Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    I Makes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
NO lime phosphate
Some of our legislators would put all
the money for roads into commissions
and leave nothing for dirt and gravel.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersignec
has filed her final account in the mat
ter of the estate of Henry A.,Clcek,
deceased, in the county court of Linn
countv. Orccon. and that said court
has fixed Monday', the 6th day of
March, 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. of said date as the time for hear
ing and settling all objections to said
account. Therefore, all persons hav
ing any objection to said account are
hereby notified and required to file
the same in said court on or before
said last mentioned date.
Dated this 27th day of January, 1911.
Executrix of said estate.
W. R. BILYEU, Atty. for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned referee will on' Monday, the
13th day of February, 1911, at the hour
of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at . the
front door of the Court House, in the
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
sale duly made and entered in the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Linn County, on December 6,
1910, in that certain suit pending in
said Court, wherein John Shaffer is
plaintiff and William- Bilyeu is de
fendant, sell at public auction, to the
highest and best bidder for cash in
hand subject to confirmation by said
court, all the right, title and interest
of the above named plaintiff and de
fendant in the following described
premises, to-wit: The north one-half
of the northwest onc-fonrth of the
northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp.
12 south range 1 V. of the Will. Mer.
in Linn County, Oregon.
C. E. SOX, Referee.
C. C. BRYANT, Attv for plaintiff.
First publication January 13, 1911.
Last February 10, 1911.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Townc, deceased.
Notice is hereby' given that under
and in pursuance of an order of sale
made by the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn on
the 16th day of December, 1919, in
the above entitled matter, the under
signed as administrator of the estate
of Mary Towne, .deceased, will on
Saturday the 11th day of February,
1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at
the front door of the county court
house in Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash
in hand the following described real
property, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
No: 5 in the town of Halsey,' Linn
county, Oregon, as shown by the maps
and plats of said town now on file in
the oflice of the County Recorder for
Linn county, state of Oregon.
Dated this the 30th day of Decem
ber, 1910.
Administrator of the estate of Mary
Towne, Deceased.
Nftice 's I reby given that the final
ccount of K C Farwell as Executor
. th. last w; and testament of the
estate if j Mooney, deceased,
ha bet file 1 h 'he Countv
Lit." co itv. -t
of O-
''tat he 1 th i iv
1 ur f i o
d. v a loin" vl l;v
hc ing f o.vcch
.oui ' an .' set- -m
fimc ny rs. ii
t'c i tv -pe
t Li jr the
i. - such final ac
reof, at which
i! - d in such es
n: ' nle objections
r and contest the
thfetc in riti
Executor Aforesaid.
AMOR A. TUSSIXG, Atty. for Exr.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
had been duly appointed administrator
of the co-partnership estate of Charles
E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do
ing business as co-partners under the
firm name of Fox & Cummings,
Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun
ty court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate arc hereby required to present
the same to the undersigned duly ver
ified as by law required withir, six
months from this date at his place of
business at the corner of Second and
Montgomery street. Alhanv. Oregon.
Attorney for Administrator.
Levies have been made in Linn coun
ty, as follows: ,
The county 10 mills
Cities: Albany 10.65 mil s, Browns
ville 5, Lebanon 10, Scio S, Harrisburg
ti Halsey 4, Sweet Home 5, Sodaville
Special road:-Dist. 3. lla mills; 7,
1 mil.; 8, 2 mills; 14, 3 mills; 15. 3 mills;
18. 5 mills; 19, 2,4 mills. 22. 3 mills; 23.
3 mills; 24. 3 mills; 25, 2,S mills; 29, 5
mills; 30, 5 mills.
Special school:'
.3 mill dists 32 and 106.
.4 mill 114.
.5 mill 28 and 104.
1 mill 2, 26, 34, b9, 72, 80, 86. 93, and
1.25 mills 90.
1 3 mills 35.
12 mills 115.
2 mills 3, 11, 21, 37, 54, 56, 61, 76.
2.5 mills 41.
3 mills 94 and 123.
3.5 mills 20.
4 mills 10. 33, 74. 82, 89 and 132.
4 5 mills 14.
5 mills luO. 1.13, 131.
5.5 mills 42.
