Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 23, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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. Notice is hereby given byhe un
dersigned, taxpayers and residents of
Road District No. 3, of Linn county,
Oregon, that a meeting of the tax
payers of said road district will be
heid at VV. O. W. Hall in Shedd, in
said road district, on Tuesday the
27th day of December, 1810, at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon
of said day for the purpose of levying
an additional tax on all the taxable
property in said road district for road
The undersigned compose more
than ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said road district.
Davis Shedd & Davis, J. R. Frady,
J. W. Lamar, J. S. Lamar. E. G. Pugh,
H. Zimmerman, M. P. McClane, L. R.
Wilson, J. R. Wright, Martin Thomp
son. J. B. Cornett Jr., Hurley Morgan,
G. B. Thompson, R. B. Anderson, P.
S. Hill, P. I Troutman. C. A. Trout
man, Earl Shearer, E. D. Farwell, C.
A. Pugh, W. B. McCorroick, J. P.
Willbanks, J. W. Pugh, J. C. Davis,
C. H. Davidson, O. B. Connor, G. V.
Maxwell, Geo. McReynolds, C. E.
Powers, G. W. Large, H. B. Sprenger,
G. L. Porter. E. Zimmerman, C. E.
Barton, W. W. Poland, J. W. Mallow, I
C. Carlson, R. S. Acheson, 1. M.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned, taxpayers and residents of
Road District No. 1 of Linn county,
Oregon, that a meeting of the taxpay
ers of said Road District will be held
at Temple's Hall in said road district
on Saturday, the 24th day of Decem
ber, 1910, at the, hour of two o'clock
in the afternoon of said day for the
purpose of levying an additional tax
on all the, taxable property in said
road district for road purposes.
The undersigned compose more
than ten per cent of the taxpayers of
said road district.
Worth Huston, J. D. Isom, Ray
Gourley, W. C. Stellmacher, A. S.
Freerksen, C. H. DcLancey, Mark
Hulburt, Victor Edholm, T. S. Mish
lcr, E. L. Hughes, J. E. Ross, J. W.
Jewell. A. L. Lachance, C. M. Burk
hart, Ubbe Peters, E. B. Doty, W. E.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn county. !
In the matter of the application of
Clara E. Warner to register the title
to the following described premises,
Beginning at the southwest corner
of the Donation Land Claim of Paul
Clover, Claim No. 51, Notification No.
3038, in township 15 south, range 3
west, Willamette Meridian, Linn coun
ty, Urcgon, thence nortn cnams
to the southeast corner ot w. w.
Clovers Donation Land Claim, Wo.
5? m s.urt tnwnshin. thence east 4U.2U
ciikins to the east boundary line of
said claim No. 51, thence south 31.98
chains mthe southwest corner of the
'. Donation TLnd Claim of Thos. M.
Wcgcr, ClaimsXo. 48, in said Town
ship: thence eas,spu the south bound
ary line of said claim 50.00 chains to a
point 1.35 chains northsand 1.67 chains
west of the quarter settibn corner be
tween sections 26 and 35 in said town-
: ship; thence north 50.00 chains; thence
west 2.83 chains; thence north 26.50
chains to the north boundary line of
said claim No. 48, thence east 27.15
chains to the northeast corner of said
claim No. 48; thence south 56.43 chains
to the northwest comer of the cast
projection of said claim No. 48; thence
east 37.70 chains to the northeast
corner of said cast projection of said
claim No. 4S, thence south 20.14 chains
to the southeast corner of said claim
No. 48, thence west 60.23 chains to a
point 1.35 chains north of the quarter
section corner between sections 26
.and 35 in said township, thence south
1.35 chains to said quarter section cor
ner; thence north 89 degrees 34 min
utes cast 40.12 chains to the corner of
. section 25, 26, 35 and 36, in said town
ship; thence south 20.00 chains to the
southeast corner of the north half of
the northeast quarter of said section
No. 35; thence south 89 degrees 34
minutes west 40.12 chains; thence
west 25.00 chains; thence north 80 de-:
grees 45 minutes west 14.95 chains to tnem.
