The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00 By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.60. Alter 3 yeTS Bt $2. DOINGS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. -As Observed by Rev. J. C. Elliot. Washington, D. C. Jan. 24, 19)1 Dear Democrat: Jerusalem was the capital of both the Hebrew nation and church, lhis is the federal capita and in a way our religious capital al so. This was my thought as I at tended the "Fedcnil Council of the Churches of Christ in America" today. This can hardly be avoided thouul: wc have declared a separation church and slate. This council is composed of thirty two denominations and the purpose is to so arrange as 1o promote the general cause of evangelical religion One speaker made the purpose clear by comparing it to the political fed cration of ihe stales. The states were at lirst very jealous of their local in terest and were fearful to surrender any slate rights but the devclopmcn . past and in progress is to use the general government for those public interests whicn it could serve best anc at the same time have the individua slate do for the public good that which it can do best. Jealousy is now disappearing and mutual helpful ness growing. Jt is not the purpose to destroy the separate denomina tions but to federate for the better ac complishment ot common purposes. Ihe states arc not destroyed but strengthened by the general govern ment so the denominations can better 1o their great work in the work foreign missions, the conquering of an opposing heathen world and the conquering of a hcalchn fhvasion by evangelizing inem. Many good tilings were said but : think will be plcasantcr in the read ing than in the hearing. They seemed to lie talking to be read rather than lor present effect like Jicy talk in congress. The other day I heard Sen ator Hurton talk for an hour against - the ship subsidy bill and he did not seem to care whether anybody listen ed or not anil Ihe man sitting next to me did go sound asleep and snored. The senator was talking to be read, indeed I thought his clerk did the most of it by arranging his notes and quotations and authorities. Senator Cuminings followed on the same sub ject and talked to his constituents not to the few senators who were listening. So these hue talks today tin the Council of l-'ederated Churches will be more impressive if read. They were made by slrong men in Ihe Southern. I'rc.bylcrian, Iiahlisl, M. I-:. North and Souiii, Congregational ami other denominations. J J, C. ELLIOTT. Judge Lamar to the supreme Augusta, (in., !: and excellent : Mr. llryan't . tinned a long w iwl-s his appointment nun to the fact that i good tourist hotel links. .1 nick when ques ay ahead of national convention nine about Ucnioeraitc presidential possibilities was to name tentatively two or three impossibili ties of the nonentity type, thus prac tically committing himself to the sup port of nobody but himself. The widow of a man who was lynched is suing the railroad for car rying the limb on a special train. One wonders whether the road advertis- 1 the lit t Jo excursion. Tl ll.l !.. Mint. l.-.,-.L- money for their votes to obtain food. In other words, they sulci their birtli- ngut lor a mess oi pouage. Senator Lodge says he stands on his record, whereas, if he wauled to be with the majority, he would jump on it. Russia proposes to build a $75.1HX1. (XO Meet of war vessels for the lllack C... A .!!..... ,-t-L- .vim iri.l ill there, they will probably be safe. , Japan u declares us attitude n . much of the Pacific. That London Punch editor who died worth 50,iiwaiii may nave goi uis money oy wiiimik joivcs 101 a iiiivii, but he didn't cam it. We were much interested in the information given by gov. Kugenc Foss to the effect that Massachusetts is the birthplace of popular govern-. ment 1 1 seems at times to have been the abode of vcrv iiiiponular govern- mriit Tl.'e senate .omniiltec on elections .,ri..ii...,.. , ,i,., ;,i.. .i:it it will with regard to the l.orimer case, but it cannot rob the public ol its sense of that awful smell "The ship subsidy people are grad ually shading their demands," says the 'Savannah News. Which is n it news seeing that their demands