rr Albany Democrat VOL XLV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1911 Hot Tamalies and OYSTERS at THE CREST BMfifiDP tuI flour, hav, feed . iTlUUK.C;?rain and chick en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 25t WOOD SAWINO-SSS or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facific. 3C We had a slight accid ent; but we still have some good dishes left and are still in the ring. MEISER & MEISER DOINGS OF THE WORLD LEGISLATURE VERY SLOW. To-morrow SATURDAY is the Final WIND-UP of our Sixth Annual CLEARANCE SALE Notice the last day Bargain Prices in First and Lyon street window. Only One More Week to GetPiano Coupons. Dr. Cook in a lecture in New York last night insisted that he reaehed the north pole. Dallas defeated Portage last night in a very tierce game. Tonight Portage will play 0. A. C. Last year Vienna led the world in the number of suicides, a distinction not desired. Chas. D. Norton, private secretary of President Taft has resigned the great job to return to commercial Ufa in Chicago. Special mectingc are to be held in Brownsville under Evangelist Van Mar ter and singer Chas. H. Hadley. Mr. Hadley assisted Prof. Robinson a couplo years ago in presenting a cantata in Albany, a fine singer. The number of farmers decreased in Pennsylvania 5,854 in ten years, also the acreage. The average acreage of the farms is 85. and the valuo$5o. iO, an increase of only $9. 112,999 are free, and 50.592 are mortgaged. Robert Johnson and Isadore Jacobs have bought the big prune orchard near Granger, in Benton counth, Judge Mc Fadden making the sale. There are 150 acres on the place. The new own ers Dronose to nut the property in first class condition. 213 bovs and 197 cirls were born II Linn county during 1910. Albany led with 141, Lebanon 111, Scio39, Browns ville 21, Harris'ourg 22, Halsey 15, Sweet Home 13, Shedd 7, Holley 7, Oakville 4, Tangent, Crabtree and Peoria each 3. Crawfordsville. Shel- burn. Waterloo and Soaavillo each 2. Thomas, Tallman and Plainview each 1- Tha vivnr nnrl harhnl hilld nnnrtintf- I ate $20,000 for the improvement of the Willamette above Portland, As usual this will be used between Salem and Portland and Albany will get soup. Coos Bay gets $40,000, Tillamook Bay $5,000 and the lower Columbia the usual big sum. Fourteen bills passed the senate yes terday. One was a third road bill, one : compells railroad agents to post cor rected bulletins of trains, one pruvides for extension of bounduries of cities, Barrett's county bonding bill for good roads, prohibiting the sale of liquor within six miles of public works, do- fining vagrancy and fixing the penalty. The house passed eight bills. Among them. Miller of Linn changing from July to January the time for the treas urer to make annual statement. Buchannan abolishing the whipping post, providing for fiscal agent for Ore gon in New York. Eleven new bills were filed in the senate, among them: establishing ages for children to work, vesting the legal title of the Cascade wagon road grant. fifteen new bills were introduced in the house, among them miwimi jjSTlMii 60 BEifOW Too Much for Cass'us Virds of Alberta. A letter was received today, at the commercial club rooms, fromCassius P. Virtus, a 17 year old bov. without anv relatives, at Irma, Alberta, Cnnadi. The boy wants the club to send him money, with which to get out of the country. The thomoneter had been 60 degrees below zero. The boy was working f ur$o a month and doubted if he could raise the money to leave. It was horrible enuuirh: but what can a com mercial club do in this line valley even for the alllicted of the world. People who go into the Alberta coun try ought to know what they are ruah iag into. Against a Utility Commission. Brooke, amending irrigation laws. Chambers, for the Droteciion nf lob- President McCune. of the Albany sters. Commercial Club, has sent letters to all Limiting wagon tires to 2,'j inches of our representatives urgn.g them to minimum. oppose tno mil providing for a commia- Forbidding driving automobiles by sion for public utilities, but to favorone anv one under 18. ! providing for the railroad commission Rackleu. requiring payment by cities to look after the business. Dispatches to countieb of $400 for each saloon li- have also been sent to commercial clubs generally urging action on this. cense. Abbott, creating itate board of ac countancy. $14,617 for street improvements oi u. AC. Abbott, creating state industrial ac cident commission. Albany College Notes, This move against more unnecessary commissions is a goon one, ana snouia be heeded. ALBANY UPERA HOUSE AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: W. J. Davenport et al. by SherilT to Louis Blumaner et al. 200 acres $ 1100 J. II. Glass and wife to Bank of ti :n .mor. (iKnftl xruwiiavmt3 ov ttvzrt-a uuu Saturday, Feb. 4th FIRST TIME HERE Wm. A. Brady Announces AMERICA'S BIOUEST COMEDY HIT A GENTLEMAN FROM . MISSISSIPPI Thirteen Months In New York. Eight Months in Chicago. Six Months in Phiadelphia. Five Months In Boston. Several cases of measles have ap- peared among, students rooming in I town. There has been none yet in Tre- moni nan. An interesting and very well-written little story entitlod "An Oregon Christ- mas, by Misb Inez 1. ttaston, a grad uate of the cIiibs of 1910, now teaching i in Klamath Falls., has been receiyed by the collcco library. Stanley Van Winkle has been eloctod yeli leader and will be master of: ceremonies in the local and in the state oratorical contests Next week will be musical week fori Albany and the college. There will be ' recitals by conservatory students, free ; to all. on three niehts. and on Friday : ni-,1,1. IhA Mirth nml hinf tuimhAr in thn 1 lecture course, The Grand Opera Sex.tWIW U)e special flew Year tympany tette, at the opera house. I i.kib u a . ' . u. l i o . UUIiEiK. UJI. K0086Velt I PR1CES- Several material liens filed. Inventory Robert C. Martin: property $1800. peisonal $39.40. real Chambers & McCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. , A Gentleman From Mississippi The best American play since The Senator. "A Gentleman from Missis sippi" will be given at the opera house Saturday, t ea. 4, ay a special company under the direction of Wm. A. Brady. This is the play lhat ran so long in New York City, and when I he summer came was transferred to the Aerial Gardens, on top the New Amsterdam Theatre, where the run was continued right through June, July and August, estab lishing for the first time in the history of the theatre that the public will go to see a play it wants to see even in a summertime r jof playhouse. The Electric. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paperi twmo and paper bags. . . Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones. Mnin 6 Bell, 3 Home. DOOLEY'S GROCERY Some fine pictures. Good GroceriesFairPrices-Prornpt Service M. Senders & Co, Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Hay, Grain, Flour, Seeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. The three cardinal points of this business We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell onlv PROmCERIES Ur PRICES ARE FA1R our SEkvJcE A safe place to trade, rurely-for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted cols and anpreciate the trade every custnmor i, to the ext-n- of nersocal servir. y customer we have Admission 6c. H WE YOUK CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT 4 MINTON; W) W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 DR. VIRGINIA I.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Elock. Albany. Phones: Office Home 3d9, Bell Black 2751: Residence 394 Home, black soJ bcii. LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the citv PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettyman, Managers OmFirst and Baker. ' Ho:e pLne "oSfhoneil- BANKRUPT SALE. In the estate of L. E. liorin, .bank nipt. Notice is hereby given that the tin dcrsigned trustee will sell to the high' est bidder for cash in hand, all the property, goods, mcrctiandi.se accounts and all and singular all the property of said estate, upon scaled bids being deposited with tins trustee up to live o'clock p. in. February 1st, 1911. All bids must be left with the undersigned at the office of L. L. Swan. First Na tional Hank Building, where list of the property may be seen and examined. EDWARD WASHBURN. Tru-tre. The Ret ilers. -$1.60, $h00. 75c, 50c. Empire Photoplay Theatre. The fifth annual convention of mini! merchants closed in Sulem yesrerlny. rerry wus reelected president, R. Alexander, of Pendleton, W.A. Bell, i Eugene and E. Brayford, Hood River ! vice presidents; Chas. B. Merrick, Port-', land, secretary; Thos. Watts. Reuben,' "The Girl Sov Before Virk.hnr treasurer. Mcdford was selected for A , ,,iJ VZ 7if 11 fnT.f girl spy, Nan, ill destroying an Ammu nition wagon. The setting of the pic ture is excellent, with thrilliiur sitna- TONIGHT I next year's mooting place. It was decided to place wholesale houses thul sell direct to consumers on the black-list. A good many of them do this to hotels and such establish ments. 3 Big Acts Vauieville. The Eastern Comedv Co have beon engaged for Saturday night in vauds. vine ana Sunday night in concert and musical acts at Dreamland Theater. Something new each day. Full pro gram nf pictures also. Admission ill and 16 cents. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer McVav of Crabtree, a 9 pound boy. Did yon hear what fine bread that Columbia hard wheat flour makes. Ask any ot the leading grocers for it. lions throughout. A Border Tale." A picturesque story of the snnigiflers of the Border. There is n little love mixed in it, but it is chiefly devoid! to the rough work of the smugglers The coloring is perfect, and the -jcliug unusually good. "A Freak." A picture of an acrobat who seems to be made of rubber, so unusual arc his contortions. "The Cowboys and the Bachelor Girls." A humorous mix-up on a Western ranch, with a party of Bach elor girls, and a group of .cowboy i, the principal factors. A dandy com edy by a clever company. Miss Crosno singing, "When I Gath ered the Myrtle with Mary." Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. SHAKES. SHARKS. SHAKES, at the Curli3 Lumber Lo. t28 BHEI3 BJ3E53 TONIGHT Murray Marshall ' C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C. i VETERINARIAN Authoiized To Do Tubercuiine Testing Phone Albany Stables. j ' WANTED. i A live energetic man for Linn county. Must be able to handle men under him, and tdrnih $50.00 or $100 00 gunr entire. To fucIi a man. we offur a life urpnrinniiy unit apleniliil future in Mig' Airencv. Address. THE VALI.EN REED CO.. 330 331 Lumber Exchsnge Bldg , Portland, Oregon. Stop--Look--Buy Wc have to move soon. If you arc giving birthday or wed ding presents this year BUY THEM NOW AT THE VARIETY STORE. Where one dollar is as good as two at any other time or place. ?3.'n to Ss.00 lemonade jugs $1.50 n 'D al id -i'ls 1.50 : i.t " to $5.fX) cracker jars 1.50 S.'.Hi to Xa chop plates 1.50 : $Z'XI hand painted Haviland Plate; i.oo 5(c decorated plates 25 Tlili VARIETY STORE, 313 W. 1st St. 11 REMEMBER The premi jm sale still continues. Bring in your ro ! nvulope.i to the Both Phones Main 53 iter w COMPP&i 337 V.-.t Albar y. Of STETTfR'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY