Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 23, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    a. . 11.11. tiLLlN.
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
M.i:n 88.
CNHltttry on the racittc Coa
"Wo hnco built apoar reputati
df-ppr.d on qualrp and ennnot
work iUjywUw, eo mat tar h
doiitijttn,-on the Pacific Coast is errcated her.
w o hhvo uii:n apoar repuiauou on it. X oo can o quai'rp and emtio, net better nainl,-ia
work uuy wurj, co uiaiusx bww iuucb you. pay.
"nnish pinto ami
g bridge warlr fur cut
5i -town patron in
low dnv ff
'Vv';aVl: '''' Vwl,eni or
'1 bridge work in order.
?j Coaiultatlon fr.a.
vr tr8. . - -
i - tv' 122kBridT..lh4.00
rRi'r.jKiit inn
'f 'Ji,s4!,.iriiib, ton
Silvir Filling! .50
Good Ribber
pi.i.i 5.00
Platot 7.50
Pilnljn Elr'tlon .60
DR. W. k. Will, P-iuim uo Muuii
tt TUt WUlttltl u wniu
All work fully guaranteed for fifteen year.
Wise Bental Co.. Inc.
Painless Dentists
Fallfof Bulldlnj, Thlrdr.nd Washington. PORTLAND, ORE.
0.rttc Holra: 8 A 3d. to 6 P. It. Sandara, 8 to 1
The Riverside Farm
ED. SCHOKL. Proprietor
Ereeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Recks, Light Brahmas, P.. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Bantams, .ii . 1!.
Turkeys, Whit rr.t
den Geese, I i r
Ducks, re i .
Winner of 1.7 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis & Clark Fair.
Eggs in Season - Stock fcr Sale
Phone, Faimers 95 - - - R . X
Scolfs Saiital-Pepsm Copies
ForInl!B-j.iiiiitiou orCnTnrrr.uf
the Bladder and Iiv.fs.-tj KY
ueys. HOi'iTIBEKOXi'E. ' u:v-
imi-Kiy aim perniuit'Uiir tte
nnd GI--t, do ms iter of how
.'one etandinc. Absolutol?
harmless. Sold by druggist.
Prico fil.l). nr hv -mull, neat
paid, $1.10, S boxes, .J2.75.
Bcllelontaine, Ohio
For Bale bT fiarkhtri A Leo
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. 'jgm Dr. S. C STONE,
-v? balem - Oregon.
No'ice is hereby given by the un
dersigned, taxpayers and residents of
Road District No. 9 of Linn county,
Oregon, that a meeting of the tax
payers of said Road District will be
held at Plainview, Oregon, in said
Road District on Saturday, the. 17th
day of December, 1910, at the hour of
two o'clock in the afternoon of said
day for the purpose of levying an ad
ditional tax on all the taxable proper
ty in saiu Koaa .District tor Koad purpose-!.
The undersigned comtose more
than ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said Road District.
This notice is posted this 21st day
or iovcmDer, lyiu.
W. L. Pate. Louis Schuitz. R. M.
FlettSier. A. M. Fletcher. G. .A. Scott.
D. M. Bonar, VVm. M. Anderson,
Isaac wnealdon, inas. Jenks, .Perry
marker, i. u. Looper, I. K Cooper,
H. J. Sheldon, W. A. Harrison, W. C.
Bailer. Wesley Paine. Huch Clcck.
D. H. Duncan, W. H. Anderson, W.
. h. Bowman, Geo. Hcnnkson, E. W.
Paine, W. H. Chandler, A. H. Quim
by, O. H. Temple, VV. S. Powell, H.
Brandt, J. W. Morgan, L. D. Swank,
H. Knuths. '
Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED.
THE .UOWEST. Send model, photo or skilch for
expert .3arcn and free report on patenuitilltr.
INFRINGEMENT lulu conducted before aU
court. Patent obtained throafrh tu. JtDVER-
ION. ana COPYRIGHTS quiCKtr ouLatnoa.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloo,
drawl nil urpholo.fDreii'ert search and Tree report.
Free adVlce, how to obtain patent, trade mark,
coprrighl, etc, N I.L COUNTRIES.
Buslntss dtreft tt 'ilk Washington talis timr,
Monty and often the patent.
Patent and Infrlftgemnt Practice Excluilrtly.
Write or eome to u t
BtS Hlata fltntt, epp. tj&ltad StatM Fanmtt Ofto.
