Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 30, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, IS cents a
week; in advance fur one year,
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of yeir $t.5u.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. Alter 3 yefen Bt
Dear Daily Democrat: My favorite
loafing place is the Congressional li
brary, but this afternoon 1 went to see
n-hat was going on in the House,
'i'licy had the omnibus appropriation
bill under consideration and the par
tictilar part under discussion bad to do
with expenses around the building.
There has been an elaborate turkish
bath system for the use of members of
the House. This 1 am told was much
- used in the old boose period when
many members after a "gay" time had
to be washed and cleaned up for duty.
In these temperance days there is al
most no use made of them but the old
employes are all on the payroll. One
member said there was a man for
- every spigot and two for every tub
and door, lie moved that their sal
aries be reduced from $12(10 to 600
per annum. Another republican said
there would be little use lor them the
next congress anyway. Kverybody
laughed, while a democrat called out
that we bathe at seasonable hours
and at' home. The discussion related
largely to the unwasliiug habits of the
incoming democrats. This was re
ceived in great glee by the democrats
for they were the coming people and
they did rather enjoy these llings of
those taking their leave. Finally it
was moved that the bathroom be
closed and all its fixtures sold. It was
urged by a republican that they would
he no use for the next two years, until
they came back when they could be
replaced if needed. One old bald
headed democrat brought down the
house by suggesting that it was not
necessary to sell the present fixtures
and buy new as these could be
rinsed. It was seriously urged as un
wise to more than close the bathroom I
and discharge the employes as the '
fixtures would bring nothing as old
junk. However, it was decided on a
very close vote. Chairman could not
decide in call for ays and nays so they
were called to stand up and there
were 29 yeas and 28 nays. Then tel
lers were called for and the members
all walked between them to be count
ed. Forty-four yeas and 43 nays.
Many came out of the side rooms
to be counted. Another entertaining
item was the proposal to increase the
salaries of the members clerks $500
each. One on the republican side
made a sensation in his own party and
g.'t great applause from the ilcnm--er.tfi
by saying: "This will be regard
ed as a personal grab and our last
grab as we are only to lie here llie
next sixly days." However it was
pretty evident that many of the dem
ocrats wanted the increase nud wanted
the republican Mouse to pass it and
gel the bhm". To heir that discus
sion am .r;n. . Ol.iuc im-iimei s cieiiv
vnii would ' -
,d to believe iiiey had i
.....1 .11.1 .,11 il... ... ,!.
all tlx
aim uui an uie won.
and tht- .
. o were mere wooden
Thai the "world passcth away" was
. brought homo to nic us I passed
-. through Statuary Hull and saw the
statue of John J. lngalls id Kansas
who was pR'sidvn! of the senate when
1 was here some years ago. It is Hue
to life, very tali, slender and perfectly
ci-evJ, with his ill perfect or-1
der. He was a real licau itniniuiei
t,. dress. Also, tne siaiue ....
Frances I'.. Willard.
I recognized it
across tne mtuim.;
r.d without my
classes. The
1'otal Abstinence Soci
ety of the Komish church was in ses
sion here. It began with high mass i
in St. l'atrick's Cathedral .which 1 at
tended, also all the other sessions in
Lincoln Hall. The first day a motion
was made that Miss Willard be heard.
It was lost. The second day the
motion was renewed anil barely car
ried. When she appeared on the plat
form the priest who presided grudg
ingly gave her place but no greeting.
Whin she opened her mouth she had
them and when she closed the presid
ing priest jumped up anil gave tier ins
baud and all went lovely. Up to that
lime no woman's voice was heard in
that convention. After that break of
the ice many women were heard win
made tine talks.
Speaker Cannon was not in tin
floor and in and out of the side rooitir
chair, lie was strolling around on the
and was not smoking.
In tin Pi-lrict Court of the I'nilcd
St. in- fur the District of Oregon.
In the matter of Lawrence K. Horin.
bankrupt. Ca.-e .No. Hi'M, 111 nam-
I'n the creditors of Lawrence I.
I'.orin. of AH.aiiv. in the enmity id
Linn, in the district aforesaid, a bank
" Notii-o is lievebv given that on tin
, ' ,!;.v 01 IK-eeinSer A. IV l'ltl. the
: t 1 ' 1: !'. was tlnlv a.!
indicated bankrupt, and lliat the lir-i
in.-. liiiH 01 In, ere. 111. .rs win in- m i.
