Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 17, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Albany high continued its winning
gaic by defeating Medfurd last night
in u fast game 34 to 17. a decisive vic
tory against the "strong team of the
high school of that city, the plans for
which were made by an Albany man.
Tonight they will play Ashland and
then Roseburg's D. Co. before meeting
Cottage Grove.
Suit Case of Whiskey
' A suit case at the deoo'. this noon
caused considerable amusement. It
had been sent from Salens as baggage
and evidently handled roughly for
whiskey was pouring out of the corners
in floods, spreading out over the flior
of the baggage room, making it smell
like a saloon. A man does well to
carry his whiskey suit casev and gene
rally does.
The 0. A. C, is to have
show next Friday.
l big poultry
MENT. In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate of
Al'iheus Nordyke, deceased.
Notice is hereby. given that the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the above
entitled estate, has heretofore, on the
6th day of February, 1911, tiled her
Final Account in the above entitled
estate; that the above entitled court
has made an order and decree setting
and fixing the 13th day of March, 1911,
at the hour of two o'clock in the after
noon of said .day? in the County Court
rnnm of the Countv Court of the
State of Orenon for the County of
Linn, which said court room is in the
County Court House at Albany, Linn
County, Uregon, as tne time ana tne
'nlnte for the hearine of said Final Ac
count and any and all objections, if
any there be, and the settlement there
of.' All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified to be present at
said time and place and make ODjec
tions to said Final Account, if anj
thev have.
Dated at Albany, Uregon, tins llmi
day of February. 1911.
. Administrator of the Estate of Al
pheus Nordyke, deceased.
The Alco club basket ball team Sat
urday nieht were defeated bv the crack
team of the 0. A. C. 24 to 10, making
I a ru,l aknmini, nn-ainer lha fust Jltrirr-
I gation. The team work of the farmers !. Miss Belle Slate spent Saturday and
Mr. Blevins has returned from Port
land Melvin Lemmons has been on the
sick list the last week.
A few weeks ago the Albany Cem- is very ' effective. Their long passes
mprrial Club answered a letter of in- with a man readv for them count.
quiry from Miss Phila Lee Robinson, of Nevertheless the Albany boys continual-
Wvomimr. Ohio Toaav a letter was
received from Jus. E. Robinson, at-torney-at-law.
father of the young lady,
in which he declared that the Albany
letter was the best among about hfty
answers received, all the way from
1) broke up their plays, ihe hrst nun
ended 11 to 3, without a field basket by
Albany. The next halt was li to ,
with three field baskets bv the Alcos.
George Booley and Park Stalnaker at
forward. Gene Dooley at center and
Rome, N. Y., through Pennsylvania to ( Torbet and Penland at guard formed
Washington. Idaho end Oregon, and the Alco line, a erood one at every puint.
was one of two properly addressed. It j
was the only one knowing the meaning ,
of the word somewhere, and contained
thedesiredinformationwithoutclaimingi At Eugene the Albany high defeated
to be the onlv garden spot, a claim that, the Eugene high 36 to 31 on their own
always repelled Mr. Rooinson. He was field. The Register says: The Albany
after facts that would stand investiga-
tisn. and has selected Walla Walla and
Albany among the Northwest cities
that will be investigated particularly.
He wants a erood home for several days
among other things and seemed to like
the dry part or Albany.
The Bachelor Elks.
players seemed to be a little too fast
for" the Eugene boys and outplayed
them in everv rcsDect. Beeson and M.
Bigbee starred for the visitors by their
marvellous shooting of baskets, while
Koch led the locals in scoring. . This
: defeat puts Eugene out of the race for
I the 'state championship. Bilyeu otli-
ciated as referee and Van Martcr as
Albany's Bachelor Elks held their NeWS From Albany's
first annual banauet Saturday evening .
at the Elks Temple in the banauet i irainS,
room, with a tine menue prepared, it
was a jolly crowd and a good time was
naa. It will DC maue an annual event, ,w ... o...jwj nil nannla in
unless the vounsr ladies of Oretron do consult Wlth tne Standard Oil people in
unless tne young laoies oi uregon uo -.-,,,,, imnrnvaments here.