Read in December Sunset Magazine
'"San Francisco The Exposition
City." Superbly illustrated in four
colors. Now on sale all news stands
IS cents.
A dance was given at Crabtree last
night in honor of the marriage of Jas.
Kinzer and Maud Paul There is sail,
to have been considerable booze around
During the evening Kinzer and Willie
Foren had a quarrel, and decided to go
out doors and settle it starting for the
door with their revolvers, when Henry
Kinzer, father of the young man,
rabbee his arm and jerked it down
ward. The revolver was discharged
and the bullet hit it Kinzer in the
the thigh, going down into and through
the calf of the leg, causing a long,
scattering wound.
No arrests have been made yet.
Another Good One.
The May Roberts Co. excelled them
selves in The 8th Commandment last
night, for it called for the efforts of
real down right acting as May Roberts
and her husband Victor Gillard demon
strated in the intensity of the second
act, that held the audience completely
under control through the entire scene.
It was a most difficult and consummate
piece of acting. The Company were
equal to the principals and worchy to
support sucb artists, in fact, this is
one factor in the May Roberts Co., the
support is excellent.
Tonight a comedy comes up full of
laughs namely Gloriana.
Mr. Gillard made a timely curtain
speech that made good with the aud
ience, speaking of only giving plays
worthy of his Company.
For Good foads.
At the good roads convention in Port-1'0
land $2,040,000 was recommended an
propriated for roads, the state to nav
$1 for every $2 spent by the different
countirs tor roads, of the amount $630,
000 to be taken from the state treasury.
in oraer to gee tne appropriation.
.L' . -V,T uw."""u"J
4'i.00i). and the rnad t.n be el.reH ho
' county shall be a main read to the
! principal market center of the county
; What wi;l thu legislature do? .
I )
I. R. Schuitz was in Eugene yester-
I day on insurance business.
A Benton county sale was Myrtle M, I . '
" ay to William D. Brown, 25 acres ; I rains,
near Albany, $1. .
offH"01 a 'elePhon ,he baS Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mover and the
?L M;in eSaengerb0i3are U90d mother of the former, airived from
tor everything. Brownsville, on their way with Grant
A good Christmas present would be a Pirtle and family, to the Sandwich
volume of Sam Simpson's poems, which Islands, where they will spend the corn
have arrived in town. i ing year, under the tropics,
Dennison & McLaren, of Salem, have j
been let the contract for a new school ' w. H. Buoy, after spending the night
house at Toledo, at $7,950 ! wjth B. H. Boles and family, went to
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownsville on a business trip. Buoy
W. Blackburn died at Lebanon this and Boles were boys together at Philo
week and was buried at this city. i math, both going into service for the
J. J. tiill reached Portland last night ! Corvallis and Eastern, Bouy awhile
and tells of the things people already . anead of Bole3 He has now luit rail"
know,rVailroad building in the N. W. iroadingand is making his home in
Prof-Jos Shafer, of the ,U. O. . left ,
yesterday for Indianapolis ro attend
meeting ef the National Historical So
ciety. Snookums is now in the city in big
; numbers and may be seen, with his pe
; culiar facial expression at the Hamil
I ton Store.
Mrs. F. Allen and son arrived yee
terday from Marshlield on a visit at the
I home of Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dumond.
Mr. Sol. Baum, a native of Albany,
has been in the city in the interest of
the Portland Amusement Co. in charge
of Dreamland.
The too boats that sunk up Alaska
way are. ones Fran Wood and family
of this city, have been riding on for
several years.
Benton county has an auto club with
waiter H. mine as president, Floyd
Bogue secretary, and Grover Avery
ana ruarK nicaara vice presidents.
Mrs. W. .H. Worrell last night ten
dered a very enjoyable snower in honor
ot Miss Dora Worrell, who is soon ti
change her name to Flood, a fine affair.
AS10.15 damage suit was tried before
a jury ot women at Ulympia yesterday,
causing a good deal of amusement.
Every one, tried to get out of the new
duty imposed by thair suffrage.
Centralia's increase in population is
356.9 tor ten years, due it is said to
promoting a railroad to the coast, which
Chthalis relused to take up CbehaliB,
formerly larger, is now half the size of
The Tuesday Club yesterday after
noon held a pleasant session at the
beautiful home of Mrs. J. H. SimDson.
a pioneer member of the Club. A fine
tine was naa ana tne spreaa was par
ticularly a good one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Chambers have
gone to California on an extended trip.
They will stop off at San Francisco and
then go to Los Anbeles and otner
southern California cities, and if the
insurgents will keep out of the way go
over into ..lexico.
R. Br Miller, a competent man, has
been named traffic manager of the new
Harriman merger covering Oregon ai.d
abliinLun, F. W. Robinson genera:
frif hf. ftfr'nt. H K. Lntinahllrv naxiai
ant. Wm. McMurrv ceneral nassener?
ujent. J. M aeon assistant, witn neaii
quarters at Portland, an enlargement
cur their field
The travel Club met last night at the
United Presbyterian paisonoge and
ipent a evening in a trip with
Stoddar i to Rome, with Mrs. L. E.
Hamilton as the reader and some pic
tures fr.m Stoddard on the canvas. A
unch was served and a pleasant time
socially had. Another trip will be
taken a montn later.
Mr Alex Rennie, of Spokane, h '
iren in the city today, on a visit wiih
his br.-.thtr in law, Byron Taylor, of tnt
0 T. Co. He had been called to Mc
Vlinnvilie by the death of bis father.
Aiex is a former Albany man, an old
ime base ball player, afterwards resi l
ng several years in Corvallis, then going
o Spokane, where he has been travel
ling for a big wholesale house for fuu
- five years. He noted with interes,
Albany', decided improvement.
Makes Appropriation for a Carn
egie Library
Present Mayor, recorder, street su
perintendent am Councilmen .Viarshall,
Chambers, Snell ard Cur.1.
Bills alloweu: The N. W Co.,
$211.33; cuke, $318; freight oncoKe,
p55.79; hauling it, $30; J. A. Warner,
$31.00; Woods Bros., $1.60; Herald,
$4 50; John Catlin, $2; F. M Redfield,
$15.80; C. U. Rawlmgs $8 50; judges
and clerks city election, $45.00; L. L.
Swan canvassing election, $3 00; O. T.
Porter s -me $3.00; T. J Stites, $2 25;
Mrs. Boggs, $2.50; Albany Sand &
Gravel Co., $55; J. D. Creel, $4.85; T.
O Hansen, $6.74; judges and clerks
firemen's election, $4.50; special police,
Supt. Ries reported several improve
ments ordered not made. Resolutions
were ordered for enforcing the orders
ot the council.
Reports of the city and firemen's
election were read, with the proclama
tion of the Mayor on the amendments
Notification of the county clerk of the
city assessment exclusive of public
utilities, at $3,188,975.
The report of the directors of the
Albany Public Library was read. It
showed total receipts of $1702.08 be
sides $297 03 received from the chrys
themum show. There are 1108 books in
the library and 260 more ordered. Thi
average daily attendance at the library
has been 78 on the days when opened,
that a fine site worth $5,000 or $0,000
had been presented and that a Carnegie
library costing $20,000 can be had upon
an annual apprr priation by the
city couucil of a tenth, which -can be
met by a levy of 6 1-2 tenth of a mill.
Upon resolution a levy was ordered
" " L.0',Sri JZZSJ
of n mill for puolic library, and 2 mills
iv the armory.
irhe recorder was directed to make
implication to Mr. Carnegie for a library
vn conjunction with the board. Judge
i-iewitt, Dr. Ellis ana Lucy uard were
reappointed directorsibv the Mavor and
oDnfirmed by the council.
The matter of location of lights ard
Tate rhydrants was presented hi areao-
lution and continued pending a few
changes in locations.
' from Alhanvs Six Farlv
Jack Latourette, now a Portland law
yer, after spending the night with Al
bany friends, on his way home from
Eugene, left on the local. This year
he was captain of the. Multnomah, a
born foot ball general.
S. S. Shupp left on a Portland trip.
Distinguished Lebanon men arriving
were S. P. Bach, L. P. Hubbs and S.
M. Garland.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins, parents of Mrs.
Ed. Wiles left for Southern California.
-where they expect to spend the winter.
lom xoung went out to Lebanon.
Premiums Given Away Yesterday
at the sound to the bong.
People are just beginning to apprec
iate the importance of the merchandise
guts at cnamDers & Mccune s store.
Its the most interesting, exciting, and
pleasing thing, ever presented bv this
or any other store. Every few minutes
the gong rings and some lucky person
gets a merchandise gift free. No
scheme to hunt for it, the premium is
simply handed to you. The lucky peo-
Ele yesterday were Mrs. Engle, Mrs.
. J . Lee, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. Wilson,
and Mrs. J. J. Collins, of Albany; Mrs.
