Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 30, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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These aerial Sights make one dizzy.
The state printer should be pat on a 1
flat salary. .
,, , , , , , . J
The Alco Club i, a good place these 1
days for rejuvenation.
Gov. elect West is writing his maiden
message down in the tropics.
There will be 435 members in the
house of representatives, enough, if
not to many.
Taft is Bxing the fences to run again. ;
He is on all sides of all the questions of i
politics and religion.
, ,
In a Portland club recently a wcman ,
member made a slam at bald-headed;
men. Instantly there was trouoie.
Eighteen of the oiher members had
husbands with bald-heads, and some
thing was doing. Albany is saved all
auu me uint
" I
A man builds a splendid structure on
his lot in a bis citv ana it brines him
an income from rentals of $-50,000 a
year, but according to the single tax
man he should only pay a tax on the
land itself, and when the government
collects a tax on the improvement it is
making enterprise pay tribute. A man
has a flying machine and no lana, and
therefore he should not be taxed to
help run bis government, whose pro
tection enables him to make a fortune
- at his business. And so forth.
It Beats Snow.
Eugene Guard:
The "kids" have discovered a new
sport. Not to be outdone by the East
sm hnuB who have several feet' of
snow at this time of year, a number of !
-small boys today discovered mat a good
board would slide down the side of
Skinner's buite with great rapidity
where the grass is worn off. At once
boards were in demand and the side of
the hill was black all afternoon witn
the boys sliding down and climbing j
back up. The steep, rough hill would
allow the slide witn or without the
underlying board. . !
See the new nolishea top
Range at $45.00 at
Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co's,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn county.
In the matter of the application of
Clara E. Warner to register the title
to the following described premises,
to-wit :
R,,;; ,t !, snnthn-esit rorner
of the Donation Land Claim of Paul j
Clover. Claim No. 51. Notification No,
3038, in township 15 south, range 3
west, Willamette Meridian, Linn coun
ty, Oregon, thence north 42.30 chains
to the southeast corner' of W. W.
Clover's Donation Land Claim, Xo.
-52, in said township, thence east 40.20
chains to the cast boundary line
said claim No. 51. thence south 31.98
chains to the southwest corner of the
Donation Land Claim of Thos. M.
Weger, Claim No. 48. in said Town
ship: thence east on the south bound
ary line of said claim 50.00 chains to a
point 1.35 chains north and 1.67 chains
west of the quarter section corner be
tween sections 26 and 35 in said town
ship; thence north 50.00 chains; thence
west 2.83 chains; thence north 26.50
chains to the north boundary line of
said claim No. 48, thence east 27.15
chains to the northeast corner of said
claim No. 48; thence south 56.43 chains
to the northwest corner of the east
projection of said claim No. 48; thence
east 37.70 chains to the northeast
corner of said east projection of said
claim No. 48, thence south 20.14 chains
to the southeast corner of said claim
No. 48, thence west 60.23 chains to a
point 1.35 chains north of the quarter
section corner between sections 26
and 35 in said township, thence south
1.35 chains to said quarter section cor
ner; thence north 89 degrees 34 min
utes east 40.12 chains to the corner of
.section 25, 26, 35 and 36, in said town
ship; thence south 20.00 chains to the
.southeast corner of the north half of
the northeast quarter of said section
No. 35; thence south 89 degrees 34
minutes west 40.12 chains; thence
west 25.00 chains; thence north 80 de
grees 45 minutes west 14.95 chains to
.a point 17.50 chains south of the cor
ner of sections 26. 27, 34 and 35. in
said . township; thence ' west 19.20
chains to the east boundary line of the
Donation Land Claim of William
Vaughn. Claim No. 50, in said town
ship, ther.ce north 13 degrees 30 min-
utes east 9.65 chains to the northeast
corner of said claim No. 50; thence
we-t 35.20 chains to beginning, con
taining 632.12 acres, in Linn county,
Against Geo. J. Wiihelm, and The
First Savings. Hank of Albany, Ore
gon, and all whom it may concern,
To All, Whom It May Concern:
Take notice, that on the 3rd day of
December. A. D. 1910, an application
was tiled by sai'.i Clara E. Warner in
the Circuit "Court of the State oi Ore
gon for Linn county for initial regis
tration of. the title to the above de
scribed land-. Now. ualess you ap
pear on or before the 10th day of
January. 1911. and !mw cause why
such application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as confessed,
and a decree will be entered accord
ing to the prayer of the application,
and you will be forever barred from
disputing the same.
