The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 19 cents week; in advance for one year, 4.6'. By mail, in advance for one year 3, al end of year $3.6J. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25 At end of year $1.60. Alter 3 yes--s m $2. Alton B. Parker wears a smile that won't come off. At last the counrty has decided what we shall do with our ex-presi- dents. "Marsc Henry Wattcrson he jes nacneny went imo nigu sitiiva. And it isn't over yet. Since wc have lent China a large hunk of ready cash, wc arc much in terested in her reform scheme. "Colonel Roosevelt flees from the ri-nnrtiTs." lie used to rush at them with mouth wide open and seize them by the hand. "Chicago card parties arc giving steak big, far, juicy steaks as nrst prize." Next we shall hear of the ex travagant limit of lacon prizes. The bray of the democratic donkey is as sweet as the music that was made when "the morning stars first sang together. The country seems to have about come to the conclusion that it's time for the "mighty hunter" to retire to the jungle at Oyster Bay anil do the clam act. ' It might not he a had idea for those Baltimore undertakers who advertise cut-rate funerals to send some of their literature to the guides in the Wis. deer woods. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GREAT COLLEGE. The growth of the Oregon Agricul tural College is one of the most in teresting things in Oregon history. Starting in an old shack of a building, with a limited standard, it has de veloped into one of the hncst agricul tural colleges in the United States, with a good equipment of buildings and appliances, a student body only excelled by two or three other like schools and a high standard for the class of work. 1 wenty-two years ago the attendance was 98. Ten years later between three and four hundred. This jumped to over seven hundred, ami now under the very capable ad ininistralioii of Dr. Kerr it is some where between fifteen hundred and two thousand, covering all depart ments, with prospects of reaching the hitler by the end of the year, accord ing lo the statement of President Kerr al I he aliiiiini banquet Saturday night. Only a short time ago there were only two instructors making agricul tural pursuits a specialty; now there are thirty-live and every department is covered. It has become eminently an industrial school, filling a held that is very close to the masses decidedly a school of the people, and it is for this reason that 1' e !'c:.. .wit is in favor of a very li' oral policy by the stale in ils suppo llie ichool. The pre diction of I ' hv.t Kerr that in ten years Oregon will have a population ,of a niilliofi ami a half and the agricul tural college an attendance of four thousand is not an unreasonable one. It will undoubtedly be realized. A .system of experiment stations is being inaugurated which will in a ma terial way further the usefulness of the college lo the people. Already it has done more for the agricultural in terests of Oregon than ail other things combined, and it will be in a position to do nmre as the plans being inaug urated for a larger school arc devel oped. It is not a Corvallis college, but an Oregon College, one of the people, and as such the state legislature will do well lo give it a support in keep ing with the great importance of the work it has in hand. BR00KEWAS IN ALBANY. The body of a woman was found near the truck a milo south of Mcdford.sup posed to have been killed hy tho train Sho was identified as Mrs. lit Ho Ellis It was thomrSl (dip hud b on struck hy tho Shasta Limited: but K. ti. Hrook- went to tho authorities in Med ford and con I cased lo having killed tier with hiimmor. 11-' said ho asked bur for 50 cents, when sho refused and ho killed hor, gettin? $15, wh-oh ho found in her stocking. I his was his storv: Uit it is said HriOke i.i probably crusty and that he has mado up tho storv, the woman, who hud boon on the streets of Med fo'd probably having boon intoxicated Brooke was in Aihany several days, boarding at Mrs. lipids, and thnie who mot him hero think lie was "oil " Annual School electing. A mooting of tho vote's of distriei No. & will be held on tho 'JSlh al th. central building, for tho purpose i: voting a tax for tho support of th. schools the coming year. Theestim-U hits not yet boon made, l.ust year i: was mills for tho regular builgei and m:lls spci inl. During tho yeat the number l t !-. . : .i us incicas.i from 22 to :t" and the atti iu..niee grei t )y, that of th.- hi):h schi'iU having at oil' djubU J. An. thcr builoii; will bt -im peraiive u ithin a year ,r two, li n..i tiie v.Kn'ii; , ear then tho year follow i g. li it up t i ll-o tax payers ot II -disti ict to s;y when Free Merchaniise Gifts Aro being given awav verv fev minutes by The Chambers 4 McCt r Sioie. Today great interest is take in t l.o pnxo giving, for at the a uml o tho I ig gong, some one in thcHti 'v is nerstn. In tomorrow's ta'u thy w!l publish u list of tho p-esir Kiver away today. See udd for panic ulnrs WEDNB3DAY. A CHANCE FOR FAME In the Oregon High School De bating League. The tournament of the high school debating league for 1911 promises to u the best yet, more thoroughly organizen than ever before. The stale has beer, divided into five districts: Eastern Ore gon, Columbia River, Central Oregon, Southern Oregon and' Coos County Albany is in the Central Oregon dia trict, composed of Albany. Corvallis Cottage Grove, Eugene, Falls City, In dependence, Junction Lity, Lebanon, Salem and Springfield. In al) forty-one Clues are in it. Superintendent A. L Briggs ispreai dent, Prof, De Cue of Eugene secre tary and treasurer, G. W. Buchen of the U. O. assistant. Albany will have a good team, not yet selected; but some Bplendid mater ml is reported toi one that will mam- the tones of Demosthenes take notice The question selected for this district in: Resolved that the cities of the United States should adopt the commission plan of city government. On the sub ject there is a vast amount of literature to be secured, and the Question is a vita one. Baker City has just adopted the system and other cities are thinking deep. But there are two Bides to it just the same. OBSERVED By the Man About Town. That ail tho storeB carrv iewetrv nnH almost everything else, and it is a won. der the jowe'ers don't carry drugs and naroware and gloves; Dut this is the spirit ol the day. Some eastern magazines Rhnwintr how the Oregon apple brings at least 60 per cent more than those from other states. Can we keep up the gait. Henry Meinert at his Doncarn stand doing a good business and treating everyoouy wnue and wun a smile. He says if you want some big supplies for Christmas to put in your orders and tney win Be alien to. be beaten anywhere in a place tho size oi jnuuny. Died in Seattle. From a Seattta nancr: Mrs. Caroline Aieizgus. aged Z veura. died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Thompson, 3201 Sixteenth avenue soulh, at 5 o cluck lust night. Death is attrib uted to uge. Mrs. Metzgus was a native of Ui rmany and a daughter of an ollicer in Napoleon's army in the Moscow campaign. Sho had lived with her d.iui tit r for I he past twenty yearr. Besides in -r daughter here, she leaves a son G. I. .lotzgus who lives in Albany. Or. Now f Cbristmas!presents for east ern Jriei. ..t. t The cienrotto, wherever it is alwavs I eliulea things. Albany's grjwth ia henlthy and perm nncnt, no bargaiu day affair. Jay Bowcrman wants to bo president of the senato. Tho anti-assemblvites should see that he is not. The acaaon of reciprocity is now here. and the golden rulo prevails: do unto othsrs as they do unto you. Mistletoo is better than ever this year and the Albany girls look sweeter Albany's fire department will have to be put on a different basis in a year or two or less. A fine window display, that of Stol tenberg, n Christmas lireplaco scene, a work nf art and good taste. Tho Examiner editorially snvs the live greatest men in the world were Newton, Michael Angolo, lteethoven, Archimedes and Shakespeare. Col. Roosevelt is not mentioned. Tho illustrations for", the Hamilton Store ailvortisi-ineiits, attracting con .liderablo attention, are the work of Outcnult, the originator of the famous Yellow Kid, Muster Brown and other celebrietic.:, probably tho highest paid artist in tho world. A Live Octogenarian. Tho following from tho Corvallis vlaz tto-'rimerf tells of the doings of the lather of Mrs 1'r. Hodges and .Mrs. n'li Kii k of this city : David Blake, aged S4 years Dec. 8. walkc.l to t orvallis this morning from his farm miles northwest of hero That's t ro;ty go x! for a man so agrd Mr. I'Likcisa Ibvsitr bv birth tir. rtalki;l : ::c.;s tlu' pl mis in 1S50 an.l landed in Oil ,:i n in 1."2. I ; 'ils eariv yo'.ith h- w..s n runner rpd jumper with lew peon and tl inks ho missed a lor tuno in pu:ti:i.; hunsoit' in of u maii'igor and raciiii: for money Mr. I!l ;ko's i at her died at tho ago if JO TIIK I'IMST KAZOKS that inonev e..ii I uy Ti rrvv's blue steel, Holler's K mi. llifuU'a tine Safely Razors, owiy o, o guarantied. Prices ure 1 1-Ik. Bl'UkllAIlT & Ll'S. DOINGS OF THE WORLD A notable Corvallis wedding was that of Prof. Chas. A. Cole and Miss Bessie Denneman. Some more Washington cities have been heard from: Ellensburg 4209, Wenatchie 4050. That ten feet of show at Klamath Falls was up in the hills. C. C. Hogue writes that the fall at Klamath was only 16 inches. Near Everett yesterday three drunken fools rocked a gasoline launch and ic was upset and six people were drowned, all of them loggers. Col. Roosevelt, a former well known politician and lion hunter yesterday made the first address for several weeks speaking for a sane progress. Emma Eames is to marry again, a baritone Binger. She was divorced from her former husband. For a good wife marry anything but an opera singer. Phil Bates, of tho Notthwest, is ar ranging for another trip with some la dies to tho madrigras, Feb. 15. He wonld line also to have some Albany man go along. There was a battle yesterday between the regulars and insurgents in Mexico nd the insurgents- were defeated, 84 siain and the others fleeing. It was bound to be thus. A dispatch to the Oregonian says the financial credit of Springhed is the best of any city in Oregon. Of course there is no best in such things, and state ments of that character are always silly. Harrison Gray Otis, tho celebrated editor of the Los Angeles Times, whose office was recently wrecked, haa been in Portland. While there he placed an order for 152,000,000 worth of paper at Oregon City. The number of farms in Michigan increased 2 per cent in ten years. The average number of acres is 92. an in crease of 6. The everage value per acre of lands and buildings is $46, an in crease of 39 pe cent. Of the 171,787 farm owners c2.473 carried mortgages. almost half. There were 32,635 farm tenants. W. S. McFarland. a resident of Marshfleld for several years, in the banking bnsiness there, is making ar rangements to go elsewhere, having disposed of his interests there. - Mr. Mcrananu is a native ot Albany, and at one time was a Willamette Valley drummer. His wife is a daughter of Mr. J. W. Baker of this city. ALBANY HOT NOON LUNCHES At the Mission Parlors. ' i Holt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery, i The best POSTS in Albany at the. SAW MILL. Have your feet attended to by Mrs. Driver 230 Lyon, both phones. ; Miss Nellie Bridges professional I nurse. Phone Home Red 'iia. tia ; Dr. W. R. Shinn, physician and sur- geon. Calls answered day and night. Office, Klinn Block, Residence 119 E 7th street. Both phones. George Miller, former pianist at Dreamland, will teach music in this city with headquarters at Davenport's. Graduate of Berlin Conservatory of Music. Got your Grand Union Teas. Coffees. Baking Powder, Extracts, etc. at 238 w 2nd street, see our premiums. Also stationary and notions. Home phone 469, t9 F. M. French & Son have Calendars Cedar fence posts 10c at Curtis Lum ber Co's. For your Christmas candy and nuts como to the Crest 316 W 2na St. Red Cross stamps and postcards have arrived at the W. F. office, where they may be secured. Instead of F. M. French sending a box of nppb s to Boise it was F. M. Mitchell, the orchardist. The Guarantee Optical Company guarantees you a skilful examination of your eyes by an experienced optician Lenses and frames exactly as repre sented. Goods may bo seen at Daw son's Drug Store. jJJIy Dr. Lowe, the well known op 'fSy tician and optometrist, will be in Albany Tuesday and Wed ncsdny, Dec. 20 and 21. Don't fail to have him test your eyes for glasses. Scores of Lino county references. Was in Albany Also. E. G. Brooke, tho crazv man who confessed to killing Bello Ellis, found dead near the track at Medford, bus been committed to the nsylum Belle Ellis was in Albany several weeks ago, stopping at the Hotel Albany, after leaving writing u couple letters back to the chief of poheo asking about a lost dog. Sho was a fast woman, and her desth was probably the resull of intoxi cation. Letter List. 1 ho following letters remain in the All any, Oro., postollicc uncalled for e. 14. li10. Persons itesiring any of tho.