Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 30, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Dlt. 11.11. l i Ll
Physician an J Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phon
Iwitisiry oa the Pactfio Coxf-tlsiwutfd bora.
We hsvtj till lit op our rwpaUitiou-on it. You can
depend ni quality and enmvit tS b-ttr painltti
work aafvihtaa,' tut matter butt ii.uch you 107.
BWff g'lVW-fr'ptm WU.M-'JI flnlfh pinto and
i.i'-vA-.liiridKeiork fur oct-F""i'S-
-3f-towa Mtrana in
L - - 'M'X ''c! rae " desired.
1 . -." - ' V :';iVi'mK'?" oxtrieiion
;.-7'5 ' - " -v.s free when platix or
'- i-JrVl linJtfe work is orJer-
iVAci , Coniultt;on Ire.
y.Tyf'.f1 "iMoltrCrawni 55.00
Gold Fillinn l.Uli
Emm, I Fillingi 1.00
Silr Fillings .50
Gcod Ribbtr -
Plitit 5.00
Bt Rid Rubtxjr -A
PialM 7.50
Palnloi EitrMioi. .50
Oft. W. A. WISE, funm. in Auuu
n nut inuunn u rinun
AU work fullr rwaanteed fop fifteen rev.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
Fllllne Bulldlne, TWrtand Washlnston. PORTLAND, ORE.
OUlceHosxi: 8 A. 2. to B r. at. Btutaajs, S to 1
The Riverside Farm
KD. SCHOI-L. Proprietor
Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Recks, Liht Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Bantams, i . It.
TuAeys, Whir i -den
Geese, 1' r
Ducks, 1'e i
Winner ot J7 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale
Phone, Farmers 95 - - R ",D
Scotfs Santal-Pepan Capsules
ForlnfUmmutJon orCatnrrr.o
the UlarttWuKl Dist.rud !..
wye. O0UK0FA7, Clt.w
wnrnt ruses of (ianiHThutl
and Gleet, do met tor of how
Jong ptacdine. Absolutely
harmless. Sold by druggist,
l'rico 91.00, or by mail. poet
paid, $1.00,3 bsxos, 12.75.
BellelonUlne, Ohio
For sale bv Bvkhnrt & Lee
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. i$$ Dr. S. C. STONE,
baiem - uregon.
Notice is hereby given by the :nn
dcrsigned, taxpayers and residents of
Road District No. 9 of Linn county,
Oregon, that a meeting of the tax
payers of said Road District will be
held at Plainview, Oregon, in said
Road District on Saturday, the 17th
day of December, 1910, at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon of said
day for 'the purpose of levying an ad
ditional tax on all the taxable proper
ty in said Road District for Road pur
poses. The undersigned compose more
than ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said Roaa District.
This notice is posted this 21st day
of November, 1910.
W. L. Pate, Louis Schultz, R. M.
Fletcher, M. Fletcher, a A. Scott,
D. M. Bonar, Wm. JI. Anderson,
Isaac Whealdon, Chas. Jenks, Perry
Parker. T. B. Cooper, J. F. Cooper,
H. J. Sheldon, W. A. Harrison, W. C.
Bailey, Wesley Paine, Hugh Clcek,
D. H. Duncan, W. H. Anderson, W.
E. Bowman, Geo. Henrikson, E. W.
Paine, W. H. Chandler, A. H. Quim
by, O. H. Temple, W. S. Powell, H.
Brandt, J. W. Morgan, L. D. Swank,
H. Knuths.
ITomptly obuinvd, or FEE RETURNE
the LOWEST.fiend model, photo or sketch fi,ri un.Ji Md frea reDort on mtenUbllity.
INFRINGEMENT suit, conducted before all
courts. Patents obtained through us, ADVER
Opposlte U. 8. Patent omoe,
9 HaSH5S.JlMJrlrKf5f
. .
J-roe a-frlce, horr to obtain palenu. trade maris,
courngnta, etc, a iLUCDUninitq. .
BuJnrss iirict i4 Waikington savtt im,
money andojun intpamti.
Pitent ind Infringement Prictjc. Exclusively.
