A TIMELY FUR OPPORTUNITY. If you have been contemplating on Furs for a gift or are undecided on the question of "what to give," th'is announcement will surely meet with your approval. A piece or set oFurs will satisfy every woman and you don't have to spend ex travagantly to buy satisfactorily. This is a Fur Scarf Special all of the following be ing such. Grey Squirrel, 32 inch, $5.00. Grey Squirrel, tabs on ends, $7.00. Grey Chinchilla, 72 inch, $10. Grey Scarf, 54 inch, $3.00. ' White Coney, 54 inch, $4.00, $4.50 and $4.00. White Coney, 34 inch, $2.25. Brown Isabella Fox, 58 inch, large tails on ends, $5.50. Brown Isabella Fox, 62 inch, , tails on ends, $16.00. Brown Isabella Oppossum, 64 inch, $10.00. Brown Jap Mink, 60 inch, tails on ends, $12.00. Brown Jap Mink, 68 inch, $11.00. River Mink, mrown, $4.50 and $5.50. Brown Sable Squirrell, with tabs, $7.00. Others not mentioned here at the same reduction. Get an early choice from this lot. 25 per cent reduction for this week. Will remain open every eveninsr of this week. Good Goods, Prices Right. No Schemes. Red Cross Stamps for sale here. Use them. A MONEY SAVING SUIT SPECIAL. 1'6 Suits of Panama, Serge and Diagonal Weaves. Staple colors, values to $25.00. Spe cial at $10.00. 25 Suits, popular weaves, blues, browns, black, reds and greys, values to $30.00. Special at $13.00. 25 Suits, latest styles, best fabrics and weaves, popular colors, values to $35.00. Spe cial at $22.50. Another lot of Highest Grade Suits, the newest styles, weaves and colors, values up to $50.00, all greatly reduced. , Ladies' one-piece Dresses of Silk, Cassimere, Serges and Broadcloths, all beauti fully and cleverly trimmed. Latest styles. Values to $85 .CO. One-third off. THIS MORNING A YEAR OF PROGRESS. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. A crowd of about a hundred O.A.C. students, came over on their way to their homes for a holiday vacation, which speaks for the festivities ahead at home, and alack, some smack, per haps. President Kerr also came over, and Prof. A. C. Schmitt returned from a visit with him. J. T. Apperson, a member of the board of regents and on some impottant committees was anoth er traveler returning to his home from Corvallis. J F. Yates, one of the busiest law yers in the valley, and Gus Fisher, went to Portland on a business trip. E. T. Price, of Portland, formerly of this city, 'n the real estate business, with timber lnnds as a specialty, bought a ticket for Canby on his way home. Miss Reed came down from Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Good. Perry Carter and wife, at the U. P. church last night in the college course, proved entertainers of merit, delightful people in their specialties. Mr. Carter araws as easily as an electric motor, making transformations full of interest. Some of his subjects were base ball faces, a double face, a colored painting of a boy at school, change in the size of women's hats, the story of Lochinvar, a congressman, a Frenchman, Jonh Bull, the transformation of in eagle into Uncle Sam, Taft, Roosevelt, Dr. Franklin of the college and a fisherman. Mrs Carter has a very sweet voice and sang the simple little ballads we ail like so well with pleasing effect. The next number will be the Grand Opera Sextette, Feb. 6 an expensive one and a big thing in a musical way.' The past year has been one of Al bany 'y best years in improvement. The showing is a good one. The city haa gone ahead in a substantial way, one that at tracts attention and speaks for the city. Here are the prominent improvements: High school, finished in June; Schmitt block, Broadalbin and Third; the arm ory, Lyon and Fourth; the Hotel Van dran, Lyon and 9th; Curl block, Broad albin street; Cusick block. First and Broadaloin; Burggraf block, Second near Lyon; the Barrett garage, Ells worth and Water; M. Senders & Co.. reinforced concrete, Washington ana Water; Fortmiller Bros,, two story con crete warehouse; bunkers,' warehouse, chute, barge, etc., Albany Sand and Gravel Co. ; King and Cameron blocks Ht Lyon and Fourth; Wood apartment house, East 3rd street; Wvatt apart ment house, 1-ifth street; Conn apart ment house, Second and R. R. street; Dr, Hill's store and rooming house. 