Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 20, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    Here Is an Uncommon Opportunity:
Gossard Corset
(hiring our January Clean-up Event. Avsolutely clean
stock all models, qualities and sizes. Buy while we
have your size. Buy early for the offer won't last long.
Model D. Regular $6.50 Gossard
Model A. Regular $6.50 Gossard -Model
101. Regular $6.00 Gossard
Model L. Regular $5.00 Gossard
Model M. Regular $5.00 Gossard
Model B. Regular $5.00 Gossard
Model F. Regular $5.00 Gossard
Model S. Regular $5.00 Gossard
The Gossard is recommended by Physicians,
lace in front and give a stylish and correct figure.
News From Albany's Six Early j
Trains. i
Inches in
After about the worst storm in the
history of the valley things were dull at
the depot. No. lti arrived in two sec
tions from the south and waited for
daylight before going north, on account
of tracks covered with water between
here and Salem. No. 13, south bound,
also waited for daylight.
Tom Riley arrived on time from Cor
vallis, and reported the track all right,
and Frank Cummins came in from Leb
anon with Passenger Agent Jenkins and
others, on time.
The train left towards Detroit, Con
ductor Dannals anticiuntinsr a wet time
of it.
Special $4.50
Special 4.50
Special 4.00
Special 3.50
Special 3.50
Special 3.50
Special 3.50
Special 3.50
A new record was made at Albany
for rain between 8 a. m. yesterday
morning and 8 a. m. this morning, as
recurded by F. M. French, local dis
placeman for the government, 8.60
inches. Th?re was one continued,
heavy downpour. Though not equal to
12 inches in the same length of time on
Panama it was a soaker. The small
streams swelled up and run over and
the country is covered. The Willa
mette was 10.4 feet at 8 a m. and has
been rising steadily. There is danger
of a record Hood, depending upon
whether the rain continues. The pre
diction is rain tonight and Thursday.
From 8 o'elick to press time an addi-
tional inch of rain had fallen. The
E. B. Horning, a prominent Corvellis river was nearly 14 feet and risinor at
man, came over on his way to Portland. ' the rate of 0 inches an hour.
He was born near Corvallis and has ' The range of temperature was 48-41,
spent his life there. , very even.
me small streams have particularly
Superintendent Brices and E. A. suffered and a good e'eal of damage is
Johnson will go to Salem in the interest IeareQ.
of Justice to former teachers in the
normal schools, whose back pay re
mains unpaid. Also in the interest of
several items of school legislation de I
sired by the teachers of Oregon, less I T. l, , j ,, , .
holidays for one thing, breaking in on Th9. central scho1 l dW took 8 'hott
Bcnooi worK, two years longer use oi ' vaennun uu hcluuhi ui uiu luruace re
text books without changing, etc. "B flooded.
the east end or the city is particu
, larly seriously flooded, arid navigation
l has been a difficult matter.
! BasementB all over the citv havahpen
mu, u . : flooded.
inis society met. ai. me noma oi rars. t t..j ii
n. xi. uiai bin un riiuay, uiq x nil iccutii
Jome Moist Items
The Albany Ladies Aid Society,
Deeds recorded:
Geo. L Dick to R. W. Tripp 'lG0
acres and 120 91 acres $ 2000
Oscar Peary to John B. Swarbrick
SO acres 2300
Marv Jane Picken to J. R. Swar
brick 40 acres
Geo. H. Woodbury to Mary E.
Smith 110 by 245 feet Harris
burg 1
Lease Claus H. Vehrs to Geo. W.
Hector, 5-1 L and 19 acres for oil opera
tions, at 50 cents per acre per year.
In estate of A. J. Trask. inrompet-
ent, Marion Martin, H. F. Bodeker
and Hoyt Wilson were appointed appraisers.
Scholarship Fuul
On the 25th of January there will be
observed by the Women's Civic Im
provement Club, th" Scholarship Fund
day. 1-very Federated Club in the
state gives the proceeds from some
entertainment once a year toward this
worthy cause. Young women who are
ambitious but have nut the means to
go to college can borrow from this fund,
paying it back when they are able.
