January Embroidery and Clearance Sale-begins SAT. DEc. 31, closes JAN. 14 Special Prices on nearly everything. Flood's Store Agents for H. & G. Correts. Agents for Standard Pattern We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal . and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. i United Presbyterian. V7. P. White, ! Pastor. The usual Sabbatb serviced. Church of God. Meet at the W. C. 1 T. U. hall. Gospel meeting at 2:30 and 17:30 p. m. Baptist.-S. S. 10:15 a, m. Preach ing by the Pastor at II a m. and 7:30 p. m. a. x.r. u. o:so p. m. All are cordially invited. Christian Science. Services 11 a. m. The subject is; Sacrement Ex perience meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m All are welcome. St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning ser ice and sermon -11 a. m. Evening prayer 7:30. S S. 10 a. m. A cordial welcome to all these services. Grace Presbyterian. In the mornine the pastor will speak on the subject: ijei us rray. At me covp nj. service i the subject will be: tS'hat Men Thinks of Christ. At 7:30 tonight there will be held the annual congregational meeting followed by a social time. Friends are cordially invited. St. Mary's (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Rev. John Van Neyel, Assistant. Services at 8 end 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate and preach from the gospel of the day Matthew 2 A Christmas canticle will be sung at the Offertory. Vespers and Bene diction will be sung at 7:30 with an ad dress by the pastor. The public is cordially invited. Methodist. 3rd & Ellsworth' St. Rev. W. S.Gordon, Paitor. The theme His subject tomorrow night will be: What is a Christian?. Bible School 10:15. C. E 6:30. Oo invitation of the First Presbyterian church, Mr. Violett will speak uc Journeys in the Holy Lane at their Vesper service at 5 p m. The attendance has been increasing through out the week, ten persons have been added to the membership of the church ana me prospect tor a most excellent meeting is very bright. The Alham Christian church is pleased with the worK of Evangelist Violett and cordial! invites the public to bear him in hit nightly meetings which will continue until further notice. MISFITS. Several weeks without a word from Col. Roosevelt. Tne noiseless soup spoon has not yet reached Albany. The hobble skirt is doomed; but what aoout tne wearers. Don't crow yet, we may haTe a smell ot tne eastern weather. Christian Scientists say they will con tinue to Eddyfy the people. The jingo war talk is a national nui sance that should be stopped. Will 5c heat an Electric one hour. Iron 5 c Will make Eectnct Toast for an average family for five da vs. 5c An eastern woman has given a berth day party for a pet dog. Save- the iteii v. u uviuuii. J. ocwi . iiic tuc uc . - - . . . - at 10:30 will be: Unity h the Church of ; P'ces 01 looiisnness. God, and at 7:30. What think ye of . Christ? or, The World on the Witness LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. ttl. every Saturday even- in tr. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan, clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days. .Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard s Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Alice Kirk. Recorder. Ladies of the G. A. R. meet first Tuesday each month at G. A. R. hail. IJattie Stilson. Secretary. Clothes-racks and ironing boards made ' by E. II. Davidson, are the best on the I i market. Call at 739 E 1st St. PAUL N. Pogholview M. T., Draglesa Phoiician, Rooma 2 and 4 Brenner Bldy.Albany. Oysters Freih . Olympia at Holt's FARMERS NOTICE. List your farms with T. W. Horn- back of the Hub Land Co.. 10th and Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, for quick sales, for when vour farm is listed here with me it is also listed in Portland, as I have an office there also. When in town call and talk the proposition over with me. Phone Stand. Class meeting 10 a. m. S. S 1 11:45. The contest is in progress, have . you received your colors? junior and ' Intermediate League 3 p. m. Epworth I League 6:30. Good music ami a cordial ; welcome to all. ! First Presbyterian. F. H. Gesel : bracht, Minister. Morning service ' 10:30. Public reception of new mem bers and the Sacrament of the Lord's i Supper. The session will gather at 10 1 to. meet ai.y who still desire to unite i with the ehurcb. Vesper Service at : 5. Special musical numbers. The Rev. ! B. E. Violett, evangelist at the Christian-church, will speaK on Journeys- in I the Holy Land. S. S. 11:45, come and' hear the orchestra. C. E. 4. A most cordial and hearty welcome is extended' to all Christian. Evanarfist Violett willii preach tonight on "TheCrossKoads n journey of Life." He will preach also tomorrow morning and tomorrow night TWe Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN ' To'bo the best hard wheat blue stem flour in the city. The price Is moderate and the quality , uniform. Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is . correct. Sold on ubsolu'c duuranty. JR. A. MUlirilY, 323 Wet 2nd St, J. LEROY WOOD, Foundations, Roo:s, Iron and steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Works. " JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-resident'. , , U0 Hroadalbin street, Albany. j Hell phone Red 140i. 1 TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclscnite ' roof paint. . I 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 COLL1N8 TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RAtSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in snull and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. Our Policy and Our Aim ' OUR policy is to select from all of the best mar kets, the finest, most re liable goods and offer them at the lowest possible prices.. Our aim is to make every pur chaser a pleased and permanent customer. These are the reasons why we feature Henderson Corsets and strongly recommend them to oar patrons. After a thorouglvcareful in vestigation of all goad corsets, we have found that there are none so serviceable, so practical and so comfortable as the Henderson. Every woman who has bought a Henderson Corset from us Has alwavs returned to us forher other corsets and has always asked for the Henderson. If you want a pleasing style effect, an accurate fit, comfort, ease and lasting service, let our salesladies demonstrate your individual HENDERSON CORSET for you. A wide range of all the newest styles for all pro portions of figures, from $1 to $5. r II A writer says that if Mr. Bryan real!j wishes the democratic party to win he shouid leave it alone. The fool ship subsidy bill will be up. again, the greatest graft scheme of the age. It will as usual be chopped to pieces. The hn is being boosted in the papers, a little worker that keeps everlastingly at it, and gets it ia the neck if she doesn't. Washington is going to show Oregon women how to get their rights. With Mrs. Dunniway heading the movement suffrage wrtl never be secured in this state. Benton's School Census. HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets Thmrm arm many intent ting cor ft illattrattonM in tfta booMUt uf art giving away AtA for - .THE HAMILTON STORE- Tie school census of Benton county shows 3232, an Increase of only 76. , lhat of the Corvallis district is 1149, a j decrease of 56 during the year, not a ; very good showing. Philomath sho ws : the most gain, 40. There are 8fi in ! Norm Alnany. a decrease of 1. 