Spring Dress Ginghams In a great assortment, now on display Wo have all colors in the desirable Bmall checks and plains, as well as the fancies. We -carry only the famous Amoskeag brand of fast color Ging hams. Priced at only 12 l-2c yd. Cream Crepe Waisting In stripe effects, the new waisting, washes perfectly, and doesn't require ironing. Priced at 35c yd. Flood's Store Agents for R. & G. Corsets. Agents tor Standard Patterns Men's Slippers. At a price you can afford to pay. The assortment is most tomplete and the wide range of prices brings them within Teach of all. An appropriate and useful gift. Jtfen's Cavalier Slippers, $3.75 value '. $2.85 iMen's Cavalier Slippers, $3.50 value $2.50 Men's Faust Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.50 value $1.75 Men's Everett Slinners. $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.50 value $2.00 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.25 value $1.85 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $1.00 value $ .65 iStoltenbfcrg's Shoe Store. 334 First St. .ves, Stoves, We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch. Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. United Presbyterian. W. p. White, Pastor. The usual Sabbath services at 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian Science. Services 11 a. m. The subject is: ''Love " Ex perience meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m All are welcome. Grace Presbyterian. In the morning the subject of the sermon will be, "Tne Church and Its Missions," in the even ing "Temptation " Church ol God. 1st Cor. 1-2, 2nd Cor. 11, 1st Thess. 2 14, will meet at the residence of A. M Holt. J. Barn ford and wife, of Seattle, will be pres ent, preaching at 10:30. Baptist.-S. S. 10:15 a. m. Preach ing by the Pastor at II a m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. St. Peters (Epiicc.pal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning ser- ice and ser men 11 a, m. Evening prayer 7:30. S. S. 10 a. m. A cordial welcome to all these services. The Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, Bishop of Ore gon, will be present and preach at both services. First Presbyterian F. H. Gesel bracht, Minister. Morning service 10:30. theme: The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter. Evening service 7:30: Stop a Minute and Think: Some Things We do Know. S. S. 11:45, come and hear the o-chestra. Senior C. E. at 6:30. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." . St. Mary's (Catholic). Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Rev. John van Novel, Assistant. Services at 8 and 1030 a. m. Father Van Nevel will officiate and speak from the gospel of the Sunday St. Matthew 8. Sunday School 3.30 p. m. and service at 4 o'clock. The even ing service will be omitted. The pab- lic is cordially invited. Methodist. -3rd & Ellsworth St. Rev. W. S Gordon. Pastor. The theme at 10:30 will be: The Word of God is not Bound, and at 7:3.1 the theme will be-. The World's Worst "Famine. Class meeting 10. S. S. 11:45. Junior and? Intermediate Leagues 3. E. L. 6:30-. Srjecial music at each service, the orchestra assisting in the Sunday School. Free Meth'.dist. The evangelistic meetings held in the South Methodist church have been deepening in interest from the beginning and a number nave received great help. The preaching by the evangelist is forcefu and convinc ing. Evangelist T. H. Marsh will conduct three senicea Sunday at 11 a. m., 2 p. and 7:30 p m, J. i Lewis, Pastor. Christian Evangelist Violett closed his meeting with us on the eve of the 25th with 67 names added to the church register. So satisfactory was his work that the church arranged with him for another meeting oegirning Jan. 1, 1912, to continue six weeks He will oe accompanied by his wife and singer when he returns. The evangelist has gone for the present, but duty remains. We expect a ?reac aay tomorrow. Bible Schuol begins at 10:15a. m. Sub ject of morning discourse. Now Vi hat? Evangelistic Bervice in the evening. C. E. 6:30 p m. Everybody welcome. Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co.' J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roots. Iron and bteel Structures, Power Plant designs and spe ,'cations, Power Transmission, ,A... .;.. made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Works. r i JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. 1 Forty years residence in Albany, -. , Financial agent. Collections made (or . non-rcsidents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 14i. i ' " " TOM YOUNQ, I House and Sign Painter, Aicent for the Cleveland Gclscnite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phnn,. 32t). Paciff, Red W2 Wit LIN3 ft TAYLOR, ; Real Eitate and Insurance, Tl mut sell property. Insure property and transact Line or small timber J. M. RALSTON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and ' large amounts. Notes and mort ' gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-resi- dcim. . A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will X- Stark Block Albany loans. tracts. At Hastens 2 tons of Frnit in gallon cans, ! Peaches, Apples , and Tomatoes, I cheaper than you can put them up yourself. SAt Easttarns Don't. Worry! Conkcy Will Cure Me.. It cures MISFITS It was refreshing to have 4 basket ball game fairly refereed- Oregon has 5.000 Indians and onlv one is Linn, the center of civilization. The present legislature is about the slowest yet. Too much aviation mate rial in it. A man held up a train in Colorado, was captured, and then laid it to whis key, responsible for a good deal of cussedness in the world for a fact. ATTRACTION OF LIGHT Begins with the Cradle And lasts while life endures! brightest and the it sfazes ob- NORTH BENTON w. D. MorriB returned the latter part of the week from Nashvire He went by team and reports the roads in hor rible condition. The barn of Mr. Cole is somewhat delapidated caused by the falling ot a tree during the snow torm. ' It is rumored that the county court of Benton county intends bridging the Willametie at Corvalbs regardless of the tax-pavers. Such matters should be referred to the voters of the county, Araelia Sperling has been unable to attend school for some tine on account of a sprained ankle. Justice Johnston is doing some im provement on his residence. Henry Prettyman of Albasy has been visiting relatives at Oak Grove the past