-o letters should call for advertised otters, giving the date: Marian Adams, Fred Ayers. Mrs. T. !C. Bolton, C. E. Burnett, Mrs. Felix Las. J. S. Davis, Mrs. Thomas Fieai-i.-.Uig, A. S. Free, George & Cook, l.owis Hapgett, Arnold C. Ilermar.eor;. W.II. Hill. Adah Johnson, il, 0. Kir.r, Join Kuoieher. t'leve Leo, W. 11 il'ey. Mis Bertha Merser, Hairy Morgan. J. M-Dowoll, J. T. Mom -.on. Vrs. Mat Newton, Fred Piereo. Ralph I'l-rtor, Mrs. Cusi D. Robinson. Mis. vY;l!io Kainu'er, H. F. Stoakes, I. II. Sw'gcrt. . J. S. Van Winki.r, r. M. C H NEWS New Suit: John Tomasek agt. Eliza May et al. to register title. L. L. Swan attorney. Marriage license: Jas. Lewis Kinzer, aged 18, and Maude A. Paul, 17, both of Crabtree. Deeds recorded: John Stack ley to S. B. Yoder 2 lots Meoonite Church ad to Al bany $ 3-10 Emma Ktllev to Chas. Sterling 5.93 acres N. Brownsville 1100 Carrie Simms to Eastern Inv. Co. 40 acres Anna Houck to Henry E. Burra- cster et al 50 acres Altman Co. to Perry McQueen & wife lot and half Holly 200 ; 41 births and 10 deaths w the health record of Linn Co., for Nov. The rate is 5 deaths in 1000, Dee-Is recorded : E. A. Thompson to A. J. Free man 40 acres near Lyons . ... $ 1750 Alfred G Pearson to Louis Con- heim 160 acres 10 Inventory filed in estate of Aaron H, Baltimore. Real proberty $10,130 per sonal 1491.34. Total $11,621.34. Also in estate of Sarah J. Smith. Total $831. Marriage license:- Jas. A. Richard son, 62, and Mary E. Richardson, 60, Scio. Visit the Guarantee Optical CdmpaHtf and see an entire'y new and complete stock of spectacles and eye glasses a.t. uBwsoiis urus store, we nave an ex- perienced optician to do our examining - b"' oauuiiiuuii. -Come to the Crest and pick out youf box of Bon Bons and have it laid away, 316 W 2nd St. . , reters snens "tiet the Meat." For sale ac Huiburt-Ohling Hdwe. Oo's. Report LOST. Pair of eve glasses to Mrs. H. M. Palmer. FOR RENT. House. Inquire of Geo M. Payne 9th and Washington. t20 E mpire Photoplay TONIGHT "The Cheat." A card story that will appeal to many. A pretty piece of acting from start to finish. Very interesting. "The Tyranny of the Dark." A beautiful story well told, by the Ka lem people. The scenes are beautiful and the acting is superb. "Davy Jones' Domestic Troubles." ....Apparently Davy's life is not par ticularly pleasant. The Vitagraph Company show good work in this un usual comedy and it is hard to de- scribe this picture and do tt justice, alone. Keep the tact going that wo It must be seen to obtain a full coin- can raise almost anything here, while prehension of its fun and the consum- at Hood River, Medfordand other fam matc action of all the characters. ous fruit centers just fruit is about all Illustrated Song "Don't Give me that is successful. A fine thing, .but diamonds, all I want is vou." by Miss Crosno. Admission 10 cents. The Electric The Girl Scout. Paid Boots and Stolen Boots. A Peal of a Boy. Avenged. Admission Cc. Miller and Miller will be seen to day and Thursday in a comedy sketch. The Soubrette and the Coon. Ono oil painting made before the audience will be given away each performance. Ad mission 10c. STONE For building, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Samples at M. Senders & Co's store. W. L. COBB. R. D 4. phone, Home' 235. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 0.(. ViKGlNU V Lr-WbAUX- Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 350, Bell 2751 evidence 39 1 Home, black S-'3 Bell DR. O. S. MATTHEWS DRUGLESS HEALING INSTITUTE. 325 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. ! Mcthcds: Chiropractic, magnetic and mental science, electric baths and vibration. Treated. All curable diseases, chronic or acute, without knitc or medi cine. Experience. 14 years' practice. . Consultation free. Mr Matthew, assistant. M ule in Albany my .No. 1 Edg Grain the HE3T in the market. Varum gradoa and prices from $1.25 upwards Kvory Pui'ch branded with my name. Iik l-r it. Examine these shinghs before tuying elsewhere. F. A THOMPSON. W ue n drv Viln MISFITS. I Diversified fat mine is the kind that counts as a rule. The annle is certainly it. Everybody is talking about it. Oregon has several best towns: but Albany is good enougb lor us, you oet. Remarkable: two days running noon trains arrived about on time. th The Eugene flyer flies going to Eu gene Due walks going to rortiana. Why the tutterence. The democrats are always bn'tinf afterpoils when they get into power. As men right to Bpoils as any one. 33W per cent dividend is the record of a big Chicago mail order hense, and : Oregon people are some of thesuckera. 'EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF HEAR- I ING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. John A. Dix paid $20,750 to be elected' Notice is hereby given that the final governor ot N Y. and his salary for the account of R. C. Farwell as Executor two years is less than that. Honor of the last will and testament of the comes high, estate of James Mooney, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Columbia University the past year' J,??1' ?tati(! 0regnb, ,andt has been given $2,357,970. Albany ' ,h" '"" ? h J Jmry 1911, at college woufd like the last six figures, 0 ,r of 10 o dock a m., has been without the 2 lu,y appointed by such court for the - hearing of objections to such final ac- T. . . , , ' count and settlement thereof, at which It being reported that Col. Roosevelt . time any person interested in such es was becoming an enthusiastic aviator tat may appear and file objections the Examiner always was a little flighty. Something extra theatrically is the work of Mies May Roberts and her Company this week, at the opera house. ' i anQ Juaee Ior yrseit. j I Tha total .assessed value of property in Rosebure is g?. 115 830. a million dollars less than that of Albany Draw yourewn conclusions. : ,, . , , T ,. 1 The presidents daughter is n jw in demand tor inauguration balls. Per haps this will serve what president's oangnters are good tor, or Ufcuss tor. If eome of the business men of Alb- any oolrt do a little bowling evenings tney would got some of the kinks out therbaks. Try a few frames with the young bloods of the Alco Club. Uncle Sara is in mighty Bmall busi- ness when he collects a tax of a blind pig. If he wa half way decent in such things he would- work with the state for the enforcement of law, instead of being a partner with lawlessness. Vale proposes to have only two sa loons, the licenses to be bid for, with no bid of less than $5,000. A Tacoma man will give $5,000 and $4,000 besides to wards street paving. But the saloons will be the same old drunkard makers, home wreckers, poverty breeders. Diversified farming is what is going to maKe tnis valley, not any ooo thing diversity is what is going to count in the future. Mark it. The Weather. .. Range of temperature 46-40. Rainfall .01 inch. The river continues to fall and is 3 feet. Prediction; fair tonight and Tuesday. LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every rnaay evening l.. . swan, cierK. cced to &., at private sale, to- the Manzani.ta Circle 1st and 3rd Mon- highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub days. . 'ject to confirmation by said court, the Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd following described real, property, to and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard s Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk. i flic southwest quarter off section 5 Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and J,, township 15 south of range 3 west 3,4 Wednesdays ln Bussard s Hall. cf the Willamette Meridian, in Linn Alice Kirk Recorder. county, Oregon, containing 160 acres: Ladies of the G. A. R. meet first aiso beginning at the northeast corner luesday each month at G. A. R. hall. Qf the southeast quarter of section 6 Hattic Stilson, Secretary. ,jn sajd township and range; and nm- Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have just received a mock or the latest in r 'j ' ' Andirons. Call and select while the north. boundary of a tract of: land con assotmentis full. :vcyed to R. W. Phillips by Thos. . , . Landingham and wife-on the I8th day WHEN DOWN IN THE MOUTH of May, 1858; thence.