Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 03, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    DR. I I, ELLIS
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
MjiSn 38.
dontirtry on tha Pacific Coajtt Is executed here.
We have built np-oiir reputatiou on it. on can
depeud on iimhrV and cannot prt better nainlvaa
work tuuwbara, no matter hoir much you pay.
la;u,iiVWJ'-"".iNlaij'" " e finlan plat an4
r i 1 work for oua-
iWrTo .. r32Sl " "
t Ai. -.-- J.SVS bridge work ia order-
r.ff .JBfceKf -"" At'(3eJ- Cwuullilioo frri.
:.pri HtCr,., 55.Q0
kVfii-'- sidstidFiiiiiii. i.oo
p,tt" 5.00
:.;-.M5j PItao 7.50
M.W.A.WIIE, PimjiruiMimu P,n,ei ExtrMUn .60
it ium imiiou ia mum but methods
AH work fully KuarantMd for flfCoon yean.
Wise Dental Co., inc.
Painless Dentists
Fllllnj BulUlm, Third and WMhlnitoo.fORTUND, ORE.
OllFc. Heart: I A. at. to I f. k. Sandayi, I ta 1
In the County Court of the State of
Oreeon. for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubel. deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubel. deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet
ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Lirin, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany; in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
at private sale as prayed for in the
petition of said administrator on tile
herein, said real property being !e-
scribed as follows, to-wit: i
Lot No. twenty (20) in block io.
four (4) in Bartons Addition to the
city of St Johns, Oregon, according
to tne maps anu puis ui nu :
tion on nie anu oi tctuio m nu-v
of the county clerk in and lor .huh-
noniah county, Oregon, and lying and (
ueing in me (.uuiiij "-"-"
state or urcgon
Beginning ai a pom. turn
and liftv feet (430 ft.) south, and three
lmnrlreil nr.d thirtv-hve tcet It. I
west from the northeast corner i the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me
ridian; thence -south two hundred and
ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.) ; thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210
ft.); thence east two hundred and ten
feet (210 ft.), t9"the place of begin
ning, ' containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed this
14th day of December, A. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of I. L
Mbyer, Deceased.
X'ntire is lierebv eriven that the un
dersigned have riled their final account j
as executor ana executrix oi tne auuvc
entitled estate, and that the County
Court has fixed Monday the 20th day
of February, 1911, in the County Court
room in the Court House in Albany,
Linn County, State of Oregon, as the
time and place 'for hearing objections
to said final account, and for the final
approval of said account and the set
tlement of said estate.
LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Conradina Arnold, deceased, has
filed her final account in said estate
with the county clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and the county judge has set
the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1
o'clock p. m. and the county dourt
room as the time and place for hear
ing objections -to said final account
and the settlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Administratrix.
Atty for Adnw.
l'roim-tly obtain,!, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Stud model, photo or akeu-li for
expert search and tree report oa patentability.
INFRINGEMENT auita conducted before aU
coarw. Patents obtained thmtu-a oa. ADVER
SIONS and COPYRICHTS quickly obtained.
Opposlte U. 8. Patent Office,
drawlnaorpholo. fur eiiiertae arch and Tree report.
Free adVlce, how to obtain patenta. trade mark.,
CoprrWhta. etc N ALL COUNTRIES.
Btuhutt direct wilt WotUnfUm aot'rt (lav,
monty and eflrm tlu pcUnL.
Pitirt tad lifrlnpnnt Praetlc EieJealtalr.
Write or come to a at
111 Rata SMI. epp. trailed IteM Meat Oaee,
No session of the the city council was
held last nignt, there being no quorum.
Those present were the mayor, record
er, street superintendent, and Council
men Snell, Marshall and Curl. Mr
Miller is in Salem, Mr. Chambers in
Portland and Mr. Simpson in California.
