Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 20, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    DK. 11.11. IaaA
Physician and Su.'geon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
Mini 38.
dentistry on the Pacific Coot is executed hern.
Vb bare built up our r natation on it. Too cum
depend on quality and cannot pet better painles
work uiyi W, no maiiar bow muoh jpaj.
K mm c7rrr,K-nrv3 " cnin pitta ut
i."-' :1V ,'' ., ''V 1 work tot ou-
' 'JZ.'ir .-' ' V ia'11"' oitraciion
i-yVtV free whn plain or
-, : V "'o.-J vjbrids. work i order-
j" ' iT fTV-"ira Cwuulutien Iref.
1 1 '-"il lll.lirCrnn, 55.00
Pin,. SBfl
BwtRtd Rubber-
Plitti 7.50
PatntmExIr'lion .60
OR. W. A. Will, Pauuun in Mu
si tun tnuuuu u miuu
All work fulir ruarantMd for fifteen year.
Wise Dental Co., inc.
Painless Dentists
flltlm BuHelnj. Third and Waihlnetaa PORTLAND. ORE.
OfUci Hrari: I A. U. to S P. K. fudiji, I to 1
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubel. deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Orqgon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
art private sale as prayed for in the
petition of said administrator on file
herein, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot No. twenty (20) in block io.
lour (4) in Barton's Addition to the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, according
to the maps and plats of said Addi
tion on file and of record in the office
of the county clerlt in and for Mult-
nomah county, Oregon, and lying and
being in the county of Multnomah,
state of Oregon.
Beginning at a point four hundred
and titty feet (430 ft.) south, and three
hundred and thirty-five feet (335 ft.)
west from the northeast corner of the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me
ridian; thence south two hundred and
ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210
ft.); thence east two hundred and ten
feet (210 ft.), to the place of begin
ning, containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county, Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N.. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed'this
14th day of December, A. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.
In the County Court of Oregon for
Linn County.
In the Matter of the Estate of I. L.
Mbyer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have filed iheir final account
as executor and executrix of the above
entitled estate, and that the County
Court has fixed Monday the 20th day
of February, 1911, in the County Court
room in the Court House in Albany,
Linn County, State of Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account, and for the final
approval of said account and the set
tlement ot said estate.
LAURA L. AMBROSE, Executrix.
For the Ambition:
8 Untoersiitp
ptrton. All lBttzucttsB, laeindinf final
xamlnatieiii, is IRKE, For teacbara,
student preparlnf for collate or universi
ty, women's clubs, fc-ranpes, nf'neeraand
home tuaksrs. No preliminary tun 1 na
tion Is required. This mall oourse moans
good for dtacriptire fcoUetln to the
Correspondence 8 tod 7 Department
University mt Orea
Emenc m m m Oregon
1'njmi.tlj obtaim-d. or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Send mvtl:U photo or sauU-h (or
ciprrt warcn and fn report on patentability.
infringement suiu con4uctd before sll
cojrtR. PmpntJ obtained th roach as, ADVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
Ft. fclTVA bOW to OOUUA poi.t. tml KMTU,
Xnrltuu direct Vil H atkitgwn fain nme,
mcmer and eften tie patent.
PaUnt intf IntrurMwrl mM ucininij.
8 rtUn.MiMtaill ml
is auk mi r wm w. w --
The Men Who Make Linn County
The following supervisors were ap
pointed by . the County Court last night
for the coming year. Tnere were two
live contests, in district 9 between F.
N. Johnston the old supervisor, and O.
M. Benson; and in district 26 between
F. M. Mitchell, the old supervisor, and
Ed Burkhart. All were dropped and
new men appointed.
Following are the reappointments:"
Dist. 1 J. D. Isom, 3 C. A. Pugh, 4
J. C. Standish. 5 Ed Nixon. 6 Grant
uuneingnam, i i. u.
Kirk, 10 T. C. Scott,
14 M. B. Miller, 16 T,
L. Wallace. 20 W. H
Isom, 8 A. L
13 Thos. Reidv,
, M. Holt, 18 W.
