Albany Democrat "Entered at the poat office, Albany. Or, ttcer-a cIhu rraittr. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE 8 ft. cedar posts and anchor posts at the Shingle Mill. It CIDEK. Will deliver cider every Sat urday. Sweet cider 25c per gal., 5 gallon for $1.00; boiled cider 2 ,ir. one 60c per gal , 4 in one $1.00 per gal.; pure cider vinegar 25c, 5 gallons for $1.00. Apple butter $1.00 a gallon, crock included. Write or phone the Albany Cider Mills Albany, Ore. Home Phone 2801. C. R. Wiuueb. FOR SALE. Black team, harness, wagon and wood yard business. J. D. Ellis, 06 E. 4th. NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot tled milk, will do well to ca'l the 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2735. C. P. I'eebler. FOR SALE. Will build new 4 or 6 room house and sell with Fairdalelot, on the installment plan. See F. b. Pfeiffer about it. 7t . CARPENTRY JOB SHOP. Work floor. See E. H. Rhodes. 6t promptly attended to anywhere in WANTED. Girl to do general house- city, ullice va ferry street, rnone work. No washing. 332 Ferry II iri n I iDI L"PPl.i . - " mime zoo, raciuc reu 401 a. aiutuuai st. ot a iAir ir.L.v. FOR.SALE .A house 12x16 just the bbjCi ali.a. . thing tor arage. Will sell cheap. ine nusuer. ne inma ( 806 W. 5th St. 6t irees, neaBes anu pilules. eruueH WANTRH A man tn arnrlr tho FOR TRADE. Will trade a $600 equity in one acre of fine land in a suburban , district of Albany, with new four. room bousa. teleonone. electric iipnis, good well, for vacant lots in Penny winkle district. Willsand investiga- THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. He intends to serve the people. Our system of taxation is uncouth tion. Day phone 191-R, residence and needs remodeling The state banking law is a failure. Stockholders should be liable for double the value of their stdck, more examination, further limit of the funds to be loaned, banks should be confined to banking business and in distinct departments, in case of a failure the examiner should wind up affairs, not a receiver. ' I The state land office, is beinir well FOR RENT:- Good roomy stalls for managed. m horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 608, E. The state printing office calls for gtn ij( t . more economy, reports boiled down, vna tn v rv... ut-i, j T,;. , and the printer placed on a flat salary. FOR SALE. Four high grade Jersies, A ho,rI, ,.-!,,,,. snlles- the first DON'T DELAY NATIONAL. YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS 614-L. HUNTING DOGS FUR SALE chean, trained or untrained. Phelps & Grif fith, Wells, Benton county, Or. tm9 DRESSMAKING. Work guaranteed. Evening gowns, tailored straight, ! shirt waists a specialty, f.uit alter ations. Mrs, Tyler, Room 6, Cali fornia House. at one fresh, and others soon. J. N Jones, Thomas. tlO FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 have an equity in twenty acres of irrigated land in the famous Firlock Irrigation District in the San Joaquin Valley, California, which I will sell or trace on a house and ot in Albany. For particulars call at 314 Ferry St. or call Home phone 1466. J. E. Lobaugh. year on farm Inquire of Uray & feebler, Real Estate, 2nd and Lyon. Home IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit FQR QmcK SALES ,iBt vourproperty tree line you are in need of call and ,;,,? r-, p.hi 'u.f rf,tti lawns and does all kinds of yard work. J. A. Rodney, 614 Elm. Bell home 431-J. 21t see W. A. Ledbetter, he h.s a nice lot of apples, peaches and wslnuts for with Gray & Peebier, Real Agents, 2nd and Lyon Sts. Estate 16c your inspection. At the corner of $50,000Do you want a Ioan.or to make 414. Washington St., Albany. Oregon, PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Eilers Piano House or Woodwork's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, MUTUAL FIRb; INSURANCE.-Ore- Son Fire Relief of McMinnville, and orthw.3tern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the eoaBt. C. C. Bryant, agent. THE BROADALBIN. Mrs. Boggs Eroprietor, Second and Broadalbin bto : i i. Ti . Family service, home cooking. Recent- FOR SALE. Pure bred Braham roost ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb- r ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms mailed free R, W. Tripp, Browns ville, Or. lOt FOR SALE. Here is a chance of a life! time. I will sell at a great bargain my large truit orchard on easy terms 1 or take part in city business proyerty; ; 27t E. H Rhodes. 