Dll. U.II. KLLIH, Physician and Surgeon Albany. Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phone Main 38. dentistry on the Pacific Cnat 1b cxecutrd htre. We have built up our rpa latum on it. You can depend on quality mid i-anntit pet better painlt-s vork anywhere, tio itUtr bow much you juj. TVe finish pUte and bridge worli for out-of-town j-utront in one day If desired. I'ainiess oxtraotioa free when dImm or hridtfi w.iYlr ik nrHnr. ed. CoAiulUtior. (ret. 1 -j&twMl MolirCrawni $5.00 22kBridfeTiei4.00 uoid tilling! l.UU 1.00 ft? Enamel Fitlinc Silver Filling .50 uooa KJD&er Plate 5.00 IK.W.i.W11E, PutniBTutHuuti Ptfnleii trtr'tion ,OU tt run muuuu m nnuu best methods All Tvork fully guaranteed (or fifteen rears. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists Unhll Bullilm. Third and Wllhlntt.lt. PORTLAND, ORE. OKIc. Heart: t A. u. te 8 ?. li. luUjI.IUl CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of Con rad Scheubel, deceased. To the unknown heirs at law of Conrad Scheubel, deceased, and all others interested in said estate, greet ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required ro appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al bany,, in said county, on Monday the 6th day bf February 1911 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made authorizing and directing the admin istrator of the above entitled estate to sell the' real property of said estate at private sale as prayed for in the petition of said administrator on file herein, said real property being de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. twenty (20) in block io. four (4) in Barton's Addition to the city of St. Johns, Oregon, according to the maps and plats of said Addi tion on file and of record in the office of the county clerk in and for Mult nomah county, Oregon, and lying and being in the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. Beginning at a point four hundred and fifty feet (450 ft.) south, and three hundred and thirty-five feet (335 ft.) west from the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 19, in Township 13 south, Range 11 west, Willamette Me ridian; thence south two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.); thence west two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.): thence north two hundred and ten feet (210 ft): thence cast two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.), to the place of beginning,- containing one acre, more or less, in Lincoln county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J. N. Duncan, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn, with the seal of said court affixed this 14th day of December, A. D. 1910. (Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk. By W. L. MARKS, Deputy. Scoffs Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation orCatarrhol tho Ulfiritierand Dlwaftd Kid neys. NO .HIRE HO PAX.. Curea and tiivct. no matter of how .'ong BtundiriR. Absolatetj hrirmlesa. Sold by druggie t. Price 11.00, or by mail, port paid, 91.00,3 boxei, 92.76. THE SANTAL-PEPSIIiCC, BelletonUine, Ohio. For sale lf fitrkhart & Lee l"roroi:lr obtained, or FEE RETURNED O VUHS' EXPERIENCE Our CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST. Send model, pboto or eketch for export pi-arch and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT auita cunducted before aU courts. Patent obtained throiitfh tia, A OVER. TISED and SOLD, free. TetADE'MARKS, PEN SIONS and OOPVRICHTC quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Ofnco, WASHINGTON, O. O. PR0CUHF.0 AND 0EFENOED. .V" I JmiSiir o7Jb"t5forewrt Karcr, and tree report. I coprrlnhia. etc. ,N ALL COUNTRIES. t n-e auTice, now vo uuwu . Biuintti ttirtcl tt-i4 Washington Mant time, j monty anaejttn int pami. Pittnt ind Infringement Practice EieWwIy. WH.a r mm tl. ,t. .1 U mat Btrart. epp. Veiled ItatM Fatast Ofie.,1 WASHINGTON, O. Pstn tu Ihl Kind Ym Haw llrni tangi -Ihl HiM Yw Hsu -inn I Ctlfrastars X4 st THURSDAY. THE N. Q. CONVENTION. Before adjournment last evening th National Guard Association elected officers for the coming year, las- follows: Adjutant General W. E. Finzer pres ident. Col. Jas. Jackson first vice president; Col. Geo. Yoran of Eugene, second vice president; Gen. Chas. F. Beebe, Gen. Owen Summers, Gen. Gantenbein, Gov. elect Osweld West, General Brush and Gen. Anderson hon o ary vice presidents;Capt.L.H.Knapp, of Portland secretary, Col. Thos. N. Dunbar of Portland treasurer. There were interesting talks from prominent men present and the