Albany Democr, -EnTdTUTjic3tol55 Albany.Or. becona cibb m" F.P. Nutting. Our Wants. I 1 i LOST Pair of eve glasseB. Keport te Mrs. H. M. Paimer. j CIDEK.-Will deliver cider every Sat-, urday. Sweet cider iffic per gal., 6 Ballon for $100; boiled cider 2 ,ir. one Mcrga',4 in one $1.00 per gal. ; purePc der vinegar 25c 6 gallons for , $100. Apple butter $1.00 a gallon,, I ock included. Write or ( phone the Alhaiv Cider Mills Albany, Ore. Homeyphone2801. C. K. Widmeb. I FUR SALE.-Black team, . harness, wagon and wood yard business. J. D. Ellis, 006 E. 4th. NOTICE,-Any one wishing pure bot tied mi K, win u - ,7 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2736. C. P. Peebler. f, a , c. ia;ii hmlrt new 4 or o $11.45 Any Suit Overcoat or Cravenette. at W. F. Pfeiffer's , THE NEW ARMORY. This is dedication day of Albany's new armory, built for the members of the Oregon National Guards, the I strongest military organization in the I United States. The National Guards I . -.,.... irtctttntinn hecamp they are the people, a volunteer organiza- i nn a reserve lorce lur inc saitiy of the government. It is a splendid local organization, ana our people urn well when they made it possible for Linn county to secure such a credit able building as a meeting and drilling i ; f (h. m,mhpr The clnff- jjiuec iui v"- . inC5C lllSlllUllWfia u.. ... people the more powerful are they. this nrst armory m wit 31.1.1c viui side of Portland, under the new law, tUiw fnr lnrnl ttfirlt Resides its primary purpose it also offers a much needed aumiunum wim a imgc bvui- ing capacity, for popular local gath erings, and promises to be a popular place in the doings of the city. personal DON'T DELAY .J!&Z&i2?- ""' YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS MiBS Mae Montgomery, of Salem, has been in tne eity uo a several day's visit, j READ AND REFLECT J. E. Knox, of Portland, a native of j . - . ,.,u 1iia Knox Butte, has been in the city today. J Have you ever stopped to think ot now mucn aiue Mind Fftunu Mualau refyrnarl last: 1 . . 1 . 1 OR BALIS. wm !". room bouse arm v..7 u rMM . Rpn cielan He will Pfeiffer about it. (t I for a Bpecial proposition CARPENTRY JOB stiur. worn . explain u promptly attended to anywhere in F0R SALE.-Pure bred Braham i roost, p:.1nna Parrv street. Phono1" y w. Boom. 734 Lyon St. tlO Hnmn 2fiB. Pacific red 481 J. STELLb . cedar posts and fcCANHCLiU. m , virt TTiwiMfl Leave orders lor rmnu unMI Dnhnr nnsts at the Shingle Mill. It PIANO TUNING.- Leave orders for SALE. Two small houses in east piano tuninR at fillers Piano House or t o city on casy terms. A. Bry Woodworth's Drug Store. L. M. i nl0 Henderson, Tuner, i MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Oregon Fire Relief of McMmnville and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast.. . C. C. Bryant, Bgent. CHEAP LAND.-Large list good farms . mailed free. R.W.Tripp, Browns-j r - mup RROADALBIN-Mrfl. BoggB , WANTED L,ist your nouc d..u fyo!mmBtiia street. Phone 191-R, Albany, Ore. WE COLLECT bad debUno expense. y NESS CHANCES List your to you if no money is collected I , T, w. Hornback of ant. niu FOUND Small purse with some money in, at the Empire Theater. Call at the Empire. WOOD SAWING. - Have returned home and am ready for wood sawing. Leaves orders at 838 E. 4th. Phone !f4Hme- JOHN BRUCKMAN. AFTER CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. A bill will be introduced in the next legislature asking for the abolishment of capital punishment in Oregon. It is a very important one and should be considered thoroughly before being passed. It is said the bill may pos sibly go through as there is quite a strong sentiment in favor of it among the members ot tne coming legisla ture. It should not pass, though, un- ili.rfl ic a lipttpr iirrntiircmiMlt in the matter of pardons. There should be a board witn enougn mcuiucrs iu it to insure the safety of the public I..