A ML. i unasoeason DimostttGiotiorcm'm the We have exerted our best powers to nurture the glorious spirit of giving to put within reach of all things they would like best to give. ' For months we have been carefull y selecting gifts beautiful, gifts useful, gifts elegant and gifts exclusive to suit every purse ar.d taste. ' . Here you wi'.l find splendid sto.-ks to choose from and exceedingly good values at moderate prices. THIS MORNING Nsws from Albanys Trains. Six Early W. C. Peterson, ex-chief engineer of the Lebanon fire department, returned to Lebanon. Mr. Peterson is now an electrician, doing a good business. He put the first telephone into Lebanon, in fact made it himself, and has always been interested in wiring things. Gift G oods for Men So many attractive gifts present themselves on every side that the only difficulty is to choose the best one. Accessories of dress in the smart but conservative styles which men like, little cold weather requisites and the like. Many combination and single articles in fancy boxes all ready to give. Here you will find the eift that will please him most. A variety of qualities and the best for the money. ' Prices to suit, all purses. Roy W'orley went to Portland to see some 1911 automobile demonstrations, particularly the new Hudson, which in said to be a good one. The automobiles continue to make striking improve ments, and the price is coming down all along the line. AT THE COURT HOUSE. In the ease of C. W. Tebault agt. J. V. and A. J. Bishop for breach of con tract a demurrer was filed by Weather lord & Weatherford, and an answer by the same in Lang St Co. agt. the Scio Condensery. Papers filed asking for adoption Thelma Holmes by tangent. M. C. Brown Marriage license: D. W. Merrill, agtj 27, born in Mich., and Flo A. Dannals, 19, born in Oregon. Final account in estate of John Brudy set for Jan. 16. B. A. Lsndis today, paid a dollar for hunting from now to Jan. 1, No. 2151. Corvallis, one of tho busiest attorneys ' aPB'"s ',censea nave been 188ueli in the valley. ! 35 ,n a" for 9Port- Rev. A. M. Williams, of McMinn-! ville, returned from a Lebanon trip. Deeds Recorded: E. C. Roberts, the fruit expert, re- jj B t to A- w Dtede, turned from Corvallis. iot &'s ad $ 1 ..auuuuiiuiuuiuuKivvii 1. J . Stephens to Jake Marguth and J. M. Stewart 40 feet Har- Mrs. Keef returned to Portland ac companied by her father H. Langmack, ...:i fj 1.1- 1 returned who will reside with her. Lawyer J. Fred Yates to ARE GOOD May Koberts and htr Company,' All of Them. The May Roberts Company ar mak ing good, one of the best ever in the city. Miss Roberts is an actress of marked ability and her support is all good, in fact extra. Albany people are t eing given some high class perform ances at low prices. Last night it was Mrs. Temple's Teleeram, a London success, a comedy bubbling over with fun, and full of plot. It never pays to toll a lie, and this - faet was demon strated, also that wives should never be jealous of their husbands, but should trust them implicitly. There was a good sized audience, very appreciative of the splendid work done. Tonight there will be another play of extra merit, never given here, The Eighth Commandment, a celebrated play under a different name. Go and see some of the test acting of the season, Albany College N.tes. missionary work, Harry Schlosser went to Salem. Bert Stevens went to Portland. H. Bryant left on a Lebanon trip. A. B. ttanta returned irom corvallis. Prof. E. L. Wilson left on his recu-! lar Salem trip. While at tho depot he met Mr. Pratt a commere'al traveler, I who used to go up to Juneau, Alaska, while Wilson was resident of that city, teaching music, an old friend, and they uuu a piuusum reuiiiuu, havo risburg SC.. Matt Lobergor to John D. Grillin S acres 1500 J. F. Venner to J. u, Neil and wife ljg iots Brownsville lbOO Basket Ball. MARRIED. Merrill-Dannals. Tomorrow night at the armory there will be some basket ball worth seeing. , The freshmen and sophomores of the high school will play after which the i crack high Bchool team and the Alco I team will meet for the first time, the , first of a number of games promised by ! these teams. Admission 10 cents. The Alco Club team will play the 0. i A.C. team Saturday niirht at tha O. A. On Wednesday noon, Dec. 14, 1910. C. gym. giving O.A C, practice and as at the home of the bride's father. Ex- well the Albany bovs a chance to see I ! Councilman O. P. Dannals, Mr. Dennis what they are made of. The local I W. Merrill and Miss IFlo A. Dannsls team is a good one, but has not yet had I were united is marriage, Rev. F, H. sufficient practice for strong work. Gese'.bracht officiating. The wedding I was private. After a fine dinner the ; . . ... , ! happy couple left for Portland, Bnd' J' ived a mce Iim of Bon Bon ; from there will go to California on their Box at the Crest, J16 W 2nd St. 'ThegrLn.asonof E. T. Merrill, is ' FRAMED PICTURES FOR CHRIST a nooular voune man, in the timber , MAS. We have a nice line of Framed business, liked by everybody. The ficiures we are selling out very cneap, Holiday Goods Cheap at Burkhart & Lee's Drug Store. The line of Dress ing Cases, Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Perfumes, etc. You are invited to see the line. Lee Each Eye I fit seperately with tha proper lens to give perfect vision, which prevents all eye strain that causes headache. Quality and work guaranteed. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 923 IWest riecond Street'. F 0. Will For your Holiday' Goods. A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. The Beat of Their Kind. Remember that we represent ALL THINGS AS THEY AKK and regulate tho price by; the true value of the aaticlo. F. M. French & Son. bride is a native of Albany, a charming young lady of excellent character, a graduate of the high school. Upon their return they will make Albany their home. Burkhart & Lee. The trustees of Albany College a meeting tnis evening. The Y. M. C. A. held a Christmas meeting today in Tremont Hall. Tho subject of today is The Christmas Season. Each of the four college clashes and the Academy met separately yesterday for the election of a Board of Control for the publication of a college annual. The second monthly meeting of the Coos and Curry Couuty Club was held hist evening at the homo of Miss Rood. Fifteen were present. t Two college literary societies are thoroughly alive and active and include nearly all the students. The girls' so. ciety is called tho Avant Coureurs. The boys' society is the old Albany Col lege Literary Society. They hold a joint meeting in the college chapel to- .i :i e ui.l. 1 - Ullll, Vila Bpeuiui lemma ui wmvii la a joint debate on Coeducation, with the girls' society opposing the policy. ANCY pHrFUMES FOR CHRIST MAS in all style packages the very best monoy can buy. 25c to $5.00 packages. Burkhart & Lre. We have a very sslect line of Knives, Forks and Spoons, nicely boxed, suit able for Ceristmas gifts. F. M. French and Son, Jewelers. Do you want a nice Diamond for a Christmas gift to your wife? See F. I M. French & Son. For china go to 313 W 1st St. tho Variety Store, Our line of Christmas china has jus arrived. The Variety Store 313 W 1st St. Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis sion Parlors. The Weather Range of thoiperature 42-35. The river is 6 feet. Prediction: fair tonight and Thursday ALBANY OPfcRA HOUSE Return of Albany Favorite Actress MAY ROBERTS and Her Company for One Week TONIGHT The Eighth Commandment Fancy Toilet Caess, Traveling Cases, j Hand Mirrors, Hand Bags, Manicure i Sets, Toilet Waters, Perfumes and mnnv nthpr Rtiitnhln nrfwonts for Xmas. I Burkhart & Lee. ALCO CHOCOLATES That KLASSY KIND "Y NOT" Saturday matinee, by special request, A Grass Widow, with May Roberts as Madam Desembano, the woman that throws fits. Change of Play Every Night New Company. New Plays. Stronger and and Better than Ever. PRICES 15c, 25c, 35c. 50c. Just made and put up in neat packages. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP At the Sign pl Plain mixed candy, regular 20c .2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Grocers' Mixed Candy, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Jelly Beans, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Mint Losengers, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Gum Drops, regular 20c 2 lbs. for 25c, 12 lbs. $1.00 Fancy Broken, regular 25c -.6 lbs. for $1.00 Chocolates, regular 25c, - 20c lb. Pure Maple Sugar. Low Prices on Nuts. Buy Christmas Candies from us. Do not forget our Rug Prices hold good until Christinas Eve. Rockers, Tables, Chairs, Everything. Wc must reduce our stock and you will miss . it if you want anything in the Furniture line. Open evenings until Christmas. GILBERT BROS: WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 t:ord Strec. Between Ferry & Broadalbin Oysters Fresh Olympia at Holt's Walter Parker Grocer and Baker - tl9 WK8T FIRST 8TBKBT,.ALBAN T 0RE30.N First class goods in their season. Phooe Maid 56 Meudota Coal is fast gaining in favor, always clean 1 free from soot, kindles easily, burns ! readily, free from clinkers, makes but little oahes. These (rood Qualities make ! an ideal coal, best on the market for j toe money. Sold in any quantity, ptompt delivery. Order from ALBANY FUEL CO., A W DOCKSTEADER, Prop Bell 277 J. Home Black 176. Make Wash Day Comfortable A family washing requiring three hours' hand work in the laundry can be done in less than one hour with an ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE The first method demands hard back-bending labor. The "Electric way" allows you to do the lighter work while the machine is doing the heavy work. The cost of operation is less than two cents an hour. See the machine in operation at our store, RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY Co WANT A TYPEWRITER: - See vUAS,s,nn wnvin ,h.f ,. , Rawling. about a Rebuilt Under- present Ao Aofi'le, Fomouin wood that if good as new and guar- Pen ani of ,OOM u f anteed for oat year, also other , uemo. Books make an anproariate makes for sale or rent Buy on ; iai nsefHl gi(L A Rawlings monthly payments. Feathers Renovated We make Feather Mattresses Pillows and -Cushions (holstering and Mattress Making Ipromptly attended to. Albany Furniture Hospital -uR- Albany Lounge & Mattresi Company. Phones, Bell 263-J; Horss 847. Now ! QIC P CuahJ Qma Xmas Suggestions Gifts for Men should be bought at a man's store, f hese articles might suggest something for him. Bath Robes ......,. $5.50 to $8.50 . Smoking Jackets $4.50 to $10.00 Suit Cases and Bags $4.00 to $12.50 Slippers ,.. $1.25 to $2.50 Sweaters ..,',., , $2.50 to $7.50 Knit Muffters 25c to $1.00 Suspenders in Fancy Xmas Boxes 50c Arm Bands and Hose Supporters 25c to 50c Big Xmas Clothing Special Every Suit and Overcoat in the store reduced to such - . prices that you can not well afford to let this opportunity pass. , Remember we stand back of every article wc sell. Blain Clothing Company, Dependable Clothiers