DIS. HI. II. MLLIS, Phjshian and Surgeon A'bany, Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phono Miin 3Sr dentistry on tho Pacific Coast ia executed her. Wo have built up our reputation on it. Ton can depend on quality ami cannot got bltnr paioles work miy wliore, iw niatujr how much you Day. We finish nlata and j bridte work for out Sot -town iiatroni ia l- -.i Pinle oi tract ion V .'strue when plates or - - j-J bndgu work is order. NoltrCrwt $5.00 22kBriJ.fteth4.00 Gold Filling 1.00 Entmel Fillinn 1.00 ST-Jra Pl.tea 6.00 IVS-.ti- Un..m.jD.ii.. Da. W.A. WIH. Piinanr. uoMuiin pilnlen Eitr'tloo .50 si tun uriiutsu w rwruu but methods All work fully guaranteed for fifteen yean. Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Filling Building, Third and Washington. PORTLAND, ORE. Offlc. Horn: S A. U, to 8 P. U. Sunday., 0 to 1 The Riverside Farm ED. SCHOFL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, V. ft, Turkeys, Whit n i . den Geese, I' . L n Ducks, 1'e i: Guineas Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale. Phone, Farmers 95 - R K D N Santal-Pepsm Capsules1 A POilTiVI cunt For Inflammation orCatarriiOf the Bladdernnrt Hiscar.-'ii v leya. Aonuntnur.. v - iiickly anti iH-rninncntly let r.irar rnepu fit tljiontt rrh3C0 and (Sleet, no niptterof bow long standing. Absolute. tnirailees. Bold by druggist, Price 81.00, or by mall, poflk paid, 91.00,8 bozee, f2.7ft. THE SANTAL-PEPSIMS. Bcllelont.lne, Obk For sale b Barkhrt & Lee If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1, For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE, balem - Oregon. REPA1US THINGS. F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, sewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. ROAD TAX. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, taxpayers and residents of Road District No. 9 of Linn county, Oregon, that a meeting of the tax payers of said Road District will be held at Plainview, Oregon, in said Road District on Saturday, the 17th day of December, 1910, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day for the purpose of levying an ad ditional tax on all the taxable proper ty in said Road District for Road pur poses. The undersigned compose more than ten per cent of the taxpayers of said Road District. This notice is posted this 21st day of November, 1910. W. L. Pate, Louis Schultz, R. M. Fletcher, A. M. Fletcher. G. A. Scott. D. M. Bonar, Wm. M. Anderson, Isaac Whealdon, Lhas. Jenks, Ferry Parker, T. B. Cooper, J. F. Cooper, H. J. Sheldon, W. A. Harrison, W. C. Bailey, Wesley Paine, Hugh Cleek, D. H. Duncan, W. H. Anderson, W. E. Bowman, Geo. Henrikson, E. W. Paine, W. H. Chandler, A. H. Quim by, O. H. Temple, W. S. Powell, H. Brandt, J. W. Morgan, L. D. Swank, H. Knuths. fl flmmV I 1 KIM Ci k-W -WW ' W W " ."romptlj obtained, or FEE RETURNED. YEARS EXPERIENCE. Oar CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert Honrch and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT salt, conducted before nil court. TrMenta obtained through on, ADVER. TISCO and ftOLD, free. TRADE.MARKS, PEN SION, and ROPVRIOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, O. V, Free a.l.le, how to obtain patent., trade markA, copritehts. eto, IN all COUNTRIES. Businetl direct vr'itk Washington taves ttmt, money and often the patent. Pitant ind Infrinnmut Pnctlct uciuiiyii. .HUM Mma ,.'1 ,1 at. I ill mat IM on- Valud ttata Tatart 09, WASHINGTON. O. C. Read in December Sunset Magazine "San Francisco The Exposition City." Superbly illustrated in four ..J.... Vaw m r 1 1 1 1 n ur a etanrlc -is cento. .. i.mijxntunmm "- C ttf - tr Scoffs tliURSDAY. ALBANY HAS Eighteen Real Estate Offices. Albany has eighteen real estate offices, and almost one hundred men engaged in the business directly and in directly, mostly appending upon it for a living. Three new offices have been opened wihin a few days. Warner, Borden and Kiger, are in the Rhodes Block, Ferry street. Mr. Warner was formerly in the dray business, Mr. Borden is a son-in-law of Dr. Shinn and recently ar rived here from the east to make his home, and Mr. Kiger is an old and well known Benton county man. L.J. Grey, the tallest of them all, who recently arrived here from the middle east, has an officeat the former siteof Fiddeman's barber shop, and T. W. Hornback, who formerly run the popcorn wagon at the depot, has opened an office near the depot, in the north side ot the street cat barn, the first to meet new comers by rail. The indications are that there will be something doing in the real estate busi ness. Married. Strainey -Cornett. On Wednesday evening. Dec. 7, at 8 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's father, E. B. Cornett, the R.F.D. man, Mr. Clinton Strainey and Miss Anna Cornett, were j united in marriate, Rev. Esson in a pretty ceremony making them one. ! Only relatives and intimate friends were present. The groom is an em-1 ployee of Schultz brothers, a young man of excellent character, and the bride a native of the county. She is a membej of the Philathea Society of the ' Christian church, a good worker and a splendid young lady. They will reside on Geary street in their own home. Degree of Honor. Fnllnwintf nrn the new officers nf tho Degree of Hexor: ! f. u., Laura Anderson. C. of H , Emily Sloan. L of H , Al a Thompson. C. of C. Rachel Dawsoj. Recorder, I. M. Sears. Receiver, America Thompson. Usher, Myrtle Hoflich,. Q. W. Minnie Nieisier." O. W., Anna Archibald. Trustee, Laura Anderson. The Wealher. The. range of temperalun ire was f rom to 43 thU , u oi, yesieraay anernoon, morning. " the raintall was .22 inch. The river has been falling and is 8.6 feet. Prediction: rain tonight and Friday, Lee Davis came un from Portland this forenoon. Mark Weatherford went to Corvallis this afternoon on legal business. The population of Texas is 3.896,642. a gain of 27.8 pe.' cent in ten years. William Gilliam, of the S. P. was in Eugene yesterday lining things up. Mrs. J. D. Burkhatt went to Jeffer son this afternoon for a short visit. C. J. Wolters, a prominent Lebanon man, died at a Portland hospital this week. . W. F. Hall, of the Siletz. returned home today after a trip to Redding, Caiif., where he has interests. Mr. Coddinzton, a former Dakota neighbor of Paul S. Ware, now of this city, is here; He is a piano contest manager. A big strike in Chicago, 20,000 strong, yesterday showed red hats and red neckties, and the language was all foreign. The appropriation bill will have $20. 000 for the Willamette above Portland, nearly all of which is spent between Portland and Salem. Francis J. Heney was to arrive in Portland today to resume the land fraud cases, whatever they are, on the docket long enough to smell. W. O. Nisley returned to Portland this afternoon. W uile here he sold at least one piano. He does business in a quiet but effective way and can always be depended npon. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Green, of the Oregon Power Co., went to Corvallis this afternpon. Mr. Green is proving an efficient and accomodating manaeer of the Albany plant and is doing his best to satisfy Albany people. The Rosebunr Commercial Club has been having some noonday lunches and conferences. Such things read well on paper, but they don't generally pan out or last as a permanent affair. The State Tax Commission Is busv assessing public utility companies. The Corvallis and Eastern, bought for $100. 000 is assessed at $1,758,750, the Cor vallis and Alsea R. R. at $115,000. Guerrerro, Mexico has been taken by the rebels, who have formed a govern ment there. The fight is on, and it lonka as if the rebels might do some thing, but in the end Diaz will win. Henry Meinert has leased the Morgar pnp corn machine for four or fivt months and will be found at the Younp corner ready to serve the public to pop corn and peanuts He is a pleasant ,oung man and is bound to do well. H. Bryant, of this city. Linn county't leading dairvmun. Prof Withvcomb, of the O.A C.'and W. K Newell, who it t i igdaiiyman as well as apple au' nor ilv. 