Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 23, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; ia advance fur one year, 0.0?
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $3.60.
The Weekly Advance per year J1.25
At end of year $1.60. After 3 yei-T8 at
TON. Washington, D. C, Dec. 9. We
have readied our rest for the winter,
17 Fifth Mrect, South Last Washing
ton, D. C, where our friends and cor
respondents will find us. Tiiis is on
Capital Hill, only two blocks from the
congressional library.
The whole country was covered
with snow from Cleveland to Wash
ington, getting deeper as we ncured
Washington. They arc not more pre
pared for such a snow here than they
arc in Albany and the streets and
sidewalks are well nigh blocked. Only
a little dinky narrow path lies be
tween the great library and the capi
tol itself. The platforms and steps
arc under deep snow. It is said that
Uncle Sam has no provision for such
a condition as this, so we suppose we
must wait until King Sol melts it off.
He is doing his best these days with
his bright face, but is not warm
enough to be efficient.
The canitol and dome is not so im
nosing a structure as it once was. Jt
has been dwarfed by contrast witli
other great buildings. The union sta
tion for all the railroads entering the
city is a wonder in size, convenience
and beauty. 1 he trains north go out
on the surface, but the trains south
go from a lower level tunnelling under
Lanital I Mil. then the immense sen
atorial office building meets the eye
and the library and other buildings
make the capital itself seem common.
Besides people have become so ac-
1 customed to sky-scrapers in all the
great cities that the capitol now looks
low and squatty.
All trolley and telephone and tele
graph wires being out ot sight under
ground is a marked feature in this
city. Possibly I may later write
something about the inside of things
here. Very truly,
This is awful. Isn't it. The United
Stales is at the mercy of Ihe enemy,
a fact discovered by the Jingoisl.s back
at Washington, and being heralded to
the entire world, yelled from the
housetops. They declare that our
army is too small and also our navy,
and that we haven't enough forts. All
this makes the cold shivers run down
our hacks.
Several times t lie U. S. has been
unprepared for w:u unJ li.:i met the
enemy like a cyclone. There is a
power in the U. S. that is greater than
battleships that wear out after a few
trips, the backbone of the people,
and should occasion come wc would
he there with both feet, and the equip
ment would conic a running. It is Eleven women received elegant
true that wc should have a reasonable merchandise gitts yesterday at the
outfit for fighting; but a colossal one (jhambeis & McCune Store, every one
is not necessary, nor advisable. The 1 wua a valuable and useful gift. One
greatest promotion of peace will be ladies purchase which was 15c hap
when the nations of the world gradu- puned to bu the twentieth one going
ally cut down their lighting equip-
incuts, until all the swords shall be
beaten into plowshares. I
, '
The census is said to have furnished
a striking lesson, that the nation must
slop its waste and live cheaper. Home
fell because of its extravagance. Will
the United States ever do Ihe same?
Probably not. Itecausc wc arc ill a
different era, ami there has been a
traiisformatiiiii in methods and cir
'ciinisliiHrffSt Al Hit' iinit' linio warn-!
iugs like this may well he considered,
and at least are not to be hooted at.
The cotihlry is going at it wild patfp,
The government, st' the stride. All
its doings are doings of extravagance.
Economy is hardly known In tile
management of national affairs, not
withstanding the fact that the money
used is that of the people. We may
well look ahead and arrange affairs
with the lessons of the past in view. '
For Tubercolosis is Walking from
Portland to Portland.
Francis K. Hueton, a pedestrian, ar
rived in Alpiiny yesterday on u long
trump. Ho left Portland, Maine, lust
May and hud been to Portland, Oregon,
now returning east by way of Cali
fornia. W hen ho left the eastern Port
land, in the new democratic state, ho
had tui-e-milo;i
in.. ih.'V said he could
., .
live only a while; but the trump
good out-door expei-io-nee had knocked
tho (ubercolosia, he had gained 35
pounds and was certainly looking well,
Huston pays his way in any old way,
from splitting and putting in wood to
writing poetry and prose for the news
papers, lie wanted, to write up tho
lut business for the Democrat, but tho
Di'inoenit's columns are too much liKO
a bee hive format these holiday rushes.