have been decidedly shady from the begin ning. What they are trying to do in their change of scheme is to darken the imoh oi the public. It begins to look as if Mr. Taft's program would be carried out by con gress out the back door. An Atlanta school teacher has re ceived over l.UHl firoposals of mar riage since it was auuomuu-d that she is io inherit SlUl.UM, Mien who need the money are always oil the lookout f.r an ojp. n:!i:i: . Xo. gcmle reader. "AtK-e 1'onicrene" is not a new v.uicly of buly apple, but a new I'uitcd Slates senator elect. The presoi t leuislatiiro hail rather i snub I'ouine han do something for tho j people i San Francisco will use its own money and give tne world ho greatest show yet. I The' al businon lure is i: tn I'l.eing lilli vl little ccrecrn. f tho logisbt i any i f them TUESDAY. THE LAW MAKERS. ine nouse passed eight mils of r.o great concern. One requires judges to render decision within ninety days, and one raises the salaries of deputy labor inspectors. Four bills were voted down. 29 new bills were introduced in the house, among them: creating office of state architect at Balary of $o,000, ap propriating $20,000. Hack left, prohibiting treating in sa loons. Tones, compelling dealers and hotel keepers to keep a record of all poultry bought and sold. Jones, prohibiting roller towels and drinking cups in public places. Derby, increasing from 100 to 500 population for incorporating as a citv, Clyde, preventing intimmidation and permitting Doycots. . some of the new ones in the senate are: Carson, protecting Chinese pheasants iui nvu years. Barrett, classifying counties and fix ing salaries Another bill gives coun ties alone this power. Norton, abolishing conservation com mission. Next Friday both houses will adjourn anu visit u. A. u. To have a Second Road a Gaso line Affair. Review: Alexander Hamilton, of Prineville. and associates have plans perfected whereby Prineville is to have another railroad, equipped with all steal gasoline cars, in operation by July 4, 1911. Mr. Hamilton who was at Lamonta vester- day, telephoned the story over at length, to the effect that the Burvey had started and a fine route and fenm- ble grade had heen found from Lamon- ta south over the oass. and the first I five miles north of Lamonta and two i miles south is found to be ro favorable , tltnl- n.,al-H..t:n ...III 1 .-nn per mile. As Boon as from two to five miles can be permanently located teams v.iui. wiiavi UV..IUII will 1IUI. CAWCU ipUUU win De put on the work grading, and Inler moro will be added and the work rushed to completion by June 30. Orders for cars havo been placed, and they will probablv be seen in Prineville by July 4 of this vear. There is of money behind the project, according j 10 mr, Hamilton s storv. securities' (mounting to $3,500,000 having been ecently so d in Nuw York Citv bv the financial agent of the new company.. Grand Opera Attraction. The sale of seats fur the Grand Opera Scxtctto will begin Wednesday morn bur, Feb. 1, at Woodworth's drugstore, duals alii $1, 75c andbUc. Season tick et holders may roservo their Beats in any part of tho oporu house. ino such musical entertainment as i tho Grand Opera Sextette will give at 1 opern house today mght has been given in Albany in years. Standing room shindd bo at a premium when BUch nn attraction comes. Season tick et holdeis vill till a largo jiart of the soat(. He. el ve your seats early Wed nesday. When 1- real Grand Opera ever come t it" iy b 'foro? Portland gets little i f it. ve shall have tho best se lections from Knust and from Lucia as well us from various light operas sung by h'ghtly trained and experienced grand opera singers. A hh Schooi Reunion at Port land. Mrs. Edith Francis returned last night from Portland, whero she visited with her Bister-in-law, Mrs. Elsie Fruneis Bri.oks. A pknsant experience was a reunion at Mrs. Brooks' home of members of the high Bchool class of J"'". """owing preseiii; m Sj ;'' T ""'r i itiwuitin iiuvu, iiiiinu uyvi utuvos, Jessie Hyde, Mary Thompson 1 arent, ' Glen Uarton , and Mrs. Rrooks, all rosidents of Portland, and Mrs. jrrancjB Also Gertrude Uussard Miller. another high school student. A Play that Appeals to One. Continued