Witness my hand and the seal of
'aid Circuit Court, this 3rd day of De
cember. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER,
Countv Clerk and cx officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
The Orezoaiaa refers to Albany's new
. $223,000 armory. $28,000 would be
Dearer correct, thoueh it will be con-
siderabiy more than that with the heat-
mg piant installed. Its formal dedi-
cation Jan. 4 snr 6 is creating wide in-
interest At that time the National
9aald Association of Oregon will hold
its annual meeting here, and it
ported that requests have been received
at headquarters from nearly every
commissioned officer in the state for
transportation. The program of -the
convention is to be an elaborate one,
including some talks on military topics
m prominent men in tne i service.
The event for Albany, tnough, will
' biggest military event in the history of
the city.
r-:. i
nnstmas uumy. ,
through the city, Saturday night and .
ine cnnstmas tree servicra h
sundav were good ones, according 10
... ,j ,,.;,K mtmimuic
tne programs arrangea, wim immciuui
neat features that did credit to the oc-
casion. Coming on Sunday they were
well scattered out over tnree aajs.
r-i.i , i it i.: ; jaHnf
oauuatll aciiuoia ceitrui alius i ujutu
w th r-thnlir-. Evans-elical.
r Mothndist. Christian. Grace
Presbvterian, United Presbyterian,
Presbyterian, and Baptist. All over
the city there were private trees
bringing the giving close to home. The
The person who gives good deeds 365
days of the year is the best Santa
The Eastern Star.
, .
The following officers were elected at
a special meeting of Barzillai Chapter
i No. 16 0. E. 3. last evening:
Mrs. Lida Van Winkle. W
Mrs. C. B. Winn. W. P.
Mrs. Edith Leatherman, A. M,
Mrs. Dora Bowers, Sec.
Miss Ella Heade, Treas.
Mrs, Minetta Austin, Con.
Mrs. Maude Strauss. A. Cop.
Jas. A. Hoag is at Newport.
George and Martin Miller
Christmas in Salem.
Miss Atwilda Star, of Corvall
s- u
been in the city.
Nat Goodwin's fourth wife is suing
mm ior divorce. . ,
There were fourteen men in the jail
at Eugene during Christmas.
Bert and Harry Moe speut Christmas
with their touts in Aioany.
W. M, Parker and daughter Alzina,
are visiting at the Bay for awhile.
Mrs. H. H. Cronise, of Hillsboro, is
visiting htr son and daughter here.
Rev. H. A. Nelson and niece, of St.
Johns, went to Corvallis this afternoon.
Miss Hazel Rolfe, of the public
schools, is visiting with her folks in
Mrs. boomis, ot tne nanuuon ocore,
returned this
noon iram a fortland
Mr. and lira. W. F. Reiner went to
Halsey this afternoon for a visit with
hr folks. I
The O. R. & N. is now a name of the
past. Hereafter it will be the O. W.
R x- N
fi r ...i... I 1
I airs. (i. w. .i:uuii. iio ims ueen ser-
j iously ill, her many rriends will be glad
to know is now improving.
Mr and Mrs. Will Reiner and Mr
and Mr3. Dave Link pnt Christmas a
the home of Cbas. Wagner.
Ernest Hornback has gone to Hot
Lake, for the benefit of his rheumatism
and expects to be there several weeks.
Miss Jessie Hyde, of Portland, is
visiting at the home nf her father, M.
Hyde, during the holidays. j
L. J. Gray and G. B. Peebler will be
associated in the real estate business I
after January 1st, with their office on 1
Second street.
Hoxsey yesterday at Los Angeles appears in the society section of the cases of white men, four were for mur
flew 11,474 feet high, a new record. Sunday Oregonian and the following der and the other for aiding and abet
The fellow that beats that will come personal: ting in a jail delivery,
down head first. 1 Miss Grace Langdon, of Albany, was '
Mr. and Mrs. J C. Lowe, of Corvallis
gave a big Christmas tree at their
home in honor of the 25 employees of
the Home Co. at thatcitj.
t Tir r,., I i . j t
Southern Oregon, where he met with
general favor in his candidacy for the
position of state game warden
aix disc snows are riMKea ior ine
?Km thsff ,i,Tpi.i 2 i7i:.??T1
them the Man the Place and the Girl, a
comic opera of wide reputation'.
