Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 20, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Prune Orchard Traded for
Acres of E. 0. Land.
E H. Rhodes, of this yesterday com
pleted a big land defl, under which he
has traded his large prune and apple
orchard at Jefferson for 1440 acres of
wheat land in Gilliam county. E. B.
Garrison of Jefferson represents the
other parties and the nrune orchard
will be in his name. It is one of the
best in the valley, the past season doing
a $9,000 business, anri is said to be
worth at least $40,000. Mr. Rhodes,
though, does not care to continue
the responsibity of looking after it,
hence the trade. The Giliam county
property is ft valuoble holaing. Mr.
Rhode3 does not expect to loos after
it personally
The above named Company was in-
corporated December 23, 1910, for the
purpose ot taking over tne louowing j. w. Pugh, ot Shedd. will leave in
lines: ' a few day s on a trip to California.
The Oregon Railroad I & Xavigation j Mr. and Mrs. Franlc Roie(0f Eu
Company, Oregon and Washington . chag
Railroad Company, ine iortn loasiig
Rnilrnad Comoanv. Idaho Northern
Railroad Company, llwaco Railroad i
Company. i
In future these lines will be operat
ed by and in the name of the Oregon
Washington Railroad & Navigation
Company. .
F. W. ROBINSON1, General Freight
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
WM. McMURRAY, General Passen-
r,t.r AffAnt Pnrflnnn. Orepon.
W. D. SKINNER, General rreight
and Passenger Agent, beattle,
R. B. MILLER, Traffic Manager.
Clothes-racks and boards made
by E. B. Davidson, are the best on the
market. Call at 739 E 1st St.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned referee will on Monday, the
13th day of February, 1911, at the hour
of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of the Court House, in the
City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
sale duly made and entered in the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Linn County, on December 6,
1910, in that certain suit pending in
said Court, wherein John Shaffer is
plaintiff and William liilyeu is de
fendant, sell at public auction, to the
highest and best bidder for cash in
hand subject to continuation by said
court, all the right, title and interest
of the above named plaintiff and de
fendant in the following described
premises, to-wit: The north one-half
df' the northAvest one-fourth -of the.
northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp.
12 south range 1 W. of the Will. Mer.
in Linn County, Oregon.
C. E. SOX, Referee.
C. C. BRYANT, Attv for plaintiff.
First publication January 13, 1911.
Last February 10, 1911.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Towne, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that under
and in pursuance of an order of sale
made by the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn on
the 16th day of December, 1910, in
the above entitled matter, the under
signed as administrator of the estate
. of Mary Towne, deceased, will on
Saturday the 11th day of February,
1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at
the front door of the county court
house in Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash
in hand the following described real
property, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block
fo. 5 in the town of Halsey, Linn
county, Oregon, as shown by the maps
and plats ot said town now on hie
the office of the County Recorder for
Linn county, state of Oregon.
Dated this the 30th dav of Decern
ber, 1910.
Administrator of the estate of Mary
Towne, Deceased.
Notice s ' :-eby given that the final
ceo mt of 1 1. Farwell as Executor
. ' the- last w. and testament of the
e.iiate if ,im Mooney, deceased,
ha bet file ' i. 'lie County C
Lit..! co.nty, 't. of O--ihat
he . th (. , -,- '
1 ur f i o'i
d. v a inii. -d ioi-- jr the
he. !ng f o. 'ech -. such final ac-
ou.'- anj set m reof, at which
tine .in- rsi. ini - d in such es i ty ipe a:.- nle objections
the -etc in v riti -r and contest the
sair.. R. C. FARWELL,
Executor Aforesaid.
AMOR A. TL'SSING, Atty. for Exr.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
had been duly appointed administrator
of the co-partnership estate of Charles
E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do
ing business as co-partners under the
firm name of Fox & Cummings,
Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun
ty court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same to the undersigned duly ver
ified as by law required within six
months from this date at his place of
, . , . c " . ,
w . . I a u.-
Montgomery streets. Alhanv. Ureson.