.a point 17.50 chains south of the cor-j Dr Chas. Brown, of Oakland, Calif.,
ner of sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, in has been offered the presidency of B s
said township; thence west 19.20 ton University. Dr. Brown is u cousin
chains to the east boundary line of the of Mrs. Aiic B. Marshall, tho pianist,
Donation Land Claim of William formerly of Shedd.
Vaughn, Claim No. 50, in said town-' c. H. Markham, a former very pop-
ship, thence north ij degrees ju min-
ures east y.uj cnams iu me. iiuiiiimh
corner of said claim No. 50; thence
west 35.20 chains to beginning, con-
taining 632.12 acres, in Linn county,
ur.eg0.n- , , , , '
rtgainsr uco. j. tviincim, arm inc
First Savings Bank of Albany, Ore- .
gon, and all whom it may concern,
To AH Whom It May Concern: '
Take notice, that on the 3rd day of
December A. D 1910, an application
was hied by said Clara E. Warner in
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- .
gon for Linn county for initial regis-j
tration of the title to the above de
scribed lands. Now, unless you ap
pear on or before the 10th day of
January, 1911. and show cause why
such application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as confessed,
and a decree will be entered accord
ing to the prayer of the application,
and you will he forever barred from
disputing the same.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Circuit Court, this 3rd day of De
cember. A. D. 1910.
(Seal) J. W. MILLER,
County Clerk and cx officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Vetch Growers' Union
will meet at Tangent on Tuesday,
Jan. 3rd, 1911, at one o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of electing five directors
to serve one year and changing of
byrlaws and transacting any business
which may come before the meeting.
W. E. PARKER, Pres.
J. E. JEN'KS, Sec.
Perry Carter and Company, consist
ing of Perry Carter, cartoonist, and
Marie Carter, soprano, tomorrow night
will be at the United Presbyterian
church, in the College Lecture course.
Perry Carter has been a newspaper
cartoonist for twelve years. His work
has appeared for years in the Minneap
olis Times or Tribune. William T.
Stead called him "a very smart crafts
man." and Review of Reviews, in Aug.
1903, said: "We have this month found
his cartoons of better average quality
than those of any other cartoonist at
home or abroad." The test known
products of Minneapolis are said to be
"flour, lumber, and Carter's cartoons."
His comment is as taking and effective
as his cartoons. The fineiy cultivated
soprano voiceof Marie Carter is a de
light to I he audience. She never fails
to captivate them. ,
Look out for samples of Carter's
drawings on the circulars distributed
todav. Be sure to see his work and
; hear him talk Tuesday night.
I Tickets for the four number that re
' main in the course are $1.50. The
1 Grand Opera Sextette, and hldredge,
Impersonator, .are great numbers to
follow, and the fourth nnraber is yet to
be selected from the best to be had.
Single tickets are fifty cents. Children
half price.
Jusl From the Philippines.
C. Oliver and A. Trudo are in the
city the guests of Mr. 0. Moore of the
Albanv Saw Mill Co. They recently
arrived home from the Philippine
Islands, where they spent three years
for U.S.. long enough to be there.
They are former neighbors of Mr.
Moore in the east. Moore came here a
year or more ago and has become one
of Albany's best boosters and a very
competent man in his business. One of
his first experiences was to meet an
Albany knocker, but fortunately he
cc struck some boosters and is glad
he .
W. M. Dresser is now at Merced,
Calif., and is expected home this week.
Ex County Clerk Nate Needham, of
Corvallis. went to Brownsville this
Sunset is getting out a pampllet en
titled Oregon Prize Winners. Albany
will be in it.
H. B. Eson. a commercial traveller,
a brother of Rev. Esson. has been in
the city today.
Miss Florence Thrall, of Eugene, has
been visiting Albany friends, always
delighted to have her here.
W m. Smith, the Uncle Sam man who
was in Albany several years ago, died
yesterday at Tucson, Ariz.
Chicago barbers have begun war on
safety razor users and propese to charge
them $1 for hair cuts.
A vote in North Bend on a street car
franchise showed 18 for it and and 322
against it, a terrible wreck.
Twenty gentlemen of leisure spen
last night in the city bunks. One o
the happiest fellows in the crowd had a
thin coat and overalls.
B. J. Hecker has returned from Den
ver, where he spent four or five months,
selling seven or eight thousand bucks.