success attonds ,-A Gen tloman from MisslssiDpi," now in its i third big year of popularity, and which comes to Albany Saturday night. A clean, wholesome play, rich in comedv and optimistic in spirit, it has a timely message, and in addition it is a splen did ovening's entertainment. Its appeal is general, for young and old delight in tho plucky light made by tho honest old Southern Senator and the courugo with wdiich he defeats the schemes of his corrupt confreres. Tho upnenl of this fight is us fresh today as when the play was lirst produced. Annual Recitals. Albany College Conservatory of Music will hnUlits annual midwinter recitals tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday afternoon ut tho Presbyterian church, elaborate programs have been pro pared, in which manv of the seventy students of the different departments under Mrs. Flo, director and teacher of voice Miss I'Jtnmu Sox, piano and organ; Grace L. llouck piano and kiudergat Un. Tonight at S o'clock at the Presbyter ian church. l or real sai d S. F. It will help tho whole coast. Tho northern Francisco. states vote! for San The Panama euml is for this part of III. Wolld. DON'T WANT COMMISSIONS Harrisburg, Jan. 30. There was a long article from one, Mr. Parks, pub iished in the Democrat, and in fact the papers have been full of it for the last six months, telling of the mmy rock quarries in Linn county. This is only a sample of the way our money would be spent provided that some of the graft measures of the good roads association became a law. No doubt there are one thouBandmen or more in Linn county that could have told of these rock piles that Mr. Parks took days to locate and test, and we farmeis call them by a mrre euphoneous name (Nigger head) That means they are a little harder than basalt. I also noticed that Mr. Parks found a rock quarry in Multnomah county that they did not know they possessed. Now this is nothing strange, the people of Multnomah county have read graft literature so long they are not account able for what they do not know. W v cannot build good roads with red tape and pencil. It takes brains and muscle, with a will to back it, and I have full faith in the farmers and tax payers to furnish both in Linn county, without any suggestion from a state highway commission or high salaried state engineer sitiing in a $40 chair. Yours in the interest of real roads, County Jake. WEDNESDAY BIG POSTAL GAIN. The receiptsjof the Albany P. O. for January were $1803:87 on stamps, while Ton,,,,,.,, ion. ti.., a tim qq ' an increase of $403 89, a fine per cent- age. Albany will pas ) the $20,000 mark by the end of the fiscal year. DOINGS OF THE WORLD Tho HtiTimsn line down tho Columbia i is to be a double tracker. Even Marshfield stepped the Johnson- Jeffries fight films. Only Koseburg i and Salem are reported to hare per , I mitted them. Congress put tho Pacific coast on the map yesterday afternoon by choosing: oan r rancisco as me D ace lor inw I'anama exposition. Ibe test vote was 18& to 159. The senate lias to ratify this, lo make it effective, Carnegie Library Fund. v New York, Jan. 31. The quarterly ' report oi tne united states steel cor- poration for the three months elding i December 31, made today, shows earn- R. J. Moses, of Beaverton, near Port ings of nearly $2000,000, with net land, was in Tangent laot Satutdav. earnings of almost $20,500,000. These . A new boy arrived at the home of figures are somewhat below recent ' Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Simons last Sunday U.1I.UI1UI.C3, uwiug emeuy to tne iailHlg off of December earnings. The total I lurx tjzjz ?rer ' : m . . 500,000 in 1909. and $92,000,000 in 1.909, Only twice before huve the earnings ex- ceeded this amount. In 1903 they wre : $156,600,000 and in 1907 they werei $Lnl,U0U,U0U. Wonderful Hoy Pianist. Pepito Arriola, the wonderful boy pianist, is to be here next Tuesday. The Examiner says of him: "Pepito Ar'iola played his second concert last night to another charmed audience. This little lad worked his hearers into enthusiasm. It was the vordict of his hearers that Pepito is the most marvelous boy of the age He makes belief in the stories of Mozart's precocity easy He has the gift of music and plays Chopin's sentimental ities or Liszt's gorceuus senuous music with tho same uncanny understanding. A blind person, listening, would say a man, matured and experienced, was seated at the piano. Instead, there is only Pepito, who is 13 years old and looks no more than 10." A North Albany Tin Wedding. The fricn Is and neighbors of Mr. and sirs, i naries Schoel serenaded their home Monday night, giving them a sur prise in honor of their tenth anniversary. Tnose present were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Golf, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rookledge, Mr. and Mrs. lladley. Mr. nnd Mrs. hit stone. Mrs Moore. Mr. Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson. Margaret Gibson, Mr. and V rs A. F. Luther, Mrs. Er roii h, Mr. nnd Mrs. Staev and children. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Golf. They all wished them a pie isant future Re freshments were served and all had ! goo.l time. Letter List. Tho following letters rcmnin in th Albany, Ore., postollice uncalled foi Feb. 1, 1911. Persons desiring any ot these letters should call for advertiser otters, giving tho date: C. A. Arnsun, S. C. Allen, E. W Arnold (2), Cha.3. llenton. Phil C. El bert, Win. llnyes, U. K. Mullany, Geo Older, Wiley Prater. Walter Sctlirel J. S. Van Winklk, P. M. A DAY AT SALEM The house actually passed nine bills yesterday. One requires farmers to exterminate weeds, one fixing price of state lan"d by board, repealing the law protecting beavers, one for relief of Geo Noesling. The bill abolishing cap ital punishment was killed, also the one limiting the age of a chauffeur to 18 years and the bill making 2 inches the minimum for tires. . The senate pass'e 1 four b.lls. fixing the salary of the assessor of Grant county, fixing terms of court in second district, allowing a deputy for the pros ecuting attorney for the first district and appropriating 159,000 for tbe As toria centennial. The governor has signed two bills, one providing for the registration of the names of farms and the other allowing Clatsop county to mako a special levy for the centennial. Nine new bills were introduced in the senate, 220 in all, and 21 in the house, maKing 306. A sample pf the house bills is one prohibiting wearing calked boots in public places. Abbott has a bill for a state immigration agent, and appropri ating $25,000. One fellow wants the waters of the Willamette investigated for irrigation purposes, with $4,000 annually for it. Portland Or., Feb. l.-Herbert My. rick, widely known as publisher, author, authority on American history, head o' the Orange Judd publications and inti mate of Roosevelt, will be the big at traction at the coming convention of the Southwest Washington Develop ment Association at Vancouver, deliver ing an address on Feb. 15. Mr. Myriek has been characterized as the "James J. Hill of American agri- cuT" ure. He is an organizer and ,i. Pre-eminently a self made man he js now the president of the phelVj! Publishine Comnanv. of Sorintr- field. Mass.. with between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 employed in his publish- 1 ing indnslry. ! I TANGENT. morning. j . iu. amtro. oj J. M. Sharp, of Madras, Crook coun- ?.-. bthe- . sister near Tangent. Misses Cora Scott and Georgia ' Blevins are taking the short course in : cooking and sewing at the O. A. C. The gang of workmen who are putting i up the new power line from Coburg to ' Albany are now occupied in Tangent. Miss Dora Moss who has been in the hospital at Albany for the last month i will able to return to nernome. i Ivan Smith and family have moved from Albany to Tangent where he will work on the farm of F. M. Sharp for a year. Mr. James Hunter, a former Linn county resident but now of Hood Kiver, was vlsitink Ms daughter, Mrs. lisdale, last week. Mr. Hunter has been on an. extended visit to Canada. New York and other eastern places during tbe last two months. He says that Oregon, is good enough for him. Grange Meeting. One of the busiest and most interest ing meetings of Tangent Grange was held last Saturday. Visitors from Western Sta Oak Plain, Ash Swale und Grand- Praire were present, making 25 in all. The greatest