It is an inspiring thing to work for
and we hope all the women and the
clubs of Albany will be enthusiastic
aboat working for its success.
reDortB no countv
I..:-! ... ..- - L. i a
for their annual meeting. " J"' " '"-
-it: i i ' SnmA wnnhntita nvnr tnuiurria tha
of January,
Keports or officers were heard show
ing that less than twenty dollars in
cash had been expended in relief dur
ing the past year, but that many times
that amount had been given in clothing,
school books, fruit, etc.. that had been
donated by the members
ing assistance, and we hone no real
suffering in Albany, there is a work
that this sooiety does, and help extend
ed to many worthy individuals that
Pacific kept the Corvallis and Eastern
back today.
One of the north bound trains this
morning took the west side for Port
land. The Eugene local was cancelled
section of
Portland by the east aide, stopped by
the washouts.
Over one hundred men are at work
between Albany and Salem repairing
By the members and other at this city and the second
While there is not many need- I No. ifi took its place and started
Dr. Hinson Tonight.
The missionary conference of the
Baptist chOrch began at the church this
afternoon and will be continued over to
morrow. A number of prominent
speakers arrived this afternoon from
Tonight Dr. Hinson, of the White
Temple, will be the speaker and de
serves a large hearing.
when the doctor orders one medicine
and the druggist supplies something
else. And sometimes the trouble is
extremely serious. We assume that
your doctor knows what medicine to
give the patient. So when you bring
this prescription here we make it up
exactly as directed, with no substitu
tion, adulteration or dilution.
None better anywhere,', and the
price is lower.
Try a box at the '
Invisible Bifocals for far and near
vision mark a great advancement in the
construction of optical lenses.
E. C. Meade, Optometrist,
923 West Second Street.
Violin Maker and Repairer
Bows refilled. Old and new violins
for Kale. .
Violin instructor. 32 years exper
615 E. 6th street, Albany, Or.
PAUL N. Pogholview M. T.,
Dmglesi Phosician,
Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bldg.Albany.
F. 0. Will
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
Cut Glass and
Novelties to select from.
Walter Parker
' Grocer
First class goods in their season.
Phooe Main SO
10 FOR SALE-10
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, big
fine blocky birds from the best stock
money could buy. . Prices reasonable.
Call on C. S. Shedd, 817 W 4t.h St.,
Albany, Or., or phone Home black 150.
wuu u ue rtji.ueu u iu umer waj . no the washouts and trains may be run-
nope mat cnaruaoip people win re- this evening
l?!8! 'J'f.Aii ?ff iE L,!'..5 ! The foot bridge at Second street and
air fnr h innnnni mhr. Pennywinkle went out this morning and
City Lots.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, and
12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered
for sale and range in prices from 1260.00
and $500.09 to $700. 00. Payable 10 per
cent uuwq ana c per cent per month.
inese lots iaceotn and tith St. and are
oniy i .diocks irom the Court House.
Every lot is in the city limits and has
all the city convenience', including city
njolo. nuITisj DIJIU A .
Stark Building,
JLOlb lOR SALE At the corner of
7th and Main streets. Well drained.
Sewer connection. Five minutes'
walK to Alhdison street school, to
three stores, meat shops and barber
snop. une DlocK to chair factory,
and five minutes' walk to Albany
i-umoer 1.0. s mm, tne union furni
ture Factory and car shops. Two
blocks fro mthe proposed electric
line. These lots are in the center
of manufacturing district. Home
Phone J 107, or call on T. P. Hackle
man. t24
Safe, Convenient, Clean
Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits.
8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights
Lampt assorted Colors
Just thi thing for Christmas.
Ralston Electric Supply Company,
312 Weil Second Street.
For building, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samnlt-s at M. Benders w nm.
L. COBB, R. D4. Phone, horn ! kinds.
J. G. Crawford's
Photograph Gallery
Is in the New Albany State Bank Build
ng, second floo. with a coirplele
"-n'rmcnt fot pictue taking ol ail
We have the genuine
lime and sulphur solu
tion. See us and get
Prices before placing your
w. f. J6ne1
Veterinary Surgeon.
Office at Farmers Feed Stable
Phone--200-R, Bell; Home J28S.
easier for those temporarily embar
rassed lor means.
The ladies wish to thank all who
contributed to the Thanksgiving col
lection, which waa generous and we
should be glad of the names of any
ladies who wish to join the Aid Society
and help on this work.
Secretary L. A. S.
