Albany Democrat OIi XLV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY G. Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CRfcST BiunnDP fo1 nur-hav feed . ITIUUIV.C' grain and chick en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 25t WOOD SAWING-&.S or phone 3692 black Home, 45G-Y Pacific. NEW We have just received a ship ment of German Steins, a fine assortment. At MEISER & ME1SER !AT THE COURT HOUSE. The receipts of the county recorder this month have been J428.65. last year i they were $330.75. The total receipts ' for the year up to noon were 14791.43, : during 1909 they were $4173,50, a good ', increase. The large business is being well taken care of by recorder Fronian. New case: Registration title August ' L. Norman, S. M. Garland attorney. In estate of David Fisber. W. B. llilass, W. J. Moore and M. P. Parm- nagain were appointed appraiser. GRE4T SLAUGHTERING OF PRICES ON ALL Suits-Coats Capes-Dresses Hats and Furs Marriage license Abe Meresse, aged 31, of Vale, born in France, and Eva (, Huston, 23, born in Oregon. No. 29 this month and 242 sor the year. Deeds recorded: K. 6. Montague to Julia B. Strine, 5 1-2 by 8 1-4 feet bl 30, Albany $ 533 Geo. Strine to J. F. Yates, same. . 1 Linnhaven Orchard Co. to J. P. Kennedy of Tacoma, tract 25.. Patent Wm. H. Starr & wife. 3800 HARRISBURG, 40, 50, 60 and 75 cents ON THE DOLLAR FURS HALF PRICE Tailored and Trimmed Hats DOINGS OF THE WORLD A higher price tor potatoes is pre dicted. Rosebnrg fell down in its effort to get an armory. A small field of oats near Brownsville is headed out. Chas. Powell is the new master of Ash Swale grange. The saloon license at Klamath Falls has been placed at $500. The Eugene commercial club has taken up tne matter of typhoid fever there. 1071 voters have been indicted in Adams county, Ohio, for taking bribes. Send them up. 326.69 miles is the world's record for one aviation flight. It was made yes terday in France. Mrs. Parmelia T. Chamberlain died yesterday at Natchez, Miss., at the age of 90 years. She was the mother of acntator Chamberlin Acting-governor Jay Bowerman has appointed a superintendent of tne branch asylum ut Pendleton, which will not need a superintendent for a year or two, a Bample of the Bowerman politics. A DRYYEAR Only 37.66 Inches of Rain at Albany During 1910. The reliable record of F. M. French, displayman, for 1910, shows the follow ing rainfall at this city, for the year, in inches: Jauuary 6.54 February , 6.82 March. 1.63 April 1.89 May 1.75 June 1.16 July 00 i August 08 " September 1 22 October 2.64 November 10.04 December 3.89 I Total 37.66 This is slightly below the average, and shows a dry year, with moisture at the right time and in the right quantity. I The rnnge of temperature for 24 hours was 42-35. The river is now 5.4 feet. The prediction is: fuir tonight and Sunday. HALF PRICE SFR From the Bulletin: The new Masonic officers are: Arthur Carroll, W. M ; Qrbin Lowell. S W.; R. U Weatherford. J. W.: Damon Smith, treas.; Rex. Davis, sec; J. A. Bosserman, S. D.; B. S. Norwood, J. O.; T. W. Sommerville, S. S.; J. L. Norwood, J. S.: J. E. Bosserman, T. Mrs. S. A. Williams is the new W. M. ot tne r astern star. Mr nnrl Mra I? O Rnanr nt Album, spent Christmas with her sisters Mrs. I Johnson, and Mrs. Wiley at tne Har risburg hotel. They departed for their home Monday accompanied by Master Leroy Wiley. Mrs BenjWilliams has sold 265 acres of her largo farm to Henry McVay of Nebraska who has taken possession. He has a family of seven children and is a wide awake tiller of the soil. The consideration was $55.00 per acre. There is no longer any excuse of the people of Harrisburg holding back in their demands for a bridge across the Willamette river at this place. The cry of the enormous expense, not only of building, but of operating, has been relegated to the background. Harris burg is the real head of navigation on the Willamette and has been for some time according to the official records of the Wur Department of the United States. Reception to Young Clergyman A reception was tendered yesterday evening at St. Mary's church to the Rev. Charles M. Smith, who has been assigned as assistant to Father Lane in the work of the local parish. The library rooms, which have been recently enlarged and neatly fitted up, were filled with membars and friends of the church to wish well to the new minister in his work. Father Smith is a native of Chicago znd made his studies at the Jesuit University of Kansas City, later follow ing a course of theology at Montreal. He has just been ordained. Father Van Novel remains in tho service, making three here in charge of the work, over this church and organ izations at lorvallis, Lebanon, Browns ville, Shelb.urn, Scio, Lyons and Jeffer son, See the new polishea top Cresenl Range at $45.00 at HulburtOhling Hardware Co's. ALBANY . OPtRA HOUSE Some Good Ones, MONDAY, JAN. 2 Will Positively Appear BEN HOLMES, Prince of Dialect Comedians and Sweet Singer, in Ben Hendricks ! i . Famous'Comedy OLE OLSON A Twenty Years Success that "HAS MADE MILLIONS LAUGH." Holiday Prices 25. 