$ $rfr t d fc fc p T p p p p SAVE YOUR MONEY Jp p p p P P By attending the January Clean-Up Event which we have inaugurated. Reductions in every department. Honest reductions from regular prices. THIS MORNING! ARMORY News from Albanys Trains. Six Early Herman Hecker went to Portland to attend the convention of National Wool Growers. His brother, B. J., went yesterday. This one is the best and most important national convention 1'ortland has secured, a great gather ing of men engaged in a great industry. DEDICATION TO-NIGHT. Albany has a military aspect today. Capt. Hammoll, Muj. Ellis, Maj. Winn and others are out in uniform, meeting those coming to the convention this afternoon, and the dedication services tonieht. Ten or twelve Eugene men, DRESS GOODS. A dozen lots or more. A variety of weaves three of the lots are $1.50 values at $1.19 $1.00 values at 87c 50c and 50 values at 19c IMPORTED TABLE LIN ENS AT J4 OFF. HAND BAGS AND PURSES. All the newest styles and leathers. 5$ off. FURS. Buy them at a saving. off- UMBRELLAS. Everything included at y4of. Even-thing at SHOES. Hundreds of pairs in this sale. Get your share of the bargains. Ladies' Several lots at $1.00, $1.35, $1.50 and $3.00 pair. Men's at $2.00, $2.65, $2.75 and $3.75 pair. Boys' at $1.00, $1.65 and $2.00 pair. Children's and Misses at 50c, 85c and $1.50 pair. Other lots not mentioned at similar reductions. EMBROIDERIES. It is a well known fact that we have an excellent stock. Lots at 9c, 13c, 19c, 34c and 49c. Last vear Hecker Brothers handled I hailri hv Cuninins Hammond and about eight thousand blooded bucks in ' Williams, arrived this morning. This Colorado, and are in close touch with i noon a good sized crowd nrrived from the big industry. i the nortn, and, as well Mrs. Hinges, no is to sing Lawyers Weatherford and Sox went to Salem to argue the Calapooia Lum ber Go's case, appealed from the cir cuit court, representing the two sides. Lawyer Curl left on a legal trip to Dallas, where Judge Galloway is hold ing court, while Judge Kelley is looking of ter department one of the court at Salem. TO-NIGHT. i The Time, The Place and the Girl This popular comedy, with music, will appear at the ppera house tonight, positively beginning at 8:30 o'clock. The company is already in the city ready for their program. They were in CorvaliU lasi night and made a hit befjre a large audience. Uesid-.s being full of hu noran I sang, wi'h bright costumes and good scenery, thsre ie a plot running through the play that keeps one's interest. Mayor Reeves, of Lebanon, loft on a Portland business trip. Father Lane went to Portland. W. B. Blanchard came down from Brownsville. Lawyer E. E. Wilson came over from Corvallis on a short morning legal trip. Mrs. Bates and daughter and niece, nf Corvallis. left for Portland, on a visit at the home of Mrs Bates father, Rev Morrison. Her sister, Miss Maud, formerly of this city, is now with the O. R. & N. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders went to Lebanon. John Rarrett went to Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson left on a Portland trip. Miss Edna Knotts, of the Ashland schools, left on a visit at Lebanon, wnere sne rormeny uiukui.. om? imw Ashland and her people, a healthy city and a tine place socially. The Drogram will be informal. Mayor Wallace will preside and welcome the crowd. The splen lid O. A. C. band, which has patriotically tendered its services will play, Mrs. Hinges will sing and there ill be remarks from prominent nun present, prominent mili j tary men being uoi. wnistier, cape I Lacey of the regular army, Col. Jack Ison, Col. Williams. Maj. Settlemier, : CaDt. Welch. Cant. KnaoD. Capt. Hani' mond, Lifut. Uuchr.nnan and others from outsiae points. Albany people should bo there un ! till the seats. Another Uncle Sam Man. L. F. Smith. Tangent, was an Albany- visitor today. Ho has been in charge C Tangent R. F. D No. 1 for nine years, sinco 11 starten, ana is next to David shearer, in tne county m the lime f service. Mr. tinitn lias alio tne dis tinction of having been a subscriber to he Democrat for over forty years. Me usorvos continued prosperity ana happiness. Basket Ball on Skates. An interesting game was played last night between the Albanys and the Scrubs, at the rink, fast and snappy something doing all the time, showing some ueciucuiy expert aituuiiK, wen as basket throwimr. The former won easily 31 to 6. The, lineups were: Albany L W. Miller c, H. H. Bee son cant., and C. Conn forwards, E Horsky and T. Gilchrist guards. Scrubs V. Eno-strom c. M. Marshall and W. Anderson forwards, Metsger and Elkins. cDt. F. Horskv referee. Thursday niffht at Corvallis the Alh anies will play Corvallis and on Tuesday night of next week Junction a return , game at this city. THE COLLEGE.! Interesting Meetings . EvancelistlViolett is attracting at ten again ,- t th nhriatjan church where he in Run over the past year in your mind and sec how much you could have saved if voti had bought all your toilet