Ho stopped at the Albany.
A man born in Albany. N Y., wants
to know about Albanv, Or. writing
secretary Van Winkle, whose Dutch
name also interested him.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunne,
the former being the famous author of
the Dooley letters, twins. Now Henn
essey what d'ye tink of dat?
We most sincerely thank all who have
been so kind and helpful during the
illness and death of our mother Mrs.
Kathrine Miller. The children.
A potato burst in the oven of the
editor of the White Salmon Enterprise
ana oiew tne aoor on. me editor s
(amily thought some one was after
nai; Southern Pacific man, has just
oeen elected president ot tne Illinois
Certral, one of the best R. R. men in
tl.e U. S. He has worked up f .-om a
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Beach, left this
afternoon on a Los Ant'eles tr p after
tt visit with Mr. Beach's sister. Mrs.
George, first cousin. Dr. Franklin, and
three brothers and sisters in law.
Eugene Guard: A number of Eugene
peopia and ijnivi!rsity stU(Jent!! Btlend.
eJ a very prully d.jncc. nc A,any ast
evening, known s the "Whirlwind
Dance." given hv the hiuh school sin-
dents. The Albany people have a rep-
I utation as charming entertainers.
Mr. Levi Geer, author of the London
Springs mineral water and saline, which
took first prize at the Seattle lair
against t.-ie world, was in town Satur
day aftcnoon. Mr. Geer reports a big
sale of ihe water and saline right
through ihe winter and says it is putting
London on the map.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carter, thoentor
tainers, spent Sunday in Alhany, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Flood
and will give their entertainment at the
U. P. Church tomorrow meht. in the
college course. Mrs. Carter and Mrs.
FlOOd are O d SChoOlmatea and hnml
I formerly of Boone. Iowa.
Last week, on .Monday nit;ht. at the
transe oi tne .Metropolitan rreshyterian
ci,u:ch, Washington, D. C, Rev. and
Mrs. Paul R. HickoK gave a reception
in honor of Mrs. Hickok'sparenta, Kev.
nnd .Mrs. j. j. tniot, ot Albanv. Or
and her brother, 'Rev. Carl A. Elliot, of
Cristobal, CanalZone, Panama.
Jim Hill has started back east after
seeing Oregon; but what has been set
g.-ing is not yet known. Thenewcoun-
tv tax law is very unsatisfactory tn Hii:
and has probably resulted in keeping
li e extension of tie Oregon Electric
Lack indefinitely. The people often put
their feet in their mouths.
Says a Chicago Woman.
A lady from Chicago, writes as fol
lows to the Commrciol Club of this city:
"Will you please send me any prin
ted matter you have about your cityaod
the surrounding country. I am inter
csted in everything, us I think of mak
ing my future home in your beautiful
land, we nave our own noma nere.
and I have one rose bush, we had five catch free advertising of a great money
roses on it last summer and were de- j making event.
lighted, then I read of the Portland j
Rose Festival, and knew Oregon was j
the place for us. My husband can re-1 Announcement of the wool grower
tire in another year, with enough for convention at Portland Jan. 4-7, when
the rest of his life, and we are b:th "e Presidents plan will be duly Bl
under forty-five vears of age. I hope lacked. There be a big sheep
to have a beautiful garden yet betore show and tne Democrat appreciates a
I die,
live out of-door life.'
News From Albany's Six
, , , over the previous year. These are
The May Roberts Company, who used by telegraph, telephone, electric
gave Albany people a week of good light and other companies mostly. Ce
shows went to Lebanon for a three dar led with 2,440,000 then chistnut,
days' engagement, and the McKenzie 0ak, pine cypress, juniper, tamarack,
Merry Makers, who have been at
Dreamland also took the motor on the
Snrino-fiolrl rnoH 1
Railroad Commissioner Miller left in
continuance of his trip over the roads
of the state, having charge of the
physical values in the assessment of
the properties of the roads.
Superintendent W. L. Jackson went
to Portland to attend the convention of
supenntdents tomorrow, and the state
school convention the following days,
He is a member of the executive board,
one of the states best tworkers in the
cause of education.