A paving petition that will come up
is one for the improvement of Third,
fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets, by
paving, from Baker to Calapooia, signed
by onemun for each street, Dr. Davis,
C. B. Winn. J. G. Crawford and w. H.
Hogan. There is said to be strong
sentiment in faver of the movement,
together with Seventh and Ninth. If
one is paved all should be. Ellsworth
and Washington will also be paved this
Card of Thanks,
Albert A. Hedrick desires to express
his sincere thanks to the pall bearers,
Odd Fellows, Kebekahs and many other
friends for kindness, sympathy and
many favors, on account of the dea'h
and burial of his mother.
The Weather.
'36 in. of rain and melted snow fell,
and a little more during the day.
The river is 7.3 feet.
The range of temperature was slight,
Fr edict ion: rain or snow tonight and
r riaay.
Capt. Slaydon, a prominent military
man, died in rortianu yesterday.
J. H. Mulchay, district agent of the
S. P., was m the city last evening.
West Virginia now has a big bribery
case, is tne wnoie country corrupt.
Lewis Hill left St. Paul yesterday for
tne jn. w. on a tout ot tne tint tinea,
J. H. Shrewry. of the Warren C
struciior. Co. spent last night in Albany,
Frar k O'Brien, a prominent suburban
resinent or balein, nas been in tne city,
lwoa Mclntyre. wife end Miss Lewis,
of Croswece, Mich., have bten in the
A vote on the Panama exposition site
nas been asked and will soon be nad by
The Benton evy has beed pace,i at
jg 2 Corvailis tax for cilv an 3,.hooi8
13 mills.
The aviation meet at San Francisco.
a ereat financial success, closed with-
lout an - tatalit:es.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lowe, of the Cor
vallis Home Telephone office, eame over
this noon on an Albany trip.
J. B. Thompson, wife and son Ken
neth, of Dallas, formerly of Lebanon,
were in tne city last nignt.
Mrs. Bessie Cameron Simpson, instead
of being in the hospital at Eugene, is in
the hospital at this city, steadily im
Senator Lafallette has been re-elected
U. S. senator, the proper thing. He
is a man who stands for crreat thinzs in
Oregon has 658,610 white people,
1526 negroes. 5001 Indians. 7317 Chi.
nese, mostly in Portland, 3206 Japs and
o miscellaneous.
The New York Journal of Commerce
is reported to have been offered $100,
000 to give its support to the infamous
.snip subsidy Din.
U.O. and O.A C. will have to be
treated alike, and soon Monmouth will
come in for a like consideration. Three
big schools nil doing a splendid work
The Medford Library ABiociation has
been informed that Carnegie will give
the city a $20,000 library building. This
is the kind Albany is after and will
need, looking ahead only a few years
A pecupar incident m the quiet life of
Dallas was the birth on the same day
and nour to a mother and ner daughter,
of sons, each heavyweights, ten and
eleven pounds.
Mrs. Edward Allen, a resident of
Lebanon, for a few weeks, was in the
ciiy. During the absence of Agent
Ford in California. Mr. Allen is officiat
ing as agent there and residing in the
l ord home.
Besides having the best church build
ing in the county, Lebanon proposes to
have tne best residence, ti. w riogart
has already begun on a $12,000 home,
to be 3!i stories and have a pressed
brick and marble front.
A suburban car was robbed by a
couple of men near Lus Angeles yester
day. They entered the car li e Indians
and held up 22 of, them. The men
made their escape, one with a bullet
The junketing trip of the members
of the legislature yesterday is said to
have impressed the members with the
need of the U.O. for more buildings.
As the whole day was taken for the
trip nothing was done at Salem.
In response to a magazine ad. of two
years aru, the commercial club today
received a lettpr trom fritz aiegler,
Wittenberg. Germany, addressed to
Bury I. Disent, manager, asking for
information. He is a baker and candy
Rev. J. T. Abbett, district superin
tendent of the itl. E. church, was in the
city last night and conducted the reg
ular quarterly conieence ot tne church.