Attorney for Administrator.
J ; T M NT
The ejectment tuit of J. H. Simpson
ace Al PeacocK, this morning took an
other turn in Justice Swan's court, when
the defendant's attorney moved to dis
miss the suit because the justice- holds
two lucrative offices, that of justice and
city attorney, which was promptly
overruled and the defendant given until
tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock to ans
wer. It is not kjown what the next
iimvc win uc. in ma uicau uuio biic
plaintiff is anxious to have the livery
stable remodeled and arranged for an
implement and hardware house for the
Mvci'iiaiAci vw. , ntiu msu una a uaio
for leaving on a California trip with his
Jas. Bryant went to Salem today.
Bert Veal went to Salem today for
some more stenographic work.
Joseph Fells, the single tax man, is
coming west to tell us about it.
grants pass wants to know whether
Grants Pass wants to know whether
preme court.
TiRS?- SVmatd f Newberg and Rev.
H. Wise Jones, of HcMinneville, went
to Eugene this afternoon.
The Coos county tax-levy has been
placed at 18 mills. $120,000 is appro-
priated for roads and bridges,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Mayer,
of Lebanon, on January 13, a son, their
second boy. All doing well,
Miss Evah French, who has
tion in the office of Fred Williams, of PllcX shol?1i je one ,of Pefa.ce
Portland, spent Sunday at home. Though the wicked may be getting
c. .7 o u " " uumo. worse altogether the world is improv
F. J). trench today left on his regu- ing and there is more righteousness and
jar watch inspecting trip from Wood- the Christian power is enlarging,
burn to Springfield.
A Woodburn man five years ago
bought a farm of 140 acres for $5,000,
and has just sold it for $28,000, making
The Eaton forces admit that they
have been routed. It was a loosing
iame from the start and has killed
Eaton politically.
Three negroes were lynched at Shel
byville, Ky., yesterday, two for insult
ing white women and the other for
killing a negro woman.
The new Hotel Julian, at Coivallis.
was formally onened last night. It is
one of the finest in Western Oregon,
Corvallis people claim the best.
R. A. Harris has been aDDointed
printing expert by Governor Vest, a
position wanted by several. Harris is
also quite a prominent writer.
Albany's total tax was incorect'y
given. It is 26.15 mills being 10 for
county and state, 8 for city, 2 for arm
ory, .65 for library, and 5.50 for. citv
schools. I
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McCoy, in re
sponse to a dispatch that their daughter,
Mrs. Mida Jackson, was worse, left for
That train snowed in up on The
Northern Pacific, arrived in Spokane
after a four days burial, everybody on
board all right, with plenty to eat.
Frank Perfect who left four montns
ago for the middle west to remain a
vlar is back alreadv a reqirlpnr oomn
of North Albany. was in Iowa"
Nnhraikv and Mkannri
Nebrasky and Missouri.
f a w n l- . i T business
to A. W. Docksteader, who will com-
bine it with his own. Mr. Ellis recom-
mends him to the people of Albany
YZS K treatment an prompt
Harry W. Jones, a leading architect
of Minneapolis, was in the city today
on a visit with his friends Wm. Ritchie
and son Allan, while on a trip over the
coast. He will leave tonight for San
. . . 1 . 1 . - ., .
ai ine next state lair ine woodmen
of the Weld are going to have a build -
ing ana fraternal street ot their own.
Frank F. Toevs, formerly of this citv
has been elected publicity man, and he
is patting it on the map.
P. I. Wold and wife, of Eugene, left
Saturday night for China, where Prof.
Wold has accepted a professorship in
the new University of Pekin. The
president is Tun Fu Wu, a pupil under
Wold at Cornell University.
Every day the Commercial Club re
ceives laquiriei from the east sent by
people wanting locations for some bssi
ness. already well filled here. Of course
the true situation is candidly given in
respense. Men often make i', though,
in fields a'ready filled.