-. mom, miirflrrC hlMIllT let loose, possible under a one man pow er. Ana men u is not tcruuii umt hanging should be abrogated in the interest of prevention of crime. WHERE THE SETTLERS AND WEALTH UUMb JKum, tbe hotidays with her three sisivrs Di. Geo. W. Price and wife, of Los Angeles, 25 ytars ago residents of Albany, arrivtd tms afternoon on an Albany visit. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, of Port i land, passad through the city this moo : on their way home from a trip to Los Angeles. Mrs. Neal and Mrs. Walter Huston left on the Loat 'this morning for a visit in Polk county, going to Dallas, where Mrs. Neal's mother is reported serious ly ill. S. G. Irvice and Wm. Mackey, ef Newport, returned home today from a Portland trip. They are interested in the new Daggett ceach, a resort two or three miles above Newport, laid out and on the market. A Couniry Waich Party. Office tio Call iu you n iv Wulon MAi.nntil0 AffenCV usaf WnnHwnrth'a Drue store WOOD FOR SALE. -Short slabs, at Shingle Mill. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 13S E. First street, Albany. ALEx CHEAP LAND. Largo list goodfarms mailed free, u, w. iripp, oruwuo villo. Or. FOR SALE. Hpro is a chance of a life time. 1 will sell at a great bargain my largo fruit orchard on easy terms or tako part in city business proyorty; 27t E. H Rhodes. FUR SALE. Grapes and winter apples J. G. Gibson, Home phono 4054. lit FOR RALE. Potatoes. 1 mile Bouth of Albany. Home phono 2416. R. Webster. GARBAGE. If west ofLyon street 50c month. S. B. Penny the garbage man. Homo phono 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Home 2303. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for salo at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhoro olso in Albany, bkill- lv sot, if desired. business with T. W. Hornback of Huh Land Co. Near S. P. De pot. Phone 191-R. FOR RKNT. House well located. Call at 827 W 3rd, or phone Bell 190-J. inn PISMT Furnished rooms. 226 W. 3rd street. 28' The Rustler. Be trims troBB. hedtres and bushes, rrades lawns and does all kinds of yard work. J. A. Rodney, 614 Elm. Bell home 431-J. 21t IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you are in need of call and li; A T aAhnttay ha h..R & niCft SCO . . ucuuw--..., - lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for your inspection, iv mo 7th and Walnut Sis.. Albany. Oregon, C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculine Testing Phono Albany stables. F.Q. Will ior watches Twenty-one of the oldest and best developed agricultural counties in Ne i 1, l,..,. Inef 1rt7Q3 npnnle in the last ten years, while the state of Iowa has lost 7,082 people from some of the oldest counties in the state. The counties in Nebraska snowing ,t.n lnrcnc nr. time ill flip MlSSOUri river valley about Omaha and Lincoln where land is worth from $100 to $135 per acre. Ihose wno nave icit inesc farms are the men wno nave maae a success of farming and are sure of uirrrtt wherever. thev eo as they take wealth with them. It seems that of the men anu women who are settling the new states dircct t of KThr.ncWn frnstrn Nebras ka and western Iowa are furnishing ... if invi XT- a good number ot tncm. ii iv,vjv braskans have conic on out further west during the last ten years, it is sure that more can be interested in this country. Tl,. .Hi. rtf Orornn mid numerous enterprising land and development companies nave arrangcu nii-i and coinprehcnsivc exhibit of the pro ducts of this state which will be shown at the Western Land Products Ex hibit to be held in Omaha January' 18 to 28. This is one of the really big "land shows" to be held in the United States. , ,.. . Do vou know that manv of the diseases of the body; are caused by decayed teeth? Do you know that proper mastication of the food means a good stomach ana gooa aigesuuu : Do vou know that bad teeth in many cases are the cause of throat trouble? Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do affect the eyes? Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth ? t ,;ii tpprh FREE and tell vou the ex- A Will ivtliiiinv A watch party was given JNew lears acf cnst IOf hrst-ClaSS WOrK eve at the home of Mr. and "rs. Joseph Crocker, southwest of Albany. Ke- j r.ulmonta amrp nprvpH and all eninveH I enfwSrenMTatdB My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a tnd.i!ml' ;,and.MrlHGeMrg,e moderate .price. . Aluian Hulburt, Mr. and Mrs Leonard Folk and family, Mr. ana mrs. Austin Hulburt and Little Miss Gladys Hul burt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albers and family, MiBses Edna, Margaret and Elsie Montgomery. Messrs.. Lekoy, Glenn, Bennie Ohling, Lester Liles, Percy Davis, Alta and Link Yetter. There being 50iu all. Mr. Crocker came from Illinois about five years ago and says Oregon is all right GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, UKtliUN. Letter List. The following letters remain in the ; Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for j Jan. 4, 1910. Persons desiring any of tv,ooo Inttprs ahould call for advertised letters, giving the date: Mayme Berry, D. B. Burbank, Kenneth Fox, Frank Libby, M. Looney, Wade Shew, J. H. Smith, Herbert Steadman, A. J. Watt, W. A. Warner, J. Arthur Waldheimer, Sallie E. Wal- cott. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. The Weather. Range of temperature 49-S5. The river is down to 4.8 feet. Prediction: occasional rain tonight and Thursday. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Condueted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. FOR SALE. H acre, beautifully loci ted, close in. corners on two street-, high and dry, in good neighborhood electric lights and phone, cheap terms $10,000 cash and $5.00 per mo. Phone 514 L. tl VORS MEAT For the money than any place in the city at the shop of New Hill Bldg., 2nd and Montgomery. MADE IN ALBANY, Show cases, counteis, and other store fixtures, first-class goods, by the Union t urni ture Factory. Order of them. Keep your money at home. IN io QU K sfALES, " JUaT Ah QUICKLY Ah VE ZAi VE VT TO CL0IE1X)UT CVCRY ARTICLE FROA OUR vmTt:R, STOCK. IT I iapo?" OUR BUYERS TO EXACTLY ESTIMATE JUST HOW MAY GOODS OUR CUSTOMERS rtEED. THE RESULT IS VE HIVE "LEFT -OVERS'"- -GOOD GOODS LEFT OVER FR0A OUR REGULAR LI1ES. ALTHOUGH OUR. PRICES 4RE AUCH LOWERED THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS IS iOT. THE BEST PICKING WILL BE FOR THOSE WHO C0AVE FIRST. This January Clearing Sale Is Our Greatest Bargain Event. Be Here Early in the Morning SHOESBROKEN LOTS $1.50 U we could know in advance what ucs would be called for during the cason we wouldn't have these broken lots. However, it makes a money sav- rmnnrimiitv for vou. All gathered .clUnt values thee are ami ")'!.."" was t .-t. together from all lines we find there We had a kire number so you, too.!.irc a ilzc can still be supplied. . V'.arly in the morning i the let M.uiy arc our best sellers. time. ELEGANT SILK WAISTS $3.48 This counter was an interesting and Susy place Saturday. Economical and intelligent buyers realized what es TOWELING SPECIAL PER YARD 5o Wc couldn't buy this today for what we now oiler it. It means to you 10c ,r better toweling for 5c. WOMEN TAILORED SUITS $6.95 A number of excellent high quality suits that wc want to clear away and have put this low price on for fast ...It:...- Of innr, thev are not in . IrinUhril and of best wool materials ;,he latest styles ' :1?" e - to the stylcs fori w.. w-re fortunate in securing a carried over ia ,hcv are not largely different than thisl WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS $9.75. Another lot that are-a little betted in every way than the other garments. You have paid $20 to $35 for suits like these. Splendidly tailored, neatly iood lot. But come early. 1I1C1U SUlii TA1! Vf WC" ",CrC 3 i All Kail Suhs'at HALF PRICE. BEAUTIFUL SILK PETTICOATS $2.98. This is a special assortment that w pride ourselves on securing. Th quality ot materials is goou. i "v arc well proportioned and will giv you good service. While they las $2.98, and they arc selling fast. THE HAMILTON STORE