Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 23, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    Jg- -
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance fur one year, H.V.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $J.6.i.
The Weekly Advance per year J1.25
At end of year $1.60. After 3 ye--8 M
Is the heading of the San Francisco
Examiner, somcticms called a yellow
journal, but white compared with the
Orcgonian, over the following:
.Thomas A. Edison's recent inter
view in which he flatly declared his
belief that everything is material and
that death ends the mental and spirit
ual existence of man would have
great weight if we could he assured
that the Wizard of Mcnlo Park were
as expert in theology as he is in phys
ical science.
No such assurance can be eiven. A
good while ago, in one of his brilliant
essays, Macaulcy said:
As to the other great t nest ion the
question what becomes of man after
death we do not sec that a highly
educated luironcan, let t to his unas
sisted reason, is more likely to be in
tnc right than a ulackloot Indian.
Not a single one of the many sciences
an which wc surpass the lllackfoot hi
diaus throws the smallest light on the
state ol the soul alter annual life i
extinct !
Macaulcy might have added that the
accomplished thinker in physical sci-
ence, who is absorbed and diverted
a lifelong study of merely material
things, is very apt to exaggerate his
specialty and thus disqualify himself
as a jiulgc ot spiritual things.
Upon the whole, the old hopeful
faith of mankind in a future life will
not be much disturbed by MY. Edi
son's theological notions. Men will go
on admiring his work in electricity,
phonographs, storage batteries and the
like; but when they come to the oldest
and greatest question known to the
mind of man they will seek instruction
from other sources.
A body of plutocrats
called the U. S. senale,
back cast,
propose to
throttle every effort to secure the
election of U. S. senators by a vote
of the people. A resolution providing
for the people to have the power that
they are entitled to will be buried in a
committee and that will be the last of
it. This is the program of the stand
patters, Ihe fossils in ihc senate who
reprcsenl the trusts rather than the
people. There is one way out of it:
Hut'l't Ihc Oregon system sufficient to
-..viirc a body of men who will make
the necessary provision for a consti
tutional amendment for elections of
senators by the people. In a round
about way wc do it in Oregon, but we
wish to do it directly in the proper
way, something absolutely impossible
except the senate itself makes an
initiatory move, which it will never
do so long as such men as Aldrich
are allowed '.' !.::-. '.:r..:e the body.
cd Yesterday
at Clvwnbcrs & McCune s.
Out free merchandise gifts, Awarded
every few minutes U the wound of the
gonh if tho "lilt of tfo Benson" nnd
pronounced by all the most litxsri.! olfer
ever made by any store in Albnny.
We are going tcimakt it "till bolter,
commencing tonight ard crtinuo every
evening until Christmas, besides giv
ing a vnlauhU merchandise gift with
every twentieth 'v ere going to
Arlvft ii bountiful 11. inu painted Sue hot
Piui with ovory other tenth saio. This
means that only ten pales lus to no into
thn nflleo. when tho ironir will sound and
seme one will get, t.-ither a moichindiao
gift or souvenir froo. Sixteen merch
nndUn irifta woru awarded yesterday.
Tho lucky people were: Mrs. H. N.i
Willard. Mra. W. F. FfeilTer. Mrs.,
Maigurot Vank, Miss Huberts!. Mrfl. L.
McUuniel, Vrs. F. Horsky. Mrs. Pur
dom, Usb Carter, Mrs. Leabo, of Alb
any Mrs. Saylor, Halaey; Mr. Ed.
Hardman, Junction City. Mrs. Lucy
Baldwin, Scio, Mrs. hhza Colo, ian
tfunt. Mrs. Lawren on, Wells, Mra
Christenson, Lebanon, Mrs. A. K. Hon
roil, Brownavillo.
A Family Wiped Out.