W. W. Crawford came down on the
Lebanon train and went to Junction to
An onmn nliimh!nr
F. "Y . nhnrnhiil lnfk on Vmainons
trio to Portland, one of the busiest
printers in Oregon.
TOm XOUhg WOnt to LieuanOn tO
paint the new M. E. church.
J. B. Gentry returned to Salem.
J, H. Rateton and family returned
from Lebanon, where they spent Sun
day at the home of Stanley Stewart.
J. R. Flynn left again with his paper
S. B. Hansard returned to Lebanon.
The Misses McKnight and Burch re-
turned to Jefferson to their school
Father Servais returned to Corvallis.
John Leary, of the Home Restaurant,
one of Albany's heavy weights, 250
pounds, went to Springfiele.
H. A. Stanard came down from
Brownsville. .
Fast and Furious Did the Gong
King Saturday.
Great was the excitement at Cham
bers & McCune's Saturday for every
few minutes during the rush of the day,
the big gong would sound and some one
would get a valuable merchandise gift
free. Mrs. A I. Kattrider, (Jorvalliis,
received th6 silk petticoat Saturday,
but the g-'.ng sounded twenty six times
making over 20 cash sales on which
twenty six premiums were given valuid
.Each evening this week a silk pet-
at tro ooc to $b.oO each.
ticoat win De mciuo-ia in the mercnan-
dise gifts given awry. The lucky
people Saturday were: Mrs. Nickerson,
Miss Luella Allan, Mrs. 0. B. Marshall,
Miss Hayewood, Mrs. Joe Conner, Mr.
F. .VI. Redfield. Mrs. C. H. Nofziger,
Mrs. Fred Kramer, Mrs. Jonsto.i, Mrs.
I. A. Munkars, Mrs J. C Hardman,
Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, Mrs. Carter, Mr.
Thos. Murray, Mrs. Jake Newman, 1
Mrs. Spencer, of Albany; Vrs Ramon, I
Halsey; Mrs. Kattrider, Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Jefferson, Corvallis; Mrs. V.
Richmond, Eugene; Mrs. Q. Hausman.
Pasco. Wash.; Mr. Ed Thompson, Har-
risburg; VI iss Ella Jamison, Philomath;
Miss Neta Rider, Parker Station; Mrs.
A. B. Hense, Jefferson.
North Benton
Mr Ora Coffey of Salem visited rela
tives nere during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson of Linn
county visited relatives nere Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rookledge of Albany
willsoonmoveout to theircountrv home
at Oak Grove.
The basket social held at the Oak
Grove school house Friday evening
proved to be a very successful affair.
The program was good and the large
audience that was pushed for standing
room encored every act. .Most of the
music was furnished oy the Richland
choir. There were 32 baskets sold, the
highest bringing $4.25, nnd the lowest,
a bachelor's. 60 cents. The amount re
ceived was $66 35, making an average
of $2.11 a basket. Miss Collins is to he
congratulated upon the success of her
M'nn and Me
Minn. as l.'io, i-yj farms, an increase
I in tpn vp:im nf (I 7 npr pnnl Thn no-
. crage acreage is 170, the average value
'wilh hililHino SJK an inrmmo nf 7
! per cent in ten years. 65,714 farm
' n-vno-a am fynn mnpt,.....a n,l
i nl!.0:",S are mnrttmo-Pfl In PmhlhHion
, Maine only 14,1111 are mortgaged, with
; 41, .b tree irom mortgage. But
the average value of Maine land is low,
' only $25. These figures are from the
i bureau of census just received.
Th: Weather
The rane of temperature was
'43 veaterdav to 2" above ear'v
; morning, the coldest weather this sea-
son. Yesterday it was 28 above.
j The rive is 7 fret having risen some
I Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesdt) .
A paper entitled Spaldinfr for Sena
tor. This refers to the candidacy of A.
G. Spalding for U. S. Senator from
California, and is devoted entirely to
getting the celebrated bal" player into
the U. S. senate. Tne Democrat man
once saw Spalding really pitch ball and
will be glad to see him pitched into the
senate, a strrns man.
In every mail a loner article on the
coming aviation meet at Tant'oran. San
Francisco. soma ruh'lw arrielaa in
i ticket to it, even if it doesn't use it.
Poles Used in U.S.