So In- gut a job n putting in wood mid
was winking today. Huston has had a
crowd of oxperiiiuvs- and looks like a
decent; but vie'll wafer K"v. Cor
don can knock tho spots olf him writing
poetry. His treatment for tubercolosis
is certainly an heroic one Mid is to be
The Lane Hen Show.
Part of the s at the Lane coun
ty poultry "I o v bad been made last
eveninc, l.imi e un'v men getting the
following: IvV'ii T y'r. Hainnbiirg,
first white loi h m ei ct koy Mutch
ins, Albany, first whi leghorn cof ker
cl, 3rd on hen; Kovm Tin lor fourth.
Kd School 3rd wl it I y born pullet,
fourth on pen.
Considerable interest has been taken
in the declaration made at Washing
ton that the U. S. is not prepared for
war. If a man were going to have a
fight he would not advertise the fact
that he was not in a physical condition
for it. As a matter of fact, though,
the U. S. is as ready for war as it
needs to be. Its name is a symbol of
power, aiid that amounts trf a good
deal. Then the U. S-, pretending to be
a Christian nation, should set the ex
ample by a system of peace measures
along all lines.
Jim Hill, the leading railroad man
of the world, has been in the state this
week. His coming always has a sig
nificance. Whenever he goes any
where it is with an object in view. It
is business full of tracks. Mr. Hill is
going to do some railroad building
out here when he gets ready, and is
already at it. The part that interests
Albany people is the extension of the
Uregon Llcctric to this city.
A man caught with another man's
wife under compromising circum
stances was killed by the irate hus
band down at Portland, this week.
That is a strenuous way to settle such
tilings, but it is pretty effective, and
no jury of twelve men can be found
anywhere in the world who will find
a man guilty who does it regardless
of the wife's own fault. The unwrit
ten law is full of force.
Occasionally we read of people who
endeavor to figure out how long the
world will last, something absolutely
impossible. Nor is it intended that it
shall be known, and it is well that it
is1 not. So far as each person is con
cerned it ends with death, and one
does well to live such a life that it
will find one ready however sudden.
But speculation on the time is useless
and unnecessary.
The B. B, A. A.
Mrs. E. A. Thompson entertained the
ladies of the B. B. A. A. club Thursday
afternoon in an enjoyable manner. The
club books were discussed and delicious
refreshments w-re served. The hoBtess
f renentcd each member with a neat
ittlo hand-made gift. Mrs. V . E.
Allen was a welcome guest of honor.
Misses Belle Thompson and Vernita
From an assisted in serving.
Parties desiring room and board with
private family can aecure same by in
quiring at Democrat office. Good lo
cation. Five blocks from business sec
tion, four from depot.
The B'aiu Clothing Co. will keep open
evenings beginning Monday, for ihe
benefit of Xmas shoppers.
Eleven Lucky Women at
bound of the Gong,
into the
ollico. received a beau I
tiful $6. 50 Persian silk petticoat, others '
received Waists, Hose, Hand Made
Chnittmas Novelties, etc Saturday s :
gitt lists includes bilk fetticoats, Kim-1
' t,llnull,B"i vyuiks, umoreuas, i
Tho lucky people yesterday were Mrs. '
A. A. Miller, Mrs. McCullah, M;8i J
Htoltenberg, Mrs. Newton. Mrs Iva
hchultz, of A any; Mrs . J. West, I
Scio; Miss ,ae I urmdge, Monroe; Mrs.
Geo Lang, Jefferson; Mrs K I- reer.
Airhe; Mrs I Anderson, Buena Vista. ,
A fine Christmas Present.
mi-s. Maltio Uafh, offlrawfordsviile ,
weeks ago she received an invitation to
call at tho Hamilton Store, with the
figures 3285 on it, and see the bargains
of tho Christmas season. Yesterday
f ho called, and without buying any
thing, received a present of a piano,
thing, received a present ot a piano,
the corresponding number having been .
nlaced on it bv a child. These invita-.l
tions were sent to the wives of every
person on the tax roll in the county,
one of tho conditions of receiving a
" ' , i.J iZ tvT nr v eli !
at the , store, paying nothing for it. !
Mrs Leach has a fifteen year olddaugh
ter, whom she is anxious to have learn
to play tho piano, and it will becomo a
useful ornament in hor home at Craw
fordsvil'o. The Whizzer Whizzies.