routine business of the organization attended to. Af;er the dedication of the armory (the Albany officers entertained the vis I itors in a banquet served in the armory i by K. C. Churchill, a neat affair. At the session this morning a strong resolution was" passed asking for an annrocriation from the state legislature of an increase of $25,000 a year for the support of the O. N. G making $70,000 in ail, ana or 4ti,uuu a yeur ior iwo years for new armories, a great stim ulus to the organization. Col. Whistler made a rattling good talk today. Dedication Ball. Tonight the first dance will be held on the maple floor of the new armory, the largest hall in which a dance was ever held in the eity . The grand march will start at 9 o'clock, lead by General Finzer, with a large following from here and elsewhere. 1 Wilson's orchestra will furnish the music. Tickets for dancing $2.50, 50 cents for extra ladies, 50 cents for spectators. Basket Ball. The Albany high school basket ball team will have its first game with an outside team tnis season, at the Alco gym tumurraw night at 8 o'clock, play ing with the Corvallis high, a game that promises to be close and interest- ing. Admission 25 cents. Se it - L. H. Fish this noon returned from tl eslv . ,- . n i ii u i. A. E,. Young, of Pocatello. has been in town. Clyde B. Aitchison is now chairman ot tne it. k. torn. Frances M.-Kizer, of Harnsburg, was in the city today. Worth Huston returned this noon from a west side trip. C. W. Teabault has returned from a McMinnville trip. I Ed itor Willam Mathews, of the New xf tj n "j j port News, wenr to Portland today. Senator Stephen B. Elkins died at Washington last night He was also a millionaire. J. M. Shellev and Judge Chrisman of Eugene,saw the tragicdeath of Hoxsey at Lcs Angeles. Elepha Cummings yesterday evening had a party and a fine time was had. All the girls said so. Medford has ten miles of pavingjrand is fii'urinir on nine more this year. What's Albany going to do. D. O.Green, of the Gregon Power Co. will leave tomorrow lor Indianapolis to join his wite for a short visit. Prof. U O. Hargrove, of Portland, came up today to look after his Linn county classes, Mr. and Mrs. John Neeley returned last night from their bridal trip to Portland and Vancouver. Mrs. William Miller, who recently died in Portland, was a niece of J. W. Bentley of this city. Her maiden name was Ella Smith. Capt. and Hon, Carl Abraham, of the Salem Statesman, who has been attend ing the O.N.G. convention, returned home this afternoon. Nelson Deebe, aged 80, yesterday near Oregon City, killed his brother, aged 77. They fought with axes, the younger brother falling. Prominent men in the city: Lawyer J. Fates of Corvallis, District Attorney E. R. Bryson, Walter Toose jr. of Fall City, L. M. Reeder, Salem. Govrnor-elect West sent his regrets at not being able to attend the dedica tion of the armory, and Acting-Governor Bowerman did not respond ac all. ftpnro-o MrKnirrht of near HeDnner. is president of the Wool Growers Asso ciation. He isabrotnerof Assesor Mc- Knigh'. of this sity, and formerly re sided here. Diana McNeil will arrive in the city tomorrow morning on her way to Chi cago and will speak tomortow night at ihe .tl. E. church. She was first here in 1892, when, five years oi age. Frank S. Whitcaker, of the Eagle's cigar store, and Miss Erma E. Brown, recently of Polk county, were united in marriage in this city yesterday, , by Rev. Esson. According to the Oregonlan the Hill people this year will Bptnd $2,500,000 on Oregon Electric extension. That means that the road will be built to Albany, a movement that will meet with ge.ieral favor here. Col. Roosevelt will visit Portland in the spring in tho i iterestof progressive renultlifansism, whatever that is, under the Col. who is sometime one thing and sometimes another. vrs. Martha Averv died yesterday al Portland at the home of her daughter. Mrs B. F. Irvi.ie, at the age of 86 years. She resided at Corvallis for many years. She was the mother uf thi -teen children, six of whom are liv -ling. The new Galbraith river steamboat mBde iia trial trip up the river from Brownsville yesterday, the ron of about two miles being successfully made Cor-vallis-Gazette Times. Give the G. T. a chance and it will put Brownsville on I the navigation map. THE ARMORY DEDICATED. The new armory last night was form ally dedicated. Tne building was packed, every neat occupied long before the hour, and several hundred people had to stand The structure met with universal favor. The main