'vor.t In Eugene this afternoon tc 'tend th .it ate dairymen's convention I) V. Mrrill went to Portland yes t rday a d todav hanging from hi) office window on First street has beer cen a bunch nf old shoes, with a sigr that savors of orange blossoms. Some -,nc also says a ain-nond ring bus been ieen 366 votes were cast in the election at Lebanon this week, ti:e most in the historv of the city. Boi.ding the cit to' $70,000 for sewers curried bv 97 votes. The Devine awm.ig carried Green was elocted records,', Ingram treasurer and Northrup, UcOtin ant Underood councilmn. I ADIUHDV DEDICATION Dat Set and Committees puinted. Ap- The Albany Commercial Club Ynei last night with General Finzer and other O. N. G. men and made arrange ments for the dedication of the urmoiy The following nienib rs of the board were present: Pres. McCune, Sec. Van Winkle, K. C. Churchill, Dr. W. H. Davis, Wm. Eaules. Dr. M. H. Ellis. A. M. Hum mer. L. E. Hamilton, Dr. J. It. Hill, J. C. Holbrook, J. R. Hulbert, E. A. Johnson, W. H. Marvin, M. Senders, C. H. Stewart, George Taylor, P. A Young. In the matter of an Oregonian adver tisement, on motion it was ordered that an appropriation of $125 be made for the purpose of taking a quarter page in the 50th anniversary number to be issued in Febiuary. A finance committee of five, consist ing of L. E. Hamilton, J. C, Holbrook. W. H. Marvin, Wm. Eagles and M. Senders, was appointed to raise the necessary funds for the completion of the armory building, heating plant, etc., estimated to be about $3000; said com mittee to raise one half the amount. A committee on general arrange ments on dedication was appointed, as tollows: rJ. rl. Mcuune, uol. fti. a. Ellis, Major C. B. Winn, Capt. Stanley Hammel, Lieut. Worrell, F. C. Stcll- macher. Tom Young, R. C. Churchill, Mayor J. P. Wallace, L. M.- Curl, J. N. i Duncan and J. b. Van Winkle. Jan. 4 and 5 was set as the date. It was ordered that the Commercial . Cub renew the contract with the Chap- man Advertising Agency for advertise I ments in the middle western papers for another month. ' On motion it was , shown to be the sense of the meeting that the people I assume one-half ot Uie expense or tre: ting the armory floors with a suit-1 able filler, and the building of a re-1 . movable platform for the use of speak-: ers. I I j News From Albany's Six Early i Trains. i dent., v. ii. Kent, Albany, vice presi- Rev. Lacy of the M. E. church, of dent; Paul V. Merrill, Portland, secre Lebanon, came down, one of many tary and treasurer. ; trips made in the interest of the new I church being built. Church building I requires attention to many details, and I the minister has to do most of the. I watching. General Finzer returned to Portland, after conferring here in reference to the dedication of the armory. He is taking a good deal of personal interest in the new armorv and is nroud of the showing it makes for the entire state. Herman Hoflich. of the Mission Par lors left for Portland, after a candy maker, to assist him in the growing business of home made contections, Fritz Hoflich, another one of the many Hoflich boys, and wile left for Brownsville. He is in the real estate business with J F. Powell, an office doing a good business. Hon. L, H. Montanye, returned to Mill City, where he has been residing for Bometime with his daughter. A Coney Island Scene Electrical effects will play a most im portant and form a partiuclar factor in rne presentation oi "ine Burgomaster which is Pixlev and Luder'sbest effort. This large organization ia booked at the ooera house tomorrow night. Manager Wm. P. Cullen has even gone to Europe in order, to secure tne very latest r ar isian tlectrieal and prismatic effects, n the second actof "The Burgomaster" which lepresents a scene at Coney Island, group of pretty bathers are seen Dlavfullv dancing the rolling surf. Another innovation will be the intro duction of a real rain storm. Gus C. Weinourg will be seen in his original part of Peter Stuyvesant the mayor of New Amsterdam. A Toronio Riot. Toronto, Dec. 7. A riot tonight, re markable for its spontaneity and for its fierceness while it lasted, resulted in the injury of 18 men, the complete wreck of 11 street cars and the shat tering of windows of over 100 or more. For two hours a mob of several thousand people surged back and forth on the principal business thoroughferes demolishing every street car that came with reach and completely tying up traffic. Disorderly scenes followed a mass meeting which resulted from dis jatisfaclion of the attemptot the street car company to iustall pay-as-you-enter oa: s. Due to Prunes Rising. Nine fruit firms in the east have combined in a suit against the North jrest Fruit Association, whose pckinp Inuse is at this city, each aking foi lamages from $700 to $1000 due to thi 'nilnre of the defendant to (I livet irnnes contracted for. . The statement i that after the contracts wero midt 'lit company declined to fill the ordcrB, lue to a big raise in thepriceof prunes The result is a large number nf suit) tor damages, a goo I many thnunanc lullars in all, meaning a long litigation The O. W. C Co s Sla The Democrat has received a roll r im tha Oregon & Woitern Colonizi 'inn Co. of St. Paul, rortaining i oamphlet, gilt edged, and illustrated, .bowing scenes along the line of the 'ompany's holdings, an artistic affair, ind a map of Oregon, showing the long ine of property owned by the Company, -caching from Ontario to almost Leb .non. This land is for sale and even ncucenient possible will be offered th oeop'e of the world to tiko a quartai dection bere and there THE CHICAGO LAND SHOW. William McMurry, of the Southern ! Pacific, . yesterday returned from I Chicago. He reported the U. S. Land and Irrigation exposition, which has just closed there the greatest land ' show ever held, attended hy more peo- j pie than ever before visiting a? similar exposition, during tho two weeks 250,000 people visiting it. Lectures went given on Oregon and Washington by railroad men trom hero. . Among the things seen at this great show were some splendid displays of apples from Oregon. They consisted of a general Oregon exhibit made upof a few boxes from different parts of the state, as a whole making a big showing, and a separate kogue River display ' that was also great. In the general display there were two or three boxts of poor fruit marked Albany. But it was not Albany fruit at all. Some apples were sent from this city, but the committee there was ashamed of them und borrowed some fiom the Cove ' display, a box or two, and marked then) Albany. They were the poorest apples the Cove nun had, he of course keeping the best for tho fine Cove section. If Albany Wants an apple reputation this kind of work will never do. Albany Gets the Second Premium. Butter The State Dairymen's Association .' met in Eugene yesterday. A. H. Lea, i president, presided. Among the speak- ers was V. H. Kent, of the Albany: Butter and Produce Co., whose subject ; was "A United States Department In-' spector for Oregon," and Prof. Kent, of the O. A. C. , on the relation between : the dairy Bchool and factory. The first j prize on butter was won by Sena Wil- bams of the Hazelwood Co., several I silver cups, the second one by V. H, Kent, of the Albany Butter and rro- duce Co., a fine silver cup, given by the Oregon Agriculturist, the third, by F. H. Bluhm of Monmouth, the fourth bv R. McCurnsey of Portland, the fifth by ! W. E. Peterson of Eugene. Albany ' was a ciose second ana tne record is certainly a good one. I t The Tillamook Creamery Co., was uiob vii ctieeoe. ine oiu omcera were reelected: A. n. Lea, Portland, presi- Rolle and Forimiller Arrived. Irwin Rolfe, spelled Rolphe at Eu- trene. and Ear Fortrn ler. arrived in Albany this afternoon rcompanied by thirty-eight other U. This afternoon they mud I school building ft visit, sir the new httfh T . . . .t i. . ... tk students, and tonight will be glad to see every one in Albany at ine opera house, for an evening's fun and blues eradication. Considering the O. A. C. description of a U. O. sutdent they are a pretty good looking, splendidly be haved lot ot tellows Those U. O. bovs with the green caps rh f,hmr, nr.,1 thou rTn nil f hj work. Noticfi th tired look on their work. taces. FRIDAY. Mrs. Christensen returned this noon from Seattle. Mrs, Fisher returned this noon from a visit with her sen Ralph in Portland. C. O. Lee arrived yesterday from Sisters and will spend the winter in the valley. H. F. Merrill wenr to Portland last evening, a telephone message reporting his mother worse. On account of the trouble in Mexico the excursion to that country heretofore advertised has been postponed. Another adding machine has been added to the equipment of the court Bouse, rnis one will De Kept on ine second floor and is on wheels. The new Eugene flyer makes the trip from Portland to Albany in