.1 V,lu. . ' i on. in the ""ice of tin
mh'.cv-ii-noi v. U'.ei ii; tV t u-u-'
i; ,' i'.riM'.' ;, on Wo.l . -,'v.iv. the -III
,1 IV ot Jmn.u y V I . I'M I. at 1 o'elo !
m the anernooii, al wIih-Ii time ki!
creditors m.o attend. prnu I1'.-.'
claim., appoint a tiu-lcc. cvuiran
I he b.iukiupt. and trail -act such othe:
bu.-ine-s a- may pioperly come he
iotc. -aid mectinc.
lVned al A!han. I inn county. Ou
con. this D.ccmbcr -'!. 1'MH.
C. I . l.! A N I ,
Keiefce in I aiiLiU'i'icy,
A Series of Tragedies,
Gaston. Or.. Dec. 2S. A fen davs
ago, on the ranch of F, H. Stoftenback
& Co., near this place, a fine 2-veur- .Id
heifer, called "Beauty," walked into a
small brooklet, 12 inches wide andool;
four inches deep, laid down with her
head in the watur and was drowned, it
apparently being a case of Buicide. A
2year-old colt browsing in the same
pasture came near, took fright at the
dead heifer, turned and ran, slipping on
the soft ground and breaking a lejf.
A Comedy with Music,
"The Time. Tho Place and the Girl.
which comes to the Albany Opera House "
Jan. 4, is designed as "comedy with
music" not a' musical comedy. The '
classification implies that it has a plot
and characters in it, and to a degree of
excellence not often found even in
straight plays. Of course there is a
pretty love story and several very
novel characters. i
FR4MED PICTU' ES. For less
than cost. We have a few framed
pictures ictt over we are closing out for
less than cost "When you see it in our
add you know it it iB so.
Burkhart & Lee.
Big Clearing Sale of Pianos
Entire Stock
Eilers Music House Must
Be Sold by
THE REASON Our former representative, Mr. P. J.
I lead, has severed liis connection with our house. Owing- U
this change our new large stock of leading pianos new at
Albany we will offer for quick sale practically at prices
which we sell to dealers. We are compelled to really sac
rifice these pianos as we do not wish to feship them to Port land,
but will give the people of this part of Oregon pianos
'at prices which have heretofore been unheard of. We need
hat'dlv say more as the very
. . J.
pron! ni i he genuine hargams
.t us al once. Don t wait and wonder Lome ill you
ct me, Phone! If you can't phone Write!
can' t
tn opportunity
.:es present itself.
Grasp it !
ARC AIN No. 1. Regular $350 Piano, Sale price $197.50.
i, i c-tnni )- c l mqi -a
BARGAIN No. 2. Regular .400 l'lano, bale price $222..i0.
iha RfiAlN No. 3. Kctm ar S.i.SU 1 lano. bale once Sooy.U'.'.
Above are three illustrated bargains others accordingly.
We will sell our used pianos and organs just practically
as good as new for less than half price.
TERMS. Wc will make terms practically to suit custom
ers. So come along, never mind your finances, as wc
can arrange terms satisfactory to all but the pianos
wc must sell.
120 West Second St., Albany, Ore.
W. O. SHAVER, Finn's Special Representative
a won .urn j-ouoi ni mmm
It is wonderful how much satisfaction can be obtained frcrr. a talk over
the 13ell Telephone.
A Idler carric- word-, but the Hell Service has been brom;!-,t up to
such a pom; 01 perfection that the modulations of the voice aic clearly
The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in good -pints. The
call may come from a suburban village or a distant city, bu: within the
limits ot the carrying power of the voice the Uell Service carries the tone
as well. You get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of nii!cs
Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System.
Every Bell Telephone is the Center of
the System.
Roses and swims in Oregon on Christ'
Beat Christmas trade in the history
of Albany.
i now ine clerks can have a rest, in
I voicing for instance, and cleaning up
i after Christmas.
' Portland is going ahead by leaps and
. oounas, up, aownana siaeways.
I The Democrat has just received from
i the Gnat Northern a pamphlet entitled
' uregon, oacK to tne f irm, mo Acres
: Free." It covers both Eastern and
Western Oregon, several fine valley
pictures neing enown.
You will laugh if you see the pictures
at Dreamland, two excellent comedies
and a femure Biograph.
The 3one of The Wildwood Flute.
These pictures selected after running
at tht famous htar ineaire rortiana.
Tonight and Thursday.
Mr. Tubbs in illustrated songs.
