Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 23, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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Hot Tamalies
Bmaodp ui flour-ha-feed
. ITlUUtVLi grain and chick
en feed. 2nd & Jackson street.
or phone 3692 black Home, 456-Y Facific.
that was brought to lAlbany. All new goods just
from the factory. Not last year's stock
Prices just right.
A Colossal Fraud
847 in the McMinnville school district ,
in the Intertstr,., jr t n.-.,-
,u A i r- ........ vouiunu nuiii mu i.ive uaine.
v. niiiiuilllll VVIIUBlilUIJ.
I nasmngton, uec. IB. That war
scares largely are inspired by "araia
, ment contractors who ultimately would
drag various countries into the bank
ruptcy court," was charged by Francis
W. Hirst, editor of the London Econo
mist, in an address at the Internatianal
conference of American society for
i judicial settlement of international dia-
Red Cross Stamps for Sale, only One Cent Each.
Disease of Tuberculosis in
Help to Fight the Dreaded
$300 in Premiums
Given away every few minutes
and a
$400 Baldwin Piano
Our Merchandise Premium Gifts given away even-
few minutes, at the sound of the gong, is the most interest
ing, exciting and pleasing thing ever inaugurated by this
or any other store. With every twentieth cash sale that
goes into the ofhee, the big gong sounds and it it is your
purchase, you get a valuable premium such as Silk Petti
coats, Shirt Waists, Umbrellas, Ties, Jabots, Hose, Scarfs
Towels, Hand Made Christmas Novelties &c. &c, and also
counted in on the $400.00 Baldwin Piano, Free.
of school age
i Secretary Meyer says there is no
war in sight during his life.
There at six inches of snow on the
ground at Baker City and more in sight.
Work has been begun again in the
Blue River mining district. Albany
people once got their fill.
ieany every man nas something on nutaa tnnicrht- II.
the coming aviation meet at Tantoren absurb the purchase of dreadnauehts
I- V : ' , jr oraiii iu protect liseu against Ar
1 ing of a great money making affair. gentina and said rivalry between the
it in L,ai, cne tenor ana soloist on the uniiea oiaies ana japan was crushing
U.O. Glee Club has been offered a job the people of Japan under a load of
on the Orpheum circuit, which he has taxes, while armament expenses were
turned down. wrecking Great Britain and Geimany.
tn Perkins, the celebrated liar, died
yesterday at Yonkers, New York. Ho
was in Albany in 1SS2 and probably
once since then.
Walter L. Toze, of Fall City, has just
returned from Mexico, where he spent
several weeks. He declared it was as
hot as down there.
Capt. Galbraith's new steamer has
been launched at Oakville. belchim
Great Crowds of Xmas Shoppers are Coming Now
Every department is busy now and growing more so every day- which means
that our untiring efforts to fill the store with the Best in Christmas Merchandise a
appreciated by our store mends throughout the city and vicinity. May we otter a
very important suggestion for your benefit as well as ours
There are many reasons why it is to your advantage to come and make your se
lections from our stock at once. Perhaps the most important is while we have
crowded every part of our building with beautiful gift things, the very choicest must
necessarily go to those who come first. Don't wait until you have decided upon what
you are going to give. You can decide at once when you come here inspired by the
great sight of the great showing of acceptable articles. Come, if you come only to
look: the store and window decorations are well worth seeing.
Store open evenings all
Chambers and .UcCune.
next weet,
Carter on Tuesday.
The next number of the college
course will be Perry Carter and Com
pany, Tuesday night, at the U. P.
m'ofCarter-s drawings
may ue seen on circulars distributed.
Eugene is to have a $2,000 two story
canoe house, to be built by F. L.
Chambers, and run by Paul Bond.
Eugene invited both J. J. Hill and
Kruttschnitt, big men on rival roads, to
visit that city, but neither could accept.
The papers are full of the $12,000
damage suit against the city, on trial
all the week.
