Tk lilltt' Btae Joirnl Dreit PiHen Hi. S82 Eat. filters I This Princess Slip is -Ladies Home Journal Pattern No. 5829 Emb, Patfern No. 14262 WRITTEN To the Women Who Do Their Own Sew:mg ancl to Those Who Would Like to But Think They Cannot The women who do their pwn SEWING not only ENJOY the garments they make but also the making. Especially is this true of those who have tried and are using THE LADIES' HOME JOUR NAL PATTERNS. They have found that ABSOLUTE DE PENDENCE can be put in these PATTERNS. They know that the SEAM ALLOWANCE is al ways there and is always the same 3-8 INCH. THE NOTCHES that go together are al ways in the right place 'and every PERFORA TION of every'fiize is exactly where it ought to be. That is the.reason her SEWING is a PLEASURE. But to THE WOMAN WHO WOULD LIKE TO DO HER OWN SEWING BUT BE LIEVES SHE CANNOT these PATTERNS are a REVELATION. Take for instance the two patterns here illus- . trated. On the back, of each envelope is THE CHART showing the different pieces, relative size, notches, perforations and all and below the chart is a DETAILED DESCRIPTION of the use and application of each part. How to put to gether, fit and finish. So simple that A CHILD CAN UNDERSTAND IT. Then there is THE SPRING QUARTER LY, illustrating all of the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS with VALUABLE LESSONS in SEWING, FITTING and FIN ISHING in between. As a FASHION BOOK it is UN EQUALLED. A book of absorbing interest to every woman. SUPERIOR, we believe, to other books that sell at 50c, and thi one can be yours for just 5c. Its regular price is 20c, but that includes ANY 15c PATTERN that you may select. Get your book NOW, choose your pattern, and then let us show you an ARRAY OF FAB RICS that will delight you. The store is getting so piled full of new DAINTY SPRING GOODS that we are wonder ing where we can put them all that you may easily see them. They are beautiful, dainty, filmy fabrics that delight the feminine heart. On display now these SPRING FABRICS.' The ladles' Borne Journal Cr-is Patten No. 5805 Emb. Pattern No. 14288 This Winsome Waist is Ladies Home Journal Pattern No. 5806 and Emb. Paftern No-14288 THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Democrat Entered at the poBt oilico, .Albany, Or, tecond tints rr ail matter. . F. I Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE. A good topbugg . C. S. Emery, li 0 l ine si. rnone nomo 404 Hod. WANTED. Three nice, modorn, un furnished rooms, in homo. Apply at , Democrat oflice. 1 bono Home Red 233. i FOR SALE.-One lot tbiid from the1 corner of Cottage und W Ninth, tent house and well on it and bushes. In- j quire at the place. J. K. Morgan. WANTED.-To exchango my equity of $175 irionoacre,4 room house, closo in, as part payment on one or two lots in or around Pennywinklo or Bryant's addition. For particulars phone Boll l'Jl-R or 514 L. HAY.-Some nice grain hay. oats and wheat for Bale. C. R. Widmor, R. D. 4. Phono Home 2801. 23t GOOD BEDS and absolute cleaninesB at Walton's Booming House. New and modern. Schultxnew brick, next door to opera houso. 1 FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It NOTICE. Any one wiahing pure bot tled milk, will do well to caM the 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2735. C. P. Peebler. CARPENTRY JUb SHOP. Work promptly attended to anywhere in city. OlUce 122 Kerry street. Phone Home Pacitlc red 481 J. STEELE 4 CAN FIELD. IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you are in need of call and doe VV. A. Ledbettcr, he hs a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for your inspection. At the corner of 114 Washington 81.. Albnnv. Oregon, PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Filers Piano House or Woodworlh's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE -Ore-eon Fire Relief of Mc.Vinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Firo of Seattle, two strongest comtianics cn the coast. C. C. Bryant, agent. THE BKOADALU1N Mm. Bogge proprietur, Second and hroadalbin Sts. Family service, home cooking. Recent ly movei.' from -J lsroauaioin aireei. WOOD FOR SALE:. Short Blabs. Call at Shingle Mill. CHEAP LAND Large hst good farms mailed free. R. W.' Tripp, Browns- villo. Or. Wt FOR SALE. - Here is a chance of a life time. 1 will sell at a great bargain my large truit oichhrd on easy terms or take part in city business nroyerly; 27t E. M Rhode. GARBAGE If west ofLyon street 60c month. S Penny the grbage man Home pho..e 2S08. GARBAGE. Fred Kalnwater look attar garbage. Prion Homo 2303. GLASS. All sues and kino, for rata at the Albany PlaninT