Manager Dreamland.
at Albany
Jan.- 6th.
nature of this sale is absolute
... ....
winch we will give to tnose
to buy new pian.os-.nt whole-
Deeds recorded:
J. D. Smith to Eliza J. Long 171
acres .... . . $ 700
Albany Menonite Church to C. il.
Widmer lot tlenonite ad 10
M. V. Koontz ct al to Thos J.
Rodgers 1-6 acre Halsey . . . 1
ft . S. Caroenter to W. E. Arnold
lot Scio 475
Roger G. Harrison to Chas. R.
Sliuh 160.75 acres . . 4500
John F. Johnson to R. G. Harri
son 160.75 acres 10
S. Fawver to Adolph Anderson
120 acres 4500
Dr. E. O. Smith o S. A. M2 in
terest in mining claim '.. 1
Marriace license: Wm. Koch and
Anna Faulkner. No. 27 for this month.
New Suit: Henry Broders agt. Thos.
Crowley et al for foreclosure mortgage.
L. M. Curl attorney.
fined $50.
Fogene Guard.
The ten men caught m the police
dragnet on Christmas day appeared
befote Judge Bryson this tmrning, and
the cases were quickly disposed of by
that official.
William Riley, the Albany man ar
rested for assault and battery upon
Mayor Matlock, and whom th mayor
knoaked down and then chased a few
blocks, pleaded euilty and was given a
fine of n0. He said he thought he
cou Id raise the money this afternpon.
William Jackson, who was with Riley
at the time of his difficulty was fined
$5 on a- disorderly conduct charge. ' The
amount waB paid.
Return d from Tetfaj.
Harrisburg Bulletin: '
J. L. Norwood returned last waek
from Texas where he has been on a
three week's eitrht seeincr trip. He in
vestigated the price of stock ranches
and the conditions that io with making
the stock business go. For one who has
spent most of hi life in the Willamette
Valley Western Texas does not look
very good at the present time. No rami
to do any good has fallen in 26 months
and the last two crops have been fail"
ures. Cattle by the thousands are be
ing sent from that country to Oklahoma:
to keep them from starving Kanch
land in large sections is held at fron
$8 to $18 per acre
We guarantee a perfect tit of Krvntok.
opifex. or any kind of bifocal lenses,
thus needing but one pair of spectacles
for both near and distant use. Patro-
riize a reliablfc home company. Call at
Dawson's Drug Store. THEUUAKAN-
Ihz Marllct.
Wheat $.80, Oats 35c.
Beef 6c;vealdressed&c
Pork dressed 12c; on foot 9c
Lard llic.
Eggs 40c.
' hickens on foot. 10c
Hums 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 25c
shoulders 15 to 18c,
Butter 30c to 35c.
Hour 1.50 to 51.75c a sack.
Potatoes 60c oer bu.
Hay, from $10 f tisi jre clever o
th best timothy
The Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders of the Albany Creamery Asso
ciation will be held in the office of the
Creamery on the 12t& day of January,
1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose
of electing officers and transacting
such other business that may come .
before the meeting. i
C. L. SHAW, President.
Albany, Dec. 9, 19nX
In the County Court of the State oE.
Orogon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con;
rad Schctibel, deceased. ;
To the unknown heirs at law oil
Conrad ScheubeL deceased, and all
others intcrcstint in said estate, greet-,
In the Name-of the State of Oregon,
-ou arc hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of tie
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said! county, on Monday the
fith day of February 1911 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the a.bovc enlitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
at private sale as prayed for in the
petition of said administrator on tile
herein, saiil real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot "o. twenty (JO) in Mock .o.
Mir (41 in Harton's Addition to the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, according
to the maps and plats of said Addi
tion 011 tile and of record in the office
, of the county clerk in and for Mult
ror.iah county, Oregon, and lying and.
I being in the county of Multnomah.
, stale of Oregon.
1 llcginning at a point four hundred
I and tin y feet (450 ft.) south, and three
; hundred and thirty-live feet U.vs ft.)
! west from the northeast comer -if the
northwest quarter of the southeast
'piarter ol section 10, in Township 13
-outh. Range 11 west. Willamette Me
ridian: thence south two hundred and
J t en feet tJUl t'tA: thence west two
hundred and ten feet (JH) it."): thence
north two hundred and ten feet I JI0
Jl't.); thence cast two hundred and ten
licet t-M0 ft.), to the place of begin
ning, containing one acre, more or
lest, in Lincoln county. Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. X. Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed this
14th day of December. A. D. 191a
(Seal) J". W. MILLER, Clerk.