2nd and Montgomery; lb blocks of paving; two blocks of street railway, electric light and telephone improvements; re building of the C, & E. bridge; nenr'y 100 new residences. The total cost s somewhere between $400,000 and $5? , 000 on a conservative basis. Next year prominent new structu- s expected are the P. O., city hall, Can.e gie library, Presbytemn thurch, per haps a new hotel, and several business blocks. TO-NIGHT The Broken Idol. After a two years run in Chicago, New York and Boston, "A Brokeo Idol" one of the latest of musical com edies will be seen at the opera house tonight. The piece has been termed the 'play of surprises" in aa much as the ' unexpected happens every few minutes. Hal Stephens wrote the book and Will iams and Van Alstyne, the music and lyrics. Among the spectacular effects introduced are a hue dragan that tu-n into eight dancing fcirls, beautiful rose vases that become animated show irirla and a huge fiery silk balloon that sails out over tne audience. A company of sixty is carried. On account of this being the holiday the curtain will not ring up until 9 o'clock. F G. WILL, lor Watches At Woodwork's. Tonight from 6 to 9 o'clock Wood worth's Drug Store will iuaugurate their annual holiday clearance sale, by special request the Broken Idol Show not being unilO o'clock. Kare bargains will be offered. Packages may be left until after the show and called for them. Seo the new polishes top Cresent Rango at $45.00 at Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co's. Peters shells "Get the Meat." For sale ac Huiburt-Ohling Hdwe. Oo's. Holiday Goods Cheap at Burkhart & Lee's Drug Store. The line of Dress ing Cases, .Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Perfumes, etc. You are invited to see the line. Lee Each Eye r rfslsi seperaieiy pitn tn- prevents all eye strain that causes headache. Quality and work guaranteed. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 923 West Second Street. F G. Will For your Holiday Goods. A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. Walter Parker Grocer and , Baker tIS WEST 'IB8T 8TKKB r4LB4N OliKQOa First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 Safe, Convenient, Clean Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits. 8 Lights 16 Lights 32 Lights Lamps assorted Colors , Just the thing for Christmas. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wert Second Street. WANT A TYPEWRITER: See Rawliags about a Rebuilt Under- j wdod tkat is od at it and guar- j antecd for oe year, alio other j make aJ r rit. Buy on monthly payments. , W. F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. Phones 200-R, Ben; Home 1285. For Christmas. Some People in Town. Frank List was on the Hotel Revere list; Mrs. J. L. McCoy of Walla Walla: General J. A. Waddle, C. R. Peake and wife, ro'tland; L. rjronstein, faalem, formerly of this city; J. C. Biggee, Eu : gene; G. W. Duncan, Monmouth; Fred I A. Edwards, Portland, once a star foot ball quarterback, now making touch downs as a drummer; John Giblin of the O'Brien farm, Salem; Leonard Walker of Monroe; L. A. Miller, McMinnville; . J. B. Cornett. Shedd. The popular Leader and LaFama cigars, in fancy holiday boxes, for the Christmas trade. Just the thing for your gentleman friend who enjoys a good cigar. At William Eagles. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, December 21. . William F. Mann submits B. C. Whitney's Chicago-New-York, Boston Musical farcicality succe ss . A Broken Idol. A Thousand Surprises, with si xty people and a big beauty cho rus, Dom Macmillan, Dan Russell, Sydney Stone, J. W. Carson, Dorothy Grey, Perle Barti, Jack West, Edith De Valmr.seda and Madge Carson, forming a great cast, and 50 others. Just as originally produced in Chicago, at Whitney's Theater.' and staged by Gus Solilko. WHEN DOWN IN THE MOUTH think of Jonah; "he came out all right." When in need of a good, clean Tooth Brush think of Burkhart & Lee. They have them all right, the finest line in the city. Prices right. BURKHART & LEE. Business Change, Ueo. E. Nicholls, thejbaker, has sold : his business to Ernest & Douglas, re-: cently of Aberdeen, South Dakota, and ' they wjll here after run it. Mr. Nich-! ollsawill remain for a while, though, , and do the baking. They are former neighbors of Wm. Bain and are highly j spoken of. Albany appreciates several splendid citizens from that part of the j U. S. 8 months WHITNEY'S THEATER, CHICAGO. 7 months HERALD SQUARE THEATER, N. Y. 6 months TREM.ONT THEA TER, BOSTON. Seats now on sale at Woodwor th's Drug Store, prices $1.00, 75c, and 50c. $1.50, Fancy Toilet Caess, Traveling Cases, Hand Mirrors, Hand Bags, Manicure Sets, Toilet Waters, Perfumes and many other suitable presents for Xmas. Burkhart & Lee. For china go to the Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. Do you want a nice Diamond for a Christmas gift to your wife? See F. M. French & Son. Nervous symptoms and headache are ; often caused by eye strain, which will ' bo overcome by properly fitted spec- ,tacles. The Guarantee Optical Co. : guarantees you a perfect fit. See our; stock of frames and eye-glasses at Dawson's Drug Store ' ! FRAMED PICTURES FOR CHRIST- i i MAS. We have a nice line of Framed I Pictures we are selling out very cheap , Burkhart & Lee. ' Just received a nice line of Bon Bon P at the CreBt 316 W 2nd St. Our line of Christmas china has just arrived. The VarTety Store 313 W 1st St. Come to the Crest and pick out your box of Bon Bons and have it laid away. I 316 W 2nd St. I Clothes-racks and ironing boards made by E. B.-Davidson, are the best on the I market. Call at 739 E 1st St. I Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mia sion Parlors. At the Sign PLtl Plain mixed candy, regular 20c 2 lbs, for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Grocers' Mixed Candy, regular 20c... 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Jelly Beans, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Mint Losengers, regular 20c . 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Gum Drops, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Fancy Broken, regular 25c... 6 lbs. for $1.00 Chocolates, regular 25c , . 20c lb. Pure Maple Sugar. Low Prices on Nuts. Buy Christmas Candies from us. Do not forget our Rug Prices hold good until Christmas Eve. Rockers, Tables, Chairs, Everything. We must reduce our stock and you will miss it if yoli want anything in the Furniture line. Open evenings until Christmas. GILBERT BROS: WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S-oru Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin ALCO CHOCOLATES That KLASSYKIND "Y NOT" Just made and put up in neat packages. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP PAUL N. Pogholview M. T., Drugless Photician, Rooms 2 and 4 Brenner Bid?, Albany. 3K2 Save the pieces. Lense Matched and Fnunac Repaired. E. C, Meade, Optometrist Oy 4- Fresh Olympia at Holt's Meiidota Coal is fast gaining in favor, always clean free from soot, kindles easily, burns readily, free from clini'eri, makes but little ashes. These good qualiti make an ideal coal, best on the market fur tne monev. Sold in any quantity, ptorept delivery. Order from ALBANY FUEL CO., A W DOCKS I'EADER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. Xmas Suggestions Gifts for Men should be bought at a man's store. These articles might suggest something for him. - Bath Robes ........ $5.50 to $8.50 Smoking Jackets .. $4.50 to $10.00 Suit Cases and Bags $4.00 to $12.50 Slippers : $1.25 to $2.50 Sweaters $2.50 to $7.50 Knit Muffters 25c to $1.00 Suspenders in Fancy Xmas Boxes 50c Arm Bands and Hose Supporters 25c to 50c Big Xmas Clothing Special Every Suit and Overcoat in the store reduced to such . prices that you can, not well afford to let this oppcrtunity pass. Remember we stand back of every article we sell. Blaiii Clothing Company, Dependable Clothiers