K. Merrill. Monroe; Mrs. Carter, Cor
vallis; Mrs. Booth, Turner.
BroKen Idol Coming.
The Original Whitney production of
A aAroken idol" combines everything
that gees to make a successful musical
comeriy. It will be at Albany, Wed
nesday, Dee. 21. A big ompany of
fifty pretty girls that can sing and
danoe, wear tetching constumes and
are realty good looking. Principals
that have gained a reputation in musical
comedy, staged and produced by Gus
bonike, who has staged more success
lul shows than all the other producers
combined. . The above is a hard com
bination to beat and spells success.
In tht City.
O. Kyle, Texakana, Tex
r0. Owen, Kugcne
W. Lemon, "
B Hopkins. "
E. Barclav, Corvallis
W. C. .Montgomery and dau, Browni
ille U. K. Cardwell, Aberdeen
F. T. Bilyeu, Scio
VY. H. Maitby and wf. Alsea
O D. Bennetr, Clatsk.'inie
Will Hroies, Henry Adrian, Eugene
H. C. Kinney. Grants Pass
John F. Parrott, Portland
W. H. Raymond. Porthnd
The Weather.
Range of temperature 40-35.
Rainfall .10 inch.
The river is 5.6 feet.
Prediction; o:casiooal rain tonight
and Friday.
Portland, Dec. 14. -Surprising his
wife and Andrew Mason, so he alleges,
in a room in his home, George E. Chain
berlain, proprietor of a moving picture
show, tonight stabbed Mason to death.
Chamberlain surrendered to the poiice
and was held to answer on the charge
of muruer. According to a statement
Chamberlain is alleged to have made to
the police, he suspected his wife har1
an engagement with Mason for tonight.
Instead of going to his place of bust
ness after supper, Chrmberlain says he
secreted himself, and after heaiinc.
Mason enter the house, followed him
Chamberlain claims to have found Ma
son in his wife's room, and when Vn-.-on
drew a levolver, he attacked the
intruder with a knife, inflicting the
fatal injuries.
Benson s Dualiny,
Portland, Or., Doc. 14. Governor
Benson, of Oregon, had 'that honor
thrust upon him by the election of
former Governor Chamberlain to the
United States Senate and he acts in
the dual capacity of Governor and Sec
retary of Slate his former position. He
has just been re elected Secretary of
State and his certificate of election was
quite a document.
It showed that he had bejn elected
over his opponent by a handsone ma
jority, as duly counted bv himself as
Secretary of State, in the" presence of
himself as Govarnor, as providsd by
law. It showed further that the cer
tificate was issued to himself by him
self, and sighed by himself as Gover
nor and that signature atttested by
another signature signed by himself as
Secretary of State. Truly his opponent
bad no chance at all.
A Great Peace Fund.
Andrew Carnegie now Drouoses to
make an endowment of $11,500,000 to a
peace commission to work for peace at
all times between all nations, a great
gift for a great purpose. He has al
ready given away $179,500 000, money
i marie through the policy of ihe U. S.
! congress, which has protected indust-
ries in the interest of trusts. The peo
j pie are getting back from Carnegie and
Rockefeller, who has given awav
$120,000,000, what belongs to them in a
; sense.
Woodmen of America.
I There was the bigrrest attendance
ever at a meeting i f Woodmen of
America last night, Itl5 members. A
j splendid banquet was served. The fol
lowin? officers were elected;
j F, M. Powell, Consul.
.7. n. Wflv. Arlviantv
Wm. Bain, Banker.
Grant Froman, Clerk.
R. L. Burkhart, Manager.
Robert Ringo, Watchman.
Wm. Morgan, Sentry.
Dr. Joseph Myers and Dr. W. R.
Shinn, Physicirns.
Death of Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Catherine Miller died at 12:40
p. m. WeJnesday, Dec. 14, at the age
of 69 years.
She leaves six children: Mrs. A
Stewart and Mrs. C. Eisenbrandt of
Superior, Wis., Mrs. L. Arnault of
Tacoma, John Miller of Hibbing, Minn.,
and Michael and Edward Miller of Al
bany. The funeral will be held tomorrow
morning at 10 a. m. from the Catholic
Bond Intei est Kates.