Salem Statesman: - With the appoint-
ment of an udminiatnilo! in th) estate
of tho S. S. Hei-r of Silvcrton yesterday
nnrnmg by Judgo llushey, a closing
ing chapter in a sad Btury was written,
Thostory deals with tho wiping out of
practically a wnoio lamuy inrougn ino
ravages of smallpox. The on'y heir to
the estate is a in, Clarence. 4 yoars
ohi, who also ton n victim to inu uis-
eiise, hut who 'a reported to bo rccov
Tho case- of tho llcrr fnmi'y baa
stirred all Sdvurlon and in fact a whole
county has been to 'hu circumstances
which i turned s joyful visit of parents
with their s.m into a scene of
tragedy "no mourning.
A Newspaper Show.
Tho G. T. windows aio diveI'Ming
into a menagerie or mueu n. A tine
cougar skin, i 'br.b" e:i'. an.l l-.v. lino
pheasanis. nil mounted, tiav- i - mi nd.l
ed to th- co. lection riven' ly. The
mounting i- tho work of W N. Patter
urn. now at tho Foster Sanitarium tak
ing ti e.itmonl for paralysis of tho lowr
Imil s i'ne skins are goml, tho
nviui'tinj goo I, nnd tho display iiHr.u-t-ive
to iniiiiy paasorsby I'urvallis
G.t7.eUe Times.
lhat miiv do in Corvnllis, hut you
should m-tf tho llenioeral'a rt gallery.
Oon't forgot our gold and hi e in,
Austrian el ina Tho Variety Store
13 1st St.
THE KIM'ST KA'.'.OUS that moni-v
can t uy. Toiroy's blue s'ee , H iller's
Kuiors, lliiU-tl'a line b'afotv lianrs,
evrv tu.o ei.HiMnteeil. I'riees are
1IU..KIIAKT & Lib.
If You Have a Piano Man u Fact
ufacturm Prize Check. Read
This Carefully,
Eilcrs Music House has arranged to
redeem 140 I'iano Contest Prize
Checks, no matter by whom these
checks may have been issued, nor to
whom they may be payable, Kilers
Mhisic House aain demonstrates its
ability to furnish buyers the very most
as well as the vry best for the money.
If you arc the holder of a piano
contest prize check, you will be in
terested in this announcement. We
have arranged with seven of the fore
most American piano-makers so that
we shall accept 140 piano-contest
prize checks, irrespective of amount
and no matter by whom or to whom
issued. Hear this in mind, at Kilers
I'iano House you always secure a
better piano for less money than
obtainable elsewhere, no matter what
may be the plea for special consider
ation. In applying your prize award
toward one of our pianos, you secure
at Hilers 'Music House any of the
seven hihcst-gradc pianos at the low
est retail cash price. You secure
far better instrument than obtainable
else where, aim whether your prize
check is sou, siuu or even sua filers
Music House will accept the same ex
actly as so much cash. ror need the
balance be paid at once. Our easy
payment plan entitles any responsible
man or woman in Oregon to two
years time, and longer if needed, in
which to complete payment for a pi
No concern East or West possesses
the facilities and the advantages em
bodied in the Kilers modern selling
system of highest-grade pianos. No
where else arc the very best, specially
selected, factory inspected and fully
guaranteed pianos sold upon a plan
so advantageous to the retail buyer
Many holders of certificates or prize
checks have called and investigated
these seemingly broad claims of ours.
In every case they found them to be
facts. They bought their pianos of
Kilers Music House. Invariably Eil
crs Music House was found in a po
sition to supply for almost a third
less the identical grades and qualities
lor which $375, 475. $5M) and even
$6X) was asked elsewhere. Toward
payment of these low prices a credit
cnecK may nc applied as so nincn cash.
How we can afford to do this is ex
plained in our announcements time
ud time again.
It is well to remember that our
prices are one and the same to all
alike. A child can purchase here as
advantageously as the shrewdest
Do not be led to pay the fat, round
prices certain dealers and agencies
are compelled to ask, until you have
convinced yoursell that you cannot
find better pianos and do better in
e'vry way at Kilers Music House.