50. and 76 cents; L Seats at Woodworth Drug Store. . OINI THE DOLLAR $400.00 PI A MO FREE Everybody in on this liberal offer For the benefit of those that have inquired: The Createst all Bargain Events "Our Annual Clearance Sale" opens Saturday, Jan. 7th at 9 ojclock a. m. with the greatest collection of Bargains ever offered the people of Albany. Any one living here for over a year, will appreciate what our Annual Clearance Sale means. Chambers & McGune Albany 's Leading Cloak and Suit Store. Got 18 Months. ' A. L. Williams, the man arrested for using the U. S. mails for fraudulent purposes, sending fake orders to the Albany Nurseries, was tried and sent to the pen for 18 months. Today Mr. Pcnnebacker had nine or ten letters re turned from the fake numes furnished. About as tntertaiulng a moving picturo ' program as A llrany i enple have ever! seen is on ut tlv.i bmpiro, the famous Marconis in their wonderful aerial ' featB; a very fast, and exciting cowboy ' story; Simple Charity, a biograph story, I with Jacfs people like so well; tie! the doings of a famous trick horse, full iof comudy us well as bo:se intelligence, i and a dog statuary posing scone, tho , j cutest and boat, yet of its kind ever. . shown here, Fresh oysters any stylo Hot lunches morning, Noon or night. Elite Choco ate Shop. Peters shells "Cut the Meat." For sale at Hmburt-Ohling Hdwe, Oo's. Tne Best Is none too good for you 1 Wo have the beat lili feature film for tonight and Hi.tunlav. ' Extra Big elucHti(iiinl Feature. MEXICAN CENTENNIAL, celig's. Special comedy. I The Other Way, I'athe 1 High class drama: The Stolen Claim, Edison. I Manager Dheamland. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Jan. 4 L. R. WILLARD offers THE PLAY WITH MUSIC lime Place the Girl and 10 Musical prises i PRICES-BO. 75c, $1.00. and $1 50 al Numbers. 3 Scenic Sur and a Bunch of Girls. CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection ,ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Jate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, Mitin 5 Beli, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Wood Yard. Wood delivered tn all parts of city on short notice, uffice at residence 908 East 4th street. J. D. Ellis. DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business.. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that wesell only PR0MPTR9CaRIES ad Ur PRICES ARE FA1R and our SERVICE A safe place to trade, surely -for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted goods and appreciate the trade every customer we havo to the extent of ners.icai servifs It' LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Preltyman, Managers Office: Cor. First and B iker. djj Homo Pnone 306;;Bel Phone 131 9 ar el," 3' ON SKATES TUESDAY, JAN. 2, '11 A Good Game is Assured. . Admission lOe. Skating After Game Marshall & Lobaugh Empire Photopl ay j TONIGHT j "Simple Charity." A beautiful Bio. graph drama. An old cigar, maker, , who becomes too old to work, his - gray, haired wife, and a charitably in jclined (but as poor as the old people), young girl, make a story that brings tears to your eyes, the act ot char ity, though simple, is dramatic in its human appeal. "The Facori Family." A reproduc tion of acrobatic work which seems almost impossible. As one act after another is performed one is almost disposed to hold one's breath, it is so real, though only a picture. "Cowboy Justice." A sensational subject produced by the American I'athe Company. Thrilling in the ex treme are the scenes of the lively chase that follows the holdup of a depot agent. "A Four-Footed Pest." The horse in this beautiful Vitagraph' comedy is "Don I'ulanda," the best educated, horse in the world. A laugh ail Jhe time, by the tricks of this horse. "The Statue og." A dog posing is entirely out of the ordinary, and iliis wonderful Vitagrapli dog makes you all laugh at his conceptions of human life. Miss Crosno singing "fir the Moss Covered Well, Sweet l-'.slel'lr." . Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. Men's Uppers. At a price you can afford to pay. The assortment is most complete and the wide range of prices brings them within reach of all. An appropriate and useful gift. Men's Cavalier Slippers, $3.75 value '....$2.85 Men's Cavalier Slippers, $3.50 value $2.50 Men's Faust Slippers, $2.75 value ......$2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.75 value.. $2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.00 value .... : $1.45 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.50 value $1.75 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.50 value $2.00 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.25 value . $1.85 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $1.00 value $ .65 iStoltcnborg'sShoo Store. 334 First St. The Electric, Some fine pictures. I Admifsion 5c. Tho premium sale still continues. Bring in your red envelope) to till! Both P Main STETTER'S for l li istm'is presortr. D"H, toys of all kind), funcv pates and mull, i"1', 4J piece din er s.'.t i U srd 17.75, 4" pre whivi and jold sf I J8 0. I