SIBLE. It is an undeniable fact that you cannot get a pleasing fit over a corset that is not properly con structed and fitted. There are many shape-giving corsets on -the market but few that combine features of health and comfort as well. The wide endorsement of the Gossard by physicians is a quick proof. The Gossard is built with the idea of giving the best possible shape to the figure and also to protect one's health. THE GOSSARD CORSET LACES IN FRONT ,. That does away "with the two heavy stays that press upon the stomach and cause stomach trou . ble and many other discomforts that one need not . bear. To know about the Gossard Corset is to be a wearer and a wearer is a continuous booster. End your corset troubles now be fitted at our store with a Gossard. The price is $3.50, $5.00 and $6.00 and always money well invested. We also carry the Grecque Aluminum Stay Corset and the Warner's Rust-Proof, both excel- lent corsets, ranging in price from $1.00 to $3 JO. W Kfl J M ''w a IK fir i i . . i THIS MORNING OBSERVED News From Albaftjs Six Early Trains. By the Man bout Town, ,ri Washington street is being surveyed fin pavement, under an order made last August. Under the red tape re quiremnts it will be nearly July be tore actual work can be begun on '.he paving of the street. It tuKes nearly three months irom he original resolu W. V. Merrfll voturned from Browns ville, where e 'completed arrange ments for connecting a rural line to the Pacific's extensive exchange. A big factor in telenhone extension has been the rural 'line, established by the farm- til)n t0 secure orvement of a street. ers. , Mr and Mrs Eunene Palmer of Sears & Son at tl,B'r PIaD'nK "' i :;V i d; : .u , inenta. One 13 a large addition, more reafe ate bus nes'w h an offi on tT "f 77 Killingsworth street. A couple years ; '''f ri 8 ' ago he obtained quite a celebrity by "nd dollars. ,v large electric motor taking the lead in the referendum of l18.9 bf n discBrdJ. the cost of the the U.O. appropriation bill. ; Julce b? '? much' . I?e8,de? the uccub ilia oicaiu miu uetii. tiuiit inc . , . . i boiler. Even during the winter the D. W. Rumbaugh, county fruit in-'mill ; bunt h i ki9 untb, rnh i snector. left on a trip bevond Lebanon. v..tu,i , .; i ,,! n,,a i,n, going out to the Lacomb country, fast becoming the iruit center ot tne coun-' tv. An issue will be made hereafter of In tho place recently vacated by ths keeping Linn county fruit trees in the i Herald omce a family a'e now residing, proper shape. i asing me unices lor a nuine, anu me j computing tuuiu iur muuuiy. J. L. Underwood and eon left on a i Corvallis trip. Jas. A. Hoag's new hvnnery, is n- Mrs. L,aDoe, 01 roruana, leu lor nine wel filed with a tine ot of c k- home after a visit with Mrs. Christen- ' ens. The chicken business is a t-i:d sen. , - i cne. with 14 cents on foot being Laid J. F, 'Feebler came down from Leba- or the fowls for eating. Mr. Hoag is non. i right flown in thi center of business at Miss Emma Crosno left on a short , Water and Ellsworth. Jefferson trip. j judge ana Mrs. w. B. Mctaaaen, oi .. . ... j rnrvallis left on a Portlnnrl trin. Inere is no excuse for the ground AT THE COURTHOUSE. V-a Deeds recorded : Win. Krall to Louvina Krai, 20 31 acres $ Margaret A. Monteith to Matt Wint and wife, lot City View ad. ' Jas. Carothers to Chas. Arnold, two tracts . ..... 1300 J. G. Gibson to Amalie Miller, in side 1 lot Perry and 9th 10 Nels Halverson to Johnie Halvor sen,40 by 75 feet andl lotShedd Margaret A. Munteith to Walter fuller and wf, lot City View ad 10' Peter Paulus to Chas. Mausolf, 47 feet south and lot 1 bl 21 Albany 10 Inventory filed in estate of Richard Farwell. Personal $125, realty $585.50- Shoes for the whole family. Look- neat. Don t deyelope corns and bun ions. Go to Burns Shoe Store. WANTED. Good, live, reliable agent' to sell a much wanted article Good money. Apply to Karl Thune.inui at Hamilton Store. Mr. Dobell. a Corvallis banker, left for Portland. Superintendent Briggs and E. A. Johnson went to Salem to appear be fore the ways and means committee on normal school back pay. John Shea, of Portland, returned to that city, after being here to attend the funeral of his brother Ed. hog to stay burrowed up, not if he has any regard for the good weather ob served by the Alan about Town. Some Pioneers Will Be Shown. A special feature of the meeting for organization of the Linn County His torical hocietv r ridav n-eht. at the U P. church, will be some pictures of prominent pioneers, that will be thrown on tne canvas Dy Ktv. wnite ana j. u, Irvine, with a machine of their invent- ion, a proiectoscope, patternei after to his home ; Bome oy machines, found to work on a after a triD to Cor-!"v 0Ka'0-,.J",lul ."