- west 20 chains; think of Jonah; "he came out all, thence north 53.78 chains; thence east right." When in need of a good, 20 chains to the place of beginning, clean Tooth Brush think of Burkhart ' containing 107.56 acres, more or less, ft Lee. They have them all right, the finest line in the city. Prices right. iJ'wKlUlART & LEE. " NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. we have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders i f the Albany Creamery Asso ciation will be held in the office of the Creamery on :hc Utn day of January, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. ni. for the purpose of electing officers and transacting such other business that may come before the meeting. C. L. SHAW, resident, Albany, Dec. 9. W0, I he Market. Wheat $.80. Oats 35c. Beef 6 :; veal dressed!).'. Pork dressed 12c; on foot !)$c Lard 16c. Eggs 42c. i hickens on foot 10c. Hams S2c to 27c. sides 20 to 25e sl.ouMers 15 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c. Flojr $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 69e oer bu. Hay, from $10 orsome clover o ii th" best timo hy WE ARE SHOWING A FINE LIME of genuine Japanese hammered brass for Chiistmas. Fern dishes, , Jardi niers, Hungers. Candle sticks ind Vases-prices right. Bvrkhart & Lee. . thereto in writ no- nnr rnntust th writing . same. K. (i: FARWELL, 1 Executor Aforesaid. AMOR A. TUSSIXG, Atty. for Exr. REFEREE'S SALE. , 1 1 . Notice js hereby given that the un- ocrsignea retcree will on Monday, the 0,h day of January, 1911, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the court house, in the city of. Albany, Linn county, Oregon, pursuant to the decree and order of sale duly made and entered in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Linn county, on December 6, 1910, m t nat certain suit nenc mrr m s.urt court, wherein John Shaffer is plaintiff and William Bilyeu is defendant, sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand subject to confirmation by said court, all the right, title and interest of the above famed plaintiff and defendant in the following described premises, to-wit: The north one-half of the northwest ort-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp. 12, south range 1 W. ot tlie will. Ater. in Linn county, Oregon. ' C. E. SOX, Referee. 'Fiist publication December 9, 1910, last January 6, 191'L c c b-ayant;. Plaintiff's Attorney, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concirn that the undersigned had been duly appointed administrator of the co-part-torshin estate of Charles t.. fox and Ijoorge ii. Cummings, do- ing business as- oo-partners under the firm name of Fox & Cummings, Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun ty court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned liuly ver ified as by law required within six months from this date at his place of business at the corner of Second and Montgomery streets; Albany, Oregon- GEORGE B. CUMMINGS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney foir Administrator ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the' un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Ben J. Williams, deceased, pursuant to the order of sale made, and entered in the matter of the estate of said de ceased by the County Court o Linn county, Oregon, on the- 7th day of iNovember, 1910, will from and after ,hc 10th day of 'December, 1910, pro- nin? souSh " 'h,e,0eas5 boundary of all in Linn county, Oregon. MARGARET E. WILLIAMS, Admrx. HEWITT & SOX, Attvs. for Adm NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Xotice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of A. I'. Maxwell, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased, has tiled in tlie county court of said county his final account as such administrator, and that said court has fixed Monday the 19th Hay of December, 1910, -at the hour of 1 o clock m the atteriioon, as the time lor the hearing- of objections lo said final account and the settlement there of. . . F. M. MAXWELL, HEWITT & SOX. Administrator. Attys. for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- MENT. Xotice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the last will and testament of David Froman, de ceased, have tiled in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, their final ac count as such executors, and that said conrt has fixed Tuesdav, the 3rd dav of January. 1911, at the hour of ono o clock p. m.. as the time for the hear, ing of objections to said final accounr and the sctemcnt thereof FRANK I ROMAN, I- C. MARSHALL. HEWITT i SOX, Ewmors. Attorney's .or fc.vutor u.