His home it in Eugene, where he has
bnueli' properly am' expects to reside
with his family.
hour distinguished me.i were at the
depot tins noun: Dr. Withycombe, of
, the O. A C, once nominee for gov
' ernor; Dr. Olmstean. lecturer of the
j United Artizans; J W Sherwood, com
, mander of the Oregon Maccabees and
i W. H. Jenks travelling passenger
' agent ot the S. P.
The celebrated Portage basket ball
teum will r ay the O. A C. team hi
1 "rvallis suoD-iy nignt. toert, cn
P ttMge "nier i 6 fet 4 and h
piaved the p'mition for the team cV-h
ve.trs Per age hut just beaten Id ,
Whitman W 8. C , Wuahii.Ktou .i
Ml An.'el The heat the Spartans 5
io 11 and Forest Grove 61 to 9.
The reception given yesterday by the
Civic'Improyement Club, for the benefit
of the Scholarship Loan Fund, was one
of the most pleasant and enjoyable
social events of the season, notwith
standing the inclement weather.
The commodious rooms of Mrs
Mason's pretty home were well filled,
fifty ladies beintr present. The pro
gram was one of rare merit. The tour
selections rendeied by the ladies of the
old musical club were especially appre
ciated, and those, who in former years
enjoyed the excellent recitals given by
this club, were delighted to hear them
again. The old members were all pres-1
ent except Mrs. Dr. Winnard and Mrs.
trot. Lee. ibeir places were nueu Dy
Mrs. Frank Powell and Mrs. Holbrook.
The others were Mmes. Langdon. Nel
son, Sox, Young and Nutting and Miss
Irvine. Miss Grace Langdon and Miss
Sox favored the ladies with several
brilliantly executed instrumental pieces
Miss Zijna Haight sang two D autuui
selections, which were very much ap
preciated, and Mrs. Flo sang in her ex
quisite style two admirable solos.
ine dining room was ablaze witn
light, and daintily decorated with pink
carnations. Refreshments were served
by a bevy of cnarmihg ladies unde the
supervision of Mrs. Bain. The offering
amounted to fib.
So eniovable was the afternoon that
the ladies decided to have another
function in the near future and Mrs.
Wm. Pfeiffer graciously invited them
to her home for the occasion.
News fron) Albanys Six Early
Prof. Henry Eby left for his former
home at Lancaster, Penn., where he
has relatives and will reside, taking
tl.ings easy. He has been a teacher
for forty-four years, twelve and a haif
being in Oregon, near Albany. He
likes the profession, but tmnKs it is
now time to retire. He leaves many
warm friends in Linn county.
F. J. Fletcher and L. E. Prouty went
to Salem to attend the convention of
grocers. The Albany grocers are ad
vocating a law requiring all packages
to have the exact weight stamped on
them. For instance crackers. As it
is now if you buy a two pound carton
you generally get abont eighteen oun
ces, an item in high living. Represen
tative Shaw will introduee a bill cover
ing the matter.
Rev. Lacey and H. E. Brown, of
Lebanon, went to Portland to get a
carpet tor tne new church, which will
be dedicated on Sunday, Feb. 5. It
was supposed the carpet was all ar
ranged for, having been ordered of
local dealer, but no order had heen sent
Mr. Ashby, of the Warren Construc
tion Co., came over from Uorvallis.
He will probably have a good Albany
contract this year'
J. W. Sherwood, head Maccabee, re
turned from a Corvallis visit.
Dr. Withycombe, of the O.A.C. went
to Salem in the interest of O.A.C. leg
Jos. Meiser left on a Portland busi
ness trip.
Art Hubbs, a Lebanon merchant,
went to Portland.
Editor Kirkpatrick came down from
A. B. Banta went to Lebanon.
C. G. Cowles left on a Portland trip.
Lawyer C. E. Sox returned to Salem
tor more library work.
A. D. Wheeler went to Lebanon
response to a telephone message that
ma motner was ill. Mrs. Wheeler
pioneer, is now 83 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith of New York,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atterbury Smith
of New York, are visiting at the home
ot Mrs. smith s cousin, Mrs. P. A.