SiS Klnta Stmt, pp. Uallrf 8tUs Fstsnt OSes, I
Read in December Sunset Magazine
"San Francisco The Exposition
City." Superbly illustrated in four
colors. Now on tale all news Hands
15 cents.
ar-f A SEX T" tTI TT T
mm . vs
Taere was a large audience at the
opera house last night to see the idol
broken and also the pretty eirls in a
program of great variety, full of sur
prists, as advertised, rich costumes and
as snappy as a bunch oi fire crackers,
a geod many said the best yet in this
line of performances.
Miss Perle Bartu was the blight par
ticular star, singing with a fine voica,
ntuch ahead of the average comic opera
vocalist. Don MacMillan as Doc Whatt
is the genius of the crowd, a live bunch
of fun.
Six girls blossomed from a dragon,
four came out of hot house plants,
and the balloon scene over the audience
was a very striking one, shown only
from the light in the little affair itself.
A pretty girl hovered directly over the
heads of eight of Albany's bachelors,
who arrived together, to wit: V. J. De
vine. Clyde Dannals, Fred Weather
ford. Dr. Walter Eilyeu, Ed and Frank
Barrett. Harry Schlosser and Grandpa
Crawford, and everybody was hoping
the wire would break, so as to see
which cne would get her.
There was a continuous round of
laughter and lungs were well cleaned
out. ''
Sheehan and Shinn.
The Democrat in mentioning the
presence here of Jas, F. Sheehan, the
San Francisco lawyer, with Jas. A.
Hoag, spelled it Shinn, a popular Albany
name, the mistake being due to Mr.
Hoag's snappy way of pronouncing
Sheehan. If you want your eyes fixed
go to Dr. Shinn but it will take Shee
han to fix you up legally.
Busy Mail Clerks.
The mails are now glutted with
Christmas presents, and postal and post
office clerks are worked to the limit.
One of the men on the-Shasta Limited
mis noon reported a hundred sacks oh
band that cnuld not be run over, and
The cur wm packed from end to end ;
Nearly every mail brings something
about the citrus fair at Sacramento
Feb. 15-18. I
! Wilson Peery, of the O. A. C.,- and
-mother arrive J this. noon for the holi
I days with Albany relatives.
Tom Brown, of Portland, who a'ways
I reminds one of a popular English novel,
has-been in town.
B. Gollob and family, of Portland,
have moved t Albany to reside, the
right way to travel.
Lee Willnrd, a well known actor, is
riding horse back from Portland to Los
Angeles and back for the benefit of his
Tho wives of Kid McCoy and Rube
Waddell, noted pugilists.are suing them
for divorces. The average pugilist is a
fast liver.
Miss Emma Crosno, of the Empire
Theater, went to Jefferson this after
noon with some Christmas packages
for her folks.
Emerson Hough, a novelist and mag
azine writer, is in Oregon looking
around after material. Come up to
the Hub, Mr. Hough, and see the radia
tion of the spokes.
The average weight of the Chicago
high school team to nlav the champion
teams of Seattle and Portland is 157.
The Albany team with an average of
nearly 170 would like a whack at tnem.
In making a list of Albany improve
ments the past year of course the
Democrat left out some, the one near
est home among others, Churchill's new
block, right next to the Democrat of
fice. It is ever thus.
Judo-e J. W. Hamilton, of Rosebure.
and A. C. Woodcock, a leading lawyer
of Lane county, passed through this
noon, hiking together, getting a square
meal at the Hotel Vandran while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacrett. of Cen
tralis, Wash., are in the city the guests
of their former neigbor, George Wyatt,
ef the new Albany laundry, soon to
utart up.
Rpn Kirk, the exoert barber, return
ed last night from Portland, where he
taao been lour weeks as a j. s. jury
man, serving Uncle Sam faithfully. and
efficiently. He was on four cases.
Mrs. Bessie Morris, of Los Angeles.
is in the city on a visit with her mother,
Mrs. Dorm, and sister, Mrs. timer
Dannals. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stanton, or
St. Joe, Mo., are also the guests of
Mrs. Dorns.
Thirty-three divorces were granted
in three hours at Seattle yesterday,
over ten an hour, one every five or six
minutes, a regular divorce grinding
machine The modern divorce proceed
ing is a tarce. Anything goes.
Kiss Mildred McBride, of Willamette
University, once a famous basket bail
player on the high school team, was in
the eity this noon on her way to Lin
coin countv for the holiday vacation.
Several of her old Albany chums were
out to 82e her ge by.
