MDany Democrat j for sale, real estate. "Entered at the post ofrke,.Albany,Or. go acres, situated 3 miles from Al- nccr o Ohtt iT tuir, bany, good house and barn, nice young FS5 V(i; orchard, 2 acres of oak timber, bal- JT 11 Ullllljl. ance of land in cultivation, 40 acres of L-L is which is the best apple land in Ore- Our Wants gon- This is a barBain and ' a desi,p" ' -. , Good y-room house, and 4 acres of land, situated in the suburbs ot Al bany, just the place to have your own garden and keep your cows and chick ens. H minutes waiK irora rir BOBBY BURNS' BIRTHDAY. FOR SALE. Gasoline engine 6 H.P. See Jesse Shough, at corn popper. t28 HAY. Some nice grain hay. cats and if you would like a home like this wheat for sale. C. K. Widmer, K. U. ioak this up and be quick about it. 4. Phone Home 2801. 23t j Q00i nCw 8-room house, one lot, FOR SALE. Household goods and telephone and electric lights. West piano. 1239 Salem Road. t2 Albany. A snap. FOR RENT. Good offiicerooin, ground, I would say to investors, I am not floor. See E. H. Rhodes. 6t . : promoting any land schemes, but do a .. Dcnu ..t,.i., straight real estate business, and if you G??DwBu,S-.anR "LUhB?m!S wish to buy it will pay you to investi- pnd modern. Sehultinew brick, next L!? old Reliable Real Estate dealer. J. V. PIPE, 203 West Second Street. No information by phone. door to opera house. FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar poata and anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It FOR SALE.-Black team, harness, wagon and wood yard business. J. 0. Ellis, 906 E. 4th. I NOTICE. Any one wiBhing pure bot-1 tied milk, will do well to ca'l the 1. X. L. Dairj. Home phone 2736. i C. P. Feebler. FOR SALE. Will build new 4 or 5 room bouse and sell with Fairdale lot, on the installment plan. See F. b. i Pfeiffer about it. 7t CARPENTRY JOtt SHOP. Work ; promptly attended to anywhere in city. Office 122 Ferry street. Phone Home 25S. Pacific red 481 J. STEELE , & CANFIELD. I IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit IF YOU WANT to sell or trade a farm, city property, stock ot goods, or any thing, gpe us, wo can fix you up, it is our business, uray & reeDier, cor. Lyon and 2nd St. tSl WE HAVE CASH BUYER. for 10 to 20 acres improved land; who wants the mouev, Gray & Peebler, Home phone, 463. t31 FOR SALE. A second hand libr ry case, cheap, see Democrat oince. FOR SALE. A nair of colts, 3 and 4 years old. Will make good general mirpose te m. Inquire 840 W 6th. Phone Bell 168-J. t27 Today is the birthday anniversary of Robert Burns, the poet of the peo ple, an event that dr .serves being re membered with some good thoughts for the memory of the great poet. Here are some of his thoughts: j Nae man can tether time or tide. But pleasures are like poppies spread, ( You seize the flower, its J)loom is shed; Or, like the snow fall in the river, !A mement white, then melts forever. I 0 wad some power the giftie gie us. To see oursels as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion. An atheist's laugh's a poor exchange For Deity offended. 'Oh, life, thou art a galling load, Along a raugh, a weary road, 1 To wretches such as I. ru If nacbody care for me, I I'll care for naebody. But to see her was to love her, Love but her and her forever. The rank is but the guinea's stamp. The man's the gowd for a' that. It's guid to be merry and wise, It's guid to be honest and true. Princes and lords are but the breath of kings. An honest man's the noblest work of God. A DANGEROUS POWER. j The new governor of California j wants fewer offices filled by the peo ple. He wants them appointive, such offices, for instance, as attorney gen eral, superintendent of public instruc tion, and even secretary of state, rail road commissioner and surveyor gen eral. That is giving the executive too much power. It would help to create a worse spoils system than prevails now. Rather than increase the power of the chief executive it should be curtailed and fewer appointments be given him. The argument is used that the geople haven't time to look after sucFT things properly. On the contrary they have plenty of time for necessary things, and it is their busi ness to do it. It is the province of every voter to fill positions demanded for the proper management of the af fairs of state. There are plenty of minor positions