Handkerchief Our Special lots of Xmas Handkerchiefs at 15c, 25c and 50c are all world beaters. Flood's Store Agei's for !. & G. Correts. Agents for Standard Pattern m ova I ( NOTICEIf THE LSN COUNTY Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN fiTo'hn tho host hard wheat bluo stem flour i.i I ho city. The mice Is meliorate and thoquulity uniform. N Cull us up tor il trial sack, and we'll prove to you I hut our nHert.ion is ' correct. Sold on iilisul;'' '' ' urirunly. R. A. :ilIUPIIY, 225 Went 2nd St. J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Koo.s, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Work?. JAS. F. POWELL, ' , Real Kstate. Forty vcars residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for lioii-iesideuls. 1.11) llroad.ilbm street, Albany. j Hell phone Red l4oi. TOM YOUNQ, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclsonitc roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific. Red 2 COLLINS TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in sip-.ll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, & Stark lllock - Albany Will DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, I Albany State H.mk Building. i Pell Black 4S Home 275 i H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawfnrd Block Albany DR. W. R. B1LYEU, Demist, Will & Stark Mock Albany M. B. CRAFT. 243 West Second St.. Albany, l-'irst cbs mcii-i ot all kinds -from selected M.vk. HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. .'Ill Wc-t vvi!Ul Street. BRUCE li ANDERSON, Opposite the Postoflice. Four chairs. Prompt and ctVic icnt care of the f.ioe and hair. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. Pirit-Class Wotk Guaranteed. Special To You- You'll find it highly expensive a source of trouble and worry if you fail to have an abstract drawn of the Real Estate parcel. The safe way the up-to-date way, is to have an abstract showing in de tail every phase of the parcel's his tory and save yourself the expense of future possible lawsuits. Our work is exact our charges reasonable. ABSTRACT CO.r Wc carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. Hardware Co. MISFITS. Keep a going and smile. "The whole world is a stago and we are all actors." Tho turift iB to l,e revised by pieces, perhaps the host way. Albany peonlo are shopping parly for Christina.), 'i'horo is a big trado in town. The fel'" light gen in u nauu.. who everlastingly talks y gets one, and it is foolish This ccrn .ipondenco school business has gone mi far you can even learn how to run a doctor's ollico at home and lill every kind of posiliun in existence. $U,6UJ,IHiil lor peace will bo a worth less wuste of money, Peace must come I';-..ni governments, by peaceful policies and good judgment, by the spirit of forbearance. The tiregonian savs there nro somo country paptrrs-in Orngnn that believe everything they shoulil not bolievu, and nothing that they should believe. Of course this is according to the immacu late iiloas of the great mogul paper it self, the champion of the saloon power , and the npostlo of inlidelity. The coun ' try paper of good sense no longer goes , to the Oregonian to learn what to be : lievR. There is suspicion that there is a joker in the good roads convention re cently in session at Portland. The ' farmers generally seem of the opinion I that tho whole affair is to secure an i JOHN KUECHLER'S express-i nurse Special attention given to baggage. freight, business delivery anil moyipy i household goods. ( Baggage chocks, freight bills and nit , orders left at ollicettronintlv attended to. ' Oilice at Mctzgar & Johnson's harbor i shop. 104 1st Si. o'ipoi;o Kuss House. I I'liielll-H. ijii..'; 11 T: YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED PRESSED. i 1 he I'antatonuni, GILBERT & MINTON; U1 W 1st St Bell Plume black 273 Home phone lih! A line lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Homo I'M. ' ALBANY BRICK CO T. .)."? TITEP, I j Attorney at Law. Notary Public. Legal business of all kinds in all the I eonrts promptly attened to. Bell phone iwi J. 7 TOMORROW'S ! DOINGS. , St. Peters (Episcopal). Rev. Henry II. Marsden, Minister. Morning praver arid sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer United Presbyterian. W. p. White, Pastor. The usual Sabbath services will be held. At the evening service Mrs. C. E. Sox will sing, '-Consider ; and Hear Me," by Wooler. I Graee Presbyterian. In the morning at 10 o clock tne pastor will speak on ! Tho Ufiweleomed Christ, and in the l evening on Obedience. Christmas eve will be observed with appropriate exer cises and a Christmas tree. ! St. Mary's (Catholic. Rev. Arthur , Lane, Rector. Rev. John Van Noyel, Assistant. Services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Father Lane will officiate and ; preach from the gospel of Sunday. St. Luke eh. 3. The subject of the even- ing lecture will be the 17th Council of the Church held at Florence A. D. 1431. The public is cordially in- FirBt Presbyterian. F. H. Gesel- nracnt, Minister. Morning service 10:30, Pre Christmas Mtditations: The incarnation, historically considered. ; The final and culminating argument. ' Evening service 7:30. Theme: The QueBtofthe Magi. S P. 11:45, an orchestra and classes for all. C. E. 6:30. A cordial invitation and hearty j welcome for every one. j Christian. 