Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 13, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    Our January Cleanup Sale
Continues to be of interest to economical buyers. Now is the time to supply your needs
for the present and future. Hundreds of bargains throughout the store await your
early inspection. We cannot name or describe all of the money-saving specials for
want of space, but a personal visit through the store will convince you of the saving op
portunity which is offered.
Has come to the front with
many exceptional bargains.
2,000 pairs of Shoes at prices
that mean money in your
Men's $5.00 Shoes $3.75
$3.50 and $4 Shoes....$2.75
Women's $4 and $4.50
Shoes at : $3.00
$2.50 to $3.50 Shoes, $1.50
Misses' up to $2 at $1.25 .
Up to $2.50 at $1.50
Bovs' odds and ends at $1.00
Up to $2.75 at $1.65
Other lots not mentioned
Turkish Towels,, Damask
Towels, Huck Towels,
regular 25c, special 19c
White Wash Goods off
This department is 'well
.known in Albany. Best qual
ities imported direct Jrom
Belfast, One-Fourth Off.
Has caused a great amount
of comment for they are as
beautiful as you would ever
expect to find. No loom
could weave finer or richer
25-inch Flouncing many
patterns, regular price $1,
now per yard .....49c
Others at
9c, 13c, 19c, 29c, 34c
Floral and conventional
50c tops, each 33c
35c tops, each 23c
15c tops, each 9c
Embroideried and Drawn
Work Center Pieces and
Scarfs at One-Fourth off.
The rainfall for the 24 hours previous
to g a. m. was 1 10 inches Most of
this was melted snow. Juat how much
snow fell is not known, hut there was
as much as four incnes on the ground
at one time. ost of it me. led as fasc
as it fell. The range of temperature
was 36 31.
HAS 6129
The population of Albany on January
1 as shown by actual count, by the Al
bany directory peoo e. is MtiG inside the
city limits and 663 in the mimed ate
sunurbs, a part of the city, a total of
6129. This is correct regardless of the
much lesi figures given by the national
In the guessing contest A. M. Holt
was nearest on the city population.
5493. within 27. Leland Gilbert on the
" suburbs 6fn, and "re Emma Peterson
Youn.; Cou. Sullivan was out with his on the combined population, 6150.
sled looking for a sliding place The directory is in the bindery and
found it out near the Dridge.but i was will be ready in a few days,
slushv sliding. . , 1
All manner uf shovels were brought
out and the snow shifted to the streets.
George Forgey, m front of Stevens did
about the best job seen.
Uiie release of mortgage for S1000 in
the recorders office.
In estate of Judaoo Loofburrow John
Turnridge was appointed administrator.
rJ. f . Karnes, w. ri. Mills. Koland ti.
Miller appraisers.
The county court today hns been
laboring on the Calapooia road case,
and the list of supervisors has not been-completed.
nnr Knllimv tuna .....I.. I.; f oil n Ua
i central building. Like throwing stones.
There has been a big difference of
opinion about when the big storm of
the valley occurred. It began Monday
evening, Dec. 15. 1SS4. and there was
snow on the ground for two weeks, the
next morning 12,' inches, about 20
inches in all falling. The thermometer
went down to 14 above and there was
crust solid enough fir men to walk on
all the way to Lebanon over the
fields. On Wednesday the 17th the old
Cannon livery barn at the piesent site
of the Democrat, office, fell in, a great
News from Albany's isix
At the Mission Parlors.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat Market
Choice lunches at the Vienna Baki y.
The best POSTS in Albany at
Cedar fence posts 10c at Curtis Lum
ber Go's.
Have your feet attended to by1 Mrs.
Driver 230 Lyon, both phones.
! The Guarantee Optical Company have
a large and new stack of all styles of
spectacles and eye glasses, also a va
riety of Hnir pins and Ear loop chains
and chain holders. We guarantee ac
curate fitting of lenses and frames,
Stock at Dawson's Drug Store.
Col. C B. Montague, of Lebanon,
vug tnWpn t.n Portland hv hin wife and
son R. B. Montague, for special care
in one of the sanitariums of the city.
The Col. has a long and eventful career,
' a noble specimen of I he old Scotch
blood. He is now over eighty and
gradually failing, but a wonderful vi
tality continues to keep him up.
' J. W. Baker left for Salem on a visit coege board.
with his aister. He is also a prominent '
candidate for stale game warden; and ,
the Democrat nopes to see mm ap-1
pointed. He knows the business, and ,
that is what is wanted. A man who ,
The ladies or the G.A R. will have
an all day boning session at their hall
on Thursday.
The annual meeting of the Price Tele
phone Co. was held last night. S. G.
Talia was elected DreBident. S. D
Yoder vice president and M. Mitchell
secretary and treasnrer.
Dr. Fouikes and Fletcher Linn, of
Portland, and Dr. Babcock. of Salem.
and Hon. F. J. Miller, arrived this noon
to attend an important session of the
A Musical.
jrhen the doctor orders one medicine
and the druggist supplies something
else. An sometimes the troudble is
extremely serious. We assume that
your doctor knows what medicine to
give the patient. So when you bring
this prescription "here we make itup
exactly as directed, with no substitu
tion, adulteration or dilution.
E. C. Meade, Optometrist,
923 ;West Second Street.
F fl. Will
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
Cut Glass and
Novelties to select from.
Walter Parker
. Grocer
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 50
Safe, Convenient, Clean
Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits.
8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights
Lamps assorted Colors
Just the thing for Christmas.
Ralston Electric Supply Company,
. 312 Wnt second Street.
For ruilding, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Sampir" it M. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R D 4. Phone, horn
Heavy and light hauling. Piano
moving a specialty. Pianos and organs
boxed for shipping. Piano boxes for
sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16
inch wood.
Office with I. inn & Benlon Real Es
tate Co., 236 West First.
Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both
None better anywhere, and
price is lower.
Try a box at the
will spend the money where it is paid.
I H. A. Hinshaw and J. H. Mulkey,
of the freight department of the S. P.,
left for parts north, up in the snow
looking after the interests of the road.
i Father Lane left on a Portland trip.
Miss Vesta Eastburn returned from
a visit with Lebanon friends.
, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan and
grand child returned to their home at
I Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis
sion Parlors. .
' Violin Maker and Repairer
Bows refilled. Old and new violins
for sale.
Violin instructor. 32 years exper
ience. 615 E. 6th street, Albany, Or.
F G. WILL,, lor Watches
WANTED. - Boarders. Good home
cooking, at 332 Ferry . St., corner
4th. . 7t
The following program was given at
Trumont Hall this afternoon, by the
Conservatory students:
Cradle song, Berceuse, lithel (jheever.
Little House of Dreams, Blanche
Postillion Op. 55, No. 1, Gertrude
Irish Lullaby, Prayer of Love, Golda
The Fountain, Anna Darwin.
Viola Waltz, Lee rortmiller.
The Flight of Ages, George Strine.
! Heather Rose, Mary Parker.
! Serenade to Juanita, Mary Coulter.
I 2nd Valse, Anna Dawson.
. A Lover in Damascus, Ethel Cheever.
ValBe Triate, Lora Taylor.
The Grave bigger, Arthur Hodge.
Tanzen in Zivielicht, Ruth Fisher.
Flnriun's Song, Myrtle Sturm. '
Madreliva. Amy Olmstead
'; March of the Gnomes, Margaret Gib
son. The Swallow, Gertrude Young.
W. R. Ray of Scio has been attending
Wm. F. Enos, of Elk City, has been
in town.
John Fitzpatrick, of Mt, Angel, has
been in the city.
J. B. Cornett and wife, of Shed d
were in the city today.
Roy Knox was in Eugene yesterday:
on a short business- trip.
Mr. and Mrs. James Renton, of Col
fax, Wash., have been in the city.
E. K. Anderson, of Marshalltown,
Penn,, has been registered at one of the-
Judge Kellny this noon returned from
Salem, where he haa been attending,
Mr. and Mrs. Mausolf have returned
from a trip to their former home in
Judge Beni. Lindsey passed through
the city for Eugene, where he wilt
speak tonight.
Mrs. M. E. Dorris was called to Vail.
Ore., on account of the serious illness
of her son J. H. Dorris, who has pneu
MiBS Amelia Foshay has returned!
from a visit with her sister, Mrs..
Needham, at Eugene.
Clarence Whealdon, a Moro lawyer;..
fellow atudent of Lawyer Mark Weath- -orford
at Ann Arbor, was in the city
last night on his way to Plainview on a
visit with, his folks.
Dr. Lowe the well know graduate
expert optician and optometcrist will'
be in Lebanon Jan. 19 and 18. Don't,
tail to consult kim about your eyes and.
glaBses. Next issue will give Albany
T.- i I. 1 . . ; ! 1 .. . . -. . i
clock in the court bouse tower Btopped
yi'sieruuy uLiurnijrn at exaciy 4:40, me
tunrlr nf lha annul atnrm thu haauu
snow sticking to the hands until I hey.
had to quit.
Stayton Mail: Mr. and Mrs. Lee
I Kerbor are entertaining their niece,
I Miss Annie Bender, and nephew, Henry'
Bender, of Albany. On Tuesday even
inir a uaru aninvnhla rtuffw nisi r.1 irarv
I " r. - J J J - -J " (S - - '
I at the Kerber homo in honor of the
young folks. They will also visit their
' grandparents, (J. Silbernagle and wife.
I The Democrat has received a picture
of a new berry, the Yankee Prince-
' iwoiraiij'uiinnuunj, juob aiDkU,'
. ored by accident in Logan county,
I 111. It is vury largo, with the shape of
a strawberry, but with a hollow center
like the raspberry, and is very hand
some. It requires no cultivation, the
stalks killing out everything around it.
