Albany Democrat " Entorod at Ihe poat oificet;Alminy,Or, btcend tints rruil rrattir. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. W ANTED TO RENT. A furnished farm. Address F. Whitford, foster. 13 1 WANTED. Mnn nnd wile te work I amuli poultry, fiuit nnd truck ranch on shares. Woman to do housework I for fnmily of two, Permanent place' and lino proposition for right parties. I Address "Linncrcat," Albany, Ore. FOR SALE FreBh Jersey cow. In-, quire V. E. Looney. Phone Home 1 2(152. t30 WANTED.- To exchange my equity of $175 inoneacre,4 room house, close in, 1 as part paymont on one or two lots in or around Penny winkle or Bryant's addition. For particulars phone Hell 191-R or 514 L. 1 HA V. Some nico grain hay, tats and wheat for sale. C. R. Widmer, R. D. , 4. Phone llame 2801. 23t j FOR RENT-Goodofliiceroom, f round floor. See E. H. Rhodes. 5t ' GOOD BEDS and absolute cleaniness at Walton's Rooming House. New nnd modern. Schultznew brick, next door to opera house. I FOR SALE 8 ft, cedar posts and anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It , NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot tled milk, will do well to ca'l the 1 X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2735. C. P. Feebler. CARPENTRY JOB SHOP.-Work promptly attended to anywhere in city. Office 122 Ferry street. Phone Home 2Sti. Pacific red 481 J. STEELE &CANFIELD. IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you are in need of call and sec W. A Ledoutter, he h .a a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for yonr inspection. At the corner of 414 Washington St., Albany. Oregon, PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuniiiK at Filers Piano House or Woodworth's lrug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, MUTUAL F1UK INSURANCE. Ore gon Fire Relief of McMinnville, ' and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, audit. THE UROADALUIN Mrs. Hoggs proprietor, Second and HrottiUlliin Sts. Family service, home cooking. Recent-1 ly moved from 2-'J Uroadalbin street. WtX'O FOR SALE. -Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill. , CHE-VP l.AND.-I.nrge lift good farms, mailed free. U, W. Tripp, Urowns ville. Or. lot I FOR SALE. -Here is a chance of a life time. 1 will sell at a ureal bargain my large truit oiehhrd on eay terms : or take part in city business proverty; . 27t E. 11 Rhodes. GARBAGE If west of Lyon street 5tV ! month. S B IVpny the garbage man Home pho..e LMtd. j GARBAGE. Fred I ainwater looka after garbage Phone Horn 2303. GLASS. All aurs an.l kimis, for sal at the Albany Pining Mill, cl eaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill It set, if desired. THE FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE. 80 acres, situated 3 miles from Al bany, good house and barn, nice young orchard, 2 acres of oak timber, bal ance of land in cultivation, 40 acres of which is the best apple land in Ore gon. This is a bargain and is a desir able home. I Good 7-rooni house, and 4 acres of land, situated in the suburbs of Al bany, just the place to have your own garden and keep your cows and chick ens. 20 minutes walk from First St. If you would like a home like this look this up and be quick about it. Good new 8-room house, one lot, telephone and electric lights. West Albany. A snap. I would say to investors, 1 am not promoting any land schemes, but do a straight real estate business, and if you wish to buy it will pay you to investi gate what I have to oner. Call per sonally at my office and consult the old Reliable Real Estate dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 West Second Street. No information by phone. FOR RENT. -Furnished housekeping rooms, brick building, 1st St. See or phono G. W. Wright. IF YOU WANT to sell or trade a farm, city property, stock ot goods, or any thing, are us, we can fix you up, it is our business. Gray & Feebler, cor. Lyon and 2nd St. tSl WE HAVE CASH BUYER. for 10 to 30 acres improved land; who wants the money. Gray & Peebler, Home pnone, 4t3. t.u FOR SALE. A second hand libr. ry case, cheap. See Democrat office. TRY Columbia hard wheat flour. At the leading stores. Ask for it and get it. t20 FOR RENT-OIMce rooms, well loca ted, luquiro at bank of J, W.Cusick & Co. 16t WANTEO. Any kind ot rewing or dressmaking, will go to the house if I referred. Phone Red 342 or call at S22 S Walnut St. Ethel Bray. t3 FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, front. California Rooming t.ouso East Second St HUNTING DOGS FuR SALE cheiin. trained or untrained Phelps & Grit- ' tit Ii. Wells, Benton county. Or. tm9 DRESSMAKING. -Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, shirt waists a specialty. i'uit alter- ; ations Mrs. lylor, rioom 5, Cali-! fornia House. 9t j FOR RENT:-Good roomy stalls fori horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 60S, E i' 5th St. t WANTED, - Hoarder. '.Jood home; cooking, at 832 Ferry St , corner 4th. 7t ! FOR QUICK SALES Hit your property ' with Grav A Pet-bier," Heal Estate! Agents, 2,ul anil l.yon Sts. lot j JM.OOO.- Do you want loan.or to make : a loan, see J. C. Christy, Atty. 1 St WANTED List your house and lot,! or loM. with T. W. Hornback, of the j Hub Land Co., 10th and Lyon St. l'hone 191-R. Albany, Ore. BUSINESS CHANCES List your i business with T. W. Hornback of i the Huh Land Co. Near S. P. De-j pot. Phone ll R. THIS I THE LA&T CALL Oti LOW PRICES." THEY ARL AOV AT THE VERY LOWEST EBB. THIS WEEK WILL SEE THE LA$T OF OUR WINTER'S STOCK CO. WUAT rtOW REMIAS VE &HALL SELL AT SUCH LOW PRICES THi4T IT WILL PAY YOU TO Some very choice values are still to be found in the TAILORED SUITS. That we can fit you well and please you greatly even at this time of the year is almost an assured fact. But the . best part of all is THE SAVING that you will effect. You are certain when buying a garment here marked down to HALF PRICE that that is EX ACTLY what you are getting. NO FICTITIOUS PRICES NO EXAG GERATED VALUES NO EXORBITANT CLAIMS do we permit. We have previously ex plained to you why we must clean them all at HALF PRICE Yes, HALF PRICE brings them down to less tharr-we paid for them but this much obtained from these suits and reinvested we think means more to us than to keep the SUITS. HAMILTON STORE A DOSE OF MODERN POLITICS. A sample of the methods resorted to down at Salem by the gang recent ly defeated in the election, is reported in an interesting story about hovf Dr. Steiner gave a champaign banquet in honor of Gov. West soon after his election, at the expense of the state. When the facts were learned it trans pired that there had indeed been a feed, that there were ladies and gen tlemen present, that the men paid for the banquet themselves out of their own pockets and that absolutely no liquor of any kind was drunk, both in deference to Gov. West, who is a total abstainer, and the ladies present. This gang is gradually cutting its own throat and hanging itself with a rope made by itself. And Oregonians are being given a dose of modern poli tics. SENATOR MILLER FOR THE PEOPLE. Senator M. A. Miller, of this coun ty, as in the past state legislatures, continues to land on both feet. In rapid succession he whacked the sec retary of state for filling an office he cannot attend to, opposed bills adding more officials, when we already have too many, and declared a $75 clerk could do all the work of the tax com mission for which the state pays five men. It is the business of a member of the legislature to look after the in terests of the people the same as he would the "interests of a business man he was working for, and it is gratify ing to know that Senator Miller is doing his best with the odds against him. BREEZES. By a Washington Man. A Utah woman says polygamy is the only remedy for divorce. The public then will prefer the dis ease to the remedy. We hope the "Houston Post" will not throw a tit when it hears that the battleship Texas is to be used as a target. ' ' Channccy Dcpew says "the country needs more statesmen and fewer car penters." ANo fewer joke-smiths, New York seems to have decided. Watch for the millionaire twenty yc.irs h.-iu'c who will tell you he got ins rr-t start by depositing his sav ings in tin- V. S postal savings bank as a little boy. Mr llarriman left a daughter who is occupied now in raising sheep. This is a great improvement over the usual millionaire's son. who as often raises well, other things he-ides sheep. The prospective reduction in the senate of the Republican majority from twenty-seven in the present con gress to eight in the next congress in dicates the probability of complete control of the I'nited Stites senate and government by the Democratic party af'er the election of 191 J. FOR SAt K - On lot third from the comer of Cottage and W Ninth, tent revise and well on it and bushesi In quire it the place. J. R. Mo-gan t ALL SUITS, GOWNS and COATS