Albany Democrat VOL X1.Y) ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, &SUARY 2J. 1911 No id Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CREST fui flour, hay, feed B. MOORE- en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 25t WOOD SAWING-ESS or phone 3692 black Borne, 456-Y Pacific. 3t We had a slight accid ent; but we still have some good dishes left and We still in the ring. MEISER & MEISER GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Continued One More Week. Ending Saturday, January 28th Before taking stock we expect to close out every odd lot and broken line in this store it low prices will do it. ' Stop and think if there isanything in this Big Store that vou ought to have now or will need before long. Fig ure out just how much you can save by taking advantage of these opportunities. We buy when prices are lowest you should do the same, mere is oniy one more weeK to duj at uiese pric es, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all the special lots wiTT last until the last day. The best bargains are here now. IN THE CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. It is unnecessary for us to explain the class of suits and coats sold here for the reputation of this department is known all over this section of Oregon. We have no old suits ta offer you, every suit new this season and the only difference between them and the spring suit, is that the coat is a little longer. You can buy suits worth up to $17.00 for $8.95, suits worth up to $19.50 for $9.85, suits worth up to $22.00 for $12.63, and suits worth up to $24.00 for S13.9o. Children's and Misses Coats for less than cost of the material. SKIRTS AND SILK PETTICOATS. Every Dress Skirt and Walking Skirt in the store m Sale at one-fifth to one-half off. Silk Petticoats, black and colors, $5.00 values for $2.89; $6.00 values for $3.88: $7.50 values for $4.93. III KNIT UNDERWEAR. The famous Mentor Un derwear at a. discount of 20, per cent. 19c for Women's Fleece Lined Ribbed Vests and: pants in regular or out siz es from 4 to 9 at only lvc a. garment. IN THE MILLINERY ' DEPARTMENT - Babies' Hoods worth up to S1.00 for 40c. Children's Hats worth up to $2.25 for 79c. Women's Hats worth1 up to $7.50 for $1.49. Anyj Pattern Hat in the store' worth up to $15.00 for $3.95.j REMNANTS. Come and rummage to your heart's content, there are lots of great bargains in all departments. Clearance Sale on all Shoes Clearance Sale on all Waists Clearance Sale on all Sweat ers. rpo-n- omoinations i cm rv- i Lined Lnion Suits, lar 65c and 75c values. Clearance Sale on all Blank ets. Clearance Sale on all Art Goods. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Clearance Sale on all Calicos $1,000.00 worth of MuslinfClearance Sale on all Ging Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Cor- hams. set Covers, Princess Slips and; Clearance Sale on all Per- at 2oc, 50c, cales. Igreat bargains. $1.25. AllClearance Sale in all Depart ments. Chambers & MLcCune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. . DOINGS OF THE WORLD The Lane county levy has been placed at 10 mills. ' Vancouver, Wash., has an apple tree that has bourn apples for eighty years, it is claimed. A band of mad coyotes rushed into Durkee in eastern Oregon yesterday siting and snapping. Ashland is advertising for bids for a new hitrh school building. A rtpnn Nev., architect furnished the plans. l Springfield last night defeated Cot I tage Grove on the laoor union question, ; having the affirmative. Theodore Roosevelt, the great lion hunter and statesman, will be in Port land in April, spending a day there. Congress will appropriate about : $28,0011.000 under the rivers and harbor , bill and the N. W. will be provided for. I J. O. Anderson and Edith Alexander, 1 of Polk county, were married this week The bride is a niece of H. W. McEl- murry of this city. i W. S. Holcomb, city recorder and . justice of the peace, has opened a job , office in Brownsville, and will soon be another Rockefeller, ( Among the mid-winter graduates of the Lincoln high school, Portland. Feb. 1 will be Miss Medora Weltha Steele, formerly of this city. I At Eugene last night Lebanon lost in I the debate on the educational test for j immigrants, having the negative. The Question was too one sided for a fair ebate. in every instance the affirm ative winning. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Morse, of Eu gene, have returned from a trip in which they were in every state in the union but three, N. H . Mass., and R. 'I. Now we wonder how they got to i Me. without Mass. I President Campbell of the U. 0., who I graduated from Harvard Universitv just 25 years ago this year, is to be ! grand marshal of the commencement exercises next June, in full charge of the ceremonies, a great honor. The Mitchell-Lewis & StaverCo., not bein? able to secure thp liverw atnhla Duuaing nave rented LEGISLATIVE DOINGS. The insane asylum committee after investigation has made some strenuous recommendations for reduction of the estimates of Dr. Steiner. the superin tendent, and a war is on. a committee has been appointed to NEW ORLEANS WILL GET IT At Least That is the dation. Iecornmen- San Francisco, Jan. 20. Upon receipt us me sue ot me ranama exposition, Chairman Hale, of the board of direct ors of the Panama-Pacitic e-nnaitinn j said that reporting out of the bill favor ing New Orleans hnd been expected. It had been known right along that the investigate tne . astern Ureson asv vm ot the UUDaU-h annnun.-mir that i.t- site. i trial arts and enn.itinn -Ar,in,ittAA r $140,000 is asked for the atnt fnir the house of rpnrpsnnfntii.... h.j ... mstly for new buildings. That i ported out a bill favoring New Orleans mi. iib.o iu i Knitea a nttie. tfenion county has a salarv bill m. making numerous changes. A billbv Malarkv Droviripa for nhntih. ivg tne omce of state dairy and food .uuiiui3ioner, a oone ot contention. it naa oeen Known right along that the iut oarrett nas a Dill tor licensing committee waa partial to New Orleans. itinerant arug venders at $100 a month. , especially on account of Chairman Ihe house Oommirtn i-mnmrnanila Rniidnllllrr'a Ifltnui fn. $150,000 for improvements on the capi- city. Hall added that tne fact that the -v. vuti. in. auu KruunuM. vulu if ill iiivtir nr nn KPRnminn hi. Hollis ha9 a hill nrnvirlinrr fni a nan. I nilt tit 15 ia irro t i fvinrr In U C. : - I- - H -" ' tin " B ... ... Dai, I I II II 1 13 - omce, a fire marshal at a salarv of J co. He said the fight would be carried 2,000, with several deputies. Perhaps j on to the floor of the house next week it will get the knife. when the claims of both cities will be Last night adjournment was had to ! brought up and the real tight made Monday, to enable the printer to catch' there. up on what done.. the legislature has nut A Good One from Alberta. A Prospective Suit. A letter received nt tha Pnmmnfnioi uud rooms today from Stsvelv A 1. 1 lu" "'' berta, is n good one. After studying IJ. .,7 g IV? was. run ,over I from fourteen Oommeiai "V.. "W -- Brownsville Times: Wm. Wood was called to Albany Sunday by the attorneys ,n hnnUl.t. I ,. " A ' 'V. 1 OV U SI II" uwnioiB imiu luurLFRn mmmamia . . .. . . . . - Clubs all over Otegon he selected At- m-'uP'!-? 'n..Arn0'd a.8now ?a?.cl banv as the n hica ha w.nto i. ... r'"..'""'.?1 oyo-wunesa ot in the wife and" seven I rSSTf V w.''".eslu?l ln , - - uuuiuva nitivu lias accident and wil be a witness at in an will be here with hi wif nnH a -"V' 'aw"?ia nK.a8 .W m the bee-in-HtntaJ wurui. in . i in. Ha ia hwi . co i . grees oeiow zero and frozen grain. COLUMBIA FLOUR, hord wheat made, make3 splendid bread and mora H. , i umut:, uinned apienum oreaa an arnsburgs Proposed bridge 1 ot At ail the leading stores, 'building and will establish a branch house here with J. C. Hessell as man ; ager, for the sale of implements and , hardware. Jack the Grabber, of Eugene, has written the Guard a letter saying that all he was after was to show young ,ladies that they should keep olf the streets nights, what a dark place Eu gene is and what a poor police force the city has. I One of the debaters on the Lebanon team last night was Lurline Brown ; In the morning in going to the train to : see the Lebanon team start for Eugene she fell and broke one of her arms. It i was set and the plucky girl appeared . ana made a good debate anyway. Air. and Mrs. William Kerby on I Woods Creek, in Benton county, had thrilling experience about 1 o'clock Thursday morning. A dam gave away anu tne nooo rusnea directly into tneir house sweeping through it, and them out of bed. They managed to keep above tne water, tnougn, ana were res cued by neighbors. In a letter In the Harrisburg Bulletin Commissioner Butler favors a bridge across, the Willamette at that city. Albany has a $J6,000 