The Reduced Prices On first quality shoes contin ues. These shoes are the i ends of lines that we wish to clean up. They are not out of style.' If your size is among them you will find a bargain that is difficult to duplicate. The prices on the table displays are 50c to $3.75. Look the mover. There's money to be saved. THE SUIT DEPARTMENT. Has some good things. Suits that are not out of style. Dresses that are not out of style. Waists that are not out of style. All reduced. Suits that are out of style, $'5.00. 50-inch Broadcloth in half a dozen shades, $1.50 grades for $1.19. 50-inch Broadcloths and wide mixtures, $1.75 and $2.00 grades for $1.39 and $1.59. , 50-cent grades of mixtures in a general cleanup for 19c. . THIS MORNING AT THE News from Albanys Trains. Six Early I COURT HOUSE Railroad men, running up to Detroit, reported two foot of snow on the ground at that place, winter there for sure, which means the mountains will be filled with snow. Geo. T. Hockensmilh, of the grocery ! department of the Young Store, went to Salem to attend the annual conven tion of Orecon procers. Last vear it was held in Eueene. It is alwavs a bier i thing, attracting a good many dealers all oyer the state. I Frank Loist appointed guardian Roy A. Waggoner. of Marriage license: George Wesley Smith, seed 24, baroer, born in Illinois, nd Prudence Vevn Stephers, 1?, born in Oregon, both of Albany. Hunters license: Conrad Meyer Jr.. aged 19, 6 feet 4, weight 220, tallest man of the year. Lawver C. E. Sox went to Salem tn ! I visit the library in the interest of the I the instance of the Albany Commercial Club and convention held at this city, i C. W. Tebault and Neal Bain went ' out to Lebanon and thence five and a half miles to the new orchard of the Linn County Col ony Co., which is being developed, promising to become one of the big fruit raisers of the valley. Deeds recorded: Willamette Valley & Cascade . Mountain Wagon Road Co. to I'has. Alschul. more than 800.- 000 acres, by quit claim $ 10 Ed. Holloway to W. S. Bridges & wf,76 100 acres 1 Henry Blakely to W. S. Bridges & wf. 22-100 acres 50 J. N. McFaddcn to A E. Daw-; son. 174 acres, 80 acres an1 ' 17.88 acres lfi 4 w 14,000 Geo. W. Warmoth to B. H. Goble, 60 acres G DOT Recorded: Affidavit of Wallis Mnsh .... , . . . i that he was confident and felt suit mat Sheriff Smith and Chief of Police T. E. Hoeg was not a marrieu an Hunkers went to Salem. Feb. 18, 1879. Miss Flora llason went to Browns- j y ville on a short business ti ip. . ' ' Miss Myra Montgomery, aftei a visit ! at the home of Sheriff Smith, and at IP the City. Springfield, returned to her home at Sheridan. I . . , , . , , Clyde Ward went to Salem. I . p- A- Cummins and Thos. Quigley o. Walta. LI.. A I K 1.. V HOlSli. trin tn PHnl LTlS ! Clott McGoldrich of Cuba, With Six PERSONAL Miss Zoe Trask. of (lions, is visitine at N. H. Wheeler's, , J. R. Wyatt, of Portland, has beenir the city several days. Miss Besie Ma:.'i!l went to li.rtland (his afternoon fur a visit with relatives. The members of the Baptist c-.urcb last night held a social session at tho home of W. A. Kimaey, a pleasant ntlui', ereatly enjoyed by all. The Tuesday Club met jesterday afternoon at t' e home of Mrs Oliu. aialnuker. and the usual good time wag hud. socially, in games and with a fine menue of refrtshments. Mrs. R. T. Sharp and daughter, Mrs. W. S. Alexander and Mrs. C. IS. Sharp, and daughter, Aletta, returned this morning from Corvallis, wnere they spent a delightful day with many friends. Miss WilletU Wright, one o' t' . brightest senior students of the Stats University, is ill with bilious lever at her home in this city. The many tr.ends of Miss Willetta hope that she wi I soon be able to resume her stuaies .at ti e uniyersity. Mr. and Mr'. D. C. Green returned this noon from Chicago, Indianapoligv and otho eastern cities. They w re at Chicago during the big H. M. Byllesby Co's banquet and conference, a great event wi'h the members 01 we com piny. Mr. Flossie Simpson, of Uugene, was" in the city t'.is forenoon on a short: trio. Mrs. Simpson this week had an. operation at the Eugene hospital andi doing splendidly, imoroving rapidly, w (act her many Aloany triends will be glad to learn. Frank Adams, the Dainter came down from Lebanon. Prof. Wilson went to Brownsville. Mrs. Arch Blackburn and child went to Salem. j Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fiddemann left on a two weeks visit with friends at Dallas. At the Blain Clothing Co's. lines on a hotel register for the C. S. N. Steele, the Portland real estate dealer. W. A. Ewing, the Sclo banker. .1. S. Thompson, White Salmon. Leonard Sidwell and Ed W ilkinson, Coburg. J. C. Lowe, the Corvallis Home tele. nhone manager: . ti. a. rtnoten, ot tne nomesteaa. ea- wooli THERE'S BOUND TO BE TROUBLE when the doctor orders one medicine and the druggist supplies something else. And sometimes the trouble is extremely serious. We assume that your doctor knows what medicine to give the patient. So when you bring this prescription here we make it up exactly as directed, with no substitu tion, adulteration or dilution. BURKHART & LEE. Cemented Invisible Invisible Bifocals for far and near vision mark a great advancement in the construction of optical lenses. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 923 .West Second Street. F. 0. W 1t 1 A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. Walter Parker Grocer and. Baker US WRST K1RBT TKISBT,.ALf:A S Y OKKUO - First class goods in their season. Phone Main SO Safe, Convenient, Clean Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits. 8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights Lampt assorted colors Just thi thing for Christmas. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wut Secon1 Stroet HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere, and the price is lower. Try a box at ihe THE MISSION PARLORS Winter Caps, with storm shields. ring to nata ai $1 r.0 Heavy wool knit gloves, lamb's knit gloves, lined Mocha gloves, All at the Blain Clothing Co's. Attention Orchadists! We carry a stock of spraying mater ials. The right stuff at right prices. The senson for spraj ing is here. Call and see us and get prices. STAWART & SOX, HDW. CO. Candies ! lem. I R. I I S. Post, Shedd. Letter List. Will Write About Our Fruit. The visit here of T. E. Andrews,, Arthur Frederick Williams and John Day, of the Minneapolis Tribune, la an nportant one from a fruit standpoint. . It is the intention of this trio to loolc -at the various offerings and after con sultation n ith various soil and orchard ; experts, write extensively upon the projects which are being , fathered in , Albany. After leaving Albany the staff corre. spondents of the Minneapolis Tribune go to Salem where airangements nave - Th. foiimino. ittr remain in tho t been completed for an interview with lhnv. Orn.. nnntnfficB uncalled for Governor West and sevei at of thi Jan. 25, 1911. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised 1 etters, giving the date: 1 S. Brooke. Mrs. tilla Davis, C. A. j Doty .Lumber Co., Vernie Ferrell, J Gnrley, Mrs. Birdie Hrrris, Mrs. A; P. Howe, Bertha Smiley. Lee Tapper, i the state officials. It U likely that the Salem. Board of Trade will give an informal dinner to the visitors while they are there. ' WANTED. Lizzie Wood, Lester Waugh, 8. J.,S. Van Winkle, P. M. ! Try noon lunches, at the Mis sion Parlors. H. S. RICHARDS Violin Maker and Repairer Bows refilled. Old and new violins or sale. Violin instructor. 32 years exper ience. 615 E. 6th street. Albany, Or. We PAUL N. Pogholview M. T., Druglesa Photician, Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bldg,Albany. 10 FOR SALE 10 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, big fine blocky birds from the best stock money could buy. Prices reasonable. Call on C. S. Shedd, 817 W 4th St., Albany. Or., or phone Home black 150. City Lots, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II. and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for sale and range in prices from 3250.00 and J5U0.09 to $700.00. Payable 10 per cent aowa ana z per cent per montn. jtnese lots lace btn and 6tn St. and are only 7 blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city convenience, including city water. unM bcam, Agent. Stark Building. Right Prices deliver the You Auto try it. goods ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP , WANTED.--To exchange my equity of $175 in one acre, 4 room house, close in, I as part payment on one or two lots in , or around Penny winkle or Bryant's : addition. For particulars phone Bell j 191-R or 514-L. , FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. In I quire V. E. Looney. Phone Home 2652. ' t30 ' EXPERT PAPEKHANGING, wall tint ; ing, etc., at special winter prices. I Home phone 1390. 22t WANTED. Beauty of Hebron potatoes I for seed. L. A. H. Jacks. Both j phones. t28 ! A live energetic man for Linn county. MuBt be able to handle men under him, and lurniah $50.00 or $100.00 as guar . antee. To such a man, we offer a life opportunity and splendid future 10 Mtg s Agency. Address, THE VALLEN REED CO.. 330 331 Lumber Exchange Bldg , Portland, Oregon. REAL ESTATE NOTICE Wa htve sold at least $100,000 worth), of farms in 1910. We will double thiav amoiii.t in 1011. Let us sell yoursl We can get tho price. We don't ask ex. elusive right. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. Opposite Russ House, Albany, Or.'. LOTS FOR SALE At the corner oi 7th and Main streets. Well drained. Sewer connection. Five minutes' walk , to Madison street school, to three 'stores, meat shops and barber shop. One block to chair factory, and five minutes' walk, to Albany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. Two blocks fro mthe proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hackle- man. t24 NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. WS7 J. G. Crawford's S -- ijhnfncrrrinri CmUerv a itvr i.vr j . ForhoiHing. ornamental purpows, rip Is in the NewAlbany State Bank Build ran. fillioa-. etc. n. secDnd floo-. with eompleu Samri'P at M. Senders Jz Co's store. I equipment fot pic toe taking ot W.L.OBB,R OI. fhone.Iuonw !- &5. all have the genuine and sulphur solu- us and set We lime tion. See us and Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. W. f. )6n3. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. Phone--200-R, Bell: Home 12a3. 11.45 Any Suit Overcoat or Cravenette. at W. F. Pfeif fer's New Mackeral, New Codfish, Holland Herring, Pure Maple Sugar, Pure Buckwheat. GILBERT BROS: Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Rugs. 3 Floors. i Send, Your Underwear To Our Laundry. Your underclothes are washed wi thout shrinkage, and are made thor- oughly clean and free from odor if sent to our laundry. The garments are ironed dry and smooth, and we replace lost button! and mend them, free of charge. Our service is appreciated by all the bachelors and many of the mar ricd men. It costs Utile, why not take advantage of it yourself? Bundle them up with your oilier work and give them to one of ouo drivers. MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. Both Phones 50. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town arc equipped with our plumbing wr.rK. We make a specialty of high ;las.. sanitary plumbing and will be l;tc to have you examine samples of our work. We have iuoved and are now ;it 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUAPT. We Laundry Everything. So why not send your laundry to ns and have the assurance it will not be eaten up with strong a cids like many laundries use. Our experienced washer avoi ds living them. By washing in. our suds your linen will lo-k and wt-.-ir better. Call our wagon on cither yh, nc or leave your bundle with our down town agencies, the Combination. Barber Shop and Arcade Baths. Yours for business, ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY, Wyatt Bros., Props. Bell 93. Home 439. FARMERS NOTICE. Lit your farms with T. W. Hon back oi the Hub Land Co., 10th an Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, fo iuick sales, for when your farm listed here with me it is also listi in Portland, as 1 have an office thel also. When in town call and tal' th proposition over with me. Thou WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S::o;d Strce, bUwccn Fcmv & Brcadalbin