1 GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 60c month. S. B Penny the garbage man. Home phone 2303. . GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Homo 2303. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhoro utae in Albany. Skill lv'sot, if desired. There should be a better system of auditing accounts. The penitentiary is splendidly man aged. The parole system should be extended. The congested condition of the cap itol must be relieved. The state should take action for a supply of pure water for the state in stitutions. 'n, ih. X'n:.,-.i r.A FOR RENT. -Good offiice room, pround houk) be given flI, on5ideration'. Uur resources should be better con served. There should be a better system of fire protection, which is set forth. The new water code is commended. The salmon industry should be lib erally supported in a completer sys tem of hatcheries. The legislature should properly re cognize labor in more just laws. Proper industrial insurance is sug gested. The fund appropriated by the state should be paid over to the national government for the locks at Oregon City, which should be made free. A commission is suggested for the reformation of our judicial system. The state should make liberal pro vision for the cause of education. The unpaid claims of the normal schools should be provided for. The library commission is a well managed department. The four years work of the railroad commission speaks for itself. there is a demand for better regula tion of public service corporations. Uur resources should be liberally advertised. White slavery should be stopped at any cost. . Ihe demands of the pioneers de serve recognition. An income tax is recommended. The Oregon plan is no longer an experiment, and the governor promis es to zealously guard the integrity of the laws, and if there are any changes they should be made by the friends of rlic laws. No measure should pass from cither house to the other during the last five days of the session. a loan, see J. C. Christy, Atty. 1 5t FOR RENT. Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 440 E 1st St. 5t WANTED A man who can write fra. ternal insurance, and wants to make big money Most attractive propose tion. First class order. No limit to earnings. No fees to collect. Address box 999 Albany, Or. THE OREGONIAN. See Ben Clelan for a special proposition. He will explain it era. X. W. Boom, 734 Lyon at. uu FOR SALE. Two small houses in east part of city on easy terms. H. Bry ant. nlO WANTED List your house and lot, or lots, with T. W. Hornback, of the Hub Land Co.. 10th and Lyon St. ) Phone 191-R. Albanv. Ore. BUSINESS CHANCES List your business with T. W. Hornback of the Hub Land Co. Near S. P. De pot. Phone 191-R. FOR RKNT. House well located. Call at 327 W 3rd, or phone Bell 190-J. C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C. VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculine Testing Phone Albany Stables. F.Q. Will for watches A FEW vacant rooms now at w alton's Rooming House, 214 E. First St next door to Opera louse. GOOD BEDS and absolute clennineas wat Walton's Rooming House. New y,nnd modern. Schultznew brieu, next ;.door to opera house. i The annuar share-holders' meeting of the First National Bank, and of the ! First Savings Bank, was held yester- day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Twen ty-one out of the twenty-two share holders were present The annual re port o fthe Board of Directors :o the share holders showed that this last year was the most prosperous year that the two banks ever had. The capital stock of the First National Bank was increased to $100,000 two years ago. The surplus and undivided , profits now amount to $lU3,44y.A, ; which is considerably more than the capital stock itself. This puts the First National Bank among the strongest banks in the country, with i total assets over $1,000,000. The First Savings Bank has made, a remarkable record during the time it I has been in existence, having been ' open only a little over a year and one half. Its surplus and undivided profit account now amount to $6,180.72. The stockholders were very much pleased with the results, feeling assured that the institutions were well managed for the interests of the patrons of the banks. This closes the fortieth year since the First National Bank first opened , its doors for business in Albany, and ; its President, Mr. S. E. Young, has ', been a stockholder, an officer and a ' director in the bank from its begin ning. The matter