Tho Whizzer is tho name of a high
Bchool publication just produced by tho
Coburg high school, and printed by
' "" " , " ,,V;
things the Democrat has seen in the
ull..L ita Arrirttionp Kwmtf la nrin-
I mi-., it., i ..,i,,.,r i,i.,f I
eipal. Alfred, lyler editor in chief.
Madeline Oeltm assistant, inez ntars
Inofc Stnrk
VCZZ 'ethtreCh Hoet'in i
charge of athletics, Jas. Hottis did the
squibs and Ulanehe Hoolh thooxchanges.
while Miss Kwing is tho business mana
ger and a good one.
The edi or says success means work,
cheek, push, and stay with it. Coburg
would be dry without tho high. Some
good headings are by a local artist of
th s.hool. Snap like this will make
Coburg be heard from.
A Vihccl Stolen.
A wheel belonging to Thomns
ehrist was taken from the skating
last m:ht about 8 o clock by parties
unknown. 1'he wheel is called "The
Kmblem", No. I!t72. It is a new
wheel of tho 1'JIO make. A suitable
reward will bo given any one who will
givo information that will enable the
owner to tecover it. or the arrest and
conviction of the parties who took It.
Call up Home phono 1U7 or leave
word at Francis Bros, plumbing shop,
Lafe Young, the boyhood chum of
the Democrat's old-time editor Gen.
Mart Brown, and schoolmate of Editor
Tip Humphrey of Jefferson
a U.S. senator, is making things hum
back in the Senate, inaugurating the
rule of editors. He calls the other
staid senators boys, which might go
down all right with Senator Chamber -
lain, a good fellow himself, and once
an editor for three months, but with
sums ui mc truBt siiiieneu luiiows 11.
would sound young. But Young is a
standpatter and should be squelched.
What's the Matter.
JCditor Democrat: What's the matter
witn tneacer feoers 01 AiDany: jNever
has this city had a better company with
better plays than the one now being
presented during this week. Yet the
aging to those who are giving high
class performances at very moderate
prices. Often when a show comes to
town cnarging double the price the
picocni, lumping to timigiiiB n.c nuu:
eWd." S pav one dona
to see a rendition that is not half enual
to the piece "Paid in Full" that was
played last Monday evening and is to
bi repeated tonight. It iscleun,elevat- "as rentes tne west half of the corner city monuments to its progress.
ing and instructive. Tho plot is one of store next the Democrat office and will
the best we have seen and every char- move there next week. With the temperature 50 degrees he
ader is presented to pe-fection The The drug stores not only have a iew- !ow zer0 tneie waa a big fire in Fair-
question to be solved is why do our
people patronize bum performances so
liberally and not go to the higher class,
Perhaps it is because of the pearness of
holidays but it seems to me witnessing
one of May Roberts dIpvs would be a
pretty good Christmas present to any
one wno nas appreciation ot reality
artistically presented. J. L. HILL.
Some Novel Windows.
Meiser & vteiser have a mill scene.
with pond and dncks and fish, a good
IT A Sfrtlf anho,!, a nhviat mac . flea-
place scene, with well filled stockings
and a blazing fire.
W. F. Pfeiffer a winter scene, with ralea 10 , ccaslon- Iherewasgood
neckties in display, a window made by mus'c. a?d 8 pleasant social time. The At iast after a long search with Dio
M. J. Monteith, the necktie drummer.a 'una for the benefit of the Whirl- gonese lantern a person has been found
well put together affair.
Roy Driver has leen in Eugene.
Earl Fortmiller is home for the loli
davs. ! Father Servais, of Corvallis, was in
the city today.
Editor Fred Mishall, of Philomath,
was in tho city today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crawford, of
Shedd, have been in the city.
vv. j. lurKiand, ot uregon City, ar
rived this noon bv the weRt aide.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamilton arrived
1 this noon from Seattle on a visit at the
' home of Mr. Hamilton's brother. L. E.
A. Becklev and family arrived this
noon troin Xacoma to make his home
nere. He lias Dougiit the interest of
John Pearson in the furniture factory.
jas. K. Slyh, of Lincoln county, and
Maud E. Henry, of Albany, were mar-
ried at the court house this af ternoo"
by Justice Swan.
j M Hnwkin3- and son Harr are
ow thuir home f the east,
d ore expeclcd here the firat of the
week wfut succesa M Hawkins has
ha(, in securi funds for the bmldi
I of the Albany Interurban has not been
j learned, or at leust is not reported.
wevvs prorn Albany's Six Early
Judge Duncan and Commissioner
Butler went to Salem to settle up with
maraoimj. ,iiciiiura,t.
been in partnership in bridges at Jef-
ferson and Stayton and Linn county
Marion county. 1 ne two counties nave
has been footing most of the bills, .lne
result is that the county is a little snort
in its pocketbook. Marion county owes
us nbout $16,000. and the exact figures
will be adiusted, when Linn will again
have a balance.
Prof. C. M Kendall, the elocutionist,
last night gave a recital at Coburg, in
the I.O.O.F. hall for the benefit of the
Whiezer, mentioned in the Democrat
yesterdav. The high school Glee Club
furnished the music and a rousing time
was had, everybody being there.
MV. and Mrs. Grant Pirtle and Lou
ise, left for Portland, where they will
jo'n tho Movers and tomorrow night
, start for iian r rancisco on the Bear,
e .1 e ti i..t.. u
r- . .. ; . .
biermi, on the J4th. inev e:
. ..
Thev expect to
" r;, :.. ,,.i.i,..r,,f it,
iotr many
county friends for a good time
E. C. Roberts went back to the farm,
near Lebanon.
U. V. Wright and B. M. Tin-tie left;
for Portland on a business trip.
Prof. Hargrove returned to Portland,
and Prof. Wilson loft for Brownsville.
A good ninny CO. and O. A.C. stu
dents have been passing through for
their homos, without any clashes.
Mrs. W. II. Rhodes left for Portland
to see her sister, Mrs. Mida Jackson,
who is slowly improving. Hor mother,
Mrs. McCoy has been with her night
and day Tor nbout ten weeks, helping
her through the siege of fever. Just
as soon as possible Mida wiltbe brought
to Albany for care, probably in two or
three days.
Stewart A: Sox Hardware C have
Just received a f.oek of the latest in
Andirons. Call and select white the
affotrr.ent is full.
At the Mission Parlors.
Bolt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
The best POSTS in Albany at the
; Have your feet attended to by Mrs.
: Driver 230 Lyon, both phones,
Miss Nellie Bridges professional
nur8e. Phone Home Red 238. tl9
! Dr. W. R. Sbinn, physician and sur
geon. Calls answered day and night.
; Office, t'linn Block, Residence 119 E 7th
street, tsotn phones.
George Miller, former pianist at
Dreamland, will teach music ' in this
city with headauarters at bavennnrr'a
Graduate of Berlin Conservatory of
Laf fence Posts 10c at Curtis Lum-
' Most of the scores will be open nights
next week. ,
A store window sign. You Get Noth -
ng for Nothing. You pay for All You
19 beln? lve" a.way .for a Christmas
Presenc' mere for particulars.
l. J. Shrader, the gun store man,
elry department, but today one bios
somed out with a bale of hay, making
an attractive window all the same. Al-
banv against the world for nnveliv.
On sale Wednesday afternoon and
pupnini, nan 91 ;n tua ,.
Burkhart's studio, bv the ladies of the
m. E. church, fancy articles and home
cooked food.
The Guarantee Optical Company
guarantees you a skilful examination
of your eyes by an experienced optician.
Lenses and frames exactly as repre
sented. Goods may be seen at Daw-
aon s Drug store.
Te staff ot the
3 Whirlwind, of the
ight gave a dancing
h,Sn school last night gave a dancing
pany ai cussara nan, Deautuuuy deco-
wind, the live high school paper.
Notarial Commissions of T. J. Ander
son and L. E, Grey filed.
Marriage licenses. Will Newton, 20,
and Susie Weaver, 17, Crawfordsvillc
Frank E. Wan, 35, Centralia, and Mar
Recta, 23, Halsey.
Deeds Recorded:
Emeline Moss to Gee. R. Slocum '
496.96 acres $
;r.v a. himpson et al to Mary h..
lrvU!e J "?ts S hA A;.VfV 2700
Ge' Frum .f. R- c Farwell block I
s r Z,' i ' V pM"Vo' on i
i r 14 ;v,- i n
C. H. Vehrs toThos. Aumspaugh
same .
4 deeds Grant Ballinger to D. C.
tiuiiiuger ei ui ana j
N. Ball-
inger et al to Grant
divers tracts.