It .should be remembered that we
sell more pianos annually than all
the rosi rf the Western dealers com
hiiiei!. D k' i not Ibis point to Kilers
Mlu sic 'l
piano bi'
House :
of piam
monts ;
is the one best place for
: cvc-ral reasons for our
'.tsiii'-ss. Filers Music
. the liiiest and very best
:id oilier musical instrii-
'., having no middleman's
. San Francisco jobbing
muse c
amissions, and numerous
other iult-ruieiliale charges to take
care of, UiU-rs MVisic Mouse is in po
siti' .1 : ' t " " '.lu'sc instruments upon
a liltlc-profit-iH-r piano basis, which
niivms Ihc saving of as much as one
tiiird the usual price.
F.very instrument sold by the F.ilcrs
Music "Utilise is guaranteed both as to
quality and as to price. Instruments
after delivery must be found satisfac
tory to the purchaser, or money back.
Select your piano tomorrow at Ore
gon's I Ionic I'iano House, and have it
sent home immediately or at any later
time you may designate, as a most
acceptable Christinas surprise. Filers
Music lioiise, i-tj west acconu oi..
runany, urcgon. iioin puones.
That Street Car,
Th ear that U to ha sent from
Salem to EugeiK fur use on the lines
hpre j expected by Manager O'Coniu-r
.-riHHV. As so n na it arrives ho will
tho big cur olf the Knirmount loop
jn0 nn,j ship ,,, Albany. As s.iun as
,t js received there, tho car that is in
,uit citv will bi shippeil to Euceno and
' t10 other large green cur to Salem.
K. O. .d. every E;-.turd.iy even-
The Woodiiu-n of the World every
Friday evening. I.. L. Swan, clerk.
Manzanila Circle 1st and 3rd Mon
days. Modern Woodmen nect every 2nd
and -till "Wednesdays in llussard's
Hall. (.Irani l-'ionian, Clerk.
Uoyal Xciglihiirs meet every 1st and
oil Wednesday in llussard s Hall
Ali.-c Kirk. Recorder.
Ladies of the tt. A. R. meet
Ttie-dav each month at G. A. R
Ik.iiic Stil-on, Secretary.
325 Lycn Street. Albany. Orc;.-n.
Methods: Chiropractic, magnetic ami
nii-iilal science, i-Ieclric baths and
Treated. All curable di-c.nes, chronic
or acme, without knife or niedi
circ. 1'xpericncc. 14 years' practice.
Consultation free.
Mis M-triiew-, assistant.
1"! 1 N. .ins set of books.
Start riubt with a looe leaf oilit.
I.e. K.uvlings show you.
Aahland will remain drv. It voted
on the saloon question yesterday and
defeated it.
SSeamonthisalltheEuo-ene TWia.-k.
. . . i
The O.A.C. basket ball team will not
play the U.O. team. They have cut
them out of their list.
Dr. Cook will return to New -.Yore
tomorrow prepared to tell the truth,
but who will believe him anyway.
The Portland city council have ac
tually refused liquor licenses to several
disreputable men. There are many
A petition is being circulated for the
pardon of J. E. Willoughby, of Harris
burg, in the penitentiary fjr helping to
roll a man near Harrisburg.
The tax commission has placed the
value of the railroads at $65,000 a mile,
and the assessment generally wilt be
about 78 per cent of this, approximate
ly $50,000 a mile, considerable of a
Connecticut has over 600 less farmers
and farms than ten years ago. The I
average acreage is 82, and the average
value $63, an increase of 50 per cent.
1,304 owners are free from mortgage,
and 9,882 are mortgaged.
Ward Irvine, a son of B. F. Irvine,
rormeny editor ot the Uorvallis Times,
now of the Portland Journal, the past 8et fr Jan- 23 1911
season was captain of the Irvingtoa, i
t-ortiana, toot ball team, making a
recora as a player,
Someone stole some whiskey from-
Editor Treadwell of the Rock Lake,
norm uaKoca Kipples, and now George
Diggins has a bullet hole in his lungs
and Charlie Bills in his neck. The at-
tention of the Oregoniam is called to
Treadwell'B double qualifications as an
Miit for Booze in a Diy Town.
