ALBANY HOT ' , . NOON LUNOHKS At tbe Mission Parlors. , Holt again at the Holt corner. j A neat place, Holt's Meat MatKet. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Trie best POSTS in Albany at tee j SAW MILL. Cedar fence posts 10c at Curtis Lum-i ber Co's. Have your feet attended to by Mrs. ! Driver 230 Lyon, both phone9. , Dr. W-. ft. Shinn. physician and ssr geon. Calls answered Hay and nidit. . Office, KSnn block, Residence 119 K 7th street. Both phones. George Miller, former pianist at Dreandand. will traeh music in this city with headquarters at Davenport's Graduate of Berfin Conservatory of Music. New Years Spacial $S hand painted Haviland plates for $1. Variety Store 313 W. 1st St. Ole Oleson nexc Monday 'night, al ways drawing, full of clean fun, and as refreshing as an evening breeze. Ne lenses in old frames, or old lenses in new frames, whatever your eves need, at Dawson's Drug Store, the Guarantee Optical Co. ; All members of the Methodist Sunday school are urged to be present tomorrow ! the first Sunday of the big contest. The j captains will choose sides and the badges will be distributed. ! After doing splendid wont during the holidays, including all day Christmas all the men of the post office service will have a holiday Monday, which they de serve, and the delivery window will be open only from 1 to 2. This has been a skiddo year for Rev. Esson, the popular pastor of the Christ ian church. When he performs the marriage of Mr Abe Meresse and Miss Eva Huston it will make his record for the year 23, and this is the day in which 1910 will skiddo. We guarantee a perfect tit of Kryptok, opifex, or any kind of bifocal lenses, thus needing but one pair of spectacles for both near and distant use. Ps'frn nize a reliable home companv Call n't Dawson's Drug Store. THEGUARA1 TEE OPTICAL CO. The regular meeting of the Civic Im provement Club will not be heM on Monday next, as that day is observed as a ho'iday. Executive Committee. ,. ir I 19 a i. i m Bl . f i 1 J 1 i d ! Physician and Surgeon ; Albany, Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phone Main 38. dntistry on the Pacific Coast 1b executed hero. Wc li.iTo built upourroputatiouon it. Yon can derNMul on qvaUty and cannot get better paink-ss work onywlioio, no uiallur bow much jou jjbj. UII'A..' We flnlsk tHrto.Bnd IxridKO work for out-of-town ratrona in ono day If desired. Pstnless ortractloa free when plates or bridge woMt In order Uomultation tret. Molar Crowni $5.00 22k0ridjTwlli4.00 Gold Finioc tOO Enamel Fillind 100 Silver Fillinss .50 Good Rjbber - nn 1.4. fines S.UU -jtiJ pi.tu 7.50 m. W. A. Will. PuiioHT iib MiMUU Pamlete ExIr'tiM .0 il mm imntiHiD la famine BKST mktmods All work fully CTiaraatMd for fifteen Te Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists FtlHllI Building, Third and Wjihlnrton P0RTUHD. OK. OMc.HQUe: A. U. to 8 P. K. BaaiMJt,9ttl Scotfs Sanial-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Forlnftammation orCatarrhof tbe bladder and Diseased KW u'it-hlr ftnd permanently the orst caoee of Vonorrhoeb and Cilcrt. no matter of bow !ocg euoding. A buolstel j harmlcM. Sold by drngglBt. frice 81.00. or 07 PO paid, t!.M),3 boxes, $S,.K. THE SANTAL-PEPSIh CC Bcllcbaotaioe, Obi For amle br Bvkhort A Lee nlillr ol'tnlms!. or FEE RETURNE a YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Oil CHARGES A TMC LOWEST. Send model, photo or skcU'tl for erprt aearch and frc report on patentability. UCFatMCEMENT sniM conducted before nU nin, Pntenta ohtAlned through ADVER TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS. PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtalned. Opposlto U. 8. Pntent Ofnce, WASHINGTON, V. t. PROCURED AMD OEFEN DEO. f SSwiiTJ oVSioto. I. T eivert aearrh iand re. reL Kre. a-frlee. bow to lialn pt. " eoprrlshtA, etc N ALL COUNTRIES. Btmmrtt dirfft si. H'atilnftom Krvtl Kmt, montrandcfttntktpcUnt. Pit'ut