auditorium with the large gallery, will seal about 2500 peo pie, it is estimated. It was well deco orated with flags and bunting. Tne rooms ot the officers have been neatly furnished by the officers; Maj Ellis, Maj. Winn, Capt. Hammell and others have very pretty quarters. The Spanish War Vets have particularly a fine place, with a suite of two rooms, which they have furnished, and in ad dition have a splendid cabinet of Philip pine relics, the property of Lieutenant S C. orrell. A large room will be used as a club room for the members and will be gradually equipped. The program, presented on the move able platform on the south side uf the auditorium, was an entertaining one. Mnyor Wallace presided and gave a pleasant welcome to the immense crowd. Splendid music was furnished by the O. A. C. band, under Prof. ri. L. Beard, a native of this city, a tine or ganization, also by Wilson's orchestra, of this city, who made a hit with their medley. Mrs. Hullie Parrish Hinges sang twice during the evening and was warmly encored. Her voice remains in fine timber. Judge Duncan spoke of the part the county has taken in the commendable enterprise. Col. Whistler compliment ed the structure and what it means for the city. He said young men should know how to shoot aa well as to read. He thinks the coast would need 400,000 men to defend it in ca3e of war. The Albany committee, Messrs. Mar vin. Drvih Anrl Hflmiltnn nrneeeded to I raise some money for a heater for the . plant and about $1000 was subscribed. 1 The state has paid $13,771.70 towards - tne building. Linn county $6500 and i Albany $6000: I Col. Jackson gave a characteristic ad 1 dress, soeakine of the unrest of the world, and the need for preparation for emergencies. There are rumblings ana the Hague conference may have to take a back seat. Col. Yoran. of En gene spoke of the merits of military training. Major Frank W. Se'ttlemier said silence is golden, and then gave a golden talk of ten minutes, and the program waa closed by the audience singing America, led by Mrs. Hinges ana tne orchestra. . The music and talks demonstraterl the ' accoustics of the large 1 room are excellent, the speakers easily being heard in the furthest corners, i xhe armory will now take its place as an important institution in the city, mucn neeaeo, a credit to tne tiun. News from Albanys Trains. Six Early r...i!. t-!i. tt: ,i name rarr sn xiu'gea retunieu tu g . f. A . Bat th ar Mm. Hinces. when Miss Parish, first sang here about seventeen years ago, I and is always heard here with pleasure. : ' file O. A. C. band returned to Cor- , vallis, a fine crowd of young fellows. Splendidly trained under Prof. Beard they are a very popular institution at I the U.A.C j 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Newport re- i turned to Lebanon, where Mr. New- port is Kept busy in tne aouoie roie oi : 'awyer ana editor, W. J. Kirkland. of Oregon City, for merly of this city, left on a Corvallis business trip. Mrs. Frank Parent and daugeter, re turned to their home at Portland. They reside at Montevilla. Cal Thrasher came over from Cor vallis. R. Rogoway left on a Portland busi- ness trip. Jerry Keenev left for home by way of Lebanon and a sixteen mile walk. John Millard went to Portland to at tend the big wool growers convention. Riley Waller went out to Lebanon to fix things. Mrs. W. E. Yates left for the Yates farm near Brownsv lie. . S. M. Garland came down from Leb anon. Spanish War Vets. The Spanish War Veterans will meet tonight in -their new quarters at 7:30 p. m., when the department com mander H. F. Williams, will personally install the officers of Camp Phillips. It will be public, and visiting comra.es and members of the G. A. R. are specially requested to be present. Fol lowing are the new officers: W. S. Risley commonder, S. C. Worrell senior vice commander, Tom Young junior vice commander, F. C. Stellmacher Ad jutant, R. C. Churchill quartermaster, Geo. Rolfe officer of the day, Frank C. Stuart officer of the guard, Dr. Joel C. Booth surgeon, Wm. D. Morris chap lain, W. V Merrill trustee. A Husband and Wife. At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Jus tice Swan will hear what Mrs. Ethel Laurie has to say about her husband He-irv. whum she charges with threat ening lo kill her, particularly if she should take their baby awqy, and also if she did not have supper ready when he mturncd from the store. Sold a Chalmers. J. L. Irvine this week sold to Dr. Marks ot Halsey a Chalmers-Detrit automobile of the 1911 pittern, the Dr. retiring