Observer: M!st ma Brown, of In
dependence w. , iv Tuei-day,
and wj 11 r 1 k Whiteaker
- f day. Both young
' r Independence. Miss
" vir.g served in the Bell Tele-
office for several years. They will
ry-.ile in Albany.
Corvallis Republican: Mrs. C. E
Peterson 'oaves Saturday for Albany
where she will sing by special request
for the entertainment of the supreme
officers of the fraternal brotherhood.
She will be accompanied b- Miss Win
nifred King who will go to Lebanon for
a few days visit with friends.
Eugene Guard. Mrs. Thrall enter
tuned the Elco club at her heme on
Charnelton street this afternoon. Tilt
usual pleasant afternoon wa spent,
followed by luncheon served by the
hostess and ber daughter, Miss Florence
The Dalles wants a recount. The
eeisus gives it 4,287. It wants its cen
sus based on the school population of
tha district running out into the coun
try, which is 1550, multiplied by 5. On
the same basis Albany would have
7375. 6129 is about right.
Dr. William House, ol Portland, at
the commonwealth convention at Eu
gene, declared Ex President Roosevelt
i me enemy ui mt
the enemy of mankind, and declared
I that he has done more to harm the
health of Americans than any other
one cause by advocating his stienuous
Shedd, Jan. 14. J. W. Sprenger ot
this place has returned from a trip to
Merrill, Klamath County, where he has
been visiting his sister, Mrs W. V.
Whitlatch, and friends for the past
two weeks. He reports the country as
being better than he expected. Of the
, two weeks spent there only part of two
days were stormy, the remainder of the
time the sun shone warm through the
day, but the nights were frosty. The
roads there are nice with but very little
The new irrigation project which is
to be put through that country soon
wi) put hundreds of acres more into
Land now is selling from $50 to S75
per acre, and the new railroad which is
surveyed through the valley will ad
vance the price considerably,
It is true it is not a fruit country, but
more is raised there than one would
from Albanys
Six Early
Among the distinguished men leaving
were Hons. C. L. Shaw, J. W. Miller
find M. .T Simnsnn mpmKprs nf the
. . . . - .
present state legislature, which at 2 !
o ciock mis aiiernoon Degin grinding
n?aT C it "
first thing was to be the committees,
tor which there has been a big scram
, '
l hppn n nior scrnm.
ble. and then to work with the,
back scratchers.
Rev. E. F- Lacey, of Lebanon, re-
turned home. Yesterday he supplied
the pulpit of the U. P. church in the
absence of the pastor in an acceptable
manner, his morning sermon on peace
was a timely one. tie is not in iayor
of a Christian nation putting excessive
Ex-Master B. G. Leedy, now of Cor
vallis, went to Salem.
H. L. Winkley returned to Corvallis,
after a visit with his folks in the coun
try. 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cougle returned
to Lebanon, where there is three or
four more weeks work on the M. E.
church, due to slow work in securing
the windows.
Lawyer Garland came down from
Miss Thacker, who has been with tho
Mission Parlors went to Corvallis,
where she has accepted a position.
Rufus Russell, returned from a trip
W. R. Ray, of Scio. arrived by way
of Lebanon and went to Salem.
Mrs. Henrietta Brown went to Port
land to attend a meeting of the exe
cutive board of the State W.C.T.U
The Wedher.
Yesterday it became warmer and the
mercury went up to 36 and it looked
like rain, but during the nieht the wind
changed to the north, caught a smell of
the north pole and this morning the
mercury went rtownward again, as low
?.".r ..Zl' " ."i
f0" fool in h im K B
m I00' nsr n,im- , , ,
.Jlie nver has also dropped and is 4.4
I Mr. Beals nrediction is: rain or snow
tonight andTuesdav
Missionary Meefmfi '
missionary Meeting. ,
Urg g w jyjy returne missionary
from India, will hold a parlor meeting
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
' M. E. parsonage, for the ladies and at
4 o'clock for school children and young
people, and on Wednesday evening at
17:30 will speak in the M. E. church. 1
n..Li:. : : . .j 1 , r : .,.,!
ruuuc uiviieu. mrs. cjuy 10 w 3
! interesting speaker, and all should hear
The S. P. Assessment.