their duty and put tnem into a Benedict r.. , ; , nt in
Club. The following are the members, Sf"LjrLl La-
most of whom were present: Deputy " !" Y. t,--
District Attorney Gale S. Hill, Fred ollne tank-
Weatherford, F. G. Will, Chris A. , .,. t ,
Vandran, Al. Sternberg, Frank Brrrett, R.R. Com. F. J. Miller, Bert War
Harry Schlosser, Clyde Dannals, F. J. ford, the senate's mailing clerk, and
Devine, Ed. Barrett, Clair Dawson, Bert Veal and Roy Yates, stenogra
Dr W. R. Bilyeu, Wayne Dawson, Jas. phers, returned to Salem to look after
H. Curran, Geo. Rolf, L. E. Dyer, ' their various duties.
Herman Hoflich, Dr. R. C. Hunt, Bert !
Francis, Fred Ficklin, A. J. Wyatt, 1 Prof Cordley, of theO.A.C, returned
Bvron Tavlor. Alfred Abraham, Henry home after a trin to Hood River, where
Kirsch, E. L Hunter and A. Z Allen, he made arrangements for the estab-
- ' ltshment oi an industrial station. A
! man will be kept there under the O.A.
Alkanv in immnn ' C. but oaid for by Hood River orch
J ardists, to look after the fruit interests,
; will be made an annual event,
Six Earlv
W. F. Howard went to Portland to
Sunday with her patents
Miss Beulah Buler spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents atCorvallis.
Active work will beg n on the drama,
A Bunch of Roses, at ones. It will be
put on at the entertainment Feb. 24.
Miss Mae White spent Wednesday
afternoon in Tangent, visiting with
Mamie Beeson She left for her homo
in Idaho Thursday.
The Misses Georgia Blevins and Cora
Scott nave returned from Corvallis
where they have been taking tne short
course at the O. A. 0.
The Tangent school is to give an en
tertainment at the Maccabee Hall Feb.
24. Admission 25c and 33c. An ovster
supper afterwards. The best talent
has been secured and a large crowd is
desired. The proceeds are to be used
for the betterment of the schoul. ,
In spite of the rain Friday, the Tan
pent Literary was well attended. The
aeoate was decided in favor of the
affirmative Thequestion was: Resolved
that we should exclude all Asiatics.
Tne speakers on the affirmative were
Herbert Driver, Bert Langdon and Carl
Driver, tin the negative Mr. Brown.
Paul Diiver and Fred Forester. Good
arguments were put up on each side
The oratorical contest at Presyteriao
church last night to select a represent
ative of Albany College to the siate
oratorical contest at Eugene, was
attended by a small audience. well repaid
by a program of rare merit. There
Following is a list ef teachers pass
ing the recent examination:
First-Ethel Oirlesbee. Chas. S.
C anning. Nora E Kemp, D. N. Will
iamson, w. J. Green-
2nd grade. Beatrice DeVaney, Mary
A. Hannah, Edna R. Blevins, G. C.
Nance, Hazel Rolfe, Ethel O. Eakin.
Vernita Earl, Mury Bell Martin, Zeta
were three contestants, who presented A, Prichard. Marion Harrison. Huber
orations on popuiur sunjec.s that i G. Lee, vVatdo H. Morgan, B. G.
appealed to the audience, any one of j Thompson, Walter K. Wood, I. V,
which would do credit to tho college. Kane.
Grover Birtchet was given first place I Third grade. Edna Russell, Ruth
with a strong oration, well delivered, Siih, Frank Allen, Margaret N.
onNaiionalConservation.oneof the most Sutherland, Ruth Alton Gleason, Sarah
important subjects before the public. , Bradshaw Halbert B. Hawken, Elsie
Miss Lucille Hart was second and was Jones, Edith M. Olson,
aonointed delegate to the state conven- j Primaries. Mae Roberts, Mattie E.
tion. Her subject was Tho Husks. Nedry. Edna M..Reblam.
Miss Ruth Smith presented On Middle The highest average was that of
GSund.' , r, . .' . Vernita Earl 92 5-11, with G. C. Nance
Tne judges were Prof. C ark of the seennrl t s a.i l
u. u., iiarry j. Kounds ot the I'ortland
Y. M
0. A. and Father Lane of. Alb-
borne excellent music was (riven. Miss
Olmsted performing well while the
judges were deliberating.