The Weather
Range of temperature 49-42,
The river is 5.2 feet,
Kainfall 46 inch.
Prediction: tair tonight and Sun day
Do you want a nice Diamond for a '
Christmas gift to your wife? See F. '
M. French & Son.
Fancv Toilet Caess. Traveling Cases,
tiano mirroi
gets, Toilet
many others
Hand Mirrors, Hand Bags, Manicure
Waters. Perfumes and .
suitable presents for Xmas.
. ... t
pur hneof Christmas china hasjust
rnved. Ihe Variety
Store 313 W 1st
Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis
sion Parlors.
We have the genuine
lime and sulphur solu
tion. See us and get
Prices before placing your
The K. O. .1. every Saturday even
Woodmen of the World every
evening. L. L. Swan, clerk.
Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon-
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
and 4th Wednesdays, in Bussard's
Hall. Grant I-ronian, Clerk.
Koval Neighbors meet every 1st and
3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall.
Alice Kirk. Recorder.
L.vlics of the G. A. R. meet first
Tuesday each month at G. A. R. hall.
Hatric Stilson, Secretary,
TO the UOOAC. Get together.
Another peg upwards for Alb aiy.
Santa Claus has been good to Albany.
Who will give the library
thousands for books
a few
Jim says Oregon has a great future.
Jim has a great head.
Mr. Santa Claus is watching the boyb
and girls pretty close these days.
Albany people from end to end are
rejoicing over the prospect of a fine
Cainegie library.
Mrs. Eddv has willed back
to the
to her
church the money that came
, from the church.
Albany used to have some fine poul-
?ry showa abu.t this time of the year,
interesting affairs,
About time Jim Hill was letting a
contract tor the extension of the Ore'
Albany will have some of the finest
buildings anywhere, things that make a
banns, Alaska yesterday. Nine blocks
were ourneo. v ater naa to De gotten
rom P'Pe3 heated b 7 steam.
The U. S. is not enough of a Chrstisn
nation when it talks ennrmnna nrmipa
and fortifications. The essence of
Christianity is peace. The Christian
doesn't put chips on his shoulders for
others to knock off.
'It is to be feared that Oyster Bay
will have to continue to suffer in si
lence. The pronounced rebuke on
election day is not likely to cause a
chan8e of residence. Besides, where
woull he go?
who does not like Oregon apples
Florence Roberts, an actress is the
name. She ate a' Ben Davis and says
our apples are sawousty. on, you Kid.
The Democrat, through the courtesy
01 senator unamDeriain, nas just re
ceived a 105 page book from Washing
ton entitled "Message of the President
ot the United States eommunicated to
the two houses of congress at the be
ginning of the third session of the
63rd congress. "
Or? of the first things Gov. West
sV'ild do will be to made a change of
t'aoio v.ardens. Linn county wants a
warden who will spend the money here
that is paid here. We have put up
over $3500 and have gotten back the
meager sum of about $500 for protec
tion. A good deal of money is being
paid for fiddling.
Suggested by the Holiday Season.
Up and down,
All around,
Something doing.
Everybody's giving,
Making a living
Throwing things away.
Mistletoe galore.
Making a fellow sore
Who can't kiss his girl.
What's the matter
If there's a spatter
On th'other fellow.
Pianos free
For you and me
These holidays
Smile all the time.
It makes a chime
In the heart
A ton of candy received at W. M
Parker's. Some choice pieces for
Christmas, his customery low prices.
See the new polishes top Cresent
Range at $45.00 at
Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co's.
325 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon.
Methods: Chiropractic, magnetic and
mental science, electric baths and
Treated. All curable diseases, chronic
or acute, without knife or medi
cine. Experience. 14 years' practice.
Consultation free,
ilrs. Matthews, assistant.
1911 Means another set of books.
Start right with a loose leaf outfit.
Let Rawlings show you.
For building, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samples at f. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R D . Phone, home
Osteopathic Physician.
1-3 Brenner Block, Albany.
Phones: O'Ace Home 359, Bell 2
Residence 31 Horn, black 83
Deeds recorded:
C. H. Bogart to Amelia Bogarc
34.63 acres 10
C. H. Bogart to G. E. Bogart
69.27 a 2000"
Ernest Arehart to Frances Millsap
lot Lebanon 10
C. H. Fleetwood to Aug. L. Nor
man 177.31 acres 6000
W. H. Mills to S. H. Sheat lot
Lebanon 175
M. Donnelly to T. J . Cook 40 acres 10
Annie Claypool to Melissa J.
