SHO E CLEAN-UP light desirable pairs in and $4.50 values. In order to keep. our shoe stock free from all broken lots and out of style numbers we have sorted out all shoes we wish to close out and have placed them on tables ac cording to price and size and marked them down to prices that will appeal to you. LOT A. Children's shoes from 2-11. All grades and weights. Choice, 50c. lrls shoes m patent leather, tans, kids, patent tips, etc., heavy and weights, values to $2.50. Choice, $1.25. LOT E. Ladies' first quality mostly broken numbers, some 'very button or lace patents, tans,' kids, cloth tops etc, $4.00 vnoice, $.u. LOT G. Some splendid values in this lot, good comfortable shapes, all styles. Choice for 1.50. LOT I. Ladies' heavy calf, not much for style, but great for wear. Choice, $1.35. LOT. J. Men's Florsheim high grade shoes, patents and gunmetal calf. Good heavy stock, desirable shape. Values to $5.00. Choice, $3.75. LOT K. Men's Asst. Some very good shapes.' Values,-$3.50 and $4.00, choice $2.75. LOT L. & M. Boys' good heavy shoes that will give lots of real service and satis faction, $1.00 and $1.65. LOT O. Men's real heavy work shoes, choice $1.75. Broken lots in men's high tops, One-Fourth Off. Boy's high tops, values to $4.50, choice $2.65. Some good buys in broken lots in the Men's Furnishing Dept. .Cluett $1.50 Dress Shirts, now $1.15. Monarch $1.00 Dress Shirts, now 75c. Boys' fleesed under . wear, 35c values, 15c. All wool shirts at a big discount. THIS MORNING CHAUTAUQUA AT THE Ea,iy AUUIIUKIUM LUUK 1 nUUSfc. ORDERED. News from Albany's Six Trams Mr. Nicewonder, who has had the management of Dreamland for several weeks, unJer the Portland Amusenent Co., returned to Portland, where he will receive his assignment elsewhere. He was a pleasant young man and made friends with those whom he came in contact. Elder Williams, of Tallman,. came down with a raging tooth-ache, after a bad night, and hastened to the offi:c of an Albany dentist to fix up his tooth. One does wel' to never allow their teeth to get the start of them. The Chautauqua board mot last night at the Club rooms, when complete plans were shown for a new auditoriun, a permanent structure, for the Oautau qua, already solidly established. Tho construction ot the building was or- j uerta, ann a committee of hve appoint ed by Chairman Ellis to raise the moncv for the DurDoae. It will h urn by 100 feet, with the roof above The receinta hv Ihn emintu ivr January were: rnrulHr $268.70; re demption land sold lor uriiquuni taxes $45.75; 1S6 hunting, M fishing licenses. -'uu. Total 514.-15. The fnnntv Pnurr tiluu han.n regular February term of court. Deeds recorded: Newton S. Nave to Geo. Work inger 40 acres the , - . . .wu. uiKer u acres 5?i1ai '.1? 7n -9,deA'itn "f ..A- Bruwn " D. K. Jackson lot seating capacity of 3.000 or 4,000. It will be situated down where the drive way was last year, closer and more convenient. Further time was granted the com mittee on lease, airs. Brown reported some propos.d ladies work nuuuier pension Ot lllO board Will be Mrs. A. C. Schmitt left for Portland on a few days visit. Mrs. Dresser went out to Thomas on a short business trin. Prof Wiln loO u:. u :n .i 1 . .v w ltlo uLuniiavuic uem una even ng. trip. , Bert Veal went to Salem. - I w Bert Stevens left on a Portlanp trip. ! Doing Things. Mrs. North left lor her home m 3 Washington county, after a visit with i . her sister, Mrs. Fred Veal. !.A correspondents in the Corv .His j Times-Gazette says: .T R ui,,!.!... i The days of mossbackism aro finish the neV a SharA The' seats 1?,? ! t0 nave arrived, also the windows, etc., : 1 .1 " ,, 7 . J" ac and now the real finish will take place 'n?"? J-ugene are leaving Cor and the churchue dedicated Feb. 19 , vilh,8 ln tn.e r.ear 18 because they ate The College Recitals. j awake to their opportunities. 1 uuu uwn connty ouilt or eighty thousand dollar hriHiro um.u u uLr: 1 1 ... .. ... . . . . vua iiiaiueLLM at mui nnint an Albany seventy-nve iSS obtain the trade of Benton count. TkoH-f t v , ! farmers and found it a profitable in The first of the College recitals was vestment, ete. held at the Presbyterian church Jast . nic-nt. a snipnnin nmimm Komn- nn sented, one of much merit, showing the SUnerior Work hmncr rinna in fha cervatory. Those taking part were raisB ora rayior, Miss Blanch Hara mel, Lee Fortmiller, Myrtle Sturm, Hllhert Fnrtmillo- fl, C 1. Winifred Rood, Ag'nes Wills. Ruth Jones, Mary Coulter. Lois Yates, Ger- i The Weather. During 24 hours it rained .40 of inch. The river has risen some and up to 7.3 feet. The range of temperature for nours was 49-37. ine prediction is: occasional rain snow tonight and