6 mills 9A .
7 mills 79. 92, 129.
8 mills 130.
10 mills 52, 95. 112, 121.
11 2 mills 31.
12 mills 110.
13 mills 13 "
Y. M C. A. Won
The Portland Y. M. C. A. defeated I Clyde Lefker, chemest in a big ce
the Alco basket ball team Saturday ment works in California, after a visit
night 20 to 15 in one of the hottest , with his cousins Mrs. R. E.Crawford,
games played here. The first haif I and Miss Maggie Dunlap, left for Port
ended 10 to 9 in favor of Portland, iland.
Albany showed splendid metal against
the husky fellows of the Y.M.C.A. The ;
feature or tne o-arne was me reieree
work of Divelbiss, a member of the Y, I
M C. A tnnni nnd nonoh. The aud-
ience expected a fair deal, but he
i .1 . ......
proven- une ui uiw muab uiic emeu
nffifiala over horn find ft nnnp flrfver
tisement for Y: M . C. A's. The aud-1
; ieuc was hotter than the game ana leic
(with a bad feeling. If oasket ball
.i i . - i n.;li
piavera nera want ct wunu uicj
i hove to provide impartial officials. This
i one sided work spoils a game ana
I brings it into disfavor. Unless there
can be something different Albany pen
pie will stay av.ay.
The Weather.
There has been frosts a couple
mornings, and the atmosphere felt raw.
The river has been dropping ana
9.6 feet. -
Predictim: rain tonight amLTuesday,
warmer tonight,
t v. o-ui- c i o..j
John Gibhn. of Salem, spent Sunday
1 Albany.
in Albany.
W. R. Reed, of Astoria, was an Al
bany visitor.
General Owen SummerB died in Port
land Sunday.
Dr Luther of Eugene spent Sun-
... n
j.i. in, i....i .( n- n v
r,. . ' ... , . .,,
nvr?,LSladnn?nl bfeth'S p!T
next Sunday, preaching at the Episco-
pal church.
Prtece Rupert, B. C, is a new city
which has bgun operations under the
sinrlu tax rule.
The population of Cheyenne is 11,320.
a decrease from 14.0S7 in ten years.
going Backwards
iru. -i u :i-i,
ahc v:iiuiuii umivca a u.ft iiuovanc Tan j 10.11 .
when it takes in anything in order to , ;. ' . ,
swell its numbers. Whereas, There has been an open
t . . . . action taken by a prominent merchant
Lane county has 89 road supervisors. ' of Ab against the proposed "Gen
enough to drive the average co.nty jeral Parela post Tm;,efore be it
judge to the asylum. Resolved. That Oak Plain Granire
ine uregoman win issue a Dig anni-1
versay number February 4. It will
then be fifty years old.
Mrs. William My er returned this noon
from Salem, where she haa been on a
visit with her daughters. -
The story is around that Bowerman
'selected a duck pound' for an insane
asylum site at Pendleton. I Y "" -
,:. D i j i i . (adequate for the people, and entirely
! Bert Mot, now doing special work at in the interest of the express compan
Spnngfield for the S. P., spent Sunday y if ROBINETT Sec
with his folks in this city. '
Walter Looney, of Jefferson, went i
i to Philomath on a visit with his broth-1
. er, who recently located there. i
A copper mine has been discovered j
' close to Eugene, and that city is already '
a second Butte in anticipation. J
U. m. Mr8, . . ' .w''am8, of
McMinnville. are in the city for a few
days, looking after thf lr large Albanv
I holdings.
' Tho Wexford moving picture show
house in Salem, his just installed a
$4000 pipe nrcrsn. Th- business must
be a piying one. ,
Tha infant daughtar of Mr. and Mrs.
R. B Montague, of Portland, was bur-
ied at this city yesterday. The child
u-asborn on Saturday, hveingonly afew .
The Danish solicitor to the supreme'
court, a bi.- man in Denmark, has just
been sentenced to eight years in the
penitentiary for stealing over $4,000,000
iiuiu me guveruiueui..
The sporting events for today are:
eastern indoor skating tournament,
New York; tennis tournament at Pine
hurst S. C; fights, Abe Attel and Billv
Allen at New York, Tommy Houck and
Kid shea at Waterbury, Conn., Paddy
Lavin and Unk Russell at Buffalo.