Some Oregon bonds now on the
market are: Springfield, at 6 per cent;
$62,000 dist. 1 Clatsop county, 6 per
cent; $10,000 dist. 2, Polk county, 6 per
cent; $3i,uuu dist. I, Josephine county,
5 per cent; $15,000 St. Helens, 6 per
cent; $31,000 Forest Grove. 6 per cent:
$5,000 Weston i per cent; $50,000
rort aiusiaw, 0 per cent. These are
mentioned to show vthe prevailing bond
interest, rate.
A Wreck at Portland,
There wae a bad wreck yesterday
just this side of the steel bridge at
rortiana. tne airoraKes relused to
work on the Spokane flyer and it crash
ed into the last two cars of a freight
ai the crossing, causing a terrific mix
up, wrecking the entiine and a good
many cars, but no one was seriously
hurt, the engineer getting a small
acalp wound.
The Furniture Hnanitfil rtf I. T
Borin was closed in J ustice Swan's
court today by creditors, four making
attachments for sums am uriting to
$400 or $500, one the Stay ton Excrlsior
Co., another the chair factory, and
others, Mr. Bonn says ho has prop
erty to meet the claims.
There was also a charge against " r.
Borin by a Salem firm, on account of a
check without funds in the bank, which
was settled.
The Werther.
Rnnge of temperature 48 .'i6.
'the lainfad last mghi was .30 inch,
comm.- in a bunch
The rivi-r is own to 0.1 feet. Not
much snuw in the mts , yet to keep it
Prediction: rain tonight and Saturday.
Another Implement house.
The large livery stable building, oc
cupied by AI Peacock, at Second and
Washington streets, ha been rcnlxl
hy the Milchtll Staver Co. of Portlai d,
dealers In implements and hardware.
It will be entirely rearranged for the
large business ot this tig concern.
There were two interesting games of
basket ball at the gym last mtzht. en
joyed by a good crowd of young people.
ine nrsc wasoecween tne sopnomores
and freshmen of the high school, and
Drought out some good talent. The
sophomores had their own way an j won
easily 19 to 6. The lineups were:
Freshmen Ellis c, Huston and Kid
der forwards, YVickizer and Carnegie
Sophomores Looney and Abraham
center, Bigbee, Holt and Parker for
wards, Bruce and liirtchet guards.
The gnmo between tho Alco team
and the college boys showed the former
to be the making of a crack team when
in training, well handled at every paint.
Practice for wind and team work is
now needed. The score was Alco 4S,
co lege 16. The lineups:
College Dnuglas and Dowlin for
wards, Birtciiet center, Hodge and
Hodge guards.
Alco Stalnakcr and Dooloy forwnrds,
Eugene Doolev centor, Thrasher and
Torbet guards.
W. L. Marks reloreo. Prof. Mar
quam time keeper. Anderson scorer.
A Balloon Effect.
Mystery of the deepest dye shrouds
the working of the balloon cttcct in the
musical comedy scuccess, "A Broken
Idol," which will be seen here next
Wednesday night.
This effect which is said to bo a great
novelty, tho best of its kind, is most
carefully guarded. The audience sees
a complete balloon leave the Btage
carrying Miss Perle Barti, far out over
the audience in an aerial flight which
lasts for over five minutes, but so far
no one lias been able to fathom its
mechanism. It is said that no one ex
cepting the men who operate it knowa
the secret, for the whole thing is ac
complished in complete darkness, the
only light being in the balloon itself
Mrs. 3. M. Ellison went to Shedd this
afternoon for a fow days visit.
C. N. McKey is building a cemen
tank at Granger on the C. & E.
The First Savings Bank of this cily
has applied for post savings deposits.
Mrs. George Wilson, of Norton, left
for home this afternoon ofter a visit at
A. D. Barker's.
V. W. Robinett, John Davis and
wife, and Miss Davis, were among
Shedd people in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan and Mrs.
Dr. Kitchen will leave tomorrow for
Sandiego to spend the winter.
Lawrence McBride, an O.A.C. ath
lete, formerly of the Albany . high
school, came over this noon for a short
Miss Nellie Morris yosterdny lost her
gold watch, which was fortunately
found by an honest man, W. W.tireen,
and today aho received it.
At a special election ia Ashland the
scheme to bond the city for $170,000 to
rebuld tho water plant was beaten, and
also the ono to put tho mayor and
councilmen on large sal"ries.
The picture of the Albany high school
foot ball team has been published in
the Oreconian after a tedious delay.
They are the champion foot ball high
school team of Oregon, tho best in the
The members of the city council, with
the mayor, today made a trip over tho
city, and agreed upin the location of
the new lights and hydrants, which
will be formally ordered at the next
session, probably as agreed upon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Bench, of Spo
kane, arrived this noon on a visit at
the home of Mr. Beach's sister, Mrs.