By V. L. MARKS, Deputy.
January 4 and 5 The Date.
The program for the dedication of the
new armory is being prepared and will
be a good one. It is to be the military
event of the valley. Invitations have
been sent to all the commercial c ubs
I ar.d Oregon mayors and most of the
I commissioned officers of the state will
be here.
The dedication will be on the first
night, when Wayur Wallace will preside
and deliver the address ot welcome.
I Prominent speakers will be Acting
' Governor Bowerman, Governor Eieet
I WeBt. Judere Duncan. Col. G. N. Whist
ler, Col. Jan. Jackson, Col Samuel
White. Col. Geo. Yoran. Gen. 0. M.
Somers and C C. Chapman. 7ne keys
will he turnen over ti Adjutant tieneral
Finzer at the end.
Wilson's Orchestra will furnish' the
On the second night there will bs
militarv ball open to everybody, as it
should be, a people's dance.
A Drocram for the O: N. G. conven
tion will include most of toe men named,
Mai. Ellis and others.
The stores and streets of Albany
should be decorated for the event.
V- 1
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in crty and country. Phone
li.urj 38.
dentistry on tho PacificOoastlaeiecutd fee..
"We hure built np oar re rotation on it. Ton cud
jep.-ixl n 'fupl ty and cannot get tetter TminVsi
vtk aujwhuib, no tauiitxi how much you pay.
e nnirn pia"usrd 1
bridge work for out-of-town
patrone In
one day if rieLred.
Painless oitra j-tira
freo when Iotas er'
bridge work 1 orrlor
d. ConiuIUtiun ifn.
ttolir Crownt $5.00
CoW Fiilmirs 1.93
Enamal Filling! 1.00
c:i.,.. cm: Eft
BK.W.H. WISE. PliiniRTiMMuwf. Palnleti Extr'tlon .50'
ti niu imiuMU II rimiia.
All work fully guaranteed for fifteen yean
Wise Dental Co., Inc..
Painless Dentists
Filling Building. Third and WashlnKtoa. PORTLAND. 0B5-.
OtflcftHouri: 8 A. II. tihfi.M. fiundaya, 8 te 1.
The Riverside Farm
Kit Sf'.flOi L. I'ropriuioi
Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hoga
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Hicks, Liht Brahmaa, R. C.
Rhode Isiand Keds, White
Cochin Bantams. . . 11
Turkeys, VHit- .1 1 -den
Geese, 1' .
Ducks, i.'o i
Winner of J.7 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Egga in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone. Farmers 9 - - - R . D N
icGiTs Santai-popsin
-il. A onciTIKr nice
Biv?- ParT-nflammfttion or Catarrh of '
v .1.' T.-j. 1 n: 1 i.-u
Nnevs. icooKBhOFiit. .urw
;fnd gw, nonnitor ot ho.
hsrmiere. Soiil by druggist
w'.f'i. Vr S'" V"
uuu. 81 JJO. a Doxes, 8.13.
rlnt -MIllAL-rcr-iJlll
BaiicfenuliM, Otal
For aalebv Bartth-trt A Lee
If your horse has
axs -.... h
A - ' I
Stone s Heave aIso beginning at the northeast corner
Drops. Price $1. of the southeast quarter of section 6
For sale by all drag- m sa'd townsfrip and range, and run
gists, ning south on? the east boundary of
Dr. S. C. STONE, 'said section; bV 5378 chains to the
Salem - Ore (ton. north bouniibcy of a tract of land con
veyed to R; W. Phillips by Thos.
I-ronuitly ohtalnrtL or FEE RETURNED
TWC LOWEST. Send imxlel, photo or slcctrh fr
eNrt uMivh and Ire report on patfAtaliiUty.
INJWINCCMEMT vnita conducti-d bfiuro all
curt:-. IXwnJs ofatained throufrh Dtu ADVCR.
SIONS tvui COPYRIGHTS quickly ebuioed.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
BBncimrn AMn nrrr n n rr 6-nd model,
di-wiiiLT.iriilu-to.forix rlArt,h will riw reiort
trt Kilvtrv. bow to. obt&ia pttita, trade nuiki,
I opyTtglito. eta, N alL COUNTRIES.
Bnsiss direct wit n asitlMgwn salts line,
mtamry and oj 'im tke patent."
Patent and Infringement Pnctlci txciuuvtly.