Chinese new year will begin next
Sunday, a great event with the Celes
tial. Not much attention is paid to it ,
in Albany any longer, because there '
are few Celestials here. Years ago.
they sometimes fired crackers half an 1
hour without stoppinit, string after i
string and made other noises galo-e. j
Oregonian: Among the folk who are'
leaving Portland for Honolulu and ex- j
pect to pass the remainder of the win
ter in and about the Hawaiian Islands
are: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson,
who go this week to San Francisco,
whence they will sail on February 4.
Mr. Thompson expats to return by
Marcn is. rt. u. onsan ana
Hart also soon leave on a similar trip.
25 inquiries at the Commercial Club
today, all the way to Vt. and Mass.
They are in response to advertisements
and cards sent, and cover a wide field.
being from farmers, blacksmiths, law
yers, stenogr pliers, "na.dwure dealers,
real estate men, hotel keepers, e c.
A good many say they ate coming
west, but haven't decided where, it
will depend upon Che inducements.
They get honest letters Irom Ainany,
fair an3 reasonable, acco.ding to the
News from Albany's Six
Rev. Geselbracht retu.ned from
Brownsville, where he conducted servi
ces yesterday.and Rev.Koehler.returned
to that city after looking after the pulpit
of the A'bany Presbyterian church.
Good sermons at both places.
Representatives Shaw and Miller re
turned to Salem, with prospects of a
live week. Five road bills are being
considered, and some will pass after
being considerably pruned.
Among Albany people going to Salem
were F. C. Dannals, Dr. Collins, R. E.
Weaver, G. S. Sa.ndstrom and Hon
Rufus Thompson, the latter's son is a
prominent member of a body Mr.
Thompson once represented while re
siding in Benton county.
Mr. Anderson, of Granger, went to
Oscar Ingram, a Lebanon socialist,
Prof. Cordley and B. G
T uulu rtf Pnw.
tUICJT 1 ' . UbtUJ, i w
were among many going to
Mr nnrt Mrs. D. Rlissard and daueh-
ter went to Portland for a visit at . the
i .fu cj:.L nru:.n " 1
nuine ui lura ,uiiu yiiilc.
T.nuia T .nnlnn l-otnvnpd n Salem after
spending Sunday with' Albany friends
; tie is now in the Meyer store ana nas
; fourteen windows to look after.
' i n u n,.n fn
i mi. unu itiis. wt ia. vuaitr. w
Portland. " '
Deputy Sheriff Smith went out to
. W. B. Chance went to Salem. .
! -
tu. -n..ii-
ine kecepiion.
The Scholarship Loan Fund reception
under the auspices of he Civic Improve-
ment Club will be held on Wednesday
afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock, at
th! XJJZ- JMlil;,i
invited to be cresent. This is a phil
Illl V11V t,IUU0 1(1 Lll V.1VJT DID W1UIUIIJ
anthropy which should appeal to eyery
woman whether she belongs to the
is or not, as it is most practical and
; opens Theway for greater usefulness
; to young women ot limited means. The
! Feaeraon aijfdy-ha3 2T young
I : .l. lc. .l:.
mg women ot limited means, ine I
women reaping the benefit-of this fund
ana otners are appymg. iisiue . irom
the .worthy object a most enjoySbleJ
afternoon is being planned by the
committees. The Ladies Musical Club,
f which Albany was so justly proud in
q.,a n-nna h ... i 1 1 Panr! or aaaava I oalanl.
davs cone bv. will render several select.
j'ions, Mrs. Prof. Flo will sing, besides
other attractions. An offering of 2b cts
' fl0m Cilch Person is asked for the schol-
ai.9i,jp funj
A Grange Resolution.
The following resolutions were unan
imously adopted bv the Oak Plain
urange o. t. at aneaa. uregon. on
aoes aeeply aeplore sucn acuon on the
part of our home merchants, and
further pledge our renewed endeavor
for the Jestablishment of a General
Parcels Post. Be it further
' Resolved, That we are opposed to the
' recommendations of Postrnastor General
: President Taft in regard to Local
Liked Albany,
Corvallis G T ' -'
Rev. A. F. Ba'ssford waB at Albany
a day or two this week in attendance
at special meetings. Dr. Hinson. of
the White Temple, Portland, addressed
large audiences and made a tremendous
impression. Mr. Bassford says Dr.