George, snc with other relatives, hero,
while on their way to Los Angeles, for
a winter's outing.
Geo. C. Ernst, of Aberdeen, Dak.
arrived last night, with a view of buy
ing property and locating. He is a
friend of Wm. Bain, another former
Aberdeen man, one of several splendid
people who have come here from there.
Portland has another murder case
that will be decided by the unwritten
law. That of Andrew Massin, caught
with the wifo of George Chamberlain,
Chamberlain will be cleared. These
home wreckers deserve strenuous treat
ment. Mr. Hill would not say when the Ore
gon Electric would be extended. He
said it depended upon the people. That
means if the people treat tho company
right it will 'go anead. Perhaps ho Is
waiting for the state legislature to
Prof. L. R. Aldcrmann and family
left Eugeno last night for their new
home in Salem, where Prof. Aldermnnn
will soon begin his duties as Btate
school superintendent, with prospects
of making good, a clean man and an
ab'e educator.
A big Corvallis wedding this week
was that of Ralph Kuynplds of La
Grands, an O.A.C. graduate, and MiBS
Vesta, daughter of President Kerr of
the O.A.C, at the home of President
Kerr. It was a swell affair, with a
large number of guestB.
The city council of Eugeno last night
let tho contract to the Oregon Power
Co. for 86 arc lights at $6 each, and $:i8
a month for incandescent lights in use
in the city hull and other places. Tha
contract iH for one year, which ac
counts for the higher price per light.
Harnshurg had a city election Mon
day, tho wets winning. Dr. IJolo vaB
elected mayor,, T.J. Anderson recorder,
Uamon Smith treasurer, T. J. Stephens
marshal, H. K. Burton. 11 It. Hherrill,
O. L. Scott, J. T. McMahan, J. ti.
Kolsey and R. W. Wright councilman.
The transmission line builders of the
Oregon Power Company are now wort-
ing between Harrisburg and llultev.
pushingon lowardi AMariy. The pnwr.r
has been turned on at liar ilnjr, i.n i
:n people are pleased with the serviee
tnd the modern form of lighting their
A family at Switzerland, near
jiiverto.i, on tho Woodburn-Suringfie.d
riad is down with black small-nox.
causing a good deal of concern alon
the road, as tt is the most malignant "t
(he numefus soeciet inPlrox.
Kour have already died quickly. It wa
brought by the family tr m Mexico.
wife! tm.-TAS m
H This is the
for making
Bake Day
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking
Powder made
from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
made from grapes
No Alum
No Lime Phosphate
News from Albany's Six Early
Prof. J. G. Swan, superintendent of
schools of Klamath county, a former
deputy postmaster of this city, Albany
college graduate, arrived on the early
train and went to Lebanon, previous to
attending the convention of superin
tendents on the 20th and the state
teachers association, the following day,
at Portland. Ho reported a better de
pot at Klamath Falls than here. Har
riman spread himBelf down there on
account of his lodge near that city.
Klamath Falls has had liftcen inches of
snow, but it was about gone when he
Prof. Kendall, tho elocutionist left
for Springfield, where he will give
readings in an entertainment tonight.
He is in demand all through tho valley.
A. F. Zimmerman nnd family, resi
dents of this county for n good many
years, loft for Vancouvor, Wash.,
where they will run a ten aero garden
tract out on R. F. D. 6. They are
good people, and it is Vancouver's gain.
Hon. J. K. Wcatherford went to
A. It. Bitnta went to Salem.
T. Wigman, tho commercial traveler,
once a resident of Albany for a few
yeiirB, left for pointB north.
Mrs. Dr, Kavunaugh and sister, Miss
Minnie loft for Portlund on a visit with
their siutur, Mrs. Neal Murry, and to
sec the Christmas displays,
Clyde Ward went to S.ilem.
Hon. L. II. Montnnyo, after a week's
visit in Euguno, returned to Mill City,
where he is residing with his daughter,
Mrs. McLcod.
The May Roberts Co.
Them was fun last night In the pre
sentation of Glorianda at the Opera
house. The May Roberts (.'ompany are
good in whatever you ice them.
Hut tho urcat treat of t ie week is
their presentation of i'nid in Full, to be
soen again tonight. Nothing better
ever seen here.
IP 1W T Venn PltncnliIfa ! M