ft InfriniwsMt PnetlM Exclutlnlt. u nma im. nr. mtu rim oam. K 4 Jl 1 HURSuAY THE SCHOOL MEETING. : the 5 1-2 Mills- rdered Levied There were sixteen nresent at annual school meeting last night, a very important one. The board reported the high school at 1 work, doing a werk equal to auy in the state outside of Portland, with a com- mercial department so crowned an as- sistant teacher has been added. The j enrollment is 2f 5, and there is a corps of 35 teachers with an enrollment of 1047 in all. A new roof has been placed: on the central building and the central, Madison and Maple buildings painted, j and all the buildings are crowded. The estimates for the coming year were Kivuu aa uniuws. saiauca ?-u,iu 11, janitors $!.827, bond interest $3150. 1 water, lights and power $750, wood :. .. ... : 0 T7 $i)00, insurance SoUO. incidentals iuuu m . ..-.- .-,.. mi . mi i : .r1. i: $4500, total $15,000. leaving a deficit of j $13,261.7i, needing a levy of 5 mills, j which upon motion was ordered, also mill for an opuon on a new tuilding site. The New Laundry. The new Albany Steam Laundry, Wvatt Brothers Dronrietors. at 7th and Jackson streets, will be ready for bus- . .. t L. . . . ... .. ....... J . Tkn IRCIR LUC 11131, Ul UtJJVV WCCK. Alio Qftland. mangle arrived yesterday and is being ' set iup by a Portland machinist, who . D T D. ' eaewitit. It weighs seven tons, tot- p-Head, the Piano man, reaches 100 inches and has five rolls. It ho recently resigned from the , Eiler is a Columbia, one of the best in the House here went to Portland to see state. The other machinery to ir keep- "bout "e reported three or four ing with it, the best to be secured. The ther P'?n0 PRsl,n8' but exPected Wyatt Bros, are circulating their price to remam wth the Eilers. 'lists, and report a large business in flight. I T-iti Clelan, Albany agent of the 'Or';gonian returned on the early train i from Portland, where he had been to The Scene Of IL .visit Mr. Slocum, head of the circula- tion department, who has been sick for The scenes of -The Time, Tho Place tw0 ?r thre months, now slowly im .and The Girl" are laid at a sanitarium P':v,n- SIocum l? PPu'ar .man in Virginia, whence Johnny Hicks, a Wlth the aeems- a nustler m the bu3'- ihappy-go-'liicky gambler, arid his "'pal," neBS- Tom Cunningham, flee to escape-arrest, the result of a physical encounter the Mrs. G. E. Nicholls and Constance previous night in Boston. Before the went to Portland on a day's trip, police catch up with them, the sani- Henry Hector, of North Albany, left tarium is placed under quarantine, on a Portland trip. Cunninghnm, the "pal," is in real'ty a Mr. Pitman and family left for Port rich man's son. and the first love com land on a visit with Mrs. Pitman's sis- plication begins when he becomes in- ! fatuated with Mariraret Simnson "the Girl", who is at the sanitarium with ner father, a farmer, aod her brother, and a party of boarding school girls. At Albany Wednesday, Jan. e. T. J. Anderson, of Hamsburg, in town today. Salem is to have a $100,000 six Masonic temple. story ' Miss Ruth tjoggs, of Salem, is visit- ing iMiss cernice uaraner. Mrs. J. N. Chambers returned this noon from e Portland visit. W. B. Dickinson and wife, of Hood ' River, have been in the eity. Miss Lucy Jones has been appointed deputy sheritt ot union county Tom VI . Zoosman, of Portland, "form- eriy of this city, has been in the city. The Booth-Kelly Co. report' a bad lumber market and will reducfi wages Jan. 1. Miss Belle Chance, of the Portland schools, arrived this noon on a visit i with her folks. Th nnnni,!! moot:nr f , no-nn ; Editorial Association will be held in I Portland January 6. Mr. Abe Meresse. now a Vale news- paper man. formerly 'of the Herald, is expected tonight. More later. Governor-elect Os West is on his way home from Los Angeles, where he was quite a lion tor several