4f Albany Democrat ?0L XLY1 ALBANY. OREGOK FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1910 no :2 Hot Tamalies ar.d OYSTERS at THE CRfcST BMHrtDP fui Mour-haV' feed . ITlUUIIgraiii and chick en feed. 2nd & Jackson street. 2ot WOOD SAWINGES or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facific. 3; JUST RECEIVED The largest line of CHRISTMAS WRITING PAPER that was brought to lAlbany. All new goods just from the factory. Not last year's stock Prices just right. AT MEISER & ME1SER DOINGS OF THE WORLD OLD TIME FIGHT " " " V Store Closed Monday MERRY HRISTMAS TO ALL Chambers & McCune On January 3 the now sayings system will begin. It cost Oregon over $26,000 to print its election pamphlets. C. H. Woodv. of McMinnville collene, has won the Rhodes scholarship this year. Oreeon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company is the name of the new railroad merger. J. Randall of Okonagan county. Wash., wants five thousand cats to exterminate gophers. Forest C. Smitlison, the hurdler, of Portland, has moved to San Francisco lo reside. He is going to aviato. Another big railroad trust has been formed under the name merger, the value of the properties beii.tr $115,000, 000. After Jan. 1st mail will not be sent to box numbers only. The government aoesn t propose to be hidden business Mr. and Mrs. J. vallis have the distinction of both being at tne nead of tour generations, Between Harvey icott and the Democrat's First Editor. Jos. Nile In an article paying trib ute to the late Harvey Scott, tulls of an incident in which Scott and Jas O'Meara, then editor of the Portland Bulletin, previously the founder of this paper and'other papers, had a duel on the streets of Portland, after a duel in their papers: "O'Meara was a man of very small stature, but sufficient in size and strength to at all times carry a piece of artillery of truly frightful proportions. The meeting occurred on Front street, in front of an auction house conducted oy A. B. Richardson. The meeting was a surprise to both. As O'Meara reached fur his gun, Scott grappled with him and bore him down by shcei weieht. After Scott had ' bested ' r it - . i . . i. : n .i a partner to ; " " um-mi hi mm ms auversary neipiess oeneam nis ouik, xt w j ' - he was in a quandary to know what to . N;. wo of , Cpr- do with hla man- 0.Meara 8til had his gun, and waa in a mood to use it. . i vt . i . t i . -j r j . ' . , , . ... , . ' . nuw limb x nave yuu uuwu, I ujh i. Mr. Woods is 77 and;know wnattodo wityh jJ0U ,iule irisn terrior, exclaimed scott A DESCHUTES R, R. MAKER. Elias Truax is down from the Des chutes for a holiday visit with Linn county relatives and friends. He has been working for several months on' the Harriman road running down the Des. chutes. Starting at Deschutes junction, three miles from Biggs, seventy miles of rails have been luiil, and work trains are running on it Grading has been done as far as kedmnnd. The Hill road is about forty miles behind the Harri man road. The two roads will build twelve miles jointly, under agreement, using the same track, no that now the Harriman force will have to wait fcr the Hill builders until they catch up. Five or six hundred men are in the Harriman force and a good many more now in the Hill gang. While grading was in progress the forces were much larger, several thousand. Railroad building has made live times along the line, and people there are an ticipating Dig things trom the advent ot the road Prineville is about twenty miles to one side and other towns are exoected to take the lead. Mrs. Woods 70. There is to be a Christmas swim in Portland Mondiv forenoon, with sev enty entries This is always a great "Were I on top 1 know what I would do I'd save Keller the job ot making sausage out of you, you fatswino," event, one that packs the bridge and I retorted the unconnuerable O'Meara. shores. Think of a Christens swim at i The adherents of the men aeoarated New York. thorn eventually, and, after some coun- Eecause the schools at Fugene re- seling on each side, the principals to ceived only a week's vacation, the same this bloodless, smokeless duel wit li as everywhere else, a crowd of hood- drew. lums in tne schools circulated carbon dispupbate, limherger cheese, red ..,., IMI- ITMI? pepper, etc., piled the school books in a WE, ARE SHO WINu A FINE LINE pile, set the clock back, cut the electric 1 enu;ne Japanese hammered brass r . , .. - Iam I 'li.ialn.a Co-n Ai alias .Tarrli- wires and numerous other acts of cuss edneas. Miss Barker Home. for Christmas. Fern dishes. Jardi