Deeds recorded:
Wm. R. Booth to Henry Stephen,
160 acres $1000
J. A Fleener to. E. L. & J. A. I
Plummer. 40acrts 2000:
Pun ITtifrio ha am. trt .1 A
Fleener, 40 acres 220
.. . , I
r origuge lor uuu.
Mining claim Geo. I. Oakley, Quaata-
ville district.
New suit: Standard LiquorCo. Salem,
agt. Al Peacock, to recover $144. Si,
balance allege-.i due on an account ot
$4U 85, for liquors, consisting of whrj
key and wines, mostly whiskey, be
tween Oct. 14, 1908. unci February 13,.
1010. John D. Turner, Salem-, attorney-
Marriage licenses: Roy . Kutchin j
aged 22 and Bessie- F. Hammell 22..
Albany; D. W. Lawrence, i9r and Ahcci
Lawrence v), Lebanon; Clyde H. j
Meeker. 28, nnd Vira E. Groshong, 24, ;
both ot Albany.
Decidedly Silly.
U, .. , r. ,...,
8 f'S ft
Wood, chief of stuff of the Urn ed States.
army, in an address tonight at the ban-
. . Tv " , mission, according to- custom, the re
silly declaring he never saw any pros-. ajnin ; half t0 b8e ' deli
oect of war. nor had fear of such a con- . , 'CTj
tingency, but simply had advocated
careful re-organization of the country's.
'undeveloped military resources.
"All this silly talk," said Wood," may
bo answered by one word of three let
ters which I snail not oDend you to re
peat." Man Lost
Lebanon E. 0. :
Word was received in. Lebanon Sun
day of the disappearance of Thos. Bond
in the mountains about 35 miles above
this city, above what is known as the
Big Bottom country.
The general impression is thut he at
tempted to crosslthe liver in order to
get back to his camp, 11 1 in and was
drowned, the body washing down the
Suntiam rivor, while others incline to
the opinion that wolves had attacked
and devoured him.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 60 to 2S.
Three mornings the temperature was
one 26, not such very severe winter
Tho river is 5.8 feet.
Prediction: fair tonight and Thursday.
Letter lim.
Tho following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postotlice uncalled for
Hoc. 21. UH0. Persons itesiring any of
these loiters should call tor advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mario bi'.-glaiui. 1. Lmb, Iteorge
G.rwi.-k, Mra. tirosse, 2, J. E. Miller,
George Moore, Mrs. E. McUmaid.
Elgin Newton, Miaa August Neill, II
A. I'ond. Mias Kcrthn Smiloy 3, Or
villo H. W.iyre, Otto Wyss, Miss llattie
Wulstead, Mr. Wilkins.
J. S. Van Winklk. P. M.
A ton of candy receivtsl at W. M
I'arker'a. Some choice pieces for
("hr.stmHS, hia customery low prices.
Rec '."Iriss slumps for sale at Foshay
& .'.iasvi. s.
have just received a large shipment
best made in America. Wc sell 'them
right. Call and see the line, limk-
New Suits:
Applications Ellen B.
Lenna Hall to register
Curl attorney.
Stafford and
title. L. M.
inal '".estate of of G. W
vernon set lor Pen. h
Final account approved in estate of
A P. Maxwell.
Marriage license: Wm. Owen Skeen,
aged 28. and Myrtle Lavon Hiatt, 27.
Deeds Recorded:
Vi.R. Dempsey to Lindon W.
Holgaie 3lkl acres $ 1
W. J. Turnidge to L. S. Whitaker
2 lots Crabtree 120
Hallie Perkins to J. W. Wolfe
22J and 11.95 acres near Browns-
' ville . .: 400
Amy Mcbanials to John McHugh
and wife tract near Albany 1
Deeds recorded:
Wm. Holloway to Geo. S. Dodele
53 2-? acres
$ 850
Mary Langmack to John J.
mack, 13 35 acres ....