There were eight failures.
Death ot Joe Claik.
Ausical Reception.
Jos. Clark died in Portland last night
at the age of 52 years, of asthma and a
complication of diseases. He was born
in Illinois, and came with his folks to
Albany about thirty fivo years ago.
He was married here to Miss Flora
Cowan, who with a son and daughter
survive him.
SimmnnB Mncrn7.ini nf Npw York.
any has been received with a splendid illus-1
trated wnteup of Albany, prepared by i
a lady here last fall. Two Albany street
scenes, two strawberry patches, a stock
farm, a residence scene showing the
home of J. H. Simpson and others near
him. a river steamer and a Chinese
and narticularlv Dests. This
first one of the kind in the N . W.
Mrs. F. E. Allen and son of Marsh-
field, left for home, after several weeks
visit at Albany and Lebanon. Ihey
went to Portland, there ta ins the
Break wfter for an ocean voyage down
the coast. Marshfield DeoDle will re-
pheasant are shown. The wri'eup is an joice when a railroad is built out to the
excellent one. It declares that Albany valley.
tary of the union at Portland. He re
sided at Albany c good many years,
going from here to Portland to reside
about httcen years ago. He was a
brother of Mrs. D. S. Sm'th, Mrs. W.
A. Cox ana Mrs. G. W. Young, of this
city. He was a memrer of the Knights
of Pythias, a man well liked and leaves
many old-time friends in Albany who
will regret hearing of his death
- tsy nis own request his body will be
cremated tomorrow, with funeral ser
vices at the crematory in Portland.
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. : is not slow, bub conservative and that
Notice is hereby given that the un-j there is no class distinction here and the
dersigned was, on the 6th day of Feb- icity is dry.'
ruarv, 1911, by order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
made and entered of record, duly ap
. pointed administrator of the estate c f
Katherine Mliller. decerned. All per
sons having claims against the estate
of said deceased are hereby notified
to present the same with proper
vouchers. within six months from ths
date of this notice to the undersigned
Administrator of said estate at his
office, in Albany, in Linn County, Ore
gon. Dated this 7th day of February, 191 1. j
H. H. hthAVll 1,
Death of Mbs Lizzie bidders.
Miss Lizzie Ridder. died last night at
Rev Esson went to Portland.
Harry Hawkins left on a Salem Trip
William and Chas. Holloway went to
Robert Shinn, O.A.C. student, re
turned to Corvallis.
Lawyer Allen, of Eugene, arrived on
a short business trip.
Dr. muck uenney, ot rortiano, re-
the ho:re of her mother, Mrs. Bertha- turned home after a visit with his Dar-
iviuu-sio, urai ouvci. 01.0 woo a ents Mr. and Mrs. jonn Liennev.
hereof the Catholic church, a young
lady of splendid character and attain
ments. The funeral will bo held at
the residence Wednesday, February 15,
at 2 p. m,. to which iriends are invited.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
W. D. Hixter left this noon for the
Ward L. Hull, of Champaign,
was in the city.
has filed his final account in the mat- 1 th it ,hia nnnn ' -
ter of the estate of N. G. McDonald,
deceased, in the county court of Linn
county, Oregon, and said court has
fixed the 6th day of March, 1911, at
the hour .of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day
as the time for hearing and settling all
objections to sa'd account, therefore,
all persons having any objection to
said account are hereby notified and
required to appear and file the same in
said court on or before said last men-
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Milloy of Scan-
poose spent Sunday in Albany visiting
The new Adventist church being
built onAVest 6th St. is. now ready for
the shingling.
Mrs. F. J. Horton of Hillsboro, has
been visiting with her- parents Elder
and Mrs. I. G. Knight, the past week.
An operation was performed yesterday
The Misses McKnight .returned to
Miss Gertrude Reeves, of Lebanon
returned to Willamette University at
Salem, after a visit home.
Miss Hazel Rolf returned from a visit
with her folks in Eugene.
Misses Leila Patton and Nancev Ral
ston returned from a Sunday visit with
their folks in rlalsey.
tioned date. Dated this 3rd day of upon Elmer Warford, for appendicitis,
rebruary, lyll. ana ne is auing wen.
