Handkerch Our Special lots of Xmas Handkerchiefs at 15c, 25c and 50c are all world beaters. Flood's Age .ts f r K- & 'j- Lor.2ts. THE LINN COUNTY Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. Mulburt-Ohling .We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN "'ro be the best hii'd wheat blue stem Mi'NOTgEif ' flour in 'ha citv. The prico Is moilurnto nnd the quality uniform. Call m up lor a trial suck, and wo II prove to yon that our assertion is correct. Sold on ahsu !:!.' kiiaraiity. II. A. MUKPIIY, 225 Went 2nd St. , J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. 1 Foundations, Kgo:'s, Iron and Steel ".Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, (Drawings made and checked. Oflice, ..Albany Iron Works. JAS. F. POWELL, j Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Uroadalbin street, Albany. Hell phone Red 140i. " TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, i Agent for the Cleveland Gclsenitc roof paint. i 122 Ferry Street, 1 Home Phone, 320. Pacific. Red 3002 COLLlNB TAYLOR, , Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and. sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan In sn'ill and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Properly handled for non-resident. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Work - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albanv Stale liatik Building. B-lllila.-k -IS.' Home -275 ii LE1NINGER. Demist, Ci rd lil.vk Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Staik lSloek - Albany M. B. CKAKT, 242 West Second St.. Albany, Firtt cl.i- iin'.it- of all kinds jr. .Ill !-. -Ifd l.vk HENRY BRODERS, 1 Valcr in 'Choice Meals of All Kinds. 211' Wot S.v.'iul Street. BRUCE eV ANDERSON, Opposite the Postofhce. Fmir cli.itrv IVt'tnpl and effic ient care of the face and hair. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street First Class Wotk Cuaiamecd. ief Sp ciai Store Agents for Standard Pattern To You You'll find it highly expensive a source of trouble and worry if you fail to have an. abstract drawn of the Ueal Estate parcel. The safe way the up-to-date way, is lo have an abstract showing in de tail every phase of the parcel's his tory and save yourself the expense of future possible lawsuits. Our work is exact our charges reasonable. .ABSTRACT CO. Wc carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. Hardware Co. r Our Policy and Our Aim- o HENDERSON l ash km Form Corsets im lit mm corsets and has always asked for the Henderson. If you want a pleasing style effect, an accurate fit, comfort, ease and lasting service, let our salesladies demonstrate your individual HENDERSON CORSET for you. A wide range of all the newest styles for all pro portions oi ngures, irom ? i JV.r art many Inlmiltnr coraaC illuitrmefoi In tk mttractio boohUt iwart wiving away. Ak tor mmm THE HAMILTON STORE Shingles, i Made in Albany my .No. 1 Edg ilrain i the It EST in .he market. Various , grnd.is anil prices from $1.25 upwards. . Every tmi'ch branded with my name. ) 1 Look I r it. Examine theso shingles; 1 before I living elsewhere. i E. A. THOMPSON. ! We use no dry kiln. JOHN KUtCnLLK a Express-l Horse ;,,,...;, I nti. niion eiven to baggage. freiuhl. bu-.iiu'ss delivery and liu,y,n.- ': household goods. ,...,- , . ; 'taggage checks, freight bills and all i r.li'rsU'ft at ollice prompt ly attended to. ' (i,r,..,. ut Mofuur .1 jolilison a oarue sholl. I'.l-l 1st St. U"P0M I'll nno ' Uuss House. t .'a i UWi: Y0L"i CU:AM:i CI. illil S The Pantatorium, CilLBEUT oi MINTONJ U) W 1st St. Koli l'h'.ne black 273 llotne phono liH T. .1. 'Vi ?KS, A .........u .1 1 ul V.. tun. I iiKiIa Legal bus " of " 1 iW all the courts promptly aliened to. Boll phone 66 J, TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Christian Science Services 11 a. m. Subject: Christian Science. Ex ' perience meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. Grace Presbyterian. In the mornine ' at 10 o'clock trie pastor will speak on "Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh." Evening subject: "He became Poor that We might be Rich, i Christian. 