-"""'" tinctly, with the coloring. Geo. H. Himes will do the talking Though a resident of Portland he knows Linn county history better than Linn county men. there's bound to be TROUBLE when the doctor orders one medicine and the druggist supplies something else. And sometimes the trouble is extremely serious. We assume that your doctor knows what medicine to give the patient. So when you bring this prescription here we make it up exactly as directed, with ho substitu tion, adulteration or dilution. BURKHART & LEE. Cemented Invisible Invisible Bifocals for far and near vision mark a great advancement in the construction of optical lenses. E. G. Meade, Optometrist, 923 IWest Second Street. HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere, and the price is lower. . Try a box at the THE MISSION PARLORS Tozier Was Here Albert Tozier, former president of the national press association, was tne city today on nia way near ilooa Kiver, vallis. Farmer ot Portland. For several years he wsb the state printer expert, doing the measuring of tbe great tots of the state printer. He has been mayor of Tentvilie, at the state fair for a num ber of years, and knows every avenue in the business, and where every tent was located the year before. Alcos Won. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refilled. - Old and new violins for sale. ;Violin instructor. 32 years exper ience. 615 E. 6th street, Albany, Or. A sure relief from that corn, and cure, at burns Shoe Store. WANTED. Horse suitable for truck gardening, second hand one horse wagon and harness. Call 1014 East 3rd St. ' til FOR QUICK SALE. -Good dray horse, wagonalmost new, some garden tools, also some wood. Geo. f. Brown. Home phone 862. tlO FOR SALE OR RENT. Furniture for rent, also house for rent, 4 rooms, . good water. Apply 130 Montgomery St. t7 We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN Albany high and the Alco team had a warm game of basket ball last night, the Alcos winning 27 to 24. The first half ended 15 to 10 in favor of Alco. The second half 14 to 12 in favor of tho high school. The high schools old Btars Geo. Dooley and Park Stalnaker did splendid work for the Alco team, and Beeson and Kennard were the stars for the high in basket throwing. The lineups were: , Alco Dtioley, ' Stalnaker forwards, Eugene Dooley center. Torbet and Pen land guatds. The high school Beeson and Kennard forwards, M. Bigbee center, Abraham, L Bigbee, Crowell and C. Bigbee guards. I W. L. Marks referee. Did yon hear Columbia hard wheat flour makes. ! any ot the leauing grocers for it. what fine bread that Ask 1 Try our hot noon lunches, at the M Is sion Parlors. EXPERT PAPERHANGING, wall tint ing, etc., at special winter prices. Home phone 1390. 22t F G Wii A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select' from.. I0F0R SALE 10 Barred Plymouth Rock 'cockerels, big fine blocky birds from . the best stock money could buy. Prices reasonable. Call on C. S. Shedd, 817 W 4th St., Albany, Or., or phone Home black 150. To'be the best hard wheat hliin ntem I flour in the city. rne price is moaerate ana tne auantv i -. uniform. I Clothes-racks and iruning boards made Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll by E. B. Davidson, are the best on the prove to you that our assertion is market. Call at 739 E 1st St. correct. i Sold on absolute guaranty. II. A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Walter Parker Grocer and Baker First class goods in their season. Phone Main 50 City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for sale and range in prices from $250.00 and J500.09 to $700.00. Payable 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are only 7 .blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city convenience', including city water. ' OWEN BEAM, Agent. ' Stark Building. . I The Clay Taylor Realty Co. have just . iooened a