Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 30, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Supply Your Blanket Needs from Our Superior Stock
We have as choice a stock of blankets as you could wish to choose from. They're
strictly first-class in quality! weave and finish. These items may interest you.
Pendleton Fleece Wool 'Blankets, white, pretty borders, satin bound, priced at
Light grey Pendleton Fleece wool blanket, fancy border, silk binding, priced at
$9.00 and $11.00.
Other white wool blankets, pink and blue borders, at $6.50, $7.50, $10.00.
Dary grey wool blankets at $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 and $7.00.
Vicung or brown wool blankets, silk binding, at $5.50.
Cotton warp, wool nap blankets at $2.50.
Cotton blankets at 50c to $1.75.
From Albany's Six Early
Mark Hulburt of the state fair board,
went to Salem to attend the annual
meeting, when the election of officers
will occur.
been a ver;
St. Johns Lodge A. F. & A. M. last Spo.-ial road taxes have been
night held its annual banquet, enjoyed! ed by the following districis: Shelbura
a mius, norm sciu muis, iurin L,eua
hv the members and their families near .
Iv three hundred in all. It was served I nnn 5 mills, South Lebanon 3 mills, Ber-
in thmA taMtinna faoh ct.ipaI: hinir ' Jin 3 mills. Jordan 2 mills. Sweet
The present board has I presented with a carnation upon enter- I Home 6 mills. The following district
narmomous one, aoing inlr the banauet ha I. a neat favor and ' nave rejected tie tax: no. i near ai-
splendid work, and there will pi
be no changes, certainly should not
A line that offers an excep
tionally wide choice. These
cases are bought from the
best makers.
All leather cases, steel
frames, strongly made, $5.00,
$6.00, $6.50, $7'.50, $8.00 and
Genuine black Lizard case,
with ebony toilet set includ
ed, $19.00 .'.
Canvas cases, leather color,
heavy leather corners, good
handles, $2.25 and $3.50.
Jap Matting cases, light
and strong, $2.25.
All sizes of canvas tele
scopes at a wide variety of
Absolutely the largest and
most representative display
that we have shown.
Scores of dainty and styl
ish handles, strong frames
and a variety of coverings.
Ladies' Umbrellas priced
from 75c to $8.00.
Men's Umbrellas priced
from 75c to $5.00.
A variety of the best furs,
including Mink, Coney, Fox
and Oppossum.
Stoles, shawls and muffs,
latest shapes, and the best
obtainable at the prices we
robably saving confusion. The decorations bony. No. 9 Plamviow, No. 20 near
be. were very pretty and the spread was ! Albany. No. 17 at Crabtree, and Tall
'one of the finest ever presented in 'man. Twc or three districts are to
J. B. Gentry, who was up to attend , Albany. Mr. and Mrs. f". H. PtoifTer, i be heard from,
the Masonic banauet. returned to the caterers, received many compli-1
Salem, where he has been at work sev-: menta for the splendid menue, and as . .. ,Ith -.,
eral wix-lta. neimtintmiT a lares class ot" . well the neat manner in which the .. lnB ear 18 enoing wun io
about forty in the A.O.U.W., which service was conducted. Here is the
continues to grow notwithstanding the
fact that it is the oldest of all of them.
It is getting its second breath.
We wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
D. N. Williamson, the teacher, and
daughter, went to Portland, where the
latter is receiving special treatment for
k aifod Ua will f ilrj In tlio SaKirrat
. . . J ' . .. . . AonnrnoriiQ
settlement ot lormer L,inn county peo-
pie. I toea
Lobster salad mayonnaise, Long Branch
Olympi i oyster soup
Olives Oregon celery sweet pickles
licenses granted and
licenses, $3537 in all.
Roast turkey, 32 of them
eastern oyster dressing
Cranberry sauce
French peas mashed iota-
Currcnt jelly
Bread Butter Swiss cheese
Ice cream with enke
Mint wafers Salted almonu
Fruits and cracked nuts
During the evening there was a con
tinuous social session, tle whole orov -ing
an enjoyable reunion of iho Masons
and their families.
Deeds Recorded:
Alfred C. Schmilt to Jas. Potee
lot Linmonl $' 10-
John Jewel Wicks to Zeno 0. Earl
4 lots Wassoms ad L.'bunon.... 500
ltobert F. Miller to Enuch C. Snel
len 56-10.) acres 800
"Hon. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford
went to Portland.
Lawyer C. E. Sox went to Salem.
also Commissioner Miller and Judge
Harry ochlosser went to oalem.
W. E. Parker went out to the farm
to kill hogs.
W. H. Goltra left on a trip to his
Goltra farm. I
Dr. Leweaux went to Corvalhs on .
her regular every other day trip. I
Mrs. Lillian Crawford Kader, ot
Portland, and Mrs. Harry Crawford
went to Lebanon for a visit at Donny
Ed. Barrett went to Portland.
U rkUi:n n 4n
Col. J. B. Efdy returned to Portland wa8 8n d fashioned Xmas .tree, with a
after a visit to his Lebanon farm. l.u cy d'nn?rt 'ollowln' wlucn wtt8
Mrs. Kate Vaugn, of Lebanon, left uy uppreciated.
on a Portland visit. Those present were: Mr and Mrs
h.,... Wnu.Hno omnt- nut tn T.inn. ,John A. Shaw of this city. Mr. and
Bond for deed Mrs. T.
to Bert Hollis 201.25
acres .. ..$
A Family Reunion.