week. W. G. Williamson is anticipating a trip to Twin Falls, Idaho, to loek after his realty interests in that locality. C. N. Stewart is one of the busiest men in the neighborhood. He is a land agent and does everything but clsae the deal. County School Superintendent Mock is devoting his time this week to the schools of North Benton. Tuesday,, he spent the day visiting North Albany and Cloierdale schools, Wednesday Oan Grove and Fir Grove and Thursday Wellsdale. He reports finding eveBjt thing very satisfactory. through individ- the Note the infant manner in which steadily at the ject in the room. Reflect upon the ual s progress cycle of existence. Never at any time does LIGHT lose its significance; its attractiveness; its utility. What better argument is there for good lighting in home, business place, factory and thoroughfore? . The best artificial light is ELECTRIC LIGHT Electric light -Co, .128 Wesl First Street. Telephone Notice. To Telephone Patrons. You will coni fer a lavor on the management by re portii g to Main 600 any changes desired in the listing of your number or name in. the new Telephone Directory. The PSwific Telephone and Telegraph Co. W. V. MERRILL, Manager. F. M. French & Son For Jewelry. Read in February Magazine Sunset FIRST NATIONAL l tvt xr T D A JLi XV. San Diego, the City of Dreams Come True. Beautifully illustrated in four colors. Tetrazzini singing in the streetB of San-Francisco Christmas eve. Now on sale at all news stands, 15 cents. Attention Orchardists; We carry a stock of spraying mater ials. The right stuff at right prices. The season for sprajing is here. Call' and see us and get prices. STAWART & SOX, HDW. CO.. The Market. Wheat $.80, Oats 35c. Beef 6c;vealdressed9c Pork dressed 12c; on foot 9jjc Lard 16c. Eggs 27c. Chickens on foot 10c. Hams 22c to 27e, sides 20 to 25o shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c Flour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 60c oer bu. Hay, from $10 forsome clover to $14 tb best timotiiy Assets over $1,000,000.00. Strictly a commercial bank: IF YOU were to sit down- and think the macirer over, where would you open yoar bank account? WOULDN'T You open it'with a suc cessful Bank; one whose record has been of lon tinned growth; on-e that is making money for its stockholders; one that has built up an ample surplus to protect its depositors? . ON THE BASIS of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Bank invites your account FIRST Assets Interest, on savings accounts. fSAVUNGS BANK over $340,000.0GL SEE M, SENDERS & CO. COLUMBIA f LOUR, hard wheat made, makes splendid bread and more of it. At all the leading stores. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES . OK. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physi-ian, '.V.ii.iiiv Si.no Bavk Building. Strll --HI.1-V 4-C Homc- II. A. LE1NINGER. Dentist, Cl.iw ion! Block First Natk.nil Hank Building. Uomi Phone 37!) Oyster Fre.h OIyn-pi. r.t HoK' We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To ,be the best hard wheat blue stem flour in the city. The price Is moderate and the quality uniform. t all us up for a trial sack, and we'll provo to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. A. MTJKPHY, 225 Vlesi 2nd St. Meiidota Coal ia fast irainincr in favor, alwavs clean. free from soot, kindles easily, burns' readily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities make an ideal coal, best on the market for the monev. Sold in any quantity. prompt delivery. Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO A. W. DOCKSTEADER,. Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. WM. BAIN. President. p. D. GILBERT. V. P H. J. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a setoII sum opens- an accouat in our bank but, to have: a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that Mows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. II. T. .). STI ! E, Attorney at Law. Notary Public Legal business of all kints in all the courts promptly atteneti to. Bell phone ltW.J. 1 Albany ' DR. V. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block Albany HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds, ill) West Second Street. 1 1 CI M idi" in Albany my .No. 1 Edg virgin the Mi ST in the market. Various irradea nnd prices from tl.iS upwards. Every hut ch branded with my name. L.tok i r it. Examine these shingles bofori- txivin elsewhere. I . A TllOMPS N. We use no dry kiln. .can's Santal-Pepsin Capsuies A POSITIVE CURE PorlnfUmmfttKMi orCMUrrf.ol th UlfttMrr r.,t li..vd KM- if. IfOfv no tat. iur uit-kl? and r-'rmum'ntlT th rorvl . ul on or rbfmj nil Wlrct, do nutter ( bow '-nil ftnodiHK A btolvtvlj Trie (I , or tr mitl, pwti TliESANTAl-PEPSuNK. IhUrtoauiM. Ohfe For tale bT Bafthirt A Lee Ararat MAYBERRY TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. OtVu-c with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring. bagci.iRC work, turntturc and piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord, wood or cut .mv length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates on carload lots. All ohonc orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight hills left at Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co., or my residence, will be nromntlv attended to. R. B. MAY- BERRY, Proprietor. Office phone II. mie 17S. Hell 14J-T. Residence Home Bell Main 74. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. F'.rst-Class Work Guaranteed. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Alban, First-class meats of all kinds from selected stock. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice. Four chairs. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS 7 A fine lot at our yard at this city .just urned. Phone Home 431. LBANY BRICK CO GementWork iTjtimates (riven on Plastering, Side- alK and Cement Work. J . F. TRAVER. 4th A Calapoola The Riverside Farm KD. SCHtM-L. Proprietor Breeder and ImDurter of O. I. C. Hobs S. C. White and Buff Lephorns, W. P. Recks, Liht Rrahmas, R. C. Rhode l3land Reds, White Cochin Bantama, M . B, Turkeys, Whit . n t den Geese, r. Ducks, t'o r. Guineas Winner ct 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Esps in Season - Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - - R R". D No WANT A TYPEWRITER: See Rawlings about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other manes tor sale or rent Buy uiuiuiuy paymenrs. on