Young. . Mr. Smith is a prominent New
York architect, and they are out to the
const on an excursion with a party of
eastern aremtects trom new y.ork,
Ch cago and other large cities, Mr.
Smith has the distinction of having
drawn the plans for Mrs. Vandetbuilt's
tuberculosis apartment house, which,has
attracted some attention there. It will
futnish apartments for 384, families and
has been established by Mrs. Va. der
built to verify the fact that- such peo
pie can live in New YorK as well as
anyhw re.
Last evening Mrs. Young e- tertaineri
a few friends in a delightful social
lunetion in their honor, Dur'ng the
evening Mrs Flo was heard in a cycle
of songs. Miss Emma Sox in plan
solos, and, under the direction of Miss
Isabelle Young, Caruso, Sc tti, Melnii,
Tetrazini and other celebrities. Choice
refreshments were served. A peculiar
incident was the discovery that Mr.
Smith in one of his European trips had
been at the home of Prof. Flo's folks
in Nurway, a theme for pleasant re
membrances. Mavor Johnson Named
C. V Johnson, the present mayor of
Co vallis, has heen recommended by
Congressman "'aw ey, as appraiser of
customs at Portland, to succeed the
ate lien. Sommers. v'r. Johnson was
hairman of the c .ngressional commit
tee, and his appointment is in keeping
"iih the political Bpint of 'he age. At
the same time he is a very competent
man, and is very popular in Corvallis
Some Smooth Alleys
The alleys at the AIco Club have been
put in Hrsi-clasa condition by the ecu-
mar superintendent John Schultz, sand
p.ipered an'l no!'hpd. Rnd better work
ie being done Numeroui 200 scored
i tve been put on the board. A nevt
4 rt will ha made at tbe beginning o
ne "onth i jr black board honors.
Los Angeles, Jan. 25. Yelling like
Indians and firing promiscuously from
pistols in both hands, two masked bhn
dtts boarded an inbound beach suburban
car on the outskirts ot Santa Monica
shortly after 6 o'clock tonight, and
after robbing 22 passengers, seriously
wounding one of them, were routed Mid
forced to flee by a single shot. The
car on which were more than 50 people,
was approaching Tokio station, when
Ihe bandits boarded it, yelling and
shooting through the roof and sides of
the car. The terrified passengers suu
mitted without a murmur, when one of
the bandits ordered the moturman to
take off his cap and pass through the
car taking money and valuables.
ine motorman and two bandits had
not reached 'Herbert Harlan, who was
sitting on the outside of the closed por
tion of the car, and under cjver of his
coat drew his revolver and fired. In
stantly the smaller of the bundits reeled
and with blcod pushing from both
cheeks, crasned his comuanio.i's arm
and both raced through the car to the
front and leaped olf.
Saw foxie Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers return
ed last evening from a trip through
California, visiting most of the promi
nent cities, having a delightful time.
They were at Los Angeles during the
b.g aviation meet and saw Hoxie make
I his tatal flight, a thrillinr scene one
does not care to see repeated. They
I were also at Pasadena during the great
roBe restivai, a mid winter event that
attracts wide attention. Altogether
the weather was pretty good. Like
other Oregonians they are glad to be
lwck in me wniametie valley, though
appreciating such a trip.
The Tangent Grange.
The following officers of Western
Star Grange No. 309, were installed on
Jan. 21, by Peter Freerksen, installing
officer, ably assisted by Edna Bleyins
ano raui Driver. Master, Henry Oh-
hng: overseer. Nettie Hulhurt: lecturer.
Winnie Ohling; steward, Walter Heiibe;
ass't steward. Rollo Hulburt: chunlain.
Emma Hulburt; treasurer, Warren Hul
burt; aecretary, Lottie Hense; gate
iteeuer. vviiue L,auDner. uerea. Kmmn
Laubner; Pomona, Mattie Hulburt;
Mora. Margaret Montgomery; lady
ass't steward, Grace Hulburt; organist,
Flossie Thompson.
