H" I At Your Service. Reduced January Prices Part" of the Electric light ing service which we offer our customers without cost is not generally known. f 1.25 Blankets at per pa-'r 89c $1.40 blankets at per pair $1.10 SI 75 blankets at per pair $1.25 $275 Woolnap blankets at pair....$2.2S 6k: and 65c wool dress goods at yd 48c a ill d iIp ri n 25c Wool hose at per pair 20c 35c Wool liosc at per pair 25c 25c Fleeced hose at per pair 20c 12Vjc Flannelettes at yd 10c Apron Ginghams at yd 6c ir -.r& - ..if . '. -.tATr.' ' A' Half Price on All Women's Coats. Our Big January Embroidery Sale is Still Oor. Flood's Store Aaents for R. & G. Corsets. Agents for StandardPattern Men's Slippers. 1 Ftl M fefc M MTTl ve P 1 Bar A new Albany building, an important improvement of 1910, the home of the Pacific States Telephone Co., Medin & Stewart's plumbing shop, Mr. Bui'ggraf's architect's offices and 'our private suits of rooms, all occupied. There are re ports of some other blocks close by this year. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. At a price you can afford to pay. The assortment is most v complete and the wide range of prices brings them within reach of all. An appropriate and useful gift. ATph'q Pnvrilipr linnnrc M 75 irnlnff tO Re. w , i- ri- m . Christian church. Evangelist Violeit 'men S cavalier Slippers, J.SV value !)Z.5U speaks tonight (Saturday) on "God's Men's Faust Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 .f, L?tve and .Su"day niFht B , , n r-i- ai tp 1 Christ's Unanswered Prayer. The- Men 5 Romeo Slippers, $2.75 Value $2.25 ! meeting is cftaracterized by fine inter- 'fn'c Pnmon ?lirinnrc DA vnltm 1 AS 'est and attendance. The sermons of it v-- 'ZriMr. Vololett are making a deep im vi I'll v i' vim i-i . t I 1 1 ) i 1 1 m i .tx. n v;iiiii s s npLouinn ' nn " ' " . . 1- 1- w . .... .r I VtX.. ... ...........-.... USfitffUl I"1""1"" Men s Lvcrctt Slippers, $2.50 value j $1.75 , Men's Everett Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45' Men's Opera Slippers, $2.50 value : $2.00 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.25 value $1.85 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $1.00 value $ .65 i $tolienbens felioe Store. 134 First St. We carry a full line of1 Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all other.':. --Also Majestic, Univers al Oak Ranges at suit your pocket- ves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co. Monarc!.. . nl and Ron prices to hook. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. J. LEROV WOOD, mctiiBiiibui - . t- n ;,.., u Kni-ii Iron and bteel Siriirtures. Power Plant designs and :.. iwn Transmission, Drawings mauc ana ciiccnm. w , , Albany Iron VVorkn. AS. F. POWELL. , 1 Real Estate. I Forty years residence in Albany. Or. , Financial agent. Collections made for lion residents. UO Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 14ii. TOM YOUNG, , House and Sign Painter, ; Agent tor the Clc-cland GcUeinte rool paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Tlione, 3211. I'acit.c. Red C"6l Ll.NS ft TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure ..nmrriv and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. jAt EastMrns 2 in J. M. RAt.STON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in su':.ll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled lor noil resi ilnm A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Stark ni.vk MI-'iiN tons of Frnit gallon cans, Peaches, Apples and Tomatoes, cheaper than you can put them up yourself. Al Eastburns This church takes pleasure in asking the people of Albany to hear this man as often as possible during the few days ho will remain with us. Meeting will close Wednesday eve. Jan. 2oth witn arecep'ion tonewmem- J hers. Uible school begins Sunday morn ing at 10:15. Come and help to make it a great day. First M. E. church, 3rd and Ellsworth St3., Rev. W. S. Gordon, pastor. The theme at 10:.'!0 will bo: 'The World's Next Revival," and at 7:30 "The Joy !of Pardon." Class meeting 10, Sun la I school 11:45, the "reds" were sliirhily i in the lead last Sunday in the member j ship contest. Junior and Intermediate Leagues at 3. Kpworth 6:30. A fire is being kept in the fuinaca today, and the room will bo comfortable. Cushioned' scats and a cordial welcome. St. Mary's church Rev. ArlhurLano Rector, Rev. John Van Nevel assistant. Sunday services at 8 and 13:30 a. m: Father Lano will officiate and preach from the Gospel of tho Sunday, St. Mathow ch. 8. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. and service at 4.' Tho evening service will be omitted. The public is cordially invited First Presbyterian church. Rev. F. H. Geselbracht, Minister. Morning I service 10:30, theme: The Vision of I Greater Things. " The Rev. C F. Koehler, pastor of the Presbyterian .church at Brownsville, will preach at both services. Sabbath school at 11:45. I Come and hear the orchestra prelude. I C. li. at 6:30. A cordial welcome to young and old. I Grace Presbyterian church. At the I morning service me suojeci oi ine ser mon will be, "The Blessing or unieai ized Ideals," and at the evening ser vice there will be a discourse on the theme, "Memory as; an Element in Future Retribution." Baptist church. Reeular services at the usual i hours. Sabbath school at 10:15 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m and 7:60 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. U. P. church. Regular services, with tho pastor. Rev. W. P. while, preach ing, morning and evening. Christian Science. Regular services at 11 a. m. Subject, Truth. MISFITS. Will S. F. get the expo. All kinds of weather this winter: New Orleans is doing something? too. Poor Pullman. He has been reduced. Cool wood. snaps make aviators off the A Seattle man cursed Taf t and had to paiy $10 for it. fhe Oregonian is very busy knocliir.e the Oregon system, which ought to- strengthen the system. Whacking Jonathan is about all some people think of. He may deserve a good aeal, but there are others. Tho insane asylum having been