Hinson is a power in the pulpit. The
local man was entertained ac the home
of Druggist Dawson, delightful people
with a charminir' home. Mr. Bassford
found Albany to Ilia liking,
Former Carriers.
A Knoxville, Tcnn., parer boasts of
the former carriers on the paper who
have become great. What s he mat
ter of the Several come to
our mind: Cou ty C'erk W. L. Marks,
Ch ir . S-.ewiirt, of 'he First National
ain'T-; mhers of this citv, Stanley
S'ewart, sui-rintendect of the ' ebannn
Electric Ligh Works. Drs. Loyd Irvine
nn-1 W. E. Stewart, of . Portland,
E.lwarj Lanning, a Seattle businers
man. among those that come to our
In the recorder's Court.
3. A. Lynch, who has been canvassing
for Better Fruit, this afternoon was
arrested by Chief of Police Munkers,
charreil with being druik and disorder
ly, an 1 wijs fined 10 by Recorder Red
field. Henry Wilkins. a tailor, of Corvallis,
was be I Fore Recorder Redfleld this fore-
noon on the tame charge and was fined
a and costs.
And Not Much Done.
Two weeks of the legislature have
passed. Only one bill has passed both
nouses, the Portland Broadway bill.
Five have passed the senate, none of
much importance. One changes the
name of the rnform school to training
school, one regulates the sale of tide
lands, one applies to deeds and mort
gages, one to adoption of children
The bill making county treasurers the
tax collector was killed, also four or
five others.
Five bills have passed the house, a
white slave traffic bill; making Oct. 12,
Columbia day, a holidav; prohibiting
pollution of North Umpqua waters; pro
hibiting transmission of explosives on
passenger cara and authorizing Mult
nomah county hospital to receive pay
patients. Six bills were killed, one
being the bill requiring signers of
inititative petitions to sign a statement
chat they had re d the whole thing.
Harlin Talbert an Actor.
The celebrated Squaw Man will be
presented at the opera house on Janu
ary 31st, aud will no doubt draw a big
house. One of the actors in the play is
Harlin Talbert, formerly of this city.
Mr. Talbert has been on the stage a
a couple of years and is making good.
His part in the Squaw Man is Grouchy.
The Company is an eastern one and the
press speaks in high terms of its per
formance. A Strong Play.
Not since "The Lion and the Mouse"
and "The Man of the Hour" has a
drama of modern life attracted so much
' attention as "Th lllimnv." hv F.dwart
j 1 - , J . --
I Locke, which will be presented at the
uucm uuuse ju jnuruuy UHII1L X .110
Play IS VirUle, full Ot Strong Situations
and good comedy , one that grasps and
'hnlHa Ihn nilnntinn ., a rlr n 1,1a
j ....w...
: manner. It Will be offered bV a SUDerb
! company and mounted iu an artistic
aiu mm me uvuiuui,apei.-mi Herniary.
. . ,
OVf the MtS,
I The Deschutes Valley Land and In-
I vestment Co.. of Culver, over the Mts.,
offers $1,000 in prizes for the nearest
guess ot ths time when the first engi..e
I will cross the line of the Culver June-
nlust first be , ft 8
at leagt ?10 , T t .
. Culverf u js t b h , 3
UnR. R. to Prineville and all manner
I of things are being projected.
The Harrisburg Woodmen.
The M. W.
:....n..:.. .
A '8 of Harrisbur? held
u i mm
n jeve
installation of officers last Suturday
evening as louows:
Glen Holt consul; L W. Hathaway
WA.';" R. W. right clenk; Harry
Holt banker; Mike Hochdanner mana-
ger; Emmettertwright, Jess Stock-
J ., 1 .. ...... -An . 11 LI .ln.. .. u
dale guards; George Barley escort; R.
W. V righfehief lorester.
Following the installation a bachelor's
spread was furnished and a general
good time was had.