Ketchum 25.02 acres 10
Citation estate Conrad Schuebel for
sale of St. Johns property.
Final account approved ic estate of
B. M. Burrell.
New Suits:
Salem Brewing Association agt. M.
A. Wright, andOhling-HulbertCo. agt.
R. Tassell et al, both to recover meney ,
Wright & Johnston attorneys.
Marriage license: O. K. Blatcbford.
21, and Bessie M. Henshaw, 21, both
born in Canada.
Will admitted to probate in estate of
E. Kerkcndall. S. M. (jarland, execu
tor with $10,000 bonds. C. H. Rilston,
G. W. Cruson, J. C. Mayer appraisers.
On account of a shortage of funds
$5,000 each was ordered borrowed from
the First NationalBank of Lebanon and
the Bank of Harrisburg, at 6 per cent.
Deeds recorded:
Central Land Co. to Mary McNeal,
lot 7 bl 101 M 's S. A $ 10
Geo. W. Keeney to W. H. Malone,
small tract ! 250
Ezra M. Horton to Curtis Lumber
Co., 126.87 acres I0-E 4 10
The May Roberts Co.
Notwithstanding a heavy rain there
was a good audience to hear May
Roberts and her excellent company in
"Paid in Full," a drama full of serious
things of a thinkable character. There
is some good even in bad. grasninir
people, demonstrated in the character
of Capt. Williams. The character of
airs. Brooks, portrayed bv Miss Roberts-
consummate skill and good judgment is
a strong one. Joe tsrooKs, splendidly
presented by Mr. Donald, is a weak
character, common these modern days,
complaining at everything with capital
to it.
This afternoon the Grass Widow waa
being given, and the week's program
will close tonight with a Belasco play,
LaBelle Russe, worth seeing.
Theater goers cannot afford' to miss
this great bill.
In the City.
M. S. Shock, Hubbard.
W. H. Rambo, Mill City.
Margaret E. Williams, Harrisburg.
John Newton, Crawf jrdsville.
E. J. Auston, Corvallis.
Chas. McLeod, Silverton.
C. A. Dobell. Corvallis,
Wm. Barcus & wf, Mc Minnville.
of genuine Japanese hammered brass
for Christmas. Fern dishes, Jardi
niers. Hangers. Candle sticks and
Vases Drices right. Bijrkhaut
Fresh oysters any style Hot Lunches;
morning, Noon or night. Elite Choco
te Shop.
New shipments of Andirons Fire
Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just
received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware
20 per cent off on dinner sets this-,
week at the Varietv Store. 313 W. 1st
Stree t.
J G. WILL, lor Watches
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn county.
In the matter of the estate of Con
rad Scheubcl, deceased.
To the unknown heirs at law of
Conrad Scheubcl, deceased, and all
others interested in said estate, greet
ing. In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday the
6th day of February 191 1 at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any there be,
why an order should not be made
authorizing and directing the admin
istrator of the above entitled estate
to sell the real property of said estate
at private sale as prayed for in the
petition of said administrator on tile
herein, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lot No. twenty (20) in block N'o.
four (4) in Barton's Addition to the
city of St. Johns. Oregon, according
to the maps and plats of said Addi
tion on file and of record in the f'fiice
of the county clerk in and for Mult
nomah county. Oregon, and lying and
being in tho county of Multnomah,
state of Oregon.
Beginning at a point four hundred
and fifty feet (450 it.) south, and three
hundred and thirty-live feet (335 ft.)
west from the northeast corner rf the
northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 19, in Township 13
south. Range 11 west. Willamette Me
ridian: thence south two hundred and
ten feet (210 it.1; thence west two
hundred and ten feet (210 ft.): thence
north two hundred and ten feet (210
ft.); thence cast two hundred and ten
feet (210 it.), to the place of beS'in
ning. containing one acre, more or
less, in Lincoln county. Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. N". Duncan,
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Linn,
with the seal of said court affixed titis
14th day of December. A. D. 1910.
!Sea! .1. W. MILLER. ClerU.
By W. L. MARKS, Deputy.