Mil', cheeper than ay where else in "Albany. Skill- It Mi, if dircL FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE. 80 acres, situated 3 miles from AI-, bany, good house and barn, nice young orchard, 2 acres of oak timber, bal ance of land in cultivation, 40 acres of which is the best apple land in Ore gon. This is a bargain and is a desir-' able home. I Good 7-rooin house, and 4 acres of land, situated in the suburbs of Al bany, just the place to have your own garden and keep your cows and chick ens. 20 minutes walk from First St. i If you would like a home like this look this up and be quick about it. Good new 8-room house, one lot, telephone and electric lights. West Albany. A snap. I would say to investors, I am not promoting any land schemes, but do a straight real estate business, and if you wish to buy it will pay you to investi-gatc-what I have to offer. Call per sonally at my office and consult the old Reliable Real Estate dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 West Second Street. No information by phone. SHAKES. SHAKES, SHAKES, at I the Curtis Lumber Co. t2S FOR SALE. A teat of farm horses, gentle and steady. McClcllan & Set tlemier, R.D.4. Phone Home 2105 , WANTED Young lady attending school wiBhee a place to work. Call I or phone Albany Col.ego. EGGS FOR SETTING. Columbia Wyandottea $1.60 a Betting of lb 1 eggs; Silver epangled. Mlambergs, i Brown leghorn, Rose and Single Comb White leghorns $1.00 a setting. M. Ackerman, R. D. 5. Home .hone 1302. FOR RENT. 14 acres near Albany, 8 acres in orchard, rest hay. See R. Volkman, K. 1). 1. FOR KENT. -Furnishod housekeping rooms, brick building, 1st St. See or phone G. W. Wright. TRY Columbia hard wheat flour. At the leading stores. Ask for it and get it. t20 FOR RENT Ollice rooms, well loca ted. Inquire at bknk of J.W.Cusick & Co. lGt HUNTING DOGS FoR SALE cheap, trained or untrained Phelps & Grit tith. Wells, Benton county. Or. tn9 DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty. P-uit alter I ations Mrs. t'ylor. Room 6, Cali fornia House. 91 : FOR KENT:-Good roomy stalls for horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 60S. E 6th St. t FOR IjUICK SALES lut your property with Grav & Peebier, Real Estate Agents, 2itd and Lyon Sts. 16t $0,000.'Do you want a loan.or to make a loan, seo J. C. Christy, Atty. 1 6t WANTED List your home and lot, or lots, with T. W. Hornhack, of the Hub Land Co., 10h and Lyou St. Phone 191-R. AKny, Ore. BUSINESS CHANCES List your business with T. W. Hornback of the Il"h Land r Near S. P. De pot. Fboa M-H. . .. '',il fl THE LO RIMER CASE IN MATH- ' I EMATICS. i PERSONAL DON'T DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS Washington, Feb. 3. The senate, gallery and all, were put to '.a hard study in tigures a few days ago when ' Father Van Nevel returned this noon Senator Cummins was concluding his from a trip to Suver, Benton county, two hour speech on the Lorimcr case. ; W. A. Kimsey returned this noon They badly needed our mathematical from Polk county, where he had been genius, Prof. David Torbet, to help ' to look after his farm, them out. There were 202 votes cast C. C. Set tlemire and family, of Sa in the Illinois legislature. Of. these lem, have moved to Albany to reside, Lorimer received 108, which was a and are living ooposite the Alco Club, clear majority. i Mr. Tom Shea, of Pete Point. Ari- But it seemed to be generally ad- ZOna, where he has been in the employ- j milted that seven had been boueht. mflll nf M,. E1. r. B.i,.Hinnn.. four more probably bought and still is here, coming to attend the funeral of 1 are Caused by decayed teeth? lour more posbiuiy tunuii. jciwiui nis oromer ext. Cummins contended that" with seven I Mr. Fred Bier, of Vancouver, Wash., Do you know that proper mastication votes rejected Lorimcr had only 101 ig in ,he city on a vislt witn hj3 d n. j .rmT,t, aA trnnA rlio-pcri ? votes, when it was necessary to have ,er Mr3, Go. E Sanders. Though a nleans a gOOd StOmacn ana gOOQ QlgeStlOll f H)-', a majority, to elect. , Washington man Mr. Bier attends all I Senator Bailey intcrruptcu wim : the Oregon state fairs and has some heat and said Senator Lorimer many years Ho will remain until with the rejection of the seven would first of April. still nave a majority, rie ansisieu so READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to think of how much value ; good teeth are to you? Do you know that many of the diseases of the body of the food -.1 . 1 . 