The census bulletin just received
shows the following for Rhode Island:
number farms 5,191, which is 307 less
than ten years ago. Average acres per
farm Bd, average value JbH. Owners
free 2.834. owners mo-igaeed 1.173
There are only 24 farms in the state uf
over 1,000 acres.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McFarland ar
rived this n on from -Marshfielcl on n
visit at the home of Mrs. McFarland's
parents. Mr. and virs J. W Baker,
nnd brother Cialre Baker. Mr. McFar
land recently sold his interest in the
First Nrtiooal Bank at Marshficld and
expects to locate in the valley. He is
a native of Albany, a son of a pioneer
hardware meichant here.
A, H. Bawl, chief of the dairy divi
sion of the department of agriculture,
says not enough is made of dairying in
the Willamette Valley. While building
up our orchards we should not neglect
our dairies is the advice of Rawl.
There is nothing that brings such quick
and reliable return as the dairy. Mr
Rawl is aow in Portland helping tc
boost tho bufinM in Oregon.
The regular meeting of the Tangeut
Grange was held Saturday, when thr
following officers were elected: E. W.
Allen M, M. F. Wood O, Grace Driver
L. A. H. Blevins. S, Paul Driver A. S.,
Marv Tisdale chap., Mrs. L. VI. Blevins
T, Mervil Looney sec , J. H. Scott G
K., Frances Driver C, Georgia Blevins
P., Mildred Allen F., Cora Soott L. A.
S Lena Driver organist. They will
be installed Jan, 29
Roy Driver has gone to San Francisco
and may go to South America.
Mr. and Mrs. S,"H . Bryan have re
turned to their home at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Cora Willingsworth and uaugh
ter have moved to Beaverton to reside.
G. W. Simpson and wife, of Pullman
have returned home after a Tangent
Jesse Moses has returned from a
visit with his fathsr at Beaverton.
Charles Filkms has moved with his
family from Mill City to Tangent
A suprise party was tendered Miss
Mabel Moses Friday evening, a pleas
ant time being had.
There will be a Christmas tree at the
VI. E, church Soulh Saturday evening.
Crites brothers are setting out a large
peach ordhard.
Growing grain is lojking fine arouud
Tangent, much admired by visitors
from other states.
From Albany's Six
W. B. Chance, one of Oregon's four
mill inspectors, left on the motor for
Springfield and other places. Twice a
year Mr. Chance visits about seven
hundred manufacturing establishments,
including the greatest of them all, the
print shops, taking a complete record
and peeing that Jaw in reference to the
protection of the employees is complied
Superintendent Briggs, Miss Maud
Lat.ghead and Miss Brown, of the pub
lic schools, went to Portland to attend
the state teachers association, in ses
sion there this -week, in charge of some
able instructors, a big thing for the
cause of education.
A crowd of Brownsville men and wo
men came down to attend the trial of
Martin agt. Brownsville, as witnesses,
a case on the docket for some time, the
issue finally being arranged.
Twenty-seven Greek laborers, who
nave oeen at wora at. Aiuuy several
months, left for Portland. Their total
I Kolnno-incra nnK-.pH of rlirt.V InflkillP-
rolls of blankets, etc., all about the.
same size. The men, though save a
a good deal of their money, and, like
the Celestial, sends it to their home, in
The May Roberts company of play
people returned from Lebanon, where
they appeared three nights.
. R. R. Com. Miller wont to Portland.
Prof. Horner returned to Corvallis
after spending the night in Albany
with the Knights Templars.
Carother's Amused.
It is sad, also amusing to see the
firess and the public of the land "Uzza"
ike, putting forth the hand to protect
Piatoism, because for. Thomas Alva
Edison, punctured the Platonic Bag,
that man has an immortal soul, and is
conscious in death, but error always
dies hard. The writer is glad that Mr.
Edison is not the only wise man that
has spoken out, King Solomon says
"but the dead know not anything"
Ecles. 9:5, also the Psalms 146:4 says
"His bieath goeth forth, he returneth
to his earth; In that every day his
thoughts perish." Now let truth pie
vail. if Purgatory, Eddyism doctrines
do fall, it only makes the doctrines of
the Bible fhine out the brighter, such
as the resurrection, soon coming of
Christ, and the restoration of a sin
cursed earth.
A Friend uf the Dog.