PAUL N. Pogholview M. T.,
Drugless Phosician,
Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bldg.Albany.
An Albany Violin Maker
80 acres, situated 3 miles from Al-',' good house and barn,' nice young '
orchard, 2 acres of oak timber, bal- H. S. Richards, of this city, has a
mice of land in cultivation, ) acres of studio at. nia nomo at bio a. bin street
In Justice Swan's Court.
10 FOR SAI E 10
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, big
fine blocky birds from the best stock
money could buy. Prices reasonable.
Call on C. S. Shedd. 817 W 4th St.,
Albany, Or., or thnnp Homp hlnck lln.
City Lots.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, and
12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered
for sale and range in prices from $250.00
and $500.09 to 700.00. Payable 10 per
cent down and 2 per cent per month.
These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are
which is the best apple land in Ore
gon. This is a bargain ard is a desir
able home. .
Good 7-room house, and' 4 acres of
land,, situated in the suburbs of Al
bany, just the place to have your own
garden and keep your cows and chick-'
ens. 20 minutes walk, from Hirst St.
If you would like a home like this
look this up and be quick about it.
Good new 8-room house, one lot,
telephone and electric lights.
Albany. A snap,
for giving instructions in violin playing
and making or repairing violins, or
equipping them. Mr. Richards has a
long career in the violin business.
There js a violin in Oregon thirty-two
years old made by him, bettor than
when made, and since then he has mado
twenty-one, twenty-two in all. As
high as (Slfcohas been offered for them,
and they have universally g en satis
faction. He now has two on hand. Mr.
PiphnrHa hafl thn anpMftf ntinna nf hnlh
West of the most famous makes, Stradivarius;
and Peganinni, and his instruments are
' The case of J. A. Rodney, charged'
with assault on Chas. Smith, was con
tinued until the defendant, who had
boon intoxicated, was in a condition ;to
bo tried.
Another case is J. H Simpson agt.
Al. Peacock, for ejection from the
livery stablo ut Second and Washington.,
the stubles have been leased for an
impliment and hardware store to Staver
Walker Co. and notice given to vacate
Jan. 1. It is being contested.
At the blain Clothing Co's.
I would say to investors, I am not snlendid natterna of those celnhrnteri
promoting any land schemes, but do a makes, for which as high as $12,000 has
straight real estate business, and if you been pai l for a Stradivarius, lie
wish to buy it will pay you to invests- sides which a Richards instrument
gate what I have to offer. Call per- makes creditable comparison.
only 7 ;blocks from the Court House, j s?na,Vy,'. V, mX ," - , ,n i t v -
PIPE, 203 West Second Street. No
information by phone.
Winter Caps, with storm shields.
Fine $3 hats at $1 to $1.85.
'Heavy wool knit gloves, lamb's wool
knit gloves, lined Mocha gloves,
All at the Blain Clothing Co's.
Every lot is in the city limits and has
all the city conveniences, including city
water. OWEN BEAM, Agent.
Stark Building.
LOTS I-'OR SALE At the corner of
7th and Main streets. Well drained.
Sewer connection. Five minutes' j
walk to Mtldison street school, to
three stores, meat shops and barber
shop. One block to chair factory, I
and live minutes walk to Albany
Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni
ture Factory and car shops. Two
blocks fro mthe proposed electric
line. These lots are in the center
of manufacturing district. Home
Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hagkle
man. t24
We have the genuine
lime and sulphur solu
tion. See us and get
Prices before placing your
' w. f. J6nes,
Veterinary Surgeon.
Office at Farmers Feed Stables.
Phone200.R, Bell; Home 12&5.
Right Prices
We deliver the goods
You Auto
try it
WE LAUNDRY EVERYTHING from the daintiest silks and liiens to"
carpet and rugs. All woolen and fancy goods washed with the geatest
care. Call our wagon or leave your bundle with our down town agen
cies, The Combination Baiber Shop and Arcade Baths, Both have our
puompt attention. Yours for business,
Wyatt Bros., Proprietors,
Bell 93. Home 439.
! Our new crop Teas arc in and while Coffee is higher
in price Teas are cheaper. We now sell a fine Spider Leg
Tea for 50c per lb. that formerly sold for 75c.
,' In high grade Coffees we are agents for Golden West
and Harrington Hall. Also good coffees for less money.
OUR EGGS arc always fresh from the Ranch. Every
egg guaranteed. No Packed Eggs ever in our Store. Your
money back if not satisfied with any article you buy
from us.
but scir.c of the finest buildings in ,
town an- equipped with our plumbinx 1
work. We make a specialty of high '
is sanitary plumbing and will be
glad to have you examine samples of I
our work. We have moved and are '
now at 118 West Second street. I
Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Rugs.
3 Floors.
329 it:o;d Strcc', Between ferry & Broaddlbin