I During 1909 3,739,000 poles were sold
in the U.S. an increase of 490,000 poles
Duglas fir, redwood, Bois D'Arc,
spruce and locust, 10,000 of the latter.
nr . L - m i Ann
Ihe total cost was $7,074,000, an
age ot approximately $2 a pole.
Has a California Scene,
California, the land of orange bios
soma, has oeen the subject of many
stories but never before has it been
used for the back ground of a musical
play, "A Broken Idol," the latest of
musical pnylu.s, which comes with the
recomtnennaiion of eight months at the
' Whitney in Chicago, six months at the
Herald square New York, and seven
months at the Tremont in Bostn, will
be seen at Albany tomorrow night.
Opening in Los Angeles at the quaint
Chinese quarter during the Chinese New
Year Celeoration, and, from there to
woihuihio, iv una
the scenic artist,, costumorand electric
ian free scope lor gorgeous display.
The Whirlwind.
The December Whirlwind, just out,
a little the best of all ot them, full of
local talent illustrations of a high order.
It is up to-date because it urges Us
subscribers to pay up. 153 to 5 was
subscribers to nay up. 163 to B was
ie nign scnuui, i it. uu
and this is dulv announced. Churchill
did an excellent job of printing
The Wealher.
Range of temperature 49-28.
I The river is 6.2 feet.
, Piediction, fair tonight and Wedncs
pay. Today the wind changed to the south
and there has been a mist in the air.
R. L. Gilo, of Salem, has been in the
city today.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weaver returned
thia noon from Salem.
E. D. Cusick is expected home from
, "?fl,..L
.v " - m iu
mills. Going some.
J. M. Hawkins and son Harry have .
arrived home from the eust.
The two Mr. and Mrs. Way returned
from the Bay soday.
I Capt. Wakefield, in many a long
cruise, of .Wuluport, was in town toT.
, da-.
Mrs. Hattle Mansfield Gibson and
husband are in the city on a visit at the
nomeottno former's fatder, S. W.
Ross. - ,
Mr. Ed. Carew, of Clinton, Iowa, is
in the city on a visit with his sister,
iMrs. John Stevens, who:n he hud not
1 seen for eighteen years.
, Three Seattle editors have been jailed
lur tuiuempi ui court, ill criticising a
eattie court, something tne press
should have a light to do when occasion
demands it.
Nine were killed and 126 injured in
an explosion at a New York power
house yesterday, some illumination gas
Doing tne cause ot it.
A. Welch has bought the Hood River
water and liirht Dlant. E. E.GolT. who
went from hero there several years ago
t0 take charge of it, is now at Chehahs.
The Commercial Bank ot Vancouver,
Wash., has failed, with $487,000 assets.
The bunk had oveloancd lor its denosits.
and will undoubtedly pay out all right.
Fred Harris, tho popular collector of
the Magnolia laundry, today moved into
his new home in the third ward, a mod
ern residence beautifully finished and
well arranged, a fine home place.
By a vote of three to two the school
board ot Kosehurg selected a site for
thu new high school building in noun
Koseburg. B. L. Eddy aay tne loca
tion is an outrage, and others yoll.
' Rev. S. H. Dewurt, of M. B
church Silverton, formerly nl me Al
bny church, has resigned tne pas'.o
rate of the church there iind will go tu
Portland to reside with his dauitnturs.
Prof. Sweetzer, of Eugene, advices
Eugene people to boil Hie water of the
city. Tr.erd is said to be considerable
typhoio fever there. In the meantime
everything possible is being done to so-
cure a "rst c'ass water system
C. H. Front and family have relumed
from p. trip to Los Angeles and ollw
places iu the tropic., wr.ere the sun
Hnines perennially. They may remain
in Albany, but have not yet decided
what thev will do. Mr. McUlashan und
family are njw in Woodburn.
Edward Donglas White was yester
Hav exalted to the nnsition of Chief
Justice of the supreme court of the
United States, tho highest tudicial po
sition in ihe world. A private letter
from Wa:-hington says there is univer-
sal dissaiisfaction there over the ap
pointment of White.
The regular session was held last
night with C. H. Stewart in the chair
and Messrs. Van Winkle, Bain, Fagle,
Ellis, Holbrook, Johnson, Marvin,
Senders and Taylor present.