32 1 districts gained and 22 lost. Will light a 32-candle power Mazda lamp ten hours. Electric Light Co 128 Wesl First Street. E M. French & For Jewelry. Son X w ww v wwww WW WW WW OOWIE'S DREAM E TRUE 01 THIS B ANK IS In its 40th year 'Will A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, & Stark Plock - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albanv Suite Bank Building. fVll Black 4S1 Hoine- II. A. LEIN1NGER. Dentist, Claw lord Muck - - Albany Shingles. Made in Albanv mv .no. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in tho markot. Various Every bunch branded with my name. Look tcr it. Examine these shingles before buving elsewhere. I E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will X: Stark BKk Albanv M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats oi all kinds from selected stock. HENRY BRODEKS. Oealcr in 'Choice Meats of All Kinds. .7 1 0 Won .vcmi. I Strror BRUCE i ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoffice. Four chair. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. VIERECKS BATHS, 217 West First Street. Firit-Clat Work Guaranteed. JOHN KUECHIER'S' Express-l Horse SM-cial attention given to bagcace, I freight, business delivery and movin" i household goods. KaiFL'SL't' checks, frcicht bills and all crdors left at otlice promptly attended to. Oilioe at Meizgur .V: Johnson 8 narocr shoo 104 1 -it St. opposite Kuss House. Phone 110. . t Jan 1 II WE VOUR CLOTHES CLEANED ND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & MINION: V.O W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 19 Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 Ihs Granulated Sugar . J1.00 Iti Ihs Cream Rolled Oats 1. 00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 l!s Japan Rice l.uO 16 Ihs Kronen Head Rice i.00 M Ins White Heans 1 .01' 12 lbs Lima Heans 1.00 llMboxpks Kaisinns 1.0Q I (Jet our prices before you buy. W. A. EAST BURN The Grocer. T. J.gTITHS, Public Stenographer notary'Vublic R. T. YATES Legal business of 11 kinis in all the tirst Nationnl Bank ouru promptly aliened to. Bell phone ' Uuildirg. 6-J. Hem Phone 879 To most of the American people today John Alexander Dowie is but a. memory. .The. world at large was forced for a time: at least to acknowl edge his transcendent commercial genius. The establishment of Zion City, the immigration to it of fol lowers from alt over the civilized worHi, the founding of the lace indus triesianot other enterprises of magni tudei.m that colony, the blending of civil' and religious authority in a way which recalled the patriarchal days of old all stamped: Elijah the Second, as Dowie called himself, as a man born once in a century. , Dowie possessed the rare power of converting his visions into realities. Ia that industrial Utopia which he established, there stands a great monument tr his memory. For in establishing the Zion Lace Industries Dowie. gave to this country a new industry. As late as 1900 this beautiful prod- ucfcwas considered a monopoly of thee historic lace centers of Europe. Today the plant is one of the largest and most interesting textile industries in. America. A wonderful development has taJtan place in this factory during the past "three years. It has been thoroughly reorganized. Out of chaos has been made the most efficient plant of its kind. The plant covers nearly five acres. It is 5S6 feet long and 2S4 feet wide, two and three stories high; now em ploys about "00 people, and during the past three years has operated all machines 13 hours daily, except Satur day, when the factory is closed at 1 p. m. for a weekly half holiday. The rapid growth of the Zion Lace Industries has .not equaled the re markable increase of the demand. The product is constantly oversold. The Zion Lace Industries is today the life of the city of 5,000 inhabitants. Many of its most intelligent wage earners arc toiling with the satisfac tion of knowing they still have . a chance to get back in that way, at least a comfortable existence in re turn for the fortunes they have lost So even if the founder's work may be said to have been unfinished, even though he was crushed out of the minds of the people, a great realit has resulted from his dreams. - I! A Bmk of Unquestionsd Safety and Unsur passed Service. Vour account is invited FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000. 000. QQ ' ;i SAVING IS A HABIT " SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH. HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Starti a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST . SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.09 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. : : 1 WM. BAIN..Pree-ident. P. D. GILBERT, V, P H. N. BOUIiEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small aconns a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in youa- depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill. wini that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them Dank and watch them grow. in our GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS BRICK. A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. Phone Home 4S1. ALBANY BRICK CO CementWork Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J. K. TRAVER, 4th 4 Calapooia Tlie Riverside Farm KO. SC1IOKL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns W. P. Recks, Lhht Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Inland Reds, White Cochin Bantaras, l. U. Turkeys, Whit n.i . den Geese, l': t n Ducks, ft i , Guineas W inner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Prone. Farmers 95 - . . R D No WANT A TYPEWRITER: - See Rawlings about a Rebuilt Under wood that is good as new and guar anteed for one year, also other maes for sale or rent Buy on monthly payments.