Ingram. 22 J, H,
Reinhart. 23 C. L. Gilbert. 24 W. W.
Sanders, 27 E. L Shepherd, 29 H. S.
Heyne, 30 John Sandner.
The new men are: Dist. 2 C. W.
Yates. 9 W. L. Pate, 11 John Goetz.
12 E. B. Wallace, 15 R. Shelton, 17
John L. Griggs, 19 L. B. Kent, 21 J.
m. nice (atter being out a year). 2o
Nicholas Endries, 26 W. C. Miller, 28
'I. B. Lewis.
New districts and new supervisors :
31 Warren Hulourt, 32 Francis Kizer,
33 J. T. Funk.
A Cood Banking Proposition.
Editor Democrat:
In last night s Democrat I noticed
Governor West's recommendations re
garding our State Banking law. Gov
ernor West is a banker of long exper
ience and Knows whereof he speaks in
matting tnese recommendations, name
ly: That the shareholder's liabilitv
under the state law should be equal
to aouoie tne amoujt ot stock nelcl; and
that all banks doing a sayings bank
business be required to keep the sav
ings accounts seperate from the other
cccunts Both of these are wise pro
visions and are contained in the law
governing National banks. It was with
these two -joints in mind that the
shar;holdei8 of the First National Bank
ol this city organized the First Savings
Banx, where they might keep the sav
ings accounts in an institui ion entirely
by itself, separate from all other ac
counts. Then thn shareholders in the
First Savings Ba"k in their charter
voluntarily bound themselves each to a
liability of double the amount of stock
held in the bank, which gives depositors
in this bank double the amount of
security allowed under present state
Vice Pres. First National Bank.
An Evangelistic Mission.
There is to be an evangelistic mission
at the Baptist church on Wednesday
and Thursday, Jan. 18 and 19, begin
ning at 2 p. m. Dr. Binson will de
liver three sermons on the responsibil
ity of the church, the pastor and the
people. Other speakers will be Rev.
H. Wyse Jones, of McMinnvile, Rev.
F. O. SUnard Newberg, Rev.t W, H.
Eaton Rcraeburg, Rev. W. T. Tapcott
Salem. Rev. H. T. Cash Hermiston,
Rev. D. G. Dunkin Baker, and Rev. F.
C. W. Parker. These missions will be
held at twelve points In Oregon, under
the Oregon cpnvention.
The Weather.
Two inches mor.e snow fell last night,
dry stuff on top the wet stuff.
The river has risen some and is 6.3
The range of temperature yesterday
and up to 8 a. m. was 39-29.
The prediction is: rain or' snow to
night and Friday.
Miss Edna Gentry has returned from
a Eugene visit.
W. L. Kincaid, a prominent Eugene
man, was in the city today.
WHAT Wallace, a prominent drum
mer has been hi the city today.
Geo. Martin of the Ritchie Land Co.
came up this noon from Portland.
Commonwealth day at the U.O. will
occur next Saturday, when Prominent
men of Oregon by invitation will speak.
The Thorpe Commercial Truck Co.,
wants a bonus of $3500 to locate a
factory in Corvallis, and it has been
W. F. Gaskins. of the 0. A. (J., has
been elected president of the Corvallis
Commercial Uub and C. A. Murphy
Mrs. Z. B. Moss and daughter of
Lebanon, were in the city today. It is
the latter's birthday, but the figureB
are private.
J. D. ScbarfT, a commercial traveler
who has been coming to Albany for at
least 39 years, was in town today.
The Alco Club team is the one that
will play O A. C at Corvallis Saturday
night, not the college team, as a Cur
vllis paper stated.
Miss Anna Wharton, of Koseburg, a
former Albany milliner, is in the city the
liUeat of Miss Linnie Kimsey. Last
"vening Miss K msey entertained in her
Mrs. H. G Fisher, assisted by Miss
JUHnita Hart, entertained Tuesday
-vening in honor of her nieee. Miss
Ada Fisher of I'ortlan i, who is visiting
her Brm.dmoiher, Mrs. E T. Fisher.
J rn Chinee, one of Albany's beit
n.ztr.s h 81 today, an event remem-
frei at the home ot his son W. B. in a fine birthday dinne'.
m'Tif those here is a brother Petr
i- of Krnwnsviile
The Eugene papers call the 9009 cen
ux returns a farce, in the face of the
r that Eugene had two or three ex
,, i,- piy, n to complete its census,
i-i r th? it' und and keeping tab
.i minute It may possibly be
fi.r ti e Albany U S. census
k by over 12) 0, shown by
jLti M I r"Unt
Annuai Reports. Officers Elected
Present all officers and members.
Bills allowed: Or. Power Co.. $22.33;
A. Benso , $10.80; Mayor and council
men. $39 Oil; C. G. Rawlings, $3.25; F.
K. Churchill. $16.75; N. D Pratt, $1 20;
F. M. Redfield. $2.42; F. L Ries. $1.50;
Albany Lumber Co., .36c; Albany
Gravel Co.. $61.75; Peter Riley, $5;
Geo. Simons, $21 25; Geo. Wolf. $21.25;
Chas. Hughes. $12 50; John Catlin,
$2.50; Albany Iron Works, $29.50.
Tha reports ot the recorder and treas
urer for the year showed the following;
Cash on hand
City taxes, general fund
Street taxes
General licenses . . .v. . . . .
Dog licenses
Recorder fees
Dirt sold, etc
Pavement assessments .
Interest , . . .
. 23.428 50!
4.322 97'
. 1,325.00 :
222 00
757 50
75 68 ;
. 19,972.28'
I Paid out:
ICitv officers 5,112.05
' Lighting 2,112.05
Sewers 748.37
Fire department 3.325.72
Account streets 6,781.11
Sundries 1,630.51
. 49,810.56
Street paving
Bond interest .
Bond indebtedness $ 95.000 00
Net warrant indebtedness. . . 42.055.00
Total indebtedness 137,055 00
Gain of indebtedness on ac
count of pavement 10,505.00
Annual report of Street Superintend-.
ent Ries:
Gravel used 951 loads, cross walks
repaired 68, wagon and foot bridges
repaired 19, new bridges 5, sluice boxes
11, new cross walks 52, lumber used
69.000 feet, dirt hauled 3127 loads, con
crete curb built 17,274 feet, concrete
walks 14.044 feet.
The report of the chief of police
showed arrests: for assault 1, sickness
5. fighting 18, drunk and disorderly 28,
disorderly 3, cruelty to animals 2, vag
rancy 1, roaming streets 3, sent to re
form school 4, larceny 6, runaway
Indians 6, runaway boys 9, insane 3,
returned to retorm school 3. Total au.
Hobos locked up 949, meals furnished
The committee on fire and water re
ported a new heater purchased at a cost
of $118.
Petition of D. P. M ason et al for
sewer, referred with power to act.
Bids for cement curb along block 68
were opened as follows: Tanner & Son
.28c; A. W. McClain .34c; E. L.Umph
rey .32c, Way Bros. .28c. Let to
Way Bros.
Bids for cement walk and curb along
block 12 H's ad were A. W. McClain
.14c per square for walk, .34c for curb;
Way Bros. .I2c walk. .28e curb; J. A.
Vonada .14c walk, 33Jc curb; A.
Babb .14c walk, .21c curb; Tanner &
Son .13c walk, .28c curb; E. L. Umph
rey ,13c walk, .32c curb. Let to
Way Bros.
Matter of moving light 5th and Main
to 6th and Main was referred with
power to act.
Betition for sewer acr"Bs Main at 6th
was referred
Matter of additional appropriation for
furnishing &nd heating armory was dis
cussed favorably without action.
The salary of the street superintend
ent was placed at $75 per month the
coming ear.