Ktley Lobaugfi. who is taking special
treatment at Corvallis, is home on1 a
nonoay trip, resieraay ne lost a purse
witn a uouar iu il aiiu wuuiu imeit,
Mrs. Dr. Woodle, of Portland, who
has been residing for nwnile oh tne
Dr's farm near Monmouth, a pioneer
A hanv ""
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McClam. of the.
Columbia Laundry Co.. of Portland,
spent Christmas at the home of the
latter's mother, Mrs. J. b. Limar, and
or ither, Fred Harris
The 'snsus rcp5rt from New Hamp-
shire .-nows a decrease in farms of
aoout in ten years. Th- acreage
is 120, value with t U'ldmes $25. with-
out M l. are free from dibt in 1
6,210 are mor.gag
Senator M. A. Miller returned yes-:
terdy from California. Ha u cu::h
en'husiastic over ci niress asistim: the
oia Panama cetcbr;: i i n at S,:n Fr.m
Cisco and will introduce a resolution in
the next legislature, sun to convene, j
to that effect. j
Saturday evening someone attempted j
to rcb thfe store ol r W. Horaky, hav- i
ing taken some tools; shell and a piece !
af m&ehioerv. pili up ready to leave j
with them when Horsky's brother ent 1
t.j the store, and the felloj? was
friirhtened away. This was the second
attempt of this character.
There will be a 23c sweetheart a tip
re r at Ur?nd Prairie Grange on lliura
4ay evening, Dec. 29, to which every
one is invited It will consist of little
dears, love's broth, turtle doves pat
ties, little love, full hearts, heart's
'leiieh'.. two hearts in one, frozen hearts,
nrctar. sweet hearts. Afterward there
will be a social entertainment.
Stevenson Fitzwater. At 6 o'clock
Saturday evening at 838 W. ?th St
Vii. Albert D. Stevenson of Albany and
Laura &. Fitzwater of Lebanon, were
united in marriage m the presence of
a number of friends and relatives.
The room was beautifully decorated
with ferns and mistletoe. The bride
was attired in a travelling suit of erav.
Miss Grace Hughes acted as bridesmaid
an! Roy t. Fitzwater was best man-
The brde is the oldest daughter of
Mr Jacob Fitzwater. a well to do
farmer of near Lebmon. The groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Steven
son of Portland,
l he happy couple were the recipients
of roanv beautifu' and useful presents.
They left on ttw 6:40 train for Portland i
wneo iney go oo a snort noaeymoou,
after which thev will return to Albany 1
aud VI r. Stevensnn will again assume
his work as foreman of the S. P. ware-1
house in this eitv. Trie hanriv mole
have the best wishes of a host of
illeDj3 ,
Koch Faulkner. On Sundav, Dec.
25, 1910. at the residence of and by
ivev. isson, air. vi imam &.OC5 ana
Miss Anna Faulkner, The gioom a
barber, in the Viereck shop, a young
man of excellent character, and suite
popular, idu ins onue. is a
lib uve to
- . . - . , .
L"" county, -a resident of Albany for
i:veral ?e!lIS'. a worthy young lady.
They have the
best wishes of their
many friends.
Coates Cargiil.-On Dec. 5, at Med
ford. Mr. Fiancis L. Coates. son of L.
O. Coates, of this city, and Miss Jessie
Cargill. of Grants Pass, Rev. Lucas,
of the Episcopal church officiating,
The groom is a well known young man
i .KCL?j "neman and eiectncian,
and the bnde is a prominent young lady
of Grants Pass, whom the local paper
says possessesacharm of manner which
has endeared her to a wide circle of
friends. They will reside in Med ford.
from Aibanys
Qi Flu
Judge-elect P. R. Kelley went to
Salem to attend Judge Burnett's last
term 01 cour& on sno circuit, oenca.
Npvt werk- .InAw k'nllflv will nasiime
the duties of his office, holdine his first
t n- Cnlnn. LI iti
der a similar calender to that of Judge
Burnett, in the charge of the jury
cases, while Judge Galloway as now
will look after the equity department.
siock rancn ano tney will maKe tneir
home, retiring from the lumber busi-
nes, wun wmen ir. uranueurry naa
been connected for a good many yeara.