Write or eome to ui at
6U lllntt Strwi. epp. United Itataa Trntml Ofioe,
B1 l 1i"i Km limn Bpl
Attend the Annua Lv.v Adding
- T
The annual school itVatifig of the"
A Ibony district will be heif,' toni.''t at
the Central builiing, at ',2(J o'eDck,
when the annual tax levy vv..b-. made
for the support nf the school Jnr the
coming year. The matter of founds
for a new school Luilding, a nc-ifessity
in the near future, will be considered.
This is an important matter and thsre
should be e good attendance of tal?
payers, rrore than the usual eight er'
ten who attend these meetings.
Peters shells "O" ti-a Meat " For
sale at Huiburt Ol g Fiiv. Oo's.
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of R. C. Fam-ell as Executor
of the last will and testament of the
estate of James Mooney, deceased,
has been filed in the County Court of
Linn county, state of Oregon, and
that the 16th day of January, 1911, at
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., lias been
duly appointed by such court for the
Hearing of objections to such final ac
count and settlement thereof, at which
time any person interested in such estate-
may appear and file objections
, thereto in writing and contest the
i same: R. C. FARWELL,
I Executor Aforesaid.
I AMOR' A- TUSSIXG, Atty.. for Ext.
Notice is hereby given that ttie un
dersigned' rtrferee will on Monday,, the
9th day.' of January, 1911, at the hour
of 1 o'dbek m the afternoon, at the
front door of the court house, in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
sale duly made and entered in the
circuit court of the state of Oregon
for Linn county, on December 6, 1910,
in that certain suit pending in said
court, wherein John Shaffer is plaintiff
and William Bilycu is defendant, sell
at public auction,, to the highest and
best bidder for- cash in hand subject
to confirmation by said court, all the
right; title and interest of the above
named plaintiff and defendant in the
following described premises, to-witr
The north one-half of the northwest
oncfouTth of the northeast one-fourth
of section 2, Tp. 12, sonth range 1 W.
of the Will. . Mcr. in Linn county,
Oregon. C. E. SOX, Referee.
'Fit st publication December 9, 1910,
last January 6. 19M:.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
had been duly appointed administrator
of the co-partnership estate of Charles
E. Fox and Georgo -B. Cummings, do
ing business as co-partners under the
linn name of Fox. & Cummings,
Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun
ty court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate arc hereby required to present
the same to the undersigned duly ver
ified as by law required within six
months from this date- at his place of
business at the cornsr of Second and
Montgomery streets, Albany, Oregon.
Attorney for Administrator.
;inp .Notice is Hereby given tnat tne un
Itiud3 dcrsierncd adminisliratrix of the estate
ren j. win-ams,. acceasea, pursuant
- .t. f .1. r . j i
111 nit; mailer 111 Hid csune ui saiti iit:-
tcasca dv tne Lonnty uonrt or Linn
county, Oregon,, ori U.e 7th day of
November, 1910, will from and after
the 10th day of. December, J910, pro-
coed tn si . atr npivatis snip, tn the
' i 1
highest bidder,. for cash in hand, sub-
ject to confirmation by said court, the
. followinff described real property, to-
I The southwest quarter of section 5
jn township IS south oi range 3 west
f the Willamette Meridian, in Linn
county, Oregon-,, containing 160 acres;
, Landingham and wife on the 18th day
jof May, 185t$; thence icest 20 chains;
, thence north: 53.78 chains; thence cast
20 chains to the place of beginning,,
i containing 207.56 acres, more or less
tall in T.inn countv, Oregon.
j HEWITT & SOX, Admrx
Atty?. fnr Admrx.
I Xotice is hereby given that the tm
j dcrsigirevf administrator of the estate
I of A. P. Maxwell, late of Linn comity.
I Oregon, deceased, has filed in the
county court of said county his final
account as such administrator, ami that
said court has fixed Monday the 19th
day of December, 1910, at the hour of I
v o'clock in the afternoon, as tire time
tor tne hearing of objections ro said
! final account and the settlement tlrere
HEWITT & SOX. Administrator.
Attys. for Administrator.
MENT. Notice is hereby given (lint the ui
ilersisinecl executors of the last will
mul testament of David Froinan, de
ceased, have filed in the county court
of l.inu comity. OrcRou. their final ac
count .IS such PV(rlllor finH lint cM
tajti court has fixed Tuesday, the 3rd uV.v
Wliof January, 1911, at the hour of one
o clock p. m., as the time for the hear
int: of ohjections to said final accounr
snd the settlement thereof.
HEWITT it SOX. Executors.
Attonicyj -or Executory