J. S. L3mar, of Peoria, was in town
Eggs have taken another tumble and
are down to 27 cents.
Mrs. J. A. Howard and son Frederick
left today for Amity.
Roy Pirtle and family went t Halsey
this afternoon for a visit. .
Another cold wave is predicted back
east. It may reach the coast.
' Besides Copper asbestos is being found
on the D. W. Jarvis farm near Eugene.
A. H. Lea, field man for the Hazel
wood Creamery Co. Portland, has been
in the city today. f
The state legislature tomorrow wil'
take a junketing trip to Engene to see
the U. O., by special invitation.
Doug Hamilton is said to have been
limburger cheesed this week, one of a
few thrilling experiences in hie life.
Rev. J. F. Stewart, of J Woodburn,
formerly of Albuny, stopped off today
while on his way to California on a
Yesterday the committee appointed
by the legislature visited the proposed
asylum site at Pendleton, and then
made ciams ot themselves.
Cyrus H, Walker, of th's city, has
organized a Grange ac Wilbur, Douglas
county, making eight in that county,
where the Grange is again picking up.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harrison, of the
Electric theatre have gone to Eastern
Washington on a trip for the benefit of
Mrs. Harrison's health.
One of the daughters of tho late 3
L. Kline, of Corvadis, formerly Mis
Hazel, now married, is tring to break
the will, and the case m now in the cir
cuit court.
David Graham Phillips, au hor of the
Golden Fieece and u!l,t-r novels, was
shut and killed j eu-niay by a young
man who had been a gui.d
many favors.
M. S. Durbin, of the U.S. forestry
service, after a trip to Portland, went
to Euvene this afternoon. He i anx
ious to have house bil GO providing for
better fire protection, pass.
Basket ball fans are interested in the
coming game to be played Friday night
between Albany high and Eugene high.
Though Albany was beaten atNewberg
.'s to 24 and at McMinnville 24 to 23
they have faith in Albany being able to,
and the game. . , . I
T. E. Andrews, Arthur Frederic Will. I
iams and John Day. representing the1
itiinneai.pli Triutiiie to investigate the
fiuit laid situation nd report upon the
charprt- r of th various development
proroii o i oncred lo the investing
public n1 ilK-w,n Cities," are her.
torify In- o'nn over several of the local
The executive board of the Albany
Commercial Club met last night with
Pres. E. H. McCune in the chair, and
the following present: Sec. Van Winkle.
Treas. Bain, Wm Eagles, Dr. Ellis, L.
n. Hamilton, j.-k. Huiuerc, Hi. A.
Johnson, W. H. Marvin, C. H. Stew
art, George Taylor, P. A. Young.
A telegram was read from C. C.
Chapman, Sec. Oregon Development
League, urging co-operation of this
Club in demonstrating by telegraph to
President Taft Oregon's forceful and
determined indorsement of San Fran
Cisco for Panama-Pacific Exposition.
A copy of a telegram sent by President
McCune of this Ciub was read,
A telegram was also read from Phillip
S. Bates reauesting a strong delegation
from this Club to support the Good
Roads bills. The Club decided to leave
Che matter to the discretion of our rep
resentstives. A letter was read from J. C. Cooper
relative to a return date for a lecture
on Walnut Growing in Oregon. The
secretary was instructed to correspond
with Mr. Cooper, and leavo fixing of
date to him.
A letter was read from B. F. Cran
shaw, Sec. of the Astoria Centennial,
soliciting the co-operation of this Club
in urging our representatives to sup
port the bill for an appropriation of
$100,000 to aid the Astoria Centennial,
The matter was left to the legislature.
A committee appointed to circulate a
petition against the passage of the
Parcels Post bill, reported progress in
matter in hand.
A letter was ordered sent addressed
to our Congressmen about the P. O
building situation in .his city.
News From Albany's Six Early
' - Trains.
J. E. Hulbert, R. K. Ohling and E.F.
Sox left for Portland to attend the
state convention of hareware men. an
important one. About two hundred
will be in attendance, considering one
oi tne greatest, businesses ot tno stntq,
Superintendent Brlcpa and E. A
Johnson went to Salem in the interest
ui a spuciui mil remunerating luucnurs i r , .
of the defunct normal schools, undor '
the old contracts, a case calling for a i Ella F. Hedrick. wife of R. T. Hed
square deal on the part of tho state. rick, mother of Alice F. and Albert A.