An interesting thinor in connection
with the assessment of public service
corporations is the fact that Albany
will receive less from the tax than
Harrisburg. this city being credited
simply with the main track mileage,
wmcn is one, witn notning lor tne oig
improvements and side tracks here.
In the City.
A. F. Rapp, Portland.
R. Roy Booth, Yoncalla.
J. W. Murphv. Sedro Woodley, Wash.
Henry Nice. 1 pioneer Newport man.
R. McCrow ;.n, oldendale. and
John McCrui-., Met..-.
Lawyer l. L. ' . cn, Moro.
F. h. Hayes ai.l Portland.
J. H. Mariels an v. i!'e, Gooch.
f ; Ky lesby & Co.
I tm ira has received- an at"-1
.mt ...o lo the annual conven-
d 1 no t of the H. M. Byllesbv
r i ited companies, on Jan. ,
tij .
1 -o
Jtr. at the auditorium Annex,
Chicai; . Among those who will be
present will be D. C. Green, the popu
lar manager of the Albeny plants of the
Died at ihe Soldiers Home.
Vploms B. Coryelle, a former Albany
man, died at the soldiers home at Rose
burg last Saturday, at the age of 70
years, of paralysis. He served in Co.
F. first Oregon infantry, was not mar
ried and left no relatives here. He
went to the home from Albany in 1901.
Millions of tons of cold-storage butter,
eggs, cheese and poultry, at Chicago,
is 10 be dumped upon the market. The
people should dump it into the nearest
Of a Man Who Was Recently in
Sydney Pitman, a man who was in
Albany a few days ago. died in Med
ford yesterday, from injuries received
at the hands of Chas. Robinson, a 15
year old boy, who struck him with a
shovel. The story of the boy is that
Pitmann wanted to marry his mother, a
widow, and he objected, whena quarrel
followed, and the the boy asserts Pitt
mann first tried to stab hi" Pittmann,
and probably the same woman were in
Albany recently passing themselves off
as husband and wife, and Chief of
Police Munkers gave them short notice
to get out of the city. They left at
once. Young Robinson will be tried for
murder, but his conviction is very
The School Masters.
To school teachers:
A meeting of the Linn County School
Master's Club will be held at Albany on
Saturday, Keoruary 4th. to which you
nrA pnrnpQtlv vcw.nnat.iH tn lo nMsont
Ti.A i l T
jii.c xwiiuwiiig uiuuiuiii uua uveu pre-'
pared. Come loaded to take part in the
h isptiMinns. Whn oat n tn
j; ; .... :
".' u l""!1?
osr uiiu micira me uictruiiK la iu u
Kniinw. ih. n,-,,.
Round Table, Proposed School Legis-
lation-Supt. Jackson.
How shall we give credit to the back-
ward pupil for the work he really does?
Supt. F. M. Stotler, Lebanon
Revision of the Course of Study-
rnn. n. r. nraniey, AiDany,
Shall the Book Contract be for Eight
Years? Supt. Smith, Brownsville.
Rouud Taole. Sunt. Mark Paulson.
(1) Shall the School Holidays be Re
duced? (2) Eighth Grade Examinations.
(3) School Libraries.
Yours for a rousing meeting,
. . President A. L. Briggs.
Secretary L. Marquam.
Specially Favored,
Tho RiltrnriH 11 nor1 naaorfo t-Viof TTn.
gene was even favored in the matter ot
weather. Here is the article itself :
"In maintaining that this is a warm
place, passengers on the trains say that
they can feel the heat jusc before they
reach Eugene. They say that scarcely
ten miles on each side of the city the
snow appears to be several inches deep
while here it is nearly gone. In Albany
it is said that there are six inches of
Now, as a matter of fact the Demo
crat is informed that Eugene had more
snow on the ground than Albany, that
beginning at Harrisburg it was as deep
as 11 inches, and over at Corvallis, a
man who was there made it 18 inches
deep, while at Albany about four inches
was On the-ground. But anything goes
on paper and in the air.