Further time was granted the factory
site committee.
C. H. Stewart, J. L. Hill and J. S.
Van Winkle were appointed a com
mittee on data foi the Sunset Oregon
the Prize Winner.
Phil Bates Madrigras letter was read.
C. H. Loyd's ad. proposition of 100
word ad. in 56u country newspayers for
$30 waa eccepted. Ad. proposition
Chapman filed.
A letter from the Celtic Pilgrimage
Co. offered privilege of joining foreign
trip. Council Crest exposition solicited
space by Albany, in exposition. Filed.
M. Senders was appointed a reure
seotative to the National Wool Growers
Association, Portland, Jan. 4-7
Upon request of Judge Duncan, a
resolution was passed asking the legis
lature to make a liberal provision for
the boys and girls aid society.
A hurry up copydotter was read from
the Orcgonian, a postponement letter
fromJ. C. Cooper on his walnut talk
and a thanks letter from R. P. Landis
on behalf of the O. A. C. alumni for the
use of rooms.
News from Albanys Six Early
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis, of Stur'""ViSi! ro V m" .
pis. Smith Dakota, left for homo after 8een Mm 8.lncn- Was told he's at a
.5 two months visit at the home of Mrs. I
Sturgis' brother, John Bray, del ghted
-.XL:?-" ri u' ".' j
1 they may be back here to reside. Mr.
and Mrs. Bray are hoping for it.
B. J. Hecker left for Portland on a
short business trip. After four or five
months in Colorado he declares the
Willamette Valley looks mighty good to
him; ' but there is lots of business
around Denver in stock. '
A sister of Miss Nellie Baker of the
Young Store, left for her
home at
Turner after an Albany visit.
iwv. auuui lull, UN a luauuii buumj
J. P. Roberts, the real estate man,
left for Salem. -
T. P. Haekleman and wife wont out,
to Lebanon for a visit with their daugh-1
ter, Mrs. Kuhn and family.
1 Prof. Nicholls, the band leader, came
S?. 2a
down trom Lebanon on ms way to
Barney Martin arrived from Browns
Mr. Rnnrrv. nf rirnwnsville. returned
from corn's. He is a brother of the
Rnnrrv. and uncle of
Weatherford of this city.
Aercharidise Pf.mims GiYtn
Away Yesterday.
Fourteen luaky persons wore mitfe
presents yesterday at the sound of the
gong. Wu huvo all road given out
seventy-five valuable merchandise gifts
and will continue this very interesiing
premium givini; every afternoon and
evening unlll Christmas. Lucky people
oa,ii,i4aii weir.i Mpa .fnl.n Flnmnnrl
Mrs. Wr-pht, Miss Smith, Miss Simon!
Mrs. IS. Kllhy, Mrs. r . L. Hainmerly,
Mrs. E. M"Pker of Albany, Mrs. Flora
Vaughan Jeireruon, Mrs. J. J. Liiid
gren, LeUu.on. Mis. Chapman, Mrs
Ransom Corvallis. Mrs. T. B. Kinney,
Gates, Mrs. Viola Keating, Foster, Mrs.
Wilson, Shedd
By the Man About Town
A drummer yesterday was speaking
for a new modern down town hotel, n'l'i
nxciared that me commercial travellers
would be willing to take stack in one in
order to get a hotel that iB heated ml
the way through with modern cunven
iences. The tablo service in Albany i
excellent. On h two or in roe week's
trip up the valley three or four of the
nights are spent at Albany, on uccount
of its central location, leading to tne
west side, and out to several good busi
ness centers. Travelling men pur'icu
Inrly feel as if they are entitled to a
modern heated place for spending thi ir
nights in this commercial comer, li
would be a big advertisement .or A!
tuny. . .
Tho mistletoe this year Is preML
man ever, witn an aounuunceor tierrlc
addinss to tho attractiveness of thi
parasite, but very suggestive and inter
csting noiiuay plant.
A good many people taking Christ
mas post cards, as well as puckages t
the post office, a neat way to keep in
touch with one'sriends in other places
That Albany people seem to thin
the Oregon Electric the coming year i
an uncertain consummation tf some
thing generally desired here.