L. L. Swan was unanimously elected
city attorney, H Fisher city engineer,
H. R. Kiruch special engineer, Fred
Ries superintendent of streets, John
Catlin, Ellis Dougherty, nightwatch,
John Spooner city teamster, all unan
imously. The only other applicant was J. F.
Warner for special engineer.
Councilman Simpson was granted a
leave of absence for two months.
News from
Six Eany
The snow makes a decided difference
in the amount of travel, people hugging
their fire places and stoves.
Commissioner Butler and wife went
to Portland, where beginning today
there will be a reunion this week of
Scotish Rite Masons, the highest of all.
They will remain until Monday, when
Mr. Butler will attend a convention of
county commissioners of Oregon. One
thing he is in favor of is the election of
road supervisors by the people them
selves. I mrm lauurer, junk up iiu 11 van
fornia, was looking for a job. the
wrong time of year. He reported
things dried up in lower California.
a i i : . t f-i-i.
ington logging camps.
Editor Kirkpatrick came down from
Lebanon on a davs business triD.
Mayor E. C. Stanar 1 arrived from
City Surveyor Hugh Fisher left for
Brownsville, where he has considerable
work on hand.
Misses Nellie Hart ar.d Beulah H nk
ley last evening entertained at the h me
cf the latter last night in hono of the
U. P M Club A social .irnewas ha I,
after which refr-shments were Kerv.
Those present were: Misses Pers Wilk
ins, Agnes Thompson, Golda Yates,
Inez Curl. Keith Van Winkle. Dollie
Bendi' g, Lina McGure, CarrielRoben,
Anna Pearce, Veva Archibald, Gertrude
Howard. May Lines, Edith Roter.
Stella Hoflich. Alta Parton, Beulah
Hinkley, and Nellie Hart and Mrs. C.
V. Littler.
A main bursting at the corner of
Second and Broadalbin today necessi
tated a bole in the pavement.
The state legislature today adjourned
until next Monday at 2 p. m.
Tne princinal business yesterday wait
the election of two messengers in the
house, Allan Eaton, of Eugene, wta
had been beaten for speaker, proposed
to down Speaker Rusk and fou. ht his
selection of messengers. Rusk won out
3U to 19. Eatun is diguing his own
The stenographers and clerks for the
house were selected by a committee.
i.eiter of As'oria introduced a hill
asking for J100.00J for Astoria's csn
Quite an event in the Senate was
resolution bv senator M. A. Miller for !
a mem. trial to congress asking that U. I
b senators be elected by a direct vote
of the people. After the preamble had :
been struck out the resolution passed.
The preamble was a corker against the
old system. .
"i he barrier" a Strong Play.
Tho Rami,, wMnl, hoa l.
f Sr. .. u ... ,ZJZ , i,. i i.
nZrayHT, . rr6? Jll.Jt F
Upera House tomorrow evening. To
Rtato that it i. th r.t nrrnolinr. of ,
its kind seen in Albany this season
would ce only to use the words of
thousands of critics all over the coun- Ashland's total tax will be 30tj' mills.
trX- . , , 'Albany's 23.65 mills.
After seeing the performance ut, o i . .,,.. .;tj f
Boise the critic of the Capitol News ! nr'J?aJ' " JTJ "ee BPP'nted t0
speaks in these terms of it. , prepare a new charter
"The dramatization of the Barrier I I" 8 fight yesterday down in Mexico
appearing at the Pinney theater last , eighteen rsbels defeated 175 regulars.
night before a large audience was given
by a company of the most capable
artists. Without such a strong comp
any the play might savor of -melodra
matic but not so with the cast appear
ing here. It is the players and not the
piay tnat maice or unmaKe a produc'
tion, and the players in the Barrier i
seem to have been selecten with singu
lar ntness.
Shop TalK to Think Over. I
Don't believe this or any other store's
add. until you investigate for yourself.
