Glad Springtime 1 LA&T WEEK VC &Alb "HERE COAE SPRIAG" Atib THIS AORAtliG VE WRITE Aft ICY VIA1D VITH &PITTWG, TmGIiG SAOW I OUR GREETING -BUT GLj4B SPRMGTIAEIS COAVIiG-MST 11 THE VMKE OF OLD COLD, BITIAtG WINTER Aftb SOOi THE V4RA, GEnTLE VIiD WILL CIRE THE DIAITILY FOLDED &UDS WTO FULL BLOVAFLOVERS. IA THE STORE ALREADY IS THIS THE A&.ft TERS HEAVIER FABRICS MVE BEEi SUPPLWTED BY SPRIAGS FILAY LOVELINESS. ftO SUGGESTION OF VI1TER HERE-GLi4D SPRMGTIALC STEPPED IT TO LET WINTER Pj4SS OUTSIDE-SHE WELCOMES YOU, Dainty Fabrics of Filmy Loveliness With tints borrowed from Nature's Spring colors and silken threads reflecting dancing sun beams, woven into filmy fabrics in dainty patterns does delightful Spring greet you. On each large round table on the dress goods side are daintiest fabrics to delight the hears of all women. How a woman rejoices when the time comes to throw off the heavier winter garments for those of summer lightness. How, before her eyes, .float visions of snowy garments froathed in finest laces and completed with a touch of satiny ribbon. We've prepared to make these enjoyable vis ions come true thus, this early showing. SPRING FOULARDS. In every fabric you will find this season foulards. It may be silk or cotton or a mixture of both, but there will be foulards. The designers certainly surpassed all their previous effordts. There are designs of every kind circles of dots oblongs of dots and just plain dots squares, triangles, and geometrical combinations. Or there may be flowers and birds conventional ized and all these printed on plain grounds of har monizing or contrasting color. Of silk foulards our assortment is beautifully complete. They are from only reliable makers and are both beautiful and serviceable. Especially so are those treated to render them spot proof. How provoking, too, that heretofore in some way a drop of water had fallen oh the new dress and the result was a great, ugly, non-remediable spot. This no longer need be the case. Cheney's spot proof foulards protect you. They sell at per yard , $1.00 Besides these are many others as low in price as .: 50c Of course these are not all silk. The cotton mercerized fabrics come as low in price as per yard 18c And they are truly beautiful. SERPENTINE CREPE. Every season does this kimona fabric become more popular. The designs and colors this year are exceptionally attractive and besides the fig ured we also show the plain colors and white. For summer house dresses and kimonas it is an unequalled fabric. The price per yard is 18c RIPPLETTE. The new crepe petticoat fabric that elimin ates all ironing simply wash, shake out and hang , up to dry. The designs are in gingham patterns and plain colors. It's a new fabric but we feel certain that women will appreciate this new feature cloth.' It is not only beautiful but will give you unusual service. Per ard 18c CREPE WAISTINGS. All colors in pale tints in silky fabrics with dots and designs of self color. Unusually popular this yeason. Per yard. ...18c. THE HAMILTON STORE Altary Democrat j "Eiitorod at tKepoBt odlce, JAlblinyTOr" 1 j ucond class nmil matter. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE. Maudylee Incubator 1011 model 200 egl' size used for two hatches. Call 1017 E 5th st'eo. Ilomu Phone b'ack 405 lot j RESTAURANT FOR SALE:-Good location, doing good business. 7 furnished rooms en '2nd floor., Good reason for Belling. The Curtis Reul Eslute Co. i WANTED. - To exchange my equity of $175 in one acre, 4 roemhouBO. close in, as part payment on one or two lots in or around Ponnywinklo or Brynnt addition. For particulars phono bell 101-R or 514-L. , HAY.-Somo nice (train hay. nts and whent for snle. C. R. Widmcr, K. L. 4. Phono Home 2801. 23t GOOD BEDS and absolute clearness at Walton's Rooming House. New iwd modern. Schultmow brick, next door to opera house. FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and anchor posts at tho Shingle Mill. It NOTICE. Any one Wishing pure bot tled milk, will do well to ca'l the 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2711a. C. P. Peebler. CARPENTRY JOB SHOP.-Work promptly attended to anywhere in city. Olllce 122 Ferry street. Phono Home 250. Pacific rod 481 J. STEELE & CANFIELD. IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you aro in need of call and see W. A. Lcdtintter, he hus a nicn kit of apples, peaches and walnuts for vour inspection. At tho corner of 414 Washington SI., Albany. Oregon, PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at fillers Piano House or Woodwork's Drug Storo. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. MUTUAL KIUE INSURANCE -Ore-con Fire Relief of MrMinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Soul tie, two strongest coninanlea on the const. C. C. Bryant, agent. THE BROADALU1N. Mrs. Rogue proprietor, Second and Hroadalhin Sis. Family service, home cooking, Recent ly moved from 22'J Uroailallmi street. WOl'D FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Cull at Shingle Mill. CHEAP LAND. -Large list good farms mailed free. R. W. Tripp. Krowns ville. Or. 101 FOR SALE. -Here is a chance of a life time. 1 will sell at a great bargain my largo truit oichard on easy terms or lake partincity business proyorty; 27t E, H Rhodes. GARBAGK -If west ofl.yon street 50c month. S B Penny the garbage man Home pho..e 2308 GARBAGE. - Fred I ainwatcr kviks after garbage. Phone Home 1303. GLASS.-AH mt ami kinds, for sale at the AIImiiv I " Mill, cheaper than aywhvro .-lie m .Albany. Skill-. h avi, If desired. If So, Look Up These Bargains and Don't Wait Too Long. Beautiful S-room bungalow, inside finish can not lie beat: plate rail, beam building, fireplace, just the prettiest little home in West Albany. Price very reasonable. I Fine suburban home,, modern throughout, small amount of acreage. Parked for chickens. Plenty of fruit and flowers. A bargain. Price $5,000. Farm of 80 acres, 00 acres in cultiva tion. 2 acres in grub oak timber, bal ance of land in pasture, well watered by creek the year round; 12 acres in young orchard. This is all A-No.-l laud, most all rolling, good drainage, buildings not large but good, situated 3 miles from Albany. A bargain. Price $7,500.00 for a short time only. For terms upon the above places call personally at my office. No in formation given by phone. I have a large list of properties in farm or city property and I know it will pay in tending investors to call and sec what I have to offer. See the old Reliable Real Estate Dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 WEST 2nd St Albany, Ore. EGGS FOR SETTING. Columbia Wynndottes $1 60 a setting of lb cgrs; Silver spangled, llambergs, Brown lei'nurn.Kose and Single Comb White leghorns $1.00 a setting. M, Ackernuin, R. D. 5. Homo phone lnoa. FOR KENT. 14 acres near Albany, 8 acres ill orchard, rest hay. See R. Volkman. R. D. 1. FOR RENT. -Furnished housekeeping. rooms, brick building, 1st St. See or phone G. W. Wright. TRY Columbia hard wheat flour. At the loading stores. Ask for it and get it. 120 FOR RENT-Office rooms, well loca ted. Inquire at bank of J.W. Cusick & Co. Hit HUNTING DOGS FiiR SALE cheap, trained or untrained Phelps & Grit lith. Wells, Benton county. Or. tnVJ D RKSS MAKING- W ork guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty, i'uit alter ations Mrs. lyler. Room f, Cali- forma House. 9i FOR RENT:-Good roomy stalls for horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 508, E 6th St. t FOR yUIt'K SALES your pn perty with lirav & Peebier. Real Estate Agents, 2.t an-t I von Sts. 16t 150,000.-Do you want a 'n.or to make a loan, see J. C. Christy, Atty. l-6t JABS. Many trust magnates arc sued and pursued, but few arc caught. The eclipse of Roosevelt has be come so near total as to bc,,autft pitiful. When the Steel Trust cuts file sal ary of its president to $50,000 a year it must be fearful of a curtailment of its tariff graft. The policy of building two battle ships a year is a peace insurance pol icy. . "A statement says New ' Jersey's crops last year were worth $63,000, 000," trust charters? Aviators won a total of $970,000 last year, but then only those who are left to tell the talc are spending the money. " John G. Milburn says John D. Rock efeller is a cross between Providence and the genius of business. Most folks regard him as a cross upon which the public is nailed. Anyway, whenever the Democratic mule flaps its cars now, the country sits up and takes notice. . 1 When a man's wife makes his neck tics you can hardly blame him for wearing long whiskers. A woman attorncj in Seattle is prosecuting a woman for tampering with a gas meter, before a woman jury. Heaven help the gas company. What bothers the people in Adams county, Ohio, is the question of main taining their automobiles, now that they can no longer sell their votes. New York Republicans and the semi-Democrats are very much afraid lest the Democrats may choose an unlit senator. It is a safe bet that the new man will be an improvement on Piatt and Dcpcw. Whenever "Uncle Joe" has anything worth standing pat for he will always lind the good Dcmocra'ic members of congress ready to stand ,iat with him. They are about to construct a $1, 000.000 jail in Havana and from ail accounts as to