10 a m. Bible school. ' Morning sermun 11:20. Subject: Not as the A' or Id Gives 6:30 p. in. C. E. 7:30 Evening sermon. Subject: What I ! have written I have Written. Violelt meetings begin Jan. 1st. , i First Presbyterian F. H. Gesel 1 bracht, Minister. Morning service 10:30. Theme: International Peace. Special music. Union Bervice of S. S. ' and church at 6 o'clock Christmas I exercises in recitation, song and picture. A cordial invitation and hearty wel J come extended to all. ! United Presbyterian. W. P. White, i Pastor, lhe usual babbath services i will be held. Miss Snx will render the I following fifteen minute program, be. i ginning at 10:15 a. m. Song of the Magi, Ashford. A Christmas Carol, j Gorenz. Christmas Greeting, Oppel. ' Christmas March, Law. Pastorate, . Mendlessohn. Methodist. -3rd & Ellsworth St. Rev. W. S. Gordon's Bubject at 10:30 'The Babe of Bethlehem. After this '. service there will be an opportunity lur Daients to have their babies baptized. I Evenineservice7:30, subject. The Magi's Search for the Savior. Class meeting 10 a. m. S. S. 11:45, stay and hear about the contest. Junior and Inter mediate Leagues 3 p. m. E-. L. 6.30. A special invitation is given to- visitors in the city to, attend these. Christmas services and enjoy the music. St. Mary's (Catholic). Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Kev. John Van Novel, Assistant. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate and speak I from the text, "Behold I bring ynu i Tidings of Great Joy." The musical ' program includes the Processional "Adeste Fideles" and the Gloria and Credo of Leonard's Mass. The anthem ; at the Offertory will be Christ is Born ; j to Us. Vespers and Benediction will be i I rhnntnH nr. 730 n.m. nnr) the nastor will speak on the mystery of the Nativity, The public will be welcome at these services. Fresh oysters any style Hot Lunches morning. Noon or night. Elite Choco te Shop. UR. policy is to select from all of the best mar kets the finest, most re liable goods and offer therm at the lowest possible prices. Our aim is to make every pur chaser a pleased and permanent customer. These are the reasons why we feature Henderson Corsets and strongly recommend them to our patrons. After a thorough, careful in vestigation of all good corsets, we have found that there are none so serviceable, so practical and so comtortable as the Henderson. Every woman who has bought a Henderson Corset from us has alwavs returned to us for her other to ? j. J iwhy buy (jfrOCCriCS ot Portland Houses when yon can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 11 lbs rlrnnulated Sugar ... Ii! lbs Cream Rolled Oats. .. . 11 lbs Head Rice '!! ! I I lbs .In pan Rice l.W H'. lbs tlroKtn Head Rice l.f'K VI Ins White Beans 1-00 1 12 lbs Lima Reims l.ttl ld-lb oipks Kaisinns 1.00 (let cur prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURM The Grocer. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES HomPhonei f'"1 N''0"' Building. MISFITS. Anybody missed. How many presents have you bought. How fast the Christmises come one gets older. Th days are getting longer, you noticed the difference. Have Learn to make a good 1. There will be tnree of them in next year's figures. T. R.is to make a speech to publishers on January 6 They will know some thing then. It has been discovered that American hustle is causing a great deal of insan ity. It is wracking thi nerves of men to pieces. Better slow up a little. People always hive and always will have ditterent ways of amusing ihem selves; but it is always well (o make the amusement clean. There is plenty of it. Merchants report the best holiday trade in the history of Albany. People have come from near and far to get rneir innstmas gooan, aue to the enter prise of our merchants. ! "All work and no play makes Jack a ! dull boy," is an old saying that applies iust as much to Jack whan. h pbt , older and becomes a man. But he always does well to be temperate. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Marriage licenses; Louis H. B. Rob inson, 24, of Calgary, and Mayme fi. eerry, la. naisey; A i Deri u. Steven- ; son, 24, and Laura E). Fltzgibbon, 23, Albany; Eugene V. Kent, 20, Albany,. ana aiYriie oa. opp, nt. Tangent. j Bert A. Wilson appointed guardian of Uretta Wilson, a minor. The Martin vs. Brownsville case was continued until January, when reouttal evidence will be presented. Deeds recorded: Peter Swank to acres C. R. Gibson to I. I. J. Long, 160 H. Castleman, 108 acres S. W. Bowser to F. 34 acres. R. Thompson Bill sale Denver Horse Importing Co. to A. A. Gatcbell et al, a Royal Belgium draft stallion, Barnum, W'O'J. A City of Boys. A city governed and controlled by boys after suggestiois and ideas of the famous juris. Judge Willis Brown of i Utah. Judge Brown is noted the world over for his decisions and his handling of juvenile