A Growl at Dogs,
Albany, Dec. 20 Mr D mocrnt.
Tne writer thinks Corvullisdid the rigl.
thing when it mwf a vtringent law o
lou. In Turkey and other heather,
l inds dogs are very plenty and i greai
nuisance, why imitate them. In a ter
rible factory fire at Newark, N. J., n
few days fega there were over thirty
persons periahed. A Buvuge ''our in a
na.row alley cut olT tho escape of a
number by biting viciou:ily all trying to
get past him, live or six girls being
freightened under taking another route
and perishing. It is a dogged set that
wun.s dogs, especially in a city.
First M. E. Sunday School.
Next Fridav evening at 7:30 tip
Methodist Sunday School will give their
Christmas program.
There w6ll be a Christmas Itjv.. i
Santa Claui and a program of inusi
and recitations.
An Albany Man had a Live Time
The following written by an Albanv
man to his wife, while away, beats the
runny papers.
Dear Wife: Things are not roino-
well here.
I got tired at mush and bread and
thought I'd have some cakes. I nut
some batter in a jar. put in salt, two
eggs, a spoonful of baking powdtr, one
small package of yeast cakes, and set
it behind the stove before going to bed,
and covered it with a plate. Ihe next
morning the Dr.VIL was to pay. The
plate was up side-down on the carpet,
the dough had run to the foot of th
lounge. I gathered up a r'ishpan of
dough, and the jar was running over.
What I couldn't got I dried up with
ashes and put a rug over. I put on the
griddle, couldn't find any lard, so I took
some beeswack to grease the griddle.
The cakes stuck, and I couldn't turn
them with a knife; had to use a chisel
and hammer, I wanted to use up as
much dough as I could, so I baked a
good lot of them, they had a sickening
smell and I couldn't eat a mouthful.
Jack and the cat hadn't had anything
for three days so 1 set out a panful to
them. Jack smelt them, looked up at
me, turned around, stuck his tail bo-
?:au.?.-ae," ?, ?.ult0.?
" Y""" " "P
yesterday morning I found him dead.
'.P, J 'h 8m ,A,heD??
to the chickens. The Black Rooster
picked up one, dropped it, and went off
talking to the hens. In about five min
utes they were ail huddled up in the
corner of the fence like they do when
they see hawks, After the cat died I
gathered up the cakes, put them in the
dough jar, dug a deep hole and buried
them with the mouth down for fer
they would crawl out. FRANK.
In Portland, on Saturday, Dec. 17, to
Mr. and Mrs Malta Dukes, a girl, their
first child. All doing well
was formerly Miss Mnblo Cockerel!, of
this city.
On December 18 to Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Witter, 1040 E. First street, a bov,
the eighth child and first boy. All do-
ing well.
On Monday, Dec. 19, at Ft. Crook,
Neb., to Bat Sergeant Major end Mrs,
Wm. Bond, twin boys. All doing well.
Albert Bond thus-' becomes a grand
father for the first timn, and is
decidedly happy, Mr. and Mrs. Crist
ensen, of this city, are ulso grandpar-
iw.z. " -
Ihe Market.
Wheat $.80, Oats 35c.
Beef tic; veuldresseu9j .
Pork dressed Vie; on foot 9sC
Lard 16c.
Eggs 42c.
Thickens on foot 10c.
Hums 22c to 27c, sidos 20 to 25e
shoulders 15 to 18c.
Butter 30c to 35c.
Flour $1.50 to $1.7oc a s ick. '
Potatoes 60c oer I u.
Hay, from $10 lortome clover to $1
thn best timu tfi y
For I ulldlng, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samples ot M. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R D i. Phono, Horns
WANTED. Good lot, with three or
lour room house, close In. Mmt be
u bargain. Small cash papmcntdown.
balance on installments. What have
you to offer. No agents need nns
wer Address P. 0. Box 596, Albanv,
Or. t
XMAS: Stop worrying about that
prcsont. An Atitnlillcr Fountain
I'eu and one of those loose leaf
Memo. Books make an appropriate
and useful gift. At Kawliugs.
We ha . c the genuine
lime and sulphur solu
tion. See in and get
Price3 before placing your