1 ... for uo you Know mat Daa teem in many cases are tne the cause of throat trouble? t Fiist Valentine Party, Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? i ' Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the 1 strenuously for this that he was asked to explain. He claimed that when the j seven were found corrupt they were of course thrown out of the count for j i-oniucr; uui musi aisu uc imuwu uui. ... . t . . 4 ... , - - - . . ... . . . . of the total vote cast, so nrst part ot tne digestion ot looa to begin m the mouth? had 101 votes remaining..' Refreshments were served.everal'con- What is going to happen if you continually swallow Senator Cummins claimed this gave ; -n:i nn4 nm.-t .,-.i it, ,, ., J 1 u.1. A 5 the advantage to corruption. He said Those present wMlSS A7n5 "re U'UM' lCCl'" YaZ&n I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex- Winkle, Haz-I Pierce, Lottie ulcGuire, act COSt for first-claSS Work . , Beulah Hinkley, Vera Taylor, Carrie . Roberts Annie Pierce, Clara Molver. I GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS Stella Littler. Myrtle Karl, ary Lines, j S-ultSi" HomT0GeVtde ' My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a if only one vote had been bought on this basis the senator would be elect-: cd and hold his seat whether the cor rupt vote was discovered and rejected or not. if the false vote was not dis covered he would have 102, a majority of two, or if that vote was fejected he An Immigration Lecture. Tonight at tne M. E. church there ; will be an address of much interest, At j the Gates and Within, by Kev. Weaver, cf Independence. It will deal with the , immigration question. The gates re-: ferred to are New York, Bjston and ' Philadelphia, and pictures will be shown ', snowing the immigration situation at ' the gateways to the U. S. Admission, ! tree, tut there will be a co lectiuu. I Letter List. would have 101 which was a majority of 201. If he had not made that pur-; Howard Edna Rodeers, Dollie Bending moderate price chase he could not have been elected, and Callie Bigbae 1 He might have bought that vote, knowing that it would be discovered j and rejected and yet knowing it would ' secure his election. ' Several senators butted in to help ! them out, but it was not left in a very satisfactory understanding. They ' seemed to be in a daze, for Senator , Bailey is a strong man. A good many pencils were at work in the gallery :,in! otiri'Uis results secured. if he I bought seven votes and they are sub ! traded from his majority, and also i from the whole vote, he still has a majority, if he bought four more, as ! likely, and they should be subtracted both from his vote and the whole 'count he would have left a majority; ; but. if he also bought the other lour suspected and they should be rejected . in the same way he would fall one short of a majority If he had as he claims HH honest voles it rooks like an egregious blunder to buy more than i just one vote to turn the balance in i his favor. If the senate figures the j vote in this way. and Senator Bailey ; gave notice that he would at an early , day address the senate in its support, j en.itt'V l orimcr will retain his scat. . It is not likely they will prove corrup ' tion on tiitcen legislators. On the 'other band, if the corrupt voters are least out of l.orimer's majority and yet counted in the number he is to I overcome, they seem to be voters and .yet not voters at the same time. The ; senators all declare appearance f cor j rupt election, and any corrupt bar I'Tous in their own ca.vcs is unthink able. J. C. ELLIOTT. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capita! -and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business 1 The following letter remain in the ' Albany, Ore., postotYtce uncalled for Feb. 9, 131 1. Perrons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised ettera, giving the date: 1 Dwis Blodget, Jessie W. Rounds. R. J. Brown. Adelia Brown, Mrs Gertiude i Brown, W. G Hark, Nellie Culler y, ; W. P. Dean. John Davidson. Henrv C. ; Day, Lee Evans. E. L. Gilbert. Mrs. 'Wm. Hayes. Mrs Josie Hart, Mrs. Lucv Laird. A. .Mueller. Marv New'on, C. Oliver, Mra Emma Paria Bill Sc tt, Mrs. Hes.-ie Smith, I. Wilcox. Wm. "Waidell. J. S. Van Winklh, P. M. TO REN I. Fnrnis td I o iselowping r ms, fi at l oor. liquid Burnt Shoe Same Management for Eightesn Years. Through Two Panics. J. W. Cfltjck & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches. pompadours, etc., made from comb, ings. Mrs. B. F. Pnrdnm, 135 E. First street, Albany. MADE IN A LP ANY, Show cases, counters, id . tner store fixtures, first-lass g- od?, bv the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep B'Our mum) i li.fn.