M. D. Brandeberry and family left bv the Wil iamette 1 bhivTrsiw ere "rteen m the jail, getting their
for Peak, at the foot of Mary's Peak, f ee club nex- SaturdSv Lh S HUS f rom P nd "fyed
where Mr. Brandeberrv has bouKht a R'ffi sZ outside pigs, m Corvallis four, in Albany
toured this part of the state. It is es
Editor Smith of the Benton Republi- pecially desirous of putting on as ex
can, left on a trip to Astoria, where he celient and taking a program as possi-
one of the fellows who have helped put
Corvallis on the map, a successful
newspaper man.
R. R. Com. F. J. Miller left for
Salem to attend the regular session of
of the board.
: r ?Tus,or- Rieinv won! tn Solon,
' VUo, '! WlllmB nma n,
. w,.- uv,,,,..
' H. G. Colton, of Portland, returned
home after sending Christmas at the
home of Mrs. George, where his wife
and George will remain several days.
Mr. Shller, of Cottage Grove, form-
E C. Roberts came down from
u "-v?, ;v v., i,vteu
H. N. Coekerline left on a trip down
the road.
M'ss Langdon in Portland
A nie'iint nt M!. Hmra La,,,!,,,
'he guentof her cousin, Miss Constance
Piper, far the week ending Friday,
i Miss Langdon expects to come to Port- j
j land to live early in the Spring, on her
! return from Cslifi.rniji. nhprs jtho will
isit during January. Miss Langdon is
well-known among the younger set of
i Portland, having attended school with
c , vi;t.: k r
buiiuui iff t nailing ujii, u, j ,
and Miss Bennett's, near New York
Crty- Mr a M Ed B pj
! entertained recentlv a th Hi,,
, Theater, when the guests in their box
included Miss Langdon, .tlrs, O. C.
uogart and M iss Constance Piper.
Albany Man in f ugeite.
The Eugene papers tell about an Al-
bany man being on a tear at Eureae.
Accordin? to the Guard tho mi c-.
cused some loggers of robbing him.
when a fight ensutd and he knocked
three of them down. Mayor Matlock
saw the trouble and went down and
arrested tha man,-who struck him
the face, when the mayor returned the
; compliment, knocking the man down,
and then briran sparring, when tre
fellow chants ri his mind and ran sw.-;y.
escaping, dui. was xounu oy cniei ot
Police farrington and placed in the city
i.-iil. The Guard says that Mayor Mat- '
1 ck, who is S';vri!ty years f ajfc, made
a live ran. The case was to be ufi be
fore the recorder today.
mr. Sears of S:att!e,
Chas Seara, uup :rin:t ndent 2nd man
ager of thw b', t-uwer plant tliat Hunt
S,'HUIy, Taeom, iieil-niiham, Earctt
and oth?r places, left f.jr home vaster- i
day moinsnf after spending the Christ
mas with bis fulUs. The cuaipsny has
just complete a t3,W)0.(K(0 plunt at .
r nite ,-taimon ana anout a million
dollar one at Sm quuiomie. The E!ct
rnn p unt est S2,U"i0,000, making about
fC.tOt;.'a for toner- for lights and
strtet curs. Mr. Sears has his head
quarters at S.t-ttie, where he directs
opcrmif n. of the best men in thi
llCtt'Ua'sbe If: S.
By the Man About Town in Port
land on His Annua! Christ
mas Trip.
A sleepy crowd on the early tram,
"peanuts' distributing Hotel Kews
three week? old.
Portland st 7:15 and a morning1 walk
before the town was awaKe. but the
v. arm mas aispmys eieao t auaim,
were stiU there.
A new fourteen story buildings as
other one with a Japanese name, the
reat Olds, Yt ortman & King store, and
Buildings like the old Ram Block,
1SS4, look odd beside the new arehitec-
RnmA an1nrhit hftij-la. th Pnrllsnrf.
Imperial and Oregon.
A high toned lunch at noon at the
An, with wirr Infikina Iifc
nimator or senator with a nnrth nolo
dlgmtyi umbrageously waiting for his
tip, and acting as it he was duing you s
favor to wait on you.
Wayne Stuart on his holiday visit
Charley and Fred Webber, forsier
Albany boys, showing Billy Farley
around town. Uiysse Hale seeing the
-j. - ,
Hans Flo on their
bridal trio.