his Auburn. Mr. Irvine re ports the Chalmers-Detroit meetipg with favor everywhere. In California they seemed to take the lead. He raw one whMe cn his recent trip that had gone 70,000 miles. A GOOD ONE ON ALBANY In the Saturday Evening Post Just Out. There used to be, and perhaps is now, a company of brave firo U'd ;ies in Al bany, Oregon, Known as the Linn Coun ty Fire Company. No. 2. It was a volunteer organization and pretty near all of the best people in the city belonged to it, including United States Senator Chamberlain. In this town was a young lawyer, whose father was very rich, and who had been sent to an eustern law school. Since his graduation he had done noth ing except open an ollice, because he had plenty of money. This young law yer was proposed "for membership in the Linn ounty Fire Company. "We cannot elect him, " one of the members protested. "The constitution of our company savs that tho members of it must sleep in"Albanv and live here in the city; and he lives out of town on a farm and not. jn the city at all. He would bo of no value at ull in case of a tro at night." "Mo," replied Chamberlain, "it is true he doesn't sleep here at night, but he sleeps here in his office all day." And they electee him on that ground, - . Corvallis Man Wants a Wife. of poTvT"' k t Street, P.O. box loo, whose name is not given, has come into notoriety by writ ing the mayor of New York for a wife, having heard that there were plenty there. He says: "We have lotes of ladies out hear bout thoy wants youe to keepe the house for them and give anm . u knl,. ..... tk.h na BmmTSthrtmikS ."Ij-A,?"?;.-6? wSnt Twoneboit The must be a good ton s,ora- and in a few months wil1 beiV Li"i8 McNeil Buckwalter, aformer woman Tame note aTan that drinks added to the floor room of that large Albany school teacher, then a mission., woman. 1 ame note a man tnat OrlllKes ..,:, ..t.l.il.hmpiit. mnrn rnnm'.r. nn,l thon hn.nrht to thn United' and I donte bleve in sloons. We have a city of 9000 piple and it is dry. I wante a pure woman that wantes a nome, etc. nfotmf statement That 9.000 population shows what a liar he must be. The Motor Flew. The G. T.: The big passenger motor, No. 41. in operation on the Albany Spiingfleld line, came over to Corvallis Sunday on a tryout run, the object being to test teh new heavy steel rails which are now being laid on the 'C. &. E. between here and Albany. On the run back the time was rather speedy, just how fast officials r "fuse to say, but it is reported that Riley could have reached Granger in just about the time it took the motor to show up in the Albany yards. McMinnville Will Pavve. , Mayor Lerov Lewis and Councilmen w. Ir. I'Ulllueu, ueurga cjitiut, auu J. W. Hendershoot, of McMinnville, were in the city today examining Albany's new pavement, and consulting with n. r r i ii r- Mil:... .. I n Recorder Redfield in reference to the modus oneradum. which Mr. Redfield knows from a to izzard and backwards. McMinnville dow has pavement in the head and will soon begin formal 'Tr,II7XinM F- B- Tichenor. the W.O.W. man every city that strikes the paving gait, . . . . a good one, a city never regrets, Linn's School Census Superintendent Jackson has corn- plnlcd the .enumeration of drawincr school money. The children total in the county is 7.770. a gain Of 285 during tho year. Albany has 1478, a gain of 91: Lebanon 608. a gain of 7fi: N, BrownHville 271, a gain of 6; S Browns vill, 2U6. a loss of il; Harrisburg 210, a gain of 35; Halsey. 138, a loss of 11; Scio, 150 a gain of 23 There are 15 high schools in the county and 618 pupils. It Also Drew. Notwithstanding the large crowd at the a'mory the attendance at the presentation of the Time the Place and the Girl was large, a fine Opera house audience. It was well received, a mu sical comedy, full of snap and fun. The rich farmer who gave his son fifty cents and told him not to spend it all at once, and the fellow who talked like a train of cars on a sprint, were features. There was good music and hilarity. Big Real Estate Firm. The Western Oregon Land Co. has been incorporated, with Wm. Ritchie. George Martin and Allan V. Ritchie as incorporators and capital stock $luO,ouu, paid up. They will buy and sell land, making Albany their headquarters. The State Tax Levy. The state tax levy has been placed at at 1.6 mills, and the appropriation made by the board. Linn county's share will bu $46,913 15. which is the lowest for!la good many years. The total amount to be raised in the state is $1,385,615 fil. The Linn county levy will be made tnis weeK. Oi. Apples In Cal. Hert Case recently sent box of Baldwin annles packed by F. M Mitch I'll, from his orchird, to a friend at Iiii'2!'. Calif., and received the box back filled with oranges, and a letter declaring the apples the finest they had ever seen down that way. The Weather. Range of t mperaturs 40 35, The river is 4 6 feet. Predictbn: lair tonight and Friday FRIDAY. A SUCCESS Were the Two Days of Armory Doings. The two days dedication exercises of the new armorv closed last night with a military dance, a brilliant, social function. A large crowd was present, both on the floor and in the gallery The new maple floor proved a popular place for dancing. Music was furnish ed by the Wi'son orchestra, one of the best in the valley. The grand march started at 0:30 led by Geneva! Fin-nr and his sister, followed by Col. Whistler and lady and other prominent military men and civilians and their ladies, in troducing a program of waltzes, two steps and three steps. The trenerai committee in cnargo ot all the dedication and convention doings is entitled tn credit for tho smooth and successful manner in whioh affairs have been handled, fnvorally commonted upon and commended by visitors to the city. They were Gen. Finzer, Presi- dent McCune of tho commercial cu , Maj. Ellis, Maj. Winn, Capt. Hamim , Lieut. Worrell, Capt. Stellmach. .-. Thomas Young, R. C. Churchill, Ma t Wallace, Councilman Curl, Judge Du.i- can and Postmaitcr Van Winkle. The total receipts from subscriptions and the dance will justify proceeding with the installing ot a fine heating Dlant. necessary to making the armory what it should be as a convention hall and place for general as well as military n,; B gatherings. Must Have More Room. ine store rooms now occupieu oy lite Variety Store and Anderson's jewelry I store have been rented by tho Hamil- The store rooms now occupied by the being needed for new departments and i the big demands of the trade. The Dartitions will be taken out. and Dlllars ! used the same as oIbb where in the , . u.n. i. i-,i doing business on three floors, but lacks the room needed in the business. In anticipation of the event Mr. Stearns of the variety store is making a re- duction sale preparatory to securing I quarters elsewhere in the city. The Weather. Range of tempera tare 40-bG. The river is 4.6 feet. Rainfall 02 inch. Prediction: occasional rain tonight and Saturday, J. W. Hurt left this noon for his Peoria farm. ' L. L. Potts and mother have vmitino- in Enu-ene this week. boen J. A. Hoag returned this noon from a Salem trip. Scnator Dawson returned tliiB noon from a Salem trip. W. B. McCormick of Shedd. waa an I Albany visitor today. Albany visitor today. Elmer Warford, ill with appendicitis, ja reported better. " The state association of hnrdwaro men will convene in Portland January 24-27. Wm. Burres, of Morro, is here, called to Albany by tho serious illness of his mother at the hospital, Tn Wallowa county the coyotes have I o-nnn mini nml thorn in tnrrnr Ihnrn Expert hunters are being employed to make war on them. Edgar B. Piper, managing editor of the Oregoniun will dolivor an address to the students ot tne u.A.c next Wed nesday on Journalism. Twenty-two indictments have been made by tho graud jury at Los Angeles on account of the 1'imes tragedy; but it is doubtful if there is a single convict ion on them. Dr. uranger, recently irom Lieeus. Dak., wno was recently taken in Lt. EaiCi'''sareVor?erdt0beUtPter "m'1 GraCerB wilhPhim!d vrim The business of the Lebanon post 1 office the past year increased 19 6 per i cent. 10,679 mail sacks were handled and on the routes to Lacomb and roster 2,496 sacks were carried. this John Pine went to Portland morning to meet his mother, Bister and grandmother, who have been visiting in OskalooKa. Iowa, several months, They will be home tonight. Scio News: Lee Bilyeu, of Lebanon, thinks so highly of his new son in law that ho had to come over the next (lay after the wedding and tell his Scio friends about it. Rev. T. K. TvBon. field missionary of the Baptist church is in the city, a man of the people. Rev. Tyaon was an edi- tor before a mimsur, and got some ot the experience '.hat counts high in tha ministry. In the catto of Oregon agt. Henry Laurie, charged w'.th making threats against his wife, in Justice Swan's court,' Wriijht & Johnston, attorneys for the defendant today filed a motion for a change of venue, which will be heard later. Eugene Guard: The Albany Iron Works have begun suit in the circuit court