Cecil Cathev returned from Corvallis.
where he received orders for a couple
of the McCloskey bookkeeping systems,
a modern institution that is meeting
with a good deal of favor. There are
six of tliem in Albany and every city
has the new system.
J. B. Cougle returned to Lebanon, to
finish the work on tho finest church in
Linn county. A picture in a Portland
paper mentioned it as a $2o,000 church,
which is said to be the value, but- tho
cost has been about $17,000. Tho timo
for dedication has not yet been set,
. r - ..
Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, of the
Merrv Makers, returned to Salem
Ex-Sheriff Dave Osborn, of Corvallis,
went to Portland.
Mrs. Ed. Allen returned from Tall-
Frank Lilly, of La Grande, a former
Corvallis man, went to Lebanon.
Miss Oda Fisher, daughter of Ralph
Fisher, of Portland, returned home
after a visit with her Albanv relatives,
Uah fnllina tit ....... In .1 I ........ '
HC. inviivi 19 J1VW 111 UTO ICUl VDbUlU
Judcre Hewitt went tn Ralem. whnrA
he will spend some time in the state
I i'"'"'' tho.itursUto
railroad case he has charge of.
January's Bargain Climax,
our sixth annual clearanco sale the
largest in sales of the mouth. We
will do this by shoving the price down
still farther. Our Clearance Sale suc
cess has created many small Ints that
will be closed out at once, at prices
that represent only' a very smull part
of the real value.
The last week of (his great annual
aula will be rich in phenomenal bargain
giving. If you are going to buy a suit,
this week is your last chance to buy
one that is right up to the minute in
style at about half price
A Greek fight
A cwpln of Greeks,
.... .,
rt ot. i. ml i! f':hi
thn. t. e mil.,;!- rran. -u.'-heo for a po
lir-niii'i. 'spd seeiiii- i '. P-.r!er in
flip i nif mi, rep ff- t . inn.. T e
other fellow saw fh:it w Uniltr
mil lie took a regular ,v.;,i r-n peed
uu tward. outOi sight.
Country Danco. At imi. JO 'Irnnze
hall, Friday, Jan. 27 Come one "irne
all, both snort and tall. A good lime
assured to all. $1.00 per number, in
eluding supper.
Jns. A. Hoag is building a hennery
on tho pronerty ntlillflworth and Water
street, whore his son will make a
specialty of barred Plymouth Rocks,
one of the best all-rounds birds.
This paroling system sounds big on
paper; but thc-e are two sides to It.
One fellow paroled at Portland by Judge
McGinn, was arrested three times after
wards in quick succession and is now
wanted in California for a felony.
The Johnson Jeffries moving plcturca
were shown tn aaiem three nights
eludinir Sundav. without ohieriion hv
the people or police, men and women
packing the theater, and tho state leg-
Mature was in session, and the supremo
court doing business at tho old Bland.
A an rrancisco woman, married at
tl e time, sued tor breach of promi-o n
rrsn who had agreed to marry hor wren
-le already had a husband, con' i,
on divorce, which was obtained : n
v ry properly could not recover, 'he
c urt declaring it against public polity
Rllainona Vioj lir.nn rrnnl ti!flt tin ll.f
month and we shall usher out January , , ','""7 , ? ,vT
1911, with a Grand Bargain Climax. ,8tH wh T'I0 New Yo,rk'
We expect to make the la t week of ,.He w" k"Kna Last-a peerless
The extension of the Oregorf Electric
to Albany this year is assured. Prep
arations are being made for its comicg.
Mr. Stevens, though, first will select
the survey, one of three. At the same
time corvallis is making an effort to
have the road go to Eugene by way
of that city, and the Times-Gazette
says the commercial club has appointed
a special committee, consisting of Judge
MeFadden, Judge Woodcock, Senator
A. J. Johnson, W. F. Groves. A. P.
Johnson, W. P. Morgan, B. W. John
son, John F. Allen and Victor Moses -
to seo me mil people and convince
them that the distance can be shortened
thirty miles between Portland and Eu
gene by taking thd west side. It be
hooves the east tide to be good and
treat the Oregon Eloctric fairlv in the
matter of rights of way. It is too big a .
ming to monKey witn.