Earl Fronk starting back for Spo
kane, where be is working tor tne B.
L. E. Hamilton, of the Hamilton
Store, meeting three eastern drummers,
and Miss Hattie on a visit with her
n imMt M.i
Hoxsey'a flight, an ' experience better j
;he,iow. other Portland at-
traction3 were the Burgomaster at the i
Heiiig Dolar Msri5 B the Baker, and
ole oleson at th8 Bungalow.
Hobble skirts in tbe windows but I
none on the street. ,
An auto driver arrested for fasti
uumg ftiuuau j ";iwve cniioren, rsajrmiF from six
A Christmas swim,
for the btneht of
the east, with forty young fellows in it, -
won by Lewis Thomas, son of Lawyer j
i nomas.
An I
hour at the depot and a ride home
in Were Rev. and Mrs. knott. Mr. and
M Rlnh Knntt It S Hl fL H.
Oevt-nr. (i. M. Giddins and R. W, '
The Willamette Glee-Club.
An event of much interest to the
leresting, especially to those who have
t Jme eaf3 2t He, and who
(now what a glee club progr
elee eiut program means.
As this is the first time this club has
their money. Everywhere the boys
have appeared, they have been greeted
with favor and applause and an earnest
invitation to come oacK again, aev
eral towns already have asked, "When
are ou goine to give your concert m
ucr town? We want you back again,
And the club is Boing back aeam.
' .
A Year $ Lyncnes,
chicsuo. III., Dee. 25.-Oniy 57 lynch-1
. were recorded in the United States :
inK1910 mmh ler nunjbec than fa
almost ittiv nrevious vpar in fieft 16, ?
In 1909 the total wa3 70 and to 1908 it
was 65.
All but five of the 57 cases of lynch
mps in 1SIO were of negroes, and ten
of these casts were those in which the
cnarge agamst tne victim was assauis
ou white women or yirls. In eleven of
,l:e remaining number the charge was
. . , , : i i. I- &
attcmnted criminal assault. In the five
"Ole OliOrt Coming.
The most successful comely, that
Best of all Swedish Plays will be pre-1
sented ' onday, Jan. 2.
The piece is by far one of the most
, .w-,
wwii, aa iv urn. tints uvireis,
"Ole Olson" was constructed for
igughjn? purposes, and during the
m.nv vtarl it ha. been befors tha
American act loving public, it has
pleased more people than any five
pieces of it class.
big Comic Opera.
Chicago's mest successful musical
play, ."1 ne Time, The Place and i'he
Girl" will be the offering at the opera
house. The production given hre will
be exactly the stme as givpn 460 times
in Chicago. The cast is a large t ne ami
is headed byjthat ur.ctiBS c&mw.stin,
Geo. Efcner, who in the ch-irajter f
"Haopy Jjhnny Hic'-s," th- garoblrr,
is sai!l to h ive the twit pa. t he ha
ver portrayed.
Date Jan. 4.
Death f R. ! Prcutv,
; R. M. Ptouty, til lnJ-pendtnei, died
tori.ty at the home of his brother. L. E.
I'n u'tv. fc!4 W 7'.h street, at the age of
'51 years. He was twrn in Nebraska,
and htid Iiid in lhe Northwest fur 27
ye-r4. several years sn Tacoma, recent
ly in Inaepnience. He leaves a wife
I and married daughter.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at
30 p. m, at lhe home of L. E. Prouty, ,
Atforaey at Lw. Notary Pub fc
Ial basinets of all kinds in ail th
courts promptly tteaed to. Beit phon
William A. Mack, of Portland whom
we used to call Biily, is a candidate for
the important position of state fish
wardea, and is certainly qualified ftt
tne position, which his manv Linn
county friends will hope to see him
secure. He is a former resident of Alb
any and Scio, a neohew of M- IS. Bilvett,
of the court house.
He has had the experience necessarv
for the important position, having bees
a deputy warden under J, W. Baker
for three years, and 3 years as deputy
fish warden. .
His SDDointment is beinir ursred to
Governor-elect West from all over the
Five children havs died in Oklahftms
from eating mistletoe berries. They j
bus ptckiy uui sin eaaoie.
The bees of the U. S. accoiding to
the census produce $20,000,000 in honey
annually, busy little fellows.