weeks. Prof. Kent, of the O. A. C. retorned this noon from an eastern Oregon trm. being at Pendleton and other places. The price for the armory opening dance has been placed at 2.50 a couple, 50c for extra ladies and 50c for visitors. Rev. P. S. McKnieht is the chamnion knot tyer of Salem. His record this year is 50, a total of 548 people he has united in marriage. The population of Dallas is 2181 ac- cording to the census, where over 3 000 has been claimed. Dallas is sore. In 1900 it was 1270. D . nj Mn..n ZZ- V p"Cftealit'r h intendent at Portland, passed throuch this noon lor a meeting with superu tendents at Eugene, with Rev. Abbetf. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irvine returned this morning .from Phoenix, Ariz., where they spent seueral weeks, with i the mercury at 80 to 90 most of the time. Mr. Neff. a timber purchaser from the east for a large company, is looking vu timber in this locality with a D res pect of erecting a manufacturing plant ' in this localily. TetracEina, the famous singer, left San Francisco yesterday at 11:20 for ; Portland and will pass through the citv tomorrow morning carrying her high j notes with her. A lot 50 hy 100 feet at Morrison an ! Park streets, Portland, yesterday sold for $210,000 to a Boston girl, who will erect a ten story building. In 1901 ii was worth J21.000. The n2w officers of St. John's lodge are Geo. E. Sanders master, Dr. W. R. BilyeuS. W., Dave Keller J. W., Ed. Washburn sec, R. W. Woods S. D., S. S. Gilbert J. D., W. E. Baker tyler. The Oak Park high school foot ball team and Washington high of Portland will play font ball Saturday. With two weeks of training under a crack coach Albany has a team that can beat either one of them. Entering the box office of the Grand opera house at Tulsa, Ok., last night, in which the manager was making settle ment with the company playing there, turn hnvR seized a sack of monev cm- j raining about $1000 and escaped on a .northbound tr. in. Men in autonobilet I pursued the thieves for time, but I fi-nllv Inung trace of them, abandoned tbacbu. WHO WILL GET $8000. An interesting will case will come up m Denver .uis Marie Murphy, a stenographer, rormerly of t-ortland, (lied in Denver, leaving property valued at $8,000, to her landlady and nurse in Denver. 'Jn a furmer will she had left the property to' her half brothers, Waller and Charles, residing with Mrs. Anna Cox, of Albany. Miss Murphy's folks reside at Munners It is claimed that the Denver people took advantage I of the girl's condition, which was weak, I in order to secure her properly and it will be contested. The girl's mind is ; said to have been somewhat unsound for some time. She went by a number of names, Grace Thompson in Portland and Mrs. Montelliin Denver. The facts i were brought out by an investigation made by father Blake of Portland. The property had been left the girl by i i : .t u. it i iter KrHimiaiiier, miu il is uiuuiil win be secured for the rightful heirs, f Aiit rrn r- rilhonn e iv r-aiM. ' uj. -...t T " John Cat,lni mKhtwatch, left for s t testifv before the cmni ,-urv in a case against some railroad car I thieyes, who operated last October. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Barker left for Portland on a visit with their son Ben -and family. Ben is now a conductor on the Oregon Electric running from fort- ,k d t0 Hillsboro, with his home in . ter and family. Mr. Merrill, Pacific Telephone dem- onstrator, after an Albany visit left on tne motor southward. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Cleek went to Portland. Mrs. W. W. Rowell went to Portland to investigate a rooming house proposi tion. Mrs. C. F. Bigbee left on a Salem visit. Rev. G. W. Nelson returned to St. Johns, after a Corvallis visit and spend- in th'e mvht at Albany at the home of j) Bussard. The other day through a slip of the cog his initials were given as H. A., those of the popular soda maker. C. M. Hall and family returned to Salem after a visit at the home of Mr. na" 3 r, mrs. uuy Newport. The Wjlam j A Salem paper says: "At the Willamette recital, the club made a big hit and wjn a higher place in the hearts of the Salem people than ever before. The seleccion were given i with a spirit, while the tone coloring expression couio noc D6 excelled. Everyone was highly pleased with this the first appearance, which boded well tor tbe success ot t!ie trip south. Trie songs are of especially high quality and are sure to please, which, with the ! stunts and the sketch, will prove an ' irresistable attraclion. There is the repuisite ginger, snap, and go that, is the life of such a college organization, and it can well be representative of the s.irit of Willamette. I At the opera house Saturday night. Will Be Repeated. The Christmas exercises of the First Presbyterian church will be repeated I tonight for the Denefit of those who could not Bet in the church Sabbath evening. All those who took part are ur(te! t0 be 'nere Promptly at 7:30. In i addition to the stereopticon slides on line nativity ana ine moBt famous ma- ' donnas, theVrld's greatest conception the entire lite ot Christ will be shown: over 80 in all. An offering: wi be taken for the benefit of the Sabbath school Christmas tree. Ole Is All Kighi. Therein a good deal of interest be ing shown in the forthcoming produc tion of J'01e Olson" which comes to Albany Monday night. To those who appreciate strictly re fined comedy, free from horse-play or anything suggestive, and at the same time exquisitely funny, ''Ole Olson" will be of more than usual interest. Without doubt and beyond all ques tion "Ole Olson" has proven itself to be the greatest Sweedish dialect com edy ever presented. Paid the Fine. Eugene Register: W. M. Riley, who assauited Mayor Matlock Sunday morn ing and was fine'' $50, paid $48 in I n court yesterday morning and was re leased. He had laid one day in jail which took off $2. The money was fumished by a Eugene citizen, whom the boy's father had telephoned to put it up. The Weather. Range of temperature 51-35. The river is 4.8 feet. Prediction I occasional rain tonight and Friday. CITY COUNCIL, The Hydrants and Lights Located. Present the Mayor, recorder, m .r shal.stieet superintendent and Coun il men .tfarshall. Chambers, Snelt and Lurl. Bills allowed: P. R. Kelly $100, Al Benson $5.50, John Kruse 75c, Hulburt Uhling Com pan y. $6.4;"', Barrett tiros., Aloany Trans fer Co. 55c, Aatson Bros. $20.12, M. Ludwig $2.15, Albany Lumber Co. $31 12, Peter Klley $75 00, K. A Murphy 23c, M. Neeley $3.50, O. P, Dannals $1.00, r . VV. Horsky tSOc, O. a. P.owell 80c. 12. V. Sox 80c. J. D. Creu $0,10, J. A. Vonnda $12.30, J. A. Warner $35. CO. Continued: Fred Dawson $55.00. a report of the street superintendent waa read .hat the part of the ice works on 3r(J street had not been removed as ordered. Referred ta the citv attnrnev .... . . " . and authorized to proceed for the en- foicement of the order. A petition asked for removal of a nuisance at 125 E 4th. The chief of liuisui lice wa3 d.rectwl to abate it A resolution was passed providing for the pavement of Ellsworth St. 3rd to 9th. A new heater was ordered for the fire department. The Pennywinkle bridge was ordered rebuilt. Councilman Snell reported the chem ical engine removed. Upon resolution the hydrants and new electric lights were formally ordered placed as follows: The hvdronts At First and Washington, Ferry, Broadalbin. Ellsworth. lA'on. Mont gomery and Pine. Second and Washington, f erry, Broad albin, Ellsworth, Lyon, Railroad, Jeff erson, Madison, Main, Oak and Cleve land, 3rd and r erry. Ellsworth. Montgom ery, JacKson, Lafayette and Hill 4iii huu wasuingiuu, .Broadalbin, Lyon and Jelterson. 5th and Walnut, Montgomery and Madison. 