Mortgage for $8600.
Final account approved in the estate .
of Allen VanNess.
In estate of J. N Rice, final bearing
Marriaee licenses: PhiliaW. Brant.
Bfe0 jg an(j Addje May Monroe, aged
21, of Mill City. Chas. H. Wilkinson,
23 and Velma P. Lightle, lTi of Soda-
Emmett Arrell of Lacomb and' Gerty
O Russell, daughter of Commissioner
Roesell of Sweet Home. Fred L.
Wood, of Albany, and Mary A. Gcil,
Sweet Home, a sister of Kev. Geil of
232 marriage licenses have been is-
sued this year,! ahead of last year for
the corresponding time.
0 P 1 846'
ri in Portland at the Aoe nf R2.
V.ltna tfppnftu-rfiort at thp f?nnri Sn.
maritan Hospital,. Portland, yesterday
after an illness of some time, at the ;
age of 82 year and 3- days. He was I
jn Miasouri. and uame to Oregon in
1846, settling near Brownsville, where
he passed most of his life. Ha was in
the Cayuse Indian, war. and wen: to
California during the gold excitement.
getting J15.000 in dost, which he
back to Missouri alone, where he
bought cattle witb his dust and returned
to Oregon, but the cattld stampeded
and be lost most of them. He was
married three times, his last wife dy
ing in 1907. He had'ten children in all,
among them Dr. Homer Kee:iey, of
Portland, and James Keeney, of Shani
ko, a former Albany real estate dealer.
The remains will' be brought to
Brownsville tomorrow for tarral.
A Fake Agent
J A. L. Williams, at lihico, Calif., has
I been arrested for using the mails for
fraudulent purposes. The eSense con
j sisted in sending fake orders for nurs
I ery stock into the Albany Nurseries,
1 receiving commissions for sales that
'had not transpired at all. Be was dis-
covered and arrested after getting into
h for c0n9idot,aWe
Thtt aSoUynt secured was about $70,
n two orders, being halt of tho com-
ef goods. Another order was received
for S1100 worth of trees, exciting sus
picion, when investigation revealed the
situation, and the vonmr man was ar
rested. The Companu has bad other
! eases somewhat like this one.
At the Mission Patters.
Holt again at ihe Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet.
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
The best POSTS in Albany at the
Have your feet attended to by Mrs.
Driver 230 Lyon, bath phones.
Miss Nellie 3ridges professional
nurse. Phone Home Itcd 23S. tl9
Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sar
genn Calla answered day and nigh.
Office, Minn block. Residence 119 E Ith
street. Both phones.
George Miller, former pianist al
Dreamland, will teach music in thi
city with hendouarters at Davenpert's
Graduate of Berlin Conservatory ol
Muic fence posts 10c at CurtU Lum
bt-r i'o's.
Order your Christmas trees of Johi:
Kruse, foot of Montgomery street.
The Royal Neighbors will have a Sat
i urdav market of good things nt D. C.
' Kurkharfs gallery, next the P. O.
New lenses in old frames, or old lpnse
in new mimes, wahtever your eye?
need, at Dawson's Drug Store. Thi
Guarantee Optical Co.
Mr. and Mrs E. A. Johnson, of thii
city, are now grand parents, there hav
ing been born in Eugene to Mr. and
Mrs. c,. K. Gilstrap, a daugeter.
The juniors and sophomores of the
high school will play basket ball at the
Alco gym tomorrow night for the cham
pionsJup of the school. ThesophoaK-re?
beat the treshmen 19 to b and the jurt
mra me seniors w to w, so the gavat
' wl" be one wurlh a-c "
Busy store keepers this week.
Standpatters are also ttrottlers.
A good Christmas present the Democrat.
These aviators will all take a tumble
in the end.
That eastern cold snap has wigglad
over the hills.
Governor Elect Wilson, of N. J., fe
jumping into the fight on both feet.