We are willing to show you the bat
gains we have to offer. We will not
attempt to try and win your patronage
by explaining to you how other stores
mark goods at a sale, to fake you, if
we did, we would expect you to think
the other stores were worrying us. No;
we have all we can do to tend to our
own business and we take it for granted
people are intelligent enough to spend
their own mone', without a word of
warning from us and j idge for them
selves if they are getting a bareain or
not. We advertise what we have to
offer you as a sale bargain and the rep
utation and wonderful growth of this
Btore is evidence ot how
delivered the goods.
we have
Chambers & McCune.
The Original Nancy.
The management of the opera house
wishts to in'orm his patrons that the
original No. One company headed by
Grace Cameron will be the one that will
appear here and not the No. 2 or sec
ondary company.
It is seldom that our play coers get
an opportunity to witness such a sterl
ing Attraction as Grncb Cameron in
Herbert Kerr's 4 act comedy "Nancy"
which appears Monday night. Mgr.
Schultz is to be congratulated in se
curing these sort of attractions for
Albany and there is no doubt that our
public will give their utmost support to
these fiirst-cluss attractions coming.
O-iegon Cities
The new census gives Eugene 9009,
an increase from 3236; LaGrande 4843,
increasing fron 2991; Oregon City 4287,
increasing from 3494. Albany's ha. not
been reported, but the figures will he
4,260, an increase from 3,149. The
correct figures now bv actual count are
6493 inside the city limits. 6129 with
the suburbs. Salem, with 14,005 IB
i easily the second city of the state. .
) The College Board.
The session of the college board yes
terday afternoon rev?aied excellent
prospects of an endowment and th'
. future of the coliefe Dr. Foulkes,
who is to go to New York, will remair
on the board and do his best for thf
i college. Some beli ve there will he ar
endowment that will grow Into JZUU.OUC
or $30u,u00.
R.un by Students,
Corvallis. Jan 12 The studentcoun
cil ot thirteen members which is to at:
as the governing body under the nev
self government regulation, adopted Lt
the students of the Oregon Aericultura
College, has neen elected. These wi I
take their oath of office January 15 nni.
the new system will then be put intt
The student council is as follows
Harr; Kune, President of the Sluden
Body, becomes, according tu the.reiju
lations. chairman of the council. Tht
other members are J. L. McAlistc-r.
Colonel of the Cadet Regiment. Erwn
B. Lemon, Editor of the BaromeKr,
Ray. C. Chapman, President of tin
Senior cUss, A. A. Asbaur, Piesideni
of Oratory and Debute, Cy Young,
"anager of the Oregon Conntryman,
E B. Rice, U. A. Blanchard, Harold
Turlay. Hugh Smith, Fred W
ford and T. B. Wilcox.
In the City.
Mrs. R. B. Hoag, Pasadena, Calif.
Chas. H. Glos, Corvallis.
W. F. Hall, Siletz.
J. G. Kelley, Harrinburg.
C. G. Hemenway, Eugene.
F. A- Robertson, Stayton.
T. H. Goddard, MiU City.
The aniyml meeting of the Albany
Creamery Association was held this
week, the showing for the year being
the best yet, speaxing for the splendid
mangement of the business, which has
gradually developed into a large show
ing. The report of tha secretary ending
Dec. 1st, 1910 showed the following:
Butter sales, $75.9-13.30.
Pounds of cream received, 550. 3HS.
Pounds of butter manufactured.
j Average price paid for butter fat per
month. 35 1 4 cts.
Average number ot patrons pe.
month. 305.
The annual election of directors for
the year was heir! Jan. 12th and the old
board were all reelected, as follows:
C. L. Shaw. J. H. Scott, J. D.Isum. 1.
Whealdom and H. Freerksen.
The board elected tho following
officers for the year:
C. U Shaw, President.
J. H. Scott, Vice president
Wayne Dawson, Secretary.
u. a. rcnioaiu, i reaourer.
I he borrd of directors were coin ii-
i" whi:l"! y
done their business tor the ats.
e i
Scott Hart, of the O. A. C, came
home this noon for a couple days visit.