at SEASON END PRICES PERSONAL ' Chas. Childs, of Brownsville, was in the city today. C. E. Kestler, of Breckenridge, Colo., has been in the city Kenton Merrill is in P rtland on a visit with his mother. Frank Davidson, of Portland, is up on a visit at Mr. Bending'?. Mrs. Waldo, of the O. A. C. board of regents, went to Corvallis this after noon. Del Miller, who has been under care at the hospital several months, has been taken down with scarlet fever. the Bible club of the M. E. church j met with Mr. Tom Young last night in a pleasant socal sess.on. i Frank W. Woodmansee. of San Fran- cisco, is in the city on a visit at the ', home ot his cousin, Mrs. I. a, Munkers. Miss Vesta Kastburn will remain in jthe store of Ragan &Laughead, suc cessors to W. A. Eastburn, is clerk, : She is quite popular arid a very efficient clerk. Eugene will have a mass meeting to ' nigh to consider the commission form ' of goven men'. It will be submitted ; to a vate of the people at the election in April. J. C. Hammel returned last night ' from Crook county, accompanied by his son He was eighty miles below ! Prineville, and formed a good impress ion of the dry farming prospects there, . believing there is a big future in it far I the country. I Miss Belle Chance, of the Portland schools, arrived home this noon for a ; visit during the mid-winter vacation, j She finished the work of the old verm j this morning, caught the Saleso through j Oregon Electric at 9:5, 45 miuutes after the noon S. P. train, got into Salem in time to catch it, reaching 1 here at 12:05. The Coming Grand Opra. great ileal of ii teres: has already been aroused in the coming high class musical entertainment by the American Troubadors. w o are also called the Grand Opera Sextette. Mr. Scott voutton ot yueb c is the Direitor of the company. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mounts of Washington, D C, are the tenor and 'oprano. The other mem bers of the comp my are Elsie t'laven ore, mezzo-soprano; Lloyd A Carpenter, ba-itone; Gertrude L. Corey, contralto and H nri Lambe-ti, bass. Part one will consist ot selections from aust, ami will ineiude dowel song, the flower song, anil tha prison scene. Part three : w II ho the sext-tt- from Lucia. These are the best of Grand Opera. The . second pari will consist of scenes from . famous English operas, sueh as The Chimes ef Notmandy. Tho Pirates : from Pens rce. 4c. The sale of seats begin to,1 y at Wixv-iwnrth'a More than halt of all the seats available in t e pera house wi. b taken by hold- jrso' s-s n tic ts The five hun Hr.,.1 nthpr. in Alhinv who are fend of Voii music will . gar their seats! ei'l or tK cnane of ttsm ing. Trv our hot noon lunchaa, at the Mia , sion Parlors ii BUY i4AD (MRRY OVEF IMTIL. rtEXZ YER, YET, THERE TO COAE. Atito YOU CjM STILL GET HOME VER OUT Of THIAGS YOU rtOV BUY TOR SHORT PRICES. LST CLL! We must keep our MONEY WORKING and the STOCK MOVING. There is not a SUIT or COAT or GOWN in these reduced price garments but what will be worth to you much more than we now ask you to pay for them. Lots of time yet to wear them. Naturally those coming first get the best selection. . SPECIAL MILLINERY i PRICES The majority of all HATS that remain have been placed under TWO PRICES. You know what that means. These especially are we desirous of moving. These low prices will do it. TWO GROUPS SPECIAL AT 98c and $1.48 DONT DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to think of how much value good teeth are to you ? Do you know that many of the diseases of the body j Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach and good digestion?. Do you know that bad teeth in many cases are the cause, of throat trouble? I Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do clUCll LUC CjCb i Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the' first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? "VVhat is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth? i I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work i j GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capita! and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eightesn Years. Through Two Panics. J. Wi Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches. pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. IS MUCH OF VIiTTR vr- , r MADE IN A LB ANY, Show cases, eounteia, and other st--re fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep Jour money at heme.