three hours, but in going is 8 hours and 25 minutes from Albany to Portland. Miss Mysto arrived in the citv last night from the east, in the very latest toggety, and will be the guest ot tbe Hamilton Store until Christmas. The musical kindergarten of the col lege will give their Christmas program tomorrow afternoon, 2:30 to 4 o'clock, at Miss Houck's studio.at the college. The remains of Mrs. Achsah Boyle, who died in Seattle, at the age of about 76 years, were taken through Albany today lor Rock Hill, near Leba non, for burial. Mrs. Tetje Ohling was eighty years of age yesterday, and last evening the event was remembered in a dinner at the home of her son, R. K Ohling, with whom she resides. A sterling Christian woman she deserves many more happy remembrances oi neroirin- day. Tho China sale this week, in tne in terest of the Presbyterian church wHs a great success, the receipts being over $100, the beautiful ware presented by Mrs Train bringing about $75. It was is well a social event of interest, great ly enjoyed. Dr. Eliia' talk on artistic wares was particularly greatly appre. minted C. Morton Hadley, the singer, who appeared in a cantata, with local talent, under the direction of Prof. RobinHon, last year, was married recently in Rostburg to Miss Edna M. Lomson. ?r. Hadley is now a gospel singer with Evangelist Van Marter. They have rhe best wishes of Albany friends. Sc;o Ne vs: Worth Hus'nn, of Alb invent a ormor she iff of I. 'no county, vas ov.t McintUy looking after business Tatlers in Scio Mr. Hn. ton is a itrong fr'' n-l M o lr fair and predicts that th-; near futur w II see great lvelown:tits in the orchard industry n the F rks of the S.ntiam. Foi'owhfr tin butter makers Tester lay the it-te dairymen's association id their it ning at Eugene. The fol owing officers were elfctorl for the Cuming yaar: Carle Abrami, Salem, resident; J. 14. Dickson, Shsdd, first 'ice president, Wm. Larsen, Astoria, econd vice president; M. S. Schrock, ,'ortlind, secretary-treasurer. BAKING DOUBLE ENCORED. n ' ' The U. 0. Glee Club Made a hit It was a large aud enthusiastic crowd at tho opera house last night, whon forty U. O, boys, most of them Oregon's ( boys, presented their college program of song, music and wit. Nearly every i thing on it was given a double encore, , and responded to without any disturb- """c. ,c .1,rKra'n'.lfu i' 8n?Pj, -"", "-" .. ,.,.. u u. V OVetrbii Ulho "niiVe crowd, than fkn n.lnl.u I- """"'in emu in Exper- anzB, followed bv the laughable ?. r?J-ei". Gcisler. Curtis and Martin, doublo encored ' William Lai, in a pleasing well cult ivated voice, showed that a Chinaman can sing all tho sumee as the Meliciin man, anil he sang tho song of A ruby. and had to como out twice 1 , "om" P'By?"a nis applicants lor accompanist, Hll.ro- d""" sever0' ot lho UB 8 P"n0 nlavers The Club sang Dry Yo' Eyes and were called back, the mandolin club DickeJ their instruments. Prof. Glen Bang followed by a double call, there was another one by the Glee Club, wilh a call back, and then came the fun of the evening, a Dope Center Mix-Up, introducing the geniuses of tho Llun, t ... .i.i , . i.,r two German curiosities, etc, a good one full of college life end as fresh as a spring breeze. The boys made good and we want them back next year. ........ ......... - - News from Albanys Trains. Six Early The U.O. Glee Club left for Vancou ver, Wash., where they will perform tonight. Harry Stine is managor and all ride on one ticket, under a special rate contract. A trip of this character is courted by the students, and there is considerable rivalry to get a place in the club, the experience being a good one. Senator M. A. Miller left with his suit case for Portland. He Ib getting ready for the coming session of the state legislature, in which ho will take a leading part. No more legislation, but better is his idea. Too many bills are introduced. Laws the people need are what should govern. Phil Swank, a married man for 62 years, came down from Tallman. Gus. Barker, the veteran railroad man and wife, left for Lebanon, for a few days outing at the home of' J. J. Lingren, after which work will be re sumed in some shape at tho depot, just what is not yet settled. Lee Davis, of Portland, formerly of