articles here during that time. MAKE A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION TO BUY ALL YOUR TOILET ARTICLES from us the next twelve months and you will go far toward making the year a happy one and a prosperous one as well. The most serious attention is given to all orders at this drug store whether they be for simple household remedies or for the most most important prescr;p t?rn BURKHART & L.E.E. EVERYBODY COME and see the bar gains in left over Holiday Goods Every article marked at actual cost. BURKHART & LEE, Try our hot noon lunches, at the M is sion Parlors. F G. WILL, lor Watche Albanv College resumed work after the holiday vacation of two weeks ,s conductinK nightly meetings. on yesterday -morning at eigni . "V I audiencts is constantly increasing with nearly all of the students on nana, j 8ize and the jnteroat is becoming more i intense. Mr. Violett is a fluent and ' Miss Laara Anderson, professor of ' forceful speaker and a decided success German and preceptress at Tremont : as a leader ot song. K me persons navi . .i ...,. ;, r,nm a nlrnmi n entered the fel uwshiD ot th nan. returne i ivuuua ..-c ..js .... : . .. , , . week s vacation in Seattle with friends congregation and othsrs have declared r. " ...j. j... . their intent on to do so. The church DI lor,u tu.n. - tmt no 9er.ea of meutin(,a t 1 I Ann,l,1Aia,l li..a Btactnrt with tmttni Louis Jones spent pirtoi nisvacauuu at the home of H. S. Nolan. Four Generations, The Orecronian gives a n.ne picture of four geno-ation" of the Schultz family of this city. R Sehuliz. ged 80 heads It. His son tl. II. M'iiuhz is oi, nis . son I. R Schultz is 25 and ni son Herman is now 9 months old I ha record of this prosperous faint y is a good one. THE FUTURE REVEALED i Marvelous Revelations THE WORLD FAMOUS better promise of satisfactory results, sor vice every eening at 7:30. Everybody welcome Among the students returned from Clothes-racks and ironing boards made holiday visits to distant homes may be 1 c o nn,,;.4alin oca tha luial nn tha .: I A ... nimar.l Ti nlaftiriQA The Power Line. YOVR f Eyesight! E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 921 JWest Second Street. F G. Will A fine line of Jewelry,' Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. Walter Parker Grocer and ' i Baker H6 WRBT FIBHT 8TKKET..ALBANY OBKSO.N. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 market. Call at 739 E 1st St. HOME MADE CANDIES None better anywhere,) and the price is lower. Try a box at the THE MISSION PARLORS Mnrv Cnnlter. South Bend: Wash.; Gertrude and Hazel Young, Oakland; Ruth Smith, Wolf Creek; Arthur Jones. Myrtle Point; Harold Hoosier, Stanheld. Albany is now tho headquaitera for work on the new Spiir.glioid-Albany power line. The lino has reached Hal nev and will bo here in thirty days Three new pupils for the musical About the fifteenth, though work will , 'J. U! HnnnU be carried on from this end south. u!Tr". h. ThmB in Me. When completed the lino will be used i Minnville; Prof, and Mrs. Flo were bride croom at tha regular meeting of the Monday Club.Jan. 2 .Mr. and Mrs.C. B. Winn entectained the club in their honor with a magnificent dinner of at least : six courses and two big turkeys. Later occured the club program and the pre sentation of the club s wedding gut. as a reserve power until the permanent Dower Dlant on the Mclienzioisorocieu. . and there will be no more steam, water ana operating when running properly. Another Junius. LODGE MEETINGS. M. every Saturday even- The K. O mg. . The Woodmen of the World every rriday evening. L.. L.. bwan, Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd days. Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Alice Kirk, Recorder. Ladies of the G. A. R. meet first Tuesday each month at G. A. R. hall. Hattie Stilson, Secretary. A Doom of a somewhat striking char acter anoeared this morning on the doorsteps and under the front doors of business places. It recites the trans formation o'. the corner at 4th and Lyon streets from a church building, where nenco and lovo ruled to an arm ory in the into, est of wa, man igii I m in. As a matter ot fact the Nationui " Guard is a protection, the members ot a , t v u r a mw,3 it never croin to war excent aB a nro- ,erk-! irga was heldin Harrisbu'rg lastFridai tection to their country a safe guaid MlMl. . 8 . , . t. i . b anila warv nnrrmti,. inntltlltinn. Saturday, ana aunaay, ov a numuor m - - j t students from the Y. M. C. A's of the I University of Oregon and Albany A I idle Girl's Accident College, led by State Student Y M. ft Lime Uin S MCCloent, Liaizeu anu occreiaf The Coos and Curry County Club held a very enjoyable social meeting in Tremont Hall Dec. 28, and served light refreshments to a number of invited friends. City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for sale and ra .ge in prices from (250.00 and $500.09 to $700.00. Payable. 