J. A. Warner left this afternoon for
Shedd on a visit at E. E. Gordon s
Ashland is after an armory, and the
Kecord gives a picture oi Alrun) s new
The Scottish rite degree was con'
ferred upon Dr. E. J. Laird of Lepanon
J. C Meyer, postal clerk on the run
from Portland to Ashland, is in the city
on a short lay oil.
Mrs. J. K. Morrison, of Oregon City,
formerly of this city, arrived this noon
tor an Albany visit.
President Taft wants the Panama
canal fortified. Just as much need as
England has to fortify the Suez.
Mrs. John Winklov. of Millers, went
to Corvallis today for a visit with her
son nariy u.t leading coniecuuner
The attendance at the 0. A. C. short
course for farmers and others this year
shows an increase of 60 per cent, a fine
An Albany man reports having a list
of 390 Albany men in favor of bond
ing the city for an electric light and
. water plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hodges and Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Fish will leave tomor
row night for Southern California on a
six weeks' trip.
G. W. Wright went to Harrisburg
this afternoon in the interest of Harold
Hendee, in the county jail awaiting the
action of the grand jury.
E. B. Piper of the Oregonian this
week delivered an address before the
O. A. C. students on journalism. It is
highly spoken of by the U.-T.
John Burkhart and Will Crawford
are here to rebuild the Burkhart flying
machine, putting in a high H.P. engino,
and it is belieued it will then fiy.
D. M. McKnight of Scio has a champ
ion cow She produced 1005 pounds
of milk in a month, atcondensery prices
worth $27.70, a remarkable record.
The big aviation meet at Tanforun,
S. F. . was stopped several days by rain,
worth a good deal more to the country
than a dozen flying machine meets.
Population of .Montana towns:' Ho
lena 12,515. .tlissoula 12,869. Anaconda
10,134, Billings 10,031, Kalispel 6,519,
Livingston 5.359, Uuzeman 5,107
Russell Welch, of the Oregon Power
Co., conductor of the through train
from Depotvillo to the St. Ch tries,
went to Portland early this morning.
Preparations are beginning for the
oig power plant of the Oregon Power
00. on the McKenzie. The Eugene
Guara puts the cost at about $500, OuO.
Mr. Geo. Stoner, a former Albany
man, was in the city today in the inter
;st of Sapolio When here he was a
resident of Albany Heights for awhile,
tnd worked a vearor two in the freight
lepartment of the S. P.
, Mrs. L. R. Carson, of Snohomish, ar
rived this noon, called here by the ill
tess of her daughter, who is at the
nospital awaiting an operation. She is
he guest of her sister in-law. Mis.
When Dr. Plamandon was appointed
uperintendent ef the branch asylum at
Jendleton the Democrat at once re-1
narked that, it was an, all politics, that
t superintendent will not be needed for
t year or two. Gov. West and Treas
irer Kay take thesams view.
George Hall. VIcMinnville's pop corn
nan, is in the city on a visit the guest
if his daughter, Vrs. Roy Newport
e formerly resided here, for several
ears driving the street car horses, un
il the car became electrified. He sees
i fine improvement in Albany since the
terse days
Mi-s Maud Lnuchead also entertained
t crowd of y tung lady fricni's in honor
f Mins Anna Wharton, of Rosehuig,
md tonight there will bo a theater
1. trty in hor honor. Miss Wharton
ifter her visit here will go to I'ortlitntl
md thence to San Francisco to stui'y
'he spring fashions in millinery.
The Corvallis skaters defeated tho
function basket ball team 2fi to 12
vecording to a picture of the Junction
earn in tne uregonian tnis morning the
I unction team proposed to go through
he season without a dnfett; hut tney
ttruck a north wind at Corvallis.
Acting Governor Bowerman appoint
d Dr. Plamandon superintendent ot
he insane asylum st Pendleton, which
vill not be erected for som time, and
intil built all tho work can he attended
o be the staff of the old axyliim, so the
riivernor has asked th- resignuti n of
'lamandon. His appointment was a
tample of the Howerman politcs, and
thows the calibre of the man-.