the way things are go ing down there, it will probably be needed if merely for the accotnniod i tion of the gratters alone. Speaker Cannon has to make good $S,tXK), having been on the bond of a run-away treasurer. It docs not seem to pay to be everybody's uncle. A Chicago man has never been ar rested for kissing his sister. This ought to onvinee a good many men that the only sensible course is to kiss sonic other fellow's sister. This session of congress will be short, but not too short, by any means, to spend a big lot of the "ulti mate" consumer's money unnecessar ily. A Clii.tgo scientist says there arc. about JiV volcanoes in the world. Wonder it he counted Oyster Bay. At present Mr. Carnegie appears to be leading Mr. Rockcrfcller by sever. il l ips ill ihe philanthropy r.ioc. FOR SALS.-S0 acrra good Sant'a n bottom land, at J'.') per acre. I's ar Hale. Thomas, Or. tl3 FOR ENr.-Unfuinish-d housekeep ing rooms 116 Washington street. m WANTED. Good giri for general housework, lnquiie tit 124 West 7th street. Bell phono 514 R tl6 PERSONAL Judge Harris returned this noon from Toledo. A. C. Schmitt has been in Pendleton this week. H.J. Moore r; urned this noon from Portland. Cecil Cathy returned home this noon from t trip north. George Prichard, of Portland, hes been in the city today. Fr d Ketr, the druggist, returned this noon from Portland. Mrs. Otho Roberts of Eugene is vis iting Albany friends, . C. A. Pork, state horticultural com 'missioner, was in the city today on his way home from I'orva lis. Mrs. J. W. Cusick yesterday returned from Southern California, where she Bpent several weeks very pleasantly. ' F. H. Colpitts, of Gates, is in the city. He reports nine or ten feet of snow on the road to the Quartzville mines, and two or three feet at the Gold Creek mines. C. H Chapman, editor of the Ore gonian, spent last night in Albany, stopping at the Revere, while on his way to Corvallis, where at noon he was to deliver an address at an O. A. C. convocation. Mr. and Mrs. Ala Marshall have just celebrated the 20th anniversary of their marriage with a family gathering. Numerous pieces of China were presen ted them. There were four generations present, headed by Ex-County Treasurer Brice Wallace, father of Mrs. Marshall A large number enjoyed the happy event with the popular couple. Married, At the parsonage of the First Meth odist church, Wednesday at Five o'clock p. m , James Irving Gilbert and Rosalia ieil Lyons, in the presence of a few friend?, Rev. W. S. Gordon officiating. ' bey are boih topular youn people o" Ci r.allis where thi y wi 1 m ike thi ir home. Thegn om hcl a pos x'va with Knne & Co. und is also president ot the Benton County Sunday S n . I Associa- . tion while the bride has b.en a teacher in the sumo county, j DON'T DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to think of how much value : good teeth are to you? Do you know that many of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach and good digestion ? Do you know that bad teeth in many cases are the cause of throat trouble ? Do you know, that bad tedth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? ' 1 , Did you ever stop to think .that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow ( the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth? j I will examine your teeth FREE and 'tell you the ex act cost for first-class work i GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS . My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. I DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST j i 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY. OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 : FOR SALE. - Five passenger touring : car, in firt-class condition. Address j 413 S Ellsworth St. Albany, Or. tl6 ;FOR RE IT. 3 unfurnished room. Call at 4:10 Vine street. : EG OS. Pure bred Buff Orpington's I $1 a set'ing. Call at 430 Vine street. 6t ' FOR SALK. Linn County ranch. 864 1 acres. B. M 1'avne. owner, Albany, Oregon. (Both phones!) WAN TiiD. Good, liv-, reliable agent to sell a much warned article. Good money Apply to Karl Thumman at Hamilton M"ie FOR SALE Genlle driving mare 5 ye.- old, not afraid of ai ything; als.i low wheeled wugon, 3 Red 20? Homo. WAMT.-.n -Girl, must be eood cook. Gi i wages. Jersey Dairy. Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capita! and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. .IAIR GOODS Puds, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counte s, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, bv the Union Furni ture Facto-y. Order of them. Keep your money at home.