I notice the article on dogs in the
Democrat. Wo are not all a dogged
set, but lovers of dumb annimals, put
on the earth for the use of man. Why
not kick at the horse as well. The dog
has saved the Uvea of thousands of peo
ple in the far north and taken the mail
where other animals could not go.
When a man gets so selfish that he
thinks there is no room here for any
thing but himself he had better go to
the heathen country, the writer spoke
of, where there will be no kindnessess
expected of him. All the dumb crea
tures God put on the earth are at the
mercy of man, and I think that the
man who shows them no mercy has
little feeling for his fellow man, and a
savage man is worse than a savage dog,
for he is more intelligent and knows
right from wrong.
Yours for kindness to dumb animals.
Lucky! Lucky! Pe;ple at the
Sound of the Gong.
Twenty-one lucky people, women and
men receivtd. valuable merchund'.se
gift" yesterday. Miss Crosno was the
luckv ladv yelling the silk petticoat.
Tonight again the eong will ring on
every tenth and twentieth sale, on the
tenth sale we t ivo away beautiful hand
painted sachets pads and on the twrnl
iuth, valuable merchandise gifts. Join
the merry Christmas Bh ippen and get
i premium. Special muic afternoons
and evenings on your piano.
Chambers & McCune.
Distinguished Man at Salem.
W. B. Hardwicke, a printer, now ir
Salem, has the distinction of having
been a character in Oie Read', novel,
Emmet Bunlore, he was once editor
of the Tombstone Epitaph, having a
national fame. Ha also worked as a
printer CO the Back Log, an Arkansas
Iiroductiun, and has travelled extensive
The total bank deposits in Oregon is
(155 per capita, one of the best show
ings in the U.S. The total deposits are
$104,280.300. 40. The population of the
s'ate is 672,775, and you can do your
own figuring. Albany and Linn county
hold their own in the reckoning.
Oclob r the Marrying Month
For thirty years nearly evory year
there have been more marriage licenses
issued in October than any other month,
explained by the fact that it is just i.i
the end of the harvest season, when
money is more plontitul. This year so
fur October and June are a tie, with 9
to the credit of each. December is not
far behind, and with a week to go on
promises to take the lead for the year.
There have not been the number of
Christmas weddings due, though.
An Example tor Albany.
Corvallis Gazette-Times:
Because he failed to make himself
scarce last night when so advised by
Chief Wells, a young hanger-on about
the opera house spent two hours in
jail, and paid a fine of $2.50 this morn
ing. The young sports are in the habit
of congregating on the sidewalk at the
stage door, and in various ways making
themselves obnoxious. Chief Wells has
determined to clean up this situation
and started his work last night. He
told the boys to leave but one young
fellow concluded that h would be very
deliberate. Wells was in earnest, so
took him over to the jail as stated.
The boy was finally released on five
dollar bail. This morning he pleaded
guilty and was assessed $2.50. The
next one caught will have to pay $10.
Chief Wells deserves commendation for
his activity in this respect.
Returnedfrom Crook,
F. H. Pfeiffer returned laBt nigh
from Crook county, where he had been
to look after the six or seven hundred
head of stock of Pfeiffer & Co.,. doing
well. He run into Bome snow and cold.
The people have none somewhat wild
over the advent of the railroads, coming
down the Deschutes from the north, and
prices have been inflated wonderfully.
Everything costs out of sight, $16 al
together to make the trip fromShaniko
to Prineville, including common beds at
a dollar and ordinory meals at 50 cents.
But prosperity prevails and business is
Voting for better Roads,
A dozen or more districcs are now
voting on special taxes for road im
provements. Several have already had
their elections. North Scio and Berlin
each voted 3 mill taxes, while Tallman,
Crabtree and Plainview voted down tho
proposed tax. The district does woll
that makes its roads first-class. In
some cases, though, there are squab
bles over the supervisors that cause
trouble and the defeat of the improve
ments. Nervous symptoms and heada 'he ar
of en caused by eye str in, whic will
be ivercome by proper y fitted spec
tac . The! Guarantee Optical Co
gua intees you a perfect fit. See our
stock of frames and eye-glasses - at
Dawson's Drug Store
Robyn Ne'e oi is now at home.
Cceil Cathey rsturned home this noon
for the holidays.