duly roc.sted the members of the legislature' will do-well to take a slice of the non compos mentis and get down to busi ness. . So-far the principal business don)- in the state legislature: has been abusa of Bourne and the introduction of bills- fbr spending the monv of the peopia in. big eaunKs. The legislative knife ought to bo used pretty freely. Past legislatures have been so frea with the money of the peo- ?le it is about time a halt was called, he state should be business the same as an individual. - Correct illumination is a science. It must be studied and mastered before the de sired results can be obtained. We place expert illuminat ing engineering service at the command of every custimer and prospective customer. Our object is not to install the most lamps. On the con trary, it is to give you the lighting you need with the fewest lamps, properly arranged. Electric Light Co. 128 West First Street. F. M. French & Son For Jewelry. A bill in the legislature provides fbr experts on initiative measures before they can oe presented to a vote ok the people.. The only real experts arc? the people. So-called experts would mere ly be jugglers to defeat the will ofi the people. Meudota Coal Eugene baa just reached the new telephone stage with the J's anct L'a onipyed by Albany for some time. It is an interesting fact that Albany has always lead the valley in telephone im provements, years ago being th first to have tha express system and ever since has kept in the front. ' Public Steiwraplier is fast gaining in favor, always clean free from soot, kindles easily, burns readily, free from clinkers, makes but little ashes. These good qualities make an ideal coal, best on the market for the money. Sold in any quantity, prompt delivery. Order from. ALBANY FUEL CO A. W. DOCKSVEAUER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Uluck 176. AND Will DR. MAKY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Alb.iuv St.it l'..i::l- HmMiiic tVll--Hlack -ISJ Home NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES Fir t National Hank liuikiing. Homo Phone 3711 II. A. LE1N1NGER. Dentist, Oysters o Freh MAYBERRY- TRANSFER COM PANY AND WOOD YARD. Office with Linn & Benton 2.cal Es tate Co. All kinds of transferring, baggage work, lurniturc aod piano moving a specialty. Dry wood for sale in any quantity, cord wood or cut any length ordered, 12 or 16 inch, for cash only. Special rates 04 carload Kits. All phone orders, baggage checks, shipping receipts or freight bills lelt at I-11111 oi lientoa Real r. tatc Co., or my residence, will be promptly attended to. R, H. MAY- 11ERRV, Proprietor. Otlicc phone Home 18, Hell 143-J. Residence Home 382, Bell Main 74. LODGE MEETINGS. We Guarantee ihe WHITE QUEEN The in:;. ympin at lloll't Clawfold Block Albanv DR. W. R. B1LYEU. Dentist, Will & Stark Block Shingles, n To'bo tho best hard wheat blue stem flour in the city. The price Is moderate ami thequality uniform. l ull us up for n trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaran'.y.- .Mbanv HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. Ill) West iccond Street. Made ill Albany my 1 Ldg Iitmr the HKT in ;he market. Ynruus. grades and price from Jl.HS upwards J K.'cry ourch branded with my name. ' l.-t-'k t 'r 11 .- Kvumiti? thoso idiing'cs ) before I living elsewhere. : E. A. THOMPSON. VY use no dry kiln. I A. MUKPI1Y 225 Vet 2nd St. K. O. every Saturday even Woodmen of the World .every Friday evenini. I.. Wreck, clerk Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon day-s. Modern Woodmen meet every 2u and 4th Wednesdays in Hussard Hall. Grant I-'roman. Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st r.rv 3rd Wednesdays in Hussard's Ha! Alice Jirk,Kecorder. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. K'rst-Clasa Wck Cuaramced. t. .). err! Attorney at l.aw Notary Public. Local business of al) kim:s in ail the courts promptly atlened to. Bell photic 166.J. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats oi all kinds from selected stock BRUCE & ANDERSON. Opposite the PostotSce. Four chairs. Prompt and ef:ic ient care of the face and hair FIRST NATIONAL Assets over $1,000,000 Strictly a commerci al bank: IF YOU were to sit down and think the matter over, nrliere would you open your bank account? i WOULDN'T You open it with a suc cessful Matik; one whose record has been, of continued irrowth; one that is making money for its stockholders; one that has built up an ample surplus to protect its depositors? ON THE BASIS of Forty Years of public service, a surplus exceeding its capital stock and strict economy of management, this Bank invites your account: BANK FIRST Assets Interest on savings accounts. SAVltNGS BANK over $340,000.00. t ! t : WM, BAIN. President. H. N. P. D. GILBERT. V. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK ' Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small swan opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must b persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in depensfcnee. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch, out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars .are financial acorns plan them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS BRICK A fine lot at our yard at this city.jusl mrned. Phono Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO Cement Work Sidi- iljtimatrs given on Plastering, valK nnd Lemenr worn. J . K. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia The Riverside Farm ' KD. SCHOFL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns W. P. Rocks, Li-ht Brahmas. R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Kantar.ns, .i. 1!. Turkeys, Whit nl den Geese, I'.t r Ducks, fo i Guineas Winner cf 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Ergs in Season - Stock for Pale Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R P. D No WANT A TYPEWRITER: See Kan-linns about a Rebuilt L'nder- ood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other makes for sale or rent. Buy on monthly payments.