(Ml Flood's Agents for K- & G. Corsets. , Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. ivl. every Saturday even ing. .TJic Woodmen of ihe World every I'rinay evening. I.. Vicrcck, clerk. Manzanila Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days. . .Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4ili Wednesdays in Hussard s Hall. Grant l'ronian, Clerk. Hiiv.nl N.-krhlmrs meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Alice Kirk, Recorder. ,Hall. . . J. LEROV WOOD. Mechanical lingincer. Foundations. Rnn., I run and Steel Structures, Power l'lant designs and ne,- I cat oils. : "wer ll.insuiist.ioii id checked. Office, i ir.'iwiiiiz.i iil.t Albany Iron JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. iJJO flroadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 1-lOi. TOM YOUNG. House and Sign Painter, . Agent for the Civ -.la-.ul Cielsenitc roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone. 3711. l'acinc, Red 3119- COl Ll.'-iw TAYLUK, Real Estate and Insurance Buy and sell property. Insure property Large or and transact small timber loans, tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in smsll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Si Stark Wock Will Albn"V ' DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 482 1-lome- 275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, (Clawford Block - - Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, j Dentist, j & Stark Block - Albany Will HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 211' West fecund Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postcincc. Fcur chairs. Prompt .m.l etlic ient c.ire i-f the :"-e and hair VIERECK'S BATHS, . '217 West l-'irit Street. " F'.rt-Class Wo'k Guaranteed. " M. B. CRAFT, 242 Wet Second St., Alban, First cl.iss meats of all kiiuls from select cil block. T. .I.ST1TES Attorney at Law Notary Public Legal business of all kiiws in all Ihe c urts promptly attoncd to. Bell phoii 16CJ. Spring Models of R, & G. Corsets We have a style for everv figure Priced from $1.00 to $3.00 pr. Store Agents for Standard Patterns We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. 'Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. . "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete, Hardware Co. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitaiy plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at ll! West Second street. MtiUiN & STUART. TANNER & CONWAY Civil Hydraulic Irrigation Engineers and Surveyors. Estimates, plans and Supervision, Land Siilliviion, platting and Map pink'. lVfv'.i.- 7 and 9, over J. W. Cusick & Co. Hank, Albany, Oregon. 1911 INDIANS. We have just received a 1911 Indian motorcycle. The f re ene tne multi-disc ..iiu,.i und r few other nnprc vements keen the Indian yearsahead of anything in the motorcycle line. rhev are furnlsned in cnain or uen drive, two speed gtars. single or twin cylinder, battery or mngneio ikuuiuh. Prices from $215 00 to $31)5.00. Call and inspect the best machine made. We also have a complete line of bicycles, prices from $25.00 tn $tS0 00. Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Wrs. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Home Phone Building. 370 Shingles. Made in Albany my .no 1 Edg lirain thn MUST in the market. Varum grades and prices from $1.25 upwards l,.. i,.,n,.f, lirnniled with niv name. Looktcx it. Examine- these shingles before buying clsew hero. t. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. ' ott'sjSanial-Pepsin capsules 7k rorlntUnuriAtloti orCaturthpt H tlir lUtvt.L'i Mul hi-wAtrd K 11 "tviif,. WO.n'KK KOfAT. CurjV 1. HI ftim Lvtnini'utlr ndrrhtrM it CJH-vl, nutisnu-rol liow riulrM. lsM t-V titumtiiU. lllllititi THESANTAL-PEPSIHK.il For sale bT-Barkhort A II yuur aw b HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price ft. For sale by all drug- BIStS. tfe Dr. S. C. STONtt, aaiem Oregon. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. United Presbyterian.W. r. Whit, Pastor. The usual Sabbath services at 1U:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Baptist.-S. S. 10:15 a. m. Preach ing by the PaBtor at II a m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Grace Presbyterian. Services, with preaching in the morning by Dr. Frank lin of the college, and Rev. I. G. Knotts in the evening. St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning Ber ice and sermon 11 a. m. Evening j prayer 7:30. S S 10 a. m. A cordial welcome to all these services. Methodist. -3rd & Ellsworth St.- Rev. W. S.Gordon, Pastor. The theme 1 at 10:30: Doing the Impossible, and at i 7:30: Honored by the Kiig. Other ; services as usual. Good music and . cordial welcome. I St. Mary's (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur ' Lane, Rector. Kev. John Van Neyel, 1 Assistant. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. .m. father Van Nevel will officiate ' and preach from the Gospel of thp Sun day St. Matthew 20. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. and service at 4. The public is cordially invted. First Presbyterian. F. H. Gesel bracht. Minister. Morning service 10:30. theme: A Spiritual Paradox: Strength Made Perfect in Weakness. Evening service7:30: Ladies' Missionary , society annual praise service. An in- i teresting and instructive program has been arranged. S. S. 11:45, orchestral accimpuniment to the music. G. E. 6:30. "Come thou with us and we wil; do thee good. Christian. 10:15 Bible School follow ed by communion and morning sermon. Subject of sermon: Faith or Fuss? Junior Endeavor 3 p. m Senior En deavor 6:30. Evening sermon 7:30, sub ject: The Squandered Birthright What may be Saved lrom the Wreck? Six persons have united with this church since the close of eur meeting, making seventy-three additions since the first of the year. All expenses of the meet ing were fully met, leaving a slight balance in the treasury. A warm wel come for all. Farewell Paity. A surprise party was given at Miss Maggie Barker's last night in honor of Miss Elie Locke, who will soon go to Portland to reside. The decorations were in keeping with St. Valentine's day. The dining room was especially pretty. Contests were enjoyed and a good time had by alt. Those present were: Miss Locke, Miss Matthews, Mrs. Malone, Mra. i Barker, Mrs. Kirkilmg, Mrs. Sheck Miss Maggie Barker, Miss Riggs-. Mise ! Weaver, .Visa Millard, Mr. Thomas j I Ferguson, Mr. ' Mr. Kennedy. Arehw Metager ana j Miss Locke leaves for Portland in about two weekb, with' a probability of wedding bells in the future. A Musical Rural Play. "Silver ThreadB" a rurali New-' Eng land play depicting true home life in four acts, now in Its second season. comes to AJbany Wednesday the 13th, feuturing the renowned contra tenor,. Mr. Richard J. Jese. who-has advanced from minstreley. where he- has beet so- well remembered and so lcig identified, into a field that offers hun an oppor tunity to sing the old buttads he made famous, a well as sacred nyma-i which he renders with, an wean accom paniment aoriiig cae ncuoa ol tne piay, their rendition being links cf the story and not offered, as special features. After the surfeit of new thought, graft, persecution and problem. plays "Silvec Threads." comes as- a decided relief. Basket Kail Tour. The Albany basket ball team- left this noon tor Uugene, whore they will play tonight. The party consisted or krof. Mnrnham, Coach Hainan Bilyed. who will olhcUte as referee, Maurice Lyle and ("arson Bik-bae, Ueesnn rkennard. Dauizlas. ' Archibald ami Abraham. Monday nicht thev will i.Lv uMitage Grove. Tossdar right Koaeburg and Wednesday night vshlanu. Farm Sold. ; he 200 acre ranch of R. N. L'offie d, near Seio. wa sol 1 this w:ek through the Pacific Real Est e Co. to D. i. Kula, from Benton Co, Consideration $12,001) 00. Shoes, for the whole famiiy. Look neat. Don't develoue corns and bun' ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM And Other Ills ot the Body at the HOT LAKE SANATORIUM (.The House of Ellicicncy) Hot Lake, Oregon. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Us round trip tickets, good for thr mli. allowing $(,tX worth of a Humiliation at the Sanatorium. Mil.md and all O.-W. R. & X. St For further information and illu address Dr. W. T. I'll Medical Supt and Mgr.. Hot I.ak I'rcgon, anj R. .N. .-VRi'iu. or w rite to V.r. MMVRRAY. Gctural rassenacr Agent, Portland, Oregon MISFITS. Linn county history is worth studying. A Brownsville man says the opposi tion to the single tax Wea is at least 16 to 1. 'Ihe Oregon legislature entitled to credi: for puncturing the single tax measures introduced. Portland wants a congressional dis trict ot its own, the proper thing. Tht-n the rest of the state can have a clean field. Lady Decies smoking an after dinner cigarette, was a scene while the couple were in Georgia. It e sooner they get out of the U. S. the better. Albany College. The college is having a few days vacation between the first and second semesters. Registration for the new semester begins Tuesday and the reg ular work will begin at one o'clock next Wednesday. Professor Torbet has been engaged three days this week with his nuties as one of the board of county teachers' examinars. The short vacation has permitted a number of college people to return to their homesMiss Bicknell, Miss Clement and Miss Hazel Young and Miss Inez Hanson went to Portland. There has been hanging for a week past in the college office a beautiful iittle painting entitled "The Moute of Carmal River." It was loaned to Mrs. Franklin by the well-known California artist, Miss De Neale Morgan of Carmel-by-the-Sea. Professor Cutler will introduce a new coarse in bacteriology th coming sem ester. Professor Irvine starts the course in The Novel. Dr. Geselbracht will irive a course in Irrtroduulion to Philosophy. Other courses beginning now are astronomy, logic, sociology, and Comparative Government. Work ofi the Woman's Christian Temperance L'niom An interesting and help of the W.C.T.U.. was held thisweeki While the attendance was good- and we had some' valued addrions to our members we would be glad to see more of the women- of Albany, especially young mothers at oor meetings. The year s program' 19 toll ot interest. fine- besides purely temperance worK is syrnholized hy the letters W.C.T.U.. They might stand for "Womans Char acter To Uplift."' , Wo one wno reao9 tne papers now ever carefully, can- doubt the need) of work along many of the li.ies the Union takes up, work ror morality, purity. and right living need ot "arnest nearc- ft.lt endeavor. The-e are women in Albany who rec ognize this need and' are willing to help, yet do not know that the 'W.C.T.Ui uff ts opportHnity along these lines. uome and learn wnat mis organ' ki tion is tring to do and join in the effort! for higher ideals of life for all. W. C. T. U. Harrisburg. Z. T. Mountioy, of Harrisburg, na sold his farm of 264 acres, to Enos Hoe tetler, of Hubbard, for $10,000. Mrs. Eliza Ann Hyde died this week,. pioneer jgsi, and ISBvessix childrem P. hi. Hvde, Mrs. & R. Sherrill and Mrs. J. D. Bennett of Harrisburg, be ins? three of them. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ol Ensor of Albany were in the titv this week. called here by the illness of Gertrudo- Johnson, The Weather. Range of temperature 37-33. Rainfall .40 inch. The river is 5 3 feet. Prediction: occasional rain or tonight ant Sunday. Dr. T.nwn 4ia waII Itnnnn a. jLtician and optometrist w 11 be-in Albanv on ik regular montirly visit Feb. 17 and IS. The wise will ait lor him. Read in February Magazine. Sunset San Diteo. the Citv of Dreams Ctmt True Beautifully illustrated in foui colors. Teirazzioi sinrinsr in the street of San r'rancisco Christmas eve. Now on sale at all news staMs. 1.' cents. Atttnlior Orchardists!: We carry a stock of snravins? mati-- ials. The right stuff at right price- The season for spraying is here. Cj and see us and get prices. STAWAKT & SOX, HOW. CO. Did yon hear what fine bread thx Columbia hard wheat tlour makes. As any ot the leaning grocers for it. Clothes racks and ironing boards maJ by E. B. Davidson, are the best on tt. market. Call at 7:!9 E 1st St. B-4 Building call at the Albi Shingle Mill and "Ce-dar" ShingU They are the Best. F.Q.Will for watche C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C. VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculine Testii Phone Albany Stables. Oysters Fmt Olrmpia at Holt'l Mr. Merchant, Why not make your win dows work after your day is done ? A well arranged, well lighted show window is like a handsome picture in a frame. That is why people stop to look at it at night although they pass it by during the day. People have more time after dark to examine your display, it makes an impres sion on them next day they come in and buy. Let our New Business De partment explain the small cost of good show window lighting.' Electric 128 West F. M. French & Son For Jewelry. JPIKST NATIONAL BANK t Assets over $1,000,000.00. X Strictly a commercial bank: IP YOU were to the- matter over, open-your bank WOULDN'T You open it with a suc cessful Bank; one whose ricord has been of continued growth; one that is making money for its stockholders; one tliat has built up an ample surplus to protect its depositors? ON THE BASIS of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Bank invites your acctsunt. FIRST Assets interest on savings accounts w WM. BAIN. President. p. d. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier, ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success. grow from: very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our hank but, to. have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out intc-better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS BRICK, A fine lot at our yard at this city.just irned. Phone Homo 431. ALBANY BRICK CO GementWork l Uimntes given on Plastering, Sid va'K and Cement Work. 1 . F. TB AVER. 4th A Cilapooia Light Co. First Street. sit down and think where would you account? 'SA YUNGS BANK over $340,000.00. The Riverside Farm ED. SCIlot-X. Prom-ior BrieSPA 'mporter of 6.1. C. Hoga S. C. White and Buff Leghorns. W. dI"9'"111 Br-hmas, R. C. Rhode Island Red9) White Cochin Bantams, M. B. Turkeys, Whitcl rr b den Geese, 1'rk n Ducks, I'e.n a... . Guineas Winner otli prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Phfn' ' p Seasn " Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 9S - . . r p. D No. 7 WANT A TYPEWRITER: See Kiwhngs about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other 'k", for "I" or rent Buy on monthly piyaents.