At Eugene.
The Eugene Fruit Growers Uu:on the:
past season handled products amount-
mS 10 anipped 33,441 boxes
ot and canned la, tons of .pples
The prune receipts were 3ol,000 dried
and 790 O0O pounds of green 8865
cases of fruit were canned, and lOf cars
of aU kinas ahi pe() $32,450 was paid
for freight. Supplies cost $22,875 and
abor $1 f 537 r
The Lane county health report for
December has list been filed, the
record being 25 blrtiis and 26 deaths, an
astonish ng one. Though the state
health officer reported fifty cases of
typhoid fever and private people said
there were 175 cases in Eugene the
county health officer made the record
only 28 for the whole county.
-. itr
INeW Orange UlllCerS.
At the last meeting of Peoria Grange
the following officers were installed:
Master, J. S. Lamar
Overseer, Grant Brattain
Lecturer, Mrs. L. J, Clayton
Steward, C. S. Smith
Asst. Steward, C. E. Brattain
Cnaplain, C. F. Clayton
Treasurer, J. F. tocCoy
Secretary, W. L. Frady
Gate Keeper, Chas. Liggett
CereB, Ollie Brattain
' Pomona, Ella Lamar
Flora, Nellie Barcus
Lady Asst. Steward, Myrtle Lig .1
Organist, Lucy Barcus
Peoria Grange is prospering.
Rev Hinson Will Be f-re
Albany people will be s' .ial
ed on Wednesday and T rd
ings of this week, whj' Kc 11
of the White Tempi Po. m
preach at the Bapti ch ch,
v ill
.. the
re of
regular missionary 1 tite nc
twelve being held in Or scn
Naney Was Good.
' The story of Nancy, civen by Grace
I Cameron i:nd hi-r company, at the opera
house Inst nil-ht, was ahout the best
thing of i:s vr presented here,
I laughable line entei iaining, with clean
I wit at every corner and in the middle.
Grtce Cameron, as Nirncv, is a portray
r of the ciri charae'rr of marked abil
ity, t nd Nancy 1 . 11 gi mus for interest. ' ?poak on Thursday night.
The story has a gol moral to it and The appointment of committeea In
uparkles fr.;m beginning to end. After ,he house doesn't look much like acom
Nancv ore l.-ave- the playhouse with a birai'on between the speaker and Lair
good Usie in the mouth, I Thi'mnson. who made his election pos-
The next one is also a good one, Tha
Climate, Thursday, .laruary 26.
Vnna i tr, hut a ft mui
Thursday vning to distuss the com
mission pi n or gnvernii ent,
The Executive Board of the Albany
Commercial Club met last night. In
the absence of president and vice pres
ident, W. H. Marvin presided.
A letter of appreciation was read
from the secretary of the Panama
Pacific International Exposition, of San
i- i aut.isi;u.
A letter from the Portland Commerc
ial Club, inviting attendance at the
meetintr to he htM nn .lunnnrv 9Ath tn
consider orpaniztnir n ppniml aoiPmrl
agency for marketing apples, was re-
fered to President H. Bryant, of the
Apple Growers Association.
A letter was read from Mr. J. N.
leal, in answer to the club's letter of
tne 10th Inst . askine reconsideration
j in the matter of financial help on ihe
part of this Club for the maintenance
i of the National Rivers and Harbors
I Congress. Commissioner F. J. Miller
, addressed the Board at lenth in behalf
I of Mr. Teal's contention. No further
I action was taken.
A communication was read ftom
j Assistant Secretary of the Oregon Con
servation Commission, urging the ira
: portance of the passage of a bill giving
vicguu mo prmecuun against ioresi.
li .
j 8- A favrable resolution was adopt-
A communication was react from Run
R. Vardaman, of the Merchants Trade
Journal relative to date of his appear
ance in this city.