6th and Broadalbin, Lyon, Railroad and Jefferson. - 7th and Maple, Ferry, Ellsworth and Madison. 8th and Walnut, Broadalbin and Lyon. The new lights At First and Ferry, Ellsworth. Hill and Denver. Water and Harrison. 2nd and Broadalbin, Baker, Jackson and Madison. Third and Thurston, 4th and Washington and Railroad. 5th and Ferry and iNiain. 6th and Walnut, IJilsworth and Thurston. 7t;h and Broadalbin and Montgomery. 9th and Walnut and Broadalbin. 11th and Ferry. 60 candle powers at Cleveland and Santiam and Santiam and Pine, instead of one big light at the former, each to cost $2.50. One change is from Fifth and worth to 6th and Ellsworth. Ells- MARRIED. Bachelder Snelling. On Thursday noon, Dec. 29, at the home of the bride's mother, in Albany, by Judge J. N. Duncan, Mr, John 11. Bachelder, and .viiss Bena Snelling, of this city, were united in marriage. The cere mony was private, The groom is a prominent attorney of Lakeview. where the bride has been the past two years, and the bride is a lady of many splendid qualities, with a hose of friends in Oregon. She is a niece of Ju'lgo Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Bachelder after a short bridal trip will return to Lakeview to make their home. At the Depot. Next Mouday A. U. Barker, the vet eran baggage master, will assume the position ot train director, and travellers will look to him for instructions. Mr. Frank Smit',i, who has filled the position in a papular manner, will go to the freight department. Frank Smith, who is making good as baggage master will remain. Gerald Blackburn will bt night man, succeed ing iv ilbur B .irk hart. Agent Yiickell is proving a competent man in his position. The Main Line. The Eugene Guard Bays that H A. Brandon, construction engineer of the S. P., states positively thkt the main line ot the S. P. when the road is omi pleted to Klamath Falls, will pass Eu gene as now,' taking the present main line at Springfield junction. Some have claimed it would come by way of Leba ncn and the road past that city; but if this had been the case heavier rails would nave been laid. Or. Apples East. Recently a Christmas box of Linn county apples from the orchard of F. M. Mitchell were expressed by Rev. Geselbracht to relatives near St. Paul They have just written back the high est kind of praise for the "particularly fine flavor" and when haVcd "some of the best ever tatted" "like the famous old Spitz .nbergs of York State years ago." hepner the best. On its ensterh Oregon trip the U. O. Glee Club took in th following receipts: Hood River $180, Hpppner $181, Pen dleton $104 65, Ontario $150, Baker $150. At Ontario and Heppner the principal boosting for the concert was done hy O. A. C. men showing a splendid spirit. FRIDAY. A LIVE ' ' INSANE MAN! It took five men to bring Adam Hintz down from Waterloo last evening, "ost of the trouble was before Lebanon was reached. On the train navigation was much easier, and when Hintz was up before Judge Duncan and Dr. Wal lace last night he was much easier ano in fact behaved himself verv well. The charge was insanity, and it was abund antly sustained. Hintz drove his fain- i'v out of doors numerous times and is said to have terrorized the neighbor hood. Tne stories about him show a pretty bad disposition and a demented j mind. He was taken to tho asylum J and will probably have to be kept there for some time. J. A. McCullough went toHalsey this afternoon. Lawyer L. R. Edmunson, of Eugeno, was in the city on a business trip. There will be no railroad strike, th differences having been settled throu). I arbitration. J. A. Howard was called to Ami'.y by the illness of his mother, who been visiting there. Mrs. P. Cohen left this'afternoon on a few days visit with Portland relatives, of whom she has many there. Mrs. J. P. Munkors, of Munkers, re turned home this noon after a visit at ihe home of I. A. Munkers. J. A. Wilson, of the Salem Brewery, arrived this noon