niers. Hangers, Candle sticks and I Vases-prices right. Burkhart& i LEB, . Don't forget our gold and white in, Austrian china. The Variety Store j 13 1st St. The Big StriKe. , Chicago, Dec. 23. With the railroad managers and locomotive engineers on the verge of open rupture and the most gigantic strike in railroad hiBtory but a few hours off, Labor Commissioner Neill tonight stayed the stri'te ordered and paved the way for an amicable set tlement. The issue of peace or war will be determined tomorrow. At mid night the chances appeared to be on the side of peace. See the new polishes top Cresent Range at $45.00 at Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co'a. Peters shells "Got the Meat." For sale at Hmburt-Ohling Hdwe. Oo'b. Miss Margaret Barker has returned from Louisville, Ky., where she has been attending the superior lodge of the Degree of Honor. She has the honor of being chairman of the most import ant committee, that of finance. For several years she has attended all the superior lodges, visiting many of the principal cities. of the middle east. We guftcnutee a perfect fit of Kryptok, opifex, or any kind of bifocal lenses, thus needing but one pair of spectacles for both near and distant use. Patro nize a reliable home company. Call Ht Dawson's Drug Store. THE GUARAN TEE OPTICAL CO. - CENTRAL ; ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the ntrency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, ulympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eirgs. Foot Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones, Miin 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West Firm St. Wood Yard. w cod delivered to all parts of city on short notice, office t residence 90S East 4th street. B.th phones. J. D. Ellis. : ' DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell only GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES ARE FAIR and our SERVICE PROMPT, A safe place lo trade, surely for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted goods and appreciate the trade every customer we have to the extent of nersocal service. For your Christmas candy and nuts erne to the Crest 316 W 2nd St. Red Cross stamps for sale at Foshay & Mason's. Empire Photoplay j : TONIGHT "The Life of Moliere." A sunipfu : nus production, ranking high in the i film world. Presenting features of j staging which are remarkable for their beauty, a variety of court views of the life of the great Moliere, one of the ' greatest playwrights, ranking with ! Shakespeare. I "Auld Robin Gray." Beautifully adapted from the Scotch poem, and j putting on the screen a love story i which has charmed the life of thou sands. ! "A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law." A I good comedy which may contain a ; hint for other unfortunate wives who j suffer from neglect. A scream from 1 start to finish. I Miss Crosno Singing "Gee! But the Moon Mhkes mc Lonesome. Complete change tomorrow. Men's Christmas Slippers. At a price you can afford to pay. The assortment is most complete and the wide range of prices brings them within reach of all. An appropriate and useful gift. Men's Cavalier Slippers, $375 value $2.85 Men's Cavalier Slippers, $3.50 value : $2.50 Men's Faust Slippers, $2.75 value..: $2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.50 value $1.75 Men's Everett Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.50 value ..::.$2.00 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.25 value.... $1.85 Men's Opera Slippers, $2.00 value.... .....$1.45 Men's Opera Slippers, $1.00 value ..:...$ .65 Stoltenberg's bhoe- Store, 334 First St The Electric. Some fine .pictures. u.iu ni REMEMBER The premium sale still continues. Bring in your red envelopes to the ; COMPPtf 337 West 1st. Ablany Or' STETTER'S Admission 5c. for Christmas prescntp. Dolls, toys of all kinds, fancy plates and salad sctF. 42 piece dinner sets $5.25 and $7.70, 4'i piece white and gold sc I ?8 40. ' Emm UT'T'.'TI'.'C; LINN COAL & FUEL CO. Coal delivered to any part of the city, PRICES RIGHT. McCourt & Prettyman, Managers Office: Car. First and Baker. Homo Phone 3Q6;Bel Phone 131 9 Y Ire Friday, Dec. 2310 Every one will ha IMPARTIALLY"given a present. Every present will be worth hile, among ihcm one cair of spates and ten Skate tickets. The orssentswill be numbered and each person will receive a No. at the door whxh corresponds with the No, at nf a present on he tree. Skating 25c Admiuion 2So 1L Jt ! Friday and Saturday 1-4 to 1-2 Marshall & Lobaugh THE WOODWORTH DRUG COMPANY mjgmEigjffir,.-