Don't be a clam. If you know any
thing tell it to the newspaper man.
It pays to advertise. The newspapers
set people to buying early, and it is the
right way.
The post office boys have to run to
keep up with the procession of presents
going east.
Oregon's little snaps are summer
breezes compared with some of the real
cold weather back east.
About the time
congress turns
around the short session will be over.
But it doesn t want to do anthing any
way. The big battle ship manufacturers
are trying to create a war scare in their
own interest, and the jingo papers are
The Eueene Register refers to a hobo
camn by the railroad, as a socialist
headquarter!. Now Icok out for some
If Jim Hill doesn't extend that elec
I trie line of his to Albany this year the
climb all over Sim.
peupie ui mis pan ut me vauey win
Wonder if Uncle Sam will begin on
the new P.O. bnilking ir January the
way he promised. Who a Albany s
scmber now in the list.
shout for th
Hill warned the people against
against the raMfoacs. we
e rondo until we-.get thsm.
J and then we ben in to whack them.
The Courier says Grants Pass wilt be
the moBt important co-nmercial, man
ufacturing and railroad center of
aoumero uregon. srae you- piea.
asOjust you keep ouc of Albany steirrt-
William Ragg Holt, a celebrated Los-1 persons having claims against said
den correspondent, spont 38 hours in estate are ktrcby required to present
thoU S. and will now write up the U, the same to tits undersigned duly: ver
S., from observation, in. the London. jne( as by law required within six
Mail. That will be very.reliable, donchsc months from, this date at his place of
knaw. business at Hie corner of Second and
ilontgomerv-. strceSs, Albany, Oregon.
Just ptain Smith is tho name of GEORGE B. CUMMINGS,
pl;w. thut has made a hit in New York,, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr.
with John Drew as the-star.. It shows Attomavr for Administrator,
the shallowness of our modem society i ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE.
aniUWh, who is a servant Kirl witlu- Xoti is hereb iven that the un
att dcrsigned adininistrix of the estate
iliKS-whirt is given a whack along with,
lha Cvt-mllis Gaoette-Tiiaes haj
made thift discovery: The report here November, 1H0, will from and. after
is tbat theie are many cases ot typhoid the 10th day of December, 1910,, pro
at Eugene, and that an effort is being cccd to sell- at private sale, to the
made to bush up the matter. im maf , highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub
or may not be .true, but it is always ject to connmiatiow by said court, the
folly to attempt to keep sixh thing following described! real property, to
undferi cover. The rumor invariably ', wit :
ver readies the fact.
PScJity good winter -weatheroompasai-
Too busy buying to & mucir.of wr
iting else.
is holiday trade-
days. Other
things, have to: take
baclc. seat.
It takes a woman fex soIecttiieCaTist
mas presents. The average man is a
very poor hand.
John D. RockefeUor- has, now given
about $35,000, 000 taChioagoiUniTOrsity,
a touchdown for that institution.
This is the shortest daw ihi the vear.
-so far as Mght and darkness makes it
so; but it no longer makes, much differ
ence with the business of the world.
The jingoists continue to howl back
at Washington about the- nation being
at the mercy ef; our foes; but we
haven't any, ard. never should have.
With average good sense the U. S.
doesn't need ever to have any foes.
Some pictures of the new jjepot at
Vledturd, at the shop o? C. W. Sears &
on show a r'ua building. This firm
furnished tho wood mate ual fcr the
structure, a fine job.
For your Christmas cin 'v and
como to the Crest 316 W 2n i St.
Xotice is hereby given ti the legal
voters and taxpayers ot" Svchool Dis
trict No. 5 Linn County. Oregon, that
a special, meeting will be. held at the
Vntral Cuilding in said District on
Wednesday, December 28th, 1910. at
:1c hour of 7:30 p. m. for the purpose
of voting a tax for the support ot the
public schools for the coming year,
anil for such other business as may
come before the meeting.
J. K. W E A T H 1R l-'O R T, Chrmn.
Albany, Oregon, lie.-. 12. 1910.