Eugene had a get-together banquet
at the Osburn last night, and while Hill
and Kmttschnitt were not there C. C.
Chapman was.
The poultry show closed today, a
great success Linn county had sev
eral fowls, but didn't get much.
Eugene hiirh schoul HfeatH Rnsp.
high basket ball team last night 26 to
10. Watson, Hidden, Koch, Hill,
UeBar is the Eugene team, Blakeiy,
Black, Palm. Hammond, Blakeiy the'
Koseburg team. Albany expects games
with both.
U. O. students have nearlv all irons
home for the holiday with their arm9
full of mistletoe, and there is prospects
of some loud smacks.
ent of the Gazette-Times shrieks with
fog-horn reverberation, "Omnia vincit
The governm r.t has begun a crusade
against '-he using of the mails for fraud
I alent purmtses, and yesterday there
i were nineteen arrests, among others a
I correspondence school crowd, among
me woist irauas oi uie age.-
lickets tor four remaining numbers
$1 50. Carter's talks are as captivating
as his pictures and Mrs. Carter is a delight.
Borin In Jail,
Married in Calibrnia,
L. T. Borin will be tried before Jus
tice L. L. Swan on tha 23rd on the
charge of obtaining money under false
I pretenses or tne AlDany stale Bank,
Davidson Mishler A quiet home 2U0 on an upholsterer's sewing ma
wedding took place on Sunday. Dec. 11. chine, now claimed by the Singer Sew-
i A i . U D.. I ... . Inn- ManUl.... ti : : : .
i ai. i p. in., in omi xiuiuei, iuui., at me
ing Machine Co. He is in jail with
bonds at $500. Borin is said to owe at
least $3500, among others Ben May
berry $250 for hauling, Sears & Son,
Stewart & Sox Co., besides the attach
ment cases mentioned heretofore.
A Philadelphia Tragedy.
Philadelphia, Dec. 16. Edward (alias
"Kid") Gardner, 21 years old was
knocked out and probably fatally in
jured tonight in the fifth round of a six
round boxing bout with John Kain.
Gardiner's skuU was fractured when
Knin Bent him to the floor with a right
hook to the jaw. Kain was arrested.
Ret Cross stamps for sale at Foshay
& Mason's.
Don't forget outvuiu
Austrian china. The
13 1st St.
and wnite in,
Variety Store
CHEAPLAND. Liirgo list good farms
mailed free. R. W. Tripp, Krowna
villo, Or.
Men's Christmas Slippers.
At a price you can afford to pay. The assortment is most
complete and the wide range of prices brings them within
reach of all. An appropriate and useful :rift. i
- - w .J
Chambers & McCune
Albanyy's Leading Cloak and Suit Store.
This Addition has just been
placed on the market, and ow
ing to its every natural ad
vantage, is destined to become
THE residence district of Al
bany. Only five minutes' walk
from the Post Office. See us,
we can save you money.
132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or.
in San Rafael. Calif.
home of the bride's brother u P
I Mishler, when Miss Mabel, daughter of
Mrs. R. Mishler of Albany, Or., became
the wife of E. W. Davidson, a popular
I young business man of San Anseimo,
Calif. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Clemenson, also of San Aniel
; mo. The wedding math was played
; by Miss Margaret Freorksen of Albany,
I Cr. The house was tastefully decorated
with heliotrope, smilax and baby roses.
' Only immediate relatives and a few
intimate friends were present. Among
them was the mother of the bride, Mrs.
R. Mishler of Albany. After the cere
! niony a wedding dinner was served.
The happy couple will make their
home in ban Anseimo. ' '
i WANTED. Salesmen atil solicitors at- i
l tention can oflier $100 00 to $1500 00 lfprl'c Pnvnllor QI;,m,o M 75 .l., di o,-
year. If Interested call St. Charles It "'" wim, o vatuv. yz.OD
hotel ask for M.r Brown. Men s Cavalier Slippers, $3.50 value :.$2.50
' ji . - jii(jv.i f, y.. runic if.J
I Lmpire rnotOplay Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25
I tonight Men's Romeo Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45
! "The Legacy."-(Vitagrapii.) A Men's Everett Slippers, $2.75 value $2.25
very ii u 1 1 kiii story, purporting,
r the experiences of an old coir
I suddenly fall heir to a town house
on 1'ifth Avenue. An intensely in
teresting story, beautifully told.