At the Blain Clothing Go's.
I lodged near First street, so Johnny
tioins has a bridge now. The bridge at
H Bryant's is crippled.
A family on the Santiam is reported
marooned, and neighbors are trying to
get them to a place of xafety.
There is a washout o.i the main track
of the S.P. and also near the Jewish
cemetery below the city, and perhaps in
other places- between, stopping traffic
on the main line until the storm stops,
Portland Coming.
The Alco basket bill team and the
Portland Y.M.C.A. team, the best in
Portland, will play at the Alco gym
Saturday night, giving Albany people
an opportunity to set. a big game. Ad
mission 25 cents.
Attention Orchadists!
Letter List.
BOUND A small pin with J on it. At I
the Democrat office
Evo dpmt rift:-.. ii i
i-j iv ttcjii x vyuitc luucio, won jueu- Albany Ore. pi
ted. Inquire at bans: of J.W.Lusick J,,,,. is. inn. Persons deBirinn- unv of
& Co.
Right Prices
We deliver the goods
You Auto
try it.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., poatollice uncalled for
these letters should cull for advertised
otters, giving the date:
Nellie burgeman, C. E. Ellsworth,
Mrs. Pii.ts.Johnfre ichs, Robert Jones,
John Kuechler. Mrs. W. H. Miller, C.
A. McKinnon, Willie Nelson, Mrs. S.
N. Nichrls 2, Frsnk Swart.
J. S. Van Winkle, P. M.
We carry a Btock of spraying mater
ials. The right Btuff at right prices.
The senson for spra) ing is here. Call
and see us nnd get prices.
Winter Caps, with storm shields.
Fine $3 hats at $1 to $1.85.
Heavy wool knit gloves, lamb's wool
knit gloves, lined Mocha gloves,
1 1 All at the Blain Clothing Co's.
Any Suit
Overcoat or
W. F. Pfeiffer's
I Have Dr. Lowe relieve your head'and
eyo ache with a pair or his superior
glasses, they cost no more than others
and you have the benefit of his skill of
more than 20 years experience. Con
sult him at Hotel Revro Thursday and
F.iday. Dozens of Albany roferunceB.
i Notice is hereby given that the un-
( dcrsigncd administratrix of the estate ,
I of Conradina Arnold, deceased, has 1
! filed her final account in said estate
with the county clerk of Linn county,
Oregon, and the county judge has set
the 20th day of February, 1911, at 1
o'clock p. in. and the county court
' room as the time and place for hear-
, ing objections to said final account
and the settlement thereof.
! AtPy for Admx
We have sold at least $100,000 worth
of farms in 1010. We will double this
amount in 1011. Lot us sell yours! We
can get the price. We don t ask ex
clusive right.
OppoBito Russ House, Albany, Or.
List your (arms with T. W. IIor
back of the Hub Land Co., 10th ait
Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, frf
quick sales, for when your farm J
listed here with me it is also list
in Portland, as I have an office thel
nlcn Alipti in Inwn ami tilllf th
Administratrix. ' proposition over , with me. Phon;
. 1
! Our new crop Teas are in and while Coffee is higher
I in price Teas are cheaper. We now sell a fine Spider Leg
i Tea for 50c per lb. that formerly sold for 7Sc.
I In high grade Coffees we are agents for Golden West
and Barnngton Hall. Also good coffees for less money.
OUR EGGS are always fresh from the Ranch. Every
egg guaranteed. No Packed Eggs ever in our Store. Your
money back if not satisfied with any article you buy
from u.s.
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Rugs.
3 Floors.
but some of the finest buildings in !
town arc equipped with our plumbing I
work. We make a specialty of high
class sanitary plumbing and will be I
glad If have you examine samples of j
our work. We have moved and are
now at 118 Weit Second street.
We Laundry Everything.
So why not send your bitimlry to us nnd have the assurance it
will not be eaten up with itr-jiif( ,-icids like many laundries use.
Our experienced washer avoids using them. By washing In
our suds your linen will lo.ik and wear better.
Call our wagon on either phone or have your bundle with our
down town agencies, the Coinbip atiim liarber Shop and Arcade
Yours for business,
Wyatt Bros., Props.
Bell 93.
Home 439.
329 Se:o:.d Stret, t5elv.ccn fctiy& Erczddlbin