Osteopathic Physician.
1-3 Brenner Block, Albany.
Phones: OfHeo Home 359, Bell 2 . .
A Ane lot at our yard at this city.juat
Phone Home 431.
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of R. C. Farwell as Executor
of the last will and testament of the
estate of James Mooney, deceased,
has been filed in the County Court of
Linn county, state of Oregon and
that the 16th day of January, 1911, at
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been
duly appointed by such court for the
Searing of objections to such final ac
count and settlement thereof, at which
time any person interested in such es
tate may appear and file objections
thereto in writing and contest the
same. R. C. FARWELL,
Executor Aforesaid.
A.UOR A. TOSSING, Atty. for Exr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned referee will on Monday, the
9th day of January, 191f, af the hour
of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
front door of the court house, in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
pursuant to the decree and order of
sale duly made and entered in the
circuit court of the state of Oregon
for Linrscounty, on December 6, 1910,
" that certain suit pending in said
court, wherein John Shaffer is plaintiff
anu vviniam miycu is aeienciant, sen
at public auction, to the highest' and
best bidder for cash in hand subject
to confirmation by said court, all the
right, title' and interest of tfle above '
, named plaintiff and defendant in the
i following described premises, to-wit:
I The north one-half of the northwest
one-fourth-of the northeast one-fourth
of section 2 Tp. 12, south range I W.
of the Will: Mer. in Linn county.
Oregon. C. E. SOX, R;eferee.
'Fit st publication December 9. 1910,
last January 6, 1911.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
had been duly appointed administrator
E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do
ing business- as co-partners under the
firm name of: Fox & Cummings,
Charles E. Fox,, deceased, by the coun
ty court of liinn countv. Orccon. All
ol "en iii.a.ns acasea pursuant
uo me oruer Ol sale maue anu ciiw:rcu
111 Hie IlLtlll'l UI 11117 Ul SdlUl UV
ceased by the County Court of Linn
county, Oregon, on the 7th day of
t Xhc -southwest quarter of stction 5
I in township 13 sotnh of range 3 west
of the Willamette Meridian, ifr Liim
county, Oregon, containing 16U acres:
also beginning at the northeast! corner
of the southeast: quarter of section! 6
in said tovrmshi'p- and range, and man
ning soutff oni the east boundary of
said section- 6; 5J.78 chains to the
north boundary of a tract of land con
veyed to R. W. Phillips by Thos.
Landingham and wife on the -Kith- day
of May, 1858; thence west(20 chains;
thence north 5X78 chains; thence; east
20 chains to the place of beginning,
containing: acres, more or less,
all in Lrim county, Oregon:.
HEWI-ST & SOX, Admrx.
Arrys, for Admrx.
Notice is hereby givctn that the un
dersigned' administrator- of the estate
of A. P. Maxwell, late of'Linn county,
Oregon, deceased, has- riled in the
county court of said county his final
account as such administrator, and that
said court has fixed Monday the 19th
day of December, 1910; at the bour of 1
oclocic in the afternoon, as the time
for the hearing of objections to said
final account and the-settlement there
of: . F. ST. MAXWELL,
HEWITT & SOX; Administrator.
Attys. for Administrator.
MENT. Xotice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executors of the last will
jand testament of David Froman, de
ceased, nave ulcil m the coun:y court
ot Linn county-, Oregon, their final ac
count as such executors, and that said
court has fixed Tuesday, tb- 3rd day
ol January. 19U, at the hour of one
o'clock p. m.. as the time for the hear
ing of objections to said final account
and the settlement thcrc.n.
HEWJTT&SOX, Executors.
Attorneys ior Executors.
The Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders of the Albany Creamery Asso
ciation will be held in the office of the
Creamery on the 12th day of January.
1911, at 1 o'clock p. ni. tor the purpose
of electing officers and transacting
such other business that may come
before the meeting.
C. L. SHAW, Frcsidcnt.,
Albany, Dc. 9, 1910.