on a short Albany business trip. I. B. Rhodes, travelling secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of Oregon, came up this noon. Win. Ehlert, Bill Brenner and crowd have reached the Mexican mines all right, according to reports. A prominent Colorado man has just cured himself of arthma and Bright's disease by fasting four weeks. Heroic but effective. $110,000 will be asked by tho state fair board tor improvements for the fair grounds, making them among the best in the country. D. C. Bellinger', of Lebanon, has just received from the east a bulfalo robe, in response to 945 tobacco tugs Bent. The tobacco cost $94.50. The aviation meet at Los Angels is a thriller, something daring being donn daily. Yesterday Hoxsey went 4200 feet high over a mountain peak. Mrs. S. 0. Worrell this aftornoon en tertained a crowd of young music stu dents in a social session. They took their dolls for a p ay and romp with their popular teacher. Mrs. Geo. F. Nevins and Mrs. A. M. Cannon and daughter of Portland, and Mrs Greer, of Peoria, 111., a guest of Mrs. Nevini, arrived this noon on an Albany visit. A fire at Waldport lastnii'ht destroy ed the planing and shingle milt of the Waldport Lumber Co. and the rest of the mill property as well uh other prop erty at the the town hud n close call. The Guard reoorts a fight in the high school at Eugene between Prof. Robin son and a student nam?d Hammond. It was hushed up, the student apologis ing for his conduct, but it got into the newspaper anyway. Dr. Calvin White, state health officer, upon returning to Portland from Eu geno reported fifty ensos of typhoid fever, due, he declared, to an utter dis regard of sanitary measures. Not an epidemic, but negligence. Among the improvemedts In Albany the past year have been numerous ad ditions to tne plant ot Johnson a Best, which is building up a splendid r epu tat ion all through western Oregon. A few days ago Conductor Frank Cummins told a passenger to chnnge cars at Tollman for Brownsville. After leaving Tallman Conductor CummiiiB found the man in tho rear car. lie had changed all right. Tomlinson & Holman have received their bread mixer for their new bakery to be established in their new store in the bchmintt block, when they move into it in a few weeks. They are pre' paring extensive improvements. A social event of wide Interest is the Now Year's dance at the gym tomorrow night. . Besides prominent Albany peo pie a large number, it is reported, will be here from other nlnces. The dec- otntion8 promise to suipnBB all previous eliorls. Elbert Warford, of W illamette Uni versity, returned home this noon. He is a candidate for mailing clerk again, with good prospects of securing the position he filled in a popular posi tion in the lust legislature, having a wide circle of friends among the mem bers elect. Register: Sterling Foster writes the Register from St Louis, Missouri, that Oregon apples sell there at (10 cents a dozen with demand increasing 100 per cent per year according to grocery and fruit men. The whole country wants Oregon apples and there is a demand for all we can grow. Miss Margaret Templeton, of Pnr' Innd, recent Ivgra.iuatcd from Denmnn'ii School for Young Women, at San Fran ciso. She was tho younghest in the class, and yet received tho mortal for the highest scholarship grade. Her mother, Mrs. Chas. Templeton, is a former Albany young lady, a grnduato of Albany college. Harry Hastings, one of the members of the Columbia Park boys club ot San Francico, while bathing in i,liicngf' yesterday, where be was with the club, dove in a tank at a natitorium and failed to come up. He was fojnd drowned, dying (rom heart disease Tho Club mis in Albany several months ago. Frank U. Tichenor, recently in Alb any at an W. O. W. meeting, manager for Oregon, and J. L. Roberts will pitch quotis for the championship of the world at the state fair next