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. These lota face 5th and 6th St. and are only 7 ;blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city conveniences, including city waler. OWEN BEAM, Agent. Stark Building. Safe, Convenient, Clean Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits. 8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights Lamps assorted Colors Just the thing for Christmas. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wot Second Street STONE; PAUL N. Pogholview M. T., Dnigles Phoiician, Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bldg,Albany. Oysters Fresh Olympia at Holt's For hiilding. ornamental purposes, rap, filling, etc. , Samples at M. Senders & Co 8 store- W. L. COBB, R D 4. i-hone, home 235. w. f.Jones. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stable" Phone -200-R. Bell; Home 12S5. Mendota Coal rip : is lasi gaining in mvur, mways c ft u I free from soot, kindles easily, burm ' readily, free from clinkers, makes I ut ! little ashes. These good qualities muk ' an ideal coal, best on the market tor J the money. Sold in any quanti y. prompt delivery . Order from. I ALBANY FUEL CO. i i A. W. DOCKSTEADER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Ulack 17. FARMERS NOTICE. List your farms with T. W. Horn back of the Hub Land Co., 10th and Lyon Sts., near S. P. Depot, for quick sales, for when your farm is listed here with me it is also listed in Portland, as I have an office there also. When in town call and talk the proposition over with me. Phone 191-K. LOTS FOR SALE At the corner of 7th and Main streets. Well drained. Sewer connection. Five minutes' walk to Madison street school, to three stores, meat shops and barber shop. One block to chair factory, and five minutes' walk to Albany Lumber Co.'s mill, the Union Furni ture Factory and car shops. Two blocks fro mthe proposed electric line. These lots are in the center of manufacturing district. Home Phone 1107, or call on T. P. Hackle man. t-4 A. Ketfretirv Brown of U. of O. ThereligioUB Beries 1 Josephine Rahton, the little daughter was - proceda.1 by a basket ball game of J. H. Ralston, met with a bad acci Thursdav evening, in which a local dent yesterday afternoon at Mr. Rals- uam defeated the Y. M. C. A. men Zb ton's electric supply store, fahe was tola. The Sunday meetings were a playing arouna wnt morning union service in the M. h. church, South, a boys' meeting 3 p. m. and a men's meeting in the theater at 3:30, and a very large union meeting in. the Methodist church in the evening. Arthur Hodge and Louis Jones were tl 9 men from Albany College Y. M, C. A's of O. A. C. and Willaiastto University, led by StPte Secretary Khodes. 'jljilvtimtpssnMSBHSBsasBBM s a if Q i-nwimj.jiiw.,, . HlfllMHI- II Chesterfield FEE POSITIVELY $1.00 AFTER THIS WEKK . SPECIAL FULL LIFE READINGS ,y$i.oc nlavincr around when the aot her arm into an electric wringer, into which it was hauled up to the elbow, bruising it In a serious manner.. In order to got the arm out the wringer had to be bro ken to pieces. lorn Candies Right Prices We deliver the goods You Auto try it. ELITB CHOCOLATE SHOP On Jan. 2, 1911, at St. Mary's Hns- ni,,l tnUf cwl Mm Aillium Rntsli.a , pita, , . u.i. m ........... ! a girl, weight 11 pounds, their second 'daughter and third child. All doing well' LOW FEE for this week on Tells your name, age and date 4 birth, also changes, successes, failures, marriages, divorces, travels, love-affairs recovery, talents and questions that pertain to the future. His predictions arc always correct, and never fail to come true, as thou sands of people will testify. I accept no fee in advance. If you are not absolutely satisfied when I am t through, then pay me nothing. Is not this honest? ! Those who wish to take advantage of this low fee must call at once.. ! PROF. C 1 1 EST F. R FI ELD' Readings All Day Sunday; Office hours 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. nr. Parlors at 115 bouth Ferry Street I FOR RENT:-Good roomy stalls for horses. Inquire of A. Beard, 508, E 5'h St. t DR. O. S. MATTHEWS DKUGLESS HEALING I INSTITUTE. . 325 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. Methods: Chiropractic, magnetic and menir.l. science, electric baths and , vibration. Treated. All curable diseases, chronic or acute, without knife or medi-' cine. Experience. 14 years' practice. i Consultation free. I Mrs. Matthew, assistant. I ; At the end of another busy and successful year, we take 1 advantage of the opportunity to send your our most cor dial greetings. We are more than ever grateful for the ! many valued favors you have so kindly entrusted to us, 'and wish to take this means of thanking you. The dos ' in g year has been a prosperous one generally, in this as well as other lines of business. vc have clone all in our power, through hard work and conscientious dealings, to get our share, and hope that you have not been slighted. Wishing you prosperity, health and happiness. GILBERT BROS: WAIT iVI E ADE, WATCHES and FINE IMPAIRING 319 :-;. Mre', LUwten Icny trtarlalbin i