against John Brookmayer to re cover $64 20, with interest ai 6 per cent, from August 20, 1910. L M. Travis is attorney for the ululntiff. Harry O. Clark, the postal clerk shot in the mouth, on the North Const Limited, in a on of Harry Clark the well known drummer in Albany every few days. His father is a veteran of the civil war, and the young man is all right, a brave leiiow. John E. Love, of Myrtle Creek, li.ft here this afternoon for Yoncalla, where! This is substantially as estimated by he will act as principal of the p j'llic I thB Democrat in Its estimate for the school for the remainder ol the live year, and shows the remarkably low months term. He is the third ma i to . ""' rl't? 5 !n thousand for the occupy that position since the opening of I eunty-, Dr. Davi. county hoalth of the term.-Koseliurg Review. Lue is I ccr- "l"1 hi report today. A definite a former Allany young man. t "P"" "I" be given later. ill!' a. "-j j at. u Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made from Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate DIANA OF LIBERIA. Miss Diana McNeill arrived this morning from California, and this even ing at 7:30 o'clock, at the M. to. church will give a talk. Tomorrow she will leave in the morning for Portland and thence to Chicago, where she will study twu vears in a traininir schuol for nurses, when she will return to her nurses, wnen sue win return to tier native country, Liberia, Africa, tb do. snecial work. Diana waa found there- States when five years of age, Albany people seeing hor when she had tha wild anneartmce of her childhood. Now she is a cultured young womon, bright j .....: hn,...h hioMr Mrs. Buckwalter, who hnB brought her uo. is in California fighting tuberculosis, with which she is threatened, There will be no admission fee. but a collection will be taken. The public is s invited. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early Genernl Pinzer, Col. Whistler, Capt. Lacy, Capt. Knapp, Capt, Settlemier, . Capt. Welch and other prominent mili tary men, and their ladies, left for ' their homes. The universal expression was one of pleasure over their Albany visit and tno splendid treatment re coivcti. They duo lured the armory to be all right. Dr. Withycombo, of (ho O.A.C. went fr. Pnetlnrwl tn titlnnrl fVin Wnnl r.mut. Bra mnvention nnti stock show. Hero. ported a splendid attendance at the fiir- mors' short course, mi increase of GO per cent over last year. ! Judge Duncan, Commissioners Butler" , and Russell and Supt. Juckson left for' I Plainview to investigate a scoool divis- ion case. i ' A. C. Schmitt loft for Portland to at tend a session of tho Y.M.C.A. board of the state, which will elect officers at -a session tomorrow. . Mrs. Carter Lee, formerly of this: city, on a visit with her folks at Leba non, left for Seattle, where she is re siding. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders returned' from a Lebanon visit. Mrs. J. T. Wontworth went to Port- land. Mrs. Force of Portland, left for her home after a visit at W. M. Powor's. J. M. Hawkins and Worth Huston went out to Linnhavon. J. H. ErBkine came down from Plain view to see tho county court, but upon learning that the members were going to Plainview, wont back with them. A. W. Boworaox left on a Portland ..... W'- E. Bowman came down from Lebanon on an Albany business trip. An Oregon Company. The Pncific States Fire Insurance Co:. ' '''""""d1 "le on'v stock company in With $1,000,000 capital stock and $500.. 000 purplus this company is in a position' to furnish the safest insurance to be had Instead of sending premiums to eastern companies, helping to build up- eaBtcrn states and cities, thecitizens of Orosron hpve now tho oonortunitv to keen their money In Oregon and at the I same time obtain just as good insur- anco I R. Schultz, with office In the Opera House Bldg.. has been appointed local agent anu is now ready to piaco a line on any good risk. A Big Surveying Crew. A crew of sixteen surveyors arrived In l',ut,ene yestertlay, and as usual the papers are buty finding out who they j ure and what thev are going to do, and .i i :t 1.. e i. ipl. tlt.'ii iiuiiimiK rHiirtmtift trum ll. inn Kt'ginter says tnev mny be llill men. but are probably S. P. men who will run n. linn to thi toastt, declaring that the Junction line is a fake. It figures that it maybe an extension of the Natron lino to tho Pacific. How , easy to build railroads on paper. I f ;F1 I Births and Deaths. The number of births In Linn county during December was 32. deaths 13.