A. R. McDONALD, Miss Edna Acheson, of the U. O.,
Executor of said estate, spent Sunday at the home of her grand
W. R. BILYEU, Atty for Executor, i father, M . Acheson. ,
M iss Pearl S evens, of Eugene, re
turned home last night after a visit
with Miss Elsie Bain.
Born at the home of S W. Ross,
Saturday, Feb. 11, to Mr. and Mrs
Maurice Fairbairn. a girl.
Ysterday was the birthday of Lincoln,
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has filed her final account in the mat
ter of the estate of Henry A. Cleek,
deceased, in the county court of UmlfJ"1
county, Oregon, and that said court tributes were paid tb his memory
has fixed Monday, the 6th day of
March, 1911. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. of said date as the time for hear
ing and settling all objections to said
account. Therefore, all persons hav
ing any objection to said account are
hereby notified and required to file
the same in said court on or before
said last mentioned date.
Dated this 27th day of Januarv, lWll.
Executrix of said estate.
V. R. BILYEU, Atty. for Executrix.
Notice is hereby that the un
dersigned referee will on Monday, the
13th day of February, 1911, at the hour
of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of t!:c Court House, in the
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
sale duly made and entered in the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Linn County, on December 6,
1910, in that certain suit pending in
said Court, wherein John Shaffer is
plaintiff and William Bilyeu is de
fendant, sell at public auction, to the
highest and best bidder for cash in
hand subject to confirmation by said
court, all the right, title and interest
of the above named plaintiff and de
fendant in the following described
nremises, to-wit: The north one-half
of the northwest one-fourth of the
northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp.
12 south range 1 W. of the Will. Mer.
in Linn County, Oregon.
C. E. SOX, Referee.
C. C. BRYANT. Attv for plaintiff.
First publication January 13, 1911.
Last February 10, 1911.
L. L. Swan retnrned thi noon from
Newport. The breakers yesterday were
immense, breaking most of the dvkes.
L L. Potts and mother yesterday te
turned fnim Long Bench, Calif m.
Potts did not like it there at all Thev
have rented a house at C'alapoi.ia and
Ninth and will remain rere.
F.ugen" Curd. A number of high
-ch'til girls gave a farewell party th'F
jfierroon to Miss Bernice Inges, whi
went to Albany today with her father,
to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. R S. Shaw returned
this noon from Salem. Mr. Shaw Sat
urday rt turned from a tri to Lo?
Angeles looking after the branch yat:
of the Curtis Lumber Co.
Mr. Chas. McCulloueh. of Fo'tlnm',
head man with Tull" & Gihbi. of Port
land, Bpent Sunday with his folks in
this city. Mr. McCulloueh as recently
in the east buying extensively for his
Newport and Hornbach are reportert
to have bought the lot at the corner of
Lyon and Tenth str et, of the street
car people. It is now occupied tw them,
the street bar.i and T. W. Hornback's
real estate office. It wnl always be a
va'uable property.
J. E. Cochran, section foremen at
this city has just received a gold medal
for having the best kept section alone
the line during 1909, then along Leona
and Bowell Springs. Can he make the
same record with the Albany section. .
Through an advertisement In the
Oregonian A. Linguist of San Jose, has
imit been able to find his son Edward
Linquist, lost for for couple of years.
He was residing on the farm of Claud
Davis south-east of this city. Mr. Lin
quist formerly resided in Corvallis.
Albany College.
Tuesday is registration day for" th
second semester. 1
The seventh number in the Collec
Lecture course is Gilbert A., Eldridge,
Impersonator, Friday, Feb.' 17. Mr.
Eldridge is a very great attraction
tie has a record of brillicnt successt-t
on the platform.
Alban , College local oratorical con
test, preliminary to the state oratorical
contest to be held this year at Eugene,
will be held tonight at the Presbyterian
cnurcn. Grover Birtchet will delivt:;
an oration on National Conservation
Lucile Hart on The Husks: and Ruth
Smith on Middle Ground. The judgi ,
will be Father Lane of Albany. Harold
J. Rounds of the Portland Y. M. C. A.,
and a third one probably from the U
O. There will be special music. It is
desired that the contest begin at 7:45.
Albany high school last night contin
ued its winning strenk by defeating
Rosoburg 55 to 20 in a game showing
tho nnlpnrlid niRttlf nnrl pypallpnt-. Iruin
A receptii-n will be given by the Civic ing of the Albany boys,
lmprovemen' Club at the beautiful The game with Cottage Grove was
hnmn nf Mm W. P PfnifTAr nn RmnH. nostnoned until the return nf the Al-
ialbin and Sixth, on Thursday afternoon, bany team from Klamath Falls, where
The program is in the hands of Mrs. they will play tomorrow night, tonight
I Prof. Flo, which in-ures a delightful playing at Ashland. Klamath Falls
treat. Albany sustains the unviable gives $100 for the game.
reputaton of having a people
greatly appreciate high 'class music,
and in these receptions .an effort will
be made to gratify this taste.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
ladies to spend a most enjoyable after-
from Albanys
Six Early
He was a brick mason by noun and help on a cause in which all
ouin be interested.
Refreshments will be served and 25c
Sheriff and Mrs. Smith and W. A.
Cox went to Portland to attend the fu
neral of .Vrs. Smiths brother, Joe
charged, which goes into the park Clark, to be' held at the crematory thisi
fund. 'fi-
The Legislature.
This is the last week of the legisla
ture, with an immense siL'ht to do. The
house is far behind thi senate. The
senate has disposed of the good roads
bill, the eight hour law, the publicity
commission and the state purchasing
board, which the house will tackle this i
week. Today was to be devoted to the
roaas bill.
A good many bills have passed h th
houses, but many of them are local
affairs, such as fixing salaries of county
and other otlices a Hood or them.
The governor ras signed seven bills.
including the $50,000 appropriation for
the Astoria centennial.
Friday night at 12 o'clock will close
the session.
It was reported that today the gov
ernor would v to the bill of Bowerman
for an assistant secretary of state, and
certainly should do so.
A farewell Reception.
Mrs. Maggie Cameron last night gave
a reception at her home in honor of Mr.
Carl Thunnemann, enjoyed by a live
crowd of young people, mostly fellow
clerks in the Hamilton Store. Mr.
Thunneman in a few days will go to
Eureka, Calif ., where he has accepted
a position. He has made good in an
eminent manner as decorator and adver
tising specialist in the Hamilton Store,
and as well has made many warm
personal friends who will regret seaing
him leave Albany An as expression of
appreciation he was presented with an
alligator hand bag.
G. 'W. Pennebaker left for Portland ,
to attend a state convention of Oregon
nurserymen Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. An important gathering of
men in the interest of one of the stato's
best industries.
Commissioner Butler went up to
Gooch on the C. & E. on bridge busi
ness. Commissioner Butler wants to
see the legislature pass a good roads
bill, but like, a good many others is not
impressed with the one that was
hatched in Portland, full of jobs and in
the interest-of automobilists.
The P 0. Building.
The Wether,
Range of temperature fur 24 hours
Rainfall .46 inch.
"Che river is 6 3 feet.
Prediction: rain or snow tonight and
John Wills went to Corvallis.
I Fred Kerr, the druggist, left on a
Portland trip.
Chas. Hunter, son of Mrs. Vea Can
non, of Greshnm, left for home after a
Linn county visit.
W. B. Chance left for the hills be
vond Lebanon to inHDect some mills."
Lawyers Garland and TU.ssing arrived
from Lebanon and Brownsville.
Dr. Prill, of Scio, roturnod homo
A 1 tter "eceived hv Ihe Commercial
Club today fr m Congr- ssman Hawlov
states that .the nri.liminarv nlans nre
being drawn, to be submittnd to the nftcr a trip twelve miles boyond Cor-
cabinet officials, when drawings will vallis to visit a patient.
follow and it 1 1 probable bids will be Dr. Davis wont out Lebanon way to
advertised for the last nf the summer, visit a patient.
It is somethinc liat tlPS to take Its, J. A. Bilyou returned to Scio.
course, th-'.'s nil, I Tom Young roturnod to Lebanon to
complete the painting of the interior ot
u 4 'the new M. E. church.
Mrs. J. J. Collins is spending the
Week in Corvallis, attending O.A.C.