Now comes the Salem Journal and
states that the other road, the Port
land, Eugene and Eastern, will also be
extended this year, commencing con
struction work in the summer, and that
the Washington Oregon Corporation is
oacK ot it, una will liniince ic Accord
ing to this report Allmnv, Eugvne and
Sulem, in which the Company now has
systems in operation, will be connected.
As Albany is between the two places
whichever way the road builds this city
will get an advantngo early. The com-
Eany already has a franchise here and
ence tnat part of it is attended to.
George Shopherd died at his home
near Halsey last night, at the age of
abjut 50 years. He was a native of
Linn county, and leav a a wife and
three children. He was a man of ex
cellent charactor. Geo, . B, Cummings
of this city, was a cousin.
Mnrion Rosa died at Halsey this
morni g, at the age of 10 years. He
was a bright little fellow whose death
will bo generally regretted He was a
nephew of Mrs. David F-onion, of this
city, who went to Halsey this afternoon
j l0 a'ttend the funeral,
I neancK, tormerly ot Albany, died in
Onlflnnrl r.nlifnfntii nt H. hnm. nf ha.
Oakland, California, at the home of her
son, Albert A. Hedrick, January 22.
Mrs. Hedricks' remains aro being
sent here for burial. Interment will
tako place in tho family lot. Masonic
cemetery, Wednesday afternoon at2:30
o'clock with services at the grave.
Frionds and acquaintances are invited
to attend.
The Climax
, By Edward Locke,, will be offered by a
, splendid company at tho c.pora house on
Thursday night. This play tells an in-
ii,8tmK story in enree ppwortul acts.
The company is one thac is mailu up
from the best, talent of New York.
. Here is what the big papers sny of it:
"Joseph Weber founi. a Gem of
Purest Serone when ho discovered "The
i w ,nx-. w. x . 1 imes.
Such a Dramatic Atmosphere is a
Positive Reliof."-N. Y. Telegraph.
An ""usual Play with Music that is
i elective. N X. bun
'A Genuine
and Novel Treat,"-N.
Y. World.
:"V Richard Harding Davis.
, . 1
Wrote The Romance of Hefty Burck.
Which is produced by the Edison Co. in
superb style. The principal interest in
this picture will be the different types
tiful Scenic Nantaa and Vaeimtv
Eclipse film, noted for their beautiful
cenic effects, i Tuesday,- Wednesday
and Thursday. .
Where Is Kenp.
' G. -W. Kemp is wanted in Portland.
Ho is under $500 bonds there on tho
charge of using the mails for fraudu
lent purposes, in sending fako orders
for nursery stock. When his case was
called he failed to appoar, which made
his bondsmen reliable, but ho claims
that Kemp committed suicide, a man of
( nis uiscnption being seen to jump into
, "''erdav One of !lave cved for tho Albany Nurser
'nu "eT'for a no 'ea ""der name of Campbell. Is he
biiu iivui hi i urLiHim. fimn til aittii ti.
.u an ay.
Illinois Farmers
The census roport shows less farm
ncroagc in Illinois now than ten years
ago. The nverago per farm is 129
acres, average value of land and build
ings $HI8.i;i, against $53.84 ten vimis
ago. 88,767 owners are free and fe,li07
are mortgaged. There aro K).2J lea
farmers in the state than ten years ago,
a BUggextivo fact.
The Weather.
A little cool this morning but the diy
ha" been a good one.
The river has been falling and Is down
to H feet.
Tho predietion is: rain tonight and
Some people are predicting -another
cold snap becauso of eastern weather'
but it is guoss work. . ' '
Tho Co. F. Bss'tct ball team, of Ror
age. Wis., which won tho chitniiiioniihip
at Chicago last year, is ;oon to be in
Oregon, and will play the Dallas
nno.u.oiu.among others. T'
uaiias oeac me portage team tic
their own floor. Oh this trip Portiiia
j haa won 31 out of ?5 games playeJ.