Thursday. iruae loung. and Amy Olmstead in solos and Lora Tavlor and Earl Fort. miller and Mnrv rnnlt-o- anA fi.Ai Cheever in ducts. The rainfall during January was 10.68 lonignt anotner elaborate program , inches, more than half of which fell Will hp nrHBRnlAil nnrl lnMn. ft- .1 mnM Mimviiu" axvci umiiuk miea uuva, nonn at il n'elnelr fha nnnin AnA TIia Mnv: V noon at 4 o clock, the clocing one, an oi wnicn me public is invited. THERE'S..J30UND TO BE TROUBLE . when the doctor orders one medicine and the druggist supplies something else. And sometimes the trouble is extremely serious. We assume that your doctor knows what medicine to give the patient. So when you bring this prescription here we make it up exactly as directed, with no substitu tion, adulteration or dilution. BURKHART & LEE. Cemented - Invisible Invisible Bifocals for far and near vision mark a great advancement in the construction of optical lenses. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 923 JWest Second Street. F. G. Will A fine line of Jewelry, Sil-" verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere, price is lower. and Reception at Mrs, Weatherford's. I Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, Mrs W. C. Tweedaleand .Mrs. A. W. Bowersox, yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. -Weatherford, entertained over a hundred of their lady friends in a re- ' ception of a very entertaining charac- I .cr: ne aPcious rooms were beauti- The maximum lomnuMtn.. i..n the month was 63, on Jan. 7. and the minimum IS above on Jan. 14. The average maximum temperature was 43, and the average minimum temperature At the Cates and Within. Brnwnavilln Eastern I. Co. to H. E. Noble 2 tracts 14 2 tVest Dana C. Bilyeu to Ona M. Snel len 229.80 acres Eph Henriss to Jos. Rankin cem etery lot.". 5 KKX- 800 10 A school fund Apportionment. Superintendent Jackson is sending warrants out amcng the school districts of the county, amounting in all to $14,838, money greatly needed at this time of the year, which will be greatly appreciated. Of this amount Albany will receive $2704. Lebanon $1104, North Prownsville $530, South Brownsville $118, Harrisburg $350, Halsey $293, Scio $234, and the other districts accord ing to he school census, being at the rate of $2 for each person drawing, money. Order the fiftieth anniversary edition of the Oregonian enrly. See Ben Cle an. Biggest thing in newspaper life. Attention Orchardists; We carry a stock of spraying mater ials. Tha ri'ithf .. . nil "mi iiiciib prices. The season for Bpra) ing is here. Calli Wu owd uo nU (CV pi ILVtt. STAWART & SOX, HDW. CO: F 0. WILL,' lor' Watches Try-a box at the THE MISSION PARLORS An illustrated lecture on "At the Gates and Within" will be given at the iu were npnun- . iimiwi TTcuuesurv even nir. ren- iuny decorated. A couple1 unique ruary tn, at t:m p. m by Rev. Weber. 1 .l ' guessing contests elicited a orpnint ariPo This lecture deals with tho Immiirrnnt l and much interest. Guessing what's in I problem, and will bo highly entertuin- o wen no men ucuvu. wo aamis sion will be chaeged, but a si ver offtx ing will be taken. This entertain-nent will be given under the auspices of the Epworth League, and the yonng people's societies of the city aro especially re quested to attend. lOR SALr.. Linn County ranch, 864' acres. B. M. Payne, owner, Albany, Oregon. (Both phones.) FOR RENT. 14 acres near Albany, 8 acres in orchard, rest hay. See R. Volkman, R. D. 1. EGGS FOR SETTING. - Columbia Wyandottes $1.60 a setting of 15 eggs; Silver spangled. HambergB, Brown leghorn, Rose and Single Comb White leghorns $1.00 a setting. M. Ackerman, R. D. 5. Home phone ... ...-.uv. uucoiiib niiai o 111 rjacknirp frnm thn olinro nnl .... ....... j easy. Different kinds of flowers were fuessed from significent contrivances he refreshments were greatly appre ciated. It was a neatly managed tunc tion and did credit to the popularenter Telephone No ice. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer bows reniiea. tiia ana new vin inn t ti i n. ... .ol . icicjjiiuue ruirons. lOUWlllCOn- lor paie. . ffiP n .nvnt. nn tu , l Violin instructor. 32 years exper- nnrti, r tn Main finn v,o aL-.I-j in tha liatino- nf wmiw m.mKn- n- uuiuwci ui uuiiie in the new Telephone Directory. The Pacific Telephone ind Telegraph Co. . ,,WmV. MERRILL, Manager: ifnro 615 E. 6th street, Albany, Or EXPERT PAPERH A NGING, wall tint ing, etc., at special winter prices. Home phone 1390. 