Mrs. C. Mo-dhorst, of Portland. Ib
Visiting with Dr and Mrs. W. A Cox.
Mrs; P. T. Wentwor'th. of- Ashland,
is visuing at tne nome or ner racner in.
law T. J. Wentworth. i
Mrs. Sophronin Rooinett, of Salem.
Tom Bi'yeu's Cash Changer.
H. M. Byllesby & Co have purchased !f ?ff?r h" been made to'
the electric light plant at Coburg ISSt"
Missionary Program.
The Woman's 1 issionarv Societv o
the First Presbyterian church held i s
its unnuai praise service WaBt evening
The following program was given;
The Westminister Guild Miss Am
The North Pacific Boaid-Mrs. E. 1'
Causes for praise: The Jubilee Ye i
Miss Flora Madon. The Home r'h-l
-Mrs. F. II. Uesi-.braeht. The Olio.
-Mrs. H. N. Bo.iley.
Solo Mrs. Hans Fin.
Rf view for 191U-Mrs. F. H. Gese.
Duet -Mrs. Hans Flo and Ea
The program was an inspiring on
and comment was free that the larli
had done excellently. A thank off. r
ing was taken.
Lancr & Co. have leased Dronertv for
a branch wholesale house in Eugede.
The residence of Grant Williamson,
in Benton county was hurned a few
days ago.
Under a bill redistricting Oregon,
Linn will have one senator and only
two representatives.
Mrs. Alice Dodd of Salem, formerly
of Albany, is now in tgypt. bhe wi
go from there to Naples.
Goorge Myers, of Salem. Saturday
was sentenced by Judge Kelley one to
fifteen years. A big effort was made
to secure a parole.
Robert L. Uuiss, of Woodburn once
--in Albany boy, and Miss Helen Ale
Kinney, a teacher, were married at
Woodburn Saturday evening.
On an investment of $80 last sd "ne
(leo. Hall of Oakland, Or., has cleaned
op $7i 8. 35 above expenses, and has
Silver Threads Wednesday.
Next Wednesday comes "Silv
Threads" a play of New England Li
in four acts by Martin V. Merle.
The Btory of the play is founded ni
the old familiar song of our Father',
time, "Silver Threads Among the Gold,'
the memory of which has benn k r.i
green ana is incidentally sung during
the first act by Richard J. Jo
who will be well remembered by In
former connection with Minstrels, "Tt -Old
Homestead" and In vaudevilv
Mr. Jose last season, for the firm tim
in bis career of nearly a quarter rf
century took up the legitimate draiu
as a means to give to the phbhc, nn
his many admirers, the familiar ballxr
and hymns, the singing of which liu:
made him famous.
A renresentntive of tho U. S. Cashier
Co., of Portland, has been in the city
this week with one of the money
changers of Tom ttilytu, a native of
this county. The machine is a wonder-
to in fka m B ..idt .tu i 4 lul one, uuiHz tnuKS mat appeal 10 ine
MrT W B Chance 818ter' , business man on sight. Bilyeu is said
aara. rt. u. finance. 'nil.,.nnunl.nMnvi - hi- i.
An effort has been made to' got the vention. maklntr him a rich man. He
obirci.:, grauuaiea irom tne u. A. u., wnere ne
1 got the training that made the invon-
Prof. C. H. Palmer, arrived this tion possible. The Company is pushing
noon to look after his Alhinv stud nts, the sale of tho machine and. is said to
accompanied by Mrs. Palmer. have orders amounting to a quarter of
Formtr Chief of Police L. W. Bob- mil ion ajiead. it will be added to
aim inu buiu mauo B universal one hi 11.
meets a demand for quick work in a
fast age that strikes every business
man at sight.
Th Great No t en Car.
ertson died at Portland vesterday. He
was chief under Mayor Pennoyer.
Enormous police grafts are being dis
covered in Seattle. The modern nnlice
X system is to receive piy for protecting
II vice.
Vale seems to be a newspaper grave
yaro. uotn papers there have gone to ... . .,
the wall. One run the other out, and Th" 0reKon exhibit car. of the Great
then was shipwrecked itself. 1 Northern, containing a Linn county ex-
J.A.Howard left this afternoon for 117 71. S ..ST. "
Amity, where H. L. Jones, father of
mrs. Howard, a prominent
there, is lying critically ill.