"Winona." (Kalcm.) A very in
teresting drama, a story of a beautiful
white girl who is stolen by Indians,
her escape and the love of an Indian
chief for her, a thoroughly dramatic '
j and intensely sympathetic story. I
"Liz's Career." (Lubin.) A novel'
! conception wc!! carried out. To have
a country girl appear on the stage
on an amateur night, and be so ex-1
qtiisitely bad that she seems really
good is a conceit that makes a good '
picture. The picture is funny. It is
a study in losing jokes, it would puz- '
zle anyone to lose them any faster.
Illustrated Sone "When the Tw.
, Turns to Brown and Gold,", by Miss 1
v-rosno. ( .
Complete change tomorrow. ' I
Admission 10 cents. )
Admission 10 cents.
raph.) A Men's Everett Slippers, $2.75 value $2.2
oupic who Men 8 Everett Slippers, $2.50 value $1.75
ivien s iivcrett suppers, $z.uu value ipl.'K)
Men's Opera Slippers, $2.50 value $2.00
Men's Opera Slippers, $2.25 value $1.85
Men's Opera Slippers, $2.00 value $1.45
Men's Opera Slippers, $1.00 value.., , $ ,65
Stoltenlberg's Shoe Store. .
334 First St.
Wholesale Dealers
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confection ry, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden ijate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy
ing. Cash paid fnr eirgs-
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones, M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home.
M. Senders & Co,
THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement,
roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed
brick, garden nnd field seeds, hay,
grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & ( o.
Both Phones 48. 435 West First St.
Wood Yard.
V ood delivered to all parts of city on
short notice, vffice t ifidence 90S
East 4th street. Dctb ph-Tes.
J. D. Ellis.
Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service
The three cardinal points of this business.
We base our claim to your patronage on the fact that we sell only
A safe place to trade, surely - for we aim to carry a big stock of
winted goods and appreciate the trade every customer we have
to the extent of persucal service.
The premium sale still continues.
to the
Bring In your red envelopes
The Electric.
1. The Monogramed Cigarette.
2. ' Mother and Child.
S. The Betrothed's Secret.
4. Tweedle Dums on His. First Buy.
Admission 5c.
!,Both Phones
! Main 53
Ablany Or'
for Christmas presents. Dolls, toys of all kinds,
fancy plates and salad sets. 42 piece dinner sets
$5.25 and $7.75, 42 piece white and gold se t $8 40.
Coal delivered to any part of the city,
McCourt & Preityman, Managers
Christmas Special
O.Tice: Cor. First and Baker.
Home Pnone 306;;Bel Phone Hl-
The Near Time the Now Time.
Only 8 More Shopping Days
9 Christmas free
Friday, Dec. 23, '10
Every one will ba IMPARTIALLY givfn a present.
Every present will be worth while, amcng them one pair of
s.. ate and ten Skate tirke.s.
The orssents will be numbered and each person will
receive a No. at the door which conesj onos with the No. at
nf a present on the tree.
SkaUnj 25c Admittion 25c
Marshall & Lobaugh
On account of tlic large demand for free dolls of last
I'nday and Saturday's Sale we have arranged an even
greater Xmas Gift Special. With every $1.00 purchase we
will allow you your choice of 500 beautiful iinfraincd pic
tures. Dont fail to get one as they would surely adorn
ar.y h.imc. Shop now to avoid the rush you remember it,
don't you ?
NOTICE To the first 500 lady customers leaving
their address at our store before Xmas we will give a beau
tiful Souvenir Plate.