cases. I There has been a motion picture taken ! ! of The City of Boys showirg the boys ! in all their affairs, and Ihrougb the I tfforts of The Peoples Amuse-nenl Co. i of Portland this picture will be shown al lhe Dreamland theatre Sunday and I Monday, 25th and 26th of Dec. I No boy should miss this, no one hav ' ing boys should it. Through the court ; esy of the Peoples Amuseme.it Co., the principal and all ,the teachers of the I public schools of Albany have been in- vited specially to witness this famous I picture. Mgr. Dreamland. i NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. I In the District Court of the United I States for Uie District of Orogon. In the matter of Lawrence E. Borin, ; bankrupt. Case No. 1694, in. bank ruptcy. i To the creditors of Lawrence E. i Horin, of Albany, in the county of Linn, in the district aforesaid, a bank rupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December A. D. 1910, the said Lawrence E. Borin was duly ad judicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held lit lh:m' Ort'irnti in tin nftii- nf till undersigned referee in the Cusick i ltank htiildinur. on Wednesday, the 4th ;y' ?t- "lll creditors may attend, prove their I claims, aiMKiiut a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other I tuisiuess as may properly come le : lore said mcetinij. Daietl at Albany, I.inu county, Ore gon. this December 24.. t9I0. C. C. BRYANT. I Rerefec in Bankruptcy. ' NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL : MEETING. oca I voters and taxpayers of ehool Dis trict No. 5 Linn Comity, Oregon, that a special meeting will he held at the t'eiural Cuildiug in said District 01: Wednesday. Oeccmbcr 28th, 1910, at the hour of ?:M) p. tn. for the purpose ot voting a tax for the support ot the ('ublic schools for the coming year, .-.ml tor such other business as ma come before the meeting. I. K. WF.ATI KRKORD, Chrnm "I. L. TOMiMNSON", Clk. Alha'nv. Oren. Dec. l- 1910. RICK, A fine lot at our yard at this city.jus Mil nwl. I.mie Horn 431 ALBANY BRICK CO Merry Christmas Is the message which ELECTRIC LIGHT brings a message of cheer and good will, and progress To all our Patrons and to all the Citizens of Albany the ELECTRIC LIGHT GO. wishes a Happy and Prosperous New Year and a Merry Christmas THIS B ANK IS in. its 40th year A Bank of Unquestioned Saiey and Unsuir paused Service. Vour account is invited FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $ 1,000,0 Qd. 0 0 SAVING IS A HABIT J SPENDING IS A HABIT' WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? 1 Stnrt- a Savings accout with as and you wilhbe i surprised1 ai the ease with which the Saving habit i is acquired, interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $ 3 0 0 , 0 Off. 0 0 Owned: andl operated by the stockholders off the i rirjr ianonai Banic. WM. BAIN. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of FinanciaS Success- grow from very small acoraas. a small sumi opens an account in our bank bub, to have a big, Wealthy financial tree, you must be petrsistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing; is the root of financial in dependenat. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then' you will branch out into better things and be safe agaiast any ill wind! that blows Doliiars are financial! acorns plant them in our bank and! watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS WE DONT WANT TO SHOUT ut some of the finest buildings in nvn are equipped with our plumbing vork. We make a specialty of high lass sanitary plumbing and will be .lad to have you examine samples of ur work. We have moved and are or at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUAPT. Holiday Announcement. OUfT. BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF GIFTS meet al) requirements from hi at to last. Diamond Brooehes, Dia mond Rmee, Sterling Siler Brush ?u3.. aJmcure Seta. Military Brushes, Hull detachable handle Embrellaa. F. M. FRENCH & SON, Jewefers. j AT THE CITY FISH MARKET 109 Lyon Street, on can get all kinds of fish, fresh Si- ;r,?oked.an? cam,cd: frh tcr, crabs and clams. Yaqtiina sal mon received daily. ' 1 Lowest prices consistent with hish quality of goods. B Delivery to all parts of the city. GementWork waLLaCemtVnetn,a!1,erinE J. F. TRAVER. 4thACalapooia Vayberry Wood Yard! .,A""d'' wol'- Bie fir. price Vl T' t,ovllh- W 75:' Maple. $4 75; Slab 4ft length. $2.6... Oak $5.25 Will deliver any amount wanted Sawed ani lVnstb de; " " WWn