Albany rot XLvr ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IT. isil 1X0 23 Hot Tamaffes and OYSTERS THE CREST R MfiflDP fo' Hour, hay, feed D. mUUlC:?rairj and chick en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 25t WOOD SAWINQ-Sfi or phone 3692 black Home. 456-Y Pacific'. at New! Valentines JUST IN. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. AT MEISER & MEISER LEGISLATURE. CHOICE OF 100 $12.45 SUITS REGULAR VALUES UP TO $40.00 See Big Window Display. Come! and Rummage at the Rummage Sale. February Slashing of Prices on the Most Wanted Merchandise... New Spring and Summer , , GINGHAMS, PERCALES AND PRINTS Here is a chance to buv the best J. L 13 LI II IV, I UWJJ emu O' - . brands of Ginghams, Prints and Percales at a price never to be offered again, iso cheap seconds, an tiie Dest Drancis manuiaciuicu m imuna. 5c Yd. for American, Arnolds, and imnpsons Jf ast coior vaucos m an cuiuis au p-ai terns. 8c Yd. for 32-inch Adria Percales ,all dark colors. 10c Yd. for Amoskeag A. r. L. and Canton uress uingnams, an tne new opting uiu bummer patterns in ngnt and aartc coiors. RUMMAGE OF KNIT UNDERWEAR. TIip nif nrnnre Sale has left us with a great many broken assortments of Under wear, all of which are placed on counters and tables at Rummage Sale Prices that will clear them m a hurrv. All Reeular Lines of Underwear Greatly Reduced. 19c for Women's regular 25c and 35c Fleece Lined Vests and Pants in regular and out sizes 4 to 8. , ' 48c for Women's White, Fleece Lined Union Suits, regular 65c values, sizes 4, 5 and 6 prac- I Senator Miller yesterday gave the siaie printer a live slap in an ettort to secure the flat salary system for the office. He declared the office was pay- i ing entirely too much, more in a year I than the governor receives in four ; years. the general appropriation bill as I recommended calls for $1,019,965.49, dui mis is only a part ot tne appropria tions that will be made. A good many bills were passed during the day, among them: By Senator Miller, providing for a complete drainage system. Merryman, protecting wild geese. Clemens, protecting secret societies, oom nouses. Libbv. Dreventin? white slave tice, both houses. Buchanan. annroDriation for National Guards for fighting fires, both houses. $5,000 to fiirht the bubonic nlacue. both houses. And many bills fixing salaries of county and other officers. bills raonkevine with the recall law. and preventing frauds at primaries were indefinitely postponed. several new local Dills were intro duced. A resolution to submit the woman suffrage question again passed the sen ate 16 to 12 Miller and Bean voted ye3. tne eight hour mil of Dimick was defeated in the senate. A resolution by Thompson calls for a joint commiiue of investigation ol state Ft od Commissioner Bailey. Rummage of Children's School Handkerchiefs.. -2c Rummage of Stock Col lars and Jabots 5c Rummage of Belts 5c Umbrellas,- 50 cent val ues at 29c Rummage of Lace Cur tains, values to S5c, per pair 48c FURS Half Price. AT THE COURT HOUSE DOINGS OF i THE WORLD i L. in 350 ! Roy Pirtle. of this city, has purchased a grocery store at Coburg, which he will now run. Thos. A. Edison is 65 years of age today. At least three Albany people also have birthdays today. 1 A memorial by Milier nnd Barrett calls for an Indian war pension equal to tnat of civil war soldiers. Plans are being laid at Portland for a city of two millions. It hus the room and can spread out indefinitely. The population ot Nwberg is given i as zzto ov tne census Bureau, it was Articles filed incorDoratimr the Al-! 910 1'nJ1?00 514 in 1890. showing a bany Cement. Cone ete Co. Capital cf, ed for L citv stock $1500. Incorporators C. II. Frost. earned for the city. Jonas 11. Will and E. L. Frost. i " 13 Mayor Dilhng of Seattle now anu Ex-mayor mil. tne latter was M kicked out by a modern piece of mi- JJfY. Cose: chinery, the recall, because he wouldn't jmi nanoway et ai age, Anarow Mun-1 respect the will of the people. . . . . . Deeds recorded: Lena Steinberg to Catherino rteitter b loot strip off lot Dl 34 s R. N. Duffield to F.J. Kula 200.21 acres 117(11) Perry Bilyeu to Jos. F. ,Koiina & wf 15 acres Scio 3212 H. B. Sprenger to Tri. State R. & P. Co. right of way 20 Inventorv filed in estate of Herman Hickman. Total value $250. ! son et al. to register aox attorneys. title. Hewitt & Three Congressionel Districts. Sending and receiving Messages. The Western Union announces ian ar rangement by which the Pacific Tele phone subscribers may receive and send messages over their telephones. This saves a visit to the telephone office. It includes night service If . the local telegraph office is closed, as most are in smaller places, a uisiam office that keeps open all night is called tip and the message taken and nent. . Messages will be received under the same arrangement. Waldport has incorporated and the following officers have been elected: W. J. Walker mayor, Chas. Webb treasur-' er, Elmer Helms marshal, W. H. Doughterty recorder. J. H. Glines. T. ; E. Broadley, R. Kent. R. McMillan, ' A bill has been introduced m-ovidine- D Lesley and L L. Everson council- lor inree congressionel aistricts as tol lows: First, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, uoiumuia, (joos, uurry, Douglas, Jack-' son, Josephene, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion Polk. Tillamook. Washington and Yamhill. Second, Baker, Crook, Gilliam. Grant, Hood River. Harney. Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler and Wasco. Third, Multnomah. Good flour, thf oHimlia. Trading Cars. Streetcar No. 7. the larore green car. will be shipped to Albany tomorrow. and in its place will be returned the big yellow car in use there. Eugene Uuard wny tnis slap. F G. WILLTIor Watches President Sumption Arrived. H. h. Sumption, ores'dent of the Linn County Orchard Colony, and J. V. rerkins, ot Hastings, JNeb., and M. c.. Kast, of St. Paul, arrived laat night,, interested in tli9 big orchard proposi tion, ur. sumption expects to remain here permanently in the development of this important orchard It is expected thai active worn will bo done this spring in planting. . During the winter a force of men have been cleaning and getting the land ready. The Alco basket ball team and the O. A. C. team will plav tonight, be ginning at 8:30 o'clock, the first game played in Albany unoor the intercolleg iate rulea. Admission 25 cents. The beat POSTS in Albany at tl e I SAW MILL. ALBANY uPERA HOUSE TUT?. TTTNAT. WIND IIP SALE OF THE SEASON . You will consult vmir own best interests by visumg this store every time you re out shopping. Chambers & McCime , Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. Wednesday, Feb. 15 1 That PurePlay 'SILVER THREADS By MARTIN V. MERLE , with RICHARD J. JOSE, the Great contra tenor. PRICES 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Albany College Conservatory of Music. SECOND SEMESTER OPENS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15. REGISTRATION AT TREMONT HALL. . ' ! . ' ADNA SMITH FLO Piretfor of Conservatory Voice. . .... Student George Sweet, New York, Student Shakespeare, London, . England. .",'., EMMA REBECCA SOX Piano and Organ. Stiidc:it Carl Baermann, New England Conservatory, Boston. GRACE LE MAR HOUCK Piano and Kindergarten. McMiunvillc Conservatory, Student of Gilford Nash, Portland, OUR SEMI-ANNUAL, Empire Photoplay Theatre ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones. Main 5 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good Groceries-FairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell onl GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES AREJFAIR and our SEKVIci PROMPT, A safe place In trade, surely -for we aimto carry a big"atock"o wanted gO'd and appreciate the trade every customer we 'hav to the extent of persucal service. HAVE YOUit CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & HUSTON VO) W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell. LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettyman, Managers Office: Cor. First and Baker. Home Phone 306;;BeU Phone 131 9 "Love's Awakening." A good story of a false young man, who forgets his country sweetheart through the in fluence of a flighty girl. He is taught a very practical lesson by his country sweetheart, and she gets a noble man, for her reward. "Coward or Hero." This beautiful Vitagraph story is one of extreme heart interest. The man who is afraid of some things, docs not hesitate a moment to save the life of his friend when in doing so he loses his own life. A strong story with a beautiful sentiment. "His Wife's Sweethearts." The Bi- ograph Company produces good com edy in this picture. The servants wear the madam's clothes, and the husband gets into all kinds of trouble. A com edy that is worth the price of admis sion. "After the Ball." A rolling-pin, a rather impetuous wife, a husband that tarries at the ball, too late, and two friends, figure conspicuously in this comedy. Miss Crosno, sinking "H I were King of the World." Admission 10 cents. SHOE SALE NOW GOING ON You know Our Reputation for Giving Values at Our Sales Stoltenberg's Shoo Store 134 First St. MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linrt & Benton Real Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring, baggage work, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. All phone orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight bills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be promptly attended to. R. B. MAY BERRY, Proprietor. Office phones Home 178, Bell 143-J. Residence Home 382, Bell Main 74. REAMLAN THEATRL meudota Coal TONIGHT is fast gaining in favor, always clean free from soot, kindles easily, burns ri-adily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities make an ideal coal, best on the market for the monev. Sold in any quantity, prompt delivery Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO, i-w DOCKSFEADER, Prop- , Bell 27 f. Home Black 176. 1. THE RUNAWAY ENGINE The Big Feature Film. 2. Scenes of Cana ls. 3 The- Colour Sjrgcant' Hore An exceedingly fine Vitngraph film. 4. Mr. W.jod singing, "A Plain Little Country Girl 5 Hit Last Parade -An interesting story of a" old soldiers pa.riotism to the G. A. R on parade. 6. The Mixed Miikt- A side splitting comedy. Matinee, 2:30 Evening, 7:30. ' Complete change tonvrruw. . Admission 10 cents. Stop-Look-Eoy Wc have to move f.oon. If you arc giving birthday or wed ding presents this year BUY THEM NOW AT THE VARIETY STORE. Where one dollar is as good as two at any other time or place. S3.(JO to $5.(X) lemonade jugs $1.50 Slim salad sets ... 1.50 $.1X) to $5.(1(1 cracker jars 1.50 $Z0O to $3.1)0 chop plates 1.50 $2.()0 baud painted Haviland plates 1,00 50c decorated plates 25 THE VARIETY STORE, 313 W. 1st St. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES ANJ CROZKURY