that should be filled by appointment, but the principal of fices should be filled by election if it takes a ballot a mile long. The bet ter rule would be to do away with a few of the offices. TRY PnliimhtH harri wheat flour. At tree line you are In need of call and tne leading stores. Ask for it and get see w. A. Ledbetter, ne ns a nice ;t , t20 lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for ' , tJTJL.. a. .u FOR RENT Ofhce rooms, we II loca. your iiiBueviiuii, av tuo uuiudi u, . . , - . . ah whintnn st Alhnv Droirnn ted. Inquire at bank of J.W.usick PIANO TUNING.. Leave orders for : & Co- 161 niano tuning at Eilers Piano House or WANTED. Any Kina ot sewing or Woodwork's Drug Store. C. H. Henderson, Tuner, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Ore- Son Fire Relief of McMinnville, and lorthweBtern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the eoast. C. C. Bryant, agent. THE BROADALUIN. Mrs. Boggs proprietor, second and rJroadalbin a la. dressmaking, will go to the house if r referred. Phone Red 842 or call at 822 S Walnut St. Ethel Bray. tS FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, front. California Rooming bouse. East Second St. HUNTING DOGS FOR SALE cheap, trained or untrained. Phelps & Grif fith. Wells. Benton county. Or. tm9 Family service, home cooking. Recent- DRESSMAKING. Work guaranteed, ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. Evening gowns, tailored skirts, ahirt waists a specialty, t.uit alter ations. Mrs. Tyler, Room 6, Cali fornia House. 9t FOR RENT:- Good roomy stalls for ' horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 508, E 6th St. t WANTED. - Boarders. Good home cooking, at 332 Ferry St., corner 4th. It FOR QUICK SALES Hit your property with Grav & Peebier, Real Estate Agents. 2nd and Lyon Sta. 16t Call WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. at Shingle Mill. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135, E. First street, Albany. CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms mailed free. R, W. Tripp, Browns villo, On lot FOR SALE. Here is a chance of alife time. 1 will sell at a great bargain I he Market. OREGON ELECTRICS COMING. my large fruit oichi.rd on easy terms P" ' mm' E. B Rhodes.1'' ! ?50,000.-Do you want a loan or to make fl.vnn fr.t KOp I 10an. Beo W....,J. GARBAGE. If westofLyon street 60c month. S. B. Penny the garbage man. Home phone 2308. GARBAGE. Fred Kainwatcr looks after gurbago. Phone Homo 2303. GLASS. All uizes and kinds, for Bale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhore nine in Albany. Skill lv not, if desired. WANTED List your house and lot, or lots, with T. W. HornbacK, ot tne Hub Land Co., 10th and Lyon St. Phone, 191-R, Albany, Ore. BUSINESS CHANCES List your business with T. W. Hornback of the Hub Land Co. Near S. P. De pot. Phone 191-R. The news that the Oregon Electric is to be extended this year is import ant to Albany people, and it is re ceived here with great satisfaction. There was some fear, at one time that the work of extension might be de layed; but the official announcement at this early date makes it clear that work is to be pushed with great vigor. A large force on the line between Albany and Salem will mean a road at a date as early as about August. There are three surveys between Sa lem and Albany. One of them in the hills would require a very expensive tunnel. This will probably be aban doned and a route more easily man aged taken, insuring faster work. An electric line will mean a good deal to Albany and the surrounding country. Wherever these lines oper ate new homes grow up and farms blossom into orchards. Cars stopping at short intervals make the electric line popular. A fact that particularly is gratifying is the quicker time made. Portland should be reached in a little over two hours, Eugene in a little over an hour, Salem m 35 or 40 min-' utcs. Come on, Mr. Hill. ' Wheat $.80, Oats 35c. Beef 6c; veal dressea9e Pork dressed 12c; on foot flc Lard 16e. Eggs 2ic. hickens on foot 10c. Hams 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 25c shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c. Flour $1.50 to $ 1.75c a sack. Potatoes 60c oer bu. Hay, from $10 forsome clover co $1 th ties t timotiiy DON'T DELAY YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS READ AND REFLECT Have you ever stopped to think of how much value good teeth are to you ? ' Do you know that may of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach and good digestion r Do you know that bad teeth in many cases .are trie cause of throat trouble? Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth ? I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. COLUMBIA FLOUR, hord wheat made, m ki-s plendid bread and more of it. At nil the leading stores. F.G.Will for watches BANKRUPT SALE. In the estate of L. E. Borin, bank runt. Notice is hereby given that the un-i dersigned trustee will sell to tne nign est bidder for cash in hand, all the property, goods, merchandise accounts and all and singular all tne property . of said estate, upon sealed bids being I deposited with this trustee up to five o clock p. m. February 1st, iyn. ah bids must be left with the undersigned at the office of L. L. Swan, First N tional Bank Building, where list ol me property may be seen and examined. EDWARD WASHBURN, Trustee. SHAKES. SHAKES. SHAKES, at the Curtis Lumber Co. t28 C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C. VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculine Testing Phone Albany Stables." Sam too "M m 'Wa)IS "" ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business 1 Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. x J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. more meat For the money than any place in the city at the shop of W. KOPPLIN, New Hill Bide'. 2nd and Montgomery MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counteis, and other store fixtures, firit-class goods, by the Union Furni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep your money at home. m oti &lu!te:riag cold MY! wmt a COMFORTABLE FEELWG IT I TO MJGFLE IrtTO VARA, !0FT FUR'S! BUT DO rtOT WAIT UAT1L THE COLD DAYS C0AET0 BUY YOUR FURS. YOU ZAti HAVE MORE TO SELECT FROM rtOV THAti LATER. THE MODELS WE ARE SHOWING ARE THE LATEST DESIGNS, YOU WILL LIKE THEM. AOW-A-DAYS, WHEi SO MAAY IMI TATION FURS ARE SOLD, DO YOU HOT WISH TO BUY YOURS WHERE YOU WILL KrtOW THAT YOU GET EXACTLY WHAT IS REPRE SENTED TC YOU ? THE ENTIRE STOCK IS NOW OFFERED AT SPECIAL PRICES--SEE FOLLOWING: Choice Furs One Third Less THE HIGH QUALITY ami THOROUGH RELIA BILITY of our furs are familiar to all our customers. ou i i.... r vniTR STORE will be I omul exactly as represented, so far as we, by caretul study and examination arc able to know mem. We are not above nuking mistakes in l'"yi"ffJ,"';vi ... i... .i ,ci ,i,.. i ivii'iv TO PROTECT irvtunevei iimm- nit miuv ' , m,i a t YOU WE STAND BACK OF EVERY ARTICLE THAT WE SELL on special sale or at any tune ami it uui mi not THOROUGHLY PLEASED we will be sratetul to von if von will tell us so that we can adjust the matter. These furs represent the hest of the good things that have been showuMis this last season. All styles, prices and kinds remain. Choose now at just ONE-THIRD LESS. Shoe the Boys at These Low Prices Some more ODDS AND ENDS of stock that we de sire to move to give us shelf room. There are SHOES here FOR ALL BOYS boys with rich red blood in their veins boys who Have to run ana . 1 , i .,1.. C ..,, lump find kick boys who arc to dc me men ui inuuuu. SHOES are made seamless, with splen- Llid HEAVY SOLES that are specially treated to TURN WATER. A few patents are tounci ana me can ami mu leathers are well represented. They are GOOD SHOES jevery pair, but we need the room on the shelf so SHOES must go. Send the boy down. It's two to one that we can fit him and SAVE YOU MONEY at the same time. 9 t0 1315 $1.05. i to 2 $1.28. 2y2 to 6$1.48. Muslin Underwear Marked Down Handle these goods as carefully as we can they will become more or less soiled and mussed. the pntire stock with a I fll IIIIIIIIIll V n vn "-' EVERY GARMENT rru r tc tiii.i iuur "- :that cunwT7.n ANY SIGNS WHATEVER OF BE TM"i T?7T?M RT.TRHTLY SUlllJ UK M U OOJCJJ. we want every article in this department as fresh and crisj and white as tney can dc so inee umcis must ThnrP arP GOWNS. DRAWERS, and CORSET rvT7T7T3 0 .irtifif- orfirlc trimmpfl with neatest lace and IVV V JUivJ via 111 1 ci v. 1 v. v ... w....- ribbon run beading. THE MARKING DOWN IS NOT IN CENTS BUT IN DIMES AND QUARTERS. We wonder if you will take advantage of this splendid opportunity. m THE HAMILTON STORE