22t 10 FOR SAIE 10 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, big fine blocky birds from the best stock money could buy. Prices reasonable. Call on C. S. Shedd, 817 W 4th St , Albany, Or., or phone Home black 150. Did yon hear what fine bread that CommbW hard wheat flour makes. Ask any ot tne leaaing grocers for it. Clothes-racks and iruning boards made by E. B. Davidson, are the best on the market. Call at 739 E lBt St. F.G. Will for watches REAL ESTATE . NOTICE We hear of two suits being pressed against farmers that gave exclusive rights on their farms to a certain real estate firm in this town. (Why give exclusive rights), if a firm will not sell your place without an exclusivo right, they are not up to date, nor progress ive. We have sold more real esti. te in the last few months than any three firms combined. We dont oik for an excluiive right. Yours for Business, PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. Opposite Russ House, ' Albany, Or- FOR SALE. A good top bugg . C. S. Emery, 126 S Pine St. Phone Home 404 Red. WANTED. Second hand wa- on and harness. Home phone B 468. 6t Walter Parker Grocer and Baker iW WK8T KIRST 8TKKIt r,.ALBAN V OKBUO First class goods in their season. Poodc Main 50 City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, II. and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for flala and ranra in r. -i . - pHnM eocn nn I , ... ilj iigui v.UV . and $500.09 to $700.00. Payable 10 per ceni aown ana z per cent per month. These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are only 7 .blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city conveniences, including city water. OWEN BEAM, Agent. Stark Building. Safe, Convenient, Clean Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits. 8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights Lampt assorted Colors Just th thing for Christmas. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weil Sond Street. STONE For building, ornamental purposes, rip ran, filling, etc. Satncir at M. Sanders k Co'sstora W. L. COBB, R. D -I. fe,;nonv 3t5. J. G. Crnvvfurd's Photograph Gallcrv U in the New Albany State Bat t ui'd nr, second floor, with a complete ftininmAn- for nfrtn tuVima ni .! LUIS 1'OR SALli At the corner oi 7th and Main streets. Well drained. Sewer- connection. Five minutes' walk to Mndison street, school, to three stores, meat shops and barber . shop. One block to chair factory, and five minutes' walk to Albany Lumber Co.'s-mill, the Union Furni ture -Factnru anrl .-i. .1. T blocks fro mthe proposed electric j , line. These lots are in the center ; of manufacturing district. -Home' Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hackle- 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN ; To'le the best hard wheat blue stem Hour in I be city. Thn nriA la nnvlmilA n n .1 tl uniform. 3 Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll I prove to you that our assertion is ' correct. " j Sold on absolute guaranty. R A. MURPHY, 225 Wot 2nd St. New Mackeral, New Codfish, Holland Herring, Pure Maple Sugar, Pure Buckwheat. GILBERT BROS: Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Rugs. .3 Floors. Send Your Underwear To Our Laundry. Your underclothes are washed wi (lintil clirinb.... n.l M..f- .i oughly clean and free from odor if sent to our laundry. The garments arc ironed dry and smooth, and we replace lost button and mend them, free .of charge. Our service is appreciated by all the bachelors and many of the mar ried men. It costs little, why not take advantage of it yourself? Bundle them tip with your other work and give them to one of our drivers. MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. Both Phones 50. w. f. j6ns. v Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stable. Phones-200-R, Bell; Hone 1285. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MliDIN & STUART. AT THE NEW LAUNDRY Vhcre you can have your colors washed without running. Our experi. enced washer sets them before washing. Send your sweaters, Child's Ted dy Hear coats, blankets and fancy woo kn goods. We launder without shrinkage. Try us with your fancy silks and linens, all washed with the greatest care. Our Hat work cannot lie equalled anywhere. Call our wagon, Home 4.19, Bell 9.1, or leave your bundle with our down town agencies, The Combination Barber Shop or Arcade Baths Yolirn for htlsines ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY, Wyatt Bros., Props. Bell 93. Home 433. FARMERS NOTICE. List your farms with T. W. Horl back of the Hub Land Co., 10th am Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, la quick sales, for when jour farm liKfeH her mm 1 n 1 I in Portland, as I have an office thai also. When in town call and Jallt tW proposition oyer -ith me, Pho4 WAIT MEADE, I WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329Si:o.-ti Mrc, Btlwctn fcny & frcadalbin