bridge, Jefferson a $42,000 one. Stavton a SSS.non hrirtwo Lebanon one costine- SM non Hmnm.. the old armory jville $15,000 and Scio a steel bridge, ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. . Phones, Min 6 Bell, 3 Home. DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good GroceriesFairPrices-Prornpt Service The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell only PR0MPt!CERIES 8nd Ur PRICES ARE FA1R and SERVICE A safe phre in tnde. surcly-for we aim to carry a big stock of ""n t-.. H and appreciate the trade every customer we have i i '- -x- ti " nersucal service. At Harrisburg. Rtx W. Davis, a former commercial traveller, has been elected foreman of the tire company at Harrisburg, Blain Colburn assistant, M. O. Morgan sec retary, Dick Wright treasurer, C. L. Morris chief anl Glen Holt assistant. The city council has put a license of $15 quarterly on picture shows. F. W. Blumberg has sufficiently re covered from his recent illness to be st h s home again. hence Harrisburg is entitled to be heard. "The Climax," By Edward Locke, will be offered hv a splendid company at tne opera house on Jan. 26. This play tells an interest ing story iu tnree powerful acts. The company is one that is made up from tne best talent availtble in New York, in other words neither money nor ex pense have been scared ia making this attraction one of the best traveling. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Jan. 26, The Climax A Good One M. Senders Co, Both Phones 43. 435 West Firet St. Hay, Grain, Flour, vSeeds, Salt, Poultry Supplies, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Roofing. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & MINTON; W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home Dhcue 196 DR. VIRGINIA T.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Omce Home 3S9, Bell Ulack 2751: Residence 394 Home, bbek 863 Bell. ft ho 3 jmo jitvyw LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city PRICES RIGHT McCourt & Prettymn, Managers .... w i anJ Daer. Hi.nePnoae306: BelIPhonp'131-9 Empire Photoplay. TONIGHT , "The Attack on Fort Ridgley." A good reproduction of what occurred i during an unexpected uprising of the Sioux Indians. A pretty romance I running through. I "The Woman of Samaria." A col ored reproduction of the Bible story 'of Jesus and the Woman of Samaria t at the well. A be.iutu'ti! conception ' of the old story portrayed as vividly as life itself, and as correctly pre sented as imagination can inat-e it. "Right in Front of Fathe: " A snappy comedy which rcprcnts the serious obsiruciions to liie coure of true love, in the iremious 'objection of both fathers, "l.ovt- timU a way," and the laiiKh is on "lather." Some thing unusual. Miss Crosno siiiing. "Tell nic that you love nic once again." . Complete change tomorrow. ' Adinisfion 10 cents. If You Delight in Song; If Vou enjoy the Inspiration of Music; If You Appreciate the' Art of the Masters; If You Seek Entertainment . DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE RECITAL To be Given under the Auspices of the Albany Military Club. Postponed from Wednesday, January 18, to Thursday, January 26. ' M Pauline Miller-Chanman. Mr. M. L. Bowman. Mr. William R. Boone, will annear. These artists will afford an unusual opportunity to musicians and music lovers, a brilliant, satisfactory and delightful entertainment for all classes . of amusement seekers, to hear a superb recital at the Armory. . un account ot the usual church service of this eveniner the opening of "Recital" will be at 8:30 P. M. and Mrs. Chapman and Mr. Bowman will render a sacred number in addition to the regular program." Doors open 7:45. Admission $1.00. Recital 8:30. .., Remember the Date, Jan. 26. EESSS3 The Electric. E39EC3 Stop-LbokBuy We have to move soon. If you are giving birthday or wed ding presents this year BUY THEM NOW AT THE VARIETY STORE. Where one dollar is as ood as two at any other time or place. i ' i.. 'Msi lemonade jiiks S1.50 il to iJ.GO eh $J.t ; lia:id painte H-''!---- I 50c ' decurated pi; -ncKLT jars plates , .1 llaviiaud 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 .25 THhi VARIETY STORE, 313 W. 1st St. Both Phones Main 53 REMEMBER The premium sale still continues. BrinK in you re snvjlopeij to the Some fine pictures. COMPAQ 337 hi Albany Or1 TONIGHT Murfav Marshall Admifsion Cc. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY