Albany Democrat. "Entered at the post ottice, Albany, Or, ttcond cIssb mail matter. i F. P. Js utting. i Our Wants. LOST Pair of eve glasses. Kcport ; to Mrs. U. 41. Paimer. CIDErt. Will deliver cider every Sat-: urday. Sweet cider Sffis per gal., 6 gallon for 11 00; boiled cider 2 ;ir, one ! 50c per gal , 4 in one 1.00 per gal. ; pure cider vinegar 25c. 5 gallons far. 1.00. Apple butter 11.00 a gallon, ' crock included. Write or phone tho' Albany hitler Mini Albany, Ore. Home Phone 2801. CJ. R. WwilBH. jrUii SALE. -Black team, harness, wagon and wood yard business. J. D. Ellis, 906 E. 4th. NOTICE. Any one wishing pare bor. tied milk, will do well to ca'.l the 1 X. L. Dairy. Home phoni 2736. C. P. Peebler. FOR SALE. Will Wild new 4 or 6 room louse and sell with Fairdale lot, I on the installment plan. See F. H. Pfeifler about it. 7t I CARPENTRY JOB SHOP. Work promptly attended to anywhere in city, office 122 Ferry street. Phone Home 256, Pacific red 481 J . STEELE &CANFIELD. PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Eilers Piano House or woodworth's Drug Store. C. M. Henderson, Tuner, MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Ore-gon Fire Relief of Mc.Minnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, agent. v CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms mailed free. R. W. Tripp, Browns- vine, or. THE BROADALBIN Mrs. Boggs proprietor. Second and Broadalbin Sts. Family service, hnmecooking, Recent ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. WE COLLECT bad debts-no expense to you if no money is collected Western Mercantile Agency. Office over Woodworth's Drug store. tlO WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill. HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, pompadours, etc., made from comb ings. Mrs. B. K. Pordom, 135 E. First street, Albany. CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms mailed free. R, W. Tripp, Browns ville. Or. lot j FOR SALE. Here is a chance of a life time. 1 will sell at a great bargain my large truit orchard on easy terms or take part in city business proyerty; 27t E. H Rhodes. FOR SALE Grnptsand wintorapples J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t FOR RALE. -Potatoes. 1 milo south of Albany, home phone 241G. R. Webster. 17i GARBAGE. If westofLyon street 50c. mnnlh C 11 f..nn ih. na-Ua.wn - man. Home phu..e 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Mainwater looks after garbage. Pnone Hsmb 2303. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albuny 1'huiing Mill, cheaper than aywhore I'lse in Albany. Skill- Iv set, if desired. The Ladles' Home Journal Tattern No. 5760 $1145 Any Suit Overcoat or Crayenette. at W. F. Pfeif fer's FOR RENT. Three furnished house keeping rooms, ground floor, hot and cold water, electric lights. 131 Lyon St. t4 FOR SALE. A horse. 8 years old, weight 1400 pounds. Call at 3rd and Mill. WANTED. A good girl or woman one who is a good cook. Call at 332 Ferry St. Bell phone615-J. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Girls over 18 years old or women for agree able office work. Aderess Manager Postoffice Box 464, Albany. t31 FOR RENT. tarnished housekeeping rooms. 440 E 1st St. US FOR SALE. 7 acres, Lebapoa road, 2 miles. east of Albany, 7 room house, barn, 4 acres prunes. S. J. Adams, R. D. 1. t30 SEK ALEX. The Rustler. Be trims trees, hedges and bushes, grades lawns and does all kmds of yard work. J. A. Rodney, 614 Elm. Bell home 431-J. 21t LOST, A Hickory cane, curled handle, valued as keepsake. Report to S. M. Pennington. E. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS. A few choice cockerels for sale, 2 and 3. Eggs after Feb. 1 $1 and 1.25 per 15 at xarm. i. l,. vineyaru, a. u. o, Albany, Or. . t31 FOR RENT. 2 nice furnished front rooms for light house keeping, at California Rooming House. FOR RENT. A house. Inquire of W. C. Burkhart. IF THERE IS ANYTHING in the fruit tree line you are in need of call and see W. A. Ledbetter, he h .s a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for your inspection. At tne corner oi 7th and Walnut Sts., Albany, Oregon, c. c. WRIGHT, M, D c. VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculins Testing Phone Albany Stables. F.G. Will for watches TIME NOW FOR EVENING WEAR This Ladies' Home Journal Patterns No. 5775-76 i- tut one of the superb style, from which you can make a beautiful even ing noivn. The .implicit)- of the l adies' Home Journal Patterns makes this possible. Kvcn though you are not used to making your own dresses you will be surprised at what you can accomplish with one of the stylish practical pat tern. As lo materials, we can show you a most beautiful array of soft elegant f.itrics and Irimmiues that will serve to bring out all the beauty ot this doitin. Make this store the objective point of your tomorrow's shopping tour, l'.very desire may be satistiedhcre. THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER. Hrw dear to our heart is the steady subscriber ' Who pays in advance at the birth of each year. Who lays down the money and does it quite gladly. And casts 'round the office a halo of cheer, He never says, "Stop it, I cannot af ford it, I'm getting more papers now than 1 can read In fact we all think it a real house- hold need." is .1 - 1.. -,. .,.,,- How he makti our heart throb, how. he makes our heart dance; We outwardly thank him; we inwa'f(j. v bless himj The steady subscriber who tays in advance. Anonymous. - BE LOYALOR QVlT. vu. ' ' In a note to the employes of the Home telephone Co. at Corvalhs Mr. Middleton said iddleton said: ernHy topargef why resign Vo,r eternally position, and when you are outside again damn to your heart's content but I pray you so long as you are a part of the institution do not condemn it. More than that, you are loosening the tendrils that hold you to the in stitution, and in the first high wind that comes along you will be uprooted and blown away in the blizzard's track, and you will probably never know why. Everywhere you find those out-of-a-job fellows. Talk to them and you will find that they are full of railing, bitterness and condem nation. A RELAY FLYING RACE. For the first time in the history of aviation a relay race will be run, or more correctly, flown at Aviation Park. South San Francisco, on Janu ary 10th. This will be the most spec tacular event of the entire meet and will be a contest of speed and quick starting between teams of three. The W'riijht nvintnr will hi rirrsintiH by Roy Knabenshue, Archie Hoxsey and Walter K. Krookins, the latter riding his "baby biplane" with which he has made such spectacular speed flights. Willard, Mars and Curtiss himself will-relieve each other and en deavor to win honors for the Curtiss machine. The Farman biplane will be entered with Clifford Harmon, the American amateur, and possibly Grahame-White the English flier and one of three French aviator. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for , uec. Z3. I'Jiu. rersoiis desiring any ot these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: M. C. Aubrey (2), Louis Heggett, Robert Jones. J. S. Van Winkle. P. M. But always says,' "Send it, the family ' rive.-jCtoYfaXsoi 1 of Portland ar :, Ihor "' night 00 a holiday visit at the likes it uu jjeof p a v v HOME SE VE ILLUSTRATE TWO PATTERN THAT ARE SURE TO C0AE ITT0 IMEDIATE FAVOR. STYLISH SCHOOL SUIT Ladies' Home Journal Pattern No. 5760. A suit that answers all the requirements of the modern school girl. A smart, neat, serviceable suit. FOR EVENING WEAR This Ladies' Home Jou rnal Pattern No. 5775-76. is but one of the superb styles irom which you can make a beautiful even ing dress. persons Geo Maxwell returned aiternoon. to She-H this Superintendent F; was in the city ttr ztliii of the S. P.. aoon. MISS Addle K ... an Albany vis'' 01 Corvalus, was Mr. and ' .... gone to s lrs- Ueonu Merrill have ter. iu qcuu uie wio Mia. ' ; " B" ' ,1 - J- B. Leatherman and daughter 1 are visiting wild relatives in1 ' -taod for a few weeks. I LL. .. , . 