Mrs. Frank Reiner arrived this, noon
on a visit with Albany relativea,
Mrs. L, Viereck went to Monmouth
today for a visit at Rev. Davis. Edwin
will go tomorrow.
Mrs. Dr. Lee, of Junction, returned
home this afternoon after a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Fred Fortmiller and
Mrs. Bertha Dawson and children, of
Pullman, Wash., arrived this noon on a
visit at the home of her father, M,
J. M. Nice wonder has succeeded Mr.
Lin Killeck as manager of Dreamland,
an experienced and accommodatimg
young man.
By the falling walls of a factory in
Philadelphia yesterday fourteen fire
men and policemen were killed and
about forty other people injured,
Christmas holiday will be genertlly
obst rveo in Aluany on Monday, whtn
most of the stores will clone for uia
day. That will also be the Democrat's
holiday. 1
QIMrs. A. It. McCoy returned last night
from Portland, wnere she has been at
tending her daughter. Mrs. Jackson
several weeKs. Mrs. Jackson will be
brought here for care in a few days.
' Mrs. Albro Dickinson and daughter,
of Raymond, Wash.. are h:efur the hol
idays, at the hole of her mother vtrs.
Chambers. -r. Lickinson will join
them tomorrow.
The U. 0. O. A. C. foot ball squabble
has now been completely thrched out,
and the committee has 'eported. A
mountain has been made out uf a mole
hill and some have made foolB uf them
selves, i
Jos. F. Furhman, toller, has been or
rosted charged with embezzling $20,000
of the funds of the Bank of Commerce
atTacoma. In all J92.0H0 is reported
embezzled from the bank. Furhman
stolft his to invest in timber land.
The Roseburg school board yesterday
three to two authorized the purchase of
a site at $1,000 in North Roseberg for
the new high school, and an awful
howl has gone up in South Roseburg,
the business and main part of the city.
1 Harry H.ikyer the R R. brakesman,
who has been at Roseturg the past
year, haa returntd to Alh.ny, with
Mrs Halkyer, and is now m.kioz the
Junction run with Jack Sellers. Their
many friends are glad to have them
Id Albary again.
Cook Book
mailed free
Tells How to Make
Cakes of all kinds for all people
are best made
Lebanon Criterion:
A petition was filed with tho city
recorder a few days ago on the franchise
recently granted to the Albany & Inter
urban Railway Co., asking that it bi
submitted to a vote of tho people at tho
general election to be held on Dec. 4,
1911. This will tie up the franchise uf
the proposed roid lor a year. One of
the leading objections to tho grunting
of the franchise on Second street is that
it runs on the street leading to both the
school buildings of the city, and it
would makeituangerous for thechiMren
on tht'ir way to and from school. Then
it patalleU the Southern Pacific lino and
thu people along thut street think that
it is giving thorn more than their share
of railroads. The eastern part of the
city wants the road, anil thors would
be no objection to it on Tnin! ritr3t.
News from Albany's
six Eany
Postlnnstor J. S. Van Winkle, a nenh
ew of tho late Elias Keency, Dr.
Homer Keenev a son. Mrs Jus. Mc-
Hargue, formerly of this city, Mr. and
Mtb. Bond, of Halsey, and others, went
to Brownsville, to attend tho funeral
of Mr. Keeney. Ho was an old and
highly esteemed resident of that place,
known by everybody there.
J. C. Irvino went to Portland to meet
hiB mother, Mrs. S. G. Irvino, who has
been in the east for several months on
a visit, at Pittsburg and other places.
On her way home she visited Rev.
Stevenson and family in Chicago for a
lew duys.
' Skeotor Swan, now of Mt. Vernon,
the best basket ball player in Oregon,
crack second bascma'i and pole vaulter,
returned home after a Corvallis trip.
G. F. Burkhart returned to Portland
where he is residing now.
E. C. Roberts came down from Leba
non. Lawyer Newport, of Lebanon, ar
rived on legal business.
R, B. Montague, of Portland re
turned home after a visit with his
father. Col. C. B. Montaeue. Mr.
Montague, paralysed and aged, has
been unconscious for gome time, nnd
is gradually wearing out. -
Dick Rodgers left on a Corvallis tr'p.
Phil Baltimore and John Warner
went down to Jefferson for u goose
Wm. Hand went to Jefferson on
architectural business.
W. C. Farley luft on a Portland trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, who have
been visiting at Mrs. Dorris1 loft for
their home in the onat.