September. Tichenor claims the championship of the world, but Roberta does also, and is the only man who has horetofuri beaten Tichenor. Tichmnr defeated the champ'ont of England, Scotland and Canada and i iversl of the beat men tn the U. S . urn Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate A WINTER TOURNAMENT. Corvallis is to have a big firemen's tournament on Jan 2nd, mude possible tty its new paved streets. All the bus iness houses are to close in the after noon for it. It will be run by Jack Milne, master ot ceremonies, J. li. Wells ollicial time keener. Caut. Rob inson. Dave Ostium. J. B. Iivitre judges, Muyor Johnson reforeo, and 1 nomas Graham starter. The contests are to be a wet test for time, extension ladder drill, a 50 yard bidder race, ladder taising contest, life saving race, rescuing dummy from top of building, three man hose race, tug; of war and some humorous stunts The prizes will be hair brushes, picket knives, razors, etc. given by the merch ants. News from Albanys Trains. Six Early; A boy about eighteen years of ago,', with dirty hiinds, but pretty good clothes, bought n ticket for Halsey, paying 55 cents, and had 10 cents left. He was on his way buck to his home at San Francisco, which he ran away from in February 1909, going to Los Angeles, and then to Salt Lake, Ogden, Pocn tello, Numpit, La Grande and other places along tho way, remaining at some of them for somo time, working lit dilfcrent things. Just now ho had some collar buttons ho was selling, and he cal'ed those who bought his friends. A ragged life, and not much encourage--muiit for thu boy with simp. E. C. Roberts canio down from his farm und orchard. It is locuted on the i old abutidonud railroad of tho S. P. ru--I nine from Tallman to Crobtroo. 'flu truck is used now for shipping produce out occasionlly, a good ninny car louds in the veur, und Roberts says the old bridge could have been rebuilt to stay just as well as the new one. Mr. Kuw, of Fall City, returned homo after a visit at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. iMcTitnmpnds and other Linn county relatives. Chas. M. Straus, tho commercial, traveller loft on his regular trip down ' the road, ufter the holiday vucation,. season. .3 Lawyer S. M. Garlund arrived from: Lebanon with a puckugo of deeds and: other legal documents. Barney Martin arrived from Browns villo. Returned from Texas. J. K. Huight returned this noon from Texas, where he spent several months, with Austin as his headquarters, in the interest of tho Spaulding buggies and automobiles. He reports things pretty well dried up all through the south,, with business in a somewhat had shape.. It seems mighty good to an Orogonian to get hack here and Bee the green things after bein where every thing looks brown and seer. Mr. Haight will , remain here until further orders from tho factory, College Mirth. for a b-eath of college life, for an evening under the magic influence uf mirth, melody, song, and Btory, for an hour to think and dream about after ward, the place to go is the program given ny the Willamette University Glee Club which will be given tomor row night, Seats on buIo at Wood worth's Drug Storo. A Uood Business Straw. mmm The end of thia Much, post office your, Mairh lil, will aeo thu Albany poet ullice in (be $20,000 cIhhh, tn improvement that will npoak for the commercial in tereflta of the city. Thi monch has tiven a iroo i one, nlmo'tt $2ti()0 for tho hhI of BtumpH alone. This is (over a $"0,000 pace, ritia to a larKOjholiday lnnTale; hut it will be a regular t lllla. .111 The Weather. Range of temperature 46-39. 'I he river is 4 8 fe-t. The rainfall waB .68 Inch. Prediction, showers. KIWZ The Mexican rebels yestorday met vl'h another defimt. It will be thus mil they are about wiped out. A banquet Is to be given by lawyers the Hotel Marion, Salem, toilght, a ..veil afTa r In honor of Judge Burnett.