1 i:j .. .uu .nc.uuuu home. He is steadily improving. Mrs J. H. Campbell h.s returned from a visit with her daughter, at Mo Cloud, Calif, where she had a pleasant " Prof. Will Steete, of th. Portland SJfT'ttSf noon tor a nouday visit wita Albany friends. I Miss Grace Langdon- returned this uncle E!B. Piper, managing editor of the Oregonian, of Portland. Bb Miller, of Halsey, was in the city touay. He recently lost four fingers of ins ltd it uiiiii, a aeriuiia acuiuttu i, uui ne is philosophically making the best of it. Messrs. Henry Vollstedt and Elbert Warford and Misses Margaret Monteith and Zona Haight last night attended the Criterion dance in Salem. Conrad Meyer jr. , left by boat, with his kodak for a few days Portland visit. The first of the year he will go into bis father's store permanently. i Mrs. R. W. Williams and daughter, of Portl&nd, returned home last even ing after a holiday visit with Mrs. j Williams' folks, F. M. French and : family. j Cecil Cathev left this noon on a trip down the road. He makes the territory i from Washington to Redding, Calif., . doing a large business in the sale of j McClosky bookkeeping outfits. j Robyn and Frances Nelson returned this noon from Portlsnd. Robyn is be- j ing mentioned for the position of cal ender clerk in the legislature, ana nis many friends here will hope to see him i secure it, in every way competent to . fill the important position. Phil Baltimore left this noon for j Shedd on his third goose hunt. At : Harrisburg he got one and at Jefferson : another, and if any one can net geese ic is Phil, one of the best shots in the ; state; hut geese and ducks are mighty flighty these aviator days. j Cary 0. Morgan, former editor of the : River Current of Dixon, Wyo , was an I over night guest of J. E. Cowan's, 831 bj 2nd it., stopping ott on nis way to Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. Morgan has been visiting for the past three weeks at Mill City and is looking over the country with view oi locating. 20 per cent off on dinner sets this week at the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st Street. WING STYLISH SCHOOL SUIT Ladies' Home Journal Pattern No. 5760. A suit that answers all the requirements of the modern school girl; a smart neat, serviceable suit. ' ' This suit made of some of our pretty novelty materials, trimmed with velvet or satin and crochet buttons would be most becoming and very ser viceable. The low price at which it can be made is a most dcs'irtble feature. Made from the following materials the total will be only Srvik 4'j yards serge, 44 inches wide, at 75c S3.38 1 r4 yards of velveteen 24 inches wide at SI. 00 . 1.25 l'-i ilozcn crochet buttons at S1.0V) . ZI!!Z! L50 2 spools sik at 5c 'in Patterns No. 5760 ... Total.. DON'T YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS ' nrlrv 1 tSXjJWJ JiU iu.r JuCVl I T-favo -nu pwr ttnnnprl j -' - tuuu iccui tic 10 you; Do you know that many of the diseases of the body are caused by decayed teeth ? , 1 Do vou know that proper mastication oi tne iooa means a good stomach and . .. do you know mat Daa teetn in many cases are tne 1 ,J , , , J causC Of throat trouble? , ,.11 n 1 Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do- '.SeCt tHe e'eS? 1 Did 'ou ever st0P to think that intended the nrst oart oi tne airestion 01 What IS going to happen if you continually SWallOW the poison from decayed and I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex- act cost for first-claSS WOrk I frTTAPANTFRTi . My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capita! and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. For the money than any place in the city at the shop of . W. KOPPLIN, New Hill Bldg., 2nd and Montgomery. DELAY m nriTI rT tn think nf how niufh valnp- - - good digestion ? ... iooa to Deem in tne mourn r broken-down teeth? TTDT? TRN VRARS BARBER SHOP . 236 West 2nd St First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop. The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns No. 5775-76 .15 S6.33