Mr. Borin's Alia rs.
L. T. Borin, of the Furnituro Hospit
al, has filed a voluntary petition in
bankruptcy, with Wrignt & Johnston
I as his attorneys His assets are given
at 13'J0.U4, and liabilities S4,3;( ).
The criminal case ugaiust him in
Justice Swan's court has been con
tinued, and an effort is being made to
have it settled.
The Weather
Rang of temperature 49 42,
Rainlall .04 inch.
The rivor is only 4.8 foot.
Prediction: occasional rain tonight
and Saturday.
Lawyer John Ditchburn, of Tor land,
who figured prominently aa ho attorney
In an Albany divorce cae se. ral year's
ko, yesterday married his d ent in a
Portland divorce case.
The charge against Blnger Hermann
have been dismissed by Heney, W. N
Jonfi haa received hia sentence, t itir
months in the county jail, and the S -r-enson
cases remain on the docket.
on receipt of
your addreat.
178 Kinds of Cake
with Koyal
Tonight at the M. E. church the- S.
S. will e-ive a special prozrnm, begin
ning t.t 7:30 Santa Claus will be there,
lleuutiful tree decorations will be illum
inated by a spot, light manipulated by
Evert Cummtngs Accordingitocustom
it will bo a giving as well as receiving
Christmas and a collection wil be taken,
the money to be used in aiding retired'
miniptera in the conference.
Christmas eve. tnere will be a live
tree, n novelty in Albany, something
worth seeing, at tho Christian chu rch.
Santa Claus will nlso bo on hand in
winter toggery.
At the U . P. church Christmas eve.
there will be a windmill and appropriate
exercises. The Christmas program of
St. Mary's church was;iielJ this after
noon at the ncademy, ovor a hundred
children being remembered with gifts
The Cnslmtis music will include the
procesiunnl Adeato Fidelia nnd the
Gloria and Credo of Leonard's Mass.
Tho offertory wit! bo the untem Christus
natUHest or Christ is born unto us. The
pastor will preach on the Nativity, sriji
will officiate at the vesper Bervice in tne
evening. The hours will be 8 and 10:30 '
a. m. and 7:30 in the evenine to all of
which the public will be welcome.
i The Christmas remembrance at' the -Presbyterian
church will be Sunday
afternoon in a vesper service. There
will be a treo for decoration and appro'
oriate exercise in kecoinir with the dnv
and season.
By the Man About Town..
A man at the corner of First and' Ells ¬
worth Btreets, preaching to a small
crowd. He wore a leather collar, some
one eaid he was- a- Russian, and he
aeemcd very much in earnest, easily
being heard a couple blocks.
After all Albany has an electric line, -making
a loop. While not as long as
Eugene's it is a good one and worth
seeing. Look in at Meiser's bhow win
dow for a close observalion or a ride.
The observation of an Albany man,,
mado to the Man about Town is that
tho three best apples for this valley are
the Wagner, Jonathan and Northern
Spy. Tho reason is that all are good
keupcra, as woll as good eaters, while
the Baldwin, Spitzenberg and some
others, though popular and big sellers
have to bo eaten at full speed to get
ahead of the rot, nnd this year there
are u good many inside specks, just like
An Albany man had some of his
friends guessing by reporting the big
gest muri in thu world coming to Al
bany tomorrow night. Who is it?
Green lawns, toses in the yard, sweet
ppaB In bosssum.
Juniors are Champions.
The Juniors of the high school last
night clearly established their claim to
bfing the best basket ball team in the
school, by defeating the sophomores 25
to 14 They had prcviosuly beaten tho
seniors Tho game was somewhat
ragged, but showed splendid material
in both teams, but lack of team work,
often just a scramble. But they will
work out of this Beeson, of the
juni rs. did the star work in basket
The line ups were:
Juniors HtteBnn and L. Bigbee for'
wards, Sanfnr. Archibald center, Ryals,
And"rwi and H. Archibald guards.
j r-opli iinure s- Carnegie and C. Bigbee
, forward. Abrahum center, Bruce and
mrirnet forwards.
W.i. Marks referee.
Ccorge Engle, a former famous Port
land pitcher haa r'turnel to Portland
after an absence of nine years and will
o some farming in Orrgon- Engle
once pitched a K im or two in Albany.