G Albany ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1911 N'i ;-o VOI, XLYl Democrat Hot Tamalies ar.d OYSTERS THE CRbST B. MOORE Jgrain and chick en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 25t m.iAn i 1T7HVTT See Ben WUUU SAYVlPIU'Rozelle, or phone 3692 blackHorae, 456-Y Pacific. THE TEDDY RSULKEY never tip. Just the thing to take the baby out for a ride. You can either push or pull them. Rubber tires. Price $1.50. At MEISER & MEISER Apprentice Girls Wanted in the Millinery Department LAST DAY Of the GREAT RUMMAGE SALE DOINGS OF THE WORLD $1,073,000 forcollege education vote the legislature. The population of Nampa, Idaho is 4205, of Caldwell 3543. Tommy Beard went to Eugene this afternoon on his first trip to that city. This noon was set for the adjourn ment of the legislature, but it was a good deal later. Corvallis so far has failed to raise the $3500 for the Thorpe Iruck Mfg. Co. The U. of W. Thursday night de feated O. A. C. at bnsket ball by only 28 to 21. The deer limit will bo three instead nf tivp nftpr a hill that tinsapri hecnmes I a law. The O. A. C. basket ball team were I n the city this afternoon on their way up the Columbia. Blanche Walsh, the actress, who has I been in Albany a number of times, is lying dangerously ill at Peoria, 111. A Eugene dealer bought eggs at 28 i cents. shiDDed them to Portland, the ' bottom dropped out of the market and he got lo cents. Ex-Governor Wm. P. Lord, died at San Francisco yesterday of heart dis ease. Besides ueing governor of Ore' I eon he was supreme judge and an am bassador. . , Oregon defeated Washington last night 27 to lj The Washington men atur plajiiw in Corvallis were delayed I nv ine wrecK yesterday anernoon ana did not reacn Eugene until it) o ciock. Judge Victor Moses of Benton Cuunty yesterday heard his first jury case, Otto M. Locke net. B. L. Tavlor. for S150 damages to a horse, hired to haul , ice to Albany, but used for many other tmngs, ruining uie uniuiai. LEGISLATURE. BEAT C. G. Governor West yesterday in a special message warned the legislature that I it must do some Druninz or he , would do some vetoing; but that body went I ahead wan its extravagance, on one day voting appropriations amounting to i $3,777,154, this besides the general ap-1 propriation bill. S-itib.uou has been provided lor tne branch asylum at Pendleton. me session will end with no good' roads legislation. S150.000 was annrouriated for anothe capitoi building; bui Governor Westj declares he wi'l veto it, as the lcgisla ' ture Killed the bill or a flat salary ror the state printer, bo that the state could own its own plant, needing a . building. I Malarky s put" he service bill, putting i utilities under the railroad commission passed both houses. A bin providing tor a standard size . of fruit boxes nassed both houses. I A bill was reconsidered ana passed making the salaries of circuit judges, $4,000 a year. tiimick s eih'nt Hour Dill was ueieaiea. . A bill appropriating 25.000 for an immigration commission has passed both houses it Is an Uregon booster, backed by the commercial clubs. 8270,000 was voted for new buildings for the O. A. C. and $70,000 added to the maintenance fund. About the only thing refused was a $10,000 extension fund for the O. A, C. A bill protecting Chinese pheasants for two yearn passed the senate last evening. The fast high school team last night won their Bixth successive victory on their present trip, a triumphal one, by beating the Btrong Cottage Grove team, which had beaten Eugene, 32 to 10. This makes a total for the trip of 213 to U8. as follows: 36 to 31 at Eugene, 55 to 20 at Koseburg, SI to 17 at Med ford, 40 to 20 at Ashland, 19 to 10 against D Co. at Roseburg and 32 tu 1U at Cottage Grove. At Eugene to night they will play their third game with the Eugene high. In the game against D Co. of Rose burg the Albany lineup was Beesonand Douglas forwards, Archibald c, Bilyi a and Abraham guards. Those I. W. W. Those one hundred members of the I. u; m huuinor tmuhln in the Sis. kiyons, wnere they were let off in the cold of the mountains.without food, and it ia feared there will be trouble, as the men are desperate. Those who saw them at Albany will appreciate the fact that they are men who will go to extremes if necessary. There is talk of calling out the soldiers. Better get them into a warmer place and give ' them food. Fresno is getting ready for them, as they have threatened to teach that city some lessons, If vou want a bargain in anything in the music line go to Davenport's Music Store. The Guarantee Optical Company have a large and new stock of all styles of spectacles and eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pins and Ear loop chains and chain holders. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses and frames. Stock at Dawson's Drue Store. Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. TAXES DUE. The tax paying season has arrived i again, and Monday Sheriff Smith will I be on hand with his boons ope" ready for paymen. Bisirt s the county levy or nun ana ix nuns tor roaus, there are K special rib levies, 14 road district levies and S3 special school dis trict levies, 'J his makes a complicated tax roll. Those paying by March 15 will be given a rebate of 3 per cent, worth taking advantage of. Then par may be paid until April fi st, or one-h.ilv. Otherwise there will be a penalty of 10 per cent an.l interest at 12 per cent; if the remaining half is not pcid by Oct. 1 then the p nalty and interest lrom April 1 is collected under the law, is the sheriff has only 25 days early payments will be appreciated. February Base Ball. This is the middle of February and good basi ball weather. A gime was Slaved this forenoon between the i.'has. Ivis and Floyd Simons club and the Bertel Chance and Roy Eastburn club, the former winning 16 to 11 It was played on the grounds at 6th and R. R, streets, in good condition. LBANY StPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden vJate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. . Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones. Main 5 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. H4VE Y0UK CLOTHES CLEANED A.ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & HUSTON Aia W 1st St, Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. ' Phones: Office Home Black 2731: Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good GroceriesFairPrices-Prompt Service The three cardinal p lints of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell only GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES ARE'FAIR and our SERVICE PROMPT. A safe place to trade, surely - for we aimto carry a bigTstockTof wanted goxU and appreciate the trade every customer we have in ine exifni 01 peruucui service. 0 Empire Photoplay Theatre i ' TONIGHT i "A Cowboy's Vindication." One of the most exciting cowboy stories cvi;r put on the canvass. Artistically good scenery throughout and a good moral I lesson, well portrayed by a sympa thetic company. I "Overland to Fremont." An inter esting Indian drama showing the hatred of the Indians of the earlier days. A good feature is the beautiful scenery ol the snasta mountains, showing the beautiful snowcaps in the distance. "A Tin Type Romance." At no time has the Vitagrapli Company, in cluding their dog, Jean, done better work than in this comedy. Up to the standard with beautiful sea views. Miss Crosno, singing "I'd Give the World to Call You Miinc." Admission 10 cents. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Yoii can afford to buy a piano or organ how. During our Closing Out Sale we can save you at least from $50.00 to $100.00 on the purchase of a piano. All fixtures and merchandise -at cost, including desl.s, show-cases, counters, etc. Also violins, accordians, guitars, banjos, harps, etc. All popular sheet music, two copies for 25c. Call, write or phone at once. DAVENPORT'S MUSIC STORE 402 W. First St. - . - - - - Albany, Orcyfon OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE NOW GOING ON You know Our Reputation for Giving Values at Our Sales Stdltenberg's Shoo Store 134 First St. LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt &Pretfcyman, Managers O.Ttee: Cor. First and Baker." Home Phone 306;;Bel Phone 131 9 D REAMLAN THEATRL TONIGHT MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring, baggage work, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cui any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. All phone orders, baggage i checks, shimtin? receiots or freight ' bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be nrnmptly attended to. R. B. MAY BERRY, Proprietor. Office phones Home 178, Bell 143-J. Residence Home 382, Bell Main 74. Weiidota Coal is fast gaining in favor, always clean free from soot, kindles easily, burns readily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities mak an ideal coal, best on the market for the money. Sold in any quantity, prompt delivery Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO, A. W. DOCKS rEADER, Prop Bell 277 i. Home black 176. j)i 1. The Leuon A big Bii.graph Dr..mH. an exc-ik'nt utc'.ure. 2. Scenes, The Seven Wonders of the World. 3. The Salmon A very inter.sting, ami intruc.iV ' nic'urn. I 4. Amateur Night - The amateurs certainly hve their troubles in pnear ing on the Blare lor the first time. A good co" edv. 6. A Mnn'i Honor. A splendid dram by tne (launvn Cnmpany. 6. Prof, Scemieed'i Hat. A comedy. 7. II ustrate.l sung Siting. Matinee 2M. Evening 7:30. Admission 10 cents. Complete change tomorrow. Stop-Look--Buy We have to move soon. If you are giving birthday or wed ding pre wills this year BUY THEM NOW AT THE VARIETY STORE. Where one dollar is as good as two at any other time or place. f.1,'10 to $5.(10 lemonade jugs $1.50 5.1.IW sahd sets 1.50 $.11)0 to $5110 cracker jars 1.50 S.'.OO to $.1K) chop plates 1.50 $J.Ml band paiulcd Haviland plates , 1.00 50c decorated plates 2S THE VARIETY STORE, 313 VV. 1st St. FOR SALE. 1 man Geldings 5 yrs, old, sounj. weim l.vn I small j mare. 7 yrs. oll, in foal, weight 101 u lbs.; 1 grv mar. R vr M. sound, weight 1250; to- trade, good gang plow for good cuw that will oe fretn soon. S. U. Carroll, Lebanon, Org. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY A i