this city, left on a Jefferson trip. - He is now in charge of the cast side Eiler house at Portland, doing a big business, C. M. Giddings left for Portland. Lawyer Newport camo down from Lebanon. Oscar Ingram, a leading socialist statesman, came down from Lebanon on his way north. Mrs. H. K. and Mrs. r, w. tchultz went to Salem on a short trip. Guatemala is also having its t.rnubl s and a revolution is threatened th-.ip . One thousand Christmas trees were shipped on a steamer from Portland to San Francisco this week. Mrs. Eddy left $2,000,000 all of which will go to the cnurcn, wnicn is proper, fur it came from the church. W Biscuits, Hot Breads W 0 More Tasty, Economical, IS Absolutely Healthful ! The N itional Wool Growers Associa-1 v..'m is to meet in Portland tho first Some boys triod to frighten a man at part of January. It will bo made a big Stockton, Calif., an I have been sued event. j for $5,000 damages. Not so much of a William Ehlcrt and two other Leba- J joke after all. non men and Wm. Brenner of Sc'o, will 101,402 is given as the population of leave next Sunday for Mexico to visit Spokane. The population of Bismarc, the Mexican mines, in which a numbir . Dak., it 6.413. It has generally been of Linn county men are lntereitel.ltivenasmuchmore. Tampa, Fla. has The revolution there has no terrors for I 37.7r2, an increase in ten years or 138.6 them. I per cent. Everything is growing. POWDER FULiVALUE On All Corporation Assessment. Salem, Or., Dec. 7. The state board', of equalization, which began its delib erations yesieroay, nas tt-keii up the assessment of corporations in tho state of Oregon, nd assessed the largest of them- tho Oregon Riu'wuy & Naviga tion Co.-at $-17,ti0,650. This includes main and branch lines or a total of 738.15. The next largest assessment made by the board was that of tho Orego ' & California or oast side div ision of the Southern Pacific company, which has been assessed nt $32,688,980. This assessment is on 016.16 miles of railroad. Among other large assessments is . that of the Portland Railway Light & Power Co , which has been assessed at a full valuation of $22,180. 7!i8; Oregon Short Line, $541,850; Pullman Car Company, which operatos over 817.58 miles in Oregon, $005,010; Northern Pacific Terminal company, $1 920,000, and Pacific Tclephono and Telegraph . Co., at $4,879,400. Tho stati board has intended to place the full valuation on all corporations asscssedd. A Bicycle Accident, A. W. McClaln met with a bicycle accident this noon. He was coming up i aecuiiu Bireut, wnuu it lurtner, in wntrnn. who had ntnnnnd who had stonned at Second street, backed his team up in ordor to ' come west along Second stroet, backlnp Into Mr. McClain, who did not notice what was being done. He was knocked down and his machino banged up some, himself just escaping a serious accident. Those Albany Apples at Chicago.' ThoH3omocrat last night mentioned the display of Albany apples at the big land show at Chicago, a poor showing for the city. It transpires that the commercial club sont ten boxes of apples, supposed to be choice, neatly packed and decorated, and the showing cannot bo understood here; but the fact is correct that Cove apples wero sub stituted for those from Albany, as can be learned of Mr. Harry Hunter, a former Portland newspaper man, there assisting in the Oregon display. Roller Basket Ball, The skating link basket ball team left this noon for Junction where they will play the team of that city tonight, the flr.t game of the season. Follow Ina is the Albany team: Vurry Mar shall manager, Thrasher C, Beeson, captain, nnd Conn forwards, Gilchrist and Horxky guar's, Motzgua sub. Games have been scheduled with Inde pendence and DalUs, and a return game will be played herewith Junction. The Weather. Rainfall .10 inch. The river is 7.9 and falling. The rnnge of temperuture was 62 yesterduy down to 39 this morning. Prediction: fair nnd cooler tonight, Saturday probably ruin. A Live Runaway. " i One of Ben Mubcrrv's dray teams ran away last night, coming up First street at an auto gate, turning at Kerry street north, running into a drny standing there, causing a bad mixup. One of thb horses was injured some, but it was fortunate nothing worse happened.