of erecting the new building this coming year was pre sented to the stockholders and all were very enthusiastic over the project. ' Some are inclined to think that the present site is hardly large enough and that another site should be chosen. ' The directors are having plans drawn now and the new building will be among the best of its kind in the state, fire proof and modern in its equip ment, it will be at least tour and pos- sibly five stories high. The board of: directors for the ensuing year are S. E. I Young, J. P. Wallace, Alfred C. I Schmitt, P. A. Goodwin, O. A. Archi-, bald, W. A. Barrett, M. Senders. The ) officers arc: S. E. Young, president;! Alfred C. Schmitt, vice-president; O.' A. Archibald, cashier; J. C. Irvine,' assistant cashier; Ralph McKechnie, aeticrnnt rahiir nnrl Phac H Q,btt. I art, assistant cashier. READ AND REFLECT ; Have you ever stopped to think of how much value good teeth are to you ? Do you know that many of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach and good digestion? Do you know that bad teeth in many cases are the cause of throat trouble? Do you know that bad teeth, especially the .uppers, do affect the eyes? - Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth? I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Condi'eted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Letter List. Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Jan. 11. 1911. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Mr. j. R. Barkley. Mary J. Bangle, W. F. Chase. Wm. Cushing, J S. Hus ton. H. H. Hulbert. Everett Hughes, ! MORE MEAT Mrs. Mary Louis, Mrs. Martha E. I For the money than any Mitcneii, J. r . orreson, t rj. worn, D ace in the citv at the shop ot J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. J. C. Phillips, Georue Scanlan. W. O. Shaver, ueo. Windsor, ttta xanig. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. W. KOPPLIN, New Hill Bldg., 2nd and Montgomery. MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counters, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union Furni- . lure Factory. Order of them. Keep your money at home. II 0Trrr fl IF ft MyifL ROOM FOR WE MUST CLEAR US COUOTER! OFFERED BY OUR JANUARY CLEARING SALE chance? mmk TNI& WEEK OF THIS 1 G0WG TO BE (ME OF IAAEASE 1ATEREST TO YOU BECAUSE Of VlDBED Bj4R G1IA .1MB DEEPER PRICE CUTS. OUR RESERVE STOCK MS BEEtt CALLED UPOrt SEVERAL TIMES TO FILL ti Atito A0V kL. STOCKS AKt COMPARATIVELY COMPLETE. BEAR ti AWD THAT ALL THMGS WITH THE FEW EXCEPTIONS Of PATTERIS THEMSELVES, YARNS AND RUBBER GOODS HAVE BEEN GIVEN A MOST LIBERAL RE DUCTION. NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY PURCHASE, OUT SIDE Or THESE IN THE WHOLE STCFII YOU WILL RECEIVE OUR LIBERAL JANUARY DISCOUNT Do You Want a Rug for Spring ? A New Silk Dress for $6.24 KU Tf h,m it nnw. the savinp- vou will effect will be Made possible by the special low price that we have, fficient to buy you a beautiful silk waist a new parasol put on the shipment of Cheney s new Spring foulards. lor hat in the Spring. enency s siiks are Known nationally ior mcir superior Ha v in tr received such a larijo shipment just before the ' 'B - " i i i m oc holidays you will lind this department spietuiaiiy equ.ppeu r c: A a cKJ ' A hundred beautiful, high class rugs swing on ourP" V?- , V thoy came through earlier than we ex- -reat rack waiting for your personal inspection. Let usF(-,0U- '"rieeu m.nurcu j. ,us 01 me. , ... imi.u.u. co.o.- how vou the hiuh quality materials and expert weaving"'.--: ' "1 i y - Vou will W convinced that even at the former prices om titled at it we coiuu se u mosi 01 uiem miring me sa.e i on . vo ronl. t.iiu nuttiiif the low nnoe on them ot ner vd. 48c. rujrs are better. i tu .11 ' Vi,'i. nr;. ,;n i.nn(mn rj NOW THEY ARE ALL REDUCSD. ing this week. Shoes Priced Low-Women's and Childrens I Everyone needs shoes all the time but everyone can not buy shoes under price all the time. For one more week every pair of shoes in this splendid department will be offered at special reductions. . And in addition to this wherever sizes are broken or there are odds and ends of lines we have grouped them to gether under two prices to make quick selling. These lots are ' $1.50 and $2.50 You will find in them shoes that we hav.? sold at S4.00 a pair but there is no room for broken lines, so out they must go. It's a great money-saving opportunity for you, so bet ter hurry while you can obtain your size. THE HAMILTON STORE