A New York bank president has gone
crazy, because he manipulated the
oaseia ior investment purposes
William Horace Kerr, formerly o
Miss Adma Green, formerlu nf th f--
were recently married at Pine
Bl"ff. Ark.
A $13,600 000 hotel is to be erected in
New York. It is to have 1600 rooms,
be 25 stories high, with over 1000 bath
rooms, and will have the distinction of
being the largest in the world.
Mr. and Mrs. A, - Redding and their
took dinner in Enim Phri.tmu
Carry the news to Roosevelt.
Burglars recently entered the Nolan
mntv h , tv, Jv ,
store at Sorvallis, but seemed to be
was none there.
? "ff n
"'" " UOKeo alter.
.. Pnnevilie has
Biased iha snhxm
license of that city at $SO0. Every
where the license ia being placed huth,
giving a few places a monopoly, but
they will be the same old drunkard ma
kers in the long run.
for drunkem,ess. At Eugene therb
Suit has been h'jrun 0n behalf of the
government to regain the possession of
96,6(iJ acres f land granted the South
ern Oregon Co. sueet-isor to the Ctos
Bay WnKon Co. The reason ifiven is
that under the original terms not mora
tt an IbO acri'S was to be sold to one
Pera "-id thxt at $i5uan acre, where j
as tne U'-J'- amount was so d. I
At the iiiislon Parlors. :
Holt ;gain at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat Maruet,
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
IhebpstrOSrS in Albany at tee
Cedar fence pests Iflc at Curtis Lum
, ! ber Co'.
Have your feet attended to by Mrs,
river oy iyon, sots phones.
Miss Nellie riridges orofessional
nurse. Phone Home Red 23d. U3
Dr. W. R, Shinn, physician and $w
geon. Calls answered Hay and nhfiit,
uiuce, r win biock, ueaulence lis IS itfl
street, Both plioues.
George Miller, former pianist
Dreamland, wil! tesch music in tM
city with headquarters at Davenport's.
Graduate of fcertm Con-ervatorv of
: .;. '
, . New lefig, t m old frames. Or old lenses
, in new frames, whatever your eyes
Guarantee Optical Co.
In lhe City,
R. A. Jones. Mill Citv.
E. V. Knox, Clyde Starr, Stephen
Cams, Corvallis.
rax Thayer, L. H. Towner, Scio,
Dr. E. O. Smith, Portland.
A A I.,
Frances McWilliams. Grace Garrett,
Mary Young, Adma Wells, Gertrude
fcngle, ura Patrick, E. r . Wolcott, V.
a. tiorror and wilfonl w. Walker, a
iine crowd of Ath'and teachers on their
way to Newport for a winter's outiitif
aue Tfi-
Prof. O. it. lliitwiddie of the Port-
la::d schools, a former Linn county
veung man, in fast a native.
il. II. fcan, commercial traveler.
brother of Rev. Ebum,
Come on O'e.
'0 Ofon the first and bst of alt
J n. 2, & ft or having tour?! Canart- anJ
; ' e L'iiUv;a States itum cohhi u euuu
0o O. vH itj duiilH lm greeted
mj'iy of l.i okl ad wii nt
r.-.-..'I;ulii,Uc 4if3?, irtw Unit ars
. Eitim it dvn wi Plastering, Sid,
stalk and C m- ni Wml.
J. F. THAVErt, UiACalapools
. q
j Royal is the I
I only baking
j powder made 1
I from Royal j
of Tartar 1
Highest in
Hot Breads
j ( .
, Actf.iiil
Will Positively Appear BEN HOLMES,
Prince of Diabct Comedians and
Sweet Singer, in Ben Hendricks
A Twenty Yearn Success that "HAS
Holiday Prices 25, 51. and 75 crntf.
Stats at ftfooilworth Dru St
Wednesday, Jan. 4
I L R W1LLARD offera
l he lima
ine riace
and the Girl
10 Mustcal Numtnrrs. 3 fur
prt?s and liutich of Utr...
PKiCE35i. 7Bc, fl.M, and il SO.
Mayoerry Wood Yard,
All lend of weed: Bie fir, iirrt
f5 mi; ZiM g.-owth, $4 '.8; Maple, 14 Ti;
Blab 4ft length, i,M; dak tJ :,;
Ash, $5.'JS.
Will deliver any mo-.nt w r,tci
: awed to order, to anv rsrt ot town
-we d any la ,th wired,