North Albany's Depot.
North Albany is now squarely on the
map. It has a depot. It was taken to
the Junction of North Albany
Avenue and the R. K. on a flat car and
placed conveniently for the public.
Hardly a train but what lets a passen
ger off or takes one, eitherj to or from
ilban to Corvallis. The Albany rate
ia xv cents, tjorvaiiiB 4U cents. .
Larimie gained just 30 in ten year
and now has 8,237.
Ihe weather prediction IB rain to
night anJ baturday.
Dr. C. C. Wright returned this noon
trom a protessional trip down the road.
Chester Skeels, a pioneer Benton
county man, returned (his noon from a
Salem visit.
A drummer reported two inches ef
snow on the ground at Cottage Gro,ve
The Squaw Man will not come to
Albany, as reported, but will be in
Eugene the 31st,
James Petty, of Oregon City hasjust
been left $160,000 by a New York uncle.
A poor man suddenly rich.
Mrs. F. J. Heney died sudden'y in
New York yesterday. They had been
married only a conple of years.
Mrs. David West, of Shedd, returned
home this afternoon after a week's
visit at the home of E. G. Snyder.
Roosevelt will leave New York
March 8 on a western tour. He will be
in Portland about the first of April.
. Charles Adkins, e( Wilson, Or., this
season has killed fourteen cougars, and
is said to be the ohampion cougar killer
of Oregon for the year.
Six land notices are running in the
Scio News, all for Jas. Deering, by his
attorney J. H. Bagley, of Portland.
The land is all in 11-4 East, ,
At St. Louis yesterday in a ' bowling
tournament A. E. Miner mado 279, the
most ever made in a tournament. 300
has been made, but never in a tourna
ment. $21,1)22 will be distributed in
prizes at the tournament.
The Williams Jubilee singers, who
have heen in Albany several times,
passed through the city this noon from
the weet side to Eugene. They are a
tine body of colored people, singing
together for many years.
W. B. Warren, president of the
Warren Construction Co., yesterday
delivered an address on paving to the
stu-lents of the O. A. C. Mr. Warren
is a graduate of the Univemityof Penn
sylvania, an accomplished man.
A good sized audience last night ap
preciated the excellent rendition of the
Climax, a play full of interesting
events and situations. 'Iho Company
was STiall. only four in4 it, but they
made up in quality what they lacked in
Corvallis G. T. : A let ter from ex
Mayor Watters to his business assncia
ales here says that he and his family
r; located very pleasantly at 428 East
17th street. L-jg Ar.gelea. It is of in
terest to know thai a completely furn
ished six room bungalow witn every
modern convenience, including gas and
electricity, costs him but $30 a month
S. F. Examiner: William D, Fenton
f Portland is at the Palace. He is
foremost among Oregon's corporation
lawyers, and has served for years a
counsel for the Southern Pacific lines,
the Standard Oil and other big concerns
in the State. Lawyer Fenton was a
Democratic leader in Oregon up to lHril,
when he espoused the cause of republicanism.
Out of 125 Eighth Grade Mudents.
The county board has examined the
papers of 125 students for 8th grade
certificates, and out of the number only
ZXJ passed, ao tailing, all in Brownsville
and Crabtrce, 26 out of S'i in Lebanon,
11 out of 21 in Albany. The following
Albany.- Varda Bilyeu, Kittie Kyle.
Faye Yoder, Miriam Page, Walter
Gray, Lizzie Burton, Abbie Anntrsun,
Mary Bender, Stella Hoover, Kenneth
Fry School. Daisy Truelove, Wallace
Providence. Lina Stiers, John F.
32, Dixie.-Mae Caldwe:!, Ralph Har
ris, Dee Walker.
83, near Scio. Laura Westenhouso.
49, near Harrisburg. Grace New
man. 77, near Thomas. Lyman Small.
Tangent. Kdward Greil.
34, near Lebanon. Leona Smith.
Gates. Eftie Swink.
Lebanon. Murian Muotzo, Lillio Dun
can, Amelia Miller, Nullte Duncan, niii
sell Hall, Arlena Hoerr.
News from Albany's Six
Miss Pearl Conn, daughter of Richard
Conn, of Portland, left for homo after
a visit with her aunt Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Chesney and other relatives. She was 1
on her way home from ban f rnnctsco
and otner uaiitornia cities, miss tonn
handed the Democrat man a lemon
about as big as a pumpkin, she was
taking home as a relic of the trip.
1 gene, Roseburg, Medford, and other
William Ritchie, president of the places, making an exhaustive study of
Western Land Co. left on a Portlund the advantages and conditions. It is--trip.
This company expects to do an said that they represent Minneapolis t
aggressive businoss the coming season and St. Paul capitalists who expect to
in the colonization of its Lincoln county . invest at least two million dollars in
holdings. western Oregon in fruit land. Included I
in this will undoubtedly be some Linn i
came down from Lawson. He reports rhnllB-nri . hrtv here, If n-
business begun for the season, Corvallis $fitfSjfiftJi&..
getting the first sale. I county either tore or at Lebttn8ni t0
. ' look after the business
Editor Moore and wife, of the Cor-, Mr- Andrews is said to have resigned
vallis Gazette-Times left on a trip an $8500 job to come out here and delve
down the road. The G.-T. has ordorod in fruit culture. He was managing ed
a Mergenthaler for its newspaper and tor of the Tribune for nine years and
job business, a Corvallis need. for eight years of the St, Paul Dispatch,
and hm associates are prominent in
Frank O'Brien returned to Salem newspaper life in the twin cities.
after a couple days Albany visit.
F. M. French went down the road
looking at watches, with Garvais in
Mr. boars, of Portland, returned
home after a visit with his brother C.
W. Sears.
Va.r A 1? l.nnnw i-ntiirnnri In l.Ohn.
iw.. ... . v. .
Rev John Acheson, of the Third
United Presbvterinn church, of Port-
land. BtoDned off aftor a trip to Shedd,
It is expected the new church will be
dedicated about the 19th of February.
Coming, Grand Opera.
To Albany next week. Tho Giind
Opera Sextette, the best musical com
pany in years if not for ever 1 1 1 1 Not
mer ly one or two Grand Opera singers.
Six high class Grand Opera singe a and
an experienced and capable director,
seven in all, will present the best por
tion of five or six famous grand operas
in Albany next week, at the Opera
House, one night only, Friday
This is the best number, and by far the
most exuensive number that tho Albany
College Lecture Course presents this
year. Th .' c urse this year has been a
most satisfactory one. This number,
the American Troubadors, the Grand
Opera Sextette, is to be the climnx. t
will be real Grand Opera by real artists
with full coBtumcs for all the reras.
Wa ch for the circulars and tho posters.
Watch for the date of opening the suut
saie. l ii everyoout ot mo treat
store for A bany on Fob. 3, 1911,
The Vandran
, .
Last night b Journal gave an excel.
lent picture of the Vandran Hoto , with
the following write up:
Albany s fine new hostelry, the Van-
dran. is now open to the public, and the
proprietors, Messrs. C E. and George
vandran, are receiving tne congratula
tions of their many friends among the
traveling fraternity. The hotel cost
$45,000 complete, and is modern in all
its appointments, being hoated by
steam. Every one of its 60 rooms hah
an outside frontage, an I has hot and
cold water. Twelve of the rooms hove
private baths. The structure is ot ,cj
pressed brick with white trimmings,
and is a noticeable addition to tho busi
ness edifices of the Hub It is situatod
at the corner of Lyon and Ninth streets,
nenr rnp t nion oenor.
The Retail Merchants.
The retail merchants of Oregon held
a live session at Salem yestirday, full
of snap. Among the subjects discussed
was full weight, plainly marked for all
gondii, and a committee composed of
senator Kelluher, J U Mann. H. b.