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powdei
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
Nofllum.No Lime Phosphate
27 of Them in Linn County.
Ttieii Assessment.
County Clerk W. L. Marks has been,
formally notified of the assessment
of the public service companies
in Linn county, as agreed upon by '
the State Tax Commission, as follows:
Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. 2,375
miles wires at $25.90, $61,046.
Northwestern, 15 miles water ditch,
at $4,200, $63,000, water plant, $63,000. .
Union Oil Co. on 0. & C., 35.85 miles -at
70c, $25.
Am, Fast Freight Line $25.
Santa Fee Refrigerator Co. $136.
Pacific Fruit Ex- Co. $1,882. Wood.,
burn Line $543.
Union Tank Line at $14, $502.
Woodburn Branch R. R. 43.90 miles
at $17,500, $768,208
Lebanon branch S. P., 11.50 miles, at
$17,500, $231,250.
Armour Cor Lines, at $1.40, $50.
Ease Side Line S. P., 35.85 miles at
$45,600, $1,631,175.
Home Tel. Co., operating property
Sweet Home, Foster & Cascade Tel.,.
ol miles at Hi 60, $uoo.
Pioneer Mutual Tel., 110 miles $18.20,
N. W. Long Distance, 71 miles at
$''0. $4970
N. W. Corporation, Albany plant, 15
miles, at $4,666.66, including power
Portland K & E. R. Ii., 75 miles at
$15,400, $11,550.
W. F. Co. on C. &. E., 36.30 miles at
$136.50, $4,955.
Pullman Co. nn S P., 35.86 miles, at
$466.20 per mile, $16 713.
W. F. Co. Woodburn branch, 43.90
miles at $136 50, $5,992.
W. F. Co., Lebanon branch, H.60
miles at $136.60, $1,570
W F. Co., main line, 35 85 miles at.
$500.50. $17.i)43.
C. & V.., 36 30 miles at $8,400, $304,
920. Postal Tel. Co., 106 60 miles at $49
Western Union, 349.20 miles, at
$58.10, $20,289.
News Prom Albany's Six Early
N. D. Pratt left on a Portland trip.
Ho didn't consider I ho 20 degrees above
zero this morning much compared with
53 below he
seen in the middla
Commissioner Russell left on a sev
eral days Portland visit. While there
he will attnd the commissioners con
vention and perhaps a good roads con- -vention
to be held in Portland. Roads
leading to the railroads, not parallel .
with them is the plan that meets his
Conductor Tom Riley of the Corvallis
train reported a large crowd at the '
Barrier, given at Corvallis laBt night, .
which made a hit, one of the finest
dramatic efforts ever seen there. The
company is a good one and the play ex-
citing and entertaining.
W. R. Ray returned to Scio.
Mr. and Mrs W. H. Jacks went to -Salem
for a visit at the home of Mrs.
Jacks' sister, Mrs. Grey.
A. B. Bantu, the collector, went to
W. W. Rowcll left for Portland.
Sheriff Smith went to Brownsville on
official business.
Tom Young, tho painter, left for -Lobanon
to do some inside work on the
new M. E. church.
Dr. Lcweaux made hor regular trip
to CorvnlliB.
Phil Flood was among the drummers
leaving for points north. An old timer. ..
The Weather.
The mercury took its worst tomblo-
during last night, down to 18 degrees
above zero, according to the thermome
ter at F. M. French, a observatory
The highest yesterday was 40 above.
lav river IB o teat,
Tne prediction: tonight and Sat
urday, continued cold.
The case of J. A. Rodney, up before
UUBiice;L,. Li,, was disposed of
.this morning by Mr. Rodney being
! placed on p irole. Mrs. Rodney has re-
I turned to the n me ot her father. H
will boanHsom 'wneredown street. He-
ays be will b-ire up and show;' people
that he can be relied upon.