10 a. m. Bible school. Morning sermon 11:20. Subject: Ad , vancement Its Necessity and Method. ; 6:30 p. m C. E. 7:30 evenfng sermon. I Subject: The New Birth-Its Process Result. Special music. Evervbodv Christmas entertainment will hfi frivpn KfltnrHav ovaninff Vlan OA I Evangelist Violett begins ' series of j meetings with ua Jan. 1st. I ' Methndist.'-3ni & Ellsworth St. Rev. W. S. Gordon's subject at 10:30 I will be The Incarnation, and at 7:30 Can the Golden Rule be applied to Mod i em Business? The quartet will sing in I the morning and the new chorus choir !in tho evening. S. S. 11:45 The j orchestra will play Junior and Inter I mediate Leagues 3 p. m. Epworth League 6:30. Class meeting 10 a. m. I All welcome. Please be punctual if possioie. m , UU Worm Of rnmiums le 13 m. . . Lucny women rriaay. Thirteen ladies yesterday a4 the Chambers & McCune stora were made presents of valuable and useful! mer chandise pre-riums at the sound of the gong. Mrs. Thompson jf Albany re ceived the silk petticoat yesterday and1 as orre is given away each' day great prine. We wiH continue this most ex : citing and interesting prze giving j ever day and evening until i'maa and', every twine given is a valuable and 1 useful merchandise gift. Our Btore-i will be opened evenings all next week. una prizes given away with every twentieth- cash sale and count vou- in on the $ t00'00 piano also. ino lucky women yesterday were-; Mrs. E. A. Thomoson, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. C. Lauhhcad, Mrs. Mae White, Miss Ora ffarkness. Miss Neva. Wat kins. Mrs. Schillers of Albany, Mrs. Hausman, Salem, -ns Carries. Cor- vallis. Mrs. Brady, Lebanon;. Mrs, Bier, Turner, Mrs. Pepperling, Scio, A Broken Idol. Ever Bitice the first production of. ' BroKcn laol in New Yo ork Citv at the Herald Square Theatre, which William. . Mann will preseut at Albany next r.l I.... : . . . i, cuicauwj cvemtiK lor one nignc, ine-) songs that are to be heard, have been sung and whistled all over the country an promise t' live a great deal longer than the trashy sort of music which has no body to it. Among the popular airs are "A Little China Doll," "Springtime-," "Poor Old Dad's in New York for the Summer." "Ala bama." and "Love makes the world go round" with many others, automobile road through the stale in one line. What is wanted are roads leading from the Sarms to the market centers. One provision, of the law does- away with, the present special road tax that has done great things for our roads, said to bo in the interest of the- big timber iulders. Whatever is in it these are interesting things to think about. Why buy Groceries of Portland Bouses when you can getthe following prices at EASTBURN'S SJ; lS ;; Hi Him ftnw.m H.tqrl PJ.w, J1.00 . l.OO . 1.00 . 1 00 . 1.00 . 100 . 1.00 . 1 00 12 los White Beans. V2 lbs Lima Benus . . . H' lt otpks Kaisinns Hot i.ur prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. W. F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Oti'u t. t banners Feed Stables. I'lioneL-OXl R, Bell; Home 1JS5. OU! BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF uti-IS meet ail requirements from tirt to last, fir-it-class diamond broix-hc. diatnond rings, sterling silver linisli set, mamcurc sets, nub tary bruhcs. "Hull" detachable handle umbrellas NEXT YEAR'S CHAUTAUQUA. The Exectutive Board of the Albany Chautauqua Association met last night in tne rooms of the Albany Commerc ial Club. President M. H. Ellis pre siding, and the following present: Vice President, L. E. Hamilton; Treasurer, Wm. Bain; E. H. McCune, J. S. Van Winkle. V. H. Marvi... J. C. Hoi brook, W. P. White. Th finance committee reported that it had been found necessary to sign a note to the State Bank for SluO to secure a Joan of necessary funds to meet current expenses. A warrant was ordered drawn for $27 45 to pay deficit on account of the Springfield excursion last July. The resignation of Secretary W. R. Struble was read, and accepted. President Elbe reported that together with A. C. Schmitt and J. S. Van Winkle members of tbis board, they met in Portland with reDresentstive of several North West Chautauqua associations, and contracts were made for talent, as follows: Dr. Sadler Co , July 8, . 10. $400. J. Frank Haniey, July $176. Apollo Concert Co., July 10. 11, $240. DeWitt Mille, July 11, 12! $125. Wm. S. Battis, July 13, IA, $125. Dr. rdaguire, July 15 16, $140. Wlliams Jubilee Singers, July 15, 16, $300. Total, $1505. The contracts were ratified.. The Secretary was instructed) to cor respond with the Chemawa Band, and ascertain if it would be possible to en gage nhem for the forthcoming- season and on what terms. The committee on grounds and equip ment, reported a plan for the leasing uf the Chautauqua grounds from H. Bryant at trie site used for tho 1910 assembly, and erecting thereon an Aud itorium 100x100' feet. On motion a committee was appoints ed to confer with Mr. Bryant to ascer tain the terms of a lease of the grounds, with a view of erecting an auditorium:. and possibly looking to future owner ship of the grounds. 