Guild, K, J.-Fletcher end C. H. Buck-
holder was appointed to take charge of
the matter and se.-uro a proper law.
l'hcro waa, though, considerable oppos-
ition to to the idea of having all goodB
Mayor Rodgers, of Salem, ofliclated
s toast rm.sf3r at a big banquet. H.
Alexander, of Pendleton, was t'cclared
to be the wit of the occasion.
Mr. Tom Richardson, visitod the leg
isUiure yesterday. A great booster
who once sent a chill down tho back uf
(70.12 is the amount brought to W. J
Crawford, of Z'ina, by two fat hogs
which were recently purchased from
him by by Steusloff Bros. The two
hogs weighed 850 pound. Statesman,
ir. Crawford is a former p incipal of
the Albany schools, on account of hit
health ratiring to the farm.
Makes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
me only baking powder'
matfo from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
NO lime phosphate
The visit of T. E. Andrews, Arthur-
F. Williams and John Day, of the
, Minneapolis Tribune to .he Willamotte
Vallev. is reallv an imnortant one and
may mean a good deal. The men will
I visit all the fruit centere, Albany, Eu-
I Mr. Day, who was a caller, is very
enthusiastic over the outlook for the
valley and sees great things ahead,
particularly in the fruit line, now at--
traciing wiue attention.
. , i
wanii pavement ana ine urronn
., .s o
Scio News:
W. A. Ewing started on his California
trip Tuesday afternoon. He expects to
be gone about' a month and will go as
far south as Lob Angeles. .
Why not have Main street paved with
some standard Davinur material? Evhtv
town, of any importance, is paving their
main hu9inest streets those daya and
Scio should keep in the nwim.-
Mrs. T. M. Munkers, a Scio pioneer
for many years, but a resident of Salem
since the death of her husband, T. M.
Munkers. some years ago, was buried
at tho Miller cemetery last Sunday.
E. C. Poery, Dr. A. G. Prill and
Chas. Wesoly wont to Portland Tuesday
" ctiinmiuuB to comer witn ine ure-
gon Electric railway company with
reference to building their main or
brunch line into or near Scio.
S, w. Duggor, whose enlistment as a
bandman in the 14th Inft. expired last
folks since, went to Bremerton the first
of tho week, with a view of enlisting;
in tho Navy Yard band there.
Last Monday. Messrs. H. M. Mver
and Fred Jones concluded the purchase
of the hotel property from the then
daughter, Mrs. Maud Holland, the
purchase price being $3,600 for the
block of buildings and the lots upon
1 which they stand, This is the price
which was paid to G. W. Morrow sever-
year ag0 including the hotel furni.
A New Telephone Directory.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph.
CompHnv will issue their new dir ctory
aboi.1 February 16th. The new direc
tory will contain 108 pages and 3500
copies are required ino remarkable
Krowm or tms company i- shown lo
'hat the uctober 1910 issue contained
n7 ,BU a?cfl u"u ,uu copies were issueu.
J""'" of ll'B "ov directory which
' .......... ..uv,u,. "j -"-a
merchants is that the li K. D.
of every farmer subscriber
will be
A Small Blaze,
' "II
Tho'e came near being a Berious fire
nt the corner of Second and Ellsworth
striets lust night, .v box with omj
ashes on tne roof next to the frame
building. n the outBido, cang t. rnd
the flumes were leaping up the side of
ihe building when discovered. An
elfort was mad to get an alarm, hut
Ihe wires wouldn't work. Then a po
lice call was made, and a hose cart so
i ii red rVith a bucket brigade the
flames w re gotten under control and
:iri..Hu .jtintrninhml.
In the City.
Alice M. Heeler. Salem.
C. A. Kevier, Gates.
I), t.liff.ird, Scio.
S C. Van Doozer, Ponland.
J. L Norwood, Harrisburg.
Leigh' on Wrignt, Brownsville.
Dr. J. H. Olmstend. Portland.
'. E. Dinger, Corvallis
R. E Reynolds, Freebridge.
Prof. C- O. Ilargxjve, Portlkxd..