Timber snlo F. A. McKinney to
Lebanon Lumber Co. All tim
ber on tract 12-1 East $
A happy holiday reunion of the Shaw
family was held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert S. Shaw in Mill City. The
home was nicely decorated and there
A Live Bunch.
r'oiding Up the lnterurban
Lebanon people are preparing to hold
up the Albany Interurhan, ana ine
probability is that it will skip that city.
This road will undoubtedly be built in
time and it will mean a good deal lor
Linn county, a proposition deserving
the support of the people of the county
Run over the past year in your mind and see how much you could have
saved if you had bought all your toilet articles here during that time.
ARTICLES from us the next twelve months and you will go far toward
making the year a. happy one and a prosperous one as well. The most
serious attention is given to all orders at this drug store whether they be
for simple household .remedies or for the most most important prescrip
tions. " BURKHART & LEE.
EVERYBODY COME and see the bar- '
gains in left over Holiday Goods j
tvery article marked at actual cost.
The glee club of Willamette Univers
ity is the livest organization in the insti
tution and competition for places on it
is keen. To secure places, the voices
j must be good, and Dean Mendenhall of
the college of music, has picked out the
best in the University.
At Albany Saturday nignt.
Mrs. Angus A. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs J.
I Royal Shaw, and Cyril and Laurence
ICKU.A Mill fit., nn1 inof hut nn
. kiiiavv ui ...... vj . J j nuu . .. u wv I. U x
! least--Mrs. Watts of Lafayette, grand
mother of Mrs. Robert Shaw, this being
her 62nd wedding anniversary and
at 84 years of age enjoyed the Yulutide
aa much as the younger members of
the family.
The Wedher.
New shipments of Andirons Fire
Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just
received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware
For china go to
313 W 1st St.
the Variety Store,
Business Change.
George Neeley and George Thomp
son, of this city, have leased the lowet
part of the Ruyal Restaurant property. .
which they will run aa a first-class chop
house. Harry Turner has rented the
rooming apartments above.
Rawlings about a Rebuilt Under
wood that is good as new and guar
anteed for one year, also other
makes for sale or . rent. Buy., on .
monthly payments.
WANTED. Experienced girl for gen
eral housework See Democrat office.
Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis
sion Parlors. -
Each Eye
I fit seperately with tha
proper lens to give perfect vision, which
prevents all eye strain that causes
Quality and work guaranteed.
E. C. Meade, Optometrist,
921 !West Second Street.
F 0. Will
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
verware, Cut Glass and
Novelties to select from.
Walter Parker
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 66
Ret Griss stamps for sale at Foshay
& Mason's.
F G. WILL, lor Watches
Clothes-racks and iremng boards made
by E. B. Davidson, are the best on the
market. Call at 739 E 1st St. I
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Vetch Growers' Union
will meet at Tangent on Tuesday,
Jan. 3rd, 1911, at one o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of electing five directors
to serve one year and changing of
by-laws and transacting any business
which may come before the meeting.
W. E. PARKER, Pres.
J. E. JENKS, Sec.
Range of temperature iS-35. j
The river is 6 teet. ;
Prediction: fair tonight and Thursday-
. , j At the end of another busy and successful year, we take
I t ' ! ad vantaere of the opportunity to send your our most cor-
.'JtitJr-dM greetings. We are more than ever grateful for the
atebnop. , many valued favors you have so kindly entrusted to us,.
"'.and wish to take this means of thanking you. The clos
ing year has been a prosperous one generally, in this as
well as other lines of business. We have done all in our
power, through hard work and conscientious dealings, to
get Our share, and hope that you have not been slighted..
Wishing you prosperity, health and happiness.
Right Prices
deliver the
You Auto
try it.
The K. O. iS. every Saturday even
The Woodmen of the World every
Friday evening. L. L. Swan, clerk.
Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon-1
days. I
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard's
Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and
3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall.
Alice Kirk, Recorder. ;
Ladies of the G. A. R. meet first
Tuesday each month at G. A. R. hall. ,
Hattie Stilson. Secretary.
329 'ssrond Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin
Our Own Make
Safe, Convenient, Clean
Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits.
8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights
Lamps assorted Colors
Just the thing for Christmas.
Ralston Electric Supply Company,
312 Weit second Street.
There are more exneniiivj ehrwn1nta :
buc test them with a box our make
cnocolates if you want to satisfy your
self Of the hiffh nllnlllv nt nut hnma
j made candies. :
City Lots. i
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, and
12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered
for sale and ra.,ge in prices from S250.00
and $500.09 tu $700 00. Payable 10 per
cent down and 2 per cent per month, i
These lots face 5th and 6th St. and are '
only 7 blocks from the Court House. '
Every Int is in the city limits and has
till the city convenience, including city
waler. OvVEn BEAM, Agent, j
Sfnrk BiilWinr. I
For huilding. ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samples at M. Senders & Co s store.
W. L. COBB, K D 4. Wione, home
Veterinary Surgeon.
Office at Farmers Feed Stable"
Phone -200-R, Bell; Home 1285.
Maiidota Coal
is tast gaining in favor, always clean
free from soot, kindles easily, burnt
readily, free from clinkers, makes but
little ishes. These good qualities make
n ideal coal, beat on the market for
tee monev. Sold in any quantity,
piompt delivery. Order from
Bell 277 J. Home black 176.
PAUL N. Pogholview M. T.,
Drug) ess Phosician, (
Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bidy, Albany.
5ave the pieces.
Xenset Matched and Prunes Repaired.
E. C, Meade, Optometrist
PfS OlympU
at Hok't
Seasons Best Wishes
To You
Blain Clothing Company,
Dependable Clothiers