAItll h'nu HENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms. J. . liauanu, ouo c- tin St. t25. FOR SALE Fresh cow, Jersey. Mrs. Mart Miller. Bell phone Farmers 28. 2111 CEDAR PUSTS for eale 10 to 12 cents. Scott & Conn. WANTED. -White Leghorn hens Call Curtis Real Estate Co. t23 .MEN WANTED. -Two young men to work on mv fruit ranch. Steady work. Inquire E. 11. Rhodes 2;S, 5th St. EGGS FOR SETTING. Columbia Wyandottes $1 50 a setting of It eggs; Silver spangled. Hamhergs, Brown lecnorn.Rose and Single t omb White leuhorns St. 00 a setting. .M Ackernuui, K. D. o. i;wi TRY Columbia hard wheat flour. At the leading stores. Ask for it and get ., ......... ...el,...! timale : agmcs tnat ins . v of his mental endowments will furnish :.i. ., f the "vacant rooms al- wavs readv for an occupant. The I onl'v satisfaction that the teacher has in anv of these cases is the tact that ; he did the best he could and is licit responsible for the failure, especially tint oi the student who knew more than he did and often asked Kim ques tions expecting to make linn blush bi- e the class. I win give an uii.iin.s. AGAMOS. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. tore '. . . ..i. ..ii .i.j voting man who n:ui looinan . iu-aiii and thought he knew it all otten asked such questions. On one occa- , l... I mv ..v t,l l1i:itH111 sum alter l n.i'i '-i"-- tl, .-.instruction ot lesson, he held his grammar open, put his finger on a mic oi asked: "How uo you Home ihone'with your c ! was a blush word in the put vntax and ivoncile tli it olanation? 1 he result i but not the one that be , tiX) VHP RFVT-Ollien rooms, wed loea ted. liUiuire at bMik of J.' Cusick j what be HUNTING DOGS FOR SALE ehoap, trained or untrained i ueip s urn 1 ....... I I11S llllt'SIHIIIS Ii' i of the past. He gave up the classical course and went nuo mv i..i.....s.. .... I department. In a short time he let 1. 1.. i-n.... Where he is now and what be is doing 1 do not know, but of one thing 1 am certain: " 1 here is no dancer of his setting the world on .....I lirinili? IIP SOIIICIH'UI inin- tm9 ! dam." A.I. ll'-ll. ...Dnl. IIP AGE. - Fred Kalnwater ; ., , E8 ,ut pr0wty I Just here amnner .y p. .m " ' after gmrbsge. rnon. iiom. pbi. Ke.1 r shite presents use . GLASS,- All sties and mn.is lor saie Alt,.nts. 2.1 and Lyon Sts. 161 sumcms ... ....... - - - ' , FOR SALE. Five registered Duroek j Jersey sows with young pigs. R. M. ; S ubbs R. D. 2. t23 ,- j CATTLE WANTED. 2 and S years. old, for shipment, but no milk cows. Jas. Fabouney, Albany Rooming House. FOR SALE. - Two iots, house and barn, I chiceen house and park C. S. j Emerv. 120 S. Tine. Home phone! 404 rep. 20 1 WANTED. Apprentices, V,illi.iery d parm ent, Hamil on Store. EGGS FOK SETTING. S C. brown j leghorns from best of slock. Fcgs delivered in or near the city BFor. prices inquire (if R. N. tornet, sun rise. Home phone Black 4711. 20t .line tilings pnI. on- i l.eiVK-R. tr.es pruned. lawns m id, wi.od rhopjed. and all other k' l.ls of work promptly done. Hugh l r.neriy. California Rooming House, ilome phone 20S. lot WANTEP Girl, must be ecod cook. Gocd wages. Jersey Dairy. FOR Rl r. :; unfurnished rooms. Call at 430 Vine sin el EG US. Pure Trd huff Or) ipgton's $1 a set'ing. ChI1 at 43fl ine tret v 6t FOR SAL.. Lirn County rsnrh. 8S4 cres. B X Pnvn- ,-wner. Ai'any, Oregon. (Both phones.) STORMY WEATHER is sure to come. It comes in finance as well as in climate. We aim to conduct, not only a fair weather bank, but one that will withstand the storms. A bank's assets and liabilities always balance. Ue have ?1.33 for every dollar, that we owe de positors. Our aim is to be safe, rather than bi- e conauci no otner business and ha preierreci depositors. lave no J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. FY Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. MADE IN ALBAN-Show cases, cminte s. and other nfrp fitures, first-class good?, by the Unh n Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keen Mur money at borne. Zmm