George Myers of Salem has appealed
i his case nd is out on bail. A pardon
I will be asked. hy shouldn't Myers
go to jail the same as any one else, if
164 60 wor.h of turkeys left lor a!,,iliu
start for the coming year. i Th ..,: .t.. n,t
Saterday evening a yard engine on 1 from TiliamooK to !!mnnn Rlvor naa
the S. P. end an electric car collided at wrecked yesterday -nd six men on
First street and Hawthorne ave , Port- board drowned on'v ,mo uun,i
and, and FraiiK Boone killed urn! the pntrlnnnr "
live or six injured. r,vornor w.t vna,-,tv votn,i ,u
Elinor GIjiiii, author of Three '.Vwk ; bill providing for an asstHtant secretary
he must Jii'nsatioiial novei of thH nee. f nml i i -r,.Mt f.
ias arrived in New York from Eu op '. ! thus ounctnrlnir nno nf f hn linwnrman
ihe is preparing a religious novel. It j nchemes for getting even with every
vill evidently be a warm number. body.
Mayor Dilliug of Seattle is pulling c0 p. j. prier, for miny years
ne lid oown in a manner Hut w,.l editor of the Walla Walla Htatesm n,
uit the women wb elected him. now of Poit ami, went to Toledo this
fnoy want a reasonably clean city am fternoon, for some hard work on his
.na are to bo c immenac-j ror in-jir , f;irrnj hoping it will help a serious case
mercial Club, is at Atlanta, III., today.
Inmnrrnm i? tvtll Km af Mlntow ot M..L.
pioneer jmRW on tho i6thi Morlon 17tn Peolla
i loin, bondon mills the zuth, Little
York the 21st, Keithsburg 22nd, then
into Indiana, at Morning Sun the 23rd,
Winfield tho 24th, Richland 25.h, Hid
rick 2-Uh, Fremont 28th. If any one
has fri -nds at any of the places it
would te proper to write them to visit
tho car. At Marshall, Mich.,
sample, 2,000 people visited it and Wil
lamette and Rogue River Valleys we e
particularly asked about,
Tho cmmprcial club nf Corvallis i
raising 3500 hnnus fur the location of
he Thorpe Truck Manufacturing
it that city. The First National he d-t-d
tho liol with t l'iO, Benton National
Tho clock will he stopped F iday
night to give the legislature rnor. time;
out any one with sense knows ma'
Hopping the clock doesn't stop the
time. 12 o'clock is 12 o'clock just the
tame reuardless of the clock in the
itate house.
California is seeking to secure a con
stitutional amendment that shall pre
vent the reversing of cases on techmcil
Lies. A cood thing.
iudve. though, should never allow
technicality to rule. The supreme
oench should be made of d Ife.ent stulf.
of lumbago.
Mr. Goo. Brown, who has sold tiin
proptrty near this city, left this alter
no.n for Walla Walla, whore ho is at
work in a cracker factory and bakery.
His brother. W. J. Brown wi'l live on
a place recently bought by him, near
Lunt Salurdny evening a very pleas
ant surprise party was given in honor
-f Mins Vera Taylor at her home on
!-;.-i-t hirst street. A delightful time
was had with music, etc. Refresh
mer ts wereserved. It was Miss Vera's
hinhilay and those who helped her
eel' luate were: Golda Yates, Agnes
Will Dnllv Rnmlinov Ifoilh Van
A level headed j W nkle, Glenn Taylor, Harry Taylor,
Ktune uowuo, can ianneia. Darwin
( i rnegie, Glen Willard ana George
S rine.
In the City.
L. T. Woodword, Salein.
C. W. Bean, Salem.
Hugh B. Ksson, Portland.
L. W. Josse, Salem.
C. A. Dobell, Corvallis.
Chas, F. Ilammon, Ouray, Colo.
The Weather.
Rnii"o of temperature 39-J0.
RaiiifaW .40 inch.
The river 7.1 feet.
Prediction: fair tonight and Wednes.
Urann Ball
At Grand Prarie Grange Hail No. 10
Friday Feb. 17. Music hv Purl-hart .
orchestra. Gojd supper.
IWtM yllw Kind In Haw Ahmars totgH