9 Albany College Notes. Messrs. Ihida and Miike. two Janaa- i ese students at tne college sang Japan" I ese songs very pleasingly at the Firstu rresDjterian cnurcn entertainment thr ween.. Albany College closed' Kriday after noon for a holiday vacation that in cludes. Monday, Jan. 2. iftrafesaor Flo left yesterday for Portland,, whence he will go to Washington tO'be married to MiaeAdna A. Smith, Director of Alb any Callege Conservatory,, od December : i. rroj. flutter will Be- out ot town I town on business after Moncfoy. Miss Irvine-removed lrom i iremont nan to r,hme B,A'b8?Lt0? ayl. B" ""i.!" will return from the ease soon. Miss Andenson will go to Seattle for a few days. Prof. Torbet will do some private teaching and work withi registrar's records. Miss. Emma Sox. may go to Portland'. Prof. Franklin -ill probably be ira Air-any. The loint meeting of the literary societies was a great success, Tharsday at chayel when the faculty entered, they found their seats appro priated by students who conducted a dignified service and followed it with some- humorous announcements and reports- ot yieitors. Then Stanley Van Wink! appeared as Santa Claus with a hag of present wbich went largely to the fatuity. A I Pnaeoek was taken before Record- r R.nrtfi,lrt Ihi nftnrnnnn hit f'.hipf nf k... .t.A i.-knwn C rt.. u." a...: "i...' ! . ? W FRAMED PICTURES FOR CHRIST HAS, We have a nice line of Framed Pictures we are selling out very cheap Burkhart & Lee. Visit 'he Guarantee Optical Company and see an entire y new andi complete toclc of spectacles and eye glasses at i More. We hove an ex- f penanced optician to do our examining miu no guaianiiTU oawia lav. w-M THE FINEST RAZORS fcfcat money can buy. Torrey's blue s'oel. Holler's Razors, Uiilett's fine Safety Razors, every one guaranteed. Prices are right. Burkhaxt & Lee. Come to the Crest and pick out your box of Bon Bons and have it laid away. SIS W 2nd St. NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. N'otice is hereby giveia to the legal rotors and taxpayers of School Dis trict No. 5 Linn County, Oregon, that a special meeting will ! held at the fetural Cuilding in said District on Wednesday, December ,28th, 1910, at the hour of 7:.lt) p. m. for the purpose of voting a tax for the support ot the public schools for the coining year, ami tor such other business as may come before the mcetfur. J. K. WF.ATH KR FORD. Chums. .1. 1.. TOMd.lXSOX, Clk. Albany. Oregon, Dec. U, 1910. LOST. A new pair of gau.itlet glovis, with horse show on cuffs The pary hiving them will please leave tl"m at McAlpin's cigar store and receive rv ward. l?r s Made in Albany my cJo. 1 Edi; virain the HEST in the market. Various rr.i.iis and prices from $1.25 upwards. Evi-ry lunch branded with my name. Lnk; rit. Eauiine these t-hingles hefore t uving eWewhcre. t. . niOMPSON. "'" use no dry kiln. Public Steriograpfief" AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES Ftrst National Bank Hudoir g. Home Fhonc 379 Woman Probacy originated iron ing- she created the ne cessity for endless worn. The Electric Iron Means No running back and forth from the work to the stove. It means heat right on the bottom of the iron where it is used. Better work in lens time. It you would like to try an iron before purchassing one, phone New Business Department. Both Telephones 15. Electric 128 West THIS 40th in its A Bicrk of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL ASSETS OVER $1,000 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout wita us and you will be surprbeel at the ease with which the Saving habit is acqofred. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned; and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. 'VM. BAIN. President. jp, rj GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns. a small sun opens an account in our hank but, t. have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. ' Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then vow will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS llllllllgf WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT nt some of the finest buildings in n are equipped with our plumbing .rk. We make a specialty of high W sanitary plumbing anil will be !.id to have you examine samples of work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street MEDIN & STUART. fen Invented" the Electric Iron - the instrument which lightens woman's work. awhile' the Light Co, 3' First Street. Holiday Announcement- OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF GIFTS meet all requirements from first to last. Diamond Brooches, Dia mond Rings, Sterling Silver Brush. oeis. manicure sets. Military Brushes. Hull" J..1..LU I ll t. . .. ' ucwwiaoit! uanuie umnrp ma. F. M. FRENCH &. SON,, Jewielers. t BMK IS year B A NK 000.00 AT THE CITY FISH MARKET 109 Lyon Street, ott can get all kinds of fish, fresh, salted, smoked and canned; fresh oys ters, crabs and clams. Yaquina sal mon received daily. Lowest prices consistent with high quality of goods. Delivery to all parts of the city. Both phones. til W- H. RTPr.F.WAY. Prep, CementWork Estimates given on Plastering, Side- J. F. TRAVER, 4th A Calapooia Mayberry Wood Yard. All knds of wood: Big fir, nrice S nri; 2nd growth. J4 75: Mar.le.i f t 75. Slab 4ft. length, $.50; Oak :$5.23; Ash. f r. 23. Will deliver any amount wanted sawed to order, to any part of town Sawed any length desired.