surprise was the arrival of twenty visitors from the Western Star Grange, almost in a body One application for membership was received. A class of two presented themselves for initiation in the first and second de grees, which, by request was conferred by tho visiting members from.the West ern Star Grange. Dinner was announced and? nn hour was spent in dispensing of the line repast and visiting. After dinner the officers for the en suing year was duly installed by A. C Miller, asssistcd by W. E. -Vitchcy and Lulu Miller. The visiting members entertained the grange with some excel lent suggestions j and gaod advice. I The sociil part part of this meeting has never been excelled in Tangent uram;e,nnd will long oe rememoerej oy all wno were present. The Linn County Council will meet in Tangent Grange hall on Saturday, Feb. 4th. "VIUOiLBVO - . ; S JAM MISFITS. An ounrp rtf RPnnp !n tbA finmo mnlrHR a pound of happiness. Oregon made three big escapes: Bowerman, Dimick and Abraham. It is not enough to be good, ont should do good, declares the G.-T. Steiner defies the alligators, and Bowerman will now have to show up. PpnnTp nit nvni ftiA Aoaf ,ro atlriner 1 " ' v.., " - ... ........ h about flrpimn la thet rannrt U!vpn talk helps. Rowprmfln an far lino simnlir noon tt grand stand player; but he is playing to the ground. New York is getting a bad dose of me oia system ot electing u. S. sena tors, nearly always nauseating. - This legislature continues to be some what of a farce; but there are aDout three weeks lett to reform. Great is the state legislature. After three weeks hard work it has passed a uni limiting ine size ot nrecracxers. The principal thing gbout one of the road bills is a $4000 job for the com missioner. It will get a gate put it front of it. The single tax will be knocked into a cocked rat by the present legislature. If so a good many of its short comings may be . verlooked Linn coontv people generally are opposed to these state road commis sions. Onr county court and super visors prefer to run trreir own road building. The Philomath editor calfs the Cor valtis editor ali the names in and out of the dictionary, whacks President Kerr of the O.A.C and hits things generally. But what of it. Tex Kickard says Jeffries and John son wiU fight again. Evert if the men are willing it should never be allowed in the interest of good morals. The preliminary fake talks atone are de moralizing. Besides the people have been bilkedenough. Last night a note was found tini er the Commerial Club loom dooi signed anonymously, declaring that the stran ger had been charged 35 cents for a hamberger snd a cup of corfee, while the rate on a sign discovered after wards was only 20c for the two. Frtb ably nothing in it, but how chitdi h to kick in that way to a commercial cl- b. An interesting tbng has been the light? between . Colliers and Post the Postum-mnn who make grape nut and other things. Colliers recovered $50,000 damages from- Pol because he said Colliers was fifhtitm him because- he wouldn't acivetirse in his publications. Colliers had exploded the grapenut aqm position! The insatra asylum investigation is liable to be a boomerang to Bowerman and his gang, and already it is -said is dbing so. Developments indica'e- that Dr. Steiner is a very efficient superin tendent, and that there has been little extravagance. If there has been it should be ferreted' out. But just now it looks as it the whole business was spite work, by Bowerman and ethers, wanting to made a reputation. The New York Tribune tells about an immigrant arriving at New York who encited suspicion of the custom officers. Several bumps were observed on bis dothes, and investigation; matter In stead of finding some things being smuggled they tound ill,uoo m hard cash. When asked what he was doing wain so muca money ns sam ne was doing to Oregon to bur- a fruit farm. Albany people, will be glad' to- see him. ALBANY HOT NOON LUNCHES At tbe Mission Parlors. Holt again at the Holt earner. A neat place. Holt's Meat Marxet. Fresh herring and smelt at Holt's. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery The best POSTS in Albany at tbi SAW Have your feet attended to by Mrs Driver 2S0 Lyon, both phones. The Optical Company have a large ana new stecK oi all atvbs ol i spectacles and eye glasses, also a vn neiy ot Hair pins and bar loop chains anu coain noxiers. we guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses and frames S.iock at Dawson's Drug Store. Good flour, the Columbia. Robert Brown has taken the agencj ot ine roriiann journal, wnicn he wil hereafter look after. Phone Home 337 Tho ladies of the Methodist church will hold a Saturday market at the store of Ragan & Laughead. All kinds ot cooked things for sale. Owing to the rules of Ihe Operr, cmuse ine opening ot tne sate ot seatt tot- the urand Upera Sextette had to bi p i tponed from Wednesday till Thurs U-..V 11IU1U1IIIJ Ol I V . J. C. Corner, of McMinnville. wil; . ain present his talk on walnut culturi a itiis city luesday, teb. 7, in th a-' i.irnoon. at the commercial clul r inns. He will also be glad to meet one interested in tspernto. If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's, Heave Drops. Price $1 For sale by all drug fists. Dr. S. C STONE. C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Geo. Sillers to G. A. Caswell, 40.21 acres $2075 Oliver P. Coshow to W. J. Moore. 60 by 39 feet 5 inches, Browns ville ... 1 W. J. Moore to Susan Martin, K interest lot Brownsville " 2000 Probate: ' First account filed in estate of Jos. Holuo. hearing set foi March 5. Marriage license: Robert Nelson, aSf'd 35 hnm in Minn un Uawl Schmidt, 28, born in Canada. botB of Tangent. Deeds Recorded D D. Hackleman to Jane Scott lot 1 bl b H's Heirs ad $ 10' H. Bryant to Meinert Ackerman & wife lot St. James Park ad. . 300' Will. R. E. Co to Oliie J. Ham mond lot Halsey 30 Demurrers by Hewitt & Sox in all the cases agt. the N. W. Fruit Ass'n. New Suit: J. W. Moore agt. Frances Gray, to foreclose mortgage. A. A. Tussino- aitorney. Maryiace lief-.nsp- Clan P Mnnm.a aged 2T. born in Ohio, and Rova Edith Hayps, 23, born in Oregon. No. 11 for the month. A Gentteman from Mississippi, The lone looked forward to engage ment of the big popular success, "A Gentlemen from Mississippi," takes place at Albany Saturday night. The effect of this play upon the scalp is. absolutely nil, but it diffuses a cozy warmth, it suggests tne oettcr side or the stage, and when you go home after- having witnessed the performance you. will realize that you have been patron izing refinement marttd "sterling,"' alii over it. CURE YO.TTR RHEUMATISM And Other Ills of the Body ': at the HOT LAKE SANATORIUM (The-Hou3e of Efficiency) Hot Lake, Oregon. The Oregon-Washington Railroad Sic Navigation Company Sells round-trip tickets, good for three: ' months, allowing $6.00 worth of ac commodation at the Sanatorium,, at Portland and all O.-W. R. & N. Sta tions. For further information and illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy Medical Stipt. and Mgr., Hot Lake. Oregon, . any 0.-W. R. & N. Agsnt, or write.- to WM. McM'URRAY,. General Passenger Agejit Portland, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice- is hereby given tSat the County Superintendent of Linn. Coun ty wilt hold the regular examination lor applicants for state and county papers at Albany, Or., as foljows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday. Feb. Sth, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing un til Saturday, Feb. 11, at 4 p m. Wednesday Penmanship" History, spelling, Physical Geography, Read ing. Psychology. Thursdja Written Arithmetic, theory oWeaching, Grammar, Book ccping, rhysics. Civil Government. Friday Algebra. Geography, Com position, Physiology, English Litera ture, School Law. Saturday Botany, Tlane Geometry, General History. For County' Papers, Commencing Wednesday, Feb. Sth ..'';'lock a- m- continuing un til Friday. I-ebruary 10. at 4 p. fn. Wednesday Penmanship. History Orthography, Reading, Physical Geo graphy. Thursday Written Arithmetic. Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Phv. lology. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government. English Literature itK XV-L J-CKS0N'' Co. Supt.' Albany, Oregon. Jan. 26, 1911. m?LMLBIA FL?.UR' htt"J ""eat if it ' T, .If o?1ndl-. b!e,d nd roora of it. At all the leacing stores. T4lf Wfpr Salem Oregon.