general real nstate office at . . ' ' ; the corner of 1 s)th and Lyon streets, j. A: f V IT HP fr i Albany, and are now ready to list any t. d JLt HitJ 1 r I Hi thing in the way of real estate, you NOTICE may have. I Give us a call We hear of two suits being pressed F9,R.. RfET-T 8 unfurnished rooms, against farmers that gave exclusive Ca" 8t 430 Vlne Btreet' rights on their farms to a certain real EGGS. Pure bred Buff Orpington's estate firm in this 'town. (Why give ! ?laset'ing. (Jail at 430 une street exclusive rights), if a firm will not sell your place without an exclusive right, they are not up to date, nor progress ive. We have sold mdre real estate in the last few months than any three firms combined. , We dont ask for an exclusive right. . .. Yours for Business, PACIFIC REAL, ESTATE CO. Albany, Or. Safe, Convenient, Clean Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits. 8 Lights. 16 Lights 32 Lights Lamps assorted Colors Just the thing for Christmas. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 West Se'01" Street. STONE For building, ornamental purp. r'P ran, filling, etc. Samplra at M. Sender ft Co tore W. L. COBB, R. D 4. fhou, bore J. G. Crawford's Photograph Galfery Is in the NewAlbanj Stale Bat It i uild ng, second floor, with a complete eouinment for plctue taking ot Hall LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of 7th and Main streets.. Well drained. Sewer ' connection. Five minutes' walk to Madison street school, to three stores, meat shops and barber shop. One block to chair factory, j Opposite Rusa House, nu nvc minuics warn 10 swoany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. . Two blocks fro mthe proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hackle- man. u4 NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. 6t FOR BALK. Linn County ranch, 864 acres. B. M. Payne, owner, Albany, Oregon. (Both phones.) Reagan & Laughead the NEW GROCERY FIRM Succeeding W. A. Eastburn Have reserved this space and each? week will have somethingtO' say to you about this. Grocery at 212 W. First St. Watch this space.. The will have some thing to say that may be of interest to you. Go to see them too you may! want todo' all ycktr trading there, They'll be glad to see you. They want t; get acquainted witl vou anyjway. Both phones. Send Your Underwear To Our Laundry. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. 'V. F. j6r!ES. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. Phones 200-R, Bell; Home 1285. ! Your underclothes are washed without shrinkage, and are made trior oughly clean and free from od6r if sent to our laundry. 1 The garments are ironed dry and smooth, and wc replace lost buttons and mend them, free of charge. Our service is appreciated by all the bachelors and many of the mar ried men. It costs little, why not take advantage of it yourself? Bundle them up with your other work and give them to' one of our drivers. . MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. Both Phone's SO. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are oguipped wiih our plumbing .virk. Wc make a specialty of high clas sanitary plumbing and will be lad tf have ypu examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MliDIN & STUAPT. AT THE NEW LAUNDRY Only one month in operation and our business has doubled. Why? Because your linens ,are washed thoroughly clean, having a beautiful color. Our experienced employes, electric irons and new model machines have made our laundry work more than satisfying. Your woolen goods too arc washed with care, avoiding all shrinkage. Our laundry work pleases by the amount of family work that we have. Give us your next bundle, then you will ever afterwards. Call our wagon on cither phone, or leave your bundle with our down town agencies, The Combination and Arcade Harbor Shops. ALBANY STKAM LAUNDRY, Wyatt Bros., Props.. Bell 93. Home 439. FARMERS NOTICE. List vour' farms with T. W. Hon back of the Hub Land Co., 10th art Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, ftf quick sales, for when your farm i listed here with me it is also list in Portland, as I have an office thel aIo. When in town call and talk til proposition over with me. I'lion WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING j 32; S::c nd Mre, r dv ttn frty Pn srialLVi