A communication was read from the
International Homeseekers' Association
presenting a plan of representation of
commercial organizations at Chicago.
A letter was read from Governor
Chester H. Sedrich. of Nphrnskn in.
viting this club to send a representative
meeting to be hed I in Omaha,- Jan
24th for the purpose of forminc an or.
ganization to be known as the Western
Development Association.
A letter was read from the American
League of Associations relative to the
estaDlishment of a Local Rural Parcels
Post Service on the Rural Delivery
Routes, and the committeu annointnrl
I at the iaat meeting to circulate petition
j protesting against such enactment, was
I granted further time.
, It was ordered that a committee, con
sisting ot A. M. Hammer, Wm. Bain,
P. D. Gilbert, J. S. VanWinkle, be
i appointed to work with fflur represent
atives in the legislature and in conjunct-
,on w the people of Salem,
in tne
effort to obtain pure mountain water
mr cny purposes, lor tne cities 01
Albany and Salem.
In the City.
H. E. Earnest. Klamath Falls.
A. Copley, Salem.
L. M. Hines, Portland.
L O- Smith, Portland.
W. B. McCarty, Baker.
PhillG. Bauer, Salem.
H. G. Lane. Portland.
Mrs. Henry Mercer, Salem.
S. C. Sorenson, Portland.
V. C. Wallace,
H. G. Utley, "
J. T. Edwarc'8. Lebanon.
0. B. (,'yrus, Merle Cyrus, Scio
The Weather.
The mercury raised its head up last
night, and a livo rain came down dur
ing the night, making the snow take a
tumble to itself, und it is left only in
Lewiston, Idaho, has 6,043. Poca
tello, 0,110.
Judge Hewitt went to Corvallis his
afternoon on legal business.
Owen Beam returned this noon from
a business trip to Seattle.'
W. Bitwell Wells, the publicity man
of the S. P., was in tha city this noon.
Eugene has a Jack the Grabber, a
low down cur, who Bhould be dumped
into the mill rac?.
Sid. G. Dorris, a former Albany
printer and editor, is now rVputy gamt
warden of Crook county.
The repo-t that Mr. J. A. Richard
son, of Scio, who was married a few
weeks ago, had married his step mothei
was a mistake.
George Neeley today sold his inferos'
in the business of the Hotel Albanv tr
his partner, G. W. Thompson, who wil
hereafter run the business alone.
Clay Watson, of Eugene, a forme)
Albany boy, has been appointed mes
senger between the house and the stau
printer's office
The ift boat f tax commissionert
anw 1 l. .
' -nn unty assessmeni
, - - f
! . un.y in the state.
1.1 tnt --'1
endid work
. J by
tiom (
n '
the illnnss .. inf
son. When he l :i
belter with excelit. ....
C. H. Walker left fo-
ty, where he will organiz 1
after Grunge work for several
Mr. Walker is doing more to
(he Grange than any other man in
One of the delivery teams this noon
took a Iivd spin, going down Broadal
hin and then ont ninth street to the
Creamery, where the hcrses, prett
well tired out, were stopped, and nc
particular damage was done.
The missionary conference at the
Bnptiit church will begin tomorrow
afternoon. Hev. Walter lienwell Hin
son, of the While temple, Portland,
. will ic the speaker in the evening,
- ! the hou.e should be packed to hear the
- i distinguished preacher. Ho will also
, jhc. Thompson does not get a single
chairmanscip, Ho is at the end of tht
irrigation and iudiciarv committees an
, on the public lands, railwa" and tr ins
portatioM and roles and joint rules com
Burton Davenport. On Monday
evening, atS:30o'clock, at the rooms of
the bride in the Wright block, by Rev.
Albyn Esson, Mr. R. L. Burton and
Mrs. Ida Davenport, The b'ride is the
well known dealer in musical instru
ments at First and Ferry streets, and
the groom is a salesman in her store.
They have the beat wishes of their
many friends.
News from Albany s
Six Early
W. H. B. Stewart,
old-timer up
around Gates, who came down from
tnere last "'b'''. left on a Salem trip.
He reported a foot of snow on the level
Lawyers Weatherford and Hill went
to Snlem on business in Judge Kelley's
court. The judge is said to be tilting
into the office with ability and popu
larity. R. R. Commissioner F. J. Miller.
after spending the night at homo re
turned to Salem to meet with the board.
There is always something doing for
the R. R. Com., one of the busiest
offices in Oregon.
F. P. DeVnney, Oregon's oldest Elk.
left on a Thomas visit.
F. B. Tichenor. the W.O.W. mana
ger, nftcr an otliicial visit to Corvallis,
returned to bnlem.
Mrs. John Dumond went to Lebanon
to help look after her new grandson.
T n ! i. ; i: it
l. jr., who is uoiug wen.
Officers Installed.
The following officers of Manzanita
Circle V. O. W., were installed last
evening by Anna Strom, installing
officer, and special organizer Mamie
Montgomery, deputy installing otticer:
Advisor, Kar.das Mctnesney
Magician, Alice Schoel
Attendant, Lola Eastburn
Clerk, Edna Warner
Banker, Rebecca Viereck
Capt. of Guards, Mary Achenbach
Musician, Lola Junkin
Sentinels. Anna Crane and Mrs.
Managers, L,ida van winkle and
Clara Hand.
Miss Mamie Montgomev. one of the
charter members of this Circle, now a
special organizer, was present and gave
a greatly appreciated iuik. sne win
be here for some time to help boost the
local circle.
A splendid lunch was served, three
tables being filled, and all voted Urs.
Howland, chairman ot the committee,
and her assistants royal entertuiners.
The Linn County Pair Frenvum
The management of the Linn County
Fair, to be held at Scio Aug. 29-Sept.
1, is first in the field with the premium
list and race program for the fair. It
is a good one. The cash premiums will
amount to $2500 and race prizes 11.475.
The following superintendents will have
charge of tho different departments:
Horses and cattle S. Phillppi, acio.
Sheep, goats and swine (J, H. Wain,
Art department-Mrs. A. G. Prill
and Mrs. Claudie Gill, Scio.
Farm products - E. C Roberts, Leba
non. Poultrv Chas. Wesely, Scio.
Dr. Prill is president and R. Shelton,
rne management is entitled to credit
for the energetic manner in which af
fairs have been run.
The Atty. General's Assistant.
Salem, Or., Jan. 16. Aa a result of
the overruling of a demurrer filed in an
action Drought oy Attorney Daniel U.
"owers of Portland, alleging that there
!s no such office as assistant attorney
'cneral, I. H. Van Winkle, who has
'icon acting in that capacity for three
r four years past, is nearly out of a
job and the legislature at this session
will be called upon to be more explicit
1.1 its provision for assistance for the
Itorney general's office,
- Assistant Attorney General Van
.. inkle says that the case will bo an
twered by the office and tried out on
its merits.
Money for P. O's
W-ishington, Jan. 16 The secretary
f the Treasury has recommended the
" propriation of $500,000 for the pur
...ue of a postoflico site at Portlanc'.
The Secretary of the Treasurer aiso
iBks for the following amounts: Rose
org site. $10,01)0; Albany building.
40,0O0; Pendleton building. $35,000;
. he Dalles, 116,000; Medford $20,000.
CrocKery Fell.
Crockery at Meiser . Meiser's this
rocn took a decided tumble. Shelving
.11 tho west Bide fell loaded with
i.ibie wares, some of the best in th
.lure, and most of it was broken
About half nn the west side went down,
and was picked up in pieces, ruined
Ine loss must be $300 or $400 anyway,
Bought a benton Farm.
A. S. Bnchanan has purchased
through the Pacific Real Estate Co.,
the fruit and poultry farm of Gibson
Meyers, i mile north of the river bridrf
on Independence road at the price of
250 per acre. Mr. Buchanan has thu
acquired one of the best pieces of land
in Benton Co., as it is practically new
land and the best of soil.